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The Whittaker Saga - 1937: A world in turmoil, and a new foal (6/9)


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    JALJAL Posts: 1,110 Member
    edited September 2023
    Now that Ida has been formally introduced to society, it is acceptable for suitors to start paying visits. The first to do this, is Loyd Brennan! Yes, the very same who was a prospect for Abigail once. He has since married and been widowed, but without any children. The woman he married was a practical choice. Someone who would do well when it came to running a store, a widowed mother of a teenage girl. She was hard working and a sensible choice. Ida is young and beautiful and Loyd wouldn't mind some beauty in the store. Neither Joseph nor Frank is very pleased by the prospect, and while Ida is polite, she tries to speak as little as she can with the man. He leaves the house very quickly, with no hopes of a young beautiful bride from this household.

    While Ida is forced to entertain hopeless suitors, Anna finally learns how to ride a bike!

    She loves her new freedom! Already the first night she ends up late for dinner because she is out, and the second, she ventures even further into Willow Creek (after all what's the fun of riding your bike only in areas you already know?). And there, in the more rural parts of town, she sees them. Horses! Anna is in love! She cannot help herself. One minute she's riding her bike, the next she's boldly climbed into the paddock with the horses and are petting and talking to them. Once the owner, Mr Latour comes home, he finds her there. Luckily he does not mind, and even lets her try to ride one of the kinder, gentler ones! Anna is in heaven!

    By the time she gets home, it's already dark. She's beyond missed dinner, her younger siblings are asleep and Abigail, having been besides herself with worry, is furious. As Anna wants to tell her about the marvelous, fantastic thing that has happened, Abigail is in no mood to listen to tales of horses and adventure. She yells at her daughter, lecturing her of responsibilities, of decorum, of not scaring her parents and of behaving like a girl instead of a boy!

    She does make sure Anna gets some left over into her before sending her off to bed. Anna, dejected, promises she'll behave.

    The next day, it's time for Frank to visit Emily and her family again. As her fiancé it's his duty to spend a lot of time in her family home, rather than the other, and spend time with her family, as much as his beloved. Their engagement is still formally only a family affair, but soon, on Saturday, it will be announced to the world. For now though, only their families have been informed. Frank does enjoy spending some time with his father-in-law to be, however, and seems not adverse to talking about Edward's favourite topic. Politics.

    For once, his fun-meter is not in the bottom! Could this be the career path he's supposed to pursue? Soon to apply for college, it's time for him to make up his mind. But perhaps politics is the way to go? Perhaps having a father-in-law high up might not be the worst way to get ahead in such a career either?

    While Frank is figuring his future career out, the next potential suitor to come visit the Whittaker household. This is a less formal affair, as Matthias Bradshaw has visited the family on several occasions before and officially does so as a classmates of Frank's. He still spends more time socialising with Ida than Frank, however. Now this is a match Joseph has less to interfere with, though Abigail isn't so fond of his hotheadedness. Can a hotheaded person make a good husband to someone as sensitive and gentle as Ida? Either way, there are plenty of more young men in town, and plenty of time to decide.

    On Saturday, finally according to Frank, it's time for the Duncan's to host Frank and Emily's engagement dinner. Apart from both families, the most prominent members of society is invited, along with the Duncan's new neighbors, the Edwardsons. The dinner goes off without a hitch, and is quite the success. From now on, Emily and Frank will always be invited to any gathering as a couple, they'll always be seated next to each other at dinners, and can be seen alone in public and go on official dates (as long as they stay in public). From now to their marriage there will be an endless stream of invitations and gatherings, gift givings and romance. Frank can't wait!

    And for Ida, the engagement dinner brings with it something else. The acquaintance of a certain Charles Edwardson, new citizen of Willow Creek:

    Abigail is more realistic, perhaps the two should get to know each other first before they rush into anything, and Joseph simply explains that one child married at the time is sufficient. Besides, he knows nothing about this family. But perhaps it's time he start finding out?
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    JALJAL Posts: 1,110 Member
    edited September 2023
    There have been big developments in the family this week. It starts when little Josephine decides to stand up on her own for the very first time while the rest of the family is having breakfast.

    Coming into the room after she's finished eating, Abigail finds her baby girls standing up on her very own. She is utterly proud!

    The family is in a generally good mood as they head off for this week's Sunday service, with Abigail and Joseph intent on getting to know the Edwardson-family better in order to learn if this Charles is a suitable young man for Ida. Only Ida has other ideas. While Joseph and Abigail are talking to the Edwardson after service, she runs into the also newly settled Nathaniel Preston, a young adult whose father is passed away and who, together with his mother, owns a string of businesses. Incidentally, he's, like any other single man in possession of a good fortune is in want of a wife and is quite flirty with the young Ida.

    Ida thinks he's dreamy!

    Abigail isn't sure this speaks to Ida's maturity to get married, but as she is of a suitable age, the Prestons are invited for dinner formally the very next day. Never let it be said that Abigail and Joseph does not provide their daughter with the opportunity to find a suitable match. After dinner, Nathaniel and Ida are left to their own devices in the living room, as Abigail and Joseph stay with his mother and sister in the dining room. Nathaniel does seem to be a man who goes after what he wants, and Ida is more than flattered.

    When the dinner party is over, she really do not see the need to wait at all. Why finish school anyway? What's the point?

    Joseph kindly, but firmly, tells her that she will not be getting married before her brother is. She will simply have to wait until spring, and stay in school for that matter too.

    On Wednesday, school is surprisingly cut short and the kids sent home. With a full day of ahead of them, Anna begs her father to take her with her to the new stable. Pretty pleeeaaase!!!! Joseph might be strict with his children on many things, but he's never been good at turning his girls down when there is something they actually want. As Joseph chat with the owner's wife, Anna finally gets to meet Lady again and practice her riding. In the end, Joseph can see no reason not to pay for some some riding lessons. After all, riding is a perfectly suitable thing for a young woman to know.

