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>>The Manplant’in Project<<Legacy Challenge>>

AnimagaAnimaga Posts: 548 New Member
edited March 8 in Nominated Threads
UPDATE: July 02, 2009
Changes have been made to the rules. There is an updated post, as well as corrections made to the original post. All current changes can be found in a larger font.
UPDATE: JULY 02, 2009
As of now, the rules are being looked at and will possible change. If you are currently playing along, your feedback is welcome.

The Manplant’in Project
Legacy Challenge

Basic Concept:
It’s ridiculously easy to make money as a Sim these days. Careers pay big, and before you know it…your basic shack become a mansion in no time.

But what would life be like if we went back to a simpler time? When the fields of Riverview and Sunset Valley were overflowing with fresh crops…and the fish were always biting. When man lived off the earth, and the things she provided for him.

Proposal: Your challenge (should you accept) is to journey with a family through 10 generations without taking a career path. All funds must be gained through either gardening (selling produce) or fishing (selling the catch). There are a few other ways of bringing income into the home, but that will be explained later. There are also some restrictions and rules to follow. If you’re still interested, read on.

Getting Started
Creating Your Founder(s)
-The look of your founder is totally up to you.
-You may also choose to create a second founder (wife/husband).
The only must have trait your founder (primary founder or both) must have is Technophobe. (This is to prevent you *ideally* from ever placing a computer or television in your legacy lot(s). Reading on, you will learn computers and televisions are banned from use in this challenge).

Your legacy lot (Founding Lot)
There are a few must haves that you will need to place on your founding lot before you actually begin playing your founder:
-Pond (any size you wish *optional*)
-Space for your garden to grow (*optional*)
-$2,100 (wall cost) Shack, the shack must consist of:
2 rooms (Bathroom, Living Area)
Bathroom requirements
Toilet, tub/shower, sink, mirror, 1 window (minimum), light source
Living Area requirements
Bed (double), dresser, bookshelf, couch, table with 2 chairs (minimum), stove, sink, 3 counters (minimum), fridge, garbage, 4 windows (minimum), light source, 2 doors (entrance to shack and entrance to bathroom)

For this challenge you will need space for at least 4 types of lots: 2 residential, 2 community
-Founding Lot - This is where you will start your journey and begin growing your family.
-Legacy Dream Lot - This lot, contains the home your Legacy will end in. The dream home thought up by your original founder(s). Being able to afford and move into this home is an achievement. NOTE: This lot must be 150,000 simolina’s or more!
-Job site - Where your legacy sims go to work! (I have uploaded “The Green Fields” for use as the Job Site, for those of you that do not wish to create your own. At the end of these rules, I’ll explain how to create your own job site should you wish to do so)
-Family Graveyard- It is, what it is ;)

Going to work
Just like any other Sim with a career your farmer/fisherman must also get up with the chickens to earn his/her living. Between the hours of 9am to 3pm, send your founder(s) to the community lot you created (or the one I created) to harvest crops or do some fishing.

Work Days Per Generation
Gen 1 - 3: You may only visit the community lot to harvest plants or fish 1 day a week.
Gen 4 - 5: You may now visit the community lot to harvest plants or fish 2 days a week.
Gen 6 - 7: You may now visit the community lot to harvest plants or fish 3 days a week.
Gen 8 - 10: You may now visit the community lot to harvest plants or fish 4 days a week.

Work hours remain the same for every generation. You may choose which days of the week you “work” and which days you have “off.”

If you continue playing past generation 10, all following generations follow Gen 8 - 10 work days.

Once a house hold sim reaches the age status of Elder they may no longer visit the community lot to bring income into the home by farming or fishing.

