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New Sims Idea


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    TanyaRubiroseTanyaRubirose Posts: 11,033 Member
    edited October 2011
    MadamLee, Sims 3 is made in America, where being obese is both automatically the fault of the obese person and currently treated like something to be ashamed of. What the Danes do probably doesn't even factor in for EA.
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    JeramooJeramoo Posts: 229 New Member
    edited October 2011
    I often find your arguments interesting, Tanya. Must say though, your understanding of the law isn't exactly spot on though. Many of your statements and guesses on what could potentially happen have absolutely zero legal standing.
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    MadameLeeMadameLee Posts: 32,787 Member
    edited October 2011
    MadamLee, Sims 3 is made in America, where being obese is both automatically the fault of the obese person and currently treated like something to be ashamed of. What the Danes do probably doesn't even factor in for EA.

    and to some able-bodied people being disabled is under the excatly the same category (its the person's own fault). It IS a civil rights issue like the overweight, and same-sex people being allowed to married.

    I go to bowling every Monday and guess what I see? Disabled people (one in a wheelchair) bowling a couple of lanes away.

    Lets say we get rid of the "black" (actually brown) skin? Who would have a fit?

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    TanyaRubiroseTanyaRubirose Posts: 11,033 Member
    edited October 2011
    Jeramoo wrote:
    I often find your arguments interesting, Tanya. Must say though, your understanding of the law isn't exactly spot on though. Many of your statements and guesses on what could potentially happen have absolutely zero legal standing.

    It's civil court we're mostly talking about. A lot of what is law doesn't actually apply there, and it's more the current opinion of the court system and how well people can argue a case than whether or not they have a legal leg to stand on. As long as they are not violating some law by filing the suit, it's pretty much up to the arguments and the people judging it (usually a jury), most of whom are going to be biased by personal opinion to some degree. That's how that one person won so much money for suing over hot coffee and why it is that the current opinion of the court is against people who are overweight.

    So, yeah. Legal standing in a criminal court and legal standing in a civil court are about like comparing apples and zebras. You can plant an apple and potentially get an apple tree. You try that with a zebra and you just committed an act of animal cruelty.

    Also, disabled people tend to be more sympathetic than corporations.

    Isn't it fun to know that the law doesn't matter as much as the opinions of twelve people in this case? As long as the jury doesn't break what few regulations apply to them, of course.

    Though, I must congratulate you; you're the first person to point out that, from the actual laws of the land, my stance is based on thin air.
    MadameLee wrote:
    and to some able-bodied people being disabled is under the excatly the same category (its the person's own fault). It IS a civil rights issue like the overweight, and same-sex people being allowed to married.

    I go to bowling every Monday and guess what I see? Disabled people (one in a wheelchair) bowling a couple of lanes away.

    Lets say we get rid of the "black" (actually brown) skin? Who would have a fit?

    The problem with arguing that being overweight is a civil rights issue is that you have a massive public health issue being argued against it. Is one person's liberty more important than the health of the entire populace? Are you or I even qualified to judge? That's the problem being faced with obesity in the discrimination against people who are obese; the reasons behind the discrimination are, to the public, medically valid and actually for a good reason.

    Oh, and getting rid of that one skin tone might get EA sued by the NAACP and the ACLU. And they'd have a good standing for a chance to win.
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    MadameLeeMadameLee Posts: 32,787 Member
    edited October 2011
    I mean isn't Sims 3 suppose to be about customizing houses/sims the way WE want to?

    But how can we if there isn't anything like wheelchairs..sure we have canes for we are getting close to disabilities. and Yes I'm aware of the problems adding disabled sims to the game would have..which I already mentioned.

    I mean yes there will be people who would be mean and write stories if they create disabled people but that's their problem..not ours.

    disabled people live just as normal life as you&I do sure they have changelles but can you name one group (minority or not) who doesn't have changelles in this world?

    (lets pretend we take out all the disabled (both genders) , overweight, African-American/European/Canadian, and Asian, same-sex, people..who is left?

