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Wyrd Tales (updated Jun 21, '24)


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    luciusstormluciusstorm Posts: 1,768 Member
    @DaniRose2143, I don't know if you'd be interested (and it won't hurt my feelings that much if you're not) but I could probably load the original teen Gwen Silveroak and her family to the Gallery. They lived in Willow Creek, down the street from the BFF household (the BFF's actually were their Welcome Wagon when they first moved in). Blessed as I know how a teen Gwen and her parents could fit into your story though...
    Fate is a riddle and we choose our own answer. Wyrd Girls
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,275 Member
    @luciusstorm I really interested but I'm like you, I can't see how to do it. It's like one of those optical illusion puzzles. If you look right at it you usually can't find it, but if you look at it out of the corner of your eye you see it. That's how my mind works with these kinds of problems. I try too hard to find a solution and I can't see it. It will come to me later when my mind is somewhere else.
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    luciusstormluciusstorm Posts: 1,768 Member
    @DaniRose2143, well the Brown family, with a young Gwen Silveroak, is uploaded. My first contribution to the gallery. If you find yourself inspired, let me know. :)
    Fate is a riddle and we choose our own answer. Wyrd Girls
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,275 Member
    @luciusstorm I certainly will!
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    luciusstormluciusstorm Posts: 1,768 Member

    Interlude - A Little Victory

    "Oh, Hi Morgan," Cassie said into her phone. "How are... what? When? Oh my God! When can we come over?"
    "Hmmm?" Gwen queried wordlessly.

    "It's a boy," Cassie replied, stunned.

    "Congratulations, dear," Bella said.

    "Thank you," Morgan grinned. "We're just so happy."
    "Honestly, I was starting to think I was going to be pregnant forever..."

    "I mean, I felt like we were going to need a bigger mansion!" Morgan laughed.

    "I remember that feeling well," Cassie grinned, "but you looked great."

    "So Bella," Cassie turned to her step-mother, "should we finally start calling you Grandma Goth now?"

    "I still have friends in the Agency, Cassandra," Bella smiled back. "It would be shame if you disappeared again."

    Cassie laughed, "I'm going to go meet my nephew."
    "Well, hello there."

    "Welcome to this strange family, little Victor Goth."

    "Boo doo doo boo," Gwen babbled at the little baby.

    "I don't get why otherwise intelligent people become babbling idiots around babies," Miranda declared.
    "Oh do bo ba ba."

    "Are you guys going to get someone to help with him?" Cassie asked.

    "I'm going to stay home," Morgan replied. "and Xander has some... ideas..."
    "He's been tinkering..."

    "... and he says he's upgraded Talos, his robot, with 'nanny protocols'"

    "Actually," Morgan continued, "Talos has been really good to have around..."

    "... and he seems really interested in the baby. It might work."

    "Well, you let us know if we can help with anything," Cassie said.

    Miranda turned to Bella, "Mom told me you'd moved to Oasis Springs."

    "I wanted to give Alexander and Morgan some space," Bella replied. "This is their house now... but Morgan you know I'll help out in any way I can too."

    "Of course. Thank you, all," Morgan said.
    "Bella," Gwen stopped her as they were leaving, "you do still have friends in the Agency, don't you?"

    "I was joking," Bella said firmly. "You know I wouldn't..."

    "No, of course not," Gwen smiled thinly, "but you do still have friends."

    "Some," Bella allowed cautiously.

    "I wondered if you could ask a few discrete questions for me..."
    Fate is a riddle and we choose our own answer. Wyrd Girls
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 29,102 Member
    @luciusstorm Love the line: "I don't get why otherwise intelligent people become babbling idiots around babies," Miranda declared. Spock said something very much like that when both Kirk and Dr. McCoy were busy cooing all over the baby boy named after them.
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,275 Member
    @luciusstorm Great episode as always. Did you use a mod on Morgan?😲 There is the old saying "It takes a village to raise a child". I swear Morgan was carrying that entire village, along with the child.

