Its time for the final screenshot thread! Show us what ya got here!
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Summer Belongs to YOU! (New RPG, unlimited spaces)


Click here to check on the time at camp!
Click to listen to our theme song :D

It's Summertime! That's right. No more classrooms, no more books, no more teachers' dirty looks! Nothing but fun in the sun, surf and sand, staying up late at night and losing track of the date. Or... is it?
Guess what? Surprise! Your parents have signed you up for an all-summer teens sleepaway camp, as it appears they wish to be rid of you for the vacation. Your bags are packed, and you're out of the house.
Welcome to Camp Delala. Quite literally built up on a lake in the middle of the thick, untamed wild, Camp Delala has nothing but the bare necessities. There's a big mess hall for everyone to eat and socialize, or do do crafts and activities. There's a cabin for each team. Each cabin has a small common room with nothing but a couch and some chairs, and two bedrooms - one for the boys, one for the girls. The bedrooms have nothing inside but a bunk bed and a dresser. Behind each cabin is an outhouse for your, er, business. Showers? Nonexistant in the middle of nowhere, as there is no running water. Instead, you'll have to hop in the lake if you want to clean up.
Before we explain how camp will be run, we'd like to go over just a couple of rules.


1 - The first rule is simple. You must be courteous, polite, and respectful to all other users. The camp counsellors would also like to request that your characters attempt to do the same, but we all know that isn't entirely likely...
2 - You must use proper grammar and spelling. Now, granted, there are some exceptions - for example, if English isn't your first language. However, you are expected to at least make the best effort you can... Because this site is only for users 13+ and you must have been of the correct age to register, we can assume you have a basic knowledge of grammar and spelling, enough to get by legibly.
3 - Please try to make your characters as round and interesting as possible. Please remember that nobody is perfect, and perfect, flawless characters are considered "Mary-Sues" or "Marty-Stus", and are highly frowned upon. Also, when submitting a character with your application form, your image (if you are including one) must be of a Sim, not of a third-party character such as a celebrity or an anime figure.
4 - The counsellors have requested that you try to have fun and follow the rules of camp... don't tell them, but I'm only going to tell you to have fun. The rules of camp are bogus.
5 - You can have a total of four characters off the bat.


In case you were wondering, the camp's rules are different from the RPG's rules ;)

The day begins (or re-begins) at 7AM (Eastern Standard Time, so you might need a time converter so you know when...) every morning. You must begin your RP every day by waking up.
Any roleplays from the previous night that have been left unfinished will be automatically annulled. Any characters left roaming are automatically transferred to their beds, sleeping, so they can wake up once the day has started.
The camp has a number of activities they offer. If you need help getting some equipment or finding out what you can do, ask a counsellor. Some activities include: cooking (over a fire, of course), canoeing, swimming, hiking, organized scavenger hunts, running/jogging, competitions, team sports, arts and crafts, or anything you can think of as long as you get approval from the counsellors.
Many things, unfortunately, have been banned from the camp. Alcoholic beverages, addictive substances, WooHoo, and parties (other than counsellor-approved bonfires) are a few of those things. Boys are not allowed in the girls' rooms of the cabins, and vice-versa. You are not permitted inside the cabin of another team. Of course, because I'm not much of a stickler for the camp's rules, I advise you to go wild...
You will be divided into teams of four (two girls and two boys on each team). Teams share a cabin, and a team name. You are advised by your counsellors to become close to your teammates, as you will all be working together in team sports and activities.


To join, simply fill out the following form:
Brief Bio: (You can include anything of importance. Siblings, family members, traumatic past events, anything.)
Are you excited to be at camp?

Also, if you're wondering at all about your counsellors... you can see their bios in the next post ;)

Here are some pictures from around camp. More will come. This is a picture of the counsellors in the mess hall.


Hey... did I mention that it was a ratty, run-down old place?

As if that wasn't bad enough, here are the doors INTO the mess hall.


The kitchen part of the mess hall looks pretty nasty... don't worry, Hannah ALWAYS puts down plastic wrap when she's using the counter. ALWAYS. No rust will get in your food.


The cabins are very small and simple. They have two bedrooms. Each bedroom has a bunk bed and a dresser that must be shared. The bedrooms are connected by a common room with naught but two couches.

(Keep in mind, though, the bedspreads are all different as you were expected to bring your own!)