    Ok I can name one..that does Caucasian able-bodied men. But all the others groups, Women, disabled people of both genders, same-sex people, African-(whatever...American/Canadian/European/Asian), Asians, etc all face changelles, whether it be racism, prejudice, or gender discrimination.
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    TanyaRubiroseTanyaRubirose Posts: 11,033 Member
    edited October 2011
    MadameLee wrote:
    I mean isn't Sims 3 suppose to be about customizing houses/sims the way WE want to?

    The way we want to within limitations. Otherwise, it'd be rated M or AO.
    But how can we if there isn't anything like wheelchairs..sure we have canes for we are getting close to disabilities. and Yes I'm aware of the problems adding disabled sims to the game would have..which I already mentioned.

    I mean yes there will be people who would be mean and write stories if they create disabled people but that's their problem..not ours.

    disabled people live just as normal life as you&I do sure they have changelles but can you name one group (minority or not) who doesn't have changelles in this world?

    (lets pretend we take out all the disabled (both genders) , overweight, African-American/European/Canadian, and Asian, same-sex, people..who is left?

    Ok I can name one..that does Caucasian able-bodied men. But all the others groups, Women, disabled people of both genders, same-sex people, African-(whatever...American/Canadian/European/Asian), Asians, etc all face changelles, whether it be racism, prejudice, or gender discrimination.

    ... You're pulling a Chewbacca Defense. And you're doing it subtly at that. And I let myself get dragged partway into it. MadamLee, I must admit I am quite impressed.

    That said, you mentioned a lot of groups who could sue successfully for being removed from the game, and my whole point is not performing changes that are very likely not to get EA sued successfully. The disabled are just one of a few groups who'd have reason to sue for being included. And, quite frankly, one of the groups that likely has a majority opposing their addition, thus making a lawsuit even more likely.

    So, since you are arguing that we shouldn't do anything which should get EA sued and I am arguing that we shouldn't do anything which should get EA sued, we're arguing the same case. Thus, we both win; all of those people shouldn't be removed, disabled shouldn't be added, EA lawyers have one less lawsuit to worry about.

    Well, shall we pack this one up and head to the next?
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    jeanamariex3jeanamariex3 Posts: 1,274
    edited October 2011
    So we have cane for elders, why not electric scooters? They can chase those kids down if they're super cranky. :lol:
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    Jarsie9Jarsie9 Posts: 12,714 Member
    edited October 2011
    Disability doesn't sell. Despite your examples (and I believe I was the one who mentioned Chris Burke to you in the first place in that *other* necro-monster thread), it makes no difference, and stop trying to pull the discrimination card in order to try to shame us into agreeing with you. Your examples are just plain silly and I'm not playing that game with you now or ever.

    The bottom line is this: Many of the people on this forum who seem to think that this is a great idea, so cool, etc. etc. will not be thinking it was such a great idea once they encountered it in the game that they're supposed to be trying to enjoy. Let's face it, able-bodied people are downright uncomfortable with wheelchair bound people because they're either thinking "There, but for the grace of God go I", or they're thinking: "It could happen to me", when they encounter someone who was paralyzed through Christopher Reeve, for example (May he rest in peace).

    Becky is no longer being sold in store shelves; she's not even being offered on eBay. My daughter even has *her* Becky stored away somewhere; other than getting her simply as a collectable, she never ever identified with Becky. And as I mentioned before, Fisher-Price has discontinued the Little Red Schoolhouse, etc...even those that had wheelchair bound Little People in it.

    If THAT doesn't tell you something, I don't know what else does...unless it's to tell you that the day EA puts even ONE Sim in a wheelchair and uses that one Sim to represent *all* disabled people, that will be the beginning of the end for the Sims franchise. because most people will walk away from anything that makes them uncomfortable, and this is no exception.
    EA Marketing Department Motto:
    "We Don't Care If You LIKE The Game, Just As Long As You BUY The Game!"
    I Disapprove (Naturally)
    I Took The Pledge!
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    TanyaRubiroseTanyaRubirose Posts: 11,033 Member
    edited October 2011
    Jarsie, she's using a Chewbacca Defense with the discrimination. Look it up. Specifically, the entry on TV Tropes.
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    MadameLeeMadameLee Posts: 32,787 Member
    edited October 2011
    Jarise9 you didn't dismiss Sesame Street.

