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Modern Fairytale Challenge--something new!

Hey, there! I love all challenges related to Disney or fairy tales, and I've been thinking for a while of how to adapt them to the modern feel of the Sims franchise. So, I came up with variations on some of the current challenges out there; let me know what you think! (These could be a legacy challenge, but I didn't put them in any order, so you can also just pick and choose.)

Cinderella: The Story

Cinderella's family is as lazy as it gets. Seriously, like, SO lazy. Her parents can't be bothered to keep a job, and her two sisters spend all their time shopping. As the only hard worker in her household, it's up to Cinderella to keep house and manage the money. Hopefully she can save up enough money to move out and start a new life before she's old and grey!

The Challenge:

Cinderella's traits: choose from neat, ambitious, good, family oriented, genius
Parent(s) Traits (you may have only one parent): choose from noncommittal, slob, lazy, glutton
Sisters' Traits: choose from mean, slob, lazy, glutton, snob, materialistic

Basic Rules: You may ONLY control Cinderella. Let the rest of the family do whatever they please! Cinderella will have everyday tasks, as well as long-term goals. Also, you may choose to make Cinderella a teen to begin with, but you'll have to have a consistent money making source for her, so that you can fulfill one of the challenge goals. For this challenge, you may have a prince figure who is rich, but Cinderella may only see him/interact when she's finished with all her chores. (It's up to you whether you'll have her earn money by earning it herself or by marrying him, or a combination!) You really don't have to have a prince figure until after you've finished the requirements. In terms of household money, since Cinderella is the only one earning any, bills, repairs, household meals, anything other sims buy (or new furniture, etc.), comes out of the target fund you have to earn. It doesn't matter how much money you start out with, just keep track of Cinderella's funds.

Object Requirements: a small garden for Cinderella
Coffee or tea kettle

Everyday tasks: Make coffee or tea every morning.
Attend work or spend two hours making money
Water plants
Clean any dirty objects
Cook meals

Long term goals: Earn at least 14000 Simoleons
Move into another house
Marry/raise family/happily ever after

Rapunzel: The Story (Requires Get to Work)

Mother Gothel took Rapunzel from her thieving parents when she was very young, and has endeavored to raise the girl away from evil influences. She keeps her safe in the house, locked away from everybody else--but that doesn't stop Rapunzel from wondering what's out there! Rapunzel scans the stars every night while she wonders what life might be like in the outside world. Luckily--or unluckily?--Mother Gothel's old, dusty rocket pad is still in good shape, and Rapunzel is a bright girl. It only takes a little start-up money, and she's ready to explore.

The Challenge:

Rapunzel's Traits: any work, but genius would be helpful to the rocket science skill
Gothel's Traits: doesn't matter. You won't be playing her much anyway.

Basic Rules: You may only go on Rocket adventures at night or when Gothel is away. Rapunzel is only allowed inside your house of choice and the garden where the rocket pad is kept, but even that must be fenced off or somehow blocked. The only other lot she is allowed to visit is Sixam.

Object Requirements: a rocket building pad

Everyday tasks: work on rocket (preferably while Gothel is asleep or away)

Long term goals: Go to Sixam
Meet alien and Try for Baby (charisma skill may be useful to help this along)
Give birth to alien baby
"Escape" with alien baby when Gothel is sleeping
Happily ever after

*As you can see, this Rapunzel variation comes mainly from the original story. This storyline doesn't happen in Disney!

Snow White: The Story

Snow White's mother has a problem with jealousy, and after Snow's father died, her mother has been looking for a romantic partner with no luck. (It seems nobody wants to put up with her terrible personality!) Unfortunately, when Snow became a young adult, she met a princely boy and fell deeply in love--but her mother wants that boy for herself! Snow was thrown out of her home and forced to find her own way, but she has always had hope that she will be able to return home one day, marry her prince, and drag her mother out by her hair!

The Challenge:

Snow White's Traits: choose from cheerful, good, outgoing, romantic, and any of the skill-related traits
Mother's Traits: must have jealous trait; choose other two from romantic, mean, evil, hot headed, insane, or hates children
Dwarves' Traits: each one must have one flaw- glutton, gloomy, slob, mean, lazy, etc.

