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How many people are missing what made Sims so popular in the first place?

Don't get me wrong I really like Sims3. I like the graphics, I like the fact that you can go any where in the town freely, I like that you can customize anything, I like how u can change some of their appearance and Sims3 has some other cool stuff.

But like a lot of other people I really feel as though EA is getting a way from what really made Sims a hit after all. I also think that they are making it way to "kid friendly" as well. Yes you can leave it to your imagination if the social interactions were better. And I am sorry, that some people don't like us again comparing Sims2 to Sims3. Sims3 was suppose to be a better version of the 2 while leaving what made it popular if the first place the same. The romance, the way they Sims came to life and kept us awwwwing, the silliness of the game which made us all laugh, the quirks and some of the glitches.

As for as the Sims game I really feel Sims2 was way better. It was the game that got a lot of people hooked to Sims. Also it wasn't so PG that adults couldn't really enjoy it to.

Hey here's a suggestion why don't you keep this Sims3 like it is for the kids/teen. Keep them happy. Then find a way to bring back what made the adults like the game to. You (EA) can satisfy both.

Also people really need to learn to respect other people opinions regardless if they agree or not. Don't be mean and hurtful. Just state how you feel about the subject and move on.


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    sunshineandsimoleonssunshineandsimoleons Posts: 8,413 Member
    edited January 2011
    Didn't you already make a topic about this a couple days ago...? :roll:
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    SIMplifiedSIMplified Posts: 4,536 Member
    edited January 2011
    The way I feel is people are being too pushy. The game isn't "done" yet. There's not very many EP's out yet and there are certainly more to come unless the whole staff dies. With EP's comes new things, new interactions. The game's still in it's baby state, they haven't yet modified and added all we can do to it yet. They're most certainly aware of how we miss certain things. But this is a new game, just like Sims 2 added and took from Sims, Sims 3 has to be something all its own. It takes time to make EP's, test, demo, get reaction, tweak, then sell. Just wait and see what they shove out for us.
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    Daboogadie2Daboogadie2 Posts: 352 Member
    edited January 2011
    Respectfully,I couldn't agree with you less. Perhaps your expectations got the better of your imagination.
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    Rflong7Rflong7 Posts: 36,589 Member
    edited January 2011
    I wonder if you realize that by the time the game is "done" there will be a new game.

    When the last expansion for TS2 was done a lot of people quit playing because of the pictures and information for the Release of TS3.

    So, by the time TS3 is "Done" most people will be "done" too.

    It's Old when it's done and there is really only a few months of play for people who have been with TS3 from the beginning. I do know a lot of people are bored before the next expansion.

    It's easy to say it's not done yet the only thing we can expect is what we have and what's been released so far. :)

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    candy8candy8 Posts: 3,815 Member
    edited January 2011
    I think that a lot of people are tired of the game that is all. I still like it, but people are asking for an awful lot I guess they are expecting to much. You can only do so much in the game, it is not real life. They want good graphics, interactions with the SIMs, and I guess it is hard to do. I do think that they could put some of the things that they had in Sims 2 back in the game. Also I think the game was really intended for teens from the beginning and still is.

    They really have improved their furnishings and other objects, I just wish that they would improve on the SIms clothes, hair, and some more pictures. I want I want there I go again.
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    SimGuy777SimGuy777 Posts: 1,672 New Member
    edited January 2011
    Come on people, it only has 3 EPs and 2 SPs. You guys are just being impatient wanting everything now and need to stop with these threads, and I'm pretty sure you made a topic not too long ago complaining. So go play the Sims 2 if you have SO many problem with the game and stop getting on our nerves.
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    Rflong7Rflong7 Posts: 36,589 Member
    edited January 2011
    The Sims was not a teen game. It was more an Adult game. To me... from the interactions, the clothes.
    EA is turning it into an teen game which lost it's edge, humor and challenge. TS3 is too easy, there is no challenge to getting a promotion or keeping them alive.

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    AlyndraAlyndra Posts: 106 New Member
    edited January 2011
    I went from Sims 1 to Sims 3 and I find that Sims 1 is more fun to play on live mode because the sims are more spontaneous, intelligent and amusing. Obviously setting up neighborhoods and building families in CAS is more fun in Sims 3, but the actual live gameplay in sims 3 is more boring. In previous Sim Games, the story would unfold on its own, whereas in the Sims 3 you have to force it. I keep trying, but in the year and a half that I've owned Sims 3, I have not been able to pass generation 1.5.

