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A Cinderella Story--Playing challenge with rules and scoring guide. Rewards creators, too.

addict1220addict1220 Posts: 3,778 New Member
edited March 8 in Nominated Threads
Once upon a time there was a sim named Cinderella (or Cindy, or whatever else you choose to call her.) Cinderella lived with her evil stepmother and stepsisters, Anastasis and Drusella. After the death of her father, Cinderella was forced to do all of the cooking and cleaning for the family. She was not allowed to use any of their possessions. She was very much alone.

Your task is to help Cinderella through the stages of life. Three stages, to be exact: childhood, the teen years, and adulthood. [There are two optional stages you may choose to play as well. You can play one, both, or neither of these, if you prefer.] Each stage has its own goal: childhood, to finish childhood with at least an A average in school and build as many skills as possible; teen years, to meet and become best friends with her Fairy Godmother and maintain at least an A average in school; and adulthood, to meet her “Prince Charming,” fall in love, and move out.

In “Steps to Begin,” you will find information on how to get set up for the challenge. In “Challenge Details,” you will learn the rules, restrictions on Cinderella, age-specific goals, and details about the role of Cinderella’s Fairy Godmother. “Scoring Points” is a guide for those who wish to keep track and compare with others how well they have fared. And finally, “Optional Stages” provides rules for two extra stages, toddler and elder, for those who may want a longer, slightly more difficult challenge.
This is my first playing challenge, so please let me know what I can do to improve it. Thanks so much for reading!
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    addict1220addict1220 Posts: 3,778 New Member
    edited July 2009
    Steps to Begin:
    Create Cinderella’s Family
    1. Create a family in CAS. The family should consist of one mother and her two daughters (who should be children.) You should also have a third child, Cinderella, who is unrelated to the rest of the family. ( If you are playing the optional toddler stage, precede the same as above, except make all three girls toddlers instead of children. Also create Cinderella’s father.)
    2. For wardrobe, the stepmother and her daughters should have stylish hair and expensive clothing/any style they want. Cinderella’s hair, clothes, and makeup must look as humble as possible.
    3. For characteristics, the stepmother should have at least the evil and no sense of humor traits. The sisters should have the mean-spirited and snob traits. To make the challenge harder, also make the stepmother and her daughters slobs. Disperse Cinderella’s personality traits as you see fit.
    Create Cinderella’s Fairy Godmother
    1. Cinderella’s Fairy Godmother should be an adult or elder sim created in a separate household. Once you create her, please keep her in the sim bin until Cinderella becomes a teen. Then you should place her in the neighborhood so she will begin being seen around town.
    2. For wardrobe and makeup, give the Fairy Godmother a look that is a little out of the ordinary.
    3. The Fairy Godmother should have the good, charismatic, and friendly traits. You may pick the others.
    Create the Home for Cinderella and Her Family
    1. Select a medium or large lot, depending on your preference and your computer’s capabilities.
    2. The home should have two sections. One section should be lavish and expensive with all the best of everything (or at least what you think looks the best together). This section will house the stepmother and sisters. Their cashflow is unlimited, so have fun here!
    3. The second section is for Cinderella. This may be part of the house or a separate little shack/home detached and somewhere else on the property. The cost of this section/little house AND all of Cinderella’s garden items (see number 4) must not exceed $10,000. This includes the cost of walls. You may use Create-a-Style on some cheaper walls and floors to save some money or use cc that looks really run-down. This part of the house is the only place where Cinderella can relax, eat, bathe, skillbuild, and entertain guests, so choose your items and furnishings wisely. This portion of the home must include all the necessary items for cooking and eating as well as bathing and going to the restroom. If you want Cinderella to develop skills in a certain area, make sure her home has these necessary items as well. The home itself can be one large room or a mini home. Once she outgrows an item, she may sell it off; but keep in mind while building that this home should suit her into adulthood, and even though she can sell things off, the prices depreciate considerably.
    4. Create a special garden for Cinderella. This could be next to a door that leads from Cinderella’s little house/wing or a little deeper into the property. You may use as much money as you like on the plants and flowers for this section. Any furnishings or other decorations for the garden must come out of Cinderella’s $10,000 budget.
    Create the Home for the Fairy Godmother
    1. [Note: You don’t have to do this right away, because the Fairy Godmother doesn’t get placed in the neighborhood until Cinderella is a teen.] This home can be as big or small as you like. Again, try to give it just a bit of a different look so that it stands out as a little unique.
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    addict1220addict1220 Posts: 3,778 New Member
    edited June 2009
    Challenge Details:
    General Rules:

    No cheating for Cinderella. (ie. obvious things like agingoff are not allowed, but also you must not do things like buying items and selling them back the same day, keeping just one book off of the shelf, etc.) If you pause to ask, “Is this cheating?” it probably is.

