Its time for the final screenshot thread! Show us what ya got here!
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Closed Because of Liam's Interference. See New Thread!

The Simming Dead -

Hello, this RPG is based on probably my most popular RPG, sadly it has died and I thought I'd revive it in a whole new thread.
Well, where do I begin...?

This RPG is inspired by...

Introduction -

Do you like 'The Sims'? Do you like the Hit TV Show and Comic/Game Series, 'The Walking Dead?'? Well, you have come to the right place, because now you can put your Sims in the same situation as Rick Grimes, Andrea, Glenn, and the rest of the Gang!
Or, maybe you just really like the mixture of Drama and Zombies? Whatever, it is, I hope ya'll join this RPG, because it's going to be a fun, dramatic, and thrilling ride...
- - - - -
The year was 2012, and after experimenting with a new "Super" Cow, several Scientists in Riverview were turned into flesh-eating monsters. Riverview was quickly quarantined, leaving everyone inside to be eaten alive as well...
After about a month, the Military failed and the barricade was breached. The remaining 'Dead' started to shamble through other towns, one thing led to another and soon SimNation had a huge problem on its hands...

After a few months, the Government fell back and disappeared. Bridgeport, SimCity, and Sunlit Tides were the only remaining safe-havens, but Bridgeport and SimCity ended up falling to the new Species as well...

Now, you're a Survivor on the road or living in one of the Sim-Made safe zones around the country. You will have to deal with supply issues, starvation, trusting other Survivors, and killing Zombies for your Survival!

And remember that little saying:
“Kill the Dead, Fear the Living..."
- - - - -
Rules of RPG-ing -

- No Godmodding
- No Mary-Sues and Gary-Stus
- There are unlimited spots, hundreds of Simmers can join. You can have as many as Characters as you like, but just don't go overboard!
- Only FF when the Simmer you're RP-ing with is okay with it!
- Graphic Content is allowed. Just not too much Detail.
- Please FF when your Character is having Woohoo
- Please, refrain from Swearing and please use substitutes.
- No un-realistic situations. For example, if you are by yourself and a Hoard attacks you, you are obviously going to Die!
- Please use brackets when OOC, e.g: [[ ))
- If you are bit by a Zombie/Walker, then you're Sim will become a Zombie in a matter of Days!
- All forum rules apply!
- Probably the most important rule of all, Have fun, and try to Survive! :3

Application: Alive & Dead -

You have the choice of several Sims, so choose your Form/Application wisely and carefully. These choices include:
- A YA/Adult/Elder Sim
- A Baby/Tod/Child/Teen Sim
- A Zombie (Brains...)
- A Supernatural Sim (Vampires, Fairies, and Sim-Bots etc)

YA - Elder App
Age: (18 - 100)
Relationship Status:
Career: (Before Outbreak)
Bio: (Before Outbreak)
Bio: (After Outbreak)

Baby - Teen App
Age: (0 - 17)
Relationship Status: (Teen Only, I hope.)
Bio: (Before Outbreak)
Bio: (After Outbreak)

Zombie App
Age: (When they Turned)
Type: (What Type of Zombie?)
Bio: (Before Outbreak)
Bio: (After Outbreak)

Supernatural App
Relationship Status:
Bio: (Before)
Bio: (After)

Notes =
- If you Sim(s) have any Pets along with them, then add the Pet to 'Family:' section.
- Warning! No Unicorns and Imaginary Friends allowed. You can be any other Occult other then them.
- - - - -


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    Fordee09Fordee09 Posts: 7,341 Member
    edited May 2013
    We start on Day 80, it's been eighty days since the first Zombies was made and Riverview was quarantined. You may start in any town you like as long as it is not a Safe-Zone eg: Twinbrook, Sunlit Tides etc...

    Calendar System
    Day: 158

    Season: Autumn
    - - - - -
    Note: Please visit our Wiki for all your Information and TSD Needs!
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    Fordee09Fordee09 Posts: 7,341 Member
    edited February 2013
    Survivors -
    - - -
    Note: For the FULL List of Characters, please visit our Wiki.
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    Fordee09Fordee09 Posts: 7,341 Member
    edited February 2013
    NPC Survivors -

    Note: For the FULL List of Characters, please visit our Wiki.
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    Fordee09Fordee09 Posts: 7,341 Member
    edited December 2012
    My Characters:

    Name: Dwight Samuelson
    Age: 28
    Gender: Male
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Family: Dwight's family are all Deceased.
    Relationship Status: Dwight is single and not looking for a Relationship!
    Career: Dwight was a Lawyer.

