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One Month One World One Year Challenge 2022


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    LegacySims2017LegacySims2017 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Since everyone is publicly showing off theirs. I did this in spoilers to a couple folks on here already.

    One Month, One World, One Year Challenge 2023 Challenge Sim
    Dante Morningstar
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    EllupelluelluEllupelluellu Posts: 7,289 Member
    Aaron and Jacob


    You guys gonna stay in hallway? For how long? Do I have time to get my groceries from store?? Jeeesh...
    No, no , no , noooo , not NOOOWWWW! I know what that animation means... All I hoped you two to look around your apartment!
    Well I guess they sort of did..
    Jacob:" Owner of the flat was also a werewolf"
    Aaron:"really, I would of never guessed..."

    Jacob: "Did you hear something?"
    Aaron:"Yeah, like barking.. put very high voices, like puppies.."

    Its coming from here.."
    "Oh my, good girl.."
    "Who are you guys?"
    "This cutie is a girl!"
    "How do you know? Did you look under its skirt?"
    "Silly! It.."
    "Just kidding"
    "This one is a girl too."
    "Girl2? not so cool name.. why are we naming these, are we keeping them????"
    "I said GIRL TOO , not Girl 2 ... but now when you mentioned, it shall be your name sweety.."
    "Aaron?? "
    "yeah, lets keep them. That last pup is a boy. Mommy has a name in that foodbowl...Lady Thunder" ( @CAPTAIN_NXR7 ;);) )
    "Are you sure? well I better get out and find them food. "

    "yeah, nothing to spicy! awww .. cutie....."

    5 plates of chicken burritos shall do

    And this is how they ended up as wolf owner volves :P

    My love, my love, my fearless love, I will not say goodbye..
    Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
    My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
    Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
    My Story:Villa Catarina
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    RememberJoyRememberJoy Posts: 1,143 Member
    edited December 2022
    December 7th: A stormy day in

    Today's Accomplishments:
    Lord of the Knits
    - Start 3 knitting projects while inspired
    - Knit while listening to music
    - Achieve level 4 knitting skill

    The forecast was calling for thunderstorms today, so I fed the chickens and filled Kuzco's feeding through early. They should now be set until the storm clears at least.


    Pax had invited Caleb over for some more training, so they got to work while I did a little painting.


    Caleb told Pax that he was very close to becoming a Master Vampire, and with a little more reading and practice he might even get there today!


    The storm was now raging outside, so we all cozied up around the fireplace to work on projects and chitchat.


    Eventually Caleb said he needed to get going, so Pax went upstairs to play piano and do some more reading.

    Cat cuddling time!


    I even got to witness Kipper age up into an elder.


    Kaori and I chatted and flirted a bit...


    while Pax went outside and fed Scully for me.


    As evening descended, we gathered back into the living room to enjoy each other's company.


    When the storm finally let up we went outside to check on the animals.


    Kaori then turned in for the night and Pax went to his room to study, so I took some time to teach Penny how to play dead.


    She did catch on eventually!


    Before I went to bed, Pax came down and excitedly reported he was now an official Master Vampire and could now go out into the sun!


    I knew he could do it!
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    edited December 2022
    December - Day 7: "C'mon angel, my heart's on fire..."


    Marley wasn't the only one to hibernate for four days. I put Cale's garden in household inventory, they didn't need to get up for anything. Although, Colt did get up once.

    I looked around to investigate the area while they slept and found CJ standing under the deck in chest high water looking suspicious. o.O I'm sure he was there as a keyholder since he'd lost his chest and facial hair. I wish I knew why that happened. Why is a situational look needed for that? Wait...who's that in the distance?

    Oh, it's Gina Galloway, a baby Mama looking dazed. I wonder why.

    At sunset I caught these gorgeous sunrays beaming across the sky. Not the best angle for a screenshot, but I thought it was pretty anyway.

    A little later the sunrays were almost gone except for a thick one over the public restroom. I love Sulani for sunrise/sunset shots, it has the best.

    Panned all over the sky where the moon should've been, but couldn't see it. I finally found it peeking out from that arch rock formation. I think it looks cool with the pink clouds at the base.

    I didn't see any others for a long time, until I saw @afai1261's Simself, Acacia, walking around with a book in her hand. Uh, she looks dazed too. What's going on here?

    I had a suspicion that proved to be true. When Cale was living in Evergreen Harbor, I'd turned on NAPs for all to vote. I turned them off again after he moved away. Cale had the most influence points of anyone in EL, but the fact other worlds were open for NPC voting never crossed my mind , until now. Yup, it was currently a juiced community. Glad I checked since they had Free Love and two others as well. I revoked them all.

    After revoking them I checked on Acacia and she was still juiced, so I reset her. I can't decide if she's upset about it or just confused about what to do now.

    (What am I doing here? Oh, that's a cool house over there. I wonder who lives there.)
    Your friend Cale and his family live there. If Colt hadn't been hibernating, I would've had him swim over to have a chat with her. Oh well...

