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PrincessLala14's RP Short Stories


So, I've seen lots of people making pages for RPG short stories. I've seen people do it before, back on the old site that I used to RP on, and it's such a great idea! I decided that I should make my own - which is awesome, considering how insanely many RP characters I have.

So, without further ado, I present to thee, my RPG short stories!

Each character of mine (at least, ones who star in short stories) has a banner and all the stories about them can be found beneath their banner ^_^

Directory of Stories:

Queen - 02/06/2012

Conception by Assassination - 02/06/2012


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    PrincessLala14PrincessLala14 Posts: 29,231 Member
    edited June 2012

    The golden sunlight streamed in through the windows of Princess Eldria's bedroom. It caressed her pale skin, giving it a sweet sunny glow. Eldria lay on her side, upon her large bed, and Prince Claudius lay beside her.
    The sun kissed the Prince's golden-white hair just as it kissed the Princess's white body. Claudius had one hand on Eldria's hips, and one hand running through her startling red hair, his fingers twisting through the vibrant locks of scarlet.
    "Eldria," whispered Claudius, his voice gentler than she'd ever heard him speak before, "you are so very beautiful."
    Eldria felt heat come to her cheeks. Her big green eyes were locked on his pale blue ones, and there was an adoring smile on her ruby lips.
    "Really?" she whispered in response. His hand toyed with the hem of her short white nightgown, which ended just above her narrow knees.
    "Don't play dumb with me, Eldria," Claudius told the Princess with a musical laugh, "you know you're beautiful. Everyone tells you so."
    Eldria's pale cheeks went red at his words. It was true. Since the King and Queen brought their baby girl into this magical world, not a person met her that didn't comment on her striking beauty.
    "And I," continued Claudius, his hand beginning to sneak up her skirt, "think it more highly than any other."
    Eldria's wild red hair was all loose, tumbling over her shoulders, the ends falling right over the edge of the bed. Claudius leaned in close to her and softly pressed his lips to hers, and her dark eyelashes fluttered shut over her emerald eyes. She kissed him back softly.
    She hardly noticed as Claudius gripped her by the hips and rolled her over on her back. So lost in the kiss, she allowed him to move up on top of her. After all, in this moment with Claudius, what could go wrong?
    "One day, Eldria, you will be my wife," he whispered to her. "And then you and I shall be King and Queen of Fantasim Land."
    Eldria just smiled playfully, her eyes opening slowly.
    "You do know, dear Claudius-" he kissed her "-that the King of Fanta-" he kissed her again "-has no real power-" another kiss "-as long as there is a Queen?"
    Claudius just laughed against her red lips.
    "I don't want to marry you for power," he replied. He began to slide her little white dress upwards. "I want to marry you so we can be together. Forever, Eldria, and ever."
    Before their lips could meet, though, there came a frantic knocking at Eldria's bedroom door.
    "Eldria!" The voice of Claudius's younger sister, Princess Skye, was filled with terror. "Eldria, come quick!"
    It all happened in a blur. Claudius moved off of Eldria quickly, grumbling to himself that they'd been interrupted. Eldria jumped up off the bed, fixing her dress as she rushed to the door. Pale, slender fingers around the doorknob, and she opened it.
    "Skye," Eldria said, seeing her friend. Skye's pale blue eyes, identical to Claudius's, were glistening with watery tears.