    Martin Luther King's "I HAVE A DREAM" Speech could just as easily applied to Disabled people (with a few changes) as it does to African-Americans.

    I think EA could start off with just letting teens-through adults (i.e. not just limit it to elders) have the option of canes and maybe as a FREE item in the store they could have a harness that guide dogs uses?

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    VermatrixVermatrix Posts: 946 New Member
    edited October 2011
    Well, first off Sims 3 was never ment to be a 100% true representation of real life. Some sites call it a life simulator but thats not true, it's a people simulator. Half the stuff on there is fantasy. Anyway ever since the base game, they have churned out broken pack after broken pack, piling glitch on top of glitch, sure they made patchs and fixed a lot of it but theres still some stuff thats broken. I say fix that stuff then work on new content :thumbup:
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    MadameLeeMadameLee Posts: 32,787 Member
    edited October 2011
    and I'm still waiting for an answer to the question of how would just adding wheelchairs, guide dog harness for dogs, letting teens-adults also have canes make the game M rated? We aren't asking for gore, or Teens and *you* know, and we are NOT asking for accidents either that makes a sim become disabled.

    I know for a fact that in Sims 2 someone created a wheelchair but sadly it could only work outside the house.

    and someone has created a "ramp" but its only for decoration.
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    TanyaRubiroseTanyaRubirose Posts: 11,033 Member
    edited October 2011
    MadameLee wrote:
    Martin Luther King's "I HAVE A DREAM" Speech could just as easily applied to Disabled people (with a few changes) as it does to African-Americans.

    Except that disabled people have legally-allowed equality in real life. Sorry, doesn't apply.
    I think EA could start off with just letting teens-through adults (i.e. not just limit it to elders) have the option of canes and maybe as a FREE item in the store they could have a harness that guide dogs uses?

    How about 'no?' Last time I asked anyone blind about it, they...

    Actually, posting what they had to say about us even considering it would break forum rules, probably count as a felony act, and might actually violate a couple of international treaties.

    It's never a good sign when you show a lawyer a copy of a statement, ask if it's okay to send it to others with that person's permission, and the lawyer immediately leaves for an indefinite leave of absence in a foreign nation conveniently located in the other hemisphere.
    MadameLee wrote:
    and I'm still waiting for an answer to the question of how would just adding wheelchairs, guide dog harness for dogs, letting teens-adults also have canes make the game M rated? We aren't asking for gore, or Teens and *you* know, and we are NOT asking for accidents either that makes a sim become disabled.

    You're waiting on an answer to a question I am certain you know perfectly well is irrelevant. Stop attempting to distract with side issues.

    And, yes, the rating, whether changed or not, is irrelevant in this case. That does happen.
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    MadameLeeMadameLee Posts: 32,787 Member
    edited October 2011
    the rating DOES apply since that's one of the major arguments AGAINST not adding disablties. "it will make the Game become M rated"

    and blind people do play games too.

    and disabled people are discrimated against as much as African-Americans, Asians, same-sex couples and women are discrimated against in the Western World that is.

    since some people think that just because they're in a wheelchair..or use some item or other..that they're less then a person then an able bodied people.

    oh BTW those other groups I mentioned have legal-equity rights too. but that doesn't stop people from being racist, or discriminating aganist them now?

    and yes Jarise I have contacted those organisation.. Should I also contact Toronto Star when I'm at it?
    The first is that Sims do 90% of their tasks while standing. So every one of those animations would need to be redone. That would take a lot of time and some of them - like cooking - would be difficult to manage successfully

    ^this argument doesn't work anymore

    Maybe we should stop having these debates..and try to think of how EA could
    included disablties into the game without offending the disabled people.

    How do blind people get around? two ways either w/ dog or with a cane..and I only know that from stuff I seen on TV or read in books.

    and technically any of the traits could be used for a disabled sim as well as able-bodied sim.

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    ConorsimConorsim Posts: 5,890 Member
    edited October 2011
    You're losing the battle here, MadameLee. You're never going to win the war either.
    MadameLee wrote:
    Maybe we should stop having these debates..and try to think of how EA could
    included disablties into the game without offending the disabled people.