    Personality: Dwight is gruff, mean, and cruel. He is Negan's right-hand man and is always doing what Negan says. Dwight is very brave and willing as he is always offering to go out scouting and going on supply-runs...

    Skills: Dwight is quite talented with a Crossbow. He is also a good sprinter as he done track in college. Dwight is also intelligent and can quickly solve puzzles, but sometimes his mind goes blank...

    Bio: Dwight was married to Sherry Samuelson before the outbreak, they were madly in-love. Dwight's career was advancing and Sherry announced she was pregnant. His life was completely perfect...

    Bio: But, then the news came, their hometown of Sunset Valley was attacked during the early stages of the outbreak and Dwight witnessed Sherry and his unborn child die when his house was set a blaze by a Bandit! Dwight found a Crossbow and became really good at it, he soon became angry and depressed before he was found by Negan.

    Negan gave him a home and shelter, after a few weeks Dwight and Negan became good friends and Dwight soon became Negan's right-hand man...

    Now, Dwight is in Bridgeport, by himself searching for supplies for the Saviors!

    Pic/Description: Dwight is stocky, medium-height, and because of the fire, half of his face is filled with burn marks and scars. Dwight also has dark blonde hair and brown eyes...
    - - -
    Name: Josh Thompson
    Age: 25
    Gender: Male
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Family: His Parents are Dead, he is trying to Survive with his younger sister Molly.
    Relationship Status: Josh is Single
    Career: Josh was a Carpenter...

    Personality: Josh is a pretty nice Guy. He was an athlete for most of High-School and College, but he has an artistic side too. He's brave and leadership material.

    Skills: Josh is good at Sports, so he's strong and fast. He is also good with tools because of his job as a Carpenter.

    Bio: Josh's life was pretty good before the Outbreak. He'd just got promoted and he opened his own Carpentry Business. He and his Sister were going through a rough patch, but everything else was pretty good.

    Bio: While staying at his Parents house, they attacked. His hometown of Riverview was ravished by the living dead, he and his Sister barely escaped and they've been on the road ever since. Josh isn't religious but he prays every day that Humanity will be restored someday...

    Pic/Description: Josh is tall and strong. He is handsome and has auburn hair with a light stubble. He's got light green eyes and a few freckles, but that's about it...
    - - -
    Name: Molly Thompson
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Family: All Dead, but her brother Josh...
    Relationship Status: She is single and she prefers Girls to Guys. But either is fine to her...

    Personality: Molly is a tomboy and a major hot-head. She doesn't mind pulling her weight and helping Josh, but she would rather sit down and munch on their food, which doesn't go down well with Josh! She's smart and creative, but she doesn't really show it...

    Skills: Molly is fast and swift, thanks to her Gymnastic Classes. She is good with knifes as she was the star pupil in her Home Ec at School!

    Bio: Molly was a loner at school, she'd like to be by herself then in a large group. She was usually picked on by the popular girls for being Bisexual, but she wasn't depressed. She has a sense of pride about her sexuality...

    Bio: After her parents were eaten alive, Molly set off with her Brother to Bridgeport. They thought it was safe, how wrong were they?

    Pic/Description: Auburn hair, wears alot of dark eye-shadow, she has brown eyes, and is quite skinny. Her hair is shoulder length and she is quite small for her age...
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    Fordee09Fordee09 Posts: 7,341 Member
    edited April 2013
    Like This RP? Try Out Some More From Fordee! -

    - 'Unnamed Superhero RPG' - Still In Thought/Development.
    Link: (None)

    - 'Unnamed Legacy' - Still In Thought/Development.
    Link: (None)