    @GalacticGal Kids and animals are the two things guaranteed to reduce adults to babbling fools.
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    luciusstormluciusstorm Posts: 1,768 Member
    @luciusstorm Great episode as always. Did you use a mod on Morgan?😲 There is the old saying "It takes a village to raise a child". I swear Morgan was carrying that entire village, along with the child.

    Logical exercise gone slightly awry... if there are 8 sim-days between full moons, then a sim-month is ~7 days, a season is 3 months, so a sim-season is 21 days (mod), a pregnancy is 3 seasons... so Morgan was pregnant for 63 sim days (another mod) instead of the default 3. Turns out that wasn't my best idea ever. Still, it kept her pregnancy running in the same logical timeline as the other events in the story, so that part worked.
    Fate is a riddle and we choose our own answer. Wyrd Girls
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 29,102 Member
    @luciusstorm Great episode as always. Did you use a mod on Morgan?😲 There is the old saying "It takes a village to raise a child". I swear Morgan was carrying that entire village, along with the child.

    @GalacticGal Kids and animals are the two things guaranteed to reduce adults to babbling fools.

    That much is certain. LOL
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    luciusstormluciusstorm Posts: 1,768 Member

    Chapter 4 - Field Trip

    "Miranda," Cassie asked, "do you have anything special going on in school today?"

    "No," Miranda sighed, "just the usual stuff. History, language arts, math..."
    "... alchemy, astrology, thaumaturgy," she continued. "My life is so weird."

    "What would you say to a trip into the city to visit the art center instead?" Cassie said.

    "I'd say what's the catch?"

    "I'm meeting a friend of mine and I'd like to introduce you," Cassie continued. "Her name is Jenny and she just a few years older than you."
    "I met her at the studio. She's an aspiring actress. ..

    "I have this feeling she could use some friends..."

    "Sometimes the people a young woman can meet in this business, directors and producers especially..."

    "... well, they can try to take advantage."

    "I just get a sense that Jenny needs some different people in her life."

    "Well, we're certainly different," Miranda mused. "Oh, alright, mom. I'm come meet your work-friend. It's better than school anyway."

    "Hi, Miranda," Jenny said, "Wow, I love your hair. Your mom said you were pretty cool."

    "Jeez, mom," Miranda muttered.

    "I know," Jenny laughed. "Just what every teen wants to hear, am I right?"
    "... and you can see, from the use of color here," Miranda was saying. "Oh God, I'm being a total art-nerd."

    "No," Jenny said. "Well, yes... but I love it. I don't know anything about art theory."

    "I was raised by an artist and a musician," Miranda said. "I was learning color theory before I could walk and was playing violin when I could barely hold the bow."

    "Oh my God," Jenny grinned. "You play violin too. Can you give me some pointers?"

    "Mom would probably be better," Miranda started.

    "No way," Jenny shook her head. "When it comes to music, your mom just makes me nervous."

    Later, as they sat in the art center food court, Jenny thanked Miranda and Cassie for the day.

    "It was really nice meeting you," Miranda said.

    "Meeting your mom's weird friend from work, you mean," Jenny grinned.

    "Believe me," Miranda said, "you're not one of her weird friends."
    "Speaking of weird," Jenny said. "I wanted to maybe ask you about something, Cassie... kind of out there."

    "I know you've got the whole occult schtick going on," Jenny continued, "but do you really know about... that kind of thing? I mean..."

    "Why don't you tell us," Cassie said calmly. "Don't worry, I won't just dismiss what you say and neither will Miranda."

    "Well," Jenny started, "sometimes weird stuff happens in my apartment..."

    "Like furniture moving on it's own... I mean really moving..."

    "And this one morning, I found myself sitting, eating breakfast but I had no memory of getting up... or where the breakfast came from..."

    "When I thought about it later, I had this fuzzy memory of some strange guy in my bedroom. Like, not the usual kind of strange guys who try to get into my bedroom either. He was scary... but I'm sure - complete sure - that nothing like... happened... with him. I feel like someone... protected me?"

    "It's scary," Jenny concluded.

    "Oh my," Cassie exclaimed. "I had no idea. Let me do a little research... but I'm sure we can do something to help."