    "Eldria!" Skye cried, then turned and darted down the hall. Her light blue wings fluttered anxiously behind her and Eldria followed quickly. The bare feet of the Princesses against the wooden floor of the castle hallway were soundless. Claudius ran after the girls, still wondering what could be so important that they had to be interrupted.
    As Skye neared the bedroom of the King and Queen of Fantasim Land, Eldria was filled with a chilling sense of dread. The door was open, and a number of servants fluttered about. One was tending to another who had clearly fainted, and two were sobbing.
    As Eldria pushed past them and reached the door, she stopped dead in her tracks. It was like she could feel her heart shattering in her chest, cracking and breaking into a billion tiny pieces.
    Her father, dressed all in black and with skin as white as snow, was lying on the floor of the bedroom, by the foot of the bed. There was blood at his mouth, and from his chest protruded a splintered wooden stake. Laying perpendicular to him was Eldria's mother. Her head was resting on his stomach, just below the stake, and one of her tanned hands was twisted in his red hair. Her deep chestnut hair, twisted into an elegantly braided bun, was resting on him loosely.
    "Daddy," Eldria whispered in a choked voice. Tears sprang to her bright green eyes, and it was only through tear-blurred vision that she saw how drooped and colourless her mother's golden wings were. Both of them lay there lifeless. "Mother..."
    Before anyone could grab her to hold her back, Eldria ran to her parents. She fell to her knees beside them and lifted her father's head into her lap. It lolled there dumbly and Eldria began to sob.
    Claudius walked in, gaping at the sight of the deceased King and Queen. He knelt beside Eldria and tried to put an arm around her, but Eldria pushed him away. He didn't think twice, simply retreated and put his comforting arm around his sister instead.
    The priestess stood by the door, watching the Princess as she sobbed over the dead figures of her parents. The priestess's white robes pooled at her feet, and there was little emotion in her dark brown eyes.
    "Queen Eldria," she said finally, and Eldria's head jerked up to look at her.
    "Qu-Queen?" stammered Eldria. Shock filled her as the realization hit her of what the aftermath to this would be. Only sixteen years old and Eldria would be Queen. She was the only one there could be - and with her parents lying there dead, she didn't have a single living ancestor.
    "Come away from here, my young Queen," said the priestess. Her voice was soft and soothing, and Eldria couldn't help but to reluctantly stand.
    "What happened to them?" whispered the new Queen.
    "They chose this, Eldria. They killed themselves."
    The words were like a slap in the face for Eldria. Fresh new tears sprang to her wet green eyes.
    "I don't believe that," she said quietly.
    The priestess didn't answer her, simply took her by the arm and began to lead her away, towards the throne room of her parents.
    "We must crown you Queen," she said, "else the Kingdom may seek refuge in unruly chaos."
    Eldria lifted a pale hand to wipe at her face.
    "Right now?" she asked. "I'm hardly dressed to be crowned."
    The priestess stopped walking. Her dark eyes took in Eldria's short nightgown and hesitated.
    "Go and get ready," she said sternly. "You will be crowned come evening." And with that, the priestess turned away and began making her way towards the throne room, leaving Eldria there, overwhelmed and struggling to keep from sobbing. Queen. She was to be Queen.
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    PrincessLala14PrincessLala14 Posts: 29,231 Member
    edited June 2012