  • Options
    PrincessLala14PrincessLala14 Posts: 29,231 Member
    edited August 2011

    Name: Hannah Jamison (Counsellor)
    Age: 20
    M/F: F
    Personality: Hannah is a lot like one of those stereotypical, overly-enthusiastic counsellors. She often encourages the kids to participate as actively as they can, and she tends to act like a bit of a stickler for the rules. Of course, then evening comes, and soon she's the one sneaking out late at night to participate in banned activities. And, of course, she's more than willing to take some of the camp kids with her. For a price.
    Brief Bio: Hannah was never known for being an overly activistic, rule-obeying overachiever, so everyone was baffled as to why she signed up for camp counselling.
    Excited to be at camp: Obviously.

    Name: Tyler Jamison (Counsellor)
    Age: 19
    M/F: M
    Personality: Tyler is very loud and over-opinionated. He's friendly and outgoing, and loves meeting new people, especially when they're hot girls...
    Brief Bio: Tyler is Hannah's younger cousin, and the two are both very similar. He's always been energetic and talkative, and has always had a way with the ladies. When they called and asked if he could come to camp as an emergency replacement counsellor, he was thrilled to find out that he was at Hannah's camp... now, if only his cousin will acknowledge him...
    Excited to be at camp: Depends. Are there hot girls?
    Simz3luvr wrote:
    Name: Wanda Lucas
    Age: 16
    M/F: Female
    Personality: Wanda is a very nice and kind person, although if you get on her bad side, she'll probably bite your head off.
    Brief Bio: She was born into a wealthy family, but she doesn't care. Money can't buy you everything. She is actually excited to go to camp, as she loves sleep away camp, rather than "Stay at home and be a couch potato" camp. Wanda has a sister, Anny, and her mother and father.
    Are you excited to be at camp? YES! :)
    Team Bubble

    SCDS1997 wrote:
    Name: Ethan Mitchell
    Age: 16
    M/F: Male
    Personality: Good Sense of Humor, Flirty, Athletic, Great Kisser
    Brief Bio: Ethan's the popular guy at school. Great hair, great body, great clothes, great personality, great grades... Ethan's just great. Surprisingly, he's single. A guy so great SHOULD NOT be single. He didn't have plans of coming here, so, he figures he'll find a girlfriend. They're all probably losers here anyway...
    Are you excited to be at camp?: Um, not really. I didn't know I was coming, so I couldn't, like, say good bye to my friends back home... and, well, thats not cool.
    Picture: b67xas.jpg
    Team Bubble

    Name: Cassi Nevershock
    Age: 17
    M/F: female
    Personality: Cassi loves the outdoors.
    Brief Bio: Cassi has had way too many embarrassing moments.
    Are you excited to be at camp? Hmm.. maybe sorta
    Picture: (Soon! My game won't work. )
    Team Bubble

    Name: Jimmy Clause (Cl-ue-say-
    Age: 15
    M/F: M
    Personality: Flirtatious, party animal, easily scared, athletic
    Brief Bio: Jimmy has always wanted to go to a summercamp, but his parents forbidded it until he was fifteen. His older brother, who is 17, has been going to summercamp since he was twelve. Each time he would come back, he would have a new exciting story about the wonderful adventure, just feeding Jimmy's mind into wanting to go to camp.
    Are you excited to be at camp? HECK YES!
    Picture:<a href="; target="_blank"><img src="; border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
    Team Bubble

    Simz3luvr wrote:
    Name: Anny Lucas
    Age: 16
    M/F: Female
    Personality: Anny is a really really nice girl, she's shy and quiet, and gives great advice!
    Brief Bio: Anny grew up being shy. She always had her twin, Wanda with her so she can tag along. Wanda has been such a great sister to Anny. Anny really wants to get out of her shell and find someone, who she can get along with besides her sister and books.
    Are you excited to be at camp? Kind of
    Team Fish

    Name: Skye Bliss Fletcher
    Age: 16
    M/F: Female
    Personality: Hopless Romantic, Good sense of humor, Virtusio, Friendly
    Brief Bio: (You can include anything of importance. Siblings, family members, traumatic past events, anything.) Skye likes to be called either Bliss or Skye, any will do. Skye is a cheerful girl who always looks on the good side of things. It's rare when you wont see her smiling! Although Skye lost her mother at the age of two, it doesnt ever upset Skye!
    Are you excited to be at camp? Yes sirrree!
    -will do soon-
    Team Fish

