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New Create a Sim Contest-Historical Hero


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    TojaxTojax Posts: 5,076 Member
    edited October 2011
    Bump :)

    I'm working on my entry :mrgreen:
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    Katers0303Katers0303 Posts: 240
    edited October 2011
    Yay! I can't wait to see! :mrgreen:
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    elasticgirlelasticgirl Posts: 1,200
    edited October 2011
    Hi! I would LOVE to do this contest!
    Now when you say no CC do you mean I cannot use content I download from other websites? (i.e. Lianasims)? Also would you like me to put the sim in the exchange and link it to your page or the forum?
    Thank you so much!

    P.s. This is a really cool contest... I have several historical characters in mind... :)
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    llynnyiallynnyia Posts: 2,251 New Member
    edited October 2011
    My Entry!
    Queen Elizabeth Tudor Gloriana! Long live the queen!


    I chose Queen Elizabeth because she is a powerful woman in a time where only men held true power, she not only claimed it she kept it. She changed the world with her patronage to the arts and helped bring about the Renaissance era! without her there would be no Shakespeare or at least he wouldn't be so well known!

    As this was very far back in history all the clothing had to be updated
    for her everyday clothing i chose to try and replicate her "peacock gown" her hair in a french hat which she was renound for loving french fashion.

    her formal i chose a gown that let me show off a royal color, scarlet brocade. her hair is in a approximation of the hair style seen above.

    for sleepwear she is wearing an Ermin lined sleeping gown in royal blue

    athletic - even when getting some exercise she still had to look her best and tennis was a period sport though played slightly different.

    Swimwear- silk brocade though it was rumored she could not swim!

    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    Katers0303Katers0303 Posts: 240
    edited October 2011
    By custom content I mean nothing that cannot be found in an EP, base game, SP, Dr.Pepper or on the store. I don't want anything from other websites, sorry.
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    Katers0303Katers0303 Posts: 240
    edited October 2011
    Wow! I love the first entry!

    Could you add some screenshots of her outfits? I'm going to quick update the rule asking for that. I think it'll make it easier to judge. :)

    Thank you!!!
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    llynnyiallynnyia Posts: 2,251 New Member
    edited October 2011
    :cry: i cant! :cry: i didn't save her after i uploaded though you can see more images by clicking the image tab below the description area.
    Katers0303 wrote:
    Wow! I love the first entry!

    Could you add some screenshots of her outfits? I'm going to quick update the rule asking for that. I think it'll make it easier to judge. :)

    Thank you!!!
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    wh0car3swh0car3s Posts: 1,291 New Member
    edited October 2011
    I’m working on my entry. Quick question how long would you like the explanation to be?
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    Katers0303Katers0303 Posts: 240
    edited October 2011
    llynnyia wrote:
    :cry: i cant! :cry: i didn't save her after i uploaded though you can see more images by clicking the image tab below the description area.
    Katers0303 wrote:
    Wow! I love the first entry!

    Could you add some screenshots of her outfits? I'm going to quick update the rule asking for that. I think it'll make it easier to judge. :)

    Thank you!!!

    No a problem! I'll go play with her now to see her in action. :)
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    Katers0303Katers0303 Posts: 240
    edited October 2011
    wh0car3s wrote:
    I’m working on my entry. Quick question how long would you like the explanation to be?

