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The Disney Challenge! ~RE-RELEASED 10 GEN CHALLENGE~ *Optional Generations Added*

Stephanie812Stephanie812 Posts: 857 New Member
edited March 8 in Nominated Threads
Welcome To:
The Disney Ten Gen Challenge!


This challenge is based off of different Disney movies because, admit it, everyone loves the classics! Pinstar’s rules for the normal ten generation legacy apply—although some vary. I hope you’ll “be our guest” and let this let “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” challenge become “part of your world”. ;)

Generation 1: Cinderella: Forced to clean and cook for your evil stepsisters and mother, you never knew life had such great experiences.
Founders always have humble beginnings and what better way to kick off this challenge than the story of Cinderella?!
• Must have “Neat” trait
• Must make all of the beds in the morning and cook all of the meals
• Must live with two ugly stepsisters and an evil stepmom
o Stepsisters must have: mean spirited, snob, and schmoozer as traits
o Stepmom must have: evil, mean spirited, and snob traits
• Move out of the house once you find your “Prince Charming”
• Get married and have kids
NOTE: For storytellers, you can choose to have a ball and follow the lines of the movie if you want!

Generation 2: Mulan: “Could it be, that if I were truly to be myself, I would break my family’s heart…”
Your family always expected great things from you but you found yourself having other interests.
• Must have an entirely different LTW than all of the other family members
• Must reach the top of that career choice
• Become enemies with your parents but befriend them by the end of the generation (or before they die, whichever comes first)
• Marry, have kids

Generation 3: (must have generations—if not, see Gen 3.5): Toy Story: "You've got a friend in me!"
No one believed that your toy was real. So how were you going to prove to them that you were in love?
• Heir/heiress must have Imaginary Friend doll
• Turn the doll into an IF
• Turn the IF into a human
• Marry this human and have children

Generation 3.5: if you don’t have Generations or it doesn’t work: The Fox and the Hound: Friends come from all different types of places…
• Fall in love with your best friend, who just so happens to be your opposite
• Your family doesn’t approve—have a private wedding
• Sneak out to meet your love
o Don’t get caught by the police one time
o Get caught and brought back home by the police one time
• Have children and get married (not necessarily in that order)

NOTE: I know that this isn’t really like the Fox and the Hound movie, but the basic concept of having a different type of friend applies.

Generation 4: Snow White: “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?”
You are beautiful and many found your beauty to be infuriating. Better watch your back!
• Have at least 10 enemies
• Must have the “good” trait
• Have ONLY 7 friends (or dwarves, if you catch my drift)
• Experience your untimely death at the hands of someone who hates you
• Have your “prince charming” raise you from the dead (in the Sims 3, this now means that you are a playable ghost sim)
• Have children—this HAS to come after you are raised from the dead

Generation 5: The Little Mermaid: “Wish I could be part of your world…”
You were teased for being a ghost child. It was unnatural. Still, some find beauty within and when you found the love of your life, you were willing to do anything in order to become human again.
• Heir/Heiress must be a ghost
• Fall in love while in ghost form
• Must be transformed to be human again
• Get married have children

Generation 6: Aladdin: “I can’t go back to where I used to be…”
Your parents concealed you from the world, in fear that you would be made fun of or thought of differently because your mother (or father) was previously a ghost. The only way to fix this was if you agreed to marry a stranger—your parents thought it would save you the heart break later.
• You CANNOT have any friends at school—or you can be homeschooled
• You aren’t allowed to leave the house, unless it is for school
• Frequently sneak out after dark—don’t get caught
o Meet your future lover on one of your rebellious sneak outs
• Have parents arrange your marriage to a stranger
• Leave the stranger at the altar and find your “street rat”
o Lover MUST be in the criminal career (“Prince Ali” was a thief remember?”
• Get married to lover, have children

Generation 7: Lion King: “Oh I just can’t wait to be King!”
Let’s face it; you are filthy, stinking rich! The world is at your fingertips—or so your Dad has told you. You can have anything you want!
• Be super popular
• Make one enemy (every Simba needs a Scar, no?)
• Have heir/heiress from Gen. 6 die (in the typical one-parent-is-always-dead Disney style)
• Leave everything behind and live humbly away from your riches
• Move back into your original house
• Get married have kids

Generation 8: Nightmare Before Christmas:
There is always the criminal. Your grandfather/mother was a criminal, so how bad can you be, right? Pretty bad.
• Join criminal career
-Reach the top of the criminal career
-Fall in love ONLY ONCE you reach the top of the career
-Quit your job--love has changed you!
-Get married, have kids

NOTE: Thank you sooo much to R_Ravenclaw for the idea! It fits so well! :)

Generation 9: Beauty and the Beast: “New and a bit alarming. Who’d have ever thought that this could be? True that he’s no Prince Charming, but there’s something in him that I simply didn’t see.”
Despite your mother’s, or father’s, crazy ways, you were more of the quiet type. You longed for the romance of your ancestors—the type that only seemed to belong in books.
• Must have “Bookworm” trait
• Mother or Father goes to jail
o For storytellers: this is where the heir/ess would meet “the beast”. Creative control takes over from here!
• Heir/ess gets kidnapped and brought to live in a creepy old mansion
• Heir/ess falls in love with the “beast”—an ugly sim
• Get married have children (of course, the children will probably be unattractive, but it’s about beauty within, right?)