    Edit: The EP argument is interesting, but if you just compare the base games, Sims 3 on Live mode is lacking. And let's face it, story mode is borked without mods.
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    Tiny1Tiny1 Posts: 402
    edited January 2011
    Rflong7 wrote:
    The Sims was not a teen game. It was more an Adult game. To me... from the interactions, the clothes.
    EA is turning it into an teen game which lost it's edge, humor and challenge. TS3 is too easy, there is no challenge to getting a promotion or keeping them alive.
    It is definitely hard to keep my simmies alive. They don't even eat food when they're starving hungry. And I run out of money sooo quickly.
    The game can't stay the same all the way through. It's got to change slightly, otherwise, no one would bother buying it.
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    munchiepoomunchiepoo Posts: 1,386 Member
    edited January 2011
    Im saying this very respectfuly: People who compare the game against a game that is FINISHED with expanshion packs,to a game that is UNFINNISHED with only 3 expanshion packs and 2 stuff packs. The sims 2 had like 7 Expanshions and like 9 Stuff packs or something.
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    evey829evey829 Posts: 159 Member
    edited January 2011
    I think it is not the lack of EPs and's simply the gameplay, the loss of the real sandbox mode that we had.

    In The Sims 2 I had families I played for more than a year, with 3 I get bored of the families just after some hours.

    Even without the traits the sims had so much more personalities, they had real characters.

    Although CAS is fantastic, I am uninstalling the sims3 and installing the sims 2 this week.

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    NorthAntrimNorthAntrim Posts: 436 New Member
    edited January 2011
    SIMplified wrote:
    The way I feel is people are being too pushy. The game isn't "done" yet. There's not very many EP's out yet and there are certainly more to come unless the whole staff dies. With EP's comes new things, new interactions. The game's still in it's baby state, they haven't yet modified and added all we can do to it yet. They're most certainly aware of how we miss certain things. But this is a new game, just like Sims 2 added and took from Sims, Sims 3 has to be something all its own. It takes time to make EP's, test, demo, get reaction, tweak, then sell. Just wait and see what they shove out for us.

    Yes, I'm sure there are many more EPs to come, Look at how many Sims 2 (There we go again comparing the two) but Sims 2 is older than Sims 3 and each EP takes time.
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    MuleskinnerMuleskinner Posts: 296 New Member
    edited January 2011
    I just moved on (from simCity to ts1 to ts2 to ts3), trying not to look back too much. Gotta live in the now.

    Change isn't always easy. And I know I can't have it all.

    ts3 is a whole new generation of game. The developers are trying to give us new things. And I think they've done an awesome job of it overall.

    Problem is, we want it all, we want it now, we want, we want, we want. When I get to thinking that way I try to find a new way to enjoy what I already have.

    Stories (YouTube) - Screenshots (trying to learn photoshop) - Creating Sims - Creating Lots - etc. :wink:
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    jkmartinez2jkmartinez2 Posts: 2,858 Member
    edited January 2011
    You know everyone says that it is because Sims 2 had so many EP's and SP's that made it better but if you just match it up and install the same EP's and SP's that Sims 3 has right now you will find that Sims 2 still blows Sims 3 out of the water.

    The Sims you create in Sims 2 and all of the townies and NPC's have a lot more personality and make you laugh and get more attached.

    Sims 3 the Sims are just like flat, unemotional, uncaring Barbie dolls.

    I just hope that they start adding some of that flair back to Sims 3.
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    munchiepoomunchiepoo Posts: 1,386 Member
    edited January 2011
    i dissagre,sims are actually happy in the sims3 when they get married.
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    littlemama879555littlemama879555 Posts: 2,201
    edited January 2011
    Okay, before i respond to the opinion above, this is to all the people who are acting rude already.

    Oh, and if this doesn't apply to you then go along about your business, 'kay?

    To the rude people: The person above was just stating an opinion, if your getting snippy over an opinion, then you really need to stay away from the forums until you can grow up. Oh, and as for "getting on our nerves" speak for yourself.

    Now, to the sims2 vs. sims3 thingy.

    Let's see...well sims2 did have alot of interactions, and cool stuff and whatnot. (Like pillow fights. I loved the pillow fights. TT.TT) But, sims2 has alot of EPs and SPs out, and the series is complete. However Sims3 doesn't even have half the amount of those EPs, and SPs, so just hang in there, okay? I for one play both games, and they both have their appeals and drawbacks.
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    CK213CK213 Posts: 20,550 Member
    edited January 2011
    I am missing it.

    But I have been entertained with all the new things.
    That is wearing off however. The EPs have added more to the game, but I can't say they are enough to give me confidence in the entire series. Late Night almost did it, but they way EA implemented Celebrity, Bands, Apartments and Parties really hurt that EP.

    I was just in the idea and feedback forum and reading postings about University.
    Uni is a very important EP for me. I am really concerned because of all the EPs this one may be difficult to merge into a base town and get the full University experience. If it is placed in a separate world like World Adventures, there is the time issue. I would rather have University as a separate down because I suspect it will be watered down if placed in our base neighborhoods. That's assuming we get college life at all.