    As Anna is left alone, she takes great care in riding and caring for Lady, but as the lesson is over, she can't help herself. She just has to explore the area more. It's not like it's dinner time yet, after all, and there is this really, really, interesting tree at the end of the road. She studies it, and talks to it, and suddenly, she finds an opening! Curious! What's in there? She has to find out, and she cannot believe what she finds, a whole hidden world!

    Not that much to do there though, as Anna really has no patience for fishing. She is back home before dinner as promised.

    The next day Joseph visits the Private Club, only to learn it's in one of the buildings owned by the Prestons. Interesting.

    Back home, Josephine is becoming more and more curious about the world. She learns to babble, to crawl and to clap hands, and stands up as often as she can.

    Ida is taking a greater interest in her younger sister as well. It's good practice before she herself is a wife and mother. Abigail is still not sure she knows what she wants yet, however, and invites Charles Edwardson over for dinner:

    Ida has to admit he's still gorgeous! She has stronger feelings for Nathaniel, but if it ended up being Charles, she could definitely live with it. Abigail is now firmly certain that Ida is so not ready to get engaged or married yet. What good luck that no such thing can happen until Frank's wedding, which is still a while off. It gives Ida a chance to mature.

    On Saturday it's time for Alice to age up, and Abigail invites all children in the neighborhood. Abigail helps Alice blow out her candles, and then there is cake and presents.

    So now I formally introduce you to Alice, a proper young girl for her time:
    Post edited by JAL on
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    EleriEleri Posts: 581 Member
    I've always hated the decades challenge as a history nerd. From confusing the gilded age with the bronze age, to thinking that children born in the Great Depression were necessarily depressed, it's like it's written by someone who learned history on twitter. You've made it much more accurate. I actually enjoy this version, thank you!
    -No, my almost-elderly mother, I don't think it's a good time for you to try for a baby.
    -Yes, person I barely know, you have my blessing to hang out with Johnny Zest.
    -No person with the mean, hot-headed and self-absorbed traits, I don't think you should get married.
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    JALJAL Posts: 1,110 Member
    edited September 2023
    @Eleri Thank you! I am happy to hear that, and yes, you are right, sometimes it feels like the "rules" are very far from reality. I've even been toying with the idea of making my own guidelines, but then I kind of like researching things when I need them, and I would probably make them way too complex when the history teacher part of me takes over.
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    JALJAL Posts: 1,110 Member
    This week started with all kids being sent home from school sick, or rather three was sent home sick and Alice was just sent home. After getting them home, Abigail sent all of the sick ones to bed to rest up. As Josephine was down for her afternoon nap this gave her the rare occasion to really spend time with Alice, helping her with homework and teaching her to knit. She can sometimes miss the quiet moments she had with Ida before the other three were born.

    That night, Joseph decided it was time for a serious talk with his son. Yes, the talk. After all, Frank is on the verge of aging up and will be getting married soon. It's important he knows how to treat his new, young wife.

    In the end, both Joseph and Frank end up wishing they'd never had the conversation at all.

    That night, two surprising deaths occurred in Willow Creek. For the Bradshaws tragedy struck when Dereck, the father, unexpectedly dropped dead from a heart attack, but what the neighborhood is bustling about is not Dereck's death, but the death of the beautiful, young, vivacious, Valeria Godeau, who fell to her death from the top of the stairs in the middle of the night, and not only that, Matthew Godeau showed up in town that morning sporting a new and nasty looking cut across his face and eye! What happened in that home that night?

    The entire town is speculating about this one. The marriage itself had seemed unlikely and had been a complete surprise when it was announced. After all, Valeria was barely out of her teens when the already adult Matthew proposed and quickly married her. And there were so many questions back then. Why the engagement was announced right after the death of Matthew's mother. Why the wedding was so soon after the engagement - and so soon after Valeria's father's death. Why it took so long for someone so young and beautiful to have a first child. Why no second child seemed to follow even after several years. And now this! Matthew Godeau tells the story of a tragic accident, involving their new dog, who scared Valeria so badly she fell down the stairs. His own new scar is a result of stepping in between, trying to save his beloved Valeria. Mean tongued rumours says otherwise and speak of a miserable marriage and a husband bored with his barren (or possibly just uninterested) wife. Whatever the truth is, Abigail is very grateful she never went down that particular path.

    As soon as the children are off to school the next day, she heads over to her friend Christine, who has kept her three children at home to mourn their father today. She herself is heartbroken. As a lonely widow, with three teenagers and a toddler, how will she cope? She never really bothered to learn Dereck's business, and so she is quite at a loss. Yet she wants her son to finish high school, to possibly get a university degree before he takes over. But can she manage that financially? At least the two girls are soon at a marrying age, although how to afford their weddings, Catherine has no clue.

    On Wednesday, it's time for Josephine to have her first birthday. With a good friend of the family so recently dead, however, and Frank aging up to a young adult on Saturday, Joseph and Abigail decide to keep the birthday low key with only the family. Joseph has bought new toys for his little princess, something entirely new on the market: the teddy bear, named after the president himself. Of course he bought the biggest one he could find too.

    Meet Josephine, a very fussy little toddler:

    On Thanksgiving, there is no way not to host something, and Joseph and Abigail invites his sister, Frank's future in-laws and the Prestons, for Ida to get more familiar with Nathaniel, his sister and his mother.

    Still, the night is quiet and a bit subdued, and everyone is happy when they can return to bed. Friday, in return, is all about preparing for Frank's big day. As he ages up from a boy to a man, it's time to set his wedding date, to prepare him for university and to make the final arrangements for adulthood. Abigail invites all his classmates to the party.

    As he blows his candles, Frank is finally ready to face adulthood. And hopefully, marriage, as the date has now been set for the Christmas week, giving Frank and Emily several days to enjoy a honeymoon before he goes off to university and Emily settles in with the Whittakers until he's finished.
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    JALJAL Posts: 1,110 Member
    edited September 2023
    On a small side note, as Frank ages up we are now a few years into the 1900s and as such I wanted to show how Willow Creek and its surrounding area has changed. When we started Willow Creek was very much a small town, with large wild areas of land still unexplored. Its school was a small one-classroom country school and while there was a church and a park, there was little else.

