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The Sims 4 suggestions and ideas such as clothing boutiques post here. GURUS please read.


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    lenieceleniece Posts: 869 Member
    edited May 2013
    Uh, wow, ok, seems a lot has been mentioned, guess I agree with everyone.
    Don't Worry, Be Happy. Have Fun :D
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    penny1w2penny1w2 Posts: 75 Member
    edited May 2013
    I like a lot of what others have been posting but the one big must have will have to be open restaurants. I feel its the biggest let down in Sims3.
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    HappyGaylordHappyGaylord Posts: 319 Member
    edited May 2013
    I defenitely want better hair; it's a must. (I'm so dissapointed with the hair in Sims 3...)
    Hereditary freckles, moles and such. Also the choice to add much more freckles and beauty spots. More body/face sliders. Better looking big Sims, and better looking (big)breasts.

    Also, I would love to see the event-clips return; like when you got abducted by an alien, when dropping your children off to University, and so on~.

    I also wish for better clothing; I feel that most of the clothes that you get in the game are really bad looking... Many of them belong to the 90's and they look really bad on the simmers(Which is really the worst part!)... So, an improvement in style.
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    itchyeye021itchyeye021 Posts: 17 Member
    edited May 2013
    1.Better time management (the days goes by too fast)
    2.Eating meals slower so that the sims can talk with each other while eating
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    MattjamHoMattjamHo Posts: 206 New Member
    edited May 2013
    I'd have to agree with you on Clothing Boutiques, I hate scrolling through all the clothing choices at the dresser. If I remember rightly, didn't The Sims 2 only allow you to choose clothes that you bought?
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    itchyeye021itchyeye021 Posts: 17 Member
    edited May 2013
    I would like to know what my NPC are thinking. When my sim invite someone over or out, it would be nice to know what is going on with my guests during the get together. Example: are they happy/sad, hungry, tired, stress, have to go to the bathroom, etc....
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    loosmaloosma Posts: 372 Member
    edited May 2013
    Ghosts to act like hauntings rather than regular people who just leave when the sun comes up. I liked it when they went invisible and moved furniture haha.

    Accessories in games, like items that you put on tables or bathrooms to be interactive. I think everything should be interactive honestly but that might not happen xD

    More family, more attention to the children, especially babies.

    Multitasking sims

    Zombies to be an actual threat and not behave like a normal sim. Same with vampires. Not needing to be friends with someone to drink their blood.

    Genies to be a lot more powerful! I mean they're genies come on now xD

    Different worlds to live in that isn't just a getaway. Like a sim being from France, Egypt, Japan, etc.

    Rabbit holes to be minimal. I'd love to join my sim grocery shopping or attending their work/school.

    Car animations to return..

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    ADLER900ADLER900 Posts: 503 Member
    edited May 2013
    I was just watching the Sims 3 base game producer walkthrough, and at 5:42 they show an actual clothing store that they obviously scrapped in the final cut. Why oh why did EA scrap it?
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    PrincessStarrPrincessStarr Posts: 221 New Member
    edited May 2013
    Open Neighborhood

    Only Necessary Rabbit Holes

    More things for the toddlers to do during the day

    A young child and Preteen age stage

    More Options for hair in Cas such as hair length sliders, Curling iron tool e.t.c

    Piercings such as belly button, nose.