    Bottom line, I'm concerned about it. Concerned enough just to stop here with the EPs and see what EA does. If an EP comes along that's great enough to make the whole series worthwhile, I'm in. I thought Late Night would be it.
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    StrawberryBasketStrawberryBasket Posts: 1,316 Member
    edited January 2011
    Jkmartinez2 pretty much sums it up. The Sims 3 has had 3 EPs' so far and NO NEW SOCIAL INTERACTIONS SINCE BASE GAME. I understand that they felt as though the sims 2 was overstuffed or whatever but don't skimp out on what makes the sims the sims. The interactions between family members leaves much to be desired. I guess we'll have to see if they finally want to bring the social aspect of the game back into the series with the next EP but so far the game is geared towards being a single young adult/adult.
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    GoldmoldarGoldmoldar Posts: 11,972 Member
    edited January 2011
    I love Sims 3 and what it comes down to is you can't make someone love a product. Yes, some people are looking for a Sims 2.5 and it is not going to happen. As far as EA listening to people about how great Sims 2 is great is not going to make EA go back to a Sims 2 way of playing as far as the twilight zone effect is concerned. They may however take some of the elements out of it and incorporate into the Sims 3. Some people can only see as far as the current EP that is out and not see the potential Sims 3 has even with all it's concerns and bugs(I have none to date). A lot of people do expect too much from the sims series and I feel sorry for those that are engrossed in it if EA decides to bury the series which will happen eventually. One thing that will not happen, Sims 2 is not coming back. Also, What one plays and likes is all one should care about. I do not miss anything about the Sims 2 being I have already have Sims 2, so if I get the itch I just go and play, so I miss nothing about Sims 2. Those that sold off their Sims 2 do have something to miss. :D

    There will be no winners or losers in this debate over what series Sims 2 or Sims 3 is better being it is on what one perfers or not perfers. To date and it is fact Sims 3 did outsell Sims 2. :D
    Omen by HP Intel®️ Core™️ i9- 12900K W/ RGB Liquid Cooler 32GB Nvidia RTX 3080 10Gb ASUS Ultra-Wide 34" Curved Monitor. Omen By HP Intel® Core™ i7-12800HX 32 GB Nvidia 3070 Ti 8 GB 17.3 Screen
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    ThisSIMisCrazedThisSIMisCrazed Posts: 3,719 Member
    edited January 2011
    People keep saying that the game will be better with expansions, but we've already had three so far. The first three expansions for The Sims 2 were amazing and some of my favorites. The ones for The Sims 3 have been disappointing in my opinion. I honestly think the course of the game has been set and that expansions aren't really going to help unless the new head of the franchise changes it.

    Basically, The Sims 3 is a "dumbed down" version of The Sims 1 and 2. Kind of like "Sims for Dummies" in my opinion. :-P

    Except for the build and buy mode. I love it. ;-)
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    FeliciaB84FeliciaB84 Posts: 8,479 New Member
    edited January 2011
    I still fail to see how Sims 2 was more adult oriented than Sims 3. :)

    Now, I agree about the interactions, I definitely miss those. However, it isn't a finished product, and I retain a lot of hope that the developers will see that people are begging for more interactions, and oblige us.

    Other than that, I *love* Sims 3! It's my favorite one, yet. My desktop computer still has 2 installed, so I could play it anytime I want to, but I haven't.

    To each his own, though. I can see why people love 2 so much, it was an awesome game. But I have high hopes for 3 when it finally gets done. To be honest, I don't want it to be the same as Sims 2, I want it to be totally different. Why would I want to buy the same game twice?

    (If they can fix the silly bugs. Ugh. :P )
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    ThisSIMisCrazedThisSIMisCrazed Posts: 3,719 Member
    edited January 2011
    FeliciaB84 wrote:
    o be honest, I don't want it to be the same as Sims 2, I want it to be totally different. Why would I want to buy the same game twice?=

    But then why did you buy The Sims 2? It was basically an updated version of The Sims 1, but building upon the interactions and adding new features. That's what I hoped The Sims 3 would be like, but unfortunately that wasn't the case. They seem to want to dumb everything down and restrict us from using certain things.

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    lilcasslilcass Posts: 1,543 Member
    edited January 2011
    Yeah but I'm just trying to keep up with the high prices of the Sims.
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    StrawberryBasketStrawberryBasket Posts: 1,316 Member
    edited January 2011
    Really, I didn't play the sims 2 but seeing what they had in their first three expansions and thinking about what we have as far as social things go I can only think we are severely lacking. Its' almost unfair. This game can be better as long they stop forgetting that the sims isn't all about my myself and I. It should be more about me, my family, and my friends.
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    FeliciaB84FeliciaB84 Posts: 8,479 New Member
    edited January 2011
    FeliciaB84 wrote:
    o be honest, I don't want it to be the same as Sims 2, I want it to be totally different. Why would I want to buy the same game twice?=

    But then why did you buy The Sims 2? It was basically an updated version of The Sims 1, but building upon the interactions and adding new features. That's what I hoped The Sims 3 would be like, but unfortunately that wasn't the case. They seem to want to dumb everything down and restrict us from using certain things.

    That's a great question. But since you're being so technical, I guess I will be, too:

    I didn't buy it, it was my sister's. :P

    You are right, of course, it was the same. That's why they need to change it a little bit. I'm not saying make it a COMPLETELY different game, as I definitely still want things like magic, pets, etc...but give a new twist on it. I guess I should have stated that more clearly. I blame the cold medicine. :D
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