Generation 10: The Hunchback of Notre Dame: “If I was in their skin, I'd treasure every instant out there, strolling by the Seine, taste a morning out there, like ordinary men, who freely walk about there. Just one day, and then I swear I'll be content with my share…”

Beauty within your butt! Your parents may be content with their life—after all, love is all that matters to them—but you are made fun of for your…odd appearance. Constantly bullied, you found it hard to make friends.
• Throughout childhood, make more enemies than friends.
• Meet the woman—or man—of your dreams and try to woo them
• Must have “Loser” trait
• Lose the woman or man of your dreams to a more—let’s face it—popular and beautiful person.
• No children. How could you bear to let your children face the same ugly fate as you?
o For storytellers: this is your chance for creativity! Either kill off the 10th generation heir/ess, or make it so that it is physically impossible for them to have kids with their “partner”. Anything goes for the 10th generation!

Generation 10.5: for those who want a “happier” ending: Peter Pan: I don’t want to grow up!
Some people refuse to grow out of their childhood. You were one of those people.
• Must have “childish” trait
• May never get a job
• For Generations: constantly pull pranks on your parents or siblings
• Don’t get married or have children (girls/boys have cooties anyway!)



These are optional generations suggested by people who have read the challenge! You can add them to the original 10 generations to make it longer, or you can mix and match your favorites and your least favorite generations!

Pocahontas Suggested by Rhett9: "You think I'm an ignorant savage, you've been so many places, I guess it must be so. Still I cannot see, if the savage one is me, how can there be so much that you don't know?"
Two different worlds and one heart beating for the same thing. Love. Can your differences bring you together or tear you apart?

-Fall in love with a "different" kind of sim! I.E. Berry sim, Vampire, ect. (depending on mods, I suppose simbots are optional as well! But not recommended because they will most likely mess up your game.)
-Marry that "different" kind of sim.
-Have your wedding be either a big party or private--depending on how your parents feel about it.
-Have kids, the whole shebang

Marry Poppins Suggested by OrangePlumbob: “Chim-chimeree chim-chimeree chimeree, a sweep is as lucky as lucky can be.”
Born to the wealthy, you are taken care of by a magically nanny.
• previous gen must hire a nanny who has ways with magic (must have the Lady Ravendancer Goth's Book o' Spells from the store. )
• previous gen has little to no contact with this gen. The nanny takes care of the kids.
• Must max martial arts – why? How else can you teleport to different and fun worlds? Or float in air
• Must by a bubble machine
• Must marry a Chimeree from this site (All sims made by Mariah!):
• If you have WA must visit each place once!

Sleeping Beauty Suggested by OrangePlumbob: "The princess shall indeed grow in grace and beauty, beloved by all who know her. But... before the sun sets on her 16th birthday, she shall 🐸🐸🐸🐸 her finger, on the spindle of a spinning wheel - AND DIE! "
You are beautiful and many found your beauty to be infuriating. Better watch your back!
• Must be sent away - move if you don't have generations, send to prep school for both child and teen if you do. Storytellers can use this time to pose this heir in a preppy type of school lot.
• Must have the “good” trait
• Have ONLY 3 friends (or fairies)
• Experience your untimely death at the hands of someone who hates you
• Have your “prince charming” raise you from the dead (in the Sims 3, this now means that you are a playable ghost sim)
• Have children—this HAS to come after you are raised from the dead

Pinocchio: Suggested by Scruffy19
You were always an outcast. You always will be.
-Have parent(s) be a different type of spiecies (ie: Berry, Vampire, ect)
-Have the Shy trait
-You are offered a way to revive your 'curse' as a child but your only way out is to run away
-Meet someone, anyone, on your journey who understands you for who you are
-Have 1 Child before getting married
-Leave lover and complete quest
-Get married (To Lover & No one else) and have as many other children as you'd like

Alice In Wonderland: Suggested by TheUsernameFound and MsGrace
*Decide that you hate the place that you live in because it's too boring. Runaway to find adventure and to chase a dream or fantasy that you have (Like how Alice was chasing the white rabbit)
*Meet a ton of people that creep you out and appear to be completely and utterly insane. They make you want to go back home to your family.
*One the way home, anger someone of extreme power and end up as a fugitive. You must run and fight your way back home.