    Indeed. Everyone else is trying to, but you seem persistent to cough it all back up again. :|

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    TanyaRubiroseTanyaRubirose Posts: 11,033 Member
    edited October 2011
    MadameLee wrote:
    the rating DOES apply since that's one of the major arguments AGAINST not adding disablties. "it will make the Game become M rated"

    and blind people do play games too.

    Who brought up the idea of it raising the rating? For that matter, why are you arguing it now when, really, it's not relevant?

    And, yes, they do. Last few I talked to don't want anything to do with playing a blind person.
    and disabled people are discrimated against as much as African-Americans, Asians, same-sex couples and women are discrimated against in the Western World that is.

    And not a single one of those groups shares the same level of discrimination across the board. And that's avoiding getting into the complexities of the issue, which would only spawn an even more vicious argument than I bet you're prepared for.
    since some people think that just because they're in a wheelchair..or use some item or other..that they're less then a person then an able bodied people.

    oh BTW those other groups I mentioned have legal-equity rights too. but that doesn't stop people from being racist, or discriminating aganist them now?

    Nor does it stop those groups from discriminating against others. Removing same-sex couples from the list leaves you with a list of areas where the discrimination is a set of two-way streets; what keeps it from ending is that it exists on both sides of the divide and neither side is willing to end it as long as they have some memory of the distant past, or even fresh fuel for the fire, to cling to as a basis for the continued discrimination. Until humanity is willing to grow up or suffers one massive case of collective amnesia, none of that discrimination is going to end.

    Personally, I vote for collective amnesia. It prevents people from regressing.

    Incidentally, by using this as a cornerstone of your argument and equating disabled people to those groups, you're effectively arguing that disabled people discriminate enough against non-disabled to create a scenario where the discrimination is self-reinforcing; that argument is invalid due to the fact it does not match real-life data. It also is actually an argument typically used for discriminating against the disabled. You've stared so much into the Abyss that you are repeating its words.
    Maybe we should stop having these debates..and try to think of how EA could
    included disablties into the game without offending the disabled people.


    So in other words, you want to stop having this debate... so that you can have this debate? What do you think Jarsie and I have been talking about this entire time? Or did you think that the issue of "oh, hey, this is going to offend quite a few disabled to the point they'll file suit against EA" is somehow unrelated to that?

    The answer is... you can't do this without offending people. You can't do this without offending a lot of people. And you certainly can't do this without offending enough disabled people for the lawsuit against EA to be huge. It's not a case of finding a right way to do it; a right way to do it would, no matter what, involve not doing it in Sims 3, or any game to follow, at all. The very nature of the Sims series makes it impossible.
    How do blind people get around? two ways either w/ dog or with a cane..and I only know that from stuff I seen on TV or read in books.

    There's also occular implants for a few; in essence, implants that restore eyesight. However, it's a very new and extremely experimental technology that only a few people are actually compatible with. They're hoping to have full cybernetic eyes as possible within the next twenty or thirty years.
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    MadameLeeMadameLee Posts: 32,787 Member
    edited October 2011
    no one is answering the question...about why the rating would change when we're only asking for OPTIONAL stuff.

    No one has had a cow yet about elderly being able to use a cane now have they? No because its why cant the cane be option for the other age groups? Since isn't (I know I shouldn't use stereotypes but its for popular culture) is either sun glass +cane or Sunglass+guide dog.

    But a person in a wheelchair, blind or deaf. Can just be as over emotionalism, evil/mean/childish, dramatic (ok they would need to change the "pass out" action for that one trait since a sim in a wheelchair can't pass out) as a non-disabled person.

    Also there is the problems of jobs..depending on which town you play in the jobs are more limited. (I.E. if you play in Sunset Valley you disabled sim wouldn't be able to become a poltican because he/she can't get up the steps. But if you play in Riverview that said sim could become a poltican)

    But there have been tons of disabled people in the past who had successful lives despite of their ability.

    Name one famous person from the past and I can tell you his/her Disabltiy

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    TanyaRubiroseTanyaRubirose Posts: 11,033 Member
    edited October 2011
    MadameLee wrote:
    no one is answering the question...about why the rating would change when we're only asking for OPTIONAL stuff.