Building your fortune
The primary source of income to your home must be through gardening or fishing. However, there are two other options you may choose for your partner (husband/wife depending on who your “main” founder is).
Option 1
-Painting-There’s more to the simple life than fishing and farming all the time! Here’s your chance to let out your creative side and get paid while doing it! There are a few rules you must abide by however…
Paintings can ONLY be sold on Saturday or Sunday. The art gallery is rather picky about their selections and only make bids on paintings two days a week. Lucky you, you’re never turned down…regardless of your skill level. There is however a downside. To ensure the value of your paintings stay high for re-sale, they will only accept 1 painting on each day.
So, if you choose for your spouse to be an artist they may only sell 2 paintings per week. One on Saturday, one on Sunday. You may paint as many paintings as you wish through the week, just be sure when you go to sell, you take a good look at what you’ll be getting for them!
Option 2
-Tips from playing the guitar- Through the “work week” (Monday thru Friday) you may choose to send your spouse to community lots to collect tips for playing the guitar between the hours of 3pm - 6pm.
NOTE: You may choose to do BOTH if you wish. Just remember, you have a home and babies to take care of as well, and babysitters are pricey!

Rules of Sale
When selling produce/fish keep in mind the following:
-The farmers market only accepts produce by the dozen. So you may only sell anything you’ve grown in stacks of 12. ((Due to the new work day changes, you may now sell produce after you return from the community lot, reguardless of how many you have stacked))
-The fish merchants don’t really mind the quantity so much as they mind the freshness. You may sell fish at anytime, in any amount.
-Paintings (again) can only be sold on Saturday and Sunday. 1 per day. (This rule applies PER Sim so if you have other artists in your home they may also sell 1 painting per day.)

Not available for sale
Any fish or plants grown/harvest/planted on your Founding or Dream lots. All those items must be put into your family fridge for personal use and cannot be sold to bring in family income.

The Bread Winners
Any Sim living on your founding or dream lot, may bring income into the home as long as it’s in one of the ways permitted.

Time to move
Children of your founders who aren’t chosen to be the next generations founder MUST move out of the lot once they reach the age status of Young Adult. These Sims can no longer provide income to the home. Ideally, you want to put them into a home in your town so their family members can still interact with them. You don’t have to do this, but it’s an option.

Standard generation rules apply:
Your founder(s) begins generation 1, the child you select directly fathered/born by(of) your founder begins generation 2, the child fathered/born by(of) the founder of generation 2 begins generation 3, so on and so forth. Generation 10 however, doesn’t officially “end” until your Gen 10 Sim reaches the age status of Young adult. That is when your official challenge is complete. If you choose to continue with your legacy past generation 10, awesome! Get to building an even more expensive dream home!

Not permitted in this challenge-The first and most obvious, cheating of any kind. No money hacks, no skill building cheats, no aging off…etc.
-Televisions and Computers aren’t permitted to be used by ANY of your founding sims. If possible, making them all Technophobes is recommended. It is allowed to use them by any other sim in the bloodline NOT in line to be a founder. Just remember, you cannot use these items to pull income in anyway into the family home.
-Writing Novels and gaining income through royalties is not allowed.
-No Sim living on your founding or dream lot can have an “official” career. All income must be obtained as stated earlier.
-Money Trees are a no go kids. Don’t plant them, don’t harvest them.
-Life Fruit can be harvested to SELL. Eating it, either as the fruit or in Ambrosia isn’t allowed.

Set aging to normal ;)

Scoring is going to be a little different here. Your score will be the combined number of plants harvested or fish caught from ALL your founding sims through 10 generations. Scoring only applies for founders and not their spouses. In Generation 1 you need to choose the “official” founding sim for scoring purposes if you choose to create a spouse. Record your gardening and fishing totals when your founder reaches the age status of Elder. Anything harvested or caught beyond that point doesn’t count as far as scoring, but still counts as income toward the home.

Founding sims DO NOT move out of the home until they have passed on (this also includes their spouses). At which time you may move their headstones to the family graveyard.

I think that pretty much covers everything important. If you have any questions feel free to ask me. I’m currently still “testing” the challenge myself but everything seems to be working out without my family staying dead broke all the time so any feedback on your progress would be great!

I’m really having fun with this and I hope those of you that give this challenge a go enjoy it as well.