The Princess and the Frog: Suggested By Nestea7
"My daddy never did get what he wanted. But he had what he needed. He had love! He never lost sight of what was really important. And neither will I!"
*Make sure father/mother has passed away before you've reached young adulthood
*Grow up in a working class family
*Work hard for your dream of opening your own business.( As a chef, journalist, pretty much anything besides anything in the music, sports or theater tracks.)
*Have the Workaholic and ambitious traits
*Meet a snob and hate them (reason for hate can be your choice)
*Later on get to know them more and fall in love
*Get married and accomplish dream (have as many children as you'd like)

People participating in this challenge:

People who have completed this challenge:

Thank you for taking the time to look at my challenge! Now “its home from work we go”. If you guys decide to give this challenge a try, let me know! I will definitely be trying it soon!
Post edited by EA_Solaire on


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    WoWLynniaWoWLynnia Posts: 2,715 Member
    edited August 2011
    That's a really adorable idea for a challenge. Very creative! :D I've seen Oliver and Company...but it was a really long time ago when it was first in theaters... x_X I'm dating myself. I'd help out on that gen if I remembered anything. Maybe I'll go watch it again... if my bf will let me have the TV long enough to watch it. :lol: I'll do some brainstorming on an evil gen for you, but the other gens all look great! Maybe I'll find a way to work a little Disney into my future gens... :)
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    Stephanie812Stephanie812 Posts: 857 New Member
    edited August 2011
    WoWLynnia wrote:
    That's a really adorable idea for a challenge. Very creative! :D I've seen Oliver and Company...but it was a really long time ago when it was first in theaters... x_X I'm dating myself. I'd help out on that gen if I remembered anything. Maybe I'll go watch it again... if my bf will let me have the TV long enough to watch it. :lol: I'll do some brainstorming on an evil gen for you, but the other gens all look great! Maybe I'll find a way to work a little Disney into my future gens... :)

    Aww thank you! I was actually really surprised when I realized I had never seen it before.. All of the research I did on it didn't really tell me anything and Disney is too sugary to have any "evil" movies. So thank you so much! And if you do, let me know and I'll be sure to read it! :)
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    R_RavenclawR_Ravenclaw Posts: 1,441 Member
    edited August 2011
    I love this idea! You were very creative about keeping true to the Sims 3 and the Disney movies.

    As for an evil generation, I've never seen Oliver and Company (or, if I have, it was VERY long ago), but what about The Black Cauldron (never seen it, but it's supposed to be very dark for Disney) or Nightmare Before Christmas? Or, how about Sleeping Beauty (with Maleficent being one of the most evil Disney villains of all)?
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    antsims310antsims310 Posts: 1,154 New Member
    edited August 2011
    This is such an amazing idea for a new legacy challenge! I loved disney growing up, and I guess I still do. I've never seen Oliver and Company, so I can't help you out. But, maybe when my current legacy is over I'll try this out!
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    WoWLynniaWoWLynnia Posts: 2,715 Member
    edited August 2011
    I love this idea! You were very creative about keeping true to the Sims 3 and the Disney movies.

    As for an evil generation, I've never seen Oliver and Company (or, if I have, it was VERY long ago), but what about The Black Cauldron (never seen it, but it's supposed to be very dark for Disney) or Nightmare Before Christmas? Or, how about Sleeping Beauty (with Maleficent being one of the most evil Disney villains of all)?

    OOooooo, OOOOOOOooohhhh. Nightmare Before Christmas with the heir focused around Jack Skellington--commits misguidedly evil deeds with good intentions and his true love helps him to realize the error of his ways and right his wrongs. *aww* One of my favorite movies EVER. Good call :)
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    XtremeVampireBatXtremeVampireBat Posts: 1,195 New Member
    edited August 2011
    This is SO cool! I totally love the idea =D I can't wait to see if someone decides to make a story out of it! I probably won't try it for a while because the thought of starting another legacy right now... :XD:
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    R_RavenclawR_Ravenclaw Posts: 1,441 Member
    edited August 2011
    WoWLynnia wrote:
    I love this idea! You were very creative about keeping true to the Sims 3 and the Disney movies.

    As for an evil generation, I've never seen Oliver and Company (or, if I have, it was VERY long ago), but what about The Black Cauldron (never seen it, but it's supposed to be very dark for Disney) or Nightmare Before Christmas? Or, how about Sleeping Beauty (with Maleficent being one of the most evil Disney villains of all)?