    "It was nice meeting you, Miranda," Jenny said as they left the art center. "I mean, I know you probably weren't to excited about meeting me. Honestly, I wasn't too sure about it either... but I really do think you're pretty cool."

    "You too," Miranda said, "and don't worry about the weirdness. I'm sure we can figure out a way to help. We're kind of experts on wyrd."
    Fate is a riddle and we choose our own answer. Wyrd Girls
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    mightyspritemightysprite Posts: 6,143 Member
    Enjoying the new twists and turns :)
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,275 Member
    @luciusstorm Sad but true, as a woman it's a good idea to be on guard with vampires and casting directors! Great read.
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    luciusstormluciusstorm Posts: 1,768 Member

    Chapter 5 - Haunted

    "So you really think Jenny's apartment is haunted?" Miranda asked.

    "It certainly sounds like it," Cassie replied.
    "We've prepared for this," Cassie continued.

    "You know what to expect."

    "So what can I do to help, really?" Miranda asked.

    "I'm not completely sure," Cassie admitted. "Mostly, keep Jenny calm and focused... but I know you need to be here."

    "Gwen's giving you lessons on vague and mysterious, isn't she?"

    "Miranda!" Jenny laughed, throwing her arms around the younger woman. "I'm so glad you're here."

    "Wouldn't miss it," Miranda smiled.
    "So, how does this work?' Jenny asked.

    "We'll start simple," Cassie replied. "I'll create a seance circle and see if I can detect any spiritual volatility in the apartment."

    "If we find something," she continued, "we'll decide how to deal with it."

    "You done this before?" Jenny asked.

    "Eh," Miranda shrugged. "Don't worry. Mom's got this."

    "Ummm, is the carpet on fire?" Jenny asked.

    "It's fine," Miranda replied. "I'm sure it's fine."

    "Well," Cassie said, sitting down the couch. "There is certainly a lot of spiritual energy bound up in this place but I sensed nothing hostile or dangerous."

    "So, nothing to worry about," Jenny said.

    "No, just a ghost."
    Ooookay," Jenny sighed. "Could we talk more about the 'ghost' part for a minute?"

    "There are lots of different kinds of ghost," Cassie said. "This one seems to be the spirit of someone who passed away in the apartment. Like I said, the spirit isn't hostile or dangerous. Just... active."

    "Mom, do you think you could call this spirit up?" Miranda asked. "If Jenny's got a room-mate, maybe they should meet."

    "OK... I guess that's an idea," Jenny said.
    "So, you've seen a lot of ghosts?" Jenny asked.

    "Not really," Miranda admitted. "Werewolves, vampires... but not many ghosts."

    Jenny laughed, "Funny... You're kidding right? Miranda? You're kidding right?!"

    "Come to us, spirit," Cassie intoned. "Come to us."

    "Oh wow," Jenny breathed. "This is... that's really... oh wow."
    "Welcome spirit," Cassie said.

    "Wow, Cassie Goth... here in my old apartment," the ghost laughed. "Xander always said you were into this spiritualist stuff."

    "Olivia? Olivia Kim-Lewis?"

    "Wait, Oliva Kim-Lewis-You-Met-Her-At-Uncle-Xander's-Wedding?" Miranda cried. "This was your apartment? You... you were investigating our disappearance and they killed you! They killed you because of ME! This is all my fault!"

    "What do you mean your fault?" Olivia asked.

    "If you'd known I was alive..." Miranda started.

    "I'd still have investigated," Olivia said. "I'd have investigated the attack and the crime ring behind it and eventually the vampires behind them. They would have come after me, sooner or later. Trust me, being dead gives you a lot of time to think about your life... to think about what you might have done differently. I have a lot of regrets but investigating your case isn't one of them."

    "So, umm... hi, I'm Jenny," Jenny said. "I guess you probably know that..."

    "It's nice to finally get to say hi, Jenny," the ghost replied. "Like Cassie and Miranda said, I'm Olivia. I used to live here... died here... haunting the place. I've been watching you for a while."