Im going to show you all the image of the lots I set aside for this challenge. I haven't filled in all the information on the legend yet, but here's the image as of now:


Lot 4, is where I put my founding lot
Lot 1, will be where I build their dream home
Lot 2 and 3 are for "Job Sites"
Lot 6, is where I put the family graveyard
Lot 7 is a spare, I haven't done anything with it and probably wont.

Lot 2 is where I have the farming job site I uploaded. Lot 3 is where Im working on the fishing job site.

Animaga ^_^

Post edited by EA_Solaire on


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    AnimagaAnimaga Posts: 548 New Member
    edited June 2009
    As promised:

    You will find a link to the community lot I created for my founding sims “job site” in the link above. There’s plenty (and I do mean plenty) of plants there for him/her to harvest to pull in some cash. Garlic sells really well btw ^_^

    If you’d rather make your own, here’s how I did it!
    -First, move a sim (or two, I used 2 but one of them didn’t really do much of anything besides play the guitar all day because Id get annoyed when the others action would be cut short from his partners attempts at helping) into an empty community lot. I believe mine is a 60x60. I demo’d a large house in Riverview for the lot, and the sounding lots for growth of my legacy.
    -Second…get that gardening skill up! That is IF the sim(s) you’ve chosen to plant your garden aren’t maxed in gardening.
    -Third, get to planting! I planted 3 rows, with 4 plants each of everything save eggs and cheese (simply because I couldn’t). The life plant and flame fruit bush were seeds I found around town so theres only 1 of each on the lot, and the death flower. The more plants, the more to harvest.
    -Forth, OMG Sprinklers. Sprinklers helped a ton at making this process of the build go a lot faster. Each morning around 4:30am Id start turning them on and around 5:10 Id starting turning them off in the order I turned them on. That left my farmer sims with only having to weed the plants to keep them from dying
    -Fifth, move’em out! After your plants are ready to harvest, or nearly there…evict those hard working sims that planted all those crops and turn the residential lot, into a community lot.
    -Lastly, create something awesome! After you’ve made the lot into a community lot just use your creativity. Adding a pond is a good idea, so on the weekends your sim can still go to the lot to fish.
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    AnimagaAnimaga Posts: 548 New Member
    edited July 2009
    Score Board

    Acre's Family: 978pts
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    AnimagaAnimaga Posts: 548 New Member
    edited August 2009
    Family's and Stories

    (Those of you playing along, feel free to post links to your stories in this thread and I will list them here as you update them)

    The Green Family(Animaga)
    Chapter 1

    Corostro Legacy(lis95)
    Chapter 1
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    ybboccobby04ybboccobby04 Posts: 645 Member
    edited June 2009
    interesting idea...didn't read through all the rules but i'll bookmark...working on the traditional legacy right now
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    AnimagaAnimaga Posts: 548 New Member
    edited June 2009
    *A very shamefilled bump but the last unless there is actual factual interest* :mrgreen:

    Edit: Ok, a little less shamefilled lol. Thanks for the glance anyway ybboccobby ;)

    Im really not a fan of gardening...and originally, I didn't have the "job site" lot so the test was going terrible. I barely had money to do anything. With that communtiy lot, its making things go alot smoother and isn't filling up my family funds like I just hit the lottery everytime he gets off "work". I get more family time, and the cool thing is I can "control" him at work. So if he's hungry, he eats an apple he's just picked. If he needs to use the potty, I send him that way.

    Im having a really good time with it anyway ;) So I thought Id share to see if others would be interested. It just seemed from reading some feedback on "true" legacys money was just building way to fast. So...I was shooting for another option to kinda make it more challenging.
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    ybboccobby04ybboccobby04 Posts: 645 Member
    edited June 2009
    you should put the link to your thread attached to your sig pic..that way if you post on any other threads people could see it and be like "hmm what's that?" and then be able to get to the link...
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    AnimagaAnimaga Posts: 548 New Member
    edited June 2009
    Fixed ;)
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    DuppyConquerorDuppyConqueror Posts: 26 Member
    edited June 2009
    I think I'm going to try this. I've never really done any challenges before, but I like forcing sims to garden and I need some sort of goal in order to play past more than a couple generations with one family. Plus my sims so far seem to be making a ton of money that I don't even know what to do with, so it'd be nice not to go the usual career route.

