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Aliens vs. Sims - NEW RELEASE: *** SAVE GAME file "40 YEARS LATER" ***


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    SimmervilleSimmerville Posts: 11,719 Member
    edited January 2010
    Any more input from you, testers? ;-)
    It's a small world, and I think the final version can be released before the scheduled date, maybe Feb 3rd or 4th, unless testers insist on more time.

    I did a few adjustments:
    * Ground texture has been improvd
    * Sims can now walk into the sphere
    * A park with swimming pool and mini-gym was added
    * A farm was built, meaning there are now 4 vacant houses (+ 3 that comes with families).
    * New versions of the families with less cash
    * tested and found that locked doors aktually keep non-played sims indoor, and if an active sim visits a locked house, nobody will open the door. Good, keep thouse aliens out of my house!

    Here are a few more pics:
    Simmerville on Youtube | My blog is updated weekly: Simmerville's Sims<br>a.jpg
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    wkhammwkhamm Posts: 228 Member
    edited January 2010
    First of all, love the button and all the promotional pictures you've done. They're great! I'm glad you decided to make a gym/swimming pool, because I was going to mention both those. My poor aliens didn't have enough money to buy gym equipment, so it'll be handy. ;) I haven't found any other problems, although I've had a lot of fun just looking around the world and playing. On that note, meet a newest member of the Mi family:


    He's Luvu's son and the woman he's thinking of? Yeah, that's his mom, a random npc that showed up in my game. :)
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    mmmcheezy225mmmcheezy225 Posts: 631 Member
    edited January 2010
    I'm sorry Simmerville, I'll try to test your world, but I might not have time. I've been sick recently and I don't know if I'll have enough time to test by Feb. 5th. :?

    Again, I apologize!
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    SimmervilleSimmerville Posts: 11,719 Member
    edited January 2010
    wkhamm: thanks for your update. Ah, how cool, I didn't realize blue hair would be in the genes. However, he doesn't seem to carry along much of the alien DNA. I didn't try to cros them yet.

    mmmcheezy225: that's okay, if you find the time then fine. Release can stay on Feb 10th if you want to, but if you don't get a chance to test it anyway, there won't be much reason to wait.
    Btw, you don't need to check all the aspects that are listed in the instructions, it would be fine if you just install and walk around to see if it seems to run smoothly. If you get a chance, that is ;-)
    Simmerville on Youtube | My blog is updated weekly: Simmerville's Sims<br>a.jpg
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    wkhammwkhamm Posts: 228 Member
    edited January 2010
    Yeah, I don't really know how the whole genetics thing works in Sims 3. The blue skin (or variations of it) might carry over in other sims. Oh, and my sim not only has the blue hair (which is awesome), but red eyes too! ;)
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    SimmervilleSimmerville Posts: 11,719 Member
    edited January 2010
    About DNA I think only the parents' appearance counts. If you had dyed a red haired parent's hair green the day before woohoo'ing, that parent would have thrown a green hair DNA possibility into the DNA pool, and not red hair.

    But DNA is more than hair, skin and eyes. Facial structure is passed on too, and I didn't see much of an alien face on that kid. Maybe it will show better when he grows older.
    Simmerville on Youtube | My blog is updated weekly: Simmerville's Sims<br>a.jpg
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    mrslokieemrslokiee Posts: 15 New Member
    edited January 2010
    Hi Simmerville.

    Sorry I dropped off for a couple days. I. Had to work a couple long shifts. I did finish all the premade families with no incident. I never had another bill problem. I Had a small issue in the the alien bachleor house. A graphics glitch that made my UI funky colors, but I reloaded the game and it never happened again. I tried pinning it to something specific before I reloaded, but I wasn't able to find a reason or a fix.