    "Oh that's..." Jenny hesitated, "a little creepy and probably really embarrassing actually."
    "Oh, you have nothing to be embarrassed about," Olivia laughed. "Well, maybe one or two things... but compared to some stuff I used to get up to... don't worry about it. Mostly, I've been trying to look out for you. I can't do much about handsy casting directors (you guys didn't even notice me) but I managed to scare off that vampire... and make you breakfast."

    "So, what happens now?" Jenny asked.

    "Well," Cassie said, "We could try to lay Olivia to rest... you could move on to the netherworld."

    "Is... is that what you want?" Jenny turned to Olivia.

    "I don't know," Olivia said. "I don't think I'm ready yet. You OK with a room-mate? I can't help with rent or anything but I can cook."

    "I guess we're good," Jenny said. "Thank you, Cassie."

    "Miranda," Olivia said, "please don't blame yourself for what happened to me. I don't. If anything, you helped get me some justice for my death. I felt that very strongly. I just have other things to resolve before I move on..."

    "So," the bartender said, "you ladies celebrating something?"
    "Jenny met her room-mate," Miranda said. "but she couldn't join us 'cause she's a ghost."

    "Right..." the bartender grinned and moved on.

    "Hey, if we're celebrating let's do it right," Jenny smiled.

    Olivia doesn't blame me, Miranda thought. I guess maybe that is something to celebrate.

    Thanks, mom.

    Fate is a riddle and we choose our own answer. Wyrd Girls
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 29,102 Member
    @luciusstorm This was a very interesting segment. I really enjoyed the bartender's response to the roommate being a ghost. He's probably heard it all. LOL
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    mightyspritemightysprite Posts: 6,143 Member
    That was really adorable!
    (So is Jenny fully aware that she had a vampire in her apartment?)

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    luciusstormluciusstorm Posts: 1,768 Member
    @mightysprite, I'm glad you enjoyed it
    I think, at this point, Jenny is just kind of accepting it all on pure shock. The world is so much weirder than she ever imagined. How deep she ends up going down the rabbit hole remains to be seen.
    Honestly, Jenny was never intended to be part of the story. I made her as a side character to play when I needed a break from the intensity of the Wyrds... a party girl with a heart of gold. I needed a place for her to live and Olivia's old apartment fit the bill. Then she turned up in the crowd at one of Cassie's acting gigs and before I knew what had happened, they were close friends. Clearly, the story had it's own ideas about who to include.

    Fate is a riddle and we choose our own answer. Wyrd Girls
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    luciusstormluciusstorm Posts: 1,768 Member

    Chapter 6 - A Little Favor

    "So, how are things with you and Olivia?" Cassie asked. "The room-mate thing working out alright."

    "Weird," Jenny replied. "Really, really weird... but not terrible. "
    "So, you're a witch," Jenny continued. "Like, really an actual witch. It's not just a stage gimmick."

    "Pretty much," Cassie smiled. "Everyone just assumes it's a gimmick and I don't do anything to dissuade them."

    "I'm sorry Miranda couldn't join us," Cassie said.
    "She's enjoying GeekCon."

    "Last year was hard on her," Cassie added thoughtfully. "I thought she needed to do something fun..."

    "That's OK," Jenny replied. "She should get to enjoy herself."

    "I was hoping to ask you a favor," Jenny looked hopeful.
    "There is this couple I know - Chris and Mandi. He's in the business, trying to make it doing comedy."

    "Well, I was talking to them about the strange things that happened in my apartment and Chris mentioned that weird things happened in their house too..."

    "I wondered if you could..." Jenny stopped, worried she was asking too much.

    "You know I'm not really a professional ghost hunter," Cassie chided.

    "I know," Jenny sighed. "I'm sorry. I just don't know who else to ask."

    "Well," Cassie smiled. "Let me look into it and I'll let you know."

    "So," Gwen purred. "Miranda had fun at GeekCon. She wore herself out... and now she's asleep..."
    "... and you're really focused on whatever you're doing," she chuckled.

    "Sorry," Cassie looked startled. "Jenny asked me to look into another haunted house..."

    "So, you're switching careers from actress to ghost hunter?" Gwen asked.