    Lol, That's not even all. I want A Lot. :-)
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    mcorralmcorral Posts: 512 Member
    edited May 2013
    - Programmed in 64bit so that lagging is reduced to minimum.
    - More base options like weather or basic pets
    - Realistic PC minimum requirements
    - Improved CAS: more sliders for body/face, more options
    - less bugs: better programming and testing even if this means more time between EPs and SP
    - A final Create a World.
    - More control over Story Progression features.
    - Less Rabbit Holes and more open places: restaurants, bars, shops.
    - More depth in actions like in the sims 2: gardening for example.
    - Better patch installation: there's no need to download a superpatcher with all previous patches just to patch from last patch to the new one.
    - different EPs from the previous ones so TS4 is really something new instead of a remake of TS3.
    - No online game or features. They have tried twice to open the game online and both have been a mess.
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    JacobRuehlmanJacobRuehlman Posts: 495 New Member
    edited May 2013
    I want Sim Time to be more realistic... possibly slower. It takes way to long to make a meal and eat it or even go to the bathroom and wash your hands for that matter... they need to focus on this so that we have more time to accomplish things instead of focusing on their needs. This makes the game get boring quickly when you are stuck on a constant schedule of waking up, going to the bathroom, eating, going to work, coming home, watching t.v or what not for fun/ talking on the phone or chatting on the internet for social, eating and going to the bathroom again, then heading to bed because your energy has bottomed out... I have faith that The Sims 4 team will make this game right... lol
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    libra_stylelibra_style Posts: 1,229 Member
    edited May 2013
    I don't know who would like this idea but how about moving trucks for when you move your sim to another home. I remember when the sims first came out, they had a trailer of a sims moving into the neighborhood with a moving truck lol. I think that would be cool.
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    JacobRuehlmanJacobRuehlman Posts: 495 New Member
    edited May 2013
    I don't know who would like this idea but how about moving trucks for when you move your sim to another home. I remember when the sims first came out, they had a trailer of a sims moving into the neighborhood with a moving truck lol. I think that would be cool.

    I would love this! It's the little things like this that will make the game more unique and fun :)
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    QuizeburioQuizeburio Posts: 1,006 Member
    edited May 2013
    NPC Servo exactly like in TS1
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    libra_stylelibra_style Posts: 1,229 Member
    edited May 2013
    I don't know who would like this idea but how about moving trucks for when you move your sim to another home. I remember when the sims first came out, they had a trailer of a sims moving into the neighborhood with a moving truck lol. I think that would be cool.

    I would love this! It's the little things like this that will make the game more unique and fun :)

    OMG I know right lol, I hope they see this because I think it would great.
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    DanibleeDaniblee Posts: 2,429 New Member
    edited May 2013
    Oh man, my list could go on forever. But just a few things:

    Babies with feet
    Clothing stores

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    DanibleeDaniblee Posts: 2,429 New Member
    edited May 2013
    I don't know who would like this idea but how about moving trucks for when you move your sim to another home. I remember when the sims first came out, they had a trailer of a sims moving into the neighborhood with a moving truck lol. I think that would be cool.

    I would love this! It's the little things like this that will make the game more unique and fun :)

    OMG I know right lol, I hope they see this because I think it would great.

    Oh my gosh I'd love this :)
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    libra_stylelibra_style Posts: 1,229 Member
    edited May 2013
    Daniblee wrote:
    I don't know who would like this idea but how about moving trucks for when you move your sim to another home. I remember when the sims first came out, they had a trailer of a sims moving into the neighborhood with a moving truck lol. I think that would be cool.

    I would love this! It's the little things like this that will make the game more unique and fun :)

    OMG I know right lol, I hope they see this because I think it would great.

    Oh my gosh I'd love this :)

    Yaaaaaaaaaayy!!!! :D
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    bearfan73bearfan73 Posts: 34 New Member
    edited May 2013
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    DrewRowlandDrewRowland Posts: 2,057 Member
    edited May 2013
    No online store, more content in-game.

    The return of gardeners.

    Aliens in base game.

    Spookier ghosts, sims should be able to die from fright; it made having a haunted house more challenging.
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    DrewRowlandDrewRowland Posts: 2,057 Member
    edited May 2013
    No online store, more stuff in-game.

    The return of the gardener.

    Aliens in base game.

    Spookier ghosts, sims should be able to die of fright; it made having haunted houses more challenging.

    TS2 style illnesses. I wish sims could die from illnesses.
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    messie09messie09 Posts: 23
    edited May 2013
    I think in The Sims 4, they need to have different kinds of shops you can go in. There should be cafes, cinemas, supermarkets too. These should be all open, so you can see your sim go in it. In the supermarket,you can see your sims pick up a variety of foods in their baskets/trolleys. That will be so cool.
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    alsocute22alsocute22 Posts: 2 New Member
    edited June 2013
    TALL AND SHORT SLIDER IN CREATE A SIM! This would make Sims so much more realistic, I would love this to be in The Sims 4!!!
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    LadySauceyLadySaucey Posts: 117 New Member
    edited June 2013
    - The ability to play with a friend.