    Willow Creek in the year 1890:

    Now, ten years later, a lot has happened. The school is no longer a small country school, but that building has been replaced by a larger brownstone, hosting both younger and older students. The rest of Courtyard Lane is now inhabited and the neighborhood also boasts the town's local museum.

    Foundry cove, is still rural, but developed. There is the Heydale-farm, and the new Latour stables, but also the typical shotgun-style houses of Louisiana and a slightly larger Victorian home.

    Several new houses has been built both in Sage estates and on the strip, and only one lot of land is still undeveloped.

    Willow Creek in the early 1900s:

    As Willow Creek grew, so did the remaining areas. Newcrest is now starting to look more like a bustling outskirts of a real town, with apartment buildings, townhouses, the Newcrest Athletics Club and Newcrest Observatory. The Newcrest Church is built in brick and definitely bigger than the small wooden church in Willow Creek. Frank and Emily, being the modern generations, has settled on this for their wedding rather than the church back home. They are also contemplating moving here, rather than somewhere in Willow Creek, once Frank is done with university. It's a more modern, vibrant town, than the sleepy Willow Creek.

    Newcrest in the early 1900s:
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    JALJAL Posts: 1,110 Member
    As Christmas week rolls around, there is but one agenda: Frank's and Emely's wedding! Set for Christmas eve there is so much to prepare. After Sunday service, as Dolly bakes the wedding cake, and Abigail plans for invitations, Anna sneaks out and finds something wonderful! A new playground right outside their door!

    Playgrounds were a very new conception in the early 1900s, and extremely rare. Invented in Germany but first built in England, they slowly spread and made their way to the US, often consisting of little more than a slide and some swings. The first US playground was built in San Francisco in 1887, but the first government-funded one wasn't built until 1903. Now that one has been built outside her home, Anna can be found more outside than inside. As far as she is concerned all this planning for a wedding is just plain boring. Building snow-men and playing pirate is much more fun.

    Then on Monday morning, tragic news reach the family. Thomas, Emely's uncle, passed away. Frank hurries over to the family to offer his condolences. Grief or not, however, there is no way to postpone the wedding ceremony. It's way too late for that. As funerals start piling up in the small community, the plans for the wedding continues.

    A part of being an adult is being accepted into adult situations. Therefore, on Tuesday, Joseph brings Frank with him to the Private Club. It's about time his son too is a member. It's also a way to get away from all the wedding preparations in the house. To be honest, Joseph is about as interested in cakes and menus as Anna is.

    On Wednesday, Christmas Eve, it's finally time for the big day. Although Joseph is having conflicting emotions. His baby boy. Adult. Marrying. Going off to uni. By mid morning, Joseph is deep in an early midlife crisis!

    What needs changing? Nobody knows. But something. (Gaining a daughter-in-law could of course be considered a change, but what do I know.)

    The wedding itself is a beautiful ceremony held in the newly built Newcrest Church. Emely and Frank walk down the isle, say their vows, kiss and then they host the reception in the small church hall next door. All in all, it's a successful wedding.

    But it's once they return home that the fun begins (or at least that's Frank's thoughts).

    As Christmas day rolls around, Emily settles in with her new family. For the next few weeks, as Frank gets his university degree, this will be her home, and this will be her new family. It's her first Christmas away from her own family, but the traditions are nice and the family welcoming. Even father Christmas comes to visit. Emely especially likes the joint concerto given by Frank and Joseph on the violin.

    Emily isn't, however, the only one who reflects on this being her first Christmas away from her family. Her father sends her this missive:

    She promises to come by before she and Frank takes off for their (very short) honeymoon. After all, their train to Brindleton does not leave until the afternoon. That, of course, also means that it's quite late by the time they arrive at their hotel in Brindleton Bay. It's a far cry from Joseph's and Abigails grand tour to Europe, but it is what they can manage when Frank is starting uni so soon. It's a bit of a compromise, but Frank promises to make it up to Emily later. In the end, priorities was on securing the wedding and marriage before Frank left for university, to lessen the risk of anything going wrong. Other considerations can wait. Frank has, on the other hand, gifted the newlyweds with the best suite at the hotel. Frank doesn't waste any time in making use of the generous bed.

    After, Emily is delighted at the vanity table, and decides she wants one of her own one day. The two goes downstairs for dinner, expecting to find a hotel bustling with people, but this is off season, and the hotel is almost eerily empty.

    Not that Frank cares, he's not really in it for the dancing. As night turn to day, however, Emily insists on seeing some of Brindleton Bay as well. They visit the museum, and look at the view from the lighthouse (and as there is not a single person around, take the chance of doing things no respectable person would ever consider doing at a lighthouse!), then they go to the movie theatre. It's the first film either of them has seen. They end the day at a riding school, trying to ride for the first time. Neither can see themselves doing that again voluntarily. As they return to the hotel they spend their New Years Eve quietly together, enjoying the precious time they have before tomorrow.

    As morning comes, it's hard to part, but they must. Emily is returning home, while Frank is continuing onwards, to Britechester just north of Brindleton Bay. They take a long time saying their goodbyes, until a train is set to leave and there is no more time to have. For one week, they'll be apart, she in a new house with a new family, and he settling into his history classes and new dormitory. They both hope time goes by fast.
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    flauschtrudflauschtrud Posts: 248 Member
    edited September 2023
    I really like the historical setting (and your explanations of real world history :))
    The two goes downstairs for dinner, expecting to find a hotel bustling with people, but this is off season, and the hotel is almost eerily empty.
    That made me laugh. Always interesting to write around glitches and missing features, haha.
    I make gameplay mods! You can find them at CurseForge.
    My first attempt at creating a Sims comic: The Parker-Goth Legacy.
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    JALJAL Posts: 1,110 Member
    @flaschtrud Thank you so much! I really do appreciate it.