    "Kill Lord Howard.... Kill Lord Howard..."
    It was a simple enough order. He'd killed many before, so why would this one be any different? The address he'd been given was a massive mansion on the edge of town, with tall brick walls and a wrought-iron gate protecting it. But did Adonis Delavent care? Most certainly not.
    The best part about Assassin Delavent was that he was a vampire. The walls would prove no challenge to him. He neared them quickly, protected by the dark cover of night, and with one single jump, his feet springing up off the ground, he was on the other side.
    The lawn of the place was immaculately groomed, as were the flower gardens. A few rooms were illuminated, he could see it through the windows, but that wouldn't stop him. He walked up beside the house and peered in a window, and then his icy blue eyes went wide.
    The sitting room had elegant red couches and a fireplace crackling, and in it sat the most beautiful young woman Adonis had ever seen. Her hair was a soft strawberry blonde, and it tumbled in neat curls down her narrow shoulders to her slender waist. Her eyes were big and bright and as vibrant a blue as the ocean, so deep you could fall into them and drown. She wore a pretty blue dress, long and modest, yet hugging and accentuating every curve. And she definitely had curves everywhere that she was supposed to. In that moment, Adonis decided that he wanted her.
    But of course, there was still a job to be done. He walked the perimeter of the house, peeking in every window, until he knew that he had found Lord Howard. The man wore white pants and a forest green tunic, and he looked most prim and proper. Smug and self-absorbed, perhaps, Adonis could see easily why he was to be killed.
    The room he was in had a hard wooden floor, white walls with all sorts of ornate golden carvings in them, and bookshelves galore. A staircase led up to a viewing gallery with more books - a split-level library. Adonis loved split-level rooms.
    Adonis's icy pale fingers closed around the hard stone bricks of the wall. He climbed it with ease, his vampire strength and speed kicking in to give him an edge. He reached out with one hand and flicked open the window, smirking with glee that it was not locked. Unlocked windows made his job so much easier.
    One leg over the windowsill, then the other, and then he was inside. He drew a pair of razor-sharp daggers, both glinting in the flickering candlelight from the golden chandelier that dangled above the library. He loved these daggers, they had done so much for him. He walked silently to the railing that blocked off the viewing gallery, ducking behind a golden corinthian column for cover.
    Down below him, Lord Howard stood, looking through books on a shelf, his back to Adonis. It was perfect. Adonis couldn't afford to lose this moment. He lifted his feet up atop the railing and in complete silence, leapt down.
    He landed soundlessly behind Lord Howard. He took one step forward, lifting his hands, adorned by the daggers.
    It was quick and painless, Adonis made sure of that. Lord Howard hardly had time to react, let alone make a sound. Before he knew it, Lord Howard was limp in the assassin's arms. Blood trickled to the wooden floor and Adonis smirked to himself, carefully lowering the body to the ground.
    "That will be a pain to clean up in the morrow," he murmured to himself. He wiped the few stray blood droplets from his hands on his black pants, and then he slipped back out the window and leapt to the ground.
    There was, of course, still one task left in the Howard mansion. Adonis walked back around the house to the window he had spotted earlier, the illuminated sitting room. The beautiful strawberry blonde was still there, curled up on a couch, reading a book. He smirked as he watched her. He gently pried the window open.
    A rush of cold air from outside alerted the young woman, though, and her blue eyes snapped up. Adonis met them and smiled as they widened.
    "Who are y-you?" stammered the young woman. Her voice was soft and gentle, even when abducted by terror.
    "My name is Adonis," he said in a soft voice, seeing no point in lying to the girl, "and I will not hurt you."
    She stared at him as he climbed in the window, then he turned and shut it. He shivered a little.
    "Nasty breeze out there," he said softly, going towards the couch where she sat. She didn't make any move to shoo him away or to run away as he sat down, she simply set her book down on an end table.
    "Why are you here?" she asked. It was clear by her voice that she was nervous. He just smiled gently.
    "I saw you, miss," he said, "and I wanted to meet you."
    There was clear awe in her deep blue eyes. It was as if she couldn't begin to fathom why anyone would want to meet her. She opened her mouth to speak, but he could guess from her eyes what she was going to say.
    "Don't you be silly," he said, "you're a beautiful young woman, miss, who wouldn't want to meet such a beauty as rare as yourself?"
    And with the way her lips curved into a smile and her pretty dark eyes lit up, it was clear that the girl was his.
    Within minutes, barely half an hour later, the girl was leading Adonis up to her room. Her cheeks were blushing a pretty shade of pink, and she was giggling a little.
    "I've never done this, Adonis," she whispered as they reached the top of the stairs, and he gave her hand the gentlest of squeezes.