    - 'Unnamed Horror Story' - Haven't Started. (Coming Sometime This June/July)
    Link: (None)
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    bluesim2bluesim2 Posts: 919 New Member
    edited December 2012
    Name: Amelia Avery Williams (always introduces herself as Avery to strangers.)
    Age: (18 - 100) 18
    Gender: Female
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Family: Dead
    Relationship Status: Single (yayyy…)
    Career: (Before Outbreak) Student.
    Personality: Just kind of an average girl. Well, not really. She’s very strongly opinionated and extremely stubborn. Even if she knows she’s wrong, she will still to continue to argue. Oh, that’s another thing! She loves to argue even if it’s the slightest thing. She won’t argue for anything stupid though.
    Skills: Eh…hiding? Scavenging. She’s logical. She can lead but she prefers the shadows of the group. Usually in dire circumstances, she acts before she thinks. Agile. Stealthy. She can strike a heavy blow with her axe which she uses for the quietness of it, as sound draws walkers.
    Bio: (Before Outbreak) Average family, average life. She grew up in England. She always wished something exciting would happen and now it has and like all wishes, she’s already regretting it.
    Bio: (After Outbreak) Amelia is constantly hiding. She figures it’s better than being one of them. She has difficulty sleeping sometimes. It’s scary knowing your life is on the line every second, every minute, every hour of the day. Sometimes, she wonders if SimNation will ever be cured.
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    Fordee09Fordee09 Posts: 7,341 Member
    edited December 2012
    ( Um, I hope that was a Joke? I'm not being Lazy, I'm in the middle of writing everything on Microsoft Word, I'm just being cautious. :\ )
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    DivaDreamz99DivaDreamz99 Posts: 2,829 New Member
    edited December 2012
    (This looks awesome! I'll fill up my form later! :) )
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    bluesim2bluesim2 Posts: 919 New Member
    edited December 2012
    Fordee09 wrote:
    ( Um, I hope that was a Joke? I'm not being Lazy, I'm in the middle of writing everything on Microsoft Word, I'm just being cautious. :\ )

    What you talkiing about? I was talking about myself :3
  • Options
    Gigglzy0Gigglzy0 Posts: 5,566 New Member
    edited December 2012
    Name: Zendaya Filaski
    Age: 18
    Gender: F
    Species: Witch
    Sexuality: Straight
    Family: All dead
    Relationship Status: Single and ready to mingle!
    Personality: A shy girl, she is very tomboy. She has always loved the water, and spent so much time in it, he brothers teased her about it. She is very strong and pretty. She is about 6ft 2in
    Bio: (Before) She always played football with her brothers, she was actually in the Olympics and won a gold metal. She was very poor.
    Bio: (After) She was a master at the gun. She is very happy to find people, living people. She is a mute. 'When it is like this,it is her writing'
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    Fordee09Fordee09 Posts: 7,341 Member
    edited December 2012
    bluesim2 wrote:
    Fordee09 wrote:
    ( Um, I hope that was a Joke? I'm not being Lazy, I'm in the middle of writing everything on Microsoft Word, I'm just being cautious. :\ )

    What you talkiing about? I was talking about myself :3

    ( *Facepalm" :lol:
    Oh, i'm really sorry. I thought you were calling me Lazy because I was doing all the *Reserved posts. Sorry, I'm really paranoid lately, Heh... :]
    Sure, I can't wait til you join. )
    - - -
    (@Diva, Thanks I can't wait. For now, I've gotta get back to work. There is alot to be done! :] )
    - - -
    (@ Gig, I know I love everything about TWD. Can't wait to see your Form! :3
  • Options
    bluesim2bluesim2 Posts: 919 New Member
    edited December 2012
    Fordee09 wrote:
    bluesim2 wrote:
    Fordee09 wrote:
    ( Um, I hope that was a Joke? I'm not being Lazy, I'm in the middle of writing everything on Microsoft Word, I'm just being cautious. :\ )

    What you talkiing about? I was talking about myself :3

    ( *Facepalm" :lol:
    Oh, i'm really sorry. I thought you were calling me Lazy because I was doing all the *Reserved posts. Sorry, I'm really paranoid lately, Heh... :]
    Sure, I can't wait til you join. )

    It's fine :mrgreen:

    Eee, can't wait! I love the walking dead so much<3
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    Inspiration_xInspiration_x Posts: 4,694 New Member
    edited December 2012
    Oooh, I'll join! I've never done this sort of RPG before :lol:
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    EmmaBarbieEmmaBarbie Posts: 5,836 Member
    edited January 2013
    Baby - Teen App
    Name: Vanessa Archer

    Age: 16

    Gender: Female

    Family: Most likely dead.

    Relationship Status: Single. Probably will always be.

    Personality: Cold, meticulous, and often only cares about her and her toddler brother. On the inside she's a sweet, independent and friendly young woman who's bravery is almost unmatched.

    Skills: She's quite effective with a hand gun, rifle and/or shot gun, although she prefers a bow and arrow for quietness. She also has some skill in martial arts and gymnastics.

    Bio: (Before Outbreak) Being the odd in her school Vanessa was always picked on, her grades were average, her family were on low income and almost everything made her the exact opposite of popular. It took quite a toll on her mind, she tried to commit suicide three times after all the bullying she dealt with.

    Bio: (After Outbreak) Her hometown had been overrun with walkers, her parents had been turned into walkers as well but Vanessa didn't have the strength to pull the trigger. As she escaped her house, she took a backpack and her toddler brother, Damion who's 3 years old. In travel she stuffs Damion into the backpack, lettings his head poke out at the top for air. She doesn't have a destination in mind since her grandparents were in nursing homes, she could just assume they're already dead. Her only goal is finding a safe place.