    Sam Mykalls
    Personality: Green Thumb, Mean Spirited, Snob, Hydrophobic
    Brief bio: Similar to his sister, rae, he has been gardening all his life, He isn't as average though. he goes out of his way to be mean to most people. He's also afraid of pools...BIG TIME! if he catches just a smallglance of one, he has bad nightmares for the next 3 days. But don't feel sorry for him. he really isn't nice... He also is a farm boy, of course.
    Team Fish

    Name: Juillian Silverstripe
    Age: 16
    M/F: Male
    Personality: Smart, Sarcastic, Rebellious, Snobby, Flirty
    Brief Bio: Jullian Silverstripe is the son of parents worth billions of dollars for inventing well known products, and they have little to no time for him. Every summer they send him off to some preppy rich kid camp, but this year, it was closed for renovations. This was the only place that would take him on short notice, and all he wants is out. Oh, and he only goes by Juillian S, not Silverstripe. he is also a vegetarian, who does not like to be associated with animals at all.
    Are you excited to be at camp? Yes, until I found out I was comming here.
    Picture: Tomorrow I promise!! <3
    Team Fish

    Name: Kloey Reynolds
    Age: 16
    M/F: Female
    Personality: Kloey is, to put it simply, the queen bee. She's gorgeous and she knows it. Blonde hair, blue eyes, tanned skin, she's a real life barbie. She basically runs the school, the boys want her, and the girls want to be her. Yet she doesn't care. Head cheerleader needs to keep her cool at all times, even if it means seeming aloof and sometimes even a bit mean. The one thing Kloey doesn't care about is her reputation. Sure, she lost her virginity at 14, got a problem with that? True, she got pregnant aged 15 and got rid of the baby. Does it make her a bad person? This girl has attitude, and thinks the world of herself, although deep beneath it all, she's just an extremely self conscious, bulimic self harmer, just wanting someone to see through the mask she wears everyday. She seems like she doesn't care...but it's just cause she's gone so far down the bad path, she knows she can never get back into the good one again.
    Brief Bio: (You can include anything of importance. Siblings, family members, traumatic past events, anything.) Kloey is hugely neglected by her big shot parents, so she turns to any way she can to get them to notice her. If that means being a troublesome 🐸🐸🐸🐸, so be it. But finally, her parents had had enough and packed her off to camp. This has obviously ruined all her plans for summer, which has left her more than unhappy.
    Are you excited to be at camp? Er, excited to get out of it? Yeah. Excited for team building, bonfires and toasting marshmallows? You are kidding me. I'd rather wear no make-up for a day. I'm going to do everything I can to get thrown out of here, even if it means breaking every rule there is.
    Team Animal
    Name: Christiana Thomas
    Age: 16
    M/F: Female
    Personality: Inappropriate, Charismatic, Open Minded, Honest, Friendly
    Brief Bio: Christiana comes from a poor household living with only his mother. She doesn't expect too much in life. She can be inappropriate at times though and that can get him into trouble.
    Are you excited to be at camp? Sure!
    Picture: 29cqmf9.jpg
    Team Animal

    Name:Bethany Ann Lee
    Age:17 and four months two weeks and 3 days to be precise XD
    Personality:Insane,Good Sense Of Humor,Party Animal,Lucky,Hates The Outdoors
    Bio:Well Bethany Ann Lee grew up in Los Anegios in the desert,due to the heat she hates the outdoors,and always spent the time either visiting the city,hanging out with friends, or just lounging around the house.Her and her mother have an amazing relationship.She doesnt have a very good relationship with her father, due to the fact the knows that he is cheating on her mother.In order for Bethany not to tell her mother as soon as she found out, her father sent her to camp for the summer to shut her up for two more months until he has something planned out.
    Are you excited about camp?:what do you think the answer is, I just want a way to get back home so I can help my mother from the lying psychopath.
    Team Animal

    Name: Rae Mykalls
    Age: 16
    M/F: F
    Personality: Friendly, Loves The Outdoors, Good Sense Of Humor, Green Thumb
    Brief Bio: Rae has a true passion for gardening, which she got from her parents. She has lived on a farm all her life and has always been a big help with the gardening her family does. Other than being a farm girl, Rae is pretty average. Rae also has a 14 year old brother, Sam, (also coming to the camp ) who she squabbles with whenever she makes contact with him . She, along with Sam, refuses to say anything positive to her sibling. She hasn't really experienced any big event in her life. The only life-changing event was her old grandma died. But she was crazy anyways, so rae didn't mind. That's about it.
    Are you excited to be at camp? Mostly. Why only mostly? Because a. Sam is coming and b. I'll have to leave my precious petunias and other plants in my parents care. Boy, I'll miss my plants. But with all the outdoor fun at camp, I'm sure I'll have an okay time.
    Team Pear