    Should the work hours be strictly kept or is working overtime (heading in early and/or leaving late) a possibility?
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    AnimagaAnimaga Posts: 548 New Member
    edited June 2009
    You should try to really be on top of sticking to the work hours. I have let him work over if for some reason he got there late, or if he had to leave early due to the fact his wife was having his baby.

    Between harvesting crops all day at work, and tending on his personal garden at home, my poor founder barely has time to do anything else. I think Im going to focus more on the fishing with the next generation to see how that turns out.

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    RoaneRoane Posts: 204 Member
    edited July 2009
    This is really interesting! I don't have time for starting another challenge right now, but I've bookmarked it so I can try it out later.
    The Geek Shall Inherit: The Merrigan Family Legacy Challenge -- Visit us on Tumblr.
    Origin ID: Tairgire
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    Kitkat7145Kitkat7145 Posts: 1,018 New Member
    edited July 2009
    Fun idea! I was getting a little burned out just playing my regular family. I don't know if I can make it to 10 generations, but I'll give it a whirl.
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    AnimagaAnimaga Posts: 548 New Member
    edited July 2009
    Eh, Im loose with rules for the most part ;) It's the basic concept I really wanted to get "out there."

    With all the building and other random things I do while I play the sims 10 generations will take me forever. Im having fun with it though, and the Greens are doing pretty well for themselves as farmers. At the end of a generation I plan on posting something in the story creator for people to view.

    Any of you that decided to give this a go I hope you enjoy it as well. I'll keep record of those actually keeping score and throw rec's your way for playing along.

    ~Animaga ^_^
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    Kitkat7145Kitkat7145 Posts: 1,018 New Member
    edited July 2009
    Thanks for making the "job" lot! That's going to make getting started a whole lot easier :)
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    Kitkat7145Kitkat7145 Posts: 1,018 New Member
    edited July 2009
    Okay - I have Farmers Ted and Lucy Acres ready to emabark on their new agrarian life :) Their starter house came in at $11,376 with a wall cost of $1,190 (gotta love basements!) Can we post our starter homes here... or would that be violating the spirit of the competition?

    Also, can we use a downloaded lot for our ultimate legacy house? WeaponX just posted up a fully functional vineyard (can you say Dream House!?! - but maybe that's just the **** (slang for avid wine drinker bleeped out here...)in me coming out :D) at I also have a great Victorian that I've been working on for a team build with Kristian4ever13 and IGotYouBabe1967 which I was thinking of using.

    Finally, do you we post up a "running total" at the end of each generation, or just at the end?

    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    AnimagaAnimaga Posts: 548 New Member
    edited July 2009
    Kit: You can post your starter home here if you want ^_^ It could actually help people having a hard time coming up with a good starter so Im all for it ;)

    Yes, you can download a lot for your family dream home. I was actually thinking about downloading one ehaught58 created because it's the perfect farm house. I just don't think it makes the budget. I haven't downloaded it yet, but he did a whole farm set and it's brilliant.

    Finally, you don't have to post a running total unless you want to. I'll update your score in the main post whenever you or anyone else playing along post it. But, if you want to wait until the end, to leave the total a suprise that's totally fine too. I suspect these numbers will be huge and the reveal at the end will be fun ^_^

    ~Animaga ^_^
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    Mikki101Mikki101 Posts: 302 New Member
    edited July 2009
    This sounds really cool, actually. I might try it after I do a few Legacy families. I havn't done any yet :P
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    EmilydynomiteEmilydynomite Posts: 144 New Member
    edited July 2009
    I'm SO doing this after i finish my legacy challenge.
    I ALWAYS farm and fish <3
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    AnimagaAnimaga Posts: 548 New Member
    edited July 2009
    Awesome! I honestly can't wait to see how this little project plays out for the rest of you.

