Its time for the final screenshot thread! Show us what ya got here!
Forum Announcement, Click Here to Read More From EA_Cade.

The Otherworld - New RPG - Unlimited Spots!


**Please Note: You do not have to be a member of Fantasim Land to join this RPG!
Announcement made on Fantasim Land, March 11th
On March 12th, millions and billions of years ago, the people of Fantasim Land mourned the death of their powerful and adoring Queen, Eve Lightearth, the first of the Lightearth fairies.
As the procession led the Queen's golden coffin to the massive tomb that had been built for her and her descendants, something strange and miraculous happened - a magical golden orb appeared at the entrance to the tomb, and it spoke to them, with the voice of Queen Eve.
"I do not want to be laid here," said Eve. "There is another place where you will lay me down, and I shall lead you there." And the golden orb of magic began to fly away.
The confused people of Fantasim Land decided to follow the golden orb, and it led them to an unfamiliar place by the foot of the mountains. The golden sun was shining down strongly on the grassy cliffs, and over a strange gorge with a beautiful, bubbling river running through, there was a mysterious golden bridge.
Nobody in the Kingdom knew from whence this bridge had come. None of them had built it, and nobody had ever seen it before. But the golden orb floated over the bridge, indicating that they were to follow if they wanted to lay their Queen to rest and to follow her wishes. The soldiers carrying her coffin followed the orb, disappearing as they crossed the bridge.
The people were perplexed, confused. Where had the soldiers gone with their beloved Queen? They waited anxiously, and finally, the soldiers returned.
"There is more land across the bridge," shouted one, "more land stretching for miles! And so beautiful, untouched by mankind or anyone else!"
The people of Fantasim Land were excited. They returned to their houses and homes, while Queen Eve's daughter began work on plans to build a new City across the bridge.
The next day, however, as some patrols headed out to examine the land on the other side of the bridge, there wasn't a trace of it to be found. The bridge was gone, as was the bubbling river. All that was left was the rocky ledges of the mountains covered in moss and some occasional flowers.
All sorts of theories and speculations went around as to what had happened. Was the bridge a one-time thing brought by Queen Eve? Was the land on the other side meant to remain untouched?
A patrol was assigned to stay in the area near the bridge. They explored and wandered, searching for the bridge, but found no trace of it - not for another year, at least.
A year later, on March 12th, as the people commemorated the anniversary of Queen Eve's death, something wonderful happened - magically, the bridge reappeared.
It was only there for a day, though, and those who wandered across the bridge had to return by sundown - or else they would be trapped in the other world across the bridge for another year.
And so it went. Each year on the anniversary of Queen Eve's death, the bridge reappears. It is called the Bridge of Eve, and nobody really knows what lies on the other side - just that anyone who crosses, never returns.

Welcome to the Otherworld, the strange and mysterious place that lies on the other side of the Bridge of Eve. The Otherworld is a rich, lush forest filled with incredible plants and trees galore. Many of the plants in the Otherworld are unique to the Otherworld, and do not grow anywhere else. There are no cities in the Otherworld, and anyone who actually lives within the Otherworld lives in small cabins scattered throughout the beautiful forest.
There's something a little bit off about the Otherworld, though. Maybe you'll figure it out if you read farther. Something about sundown that the people fear...
We don't know how you got to the Otherworld. Did you take the Bridge of Eve from Fantasim Land? Did you perhaps stumble across a portal that opened up in another world? I don't know. The point is, now that you're here, you have until sundown to leave - or you're trapped here for a year. Unless, of course, you like it here. If you like it here, you can stay.