    And yes, sometimes you have to play around strange features. In this case, I think the build was too big, it just made it seem empty. It was a beautiful build I downloaded, but it was huge and I think that's what made it feel so abandoned. The snow didn't help. I got all these the Shining-wibes from it.
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    JALJAL Posts: 1,110 Member
    edited September 2023
    Another week has passed in what is now the Whittaker households. After sending his new bride home to his family, Frank continued onwards to Britechester and settled into his new dorm. As much as he longs for Emily, he cannot deny the wonderful views. The room itself is a bit on the dark side, and a bit bare, but it's warm from the fire and contains what he needs. He's there to study, after all.

    Not long after he starts to study, he makes a discovery. James, Emily's brother, has chosen the same dorm as he has. Frank knew, of course, that Frank was coming too, as they're studying the same subject - history - but he had assumed that James would choose the more prestigious Darkwing House rather than the slightly cheaper Drake Hall. It's a pleasant surprise. Frank likes his brother-in-law and has known him most of his life, after all.

    James settles into the same dorm room as Frank, and promptly pulls him away from his studies to go explore Darby's Den and have dinner. He's not very impressed. "There is nothing going on!" he complains. "And the decor is horridly boring!" He pulls Frank with him to Pepper's Pub as soon as they've eaten. Frank is hesitant at first, after all, their lessons start in the morning, but once there he cannot deny it is fun. With a father who will not touch alcohol, Frank has never been to a pub before, and he finds that the beer goes down a bit easier than he expected.

    I'm sure that was not what Emily imagines her husband is doing as she is struggling to settle in with his family. To be fair, their very nice to her, and she cannot fault them anything, but when Monday rolls around, and the girls are all at school and Abigail is busy with Josephine's education, it does get a bit... lonely, and possibly tedious. She does get a lot of cross stitching done.

    It's a bit easier in the evening, when the others get home. She can at least always talk to Ida, although Ida only has one thing on her mind at the moment. When is it her turn? Especially as Martha comes over with the news that her older sister, who is barely older than Ida, has gotten married! "It's not fair!!!"

    It is true that Madeleine Bradshaw quit school in order to get married, but Abigail does not think that is cause for envy and know Christine is not too happy with the match either. Elliot Sutherland, her new husband, is neither rich nor young, but far too old for such a young bride. It can hardly be called an advantageous marriage, but it was a desperate (and cheap) one. Beggers can't be choosers, and now Christine has one less child to support, and is much more likely to be able to allow Matthias to stay in school. All things considered it was a reasonable match, and one that could hopefully help the family. Christine's hopes now lies that the younger, (and let be honest, based on the standards of the time, prettier), Martha, can find a more suitable (richer) husband. Martha, herself, is in no way jealous of her sister. Just glad she's not the eldest.

    None of that matters to Ida, however, who is still annoyed by the lack of progress when it comes to her suitors. From Joseph's and Abigail's point of view, there are a lot of things to consider. Ida's obvious immaturity, for one, as well as the suitability of the two men who has expressed interest. There are perks with both.

    Nathaniel is older, wiser, and could bring maturity to the marriage that might desperately be needed. But he is also a man of the world, and might find Ida's immaturity annoying after a while. He might also make demands on Ida that she is simply not equipped to meet. However, he is also a man of means, wealthy in fact, with a business of his own as his father is long dead. His sister is old enough to be married off soon, although yes that does mean that a marriage would entail his mother for the duration of her life. Then again, that is someone who might help with any future children. Someone to guide Ida. If they get along, that is.

    Charles is as young as Ida, and an engagement would have to be long enough for him to finish high school. The wait is in Abigail's mind the biggest perk. He, however, is also rather immature, and Joseph questions if he is ready for marriage. It would also put Ida in the same position as Emily is currently in, living with his family while he is off to university. Not ideal for any party, especially as Joseph does not much like Charles' father, and Abigail is very hesitant of his mother.

    In the end, it is Nathaniel that Joseph invites for dinner before Charles. After dinner, Joseph brings him into his study for a serious talk about his intentions. The conversation does go well, Joseph likes Nathaniel and gives him permission to ask Ida out for a date. In public, of course, so no rumours can be started.

    Meanwhile, in Britechester, Frank is getting used to things. He loves the modern inventions in the dorm bathroom called a shower! So much faster than a bath. Fantastic. He has already decided he wants that in his future house when he and Emily get a home of their own. He struggles with his homework and school work, and while finding classes can be hard sometimes (who knew it could take an hour to walk across a yard!), he does well. James is less careful, often skips his homework and settles for ok quality when holding his presentations. Then again, James is from an older family of connections. He does not need to study as hard to get the grades he wants. He does, however, find life at Drake Hall dreadfully boring and is talking about switching at the end of the semester. "Darkwing House is just superior, there is no denying that." He doesn't say it, but Frank thinks that perhaps it would be easier to get things done if James does switch.

    On Wednesday, Nathaniel takes the opportunity to ask Ida out, intent on finding out if she'd make a good enough wife. He has opted for the park, fully public, and with Anna keeping an eye on them and reporting back to mum and dad if something goes further than what is proper. In spite of the cold, they spend quite some time in deep conversation at one of the benches overlooking the waters, and take a stroll along the waters edge. The more they talk the stronger Nathaniel feels this could be right. In the shade of some trees, he goes for what he wants, giving Ida her very first kiss. Ida is walking on clouds!

    Joseph and Abigail, however, wants to make sure she knows what decision she's making, and so also invites the Edwardsons for dinner, watching carefully as the the two young teens interact. Of course, Ida has her head entirely on Nathaniel this night, and Charles, while nice and friendly seems reasonably uninterested.

    Having a private talk with him Joseph asks him his views about Ida:

    Well that's that. If Joseph knows one thing, it's that he wants his daughter to be loved, spoiled and adored, not just liked. Then and there, he's made up his mind. If Nathaniel asks, he'll get his blessing.

    As the weekend rolls around, James has made his decision to leave Drake Hall for Darkwing House. In spite of his mediocre effort, he still manages to get A+ for every subject, same as Frank. Goes to show that even at Britechester, who you are related to matters. Not that Frank cares all that much, all he cares about is getting back home to his wife. After greeting his father he hurries up to embrace Emily. The rest of the family can wait. He has a wife to attend to.