    Name: Harmony Popovich
    Age: 16
    M/F: F
    Personality: Harmony might be one of the sweetest girls you could meet. She's friendly, outgoing and generally a good person. She tries to volunteer and be a good person. Photography is her passion. She seems to always have it with her, taking pictures of flowers or people or anything. Harmony is very self-conscious, though and sensitive. It probably goes back to her past which she'd prefer not to talk about. She'd rather focus on the present and this summer.
    Brief Bio: Harmony is an only child to a single mom. She always got teased as a kid as "Heavy Harmony" or "W****-Mony" even though she did nothing to deserve those names. Well, the second one. She was a mistake and her mom made that very clear. 'You were a mistake- you should at least be a pretty mistake.' She heard that all the time. Her mom always found ways to get rid of her at day care or well... fat camp. Her low self esteem makes her caloric intake low, too. She eats only dinner, if anything.
    Are you excited to be at camp?: Somewhat. I mean, at least I don't have to deal with my mom. But I don't know...
    Picture: Screenshot-19.jpg
    Team Pear
    Name: Jason Freetop
    Age: 17
    M/F: Male
    Personality: Cocky, Flirty, Athletic, Cool, Chills
    Brief Bio: His mom and dad are both in jail so he was forced to come to this place, because it was the last place open on such short notice. He has a habit of doing things your not supposed to, he usually goes for older or younger girls, he's not one to date someone the same age as him. Too boring. He's just here to hopefully meet some hot girls and then get out.
    Are you excited to be at camp? No.
    Team Pear

    Name: Gwenevieve Sage
    Age: 15
    M/F: F
    Personality: She is rebellious in every sense of the word. Also very hot-headed, and though its not of too much importance, she can sing. Very good.
    Brief Bio: (You can include anything of importance. Siblings, family members, traumatic past events, anything.) Coming home drunk and your parents seeing you is not always the best thing.. They sent her away to camp as a punishment and to get her out of their hair, because they don't know what to do with her anymore. They hope she learns a lesson, but she prob. won't :D
    Are you excited to be at camp? HECK NO!
    Picture: screenshot_original.jpg
    Team Dinosaur

    Name: Emily Whitewater (seriously. It's hard to use different names every time. Sometimes on the Fantasim thread I find myself typing "Emily" and sometimes on the Life thread I type Ophelia.
    Age: 14 (is that alright?)
    M/F: F. >.<
    Personality: Fun, artistic, loyal.
    Brief Bio: Brother died in a fire.
    Are you excited to be at camp? NO.
    Picture: screenshot_original.jpg
    Team Dinosaur
    Name: Allan & Bettina "Bee" Rydell
    Age: 16
    M/F: M & F
    Personality: Allan is very quite and reserved. He loves the arts, drawing, writing, reading, and making music. Bee, on the other hand, is very outgoing, talkative, and flirtatious.
    Brief Bio: Allan and Bee are a very obvious example of how different twins can be. They love one another dearly, and can't stand to be apart for very long, but there isn't much for them to do or say when they are together. Even as chidlren, they had different hobbies and interests, and always did different things at school - yet refused to be put in different classes. When Allan announced that he wanted to go to summer camp and their parents said yes, Bee begged and pleaded them to let her go as well, since she couldn't spend an entire summer without her brother. So, here they are.
    Are you excited to be at camp? Allan is. Bee isn't, as she only came to be with her brother.
    Team Dinosaur