    "No," Cassie replied, "but I told her I'd look into it...

    "...then she told me the address."

    "Oh," Gwen gasped. "I see."

    "What am I going to do?" Cassie sighed.

    "Come to bed," Gwen answered. "Sleep on it. Decide in the morning."

    "Miranda," Cassie found her the morning as she got ready for her day. "I might be going into the Valley today, to help some of Jenny's friends... they may have a ghost."

    "Really," Miranda looked interested. "Could I come along?"

    "This one might be... difficult," Cassie said.
    "OK,vague and mysterious lesson time..." Cassie sighed, "Do you feel like you should come along? Think hard about this."

    "Yes," Miranda replied after a moment.

    "Jenny?" Cassie said into the phone. "Yes, we'll meet you there this afternoon... after Miranda finishes school."

    "Lame, mom," Miranda smiled.
    Fate is a riddle and we choose our own answer. Wyrd Girls
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    luciusstormluciusstorm Posts: 1,768 Member

    Chapter 7 - The Love of a Ghost

    "So, mom, did you maybe forget to mention one little thing?" Miranda asked. "Like, that part where this is dad's old house!"

    "OK, yes," Cassie admitted. "I left that out. That's why I asked you to think about whether coming felt right. I'm sorry."
    "Ugh," Miranda moaned. "You and Gwen and this magical mystery fate stuff!"

    "You don't have to come in, if you don't want to," Cassie continued. "Take the car, drive down to Orchid if you want. I can call you when we're done."

    "No, no way," Miranda marched up the walk. "I'm here and I'm doing this."

    "So, Chris," Cassie said after introductions had been made, "tell us about this haunting."

    "It's weird and spooky stuff, you know," the young man began.
    "I mean we can be just sitting right here and the game console starts floating..."

    "... or the stereo...for real!"

    "But that's not the worse of it... sometimes it feels like we're being... watched."

    "Like there's someone getting between us."

    "Mandi," Cassie asked, turning to her, "have you had any strange experiences?"

    "Yeah," Mandi replied. "It's... ummm... horrible. Yeah, horrible!"
    "This strange presence near me..."

    "Like cold finger running up my... spine..."

    "Some nights, when Chris is out on a gig, I can hardly get any sleep..."

    "Yeah, it's my dad," Miranda sighed to Jenny.

    "What? What makes you say that?" Jenny asked.

    "Call it a hunch."

    "Mandi," Cassie said gently. "I'd like you to take Chris into the other room. I'm going to call up this ghost... and hopefully he won't bother you again."

    "Oh," Mandi smiled. "That would be..."

    "Really for the best for you and Chris," Cassie replied firmly.

    "Oh unquiet spirit, hear me..."

    "... and get your butt out here right now, Don!"

    "Hey Cas, good to see you!" Don's ghost started.


    "Don't you 'Hey Cas' me, Don Lothario," Cassie snapped. "What do you think you're doing?"

    "Jeez, I'm dead and I'm getting grief from my ex for hooking up? What's the afterlife coming to?"

    "Don, for once in your... well, existence... think with something north of your waistline."

    "Jeez, you two," Miranda groaned. "Real mystical stuff here."

    "Miranda, hi," Don put on his best-for-friends smile. "How you doin' kid?"
    "How am I doing?" Miranda blinked. "Hmmm... let's unpack that a little, shall we?"

    Cassie stepped back, pulling Jenny back and quieting her as Miranda's floodgates opened.

    "I spent most of last year on the run... from vampires! Hiding out... with werewolves! I was scared. I was in danger. Oh, I meet a boy I really liked... actually two boys, and maybe a girl whose my best friend, and that's all really confusing... and than the boy was killed! I kinda died during this big magical battle. Am I missing anything... oh yeah, I got you killed too!

    "How am I doing?" She threw her hands up, "I'm GREAT dad!"

    "Oh God," Jenny whispered. "Is she... does she need..."

    "Shhhh," Cassie hushed her. "Let them talk."
    "Take a deep breath, kiddo," Don said gently. "Nice deep breath... in and out. That's the ticket."