    No aspiration rewards for Cinderella. These things don’t exist in real-life. Funny, given this is a challenge based on a fairy tale.
    No influencing family members to do chores, etc.

    No extra money except Cinderella’s $5 “wages” per day. You will need to keep a tally throughout the challenge of how much money she has so you know how much she can spend.

    Unlimited money for the stepmother and stepsisters. You don’t need to keep track of their money and you can motherlode as much as you want for them; just be sure you know how much of it belongs to Cinderella. The stepmother and sisters, unlike Cinderella, may also use any aspiration points they build.

    The stepmother and sisters may work if you want them to, but they are lazy. If you just want a few less bodies to keep track of a few hours a day, that is fine.

    The family may hire gardeners and repair people. For a harder challenge, have Cinderella perform these chores, too.
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    addict1220addict1220 Posts: 3,778 New Member
    edited July 2011
    Stage One: Childhood

    Goal: To finish childhood with at least an A average and build as many skills as possible.

    Restrictions: Cinderella must complete her chores each day before doing her homework. Her chores include bringing in today’s paper before school (if it’s not in already); recycling old papers; cleaning dishes and putting away leftovers before they go bad (which is critical, you will find, to her general well-being);cleaning any visibly dirty toilet, sink, cabinet, or tub in her stepmother’s/stepsisters’ part of the house. Adding making the beds to this list is another way to make the challenge just a little bit harder.

    Cinderella may only eat leftovers or cook her own food (once she is old enough) in her own part of the house, and she must sit separately from the family when she eats.

    Cinderella may invite guests over once she has officially made friends with them. She and her guests must stay in her part of the house.

    Cinderella may only go to community lots on the weekends (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday), and she may only do this if she has finished all of her “chores” first. If she breaks curfew, she is not allowed to leave the lot until the next age stage, so be sure to be back on time!

    Anytime another family member or one of their guests want to use a particular item at the same time as Cinderella (ie. a bathtub Cinderella is trying to clean), Cinderella must leave. If someone is in the bathroom when Cinderella needs in for cleaning, she has to wait for them to leave…she is not allowed to “shoo” them.

    Cinderella must have the most uncomfortable single bed.

    Cinderella earns $5 a day for her work. She may spend this on whatever she would like.

    Stage Two: Teen

    To meet and become best friends forever with her Fairy Godmother*; to maintain at least an A average in school

    *Be sure to move The Fairy Godmother into her home at the beginning of the Teen stage. The Fairy Godmother will provide Cinderella with some perks in her adult life.

    Cinderella must continue all of her chores from childhood but must also add cooking all meals for the family and grocery shopping.

    Cinderella must prepare her own individual meals and not eat with the family. She should do this in her room/wing and eat alone or with any of her own guests.
    Cinderella must go alone to buy the groceries. She must either walk or call a taxi. She can only “go grocery shopping” once the refrigerator is empty of new meals to prepare.

    Other than to buy groceries, Cinderella may only go to community lots on the weekends (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday), and she may only do this if she has finished all of her “chores” first. She may go to community lots separately from the family if she wishes, but she must call a taxi if she does, as she is not allowed to use the family car. Once again, if Cinderella breaks curfew, she is not allowed to leave the house (other than for groceries) until she reaches the next age stage of Young Adult.

    Cinderella is not allowed to go steady with a boy or get a job.

    All other restrictions remain the same.

    Stage Three: Adulthood


    To meet her “Prince Charming,”* fall in love, and move out.

    *Prince Charming should not be a character you created. Or at least if you created him, you must not play him because that makes it too easy to build up the relationship from the other side.


    Cinderella may now go to a community lot on any day of the week as long as all of her “chores” are done. She may go to community lots separately from the family if she wishes, but she must call a taxi if she does [unless she has chosen the crummy car gift from her Fairy Godmother (see below for Fairy Godmother perks) or she has purchased a car with her own money].

    Cinderella may take a job if she wishes, but she must still fulfill all of her chore duties. Her chores must be done before she leaves for work, even if this means she will miss the carpool and get fired.

