The final, special edition of the Friday Highlights has been posted here. Take a trip down memory lane with us.
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capturedmuse Member


  • Haha, I'll be sure to look at it after I clean or something. :) I'll just mentally put them both in time out or something.
  • Lizzie's questions: 1. What is your impression of the characters and their relationship? One word, Complicated. 2. Did the lack of screenshots and (detailed) description impact your impression of the emotions conveyed? How? Did not, I'm used to reading books without pictures! Plus sometimes it's hard to get the perfect…
  • Rosey's questions: 1) What are your first impressions of Justine? She talks sort of like someone who has been socially stunted, though it does make sense when I read further on and learned she doesn't really interact with people much. 2) Are you able to see the world through her eyes? If yes, what helps you see it? If not,…
  • Thanks everyone for your feedback and interesting ideas for the future. I had been thinking about letting readers submit a wildcard Sim to possibly join in as a challenger. Yes, reality show, I've been playing around with ideas to expand on the premise a bit but for now it's simply a reality show about gamers. As for her…
  • Thank you @Ojenn. And that sounds great, @Lizzie1234.
  • Yay, I'm excited! I need more D:< It's tomorrow right now, heh.
  • The not knowing what CT thinks about all this is killing me.
  • Yup, you're right @Lizzie1234 experience impacts how we interpret things, that's the best part, I think. About reading rather than watching movies.
  • You can't fairly compare Nancy and Bella's relationship with that of Nancy and Clarissa. Bella has been Nancy's best friend for years and both women know each other very well, considering that Bella seems to be one of the few people who believe without reservation that Nancy didn't cheat on Geoffry. Also based on the way…
  • Nancy, to me, seems like someone who likes to be in control, and Clarissa is an anomaly. And I don't think her bitterness is because of Clarissa as much as the situation itself. The wedding was recent and Nancy is the type who will get past that. If nothing else she seems more irritated with Geoffrey than Clarissa herself.…
  • Here is my entry: It's for a series I'd been pondering on for awhile now and it is called 8bit Heart. Questions for the Feedbackers ( :D )* What are your thoughts on the piece as a whole from a reader's perspective? * What do you think of the…
  • @CathyTea I'll give the spot back to @Lizzie1234 since she needs the feedback on short notice and I don't think we have enough feedbackers atm if we don't. Plussss, gives me more time to work on my voice. Even more bonuses, we can see how many responses there are total, take a look at how things are split, and perhaps in…
  • I honestly wouldn't mind if @Lizzie1234 (awesome job on managing to get your stuff done!) just used one of those pieces for her review thing and we just set it back to normal? Since I was only stepping in to help out, and I don't have any rush or whatever. Thoughts, @CathyTea.
  • Word choice and sentence composition I assume. It probably has a database consisting of most used words for the authors, and favorite phrases, etc. Would be the most practical assessment measurement.
  • I'm hoping one day my writing style will be more consistent, until then, I'm enjoying seeing who I write like heh. It's interesting the options you guys got so far.
  • Now if only everyone else would hurry and give their assessments of your work, I'm dying to compare my views to others constructively. *rattles the writer's cage*
  • How many of you have seen the websites listed here? I find it so addicting, it's just terrible: Especially the vocabulary one.
  • Wednesday works for me just fine, since I have a piece I started just haven't finished just yet, but I am 99% sure I can finish it in time since I already have all the pictures, notes, and goals sorted out. :) Thanks CT.
  • Haha, yeah I had been thinking on it and needed to sleep on it. Would it be possible for me to have till Wednesday to submit instead and have people focus on yours for the first half of the week? Or should I just use something old?
  • D: was totally going to volunteer, but yeah this works!
  • Thanks for the responses and answers!
  • Random question, what do most of you feel when you read cliches?
  • Feedback on @CathyTea 's work since I had the time right now and am terrible with getting things done unless I do them right that minute. I hope this helps! 1. Do you get drawn into this world (and mood) as you read this story? If so, at what point in the story did you find yourself "in it"? And, at what points did you pop…
  • Wow, the mental college workshop throwback whoot whoot. *pulls out old lady glasses*
  • A Picture of my Florist's Retreat build. It's not much but a little 1 bedroom 1 bath starter with lots of space for gardening and outdoors sims. Updating sig with a link to my gallery stuff.
  • It's rare for me to use screenshots in general. I had to force myself to learn to use more. I still have no idea what I want to go for. Nothing is throwing me at my computer screaming to be written. But then again writing isn't about being inspired it's about doing it religiously so one can write even when not inspired. I…
  • Y'all are super civilized here so I would be honored to be able to say I participated. Will have to research and study the meaning of the word short though. :dizzy:
  • Not sure if I can handle writing a story this short... I guess I could not ramble on like an old lady, but yeah... seems really hard.
  • Ah, yes. A so that your grade doesn't go down overall.

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