    Im still running Gen 1, my gen 2 sims are both teens and right now farming is the major income for the family. I normally pick the boy of the bunch to carry the family on and I selected the 13 perfect fish life time achievement for him so with Gen 2 Im going to try fishing for the most part to see what I can pull in.
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    anniepksanniepks Posts: 561 Member
    edited July 2009

    Love the thought you've put into this and I can't wait to try it. It's third on my list.

    1) Finish Legacy Challenge (on gen3)
    2) Addict's Cinderella Challenge
    3) Animaga's Manplant'in Project Challenge

    I've been sick for the past week, or I would be further along on my Legacy Challenge.

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    AnimagaAnimaga Posts: 548 New Member
    edited July 2009
    Annie: Terrible to hear you've been sick =( That's never fun. I hope you start feeling better soon.
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    anniepksanniepks Posts: 561 Member
    edited July 2009
    Thanks Anamaga,

    It isn't fun and I have to go to the 5th Dr. today, but hopefully the specialist will get me feeling better enough to catch up on my sims. I've missed them, but playing is harder than building right now. Building is easier to pause, so I've been doing the forum and working on my builds. At least I'm being productive! :lol:

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    Kitkat7145Kitkat7145 Posts: 1,018 New Member
    edited July 2009
    Here is my starter home -


    Here are links to interior pics:

    It came in with a wall cost of $1960. I felt like I had too much money left over after the first draft, so I went back and did some landscaping. I have two versions - one for one founder and one for founder+spouse. The single person one is the same house just without the fence.

    They're available for download at:
    Starter for Two

    Starter for One

    Something I found from using the pre-made community lot - after one week of working/harvesting, my farmer had over $3000 worth of produce in his inventory :shock: Just a suggestion, but you may want to put some limitations on using the pre-made lot to make it more realistic. I'm going to limit my founder to one day of harvesting per week from the community lot for the first generation. The other days will just be tending, watering, etc. Then maybe bump it up a day for each succesive one? Open to suggestions...

    Oh, and do you mind if I use the project name when I post the lots to TSR? I can include a link to this post. Might drum up some more interest.
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    AnimagaAnimaga Posts: 548 New Member
    edited July 2009
    Cute starter ;) Kit.

    The wall cost, is simply that. The shacks walls must total (or come close) to the amount given. Thats why theres a list of other items to include in the shack.

    Hmmm, you may be right about the limiting that community lot. I expanded my starter home in the beginning so the money I was taking in was pretty much being spent as soon as I got it. Their house now has 4 bedrooms (Founder, 2 kids, grandparents room) and I upgraded all their stoves and what not.

    This is my first actual challenge posted and having no one to play test it with me (we all play differently right ^_^) didn't give me a whole lot to go by when creating the rules. If you're interested drop me an email with your thoughts and maybe we can flesh them out some more...before this challenge takes off.

    Im working on a job site incase you want to focus more on fishing. Im trying to get all the fish on the lot, but I noticed...deathfish sell for insane amounts. You catch 5, that's 1000 simolians. So, Im going to have to amend the rules for them as well.

    You can post your lots for this challenge anywhere you want ;) Pluggin' the challenge would be awesome. After hearing your comments on your progress though, I do think with a little feedback and working together, we can nail these rules down better and make the challenge a bit more difficult.

    ~Animaga ^_^
    Email -
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    AnimagaAnimaga Posts: 548 New Member
    edited July 2009
    Im going over the rules right now and making some changes ;) I'll repost them after and edit the ones in the orginal post.

    ~Animaga ^_^
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    AnimagaAnimaga Posts: 548 New Member
    edited July 2009
    UPDATE July 02, 2009
    Some changes have be made to the rules. All changes can be found in red text. This will be posted below, and edited in the original starting post.

