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Can't Collect money from deeds ** Edit: Also, food in frig spoils really fast

After installing the expansion pack/patches (I don't know which messed it up), I haven't been allowed to collect the money from the businesses I have the deeds for.

Does anyone else have this problem?


I'm also noticing that the food in the refrigerator spoils just as fast as if I had left it on the counter. Anyone else?


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    AshlyleneeAshlylenee Posts: 4
    edited November 2009
    This seems to be a common problem. Some have said they sold all their deeds and bought them back with some success, but it seems this only works for a week at most. I personally am going to hang on to mine for a bit and see if they make a patch that fixes it. If you do go the selling route, I would suggest you sell your deeds, wait until the 2nd monday after you sell, then start buying places again. I don't know if this would work or not, but knowing computer code, it is possible the system will restart the counter properly after over a week of not having deeds in your inventory. You will probably just waste your time, but it is worth a shot. If you do, let us know how it went.
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    hyacinth343hyacinth343 Posts: 3 New Member
    edited November 2009
    I'm having the same problem since I installed the update.

    Has anyone found a solution.
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    carollsimcarollsim Posts: 238 Member
    edited November 2009
    i have this issue too.
    Mr Basil and Ms Ivy now on facebook
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    Mlee0332Mlee0332 Posts: 46 Member
    edited November 2009
    Im going to hold on to mine too. I have a bunch of them and I don't want to have to do that.

    Hopefully they will get it fixed.
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    FredcatFredcat Posts: 52 Member
    edited November 2009
    I have the same problem. Never had this before the expansion. I think going on vacation somehow screws up the timer. Sucks losing tons of income.
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    Mlee0332Mlee0332 Posts: 46 Member
    edited November 2009
    I'm losing out on about 23,000 a week! I didn't have to work before the patch
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    aGorillaaGorilla Posts: 22
    edited November 2009
    I had the same problem with the fridge. If I put breakfast in the fridge in the morning (right after making it), it would be spoiled by the end of the day.

    I bought a new one, dumped the old one, and the problem went away.

    This happened right after the patch came out.
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    Mlee0332Mlee0332 Posts: 46 Member
    edited November 2009
    Some how my money collecting issue just went away... My sim went on 2 vacations and promoted about 3 times. I don't know what fixed it...

    And the fridge is fixed by getting a new one like suggested. Thanks!
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    MaxQBakerMaxQBaker Posts: 493
    edited November 2009
    add another person to this list.
    Right after I installed the new pathc that just came out (no expansions einstalled) the ability to collect money from properties vanished. I transferred deeds to another household member, but no luck Same thing.
    Hoping for a quick patch.
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    JeffreyCorJeffreyCor Posts: 114 Member
    edited November 2009
    Selling and rebuying my frig fixed it for a while, but then the problem came up again. I wasn't watching when it stopped working again but looks like after going on an adventure then the frig went bad again.
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    VexingQueryVexingQuery Posts: 2,180 Member
    edited November 2009
    Not only does food spoil fast in my fridge, it also spoils inside my food replicator.

    Dishes that were stored before WA still copy just fine, but the grilled salmon I stored afterward keeps coming out spoiled. Bleh. :P

    ... Not exactly as easy and cheap to replace as a fridge, that thing is. :wink:

    ... And the above posters are right, the issue pops up only after going on an adventure for me. I was fine until my sims decided to travel...
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    DrezzilDrezzil Posts: 1 New Member
    edited November 2009
    I am also having the same issues as the above posters, however I don't have the expansion pack... these issues appeared directly after I installed the latest patch, 1.7 . Selling your fridge and buying a new one may sound like a good fix to some, but in my case, I own the reward fridge that gives the positive moodlet. Why would I want to downgrade to "maybe" fix this bug "temporarily". I hope the developers are watching this forum and come up with a solution soon. I have played 3 games weeks since the patch and own the whole town in deeds, so that's a lot of missing simolians, wasted food and perfect produce.

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    SnaitfSnaitf Posts: 6 New Member
    edited November 2009
    Just throwing my name in with the lot...

    I have WA 2.2 and am having both problems as well. Food spoils within a day, and I can't collect on business deeds. I've tried selling and rebuying the business and selling and buying a new fridge with no luck with either.