    Saturday is Valentines Day, but instead of taking his wife on a date, Frank is the dutiful son-in-law and brings his wife to visit her parents. If there is one thing he's learnt at Britechester, it's that being on his father-in-laws good side will open doors. He is not yet James, he does not have the same perks, and he will never bear the same name, but they are related, and Frank intends to make the most of the connection. Emily is happy to see her mother as well. Back at what she still thinks of as home she can relax more.

    Nathaniel, on the other hand, takes the opportunity of Valentines Day to call on Ida, and ask that all essential question. Will she marry him? Of course she will!!!! Provided daddy agrees. To his own great surprise, Nathaniel finds in him the will to stay loyal to this young wife of his, should he succeed in his endeavour (of which he has no doubt. He knows he's a catch). What an odd concept. No loose women to keep him entertained while his wife is at home? Well, everything needs to be at least tried.

    As Joseph is at a meeting, he will have to call on him later for the blessing, but he does make sure to greet Abigail before he takes his leave for the night.

    That night at dinner, everyone has a reason to be feeling celebratory, especially as Frank and Emily has some fantastic news:

    Frank is less eager than ever to return to Britechester, but there isn't much to do. Two more weeks, then he and Emily can set out to create a home of their own, and at least he's leaving her and his future child in good hands. Abigail will help her in every possible way, he's certain.

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    JALJAL Posts: 1,110 Member
    edited February 24
    Back for his second term at uni, Frank tries to focus on his studies. It turns out it really is easier when James isn't there to distract him, and he even manages to find something that he truly enjoys.

    Considering he was planing on entering politics, that is actually quite fantastic news. However, as he is waiting for classes to begin, he receives a telegram informing him that his aunt in Brindleton Bay, Mary, has passed away.

    Now Frank was never close to his aunt Mary, she was someone he met once in a while on birthdays and holidays, and someone who usually came when terrible things happened, like his mother dying or Abigail falling sick while she was pregnant with Alice, but he worries about his father and how he will take the news of her passing. It's frustrating, being away, not able to leave or do anything, when someone you care about might be hurt. But Frank has no choice, the only thing he can do is focus on his studies.

    In Willow Creek, however, the news strikes hard. They all knew Mary was getting on in years, but why didn't she tell them she was so frail? She could have been here, with them, instead of alone in a house in Brindleton Bay. Joseph takes the news hard.

    But in all the grief, there are still practical matters to attend to. Mary's funeral, the sale of her house... there is no way to do either from Willow Creek, yet with the baby due any day now, there is no way to take the entire family to Brindleton Bay. After long and hard talks with Abigail and the reverend, Joseph makes the hard call that he will need to go to Brindleton Bay on his own. Abigail is needed by Emily's side until the baby is born, and the kids have school. There really isn't much to be done about that.

    Joseph leaves on the first train in the morning, arriving quite early in Brindleton Bay and setting off immediately for Mary's cottage. Sadness weighs heavily on him as he arrives, and the cottage does little to relieve his pain. Yes it's beautifully situated right on the beach, but it's small and cramped and does not even have an indoor toilet. She could have afforded one, but Mary was stubborn and never liked changes. Joseph spends the next while getting a light on in the fireplaces, so that the place can heat up. Seeing her bedroom, he now knows why she and her late husband never had any children. He's not very surprised.

    As the cottage slowly heats, Joseph takes a walk on the beach, trying to clear his mind.

    Later he heads into town, to arrange Mary's funeral with the reverend at the church. Reverend Roy back home promised to write the man and set up the meeting, but Joseph arrives early, and the church is empty. The realisation that this is what Mary's funeral will be, just himself, makes him cry.

    As he pulls himself together, someone walks into the church. But it's not the reverend he's waiting for, but surprisingly, Nathaniel Preston. It's a welcome sight. He was unawares that Nathaniel was in Brindleton Bay. Apparently on business to make the final arrangements of his sister's long planned wedding. And yes, Joseph is aware of what he wants to ask, but this is not the place or time. "Come see me back home, and I will give you my answer."

    Back in Willow Creek, Emily is having her baby!

    Abigail, who has found out that she likes being away from her husband just about as much as she likes paying bills, is grateful to have something to do. "Is everything as it should be?" asks a nervous Emily. "Yes, quite fine," Abigail promises, as she feels her stomach. She stays with Emily, comforting her and keeping her company until it's time for the final push.

    When all is said and done, Emily gives birth to a beautiful, healthy, baby boy. Abigail is almost jealous, though she quite quickly falls in love with her almost-grandson. Emily decides to name him John, and soon the entire family is crowding into the room to meet the new bundle of joy.

    Joseph arrives back home the next morning, and with him he has a surprise. A stray cat he found and bonded with in Brindleton Bay. "He reminds me of Mary," he says. Josephine is delighted by the new addition to the family. Abigail is wondering if her husband has lost his mind. "We do not have big problems with mice! What do we want with a cat?" She is utterly unimpressed when the first thing Pickles do is jump onto her dining room table, and snatches up Josephine so that she won't get hurt. "How do we know it does not have any discases?"

    Joseph, however, is already off, meeting his first grandson. He is delighted at what he sees.

    He's not the only one, either. Emily's mother comes by to see the baby, gushing over him, while complaining about what children did to her figure.

    In Britechester, news reaches Frank about the birth of his son on the day he has just joined the debate club.

    He decides that warrants a trip to Pepper's Pub and some celebratory nectar. After all, it's not every day that you have a son!

    On Thursday, Nathaniel returns to Willow Creek, and having settled his sister's wedding, he heads straight for the Whittaker residence. It's time for him to have his own wife. He is successful in his endeavour, as he was certain he would be, and is given Joseph permission to marry Ida.

    He waits for her return from school to share the exciting news. And take the opportunity to give her an idea of what is to come once they're married, in a corner where no one will see, of course.

    Meanwhile, Abigail is struggling with the new member of the family. No, not John, who is a delight, if a constantly hungry one, but with Pickels, who just seem to be unable to learn, or perhaps just defiant. He scratches the furniture, jumps on the tables and counters, and eats from any dish left unsupervised for more than a few minute. Abigail finds herself constantly scolding him, and in return he just hisses at her. Even more frustrating is that he seems to pay attention to everything Joseph tells him while completely ignoring her. Even at bedtime he refuses her, pretending he does not understand what a bed is, only to go to sleep on it the moment Abigail has left the room.