    Apparently, the color code isn't working so the changes will be highlighted in a larger font size ;)

    The Manplant’in Project
    Legacy Challenge

    Basic Concept:
    It’s ridiculously easy to make money as a Sim these days. Careers pay big, and before you know it…your basic shack become a mansion in no time.

    But what would life be like if we went back to a simpler time? When the fields of Riverview and Sunset Valley were overflowing with fresh crops…and the fish were always biting. When man lived off the earth, and the things she provided for him.

    Proposal: Your challenge (should you accept) is to journey with a family through 10 generations without taking a career path. All funds must be gained through either gardening (selling produce) or fishing (selling the catch). There are a few other ways of bringing income into the home, but that will be explained later. There are also some restrictions and rules to follow. If you’re still interested, read on.

    Getting Started
    Creating Your Founder(s)
    -The look of your founder is totally up to you.
    -You may also choose to create a second founder (wife/husband).
    The only must have trait your founder (primary founder or both) must have is Technophobe. (This is to prevent you *ideally* from ever placing a computer or television in your legacy lot(s). Reading on, you will learn computers and televisions are banned from use in this challenge).

    Your legacy lot (Founding Lot)
    There are a few must haves that you will need to place on your founding lot before you actually begin playing your founder:
    -Pond (any size you wish *optional*)
    -Space for your garden to grow (*optional*)
    -$2,100 (wall cost) Shack, the shack must consist of:
    2 rooms (Bathroom, Living Area)
    Bathroom requirements
    Toilet, tub/shower, sink, mirror, 1 window (minimum), light source
    Living Area requirements
    Bed (double), dresser, bookshelf, couch, table with 2 chairs (minimum), stove, sink, 3 counters (minimum), fridge, garbage, 4 windows (minimum), light source, 2 doors (entrance to shack and entrance to bathroom)

    For this challenge you will need space for at least 4 types of lots: 2 residential, 2 community
    -Founding Lot - This is where you will start your journey and begin growing your family.
    -Legacy Dream Lot - This lot, contains the home your Legacy will end in. The dream home thought up by your original founder(s). Being able to afford and move into this home is an achievement. NOTE: This lot must be 150,000 simolina’s or more!
    -Job site - Where your legacy sims go to work! (I have uploaded “The Green Fields” for use as the Job Site, for those of you that do not wish to create your own. At the end of these rules, I’ll explain how to create your own job site should you wish to do so)
    -Family Graveyard- It is, what it is ;)

    Going to work
    Just like any other Sim with a career your farmer/fisherman must also get up with the chickens to earn his/her living. Between the hours of 9am to 3pm, send your founder(s) to the community lot you created (or the one I created) to harvest crops or do some fishing.

    Work Days Per Generation
    Gen 1 - 3: You may only visit the community lot to harvest plants or fish 1 day a week.
    Gen 4 - 5: You may now visit the community lot to harvest plants or fish 2 days a week.
    Gen 6 - 7: You may now visit the community lot to harvest plants or fish 3 days a week.
    Gen 8 - 10: You may now visit the community lot to harvest plants or fish 4 days a week.

    Work hours remain the same for every generation. You may choose which days of the week you “work” and which days you have “off.”

    If you continue playing past generation 10, all following generations follow Gen 8 - 10 work days.

    Once a house hold sim reaches the age status of Elder they may no longer visit the community lot to bring income into the home by farming or fishing.

    Building your fortune
    The primary source of income to your home must be through gardening or fishing. However, there are two other options you may choose for your partner (husband/wife depending on who your “main” founder is).
    Option 1
    -Painting-There’s more to the simple life than fishing and farming all the time! Here’s your chance to let out your creative side and get paid while doing it! There are a few rules you must abide by however…
    Paintings can ONLY be sold on Saturday or Sunday. The art gallery is rather picky about their selections and only make bids on paintings two days a week. Lucky you, you’re never turned down…regardless of your skill level. There is however a downside. To ensure the value of your paintings stay high for re-sale, they will only accept 1 painting on each day.
    So, if you choose for your spouse to be an artist they may only sell 2 paintings per week. One on Saturday, one on Sunday. You may paint as many paintings as you wish through the week, just be sure when you go to sell, you take a good look at what you’ll be getting for them!
    Option 2
    -Tips from playing the guitar- Through the “work week” (Monday thru Friday) you may choose to send your spouse to community lots to collect tips for playing the guitar between the hours of 3pm - 6pm.
    NOTE: You may choose to do BOTH if you wish. Just remember, you have a home and babies to take care of as well, and babysitters are pricey!