    Eagarly awaiting the next patch...
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    ssamboenssamboen Posts: 10
    edited November 2009
    I've got the same problems too. Although i can collect my deeds once only, a week right after i bought it. After that, it was all greyed out.Food spoilt too quickly even with new fridge. I wonder if the EA guys knows about this issue. It seems that these are reported everywhere and yet no news has been heard from EA.
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    Andrew79Andrew79 Posts: 5 New Member
    edited November 2009
    Same problems as everyone else, so my name is added to the list. Cannot collect money from deeds. Food spoils really fast in fridge.

    EA please sort this problem out.
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    labellavita88labellavita88 Posts: 93 New Member
    edited November 2009
    Please give us a patch that fixes "OUR" game, not break it. :)
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    SpazCadetSpazCadet Posts: 1
    edited December 2009
    Just chiming in, I'm having the same issues.
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    JENathanJENathan Posts: 230 New Member
    edited December 2009
    OK Everybody:

    Yes the fridge issue is annoying, but you DO NOT HAVE TO BUY A NEW FRIDGE every time.

    Do this:

    1. go into buy mode and put your existing fridge into family inventory
    2. Go back to live mode for a (in game) minute or two
    3. Get your fridge out of family inventory and put it back in your house.

    This will reset the food-keeping properties of your fridge without you needing to lose the fridge you have. It may work with the food replicator too, although I have never tried it.

    The deed issue is a different story. Some of my saves the deeds work, others they don't. there doesn't seem to be a pattern there
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    leilanib00leilanib00 Posts: 3 New Member
    edited December 2009
    Since the update ive been havin all sorts ov problems with my game and this is one ov them at least now i know someone else is having this trouble!!!! srry i cant help tho :(
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    smallevilweismallevilwei Posts: 4
    edited December 2009
    No expansion pack but facing the same issues as well :?
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    cindy888cindy888 Posts: 1
    edited December 2009
    Same problems as above since the patch; no money from deeds, food turns bad the next day. Eat for free at the restaurants, don't bother with cooking and using the fridge for now. Hopefully EA fixes these problems soon. I'm losing interest in the game fast as my target is to make a million $ fast which isn't possible now.
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    Mlee0332Mlee0332 Posts: 46 Member
    edited December 2009
    Well, I know I posted saying that the deeds thing was fixed, but it's broken again. I am three (sim) weeks out now with no money from my deeds... I got 30,000 the last time that it worked, so I'm pretty bummed. that's a lot of money!

    The food spoils fast sometimes and sometimes it doesn't. There's no consistency at all. Buying a new fridge will fix it for a few days, but it always comes back.
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    Bellend39Bellend39 Posts: 29
    edited December 2009
    No fridge problems (no expansion pack), but the deeds are not working after installing the patch. I tried selling and re-buying. Worked for one week.
    What's odd is that it has been a few days and nobody from EA has breathed a word of it (that I could find). I'm definitely waiting before I faithfully click away and install the next "patch". I know it's a complex game with oodles of code and all, but seriously. The QA team needs to have heavy things thrown at them for this.
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    JeffreyCorJeffreyCor Posts: 114 Member
    edited December 2009
    That seems to fit with what I've been seeing Bellend. It seems the frig goes nuts after a sim goes on an adventure. Without having the pack, no adventures so the bug doesn't kick in.

    Interesting find about the deeds, that sounds like a core bug in their latest patch making it fubar.

    I'm fully in agreement also on QA massivly dropping the ball here. These are obvious problems that should have been caught. Also find it strange / distrubing that EA hasn't even shown up to say they are working on the problem. They sure found time to post that GameSpot had a review but haven't bothered with actually fixing their product.
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    FrekiNGeriFrekiNGeri Posts: 98 Member
    edited December 2009
    Selling the fridge and buying a new one was only a temporary fix for me. The problem creeps back in. I have a new solution that I read somewhere in the forum - when I come back from vacation or load my game in to play, I immediately pause the game, put my fridge and replicator into my family inventory, then play the game for a few game hours. Then I take the fridge and replicators out and the food doesn't go bad.

    Of course timing is important - and I still sometimes blow it - it's real fun unloading 20 meals from the replicator that have gone bad. :: sigh :: Hope they fix this bug soon.
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