    Until they are official friends, Cinderella may only chat on the phone with Prince Charming or invite him to a community lot. Once they are friends, if Cinderella invites Prince Charming over, they must spend time (secretly) outside or in her room/part of the house. The family must not see Cinderella and Prince Charming together at any time, at home or on a community lot. You decide how strict to be with what qualifies “seeing them together.”

    If her family sees her with Prince Charming, the two may not communicate in any way for an entire sim week. Cinderella can wait for her true love, or see if lightning will strike twice.

    All other restrictions remain the same.

    Perks from her Fairy Godmother:*These perks may only be used 1.) once Cinderella is an adult and 2.) she and her Fairy Godmother maintain the relationship of best friends. If the relationship falls below this level, the perk may not be obtained. Perks cannot be retroactively “cashed in,” so keep that score high! [Note: You can pretend she gave it to her and just use the general family fund, rather than money from Cinderella’s budget, for the items.]

    Upon becoming an adult, Cinderella may choose one of the following as a “gift” from her Fairy Godmother: the crummiest car, a musical instrument, or a computer.

    Before Cinderella’s first “date” with Prince Charming, her Fairy Godmother will take her shopping and buy her an outfit and jewelry for her date.

    When she gets married and moves out, her Fairy Godmother frees Cinderella to use any Aspiration points and money cheats for the rest of her life! Make sure they’re still best friends for this one!
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    addict1220addict1220 Posts: 3,778 New Member
    edited July 2009
    Scoring Points
    It is not necessary to keep score during this challenge, but if you like keeping track, here’s what I’ve come up with for my own game:

    +10 for every lot you create; +15 or 20 if you do A LOT of work in Create-a-Style

    You are not required to create any lots for the challenge, as long as you can find a Maxis-made or Exchange house that fits the requirements, but making your own can score you some big points! Anything you personally build counts: Cinderella and her family’s home; the Fairy Godmother’s house; Prince Charming’s Castle; any community lot you create for Cinderella to visit.

    Sim Creation
    +10 for every sim family you create (ie. Evil stepmother, her daughters, and Cinderella are one family; Fairy Godmother is another family; Prince Charming is a third family); +15 or 20 if you do A LOT of work in Create-a-Style for any particular family

    Stories+10 for every chapter of your story over 25 pages that you upload to The Exchange; +15 if you use all the options like different backgrounds, music, or if you create a movie.

    Again, stories and movies aren’t required, but it’s fun to share and this is a great way to rack up points.

    Gameplay Points for Cinderella
    +5 for each skill at 5-9 (doubled if achieved during childhood)
    +10 for each skill at 10 (doubled if achieved during childhood)
    -1 for each skill point lost
    +50 for achieving Cinderella’s lifetime want
    +5 for each new best friend at the time of any age change (ie. child to teen)
    +10 for each best friend sustained from the first time best friend level is achieved through Cinderella’s death
    -5 for each fire caused by Cinderella
    -10 for any time the exterminator must be called

    Age-specific Points

    *Skill levels achieved during this time are doubled.
    +10 for having at least an A average at the time of growing up to teen
    -5 for each time missing the bus
    -5 for each detention
    **The challenge ends if Cinderella is taken away by the social worker.**

    +10 for having at least an A average at the time of growing up to adult
    +10 for first kiss
    -5 for each time missing the bus
    -5 for each detention
    **The challenge ends if Cinderella is taken away by the social worker.**

    +5 for any each level of promotion
    -5 for missing the carpool (only paid vacation is allowed)
    +10 for falling in love with the Prince
    +5 for each time successfully seeing the Prince without getting caught
    +20 for reaching the top of a career
    -25 for choosing to find a new Prince if you get caught with him (basically you have to decide between the week penalty and the points here)
    -25 if the Prince catches you cheating on him, even if you have decided you’ve “found” a new Prince


    -50 for each family or household member who dies of hunger (you can’t just kill them off! Even though you may want to…Please also don’t intentionally electrocute them, etc.)
    +20 for each sim who joins the family (this means one more mouth to feed and body to clean up after. Any sim that moves in should be someone who is connected/friends to one of the stepsisters or their mother. The move in must be obtained through regular means of playing and proposing move in…no cheating in new family members. Also, once a sim moves in, he or she is there until his/her natural death.)
    +25 for any baby born into the family (the stepmother or stepsisters may feed the baby and change it without using the changing table, but Cinderella must clean up the bottles and diapers)
    +5 for any new “enemy” at the time of age change for each stepsister and the stepmother (ie. child to teen)
    +10 (additional points) for any “old enemy” sustained from the first time archenemy status is achieved through that family member’s own natural death
    +5 for each autonomous fight a stepmother or stepsister participates in (you should not start these yourself, they must happen on their own)
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    addict1220addict1220 Posts: 3,778 New Member
    edited June 2009
    Think that sounds too easy or too short…read on:

    Optional Stages:

    If you wish to play this stage, make sure you make the girls toddlers in CAS instead of children. Cinderella’s father is allowed to live in the house while Cinderella is a toddler.

    To become best friends with her father

    The father should mostly take care of Cinderella. In this stage, the stepmother must be cordial, as the father is still around, but she shouldn’t do much to build a relationship with Cinderella. Cinderella can enjoy everything in the main part of the house for this part of the challenge, if you choose to add it.
    Here’s the horrible part. You must ensure that the father dies when Cinderella becomes a child. This will obviously be devastating to Cinderella, so it will make the beginning of childhood much harder.

    What happens after “Happily Ever After?” Keep playing past Cinderella’s moving out into the Prince’s palace and even into her elder years.

    To master as many skills as possible and firm up any relationships.

    None. Cinderella has had a hard life. Give her a little of a break here, but obviously don’t use any cheat that automatically gives her 100 friends and top skills in every category. (Don’t know what that cheat would be, but I know you all will find a way!)

    Scoring Points for the Optional Ages
    *All general point values described above still apply.

    +15 for Cinderella becoming best friends with her father
    +10 for getting potty trained
    +10 for learning to walk
    +10 for learning to talk
    +10 for learning a nursery rhyme
    +10 for having to deal with Cinderella’s father’s death

    +10 for repairing the relationship with the evil stepmother or her daughters (you must not work on this goal until Cinderella moves out; 30 possible points, 10 for each person)
    +20 for becoming a Marathon Runner
    +25 for becoming a Fitness Nut
    +15 for becoming Everybody’s Best Friend
    +20 for becoming a Comedian
    +20 for becoming a World-Class Chef
    +25 for becoming a Menu Maven
    +20 for becoming an Amateur Ichthyologist
    +25 for becoming a Commercial Fisherman
    +20 for becoming a Botanical Boss
    +25 for becoming a Master Farmer
    +20 for becoming a Guitar Star
    +25 for becoming a Money Maker
    +15 for becoming a Plumber
    +20 for becoming a Tinkerer
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    addict1220addict1220 Posts: 3,778 New Member
    edited June 2009

    I created this challenge for Sims 2. I have tried to adapt it for 3, but unfortunately, I can't play much. If you notice any logistical questions, edits that need made for the new game, etc., please just let me know.

    Played this on Sims 2 and it was pretty fun. Be careful Cinderella gets her social needs met. My first one was taken away by the social worker! :oops:

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    mcgillvymcgillvy Posts: 721 New Member
    edited June 2009
    This sounds really cool, once my final is done, I know what I'm doing!!!!

    It sounds challanging, which is what I like.


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    slh1913slh1913 Posts: 14 New Member
    edited June 2009
    I like this a lot. I will definitely be playing this out in between my breaks from the Legacy Challenge. Thanks for sharing in the main forum because I would've missed this.
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    vanilijavanilija Posts: 3,411 New Member
    edited June 2009
    Hi, addict1220! :)
    Great challenge. I've already seen it on TS2 forum (version for TS2) but I was to lazy to do the challenge. I'll try it with TS3 later. Currently I can't play TS3 but I hope the game will start working for me, too, soon.
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    xfunkychick93xxfunkychick93x Posts: 550 New Member
    edited June 2009
    I'll be trying this one out :)

    I like fairytales 8)
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    benzibenzi Posts: 76 New Member
    edited June 2009
    Now that i read it i HAVE to do it
    I'm going to be juggling my regular family my legacy and now cindy too
    but i'll be putting updates on my new cinderella challenge blog
    if your keeping track of your story send me a link i love following others
    I haven't set it up much yet but ill get it all together tonight
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    BeFree1029749BeFree1029749 Posts: 251 New Member
    edited June 2009
    w.o.w. Bravo mon amie! I will try this next time I find the time...
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    addict1220addict1220 Posts: 3,778 New Member
    edited June 2009
    Oh my goodness! So nice to have all of you!