    Name: Genevieve Agin
    Age: 13
    M/F: F
    Personality: Genevieve is a quiet, misunderstood girl who is often made fun of for it and rarely makes friends.
    Brief Bio: This girl is hated by her rich, snobby parents. Genevieve is non of that though. She's kind and loyal, a only child too. She is always bullied and rarely makes friends that like her for, her, and not her parents' money and items.
    Are you excited to be at camp? No, she was forced upon it.
    Picture: (soon)
    Team Fern
    Scruffy19 wrote:
    Name: Mandy Spiese
    Age: 16
    M/F: Female
    Personality: Mandy is your average (almost) everyday teenage girl. She's a bit of a tom-boy, and a bit of a rebellion; but does that stop everyone from loving her? NO.
    Brief Bio: (You can include anything of importance. Siblings, family members, traumatic past events, anything.) Mandy's been in a total of 3 car accidents in her entire life; She suffers from an drug-addict mother who brings home a different man every night. She's seen more than other kids, but it brings out her 'I'm born this way' attitude and her love for crafts, pranks, and homework!
    Are you excited to be at camp? Kind of. It's not really my thing to be a typical outdoorsy person, but hey; at least I'm away from my Mom, right?
    Picture: screenshot_original1-18.jpg
    Team Fern
    Niabur wrote:
    RAWR ^-^

    Name: Eleanor Winters
    Age: 15
    M/F: Female
    Personality: Eleanor(Or Elle) is a sweet and kind soul. At times her confidence gets a bit over the top with some sarcastic or nasty comments, but only in times of need.
    Brief Bio: She aged up as an only child, but things got rough when her parents were constantly fighting until divorce. Summer Camp was an excuse to get her out of the way while her parents would be looking for love again – with different people. It turns out she loved camp so much she wants to go back every year, even though her parents have both found new loves.
    Are you excited to be at camp? HELL YEAH!
    Team Fern
    Niabur wrote:
    Name: Curtis Dalmatian
    Age: 15
    M/F: Male
    Personality: Curtis is quite a rebellious child, but he can be kind and sweet at times, but like all teenagers, he has his cheeky moments.
    Brief Bio: His mother was part of a 100 Baby Challenge, and it turns out he had 10 siblings, or more due to family chains in one generation. It hit him hard when when day he found her dead, and affected him greatly. He's came to Summer camp to get away from his family, he can't stand all the emotion at home at the moment, so he is using this as an excuse.
    Are you excited to be at camp? Hopefully I am!
    Team Fern
    Names: Keiran and Lake Barrowman
    Age: 15
    M/F: M
    Personality: Keiran is a bit of a bookworm, quite sky yet amazingly sweet and optimistic. Lake is an all out bad boy, charming, hot, yet ridiculously shallow.
    Brief Bio: (You can include anything of importance. Siblings, family members, traumatic past events, anything.) Keiran and Lake are identical twins who are completely at war with each other. Their parents packed them off to camp so that they could try and sort out their differences. Lake is a bit of a man w h o r e and has left a trail of broken hearts behind him. He's totally gorgeous. Keiran is still yet to have a girlfriend, because he is stuck in the shadow of his brother and is scared anyone who likes him will choose Lake instead.
    Are you excited to be at camp? Keiran, no, he'd rather be at home with his books. But he'll give it a go. Lake, yes, think of all the girls!
    Keiran ^
    Lake ^

    Are they not gorgeous O_O Born in game as well, born in my freaking game!! :lol:
    Team Snowball
    OOC: I want to contribute a guy. Should I?

    Name: Jeremy Jason
    Age: 17
    M/F: Male
    Personality: Jeremy is actually a very nice and compassionate person, except he likes looking like a “bad boy” so he tries to hide his poetry writing, flower picking, compassionate side.
    Brief Bio: Jeremy came to camp because he wanted to escape home and his family whom he doesn’t like very much.
    Are you excited to be at camp? Eh, kinda.
    Team Snowball
    Zanetia wrote:
    Name: Alaina Aston
    Age: 15
    M/F: F
    Personality: Alaina isn't the one to talk first, she might speak if you talk to her, but usually she'll stare at you and pretend she's french and can't understand what your saying. That is, until after she watches you for a while and decides wether your A) Worth talking to B)An idiot C) Its funny seeing you try to get her to understand you.
    Brief Bio: (You can include anything of importance. Siblings, family members, traumatic past events, anything.)
    Alaina comes from a small family, in fact it was just her and her mom, and their golden retriever Madame. She didn't really even talk to her mother, they were just so.. different. Her mom would walk uo to a random stranger and talk, loved to drink, and loved partying. Her mother is the reason Alaina is here, said she spent to much time on the computer playing the sims3 and needed to get some fresh air and hopefully make some friends.
    Are you excited to be at camp? She not happy, but she isn't not happy. She really doesn't care, seeing as she snuck her ipod.
    Picture: screenshot_original.jpg
    Team Snowball
    Post edited by Unknown User on
  • Options
    ashleyadorableashleyadorable Posts: 7,254 Member
    edited July 2011
    Ooh! Ooh!
    This looks like fun!
    I'm going to join!
    Just one question: Is there an age requirement, like teen or child?
  • Options
    SCDS1997SCDS1997 Posts: 2,687
    edited July 2011
    Name: Ethan Mitchell
    Age: 16
    M/F: Male
    Personality: Good Sense of Humor, Flirty, Athletic, Great Kisser
    Brief Bio: Ethan's the popular guy at school. Great hair, great body, great clothes, great personality, great grades... Ethan's just great. Surprisingly, he's single. A guy so great SHOULD NOT be single. He didn't have plans of coming here, so, he figures he'll find a girlfriend. They're all probably losers here anyway...
    Are you excited to be at camp?: Um, not really. I didn't know I was coming, so I couldn't, like, say good bye to my friends back home... and, well, thats not cool.
    Picture: b67xas.jpg
  • Options
    PrincessLala14PrincessLala14 Posts: 29,231 Member
    edited July 2011
    Ooh! Ooh!
    This looks like fun!
    I'm going to join!
    Just one question: Is there an age requirement, like teen or child?