    I am off today so I will be making two families (one human, one alien) and playing them through like I did with the premades. I'll keep you posted.
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    mrslokieemrslokiee Posts: 15 New Member
    edited February 2010
    Okay now that I've fully tested I made my own sims and turned on Twallan's story progression mod. I'm having a blast. I downloaded Charlie and Kate from Lost and made them have two teens and a child. They are my Humans. Then I have blue, pointy eared Brad Pitt and Megan Fox for my aliens. They also have twin teens and a child.
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    MJSIMMERMJSIMMER Posts: 26 New Member
    edited February 2010
    Love the little town and your premade aliens. I expanded the alien houses a little, based off of your design, they are still up in the air but have different levels with bedrooms and bathrooms. I made each house a little different, ie bottom floor is bigger, smaller or the same size as the original dwelling. I'm sorry I'm posting before I loaded the game tonight so I cannot remember the aliens name, but the single one is funny. Talking to herself all the time, LOL. Thanks for all your hard work and so far I've not found any issues, but I did spend a great deal of time remodeling the alien houses so they can live. I don't know how to post pictures with my post. When I click on the Img tab, I just get some computer line and the format has not helped me to attach a pic.
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    SimmervilleSimmerville Posts: 11,719 Member
    edited February 2010
    MJSIMMER: I'd love to see those aliuen lots ;-). To post a picture you must first upload the picture to the web, then type the full url (http...), highlight it and click the IMG tag button.

    mrslokiee: Sounds like you had fun, too :-) Any pics?
    Simmerville on Youtube | My blog is updated weekly: Simmerville's Sims<br>a.jpg
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    MJSIMMERMJSIMMER Posts: 26 New Member
    edited February 2010
    This is what I expanded the Alien Houses to.

    House 1

    Bottom Floor

    Middle Floor

    Top Floor

    House 2

    Bottom Floor

    Top Floor

    House 3

    Bottom Floor

    Middle Floor

    Top Floor
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    wkhammwkhamm Posts: 228 Member
    edited February 2010
    Wow! Love the houses! :D
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    SimmervilleSimmerville Posts: 11,719 Member
    edited February 2010
    Oi, those houses are cool! :D I never really planned those lots to be livable, but why not! Maybe you should upload them if you didn't already. Let me know if you do, and I'll list them as downloadable content in the top post.
    Simmerville on Youtube | My blog is updated weekly: Simmerville's Sims<br>a.jpg
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    SimmervilleSimmerville Posts: 11,719 Member
    edited February 2010
    Okay, so it's bad news, or good news. I decided to release ALIENS vs SIMS within a couple hours :-)

    Thank you all testers!

    Added distant background and toned down the chain of tiny mountains edging the map. Without a beach or coastline, I think Goodville works better surrounded by land. Maybe it doesn't really matter, when we play down to ground we hardly see far anyway, and when we fly high up there it's not like a realistic part of the gameplay ;-)

    I'm now doing a few minor EIG stuff, will then upload households to the exchange, and the world to Mediafire. I'll post again when it's all ready, and you will find the links in the top post.
    Simmerville on Youtube | My blog is updated weekly: Simmerville's Sims<br>a.jpg
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    mrslokieemrslokiee Posts: 15 New Member
    edited February 2010
    Wooo! In honor of release I am downloading the world for my second computer. I figured I would test out the new custom skin mod and have a bunch of different colored aliens. Hope to keep a story going as well.
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    SimmervilleSimmerville Posts: 11,719 Member
    edited February 2010
    Sounds great mrslokiee :-) And pls posta picture of your CC aliens. You know, when AvsS was started, I intended to have purple aliens to match the "slime", but because others wouldn't have my CC, I couldn't. Have fun, hope you don't mind that Goodville is no longer an island. With both versions installed you will be the best to compare. ;-)
    Simmerville on Youtube | My blog is updated weekly: Simmerville's Sims<br>a.jpg
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    aceofbadesaceofbades Posts: 4
    edited February 2010
    Oh my god I'm in love. Normally my attitude would be "pffft lame" because I don't see the point in having vampires who are vampires only in looks or aliens that aren't made by the game creator. I now have ONE and ONLY ONE exception to my rule and it's this. I haven't played (it's downloading as I type), but it looks amazing. My one gripe thus far is more aliens please! If anyone else playing this has aliens they can upload to the exchange for a more endless source of them to be had in CAS (so they don't all have the same last name) that would be amazing because my logic is that as relations increase maybe more aliens will come to populate the town and the world!! My first stop.....a fearless thief adventurer girl that lives in town decides not to stay in, but to go investigate the aliens herself! I'll try and post any Sims and/or lots I make to the Exchange for all to enjoy. I say again AWESOME!
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    Damienf519Damienf519 Posts: 7,004 Member
    edited February 2010