Basic Rules: Snow White's story starts when she becomes a young adult. BEFORE moving her out, she and her mother must have a romantic relationship with the same boy (he can be young adult or older, it doesn't matter). It's preferable to have the mother in an official relationship (boyfriend) and Snow as just an interest. After the relationship is established, she must leave home and move into a lot with seven old men. She may not leave the lot or speak to anyone with her mother's looks (i.e., hair color, age, etc.). While living with the dwarves, she must try to get true love's first kiss with the prince, and convince him to leave the queen, while keeping up with all her chores at the dwarves' home. She may only see the prince after her chores are done, and she may never see him at the same time as the queen. He must be broken up with the queen, if they're boyfriend and girlfriend, before Snow White gets her kiss.

Object Requirements: a small store (optional)
a small garden

Everyday tasks: If you have Get to Work installed, Snow White may operate a small shop that the dwarves keep stocked with collectibles; if not, ignore this task
Cook meals
Clean house
Tend garden

Long term goals: Befriend every dwarf
Have prince leave the queen/kiss Snow White
Get married
Move back into her childhood home
Happily ever after

Mulan/Frozen: The Story (Requires Get to Work)

Mulan (or Elsa) has always been different. When she was a child, her parents made her hide her alien appearance and powers, even from her younger sister. She struggled through life as a child and teen, and now that she's become a young adult, she's determined to reach the top of her career and achieve all her goals before she lets anybody know who she truly is. Maybe if she does that first, they'll accept her for being different...

The Challenge:

Mulan/Elsa's traits: choose from ambitious, family oriented, genius, loner, perfectionist, gloomy, or creative

Basic Rules: Mulan/Elsa must always be in disguise, unless with parents. She must have a strong relationship with her sister. After you achieve her goals, you must have her shed the disguise and face some rejection. She may ONLY shed the disguise after all the other goals are met! You may have a romantic interest (Shang!) who doesn't know her alien identity until the very end, but that is optional, as Mulan and Elsa both are all about family first.

Everyday tasks: Work on skills
Attend work
Required work tasks
Schmooze with someone (parent, sister, neighbor)

Long term goals: Find love
Max out one skill
Reach top of career
Become best friends with sister
Live happily ever after as an alien

Sleeping Beauty: The Story

Briar Rose has never been very ambitious. Although her parents are wealthy, she's never had to work, and as her mother has told her countless time, "That's why you're so spoiled!" She spent her youth throwing parties for friends, attending parties, eating well, shopping, dating, and her parents are sick of it! On her birthday, when she becomes a young adult, Rose is thrown out of the house and told she may only come back if she makes something of herself.

The Challenge:

Briar Rose's traits: must have lazy, choose anything else

Basic Rules: Briar Rose must live on her own and support herself, starting out with no money or skills. Exactly how she makes the money to support herself is up to you! Be creative! While Briar Rose is making her way in the world, the rest of her family must stand still (i.e., fall asleep). You can do this by moving them out of the world temporarily. Eventually, Briar Rose will have enough money to attract nasty attention from a competitor (evil fairy). Have her become enemies with someone. Briar Rose will have to find love, obviously, but she may only get her first kiss and proposal to her prince AFTER a nasty interaction (fight, mischief skill, prank) with her enemy. (Like the curse!) Once she marries her prince, you may have her family start progressing again. At this point, she may move back in, or she may move in with her prince, and go from there.

Everyday tasks: Learn skills
Make money
Clean own house
Make own meals

Long term goals: Find love
Reach high level (7 and up) of desired career BEFORE making enemy
Make enemy
Get married/live happily ever after


Some of the fairy tales I thought about I couldn't come up with a huge challenge for, or even basic rules. Here are some that could be fun for an evening of boredom.

Beauty and the Beast: The Story

Beauty and the Beast hate each other. With a passion. Start this challenge out with two sims with opposite traits. It doesn't matter which traits, but they must be the opposites (i.e., gloomy-cheerful, active-lazy, etc.). They must also be enemies. With the two sims in the same house, we'll focus on building the relationship. The Beast must make dinner, or have a family member, servant, etc. make dinner, and call to meal the Beauty. They may only speak at mealtimes (*a shoutout to the original), and at the end of every dinner, the Beast has to propose. (In the beginning, their relationship won't be strong enough for this; you'll have to have him 'ask risque question' until they've become close enough.) They cannot kiss or woohoo until they are engaged.

Little Red Riding Hood: The Story

Little Red has been taking care of her grandmother since she was a little girl. Gameplay can be whatever you choose; the only rule for this is that Little Red has to meet and marry her true love on the same day of her grandmother's death--so keep on your toes! For added storytelling, you could have the true love be somehow responsible for grandmother's death (fire, cowplant, etc.).

Let me know what you think, or if you think I could make some tweaks to this challenge! I had a lot of fun doing it!
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