    OOC: :D It's for teens, mainly. I should add that to the post.
    BTW, I love when people ask questions that make me smack my forehead and wonder why I didn't mention that.
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    Simz3luvrSimz3luvr Posts: 1,660 New Member
    edited July 2011
    Name: Wanda Lucas
    Age: 16
    M/F: Female
    Personality: Wanda is a very nice and kind person, although if you get on her bad side, she'll probably bite your head off.
    Brief Bio: She was born into a wealthy family, but she doesn't care. Money can't buy you everything. She is actually excited to go to camp, as she loves sleep away camp, rather than "Stay at home and be a couch potato" camp. Wanda has a sister, Anny, and her mother and father.
    Are you excited to be at camp? YES! :)

    (just created wanda actually! How many characters can we have?)
  • Options
    PrincessLala14PrincessLala14 Posts: 29,231 Member
    edited July 2011
    OOC: Rules state four, I think. Or I forgot to include that in the typed version, my bad.
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    Simz3luvrSimz3luvr Posts: 1,660 New Member
    edited July 2011
    OOC: Rules state four, I think. Or I forgot to include that in the typed version, my bad.

    OOC: okey doke, Imma go get Wanda's sis ;)
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    Quakers1023Quakers1023 Posts: 2,969
    edited July 2011
    Reserve me a spot pls! :P
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    PrincessLala14PrincessLala14 Posts: 29,231 Member
    edited July 2011
    Reserve me a spot pls! :P

    OOC: No need to worry about reserves, unless you wish to reserve for a certain team ;)
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    Simz3luvrSimz3luvr Posts: 1,660 New Member
    edited July 2011
    Name: Anny Lucas
    Age: 16
    M/F: Female
    Personality: Anny is a really really nice girl, she's shy and quiet, and gives great advice!
    Brief Bio: Anny grew up being shy. She always had her twin, Wanda with her so she can tag along. Wanda has been such a great sister to Anny. Anny really wants to get out of her shell and find someone, who she can get along with besides her sister and books.
    Are you excited to be at camp? Kind of
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    PrincessLala14PrincessLala14 Posts: 29,231 Member
    edited July 2011
    OOC: Everyone's updated. I've got to go for a bit, but I'll hurry back and continue updating everyone!
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    hollynoelhollynoel Posts: 2,242 New Member
    edited July 2011
    Name: Cassi Nevershock
    Age: 17
    M/F: female
    Personality: Cassi loves the outdoors.
    Brief Bio: Cassi has had way too many embarrassing moments.
    Are you excited to be at camp? Hmm.. maybe sorta
    Picture: (Soon! My game won't work. :roll: )
  • Options
    TrilmilTrilmil Posts: 2,138
    edited July 2011
    OOC: Something tells me you read the 7 minutes in heaven (more like emo hell) Story ;)