    However long you feel it needs to be. I don't really care as long as you feel you explained. If you give me a 500 page novel, I may have some issues. :P
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    TojaxTojax Posts: 5,076 Member
    edited October 2011
    @ llynnyia: Elizabeth I looks amazing! Great reinterpretation :)
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    llynnyiallynnyia Posts: 2,251 New Member
    edited October 2011
    Thank you it was just a quicky but i had fun and that's the whole point!
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    snowdove58snowdove58 Posts: 1,699 Member
    edited October 2011
    Helen Keller is my choice for a historical hero. She was born in 1887 and with the help of Annie Sullivan learned sign language, and how to speak. Her accomplishments are too many to list, but many books she wrote, college degrees, & organizations she belonged to are just a few. She proved you can overcome despite disabilities and is a great inspiration to all of us. The reason I chose her is because I know other overcomers. My father was born deaf in 1920 and no school was available. My grandmother aquired booklets to teach the deaf and taught him herself. He worked as a pressman for a newspaper and later was also given the job to set type. He never stopped learning words . My sister and I helped if he asked. My mother lost her sight in her 60's, My husband sister went blind in her early 40's, and retired for about 10 minutes. She works with the lions club and the red cross. I chose a teen aged Helen. Most of her pictures I found are side views. screenshot_original.jpgscreenshot_original.jpgscreenshot_original.jpg
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    TojaxTojax Posts: 5,076 Member
    edited October 2011
    @ snowdove58: I love your choice of hero :D Helen Keller really had to overcome a lot in her life... I've always found it fascinating how Annie Sullivan managed to first make a connection with her and then helped her overcome her setback.

    Well, here's my entry :)


    Username: Tojax

    Historical Hero: Annie Oakley


    Description: Phoebe Ann Mosey aka Annie Oakley (1866-1922) was an American sharpshooter and exhibition shooter. She made her way to fame during her career as a performer in Buffalo Bill's Wild West show. Annie went down in history as one of the best female shooters, able to split a playing card and pierce it a number of times before it hit the ground :)

    When I was little, my family went on a road trip to the US. Somewhere on the way we picked up a colouring book about women in the wild west... I loved it! Not only did it have pretty pictures that I could colour in, but it had a decent portion of text in it as well :P There were biographies of many famous (or infamous) old west ladies: Calamity Jane, Belle Starr, Cattle Kate, Ruth Scantlin... I remember that Annie Oakley was one of the heroines that intrigued me the most. After all, she was considered one of the most talented shooters of the time. She managed to succeed in a domain that was considered strictly an area of male expertise :P

    Note: I'd like to dedicate Annie to nedswife who gifted me the dress, which inspired me to create this lovely wild west lady :)




    Annie's outfit is based on the coloured version of this poster:

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    Sandrachen87Sandrachen87 Posts: 263 New Member
    edited October 2011
    OMG, I'm obssesed with history!!! Can I please join in?? Also how many entries is each person allowed to do? One?? Ah, I'm so excited :-D
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    Katers0303Katers0303 Posts: 240
    edited October 2011
    Wow! I'm blown away by everyone.

    And jump on in, Sandrachen87, the more the merrier. You get one entry so choose wisely. :)
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    safersavioursafersaviour Posts: 507 Member
    edited October 2011
    ... I'm going to have a go at this. I rarely enter contests, but this one was too cool to resist.

    I knew I'd have to go way back for my choice but there are so many great figures from the ancient world that narrowing my choice was still hard. I eventually narrowed it down to two: Artemisia I of Caria and Queen Hatshepsut. I went with the latter because of how she was treated after her reign...

    Hatshepsut was not the first female ruler of Egypt, but female rulers were still uncommon and so Hatshepsut chose to present herself in a strong, masculine manner. She even wore the traditional fake beard of the pharaohs! She led successful military campains and established important trade routes but is most known for her extensive building projects. Her tomb is the centerpiece of ther Deir el-Bahari complex and the position of the Valley of the Kings is as such due to subsequent pharoahs wishing to associate their temples and tombs with the glory of hers.

    She died in pain and bedridden of either bone cancer or an infection of the bloodstream via a tooth infection.

    After her death, her successor tried to wipe her from the annals of history. He smashed royal sigils bearing her name, had her image chiselled from walls and tore down her statues. In later ages, it was assumed Hatshepsut was a co-regent only but eventually history was corrected to show that she was pharaoh in her own right. They found her mummy (which had been moved) in 2007.


    Creating Hatshepsut for the Sims required me to update her quite a bit. Sadly the Sims doesn't come with too many ancient costumes, but there are a few throwbacks to the glory of ancient Egypt. The first is her hair, which is mostly wigs and the second is the colour palette, which is blue and gold. Since false beards would be out of place in the Sims 3, I've put Hatshepsut in pants to represent the way she presented herself. Her only outfit without them is the shirt which she sleeps in.