    On Friday, it's finally time for Frank to return home to see his son for the first time. He rushes up to his and Emily's bedroom, eager both for his wife and his son. He is utterly proud of the little boy, but when he cries, Frank is left wondering what to do.

    On Saturday, it's finally time for Ida to age up to a young adult. No more school! Focus on her pending marriage! She feels as if she's waited forever! "You're soooo lucky that you didn't have to finish school!" she tells her friend Martha. Martha just stares at her. At least Madeleine's unfortunate marriage allowed Mathias to graduate. While he will never be able to afford university, he has been employed by the same company his father worked for. It means they can keep the house. She hopes she'll have a better marriage than her sister.

    The party mostly goes off without a hitch after that, and Ida finally gets to be an adult, just like she always wanted.

    Her pristine reputation and (mostly) her notable and fortunate new engagement means she immediately gets attention as a notable newcomer. Ida likes the idea of being noticed.

    As Ida delights in the attention, Emily takes the opportunity to introduce her father to his new grandson.

    And once everyone leaves and the party is over, Frank takes his time to enjoy his wife. "But the baby!" "He's sleeping. He'll be fine."

    As Sunday brings him back to Britechester, Frank can't wait for his last term to end. In one week, he'll finally, finally, be able to create a home of their own for his wife and child. One more week, four more courses, and then life can start.

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    JALJAL Posts: 1,110 Member
    edited September 2023
    Help me choose Ida's wedding dress:

    Now that Ida is all grown up and ready to get married, she is very busy choosing her wedding dress. She's narrowed it down to four options, and need some help:


    Options 2 and 3 would be most historically accurate for a wedding set in 1905/1906, but I feel all four represent the fashion of white lace that was predominant for weddings at the time, as well as the sleeker silhouette that was gaining in popularity. Which do you think she should go with?
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    flauschtrudflauschtrud Posts: 248 Member
    edited September 2023
    @JAL I vote for option 3 (bottom left)
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    I make gameplay mods! You can find them at CurseForge.
    My first attempt at creating a Sims comic: The Parker-Goth Legacy.
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    JALJAL Posts: 1,110 Member
    So two different choices. Interesting. Anyone else who want to weigh in?
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    blueyblueskyblueybluesky Posts: 1,377 Member
    I like the one on top right.
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    JALJAL Posts: 1,110 Member
    edited October 2023
    With two votes on the top right, that is, as it stands, the one in the lead at the moment. However, as much as Ida wants to get married NOW, preferably yesterday, she, again, finds that she has to wait for her pesky siblings to do things. Namely, for Anna to age up to a teenager (she really can't see the big deal, she already did that) and for Frank to graduate from university (OK, so she can sort of see why that would be a big deal. But still!!!)

    Either way, Ida will still have to wait, and while Frank returns for his last term at university, Ida has set her mind to mastering flower arranging. She might need to wait, but at least she can learn to make the most awesome flower bouquet in the meantime. In fact, she spends so much time learning, she even realises that she enjoys it. She happily tells the others at dinner about her new found hobby.

    Meanwhile the entire family is getting to know John, even little Josephine tries to entertain him at times. Emily, however, often monopolises her son, spending every waking hour with him if she can. Especially after he ages up to an infant. Why should she let anyone else take care of him when she's there?

    In Britechester, Frank makes an effort to ace his courses and learn as much as he can from the debate club. He even wins his first debate. He cannot deny he likes the feeling. Now that summer is approaching, riding his bike to classes is even enjoyable.

    Pickles seems to be staying, to Abigail's big annoyance. She had hoped, that being a stray would mean the stupid cat wanted to be free, but no, Pickles seem quite happy to be in the house. And if he's staying, he's at least getting some grooming, and a proper bowtie. He is not pleased. Or rather, SHE is not pleased. As Pickels goes into heat they discover that he, is really a she. She still hates Abigail, and hiss whenever Abigail tells her anything, even not to drink from a puddle next to a potty.

    On Wednesday, it's finally time for Anna to age up to a teenager. All appropriate kids and teens are invited as she finally takes the first step towards womanhood.

    So meet young Anna, an independent young girl with a very strong views that does not always align with her mothers. Especially when it comes to the hemlines of her clothes. (She is definitely not telling mum about her riding outfit. Bloomers? Aka pants? On a girl!?! Abigail would be horrified at the indecency. Anna think mum is soooo 1890s!)

    Missing his little sister's birthday party, Frank is focusing all his efforts on his studies. He's getting a bit nervous as Friday's tests are getting closer and closer. Hard work pays off, however, and he graduates with the highest grades! But this also means he cannot go home this evening as he usually does. Instead he has to stay one more day. Then again, when he now returns it will be forever and he and Emily can finally have a home of their own.

    As the afternoon wanes, James pulls him out to celebrate. They start with a dip in the Britechester waters, a tradition James says, for those who manages to get through the exams. After bathing, comes partying, and one last night at Pepper's pub, where a giddy Frank orders drinks for everyone. Quite a few times. At some point in the night, he cannot really remember when, he even sneaks behind the bar as the bartender is in the bathroom and makes drinks for everyone. Maybe. He thinks. His memory is a little fussy but he cannot deny that he might have gotten a bit too much to drink during the evening. Just a tad. It's not like he passed out on the floor or anything... or maybe he did, but cameras aren't yet portable so no one can prove anything.

    Waking up on graduation day is less than amusing. The headache! And with a very large, cheering, crowd awaiting. This is going to be fun. But after a shower and some breakfast, Frank is almost himself as he heads off to the graduation ceremony, promising himself never to drink again. At least not potato nectar. Never potato nectar! Still, graduation goes off without a hitch, and soon he and the others can throw their hats into the air in celebration.

    Throwing himself on the first best train, Frank hurries home to Emily and the rest of his life.