    I don't know if you know this, but recently I found out that people can upload saved game files to third party sites. That way, after putting the saved game file in their saved folder, people could play your map with the households and the aliens already there. All you'd have to do is tell people to also install the map first, and than once they put the saved game in the right place, they could load it. It might just be easier for people to do it that way than download each household and alien landing craft individually and have to keep track of whre to put them. Its just a suggestion for you to think about.
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    BobbieDBobbieD Posts: 447 New Member
    edited February 2010
    Hi, I downloaded. It played fine until I tryed to play the saved file. It was greyed out and would not load. Said an expansion pack was missing?? I have all the expansion packs and all updates? Any one know how to fix this?
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    areare46areare46 Posts: 45 Member
    edited February 2010
    hello had the same problem as bobbie d with aliens vs sims did you get answer yet
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    SimmervilleSimmerville Posts: 11,719 Member
    edited February 2010
    Hm, I never heard about saved gamed being greyed out and not accessible. Never heard about it happen with other worlds either. I'm sorry I can't help, there isn't any WA or HEL stuff in Aliens vs Sims world, and no CC I'm aware of either. I'll need to sit back and hope for some enlightning input from others on this subject.
    Simmerville on Youtube | My blog is updated weekly: Simmerville's Sims<br>a.jpg
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    SimmervilleSimmerville Posts: 11,719 Member
    edited February 2010
    OOPS - I just got the same grayed game button as someone mentioned. I played and restarted this hood many times before. But the game I started today and uploaded as a saved game seems to be corrupted. So - do not download and test just yet, I'll post again if I manage to fix it.

    And I still have no clue why this suddenly happened as it did not happen in the past.

    Ok Damienf519, I know others did upload saved games, but I never tried to do it. Those were larger worlds with many many households.

    Anyway, I just started a new ALIEN vs. SIMS game, moved everyone in to the correct address. Front doors are locked, and Damienf519 or anyone else wanting to help me testing if this works like intended, please download and install the world - new version is up, includes saved game.

    Please report back ;-)
    Post edited by Unknown User on
    Simmerville on Youtube | My blog is updated weekly: Simmerville's Sims<br>a.jpg
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    Damienf519Damienf519 Posts: 7,004 Member
    edited February 2010

    Thank you. :-) I downloaded and installed both files. I'll try your saved game later today or tomorrow. Right now I have a lot of work I must do. But I'll let you know if it works right, and what I think of it, if it does. Its usually a good idea to start out small anyway. Besides, if its supposed to be a small town, it makes sense to not have a lot of people living there.
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    SimmervilleSimmerville Posts: 11,719 Member
    edited February 2010
    Damienf519 (and others) Important, the saved game I uploaded earlier tonight is corrupt. I was unable to reopen the game (grayed out button). I saved a new version of the world, and included a new and matching version of the save game. So, if you downloaded before I typed this - you should redownload the new version. Link has been corrected both in my previous post and the top post.
    Simmerville on Youtube | My blog is updated weekly: Simmerville's Sims<br>a.jpg
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    Damienf519Damienf519 Posts: 7,004 Member
    edited February 2010

    Thanks for fixing it. I downloaded the older version of your world, and I was about to tell you about the problems I was having with it, until I noticed that you had already fixed them. I can't speak for anyone else but for me it works perfectly now. Your world is great, and its very creative. I haven't been able to play with it very much, due to the problems with the older version, but what little I have played so far is very fun.

    I hope you will enjoy my Kellog Island as well. I'm also planning on releasing a saved game file along with the final version, so I'm doubly glad that I was able to make yours work. But besides that, I'm really enjoying your Aliens vs Sims!

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