    I'm glad I stopped by general discussion, slh. I think that helped spread the word a little out of my normal "circle." :D

    Benzi, I have never had anyone blog about any of my challenges before! This is so exciting! :mrgreen:

    Funkychick, I love fairytales, too. Been thinking about writing another fairytale-themed one sometime.

    Vanilija, so glad you rediscovered it here! Hope your technnical issues are resolved soon. Keep me posted if you give it a whirl!

    McGillvy, I tried to make it challenging, but not too long. I know a lot of multi-generational challenges can get tough. I'm hoping this can be a break for some who enjoy legacies, etc., too. :D

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    addict1220addict1220 Posts: 3,778 New Member
    edited June 2009
    Hello and welcome, BeFree. We must have been posting at the same time. 8)

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    AelieliaAelielia Posts: 147 New Member
    edited June 2009
    Very nice challenge. :)

    I'll be bookmarking it for when I want a change of pace from my current play.

    thanks for all the hard work putting this together!
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    addict1220addict1220 Posts: 3,778 New Member
    edited June 2009
    Thank you, Aelielia. :D

    I enjoyed creating this challenge. I can't wait to see what stories people create from it!
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    aarinaarin Posts: 7,260 New Member
    edited June 2009
    This is wonderful. I think I'm going to try it as a break from my regular legacy. :9 Thank you for putting this together!
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    AnimagaAnimaga Posts: 548 New Member
    edited June 2009
    Is there a certain time frame you want us to try to create these in? Or are you leaving it open and just scoring as we update you on how it's going ;)
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    addict1220addict1220 Posts: 3,778 New Member
    edited June 2009
    This is totally open on time-frame. Just a challenge when you need a break from another or are in the mood for something different. :D I would love to hear how people do on the challenge through stories, posts, etc. Sharing is my favorite thing about Sims and the forum.

    So glad you'll try it. Let me know how it goes. :)

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    benzibenzi Posts: 76 New Member
    edited June 2009
    I didn't see a time setting but i just wanna say i'm going to play on long
    it's my favorite game speed for sims3
    I don't know if this will affect your point system
    but regular is just too fast for my taste
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    AnimagaAnimaga Posts: 548 New Member
    edited June 2009
    Awsome! I *should* be working on Chapter 3 of Star Crossed...but Ive got to many angles I've been playing around with so now I need to give the story time to fall into line =P This should be fun though ;)
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    AnimagaAnimaga Posts: 548 New Member
    edited June 2009
    I agree with Benzi. Putting aging on long seems to give me "real" time to work with when I playing. With aging on normal, they're born, they grow, and they die way to fast to really do anything besides rush and get them jobs, married, and start spitting out kids.
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    addict1220addict1220 Posts: 3,778 New Member
    edited June 2009
    I think on long is fine. Probably gives a little more time to achieve things, but there's enough here that I think it will still be tough.

    I'd be cool with that. :D
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    GheezGheez Posts: 279 New Member
    edited June 2009
    This looks really interesting. I was tickled when I saw it as I'd been pondering something along these lines but - apart from deciding that the Wicked Stepmother & the two 'ugly' sisters would be largely left to their own devices & not controlled - hadn't really got any further than creating the family & Cindy & plonking them in their house.

    I may give this a go using your rules. With another family as the Tweedles are too old & the 'ugly' sisters are twins with opposite body sizes & personalities,which don't quite fit with your rules.

    I know how difficult it is to think up a good challenge & am impressed with yours. The only snag I see at the moment is possibly relating to the allocation of traits as I ran into a few problems with the guidelines for the Colour Wheel Challenge that I'm currently attempting. If I spot anything I'll let you know. (Hmm, from that last sentence I guess that I will be giving it a go)

    My major problem is not having a working printer at the moment... guess I just have to copy it out by hand... sighs... problems there too (believe I've mentioned them before) - one of the cats has a penchant for pens!
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    SimsplyRuthSimsplyRuth Posts: 1,186 Member
    edited June 2009
    And I know that I will be starting this soon - lot building 1st then CAS and - make them the household of play, viola - automatically playing.. and you know that for me... starting to play is the hard part..

    I did see, as I diligently copy/pasted, a few areas which are not compatable in Sims3 - such as - no Wishing Well!.. lol

    Will keep notes and email em to you!

    I call it Sinderalla.. always gotta get as close to Sims as I can

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