    - An open world, if not completely open at least bigger cities that have different areas such as a suburb, downtown, ghetto, etc.

    - Interactions/Animations that cater to specific personalities. Say a shy sim will make shy faces when talking to someone new.

    - More Dances and more in depth sim interactions! Dances will be specific to that persons traits or personality. An outgoing/flirty sim will have a more risky and free willed dance than a shy/nerdy sim. Going to different clubs calls for different dress codes and dancing. Say your sim goes to a Rodeo Bar, there's line dancing and such.

    - Ability to create and open businesses. Run your own business. Start from the bottom with a small janky store and work your way up to a famous business.

    - Ability to shop for clothes.

    - Weather & Animals included in Base Game. There's no reason we should keep having to purchase the sameeeeee olddddd eps every time they decide to create a new sims game. Its gonna be 2014, i think the technology is there for this to happen now :P

    - Driving animations. If not being able to actually drive your car then give us the animations of actually getting in your car, pulling out the garage, parking your car, etc.

    - Accidents, Unforseen events that change the path of your sims day. How boring is it to watch your sim get up and go to work everyday in the exact same way and then have to sit there and wait for them to get off work to play again. On the way to work how about they catch a flat tire? Car accident? Traffic Jam? When at work you choose the wrong decision and your sim gets fired? Just things to spice up the day!

    - Ability to create your own recipes!

    - More realistic animations & facial emotions. If a fire breaks out from cooking your sim should actually try to put it out on their own, call the fire department, or run out of the house (depending on their traits :P)

    - Dates where you actually go into a restaurant and order food, talk and flirt etc.

    - More clothing and interactions for babies, children, teens and elders. More realistic body shapes for teens and children. Sims 3 teens all look potbellied and it irritates me till this day! Id love to be able to actually enjoy playing my younger sims for once and have fun just focusing on them and not my YA or A sims.

    - Ability to join clubs or other activities. Elders can join knit clubs or take classes during the day. Kids can join boy/girl scouts, throw sleep overs.

    - More options for pregnant sims! Why am i forced to wear a night gown all day as if i cant afford maternity clothes?

    - No More Larva Burrito Babies!!!!!!! I missed the simpleness of washing my baby in the sink. They just became useless until they hit child stage :( Generations helped but it was all things that should have been in the base game imo.

    - Changing Tables, Diving Boards, Hot Tubs, etc should all be included in base game.

    These are just some, i could think of things for hours lol
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    Tadster91Tadster91 Posts: 66 Member
    edited June 2013
    -SLOW DOWN THE CLOCK: In one game hour, my sim should be able to get out of bed, bathe, make breakfast, and actually eat it so they can get to work on time. They should also be able to make it across town in less than hour by car.
    -Basic weather phenomena like rain storms. Changing seasons don't have to be in the base as not everyone plays in worlds that would require a visible fall or winter, but everywhere has precipitation though the amount varies.
    -Ability to rent or buy homes and apartments.
    -Ability to move to different neighborhoods
    -A bank where sims can have accounts where they can withdraw and deposit funds and take out loans that have to be paid back to buy things
    -Only career and school rabbittholes:restaurants, shops,the spa, theater should be open. I don't mind the career and school ones as it gets to be too much following around multiple sims in larger households and some careers wouldn't be entertaining to watch anyway.
    -Keep professions and change some careers to them: Sims should be able to become self-employed writers and artists,law enforcement, crime, and medicine should be professions.
    -Career advancement via challenges rather than just skill building. For example,in the Politics track, Sims should have to run and be elected for positions like Mayor.They'll have to raise campaign funds, deliver speeches, win over other sims, and avoid scandals like affairs or being arrested for a crime in order to win. This could help prevent there being more than one mayor.
    -The option to create sims that already have careers and/or the skill set required for specific careers. It's annoying when I make a family of a married middle-aged couple with 3 kids yet they have to start at level 1 with their careers without cheats. And if you use the cheat to set their career level, you can't adjust their skills so that they don'thave bad job performance. This should be an option either legitimately or through a cheat.
    -Also the option of giving a sim relatives later on. We could have so many more story options if we could add lost relations or have twins separated at birth.
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