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Idea: Collaborative Projects

When playing my latest Main Sim (who is a self employed writer) one thought struck me:

Even in self employed jobs, in reality there would often be multiple persons working on the project ... for example a book would not only have the author, but also an illustrator who would do the cover art and maybe illustrations within the book.

Those things, however, never have been part in Sims yet).

Maybe Sims 4 could introduce such project oriented work ...
A book, for example, could have 2 slots:
Storyline (needs Writing)
Illustrations (needs Painting)

While the Storyline (as book length in Sims 3) would depend on the type of book written, the illustrations would have a Min and a Max-Value of work hours attributed to them between which the Main Author of the book could choose.
He also would have to appoint an illustrator for the work (which could be himself, someone he knows, or someone he finds via job offers) and would (unless he appoints himself [in which case he would, however spend the attributed work hours doing the work himself]) have to pay the illustrator an hourly wage, which would depend on the skill level of the illustrator.

While the main factor for book sales (and chances of becoming bestseller) would still be the story itself (and the talent of the author of the story), a certain bonus/malus (maybe +/- 20% of the total) would come from the illustrations ... i.e. spend a mediocre amount of effort (skill/hours) on the illustrations and the illustrations would give you neither bonus nor malus ... spend a large amount on it and you would be rated 20% better than normal, while spending (almost) nothing on illustrations would give you a malus of 20% on the normal rating of the book.

This way you could also have a new self employed job for people with talent in painting ... i.e. doing commissioned illustration work for books.

And this is only one example ... there could be numerous project works for self employed people ..
for example a self employed games programmer would need for a games project
a programmer/project manager (himself, with logic skill), a game artist (painting), maybe a musician (for in game music) and a writer (storyline).

and so on
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