    But they cannot start their life just yet, first the family wants to celebrate Franks achievements, and then it's time for bed. But the very next day it's time for him and Emily to go see the house that Mr Duncan has gifted them. Their original plans had included moving to Newcrest, but Edward wanted his little girl close by and bought the plot of land next to theirs. And who can argue with a gifted, newly built, house? Emily is delighted at the prospect of decorating the entire place to her liking and according to the latest trends. To be fair, even with the house gifted, they cannot afford to decorate all the rooms. Two are left empty and disused. But then their family is small, and they don't need all the rooms yet. Frank let's Emily have her way with the house, having only two wishes. Central heating and radiators like dad has, and a shower like the dorm has. He gets both his wishes, and Emily gets everything else. She chooses a light and bright color palate, much brighter than the old Victorian style of the 1890s and much more in line with the new Art Nouveau movement. She adores her new house.

    Emily cannot wait to invite people over to show off her new house. But first, it's time for church service, and then another birthday as Josephine too is aging up and turning into a little girl. But soon, she will be entertaining with the best of them, enjoying the life of a wife with her own house and her own family.
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    JALJAL Posts: 1,110 Member
    edited October 2023
    The first week of summer starts with another birthday. It's time for a little toddler girl to become a child! Josephine's birthday party is kept small, however, just the family. After all, she is only a toddler, and they'd have plenty of major events lately, and with Ida's wedding coming up, there will be more occasions for celebration this week. As she grows, Josephine takes over Anna's old clothes, as was the custom of the time. Clothes in general were kept longer and handed down through more children, as there was little need to change them as long as they were whole.

    The very next day, Ida finally gets the attention she feels she deserves. As the girls are all at school, Abigail takes Ida shopping for the outfits she will wear as a married woman, as well as a wedding dress, which she will then wear as formal wear once the wedding is over. Ida loves the outing, the clothes, the fitting... when they've ordered her new clothes, Abigail takes her to get a formal portrait taken, and then the two of them spoil themselves to an ice-cream in the ice-cream parlour. Ida not only loves the attention, she loves that her wedding is so near. Only a few days to go now.

    Back home, things are getting a bit tense, however. Abigail and Anna seems to agree on nothing. Abigail loves listening to classical music during dinner, Anna prefers the more modern jazz which in turn Abigail thinks is a horrid. In politics, Abigail does not really have an opinion, other than the fact that as a woman she doesn't really need an opinion, while Anna has all manner of views on the subject. Dinners are no longer the quiet affairs they used to be. Ida, in turn think it's hardly fair that they are arguing on the eve of her wedding. Can't they at least wait a few days?

    Finally the day is here. The day Ida has so (im)patiently been waiting for! Her wedding day! She, Abigail and Anna arrive early to make sure everything is ready and the cake Dolly has prepared is in place. Then it's finally time. Walking down the isle with the bouquet she's made herself. Seeing Nathaniel standing there so handsome. Saying their vows. Emily alters between crying and laughing with happiness, her feelings all over the place. Then, finally, the kiss! The fact that they are not husband and wife. Followed by a dinner that lasts well into the night before she is taken to the place she will now call home, and finally gets to be alone with her husband. She is a bit shy, but quickly finds that she enjoys this physical intimacy thing quite a bit.

    Nathaniel takes her to Italy for their honeymoon. The ship is beautiful and grand, but Ida do not see that much of it as Nathaniel mostly keeps them busy in their suite. He's not put them in a hotel when they get there, instead he's rented an old farmhouse with stunning views over the beautiful town of Tartosa. "We'll have more privacy this way," he says, and goes on to show just what he wants to do with that privacy. Somehow they still find time to go to the little nearby beach overlooking the stunning waterfall, swim in the warm waters and walk on romantic pathways before going into town to eat at the restaurant and look at the algae that form on the beach at night. "There isn't all that much to do here," Ida remarks, but Nathaniel just laughs. "That's the entire point," he counters. "I think I can find ways to keep us busy." Ida finds herself pregnant before they even start their journey home.

    Back in Willow Creek, Emily is settling into her new house, enjoying being a wife and mother.

    Meanwhile, Abigail is wondering what to do with all her time now that all her girls are at school all day. Her little garden does not take that much time, and Dolly takes care of the house, and playing the piano for hours on end gets old. What to do other than to visit your sort of daughter-in-law and your adorable sort of, but not quite, grandson? Abigail becomes a fixture in Emily's new house, spoiling baby John with attention. John adores his Abigail, and loves her visits. What Emily think? Well, if she does not approve, she is too polite to say anything.

    Anna, has taken to her new found freedom as a teenager. She rides Lady every weekend, learning to jump obstacles as well as tendering to Lady's needs. She does make sure to change her clothes on sight, so mum won't see her riding outfit. While there, she also makes sure to visit Sylvan Glade again, making sure it wasn't a place she just made up in her mind as a child. She had hopes to bring Lady, but horses cannot go into secret passageways in trees, so Lady gets to stay on the outside. Without the possibility to ride, the place is just as boring as Anna remembered in. She heads home instead.

    In the afternoon, the family visits the park, where Abigail can once again shower baby-John with attention, trying to teach him how to stand and allowing him to nap in her arms.

    Back home, the family has a quiet evening together. Abigail teaches Alice how to knit, and Joseph teaches Alice how to play chess. Anna, has found something interesting in the bookshelf. A book about old, hidden places around the world, and how to find them and excavate them and deal with their treasures. Oh if only she could go and explore places like that! She goes to bed dreaming of hidden underground champers and temples buried and forgotten long ago.

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    flauschtrudflauschtrud Posts: 248 Member
    That pregnancy came fast, lol. I hope Anna can go exploring some day... What are her traits?

    Do you have a family tree with the characters and their traits?
    I make gameplay mods! You can find them at CurseForge.
    My first attempt at creating a Sims comic: The Parker-Goth Legacy.
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    JALJAL Posts: 1,110 Member
    @flauschtrud I hadn't, but one did not take me very long to make. Of course there is one glaring error, and that's the fact that using word, it was hard to get Ruth in there, so in this it looks like all five are Abigail's while of course only the three last ones are hers. I added only the base traits, as the added traits through self discovery, rewards and parenthood are getting too many to handle at this point. I think Abigail is soon at double digits.