1. You will abide by these rules. If you break a rule, any member has the right to mention it to you. You must listen and understand when somebody says that you have broken a rule.
2. God-modding is not permitted. For a thorough description of god-modding, please click here.
3. Be, kind, courteous, and respectful towards other users. Your characters may be (im)mortal enemies, but that gives you no right to be mean.
4. Proper spelling and grammar are a MUST. You may only be exempted from this rule if you have a good reason, such as English not being your first language. Even if this is the case and you are exempted, you are still expected to make a good effort.
5. Only I, PrincessLala14, have the power to move time forwards.
6. You may begin with ONE character. You may only create a second character after roleplaying with your first character for a week. You must wait a week between characters. After a week has passed, you may create another character. You may have a maximum total of 3 characters.
7. NO ADVERTISING AT ALL! Don't advertise your legacies, don't advertise your RPGs, don't advertise your baby challenges. It's one thing to have a link to it in your siggy (which is completely alright), it's another thing to make an entire post just to say "HEY, GUYS, JOIN MY ROLEPLAY!" or "Could everyone please take a look at my new legacy?" If you really, desperately want an advertisement on my thread, only PrincessLala14 has the permission to do it - so you'll have to send me a comment with exactly what you want your ad to say.
8. If you have taken the time to read these rules thoroughly, you must include the word “change” in your agreement to abide by the rules. If you don’t, you will not be accepted.
9. Just like Fantasim Land, the Otherworld takes place in an old-fashioned setting. Modern-day technologies didn’t exist back then. You must be creative, and using modern-day items will be considered an infraction of the rules.
10. You may have an unlimited number of children born in-game.
11. All offspring (children) must be registered before they are playable. The offspring registration form can be found with the regular form below. Registration only applies to offspring born while in game, meaning that any children your character had before coming to the Otherworld won't count.
12. You must send PrincessLala14 a friend request. This way, you will be notified of events in the Otherworld, or anything important happening - for example, when I need you to send me missed character forms... Which reminds me, if I told you that I'd "get around" to putting your character up on the front page, please send me the link to your bio in a comment.
13. Once a month, Lala will randomly announce that for 24 hours, anyone who has all their character spots filled up is free to make as many new characters as they want. Remember, though, if you kill off one of these characters (or dispose of them some other way), they cannot be replaced, and you have to wait until you get another chance to make new ones.
14. You must read every detail of the first post before you join.

December 4th, *year illegible*
Dear journal;
They are monsters! Monsters, I say! At night, every last person in the Otherworld becomes a hideous beast, a monster, a terrifying creature! I didn't, luckily for me, but if I'm stuck here too long, maybe I will! Oh, it's horrible!

Other details:
Monster Picture: (at sundown, everybody becomes a monster, except for those who have been there less than a year.)

To register offspring (only those born in-game)

Offspring name:
Biological father:
Biological mother:


  • Options
    PrincessLala14PrincessLala14 Posts: 29,231 Member
    edited March 2012


    1. King Eric Stremon (Bio
    2. Prince Edmund of Arralie Bio


    1. Emilia Stremon (Bio
    2. Estelle Lockwood (Bio
    3. Annabeth Applewood (Bio
    4. Catherine (Cathy) Johnson (Bio))
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    PrincessLala14PrincessLala14 Posts: 29,231 Member
    edited March 2012
    King Eric Stremon
    27 (immortal)
    Eric is very fun-loving and outgoing. He always has a smile on his face - until night falls over the Otherworld, and he turns into a terrifying monster.
    Eric is distantly descended from the Lightearth fairies of Fantasim Land, as his great-great-grandfather was a Prince of that Kingdom.
    It was over twelve million years ago that Eric accidentally crossed the Bridge of Eve and found himself in the Otherworld, along with his twin sister, Emilia. The world seemed nice enough, so they didn't mind that the Bridge disappeared - not until, that is, everybody started becoming monsters.
    A year passed, and Eric and Emilia frantically tried to run and hide from the other monsters. Finally, though, on the night that signified their being there for an entire year, Eric and Emilia became monsters as well.
    Eric's monster form was massive and hideous. It was blue, with four arms, yellow eyes, and a strange beak. He had sharp claws, and he found himself plunged into the monster-eat-monster night life of the Otherworld. He knew he had to protect Emilia, whose monster form was only a green, amphibious female.
    Finally, though, the monsters of the Otherworld began to respect Eric. One morning as everybody changed back, they congratulated him and hailed him as their leader, their king. They even built him a small castle to live in with his sister, and he has been there ever since.
    Other details:
    Has been here for over a year, so he can have a monster form.
    Monster Picture:

    Emilia Stremon
    Emilia is very cold and detached. She allows herself to care for no one but her brother. In her monster form, she is normally to be found singing a sad, mournful song in the swamp.
    Emilia has lived with her brother Eric for over twelve million years in the Otherworld. Her brother is hailed as a King, which should technically make her a princess, or perhaps a Queen - except that the other people of the Otherworld rarely see her.
    After about six hundred years in the Otherworld, Emilia met a very handsome young man. They fell in love quite quickly, and they also discovered that their monster forms were identical - hideous green humanoids with fins and gills. Emilia and the man were very deeply in love, so you can imagine how difficult it was for Emilia when he got in a fight with a bigger, fiercer monster - and the other monster crushed him.
    Emilia spends almost every waking hour at the swamp, mourning the loss of the man she loved and fantasizing about finding somebody new and moving on, like he would have wanted her to.
    Other details:
    Has been here for over a year, so she can have a monster form.
    Monster Picture:
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    PrincessLala14PrincessLala14 Posts: 29,231 Member
    edited March 2012
    ((Okay, you can post now!))
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    krose240krose240 Posts: 14,363 New Member
    edited March 2012
    Name: Estelle Lockwood
    Age: 21
    M/F: Female
    Personality: Friendly, caring, major hopeless romantic, extremely clumsy (when I say extremely, I mean EXTREMELY)
    Bio/History: Born in Fantasim Land, Estelle grew up surrounded by the story of the Bridge of Eve. Her parents told it to her every year on March 12th. She adored the story and had always been filled with curiousity about the other side of the bridge, but her parents told her that she couldn't cross until she was 21. Finally, when she reached the change of 21, she told her parents she would be going this year. They bid her farewell, saying that they didn't want to go, that they wished for the other side to remain a mystery. When the bridge finally appeared, she wasted no time in crossing.
    Other details: Half Dark fairy/Half Light fairy...has dark fairy abilities and a light fairy personality
    Picture: Screenshot-322.jpg
    Monster Picture: ((when she's been here a year, this will be her monster form))
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    GladisGladis Posts: 16,144 New Member
    edited March 2012
    (I will join!!! Just have to get my form ready! :mrgreen: )
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    krose240krose240 Posts: 14,363 New Member
    edited March 2012
    ((oh, Lala...should we go ahead and make forms for Dominik and Miriam since this is where they're ending up?))
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    PrincessLala14PrincessLala14 Posts: 29,231 Member
    edited March 2012
    ((Yes, Krosey :) I will post about Miriam once I get on the computer. I think you missed something in your form?))
  • Options
    krose240krose240 Posts: 14,363 New Member
    edited March 2012
    ((Yes, Krosey :) I will post about Miriam once I get on the computer. I think you missed something in your form?))
    (("change of 21" it's in the middle of the bio...))
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    krose240krose240 Posts: 14,363 New Member
    edited March 2012
    krose240 wrote:
    ((Yes, Krosey :) I will post about Miriam once I get on the computer. I think you missed something in your form?))
    (("change of 21" it's in the middle of the bio...))
    ((also, there's no "agreement to abide by the rules"...might want to add that... :wink: ))
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    PrincessLala14PrincessLala14 Posts: 29,231 Member
    edited March 2012
    ((I know, I assume that by joining, and by adding the word, they are agreeing to follow the rules.
    she's good to go. RP?))


    It was morning, and I sat quietly in the living room of my little castle. Last night had been bitterly cold, so I had quickly found myself sitting by the fireplace. I hoped that Emilia would return home soon.
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    krose240krose240 Posts: 14,363 New Member
    edited March 2012

    Estelle let out a small gasp as she caught sight of the Otherworld. It was amazing! Why had her parents wanted her to wait so long to go here anyhow? Look at it! The place was harmless! Spotting a small castle, she fluttered her wings and took to the air, knowing that she'd have fallen flat on her face fifteen times if she'd gone by foot.
  • Options
    PrincessLala14PrincessLala14 Posts: 29,231 Member
    edited March 2012