    OOooooo, OOOOOOOooohhhh. Nightmare Before Christmas with the heir focused around Jack Skellington--commits misguidedly evil deeds with good intentions and his true love helps him to realize the error of his ways and right his wrongs. *aww* One of my favorite movies EVER. Good call :)

    Thanks! :mrgreen:

    I wasn't sure how one might go about turning Nightmare Before Christmas into a generation, but what you suggested actually sounds like it would fit the bill nicely. :)
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    Scruffy19Scruffy19 Posts: 2,665 New Member
    edited August 2011
    Hmm, this is tempting; very, very tempting. I might have to start one, I'll let you know if I do.
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    Stephanie812Stephanie812 Posts: 857 New Member
    edited August 2011
    Everyone: Wow I wasn't expecting so many comments!!! :) Thank you everybody!!! I'm excited to see if anyone will try it soon!

    R_Ravenclaw: Your idea about Jack Skeleton sounds awesome!!! I didn't even think of that :) Let me add it right now! Thank you sooo much!

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    Stephanie812Stephanie812 Posts: 857 New Member
    edited August 2011
    bump ;)
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    Stephanie812Stephanie812 Posts: 857 New Member
    edited August 2011
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    CinderpeltCinderpelt Posts: 1,508 Member
    edited August 2011
    this sounds really cool i really want to try it maybe...

    EDIT: im bored right now nuthin to do so why not? i'm starting to make the cinderella fam right now!!
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    pinkflipflops96pinkflipflops96 Posts: 58
    edited August 2011
    I'm definitely going to try this out! I've never done a legacy before and this seems like an awesome one to do for a first! Hopefully my sims game will work well for me so I can do this! It's been acting up lately (I have a bit much CC...). Anyway, I can't wait to start this out! :)
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    CinderpeltCinderpelt Posts: 1,508 Member
    edited August 2011
    starting from the very beginning with cindy's real mother. it's such a shame i have to kill her off bc she's so pretty...
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    CinderpeltCinderpelt Posts: 1,508 Member
    edited August 2011
    name suggestions for the parents of cindy?
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    pinkflipflops96pinkflipflops96 Posts: 58
    edited August 2011
    Cinderpelt wrote:
    name suggestions for the parents of cindy?

    Hmm... Well for my family I know I'm using the name Parker for her father, and Regina for the stepmother. Not sure about her real mother yet... or her step-sisters. Although, I may stay true to the movie for the sisters names.
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    Stephanie812Stephanie812 Posts: 857 New Member
    edited August 2011
    Cinderpelt wrote:
    this sounds really cool i really want to try it maybe...

    EDIT: im bored right now nuthin to do so why not? i'm starting to make the cinderella fam right now!!

    I can't WAIT to read it if you decide to make it into a story :) And if not, make sure to post pics of how it's going!!!

    It is such a shame that you have to kill of Cindy's mom... It seems like Disney has a thing for killing off the mothers--or not even mentioning the mothers in the first place. Aladdin, The Little Mermaid, Cinderella, Snow White...almost all of the princess movies. >.<
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    Stephanie812Stephanie812 Posts: 857 New Member
    edited August 2011
    I'm definitely going to try this out! I've never done a legacy before and this seems like an awesome one to do for a first! Hopefully my sims game will work well for me so I can do this! It's been acting up lately (I have a bit much CC...). Anyway, I can't wait to start this out! :)

    Ooh yay! I'm sure it will be amazing! I've attempted waaaay too many legacies to count. I hope that if I try this one, I'll be able to stick with it!

    If you are going to make a story out of it, let me know! Or, like I said in my post above, just post pictures of your progress!

    UGH! I know what you mean about CC... I don't even remember getting half of the stuff I have on there. :roll:
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    Stephanie812Stephanie812 Posts: 857 New Member
    edited August 2011
    Cinderpelt wrote:
    name suggestions for the parents of cindy?

    I used really "fancy shmancy" names for the stepmother and sisters. Maybe something simple for Cindy's birth parents though? You can try looking up popular names on google and maybe something will speak to you :)
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    CinderpeltCinderpelt Posts: 1,508 Member
    edited August 2011
    Ok i've got pictures of the parents!! Ok they are more modern though.
    cindy's mom, Blair (idk y i picked that name i just like it!)
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    CinderpeltCinderpelt Posts: 1,508 Member
    edited August 2011
    ok so cinderella on the way!! :D
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    CinderpeltCinderpelt Posts: 1,508 Member
    edited August 2011
    ok sadly the computer just randomly shut down on me while i'm playing sims so cinderella's parents are gone :-( i'm gonna try and remake them tomorrow cuz it's late now.
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    Scruffy19Scruffy19 Posts: 2,665 New Member
    edited August 2011
    I'll post my prologue tommorow. It's getting late, I already have the pictures; Now I just need to write.
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    Scruffy19Scruffy19 Posts: 2,665 New Member
    edited August 2011
    I have my written! You can find it: here
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    kinusia2000kinusia2000 Posts: 1,924 New Member
    edited August 2011
    that is a really creative challenge.

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