    Name: Jimmy Clause (Cl-ue-say-
    Age: 15
    M/F: M
    Personality: Flirtatious, party animal, easily scared, athletic
    Brief Bio: Jimmy has always wanted to go to a summercamp, but his parents forbidded it until he was fifteen. His older brother, who is 17, has been going to summercamp since he was twelve. Each time he would come back, he would have a new exciting story about the wonderful adventure, just feeding Jimmy's mind into wanting to go to camp.
    Are you excited to be at camp? HECK YES!
    Picture:<a href="; target="_blank"><img src="; border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
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    Sims3PlayrGSims3PlayrG Posts: 6,659
    edited July 2011
    Name: Skye Bliss Fletcher
    Age: 16
    M/F: Female
    Personality: Hopless Romantic, Good sense of humor, Virtusio, Friendly
    Brief Bio: (You can include anything of importance. Siblings, family members, traumatic past events, anything.) Skye likes to be called either Bliss or Skye, any will do. Skye is a cheerful girl who always looks on the good side of things. It's rare when you wont see her smiling! Although Skye lost her mother at the age of two, it doesnt ever upset Skye!
    Are you excited to be at camp? Yes sirrree!
    -will do soon-
  • Options
    ashleyadorableashleyadorable Posts: 7,254 Member
    edited July 2011
    OOC: Okay, thanks! Off to make my Simmy!
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    ilovetaylorlatnerilovetaylorlatner Posts: 5,790 New Member
    edited July 2011
    Name: Kloey Reynolds
    Age: 16
    M/F: Female
    Personality: Kloey is, to put it simply, the queen bee. She's gorgeous and she knows it. Blonde hair, blue eyes, tanned skin, she's a real life barbie. She basically runs the school, the boys want her, and the girls want to be her. Yet she doesn't care. Head cheerleader needs to keep her cool at all times, even if it means seeming aloof and sometimes even a bit mean. The one thing Kloey doesn't care about is her reputation. Sure, she lost her virginity at 14, got a problem with that? True, she got pregnant aged 15 and got rid of the baby. Does it make her a bad person? This girl has attitude, and thinks the world of herself, although deep beneath it all, she's just an extremely self conscious, bulimic self harmer, just wanting someone to see through the mask she wears everyday. She seems like she doesn't care...but it's just cause she's gone so far down the bad path, she knows she can never get back into the good one again.
    Brief Bio: (You can include anything of importance. Siblings, family members, traumatic past events, anything.) Kloey is hugely neglected by her big shot parents, so she turns to any way she can to get them to notice her. If that means being a troublesome 🐸🐸🐸🐸, so be it. But finally, her parents had had enough and packed her off to camp. This has obviously ruined all her plans for summer, which has left her more than unhappy.
    Are you excited to be at camp? Er, excited to get out of it? Yeah. Excited for team building, bonfires and toasting marshmallows? You are kidding me. I'd rather wear no make-up for a day. I'm going to do everything I can to get thrown out of here, even if it means breaking every rule there is.
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    CrAzYBallErINA7CrAzYBallErINA7 Posts: 177
    edited July 2011
    Name:Bethany Ann Lee
    Age:17 and four months two weeks and 3 days to be precise XD
    Personality:Insane,Good Sense Of Humor,Party Animal,Lucky,Hates The Outdoors
    Bio:Well Bethany Ann Lee grew up in Los Anegios in the desert,due to the heat she hates the outdoors,and always spent the time either visiting the city,hanging out with friends, or just lounging around the house.They live in a trailer which she adores, she doesnt care if she is poor her and her mom make the best of things espically in their free time making clohtes together that are scraps from the fashion store which Bethany Works at.Jessica,her mother,is a workaholic just trying to pay off the debt, by being a full time nurse, and tries to manage the household.Her and her mother have an amazing relationship.James, her father,Works out 24/7 but is a total slob and only cares for himself.It never used to be like that....something in him has changed the past couple of months.She doesnt have a very good relationship with her father, due to the fact the knows that he is cheating on her mother.In order for Bethany not to tell her mother as soon as she found out, her father sent her to camp for the summer to shut her up for two more months until he has something planned out.
    Are you excited about camp?:What do you think the answer is I will break any rule in order to get out of this camp even if it comes to running away....or even killing someone.....thats right I would go that far to save my mother from this cruel,harsh,unfair life.....would you do the same for someone you love?
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    ashleyadorableashleyadorable Posts: 7,254 Member
    edited July 2011
    Name: Rae Mykalls
    Age: 16
    M/F: F
    Personality: Friendly, Loves The Outdoors, Good Sense Of Humor, Green Thumb
    Brief Bio: Rae has a true passion for gardening, which she got from her parents. She has lived on a farm all her life and has always been a big help with the gardening her family does. Other than being a farm girl, Rae is pretty average. Rae also has a 14 year old brother, Sam, (also coming to the camp :D ) who she squabbles with whenever she makes contact with him . She, along with Sam, refuses to say anything positive to her sibling. She hasn't really experienced any big event in her life. The only life-changing event was her old grandma died. But she was crazy anyways, so rae didn't mind. That's about it.
    Are you excited to be at camp? Mostly. Why only mostly? Because a. Sam is coming and b. I'll have to leave my precious petunias and other plants in my parents care. Boy, I'll miss my plants. But with all the outdoor fun at camp, I'm sure I'll have an okay time.
    Coming in a second.
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    ashleyadorableashleyadorable Posts: 7,254 Member
    edited July 2011
    OOC: Okay, here's the photos of Rae Mykalls.