    "Miranda," Don continued. "I'm sorry."

    "Wha... what are you sorry for?" She stammered.

    "I wasn't there for you," Don said. "I was never much of a dad for you. I... I didn't know how to be. Maybe I can be now...

    "... look, kid... you've had a really hard time and you're carrying a lot of it around inside. It's eating you up. The last thing I want... the last thing I ever wanted was to hurt you. So, do this for me... put it down. You didn't get me killed."

    "If you'd known... that I was OK," Miranda whispered.

    "You weren't OK, kid," Don answered. "You were scared and in danger... and I tried. I really did try to help. I did this whole investigating thing and everything. Hey... real vampires. If I'd known that... I totally would have stocked up on garlic and steak."

    "Stakes, dad."

    "Don Lothario, vampire hunter.., can you picture it. Kid, I wouldn't have lasted five minutes... unless it was a lady vampire, then I would have lasted all night long."

    "Gross, dad!" Miranda groaned.

    "Don't carry the weight of the dead, Miranda," Don said. "That boy you liked, the one who was killed... I bet he cared about you too. I bet he wouldn't want you to carry his death around either. Remember us, kid... but remember that we love you and we want you to be happy. It's all we ever wanted.

    "Do one other thing for me, kid. One of these days, you're going to meet a guy... he'll be handsome, suave and have great hair... and he'll try to sweep you off your feet. When you meet him, kiddo, I want to remember your dad... and run the >:) away from that B):s:# !"

    "Goodbye, dad," Miranda whispered.

    "I think I'm ready," Miranda sobbed.
    Fate is a riddle and we choose our own answer. Wyrd Girls
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    luciusstormluciusstorm Posts: 1,768 Member
    edited August 2022
    Chapter 8 - Something Wild by Lindsey Sterling

    You've got a big heart

    The way you see the world
    It got you this far

    You might have some bruises
    And a few of scars

    But you know you're gonna be okay

    And even though you're scared

    You're stronger than you know
    If you're lost out where the lights are blinding
    Caught in all, the stars are hiding

    That's when something wild calls you home, home

    If you face the fear that keeps you frozen
    Chase the sky into the ocean

    That's when something wild calls you home, home
    Post edited by luciusstorm on
    Fate is a riddle and we choose our own answer. Wyrd Girls
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,275 Member
    "Don, for once in your... well, existence... think with something north of your waistline."

    @luciusstorm I got the biggest laugh out of that line. I may have even said out loud "You tell him sister!"🤣

    Those were amazing chapters, and I love the mix of emotions, the drama, the humor, the touching moments. That poem in the last chapter is really beautiful!❤️
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    luciusstormluciusstorm Posts: 1,768 Member
    @DaniRose2143, thanks... these chapters are something I feel pretty proud of really. I'm glad you enjoyed them.

    Don's, well, a lothario... but I wanted to give him a chance to do right for his daughter.

    Something Wild is a personal favorite... it's a song actually and you can probably Google it. It literally brings tears to my eyes and I felt like it summed up Miranda's journey here.
    Fate is a riddle and we choose our own answer. Wyrd Girls
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,275 Member
    @luciusstorm I will have to look that one up. Those are such beautiful and inspiring lyrics. It's funny how some songs can actually make you think of your favorite sims. Or do I need to get out of the house more often?😆
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    mightyspritemightysprite Posts: 6,143 Member
    what got me was
    "something getting between us"
    and he was all flirty-pink too XD

    Don is so busted.

    And seriously, great chapters.
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 29,102 Member
    @luciusstorm I will have to look that one up. Those are such beautiful and inspiring lyrics. It's funny how some songs can actually make you think of your favorite sims. Or do I need to get out of the house more often?😆

    When I write a novel, I often have music in the background that bespeaks of the characters I'm writing about, or even the Theme or plot of the story.
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 29,102 Member
    @luciusstorm I just read your chapter 7. Wow, that was great! I really enjoyed these lines: ". . .I totally would have stocked up on garlic and steak."

    "Stakes, dad."[/b]

    This was choice. Loved it.
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