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    JALJAL Posts: 1,110 Member
    edited February 24
    As summer is at its warmest, Ida and Nathaniel return home from Europe. As tired as they may be from the long trip, they invite family over to share in their good fortune and Ida's pregnancy. Daddy, especially, is delighted by the news. Ida, in her turn, realises that a round dining room table might look nice, but does not hold as many people as she'd like it to.

    Having celebrated his sister's return and pregnancy, Frank is eager to explore a new business that has opened in town: The blue velvet jazzbar. It really makes a difference, Frank thinks, to have a real bar in town. Much better than some useless square. What an opportunity to meet his voters and secure their votes! As the night wanes, however, it seems that Frank has done more than just secure votes, at least if his inability to find a bathroom at the end of the night is anything to go by. "Nobody saw me do it!"

    This new entity in town, worries the women of the family. Abigail is shocked when she hears from Ida that Frank spend his time in bars! How awful! And it's not just Frank. The new bar has proven very popular among Willow Creek's men, and lots of women are starting to wonder if it's a good thing with so much juice and nectar so close by. They've heard the stories from other places. Men losing their positions, losing themselves even, to the nectar. Wouldn't it be better if juice and nectar just weren't available at all? "Perhaps we can talk to our husbands," Abigail says. "Make them vote for a NAP that will ban the vile stuff." The other women are uncertain their husbands would do such a thing.

    Of course worrying about the presence of juice and nectar and society is one thing, but a more pressing matter is Ida's pregnancy, and it's well on its way already. Soon Ida is going from feeling kicking to feeling pains. Of course she consults Abigail. "Is this is it?" she askes. "It is," Abigail confirms, going with her to her bedchamber where Ida's gives birth so hastily she doesn't even have time to get into some proper clothing. Much faster than any birth Abigail has had. But the result is certainly worth a potentially ruined dress. Little Melanie Preston is adorable. While Ida cleans up and gets some rest, Abigail stays with the little darling, until Ida is fit again and the rest of the family comes to see the baby. Abigail knows when she's no longer needed.

    Nathaniel falls in love with his little baby girl the moment he lies eyes on her.

    Melanie is not the only one born in Willow Creek that day. The very next afternoon, Anna gets a surprise when she visits the stables. Not one, but two tiny new foals awaits her in the paddock. Anna is in love! They are so cute, so cuddly, and can she really take care of one of them? She does still find time to take Lady out for a ride, however, as well as take care of her too after. Which means she will once more miss curfew. But this has to be considered a special occasion! Abigail, however, is not impressed.

    At Frank and Emily's place, Emily is using all her time to devote to her baby boy, who is rapidly growing. He's now sitting up, has tried his first food, and is even learning how to stand up! Unfortunately, Frank is missing most of his son's many milestones. He spends his days at Newcrest city hall, writing drafts and letters, listening to speeches or holding them on his own. His nights is spent 'securing votes' at the Blue Velvet. "It's just until I'm higher in the hierarchy. Your father had to put elbow grease in as well. It's a part of it if I want any influence." For Emily it means a lot of time spent alone.

    Towards the end of the week, when Melanie is old enough to come, Abigail takes matters into her own hands and invites both young women and their babies to the park. Some fresh air and company will do both Ida and Emily some good. And it will give Abigail some time to bond with her almost-grandchildren. It also gives her a break from her headstrong teenage daughter, who is more and more challenging her authority in a way none of her other children has.

    As Labor day comes around. Anna shows again how headstrong she is. Without even telling Abigail, she and her best friend Elizabeth, has joined a suffrage movement, and today they are gathering outside Newcrest City Hall and demanding the right to vote! Why should men only be the ones who gets to vote? It's not fair! Several more women join their protest. Some men come to watch.

    After the protest, Anna invites the group to her place, so that they can plan future protests. She's invigorated, confident and feels so good. Finally she's doing something! Making her mark, demanding change, not just sitting idly by waiting for some husband like her mother.

    But as much as she tries to convince her mother, arguing her case, having deep conversations, talking about her passions, Abigail either cannot or will not see her point. "What is so wrong with getting married to a good man and raising a family?" Abigail is hurt, she feels like her entire way of life is worth nothing in the eyes of her daughter. Anna is frustrated and angry. Why won't her mother at least try to see things her way?

    As autumn comes rolling in, Anna is wondering if she will ever get the respect of her mother. Funnily enough Abigail is wondering the exact same thing. Will the two be able to see eye to eye? Find a compromise in their views? Or are they both too stubborn to reconcile?
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    flauschtrudflauschtrud Posts: 248 Member
    @JAL :
    Oh, I like the prohibition and protest parts :) And I like Anna. Will she be the heir for next generation?
    I make gameplay mods! You can find them at CurseForge.
    My first attempt at creating a Sims comic: The Parker-Goth Legacy.
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    JALJAL Posts: 1,110 Member
    @flauschtrud I am not sure if she will or will not yet, but it's certainly leaning that way at the moment. Her story as well as Frank and Emily's not so happy marriage is what is most interesting for me right now at least. I also think her personality would definitely fit the volatile climate and change that lies ahead, but who knows what happens? I'll see where the game takes me.
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    Kellogg_J_KelloggKellogg_J_Kellogg Posts: 1,556 Member
    I like the temperance movement angle. My preference for heir is Frank and Emily as there's potential for a lot more character development with the both of them with their ambitions, dynamic and host of issues. I've seen other decades challenge stories where the suffragette becomes the main character in generation 2 and there's sometimes the issue that the character becomes mostly about the political cause at the cost of their personality growth.
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    JALJAL Posts: 1,110 Member
    @Kellogg_J_Kellogg An interestersting point. I guess I will see what happens. Right now I'm not ready to let go of either, and I do have a story arch for Anna that I will at least want to try out. Ida is the one that interests me the least at the moment. She's married, she has her kid, she's a bit done I feel. But who knows? Things happen. Right now I rotate and see what happens. Abigail is alive and kicking for quite some time yet, after all.
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