    No one is answering the question because the question is completely irrelevant to the topic. Stop bringing it up when it's not even an issue.
    No one has had a cow yet about elderly being able to use a cane now have they? No because its why cant the cane be option for the other age groups? Since isn't (I know I shouldn't use stereotypes but its for popular culture) is either sun glass +cane or Sunglass+guide dog.

    How about "even blind people don't want to play blind people?"
    But a person in a wheelchair, blind or deaf. Can just be as over emotionalism, evil/mean/childish, dramatic (ok they would need to change the "pass out" action for that one trait since a sim in a wheelchair can't pass out) as a non-disabled person.

    Yeah, and those portrayals draw a lot of complaints and even protests in things a lot less serious than Sims 3. Not a good idea.
    Also there is the problems of jobs..depending on which town you play in the jobs are more limited. (I.E. if you play in Sunset Valley you disabled sim wouldn't be able to become a poltican because he/she can't get up the steps. But if you play in Riverview that said sim could become a poltican)

    But there have been tons of disabled people in the past who had successful lives despite of their ability.

    Whether or not people in real life have successful lives is irrelevant to the fact this shouldn't be included because it's guaranteed to get EA sued by a large number of disabled people. Thus, it shouldn't be done.

    Also, that bit about jobs? Yeah, now you're arguing they should alter the base game pretty heavily, which EA won't do.
    Name one famous person from the past and I can tell you his/her Disabltiy

    Fine. Masamune. What disability did he supposedly have?
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    MadameLeeMadameLee Posts: 32,787 Member
    edited October 2011
    I can't answer for that one dude..since we mostly only know legends about him.

    I suggest you go to TV tropes type in "Handicapped Bada.🐸🐸🐸🐸. and then in the categories-> "Real Life". Then you will see what I mean.

    And EA could just as easily get sued for not putting them in.
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    ConorsimConorsim Posts: 5,890 Member
    edited October 2011
    MadameLee wrote:
    Name one famous person from the past and I can tell you his/her Disabltiy

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    VermatrixVermatrix Posts: 946 New Member
    edited October 2011
    mk everyone, break, go to your neutral corners, when the bell rings come out swinging again. :lol: Just out of curiosity why is this such an important, make or break issue? Was wondering because there are other things that could really add to the fun of the game that they could be adding, alternativly, they could be working on patchs to fix what bugs are still left to work out. :?
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    TanyaRubiroseTanyaRubirose Posts: 11,033 Member
    edited October 2011
    MadameLee wrote:
    I can't answer for that one dude..since we mostly only know legends about him.

    I suggest you go to TV tropes type in "Handicapped Bada.🐸🐸🐸🐸. and then in the categories-> "Real Life". Then you will see what I mean.

    And EA could just as easily get sued for not putting them in.

    If EA were going to get sued over it, they'd have been sued by now.
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    MadameLeeMadameLee Posts: 32,787 Member
    edited October 2011
    @conor..that greek guy had a stutter.

    @Vermatirx--its a big deal..since its a big deal...since its two camps aganist simlair two camps.

    disabled and able-bodied people against have disablties in the game V.s.
    those people who are disabled and able bodied groups who want the option to have disablties in the game. That's the big deal.

    Maybe the organization just assumed that EA would put wheelchairs into Sims 3 at least?
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    TanyaRubiroseTanyaRubirose Posts: 11,033 Member
    edited October 2011
    Vermatrix wrote:
    mk everyone, break, go to your neutral corners, when the bell rings come out swinging again. :lol: Just out of curiosity why is this such an important, make or break issue? Was wondering because there are other things that could really add to the fun of the game that they could be adding, alternativly, they could be working on patchs to fix what bugs are still left to work out. :?

    Because this issue could get EA sued heavily, potentially with an end to the Sims franchise?

    Pretty much, it hit on a hot-button issue EA has been trying to avoid for awhile.
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    Streetdival01Streetdival01 Posts: 717 New Member
    edited October 2011
    Why all the fuss and debate over an admittedly disabled person merely wanting the tools to make herself properly ? Is this so different from the threads where people want to be able to make realistic looking fat people ? The issue is a non issue , to me , and people are getting too emotional over it. FYI - My mother is in a wheelchair and it would be nice to make her as she is because like it or not the chair is part of her.
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