    Rules of Sale
    When selling produce/fish keep in mind the following:
    -The farmers market only accepts produce by the dozen. So you may only sell anything you’ve grown in stacks of 12. ((Due to the new work day changes, you may now sell produce after you return from the community lot, reguardless of how many you have stacked))
    -The fish merchants don’t really mind the quantity so much as they mind the freshness. You may sell fish at anytime, in any amount.
    -Paintings (again) can only be sold on Saturday and Sunday. 1 per day. (This rule applies PER Sim so if you have other artists in your home they may also sell 1 painting per day.)

    Not available for sale
    Any fish or plants grown/harvest/planted on your Founding or Dream lots. All those items must be put into your family fridge for personal use and cannot be sold to bring in family income.

    The Bread Winners
    Any Sim living on your founding or dream lot, may bring income into the home as long as it’s in one of the ways permitted.

    Time to move
    Children of your founders who aren’t chosen to be the next generations founder MUST move out of the lot once they reach the age status of Young Adult. These Sims can no longer provide income to the home. Ideally, you want to put them into a home in your town so their family members can still interact with them. You don’t have to do this, but it’s an option.

    Standard generation rules apply:
    Your founder(s) begins generation 1, the child you select directly fathered/born by(of) your founder begins generation 2, the child fathered/born by(of) the founder of generation 2 begins generation 3, so on and so forth. Generation 10 however, doesn’t officially “end” until your Gen 10 Sim reaches the age status of Young adult. That is when your official challenge is complete. If you choose to continue with your legacy past generation 10, awesome! Get to building an even more expensive dream home!

    Not permitted in this challenge-The first and most obvious, cheating of any kind. No money hacks, no skill building cheats, no aging off…etc.
    -Televisions and Computers aren’t permitted to be used by ANY of your founding sims. If possible, making them all Technophobes is recommended. It is allowed to use them by any other sim in the bloodline NOT in line to be a founder. Just remember, you cannot use these items to pull income in anyway into the family home.
    -Writing Novels and gaining income through royalties is not allowed.
    -No Sim living on your founding or dream lot can have an “official” career. All income must be obtained as stated earlier.
    -Money Trees are a no go kids. Don’t plant them, don’t harvest them.
    -Life Fruit can be harvested to SELL. Eating it, either as the fruit or in Ambrosia isn’t allowed.

    Set aging to normal ;)

    Scoring is going to be a little different here. Your score will be the combined number of plants harvested or fish caught from ALL your founding sims through 10 generations. Scoring only applies for founders and not their spouses. In Generation 1 you need to choose the “official” founding sim for scoring purposes if you choose to create a spouse. Record your gardening and fishing totals when your founder reaches the age status of Elder. Anything harvested or caught beyond that point doesn’t count as far as scoring, but still counts as income toward the home.

    Founding sims DO NOT move out of the home until they have passed on (this also includes their spouses). At which time you may move their headstones to the family graveyard.

    Im going to show you all the image of the lots I set aside for this challenge. I haven't filled in all the information on the legend yet, but here's the image as of now:


    Lot 4, is where I put my founding lot
    Lot 1, will be where I build their dream home
    Lot 2 and 3 are for "Job Sites"
    Lot 6, is where I put the family graveyard
    Lot 7 is a spare, I haven't done anything with it and probably wont.

    Lot 2 is where I have the farming job site I uploaded. Lot 3 is where Im working on the fishing job site.
    Post edited by Unknown User on

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