    Pic/Description: screenshot_original.jpg
    Post edited by Unknown User on
    You're too late.
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    Fordee09Fordee09 Posts: 7,341 Member
    edited December 2012
    (@ Inspiration, Glad to have ya, Inspiration! :3 )

    (@ Emma, Alright, and thanks! :] Can't wait for your Form(s) )
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    DivaDreamz99DivaDreamz99 Posts: 2,829 New Member
    edited December 2012
    Supernatural App
    Name: Emily Elizabeth Areyah Rose
    Age: 18 (real age is 185)
    Species: Vampire
    Gender: Female
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Family: None (her parents were killed)
    Relationship Status: Single and not interested
    Personality: Quiet, Friendly, Bookworm, Brave and she is a tomboy.

    Bio: (Before) Emily was born on 11 July 1809 in Chicago. She was born in a wealthy family and was provided with all the luxuries. Though she preferred to stay away from everything large her parents use to give her, she pretended to live a normal life. She was quiet and shy and most of her time was always occupied on books. Three days before her nineteenth birthday, she mysteriously disappeared. The reason behind this was that she stayed at school till midnight, because she was busy studying. While she walked in cold deadly silent night, a vampire found her and bit her and after that incident she didn't come back home. She ran away from her master and lived on her own as she blended with the normal humans.

    Bio: (After) Her hate grew towards the vampires. She tried killing herself in many ways but she still lived. Disappointed with this she changed. Her attitude towards life changed. She wasn't shy and a coward as she used to be before. Now she is bold and brave and ready to face on any situation.

    Pic/Description: Emily has straight bronze hair and green eyes with a long fringe side swept across her face. She has a wide forehead with full lips that is too full for her jawline and she has a heart-shaped jaw, she has prominent cheekbones. Her eyebrows are darker than her hair and are slightly arched. She is five foot 6 inches tall, slender but not at all muscular. She has small eyes covered with long thick eyelashes. She has pale skin and is immensely beautiful.
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    Fordee09Fordee09 Posts: 7,341 Member
    edited December 2012
    ( Congrats Diva, you have the first Character. You earn a Cookie :3 We will start the PR-ing as soon as I finish on a few more things. )
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    DivaDreamz99DivaDreamz99 Posts: 2,829 New Member
    edited December 2012
    Fordee09 wrote:
    ( Congrats Diva, you have the first Character. You earn a Cookie :3 We will start the PR-ing as soon as I finish on a few more things. )

    (Yay! I can't wait! :) )
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    EmmaBarbieEmmaBarbie Posts: 5,836 Member
    edited December 2012
    (Quick question, could our characters have siblings they need to take care of)
    You're too late.
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    Fordee09Fordee09 Posts: 7,341 Member
    edited December 2012
    ( What, like a Sibling who is sick or something? Yeah, sure that's perfectly fine! :] )
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    Gigglzy0Gigglzy0 Posts: 5,566 New Member
    edited December 2012
    [Ok, the form is up!]
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    Fordee09Fordee09 Posts: 7,341 Member
    edited December 2012
    ( I'm sorry Gigglzy, but I can only accept Occults that are actually in TS3, not ones that aren't :[. You still have your Character loving water, but she won't be able to have the Powers. )
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    DivaDreamz99DivaDreamz99 Posts: 2,829 New Member
    edited December 2012
    (Can we start Rping?)
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    Fordee09Fordee09 Posts: 7,341 Member
    edited December 2012
    (Can we start Rping?)

    ( Soon. I'm almost done with the second Post, and I'll update the NPC Survivors Post as we progress through the RPG, I've also gotta do my Characters. So, it may be a while, i'll try to get it done as quickly as possible...

    Although, Diva, if you want to start RP-ing, you can. Just, stay in the same area, which is Bridgeport. Everyone starts in Bridgeport... )
  • Options
    DivaDreamz99DivaDreamz99 Posts: 2,829 New Member
    edited December 2012
    Fordee09 wrote:
    (Can we start Rping?)

    ( Soon. I'm almost done with the second Post, and I'll update the NPC Survivors Post as we progress through the RPG, I've also gotta do my Characters. So, it may be a while, i'll try to get it done as quickly as possible...

    Although, Diva, if you want to start RP-ing, you can. Just, stay in the same area, which is Bridgeport. Everyone starts in Bridgeport... )

    (Thanks :) )
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