    "Then I am pleased to be your first," he replied with a smirk. It pained him that he couldn't see his beauty again, that he'd have to leave her in the dead of night or be suspected for her brother's death, but a night with her was better than nothing.
    "Will it hurt?" she whispered, leading him towards her bedroom door.
    Adonis smirked a little upon hearing her words. He watched as she twisted open the doorknob.
    "Not a bit," he said to her as the pair walked inside, the wooden door silently closing shut behind them.
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    GladisGladis Posts: 16,144 New Member
    edited June 2012
    Oooooh! I loved reading it! I think this is a good idea too... but there are so many doing it now so... well... I don't know if I should... Bookmarked! ^_^
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    PrincessLala14PrincessLala14 Posts: 29,231 Member
    edited June 2012
    XD I've only seen a few, and I'd love to get short stories about my characters out there...
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    GladisGladis Posts: 16,144 New Member
    edited June 2012
    I've seen some... but they they are so many... well. I will think of it. Maybe I'll do it too... later.
    Still I love reading about Eldria and Fantasim and so on... but you already know that. XD
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    PrincessLala14PrincessLala14 Posts: 29,231 Member
    edited June 2012
    XD I haven't seen many, just a handful. If there are any stories you want to request, feel free to do so - like, for example, Eldria's coronation, or a random story involving little Eldria and her parents, or even something on Queen Ophelia, since that's Ember in a past life... xD
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    GladisGladis Posts: 16,144 New Member
    edited June 2012
    Yes! Something involving Ophelia would be awesome! :3
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    PrincessLala14PrincessLala14 Posts: 29,231 Member
    edited June 2012
    Haha okay. Once I finish the one I'm doing right now, I'll whip up something for you with Ophelia...
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    GladisGladis Posts: 16,144 New Member
    edited June 2012
    Yay! ^_^
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    PrincessLala14PrincessLala14 Posts: 29,231 Member
    edited June 2012
    ^__^ Right now I'm working on a story about Adonis. It's the night his daughter Bellette was conceived.
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    GladisGladis Posts: 16,144 New Member
    edited June 2012
    Cool! I really want to RP on Demonarchy... but for some reason I... I don't know what it is... it just feels like I kind of don't belong there. I don't know why, though... it just is like that. I've kept up reading what's happened there, though.
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    PrincessLala14PrincessLala14 Posts: 29,231 Member
    edited June 2012
    Like you don't belong there? Hmmm. Is it because you don't really have anyone around to RP with? Because I can fix that. Or is it something to do with the content itself? :)
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    GladisGladis Posts: 16,144 New Member
    edited June 2012
    Rather that I don't have anyone to RP with... I think. I liked RPing there with Yumi. Even though Angel's kind of annoying sometimes. -_- XD
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    PrincessLala14PrincessLala14 Posts: 29,231 Member
    edited June 2012
    Lillian is free if you wanna RP with her later :)
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    GladisGladis Posts: 16,144 New Member
    edited June 2012
    Yay! Okay ^_^ When you are back...
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    Sims3PlayrGSims3PlayrG Posts: 6,659
    edited June 2012
    This is cool Lala!:D I have something like this, but its not only for RP things ^^
    Where is Sophia in Fantasim? I went AWOL from Fantasim now im lost :/
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    PrincessLala14PrincessLala14 Posts: 29,231 Member
    edited June 2012
    I have no clue where Sophia is, nor do I know where Darren is.... -.-
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    Sims3PlayrGSims3PlayrG Posts: 6,659
    edited June 2012
    hmm... Im gonna say Sophia is in the gardens ^^
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    PrincessLala14PrincessLala14 Posts: 29,231 Member
    edited June 2012
    Okay....where should Darren be? :P
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    Sims3PlayrGSims3PlayrG Posts: 6,659
    edited June 2012
    Ermm... Well Sophias about to give birth, Aislin is painting in the cottage... Its up to you !:P
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    GladisGladis Posts: 16,144 New Member
    edited June 2012
    I just read Adonis story. It was awesome too! ^_^
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    PrincessLala14PrincessLala14 Posts: 29,231 Member
    edited June 2012
    :D I'm glad you enjoyed Adonis's story ^__^ I have a handful that I want to do. I want to do a Darren/Amortia (as in, when they hooked up XD), I want to do much to do! XD
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    SamilinaSamilina Posts: 14,229 New Member
    edited June 2012
    Verhey nice :mrgreen:


    (I haven't posted anything on it yet, though XD)
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    PrincessLala14PrincessLala14 Posts: 29,231 Member
    edited June 2012
    I like the Downloads section, hmmmm...
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