    I was quietly trudging back home, the warm, gentle breeze fluttering my dark hair all around my shoulders. My dull green eyes were gazing down at the ground as I made my way back towards the little castle. I reached the doors and gently pushed them open, my tiny frame having to press right up against them for them to open.
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    krose240krose240 Posts: 14,363 New Member
    edited March 2012
    Estelle landed, promptly tripping, but managing to catch herself, outside of the small castle. She didn't notice Emilia, and fixed her hair a little before slipping inside the castle.
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    PrincessLala14PrincessLala14 Posts: 29,231 Member
    edited March 2012

    I glanced up as a girl landed nearby and slipped inside the other door. I raised an eyebrow, but she said nothing. Perhaps advised by somebody else to come and see Eric, that was my guess. I slid inside after the girl, entering the living room and seeing Eric on the couch by the fire, his back to us.


    I heard the door open and gentle footsteps inside. I didn't turn around, too chilled by the night's icy embrace to leave the fire.
    "Good morning, Emilia," I called softly.
  • Options
    GladisGladis Posts: 16,144 New Member
    edited March 2012
    Prince Edmund
    Friendly, proud, noble, great warrior, charming and good hearted.
    Prince Edmund comes from a kingdom called Arralie. It was a wonderful place filled with happiness until recently the dark ord took over. The new king killed both Edmund's parents and he believes his sister too. Edmund thought that he was dead but somehow he ended up in The Otherworld instead.
    Other details
    Monster Picture: No monster yet but when he becomes he will look like this:
    (His skin turns into glittery light green scales)
  • Options
    krose240krose240 Posts: 14,363 New Member
    edited March 2012
    Estelle paused when she noticed Emilia and frowned a bit. She was going to apologize for not having seen her, but she heard Eric's voice and was unsure whether she should speak. Her wings fluttered slightly and she looked down. Why was she nervous? She'd spoken to Queen Eldria and King Cinder many a time...maybe it was the fact that she didn't know this place...or the fact that this didn't look as much like a castle as it did on the outside.
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    PrincessLala14PrincessLala14 Posts: 29,231 Member
    edited March 2012

    I smiled slightly, nodding.
    "Good morning, Eric," I said. I walked over to the couch, leaning over the back and pecking my brother's cheek. "There's somebody here to see you," I added, before heading out into the hall.


    I was surprised by Emilia's words, and I glanced over my shoulder. My green eyes found a girl, with lovely butterfly wings and a colourful gown. I smiled slightly, standing and turning to face her.
    "Good morning," I said slowly.
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    PrincessLala14PrincessLala14 Posts: 29,231 Member
    edited March 2012
    ((He's good to go, Gladis, and he's very pretty <3))
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    krose240krose240 Posts: 14,363 New Member
    edited March 2012
    "Hi..." Estelle said softly, blushing a bit, "I...I'm sorry if I'm intruding...I...I just came over from Fantasim Land..."
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    GladisGladis Posts: 16,144 New Member
    edited March 2012
    (Thank you! ^_^)

    Prince Edmund

    I opened my eyes. The sun was shining right into my eyes. Is it like this to be dead? I thought. No... I was feeling pain... that meant I couldn't be dead.
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    PrincessLala14PrincessLala14 Posts: 29,231 Member
    edited March 2012

    I grinned at the girl, shaking my head.
    "No, no, don't worry, you aren't intruding one bit," I said, then paused. "You... you just came over? Does that mean today is the twelfth?"
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    GladisGladis Posts: 16,144 New Member
    edited March 2012

    I sat up and looked down at my chest. It was splattered with blood. My own blood. I tried to stand up but my legs didn't want to carry me. What in the world is this place... I thought as I looked around.
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    krose240krose240 Posts: 14,363 New Member
    edited March 2012
    Estelle nodded. "Yes," she said, unsure what else to say. She fluttered her wings a little, still a bit nervous.
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    PrincessLala14PrincessLala14 Posts: 29,231 Member
    edited March 2012
    ((*amused that everybody's names start with E* Eric, Emilia, Estelle, Edmund...))
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    PrincessLala14PrincessLala14 Posts: 29,231 Member
    edited March 2012

    I sighed softly and nodded.
    "So you just got here today. As in, you were in Fantasim Land yesterday," I continued, frowning a little.
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