    Here is Sam's form:
    Sam Mykalls
    Personality: Green Thumb, Mean Spirited, Snob, Hydrophobic
    Brief bio: Similar to his sister, rae, he has been gardening all his life, He isn't as average though. he goes out of his way to be mean to most people. He's also afraid of pools...BIG TIME! if he catches just a smallglance of one, he has bad nightmares for the next 3 days. But don't feel sorry for him. he really isn't nice... He also is a farm boy, of course.
    Pic: GTG find it, brb.
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    ashleyadorableashleyadorable Posts: 7,254 Member
    edited July 2011
    Sam Mykalls
    Personality: Green Thumb, Mean Spirited, Neurotic, Hydrophobic
    Brief bio: Similar to his sister, rae, he has been gardening all his life, He isn't as average though. he goes out of his way to be mean to most people. He's also afraid of pools...BIG TIME! if he catches just a small glance of any water other than his bath tub and tap water , he has bad nightmares for the next 3 days. But don't feel sorry for him. he really isn't nice... He also is a farm boy, of course.
    Pic: GTG find it, brb.

    No. I am definitely not excited to be going to camp. For one, I was signed up without my knowing. My parents just...did it!
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    RainSimBowRainSimBow Posts: 3,260
    edited July 2011
    ((Hmmm. I'm leaving for vacation tomorrow but when I come back, I'll join. I'm making a sim now so I don't forget.))
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    PrincessLala14PrincessLala14 Posts: 29,231 Member
    edited July 2011
    WHOA! Lots of people to update! Lol.

    RP will begin tomorrow when the day starts.
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    RainSimBowRainSimBow Posts: 3,260
    edited July 2011
    Name: Harmony Popovich
    Age: 16
    M/F: F
    Personality: Harmony might be one of the sweetest girls you could meet. She's friendly, outgoing and generally a good person. She tries to volunteer and be a good person. Photography is her passion. She seems to always have it with her, taking pictures of flowers or people or anything. Harmony is very self-conscious, though and sensitive. It probably goes back to her past which she'd prefer not to talk about. She'd rather focus on the present and this summer.
    Brief Bio: Harmony is an only child to a single mom. She always got teased as a kid as "Heavy Harmony" or "W****-Mony" even though she did nothing to deserve those names. Well, the second one. She was a mistake and her mom made that very clear. 'You were a mistake- you should at least be a pretty mistake.' She heard that all the time. Her mom always found ways to get rid of her at day care or well... fat camp. Her low self esteem makes her caloric intake low, too. She eats only dinner, if anything.
    Are you excited to be at camp?: Somewhat. I mean, at least I don't have to deal with my mom. But I don't know...
    Picture: Screenshot-19.jpg
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    PrincessLala14PrincessLala14 Posts: 29,231 Member
    edited July 2011
    OOC: These are some pretty intense characters...
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    Quakers1023Quakers1023 Posts: 2,969
    edited July 2011
    Name: Gwenevieve Sage
    Age: 15
    M/F: F
    Personality: She is rebellious in every sense of the word. Also very hot-headed, and though its not of too much importance, she can sing. Very good.
    Brief Bio: (You can include anything of importance. Siblings, family members, traumatic past events, anything.) Coming home drunk and your parents seeing you is not always the best thing.. They sent her away to camp as a punishment and to get her out of their hair, because they don't know what to do with her anymore. They hope she learns a lesson, but she prob. won't :D
    Are you excited to be at camp? HECK NO!
    Picture: screenshot_original.jpg
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