    It's now nearing 4am, so you may have to wait a bit for your screenies, hope you don't mind! ^.^

    EDIT: I'm totally going to have to grab Lizzie sometime on account of her being another awesome, successful female monarch. If I do go back and make Artemisia, I shall put them all in a house together... though they'd probably just fight over who'd get to be 'the boss' xDD
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    elasticgirlelasticgirl Posts: 1,200
    edited October 2011
    Username: Elasticgirl
    Historical Character: Pocahontas

    Pocahontas was born in the 1500's in Virginia. The daughter of Chief Powhatan, Pocahontas was a Native American princess who helped the colonial settlers in Jamestown. Eventually she married John Rolfe and lived in London where she became another womanly figure. Pocahontas is most famous for saving the life of Captain John Smith when he was captured by tribe members. It is believed she was in love with John Smith but when he was wounded and sent back to England Pocahontas was told he was dead.
    I chose Pocahontas as my historical character since she showed from the very beginning how women play an important role in the survival and life of Americans. Without Pocahontas and her persuasions to her father to protect and aid the English settlers, Jamestown might never have been settled and America might never have been the same.

    Please do not copy and use her as your own entry!

    Thank you,




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    safersavioursafersaviour Posts: 507 Member
    edited October 2011
    Can I ask where Pocahontas got that earring? I'd like it and it's not in my game...
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    TojaxTojax Posts: 5,076 Member
    edited October 2011
    Wow, awesome entries elasticgirl and safersaviour :mrgreen:
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    gr1zzlygr1zzly Posts: 7,566 Member
    edited October 2011
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    Katers0303Katers0303 Posts: 240
    edited October 2011
    elasticgirl, was there CC in there? I didn't recognize some of the clothes/jewelry she was wearing. Can you please let me know where they're from?
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    elasticgirlelasticgirl Posts: 1,200
    edited October 2011
    Hi! So I believe the earrings are from the store-- I got them a long time ago so I don't really remember XD
    I know for sure all the clothing are from the store. The only CC is the blue and black necklace she is wearing (sorry but I couldn't find anything else that might fit :/ ).
    I hope that helps and I'm sorry but I just realized reading back that no CC was allowed. XD
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    Sandrachen87Sandrachen87 Posts: 263 New Member
    edited October 2011
    I love the entries so far!! I also found it really hard to just choose on. It's nice to see that all entries so far are women as they tend to fall a bit short in history books :-)

    I chose Jeanne D'Arc. I'm not religious myself but I admire her braveness and conviction to fight for her country at a time when women had no rights. Despite her young age and the risk of being arrested she put on man's clothes and joined the war against England. Without her it is doubtful that France would have successfully seen off the British Army. Sadly her short live came to a brutal end when she was captured and burned on the stake for being a witch and the French King at the time did not come to her aid despite her having won the war for him.

    Here is the link to her wikipedia entry if anyone wants to know more about the actual history rather than the legend:

    In order to make her Sim version I used pictures of her drawn at a later time (she refused to sit for a potrait) and accounts of what she would looked like (tanned skin, darker hair). Her day outfit and sports wear are clothes that she would have worn whilst not in amour but I still gave her dress for the evening wear. I chose red as a colour as she war reported to wear it and it was part of her banner colour and white as she chose to be a virgin.





    And that's what she gets up to when I'm not watching :mrgreen:


    And here is the link for the download:
    aaaaaaaahhhhhhh, now I have the problem that the launcher says it's uploaded but it doesn't show in my studio :( I'll send the link as soon as I can :cry:

    Hope you like her and I cannot wait to see more entries!!! :D
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    TojaxTojax Posts: 5,076 Member
    edited October 2011
    Ha! I love how this contest is leaning towards "herstory" instead of "history" :mrgreen: Sorry for the feminist babble, but I love seeing the underdogs (in this case women) reclaim what should have also been theirs :wink: :P

    @ Sandrachen87: Your Jeanne D'Arc looks a lot like I imagined her :) I especially like the first picture of your sim. Jeanne is dressed to lead an army :mrgreen:
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