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Blog: My First Pet

simgirl1010simgirl1010 Posts: 36,302 Member
edited March 6 in Nominated Threads
This blog has been out a couple of days but I hadn't seen it. Wasn't aware the little critters could write best sellers and collect royalties. :)

The hamster wheel is only the beginning.

Simmers, get your lint rollers ready, because The Sims™ 4 My First Pet Stuff Pack* is now available on PC and Mac! Show off your love for Cats & Dogs, welcome home a new small animal, and more. Let’s dig into this awesome content, shall we?

If you own The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs,** you’ve probably already embarrassed your four-legged friends with adorable new outfits and cute widdle hats. But, we added some entirely new pets to The Sims 4 My First Stuff Pack. Ones that are tiny, furry, and more mischievous than you might have known. Today, we want to take a quick look at some of the little secrets of which you might not be aware . . .

You no doubt bought your favorite Sim an adorable new hamster, rat, pygmy hedgehog, or miniature bubalus, because they’re oh-so-cute and give your Sim yet another mouth to feed. But, did you also dive into their cage to discover their true lives and identities? Can you say your Sims truly know their rodent in the ways that matter most?

Getting to Know Your Furry Friend
Did you know your fuzzy friend can be a genius? As they go about their little lives, you’ll find they get into a variety of adventures that come with all sorts of perks. They may write a bestseller, which generates royalties. Or, experiment with cold fusion, resulting in a sudden explosion inside their habitat. Watch carefully to see if they figure out the true power of E=MC2! There’s plenty more to discover, but we want to save some surprises for you to find on your own.

Little furry creatures aren’t content to stay forever within the confines of their cage, so they may also step out from time to time to go on vacation. Don’t worry, they’ll send postcards! Keep them alive long enough (or replace one if you mess up) and try to collect all the postcards. They’ll say, “wish you were here,” while you’re staring at their cage playing sad music.

Party Animals
Do you enjoy a good party? Well, so do rodents. Occasionally, they’ll retreat to the mini-warehouse in their habitat and throw a rodent rave. You can just hear the “uhntz uhntz uhntz,” and no, that isn’t the noise from their hamster wheel.

Rodent Hazards
Naturally, any living creature in your home may introduce adversity. In this case, a dirty habitat may lead to outbreaks of rodent diseases. There’s a chance that once you introduce a rodent into your home, they’ll infect your Sims with Rabid Rodent Fever. At first, they might feel a little off. Then, they’ll have the fever and chills. They might even become dazed or feverish.

Don’t worry! If these symptoms persist, don’t bother calling a doctor. Go straight to a computer and research the disease. We’re sure you’ll find the proper medicine to cure what ails you.

The Sims 4 My First Pet Stuff is full of tiny secrets, primarily of which are the rodents themselves. Sure, you should take advantage of the new clothing and content for your dogs and cats, but give the rodents a second look. They’re wily little creatures.
Post edited by EA_Solaire on

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