    Why are you staring at me Acacia?
    (You're stalking me. I don't like it.)
    Oh, well sorry, I was just thinking how pretty you looked.
    (Hmm, okay, I guess that's okay, thanks! Can I leave now?)
    Sure, I'm not stopping you. She walked away, circling around a couple times before finally disappearing over by the shipwreck lot. Bye Acacia, nice to see you again. Come back anytime!

    Interestingly, for the next two days, this guy was the only other Sim I saw. Obviously he's in the Conservation career. I didn't bother to check his name since he's a game generated NPC. I think he looks pretty cool though with that hair and beard. I might give him a makeover and keep him.

    Finally, the sweater curse was gone! I woke up Cale first who was still very flirty and more than ready for some action. Poor baby's been deprived! :D

    Marley was next. Considering Cale's mood, I didn't wake up Colt just yet.
    "You are so beautiful."

    "It's been way too long, kiss me my love..."

    Find someone that looks at you the way Cale looks at Marley. Wow, look at that smolder.

    "I was going to suggest we go upstairs and finally christen the bed, but why wait when there's a couple coffins right here?"
    "Cale! What about Colt? He could wake up any moment or, or hear us."

    "Nah, he'll stay there until I wake him up, he's sleeping, he won't hear anything. C'mon, I know you want to."
    "You are such a naughty man...I love it! Let's do it!"
    "Ohhh Yeahhh!"

    "Are you sure he can't hear anything in there?"
    "Positive! C'mon Babe, get your sexy butt in here."

    "WOW! That was incredible! Maybe we should deprive ourselves more often if this is the result."
    "You look a bit dazed, you okay?"
    "I'm good, more than good. me up?"

    "I think it's time, don't you?"
    Go for it Cale!
    "Time for what? Who are you talking to?"

    "About time I gave you this, for one thing."
    "Oh Cale, you know I love red roses. It's beautiful."
    "Not as beautiful as you."

    "There's also something I want to ask you. I've been waiting for just the right moment, place, to make it special. But it's been eating me up inside and I have to know, I don't want to wait a moment longer. I feel deep in my heart that I already know what your answer will be, but..."
    "Oh? What is it?"
    Post edited by Karababy52 on
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    SoulGal7SoulGal7 Posts: 3,630 Member
    @Karababy52 - December - Day 6 - That is one gorgeous screenshot!

    I just wanted to let everyone know that I am still following this post and reading your up-dates. Everyone looks so good. I love how everyone has aged up and where their stories are.

    As for me, I am waiting for my Immigration Travel papers for Canada. So, still here, but waiting. In the meantime, my hubby got me a new laptop for Xmas, and, of course, had to download The Sims on it! lol I was just going to download basegame, but for some reason, it downloaded all the packs I have. Haven't played on it yet, so don't know how the speed is going to be. If I do this challenge next year, it will just be one screenshot/day and might only be weekly updates. No storyline as I feel I always get distracted from the challenge at hand. (I am repeating this for myself - no I won't really have much time to play as I will be looking after my Dad when I'm there. So, we shall just go with the flow. I have several potential sims that I have made, so might use one of them. Thinking that maybe for the traits, I will just use the randomizer button and for the aspiration, use a randomizer as well. Maybe I will just make a new sim and randomize everything about them.

    Anyway, hope everyone has a great day!
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    *Updated my December 7th post above! I apologize for the delay. Comments/replies coming up next! :)
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    Love the daily post pic! Not surprised these two would enjoy kicking a soccer ball around, they've both loved soccer for a long time. Glad they can share in that love together. :)

    hehehe I find it cute how the mascot outfit has blond hair too. Hunter must feel so silly wearing that thing. Luckily, it won't be for long.

    Aww, a sweet hug shared between Mother and Son and of course she gets a key to their apartment. Wow, Thalia is so cute! I don't know if she looks traumatized, she looks more curious who is picking her up. It's your big brother dear! Her purple eyes are stunning! <3

    Hi Kristopher and Morwenna. She looks a bit sad, poor thing. hehe He looks like he's really enjoying playing with that clay. Hilarious! :D

    Cale! What are you doing? I'm sure you have your own bathtub at home! Hmm, maybe the rest of the family is always hogging it? I'm sure Aaron and Hunter don't mind.

    HAHA! I guess he really, REALLY wanted to troll teh forums and didn't want to wait eh? Tsk, silly man, go spend some time with your friends! I see you too dear!

    Hey, if Aaron wants to parade around showing off his fine physique, I'm not complaining! ;) Hi Yoshi! *pats head* Good dog! <3

    Annnd there's another activity the two of them have always loved since their club days in Windenburg. Aww, c'mon guys, you should've invited Ricky to play too! Sheesh! Oh, I see, he was too busy making a bunny. hehe

    Meh, they're both experts, they can control the ball I would imagine, yep! Hopefully...

    Oh well hey, I don't blame you, he looks fine standing there eh? ;) I love his smile in my new avy for him, you're right, Sulani's lighting suits him well. :)

    Yeah, it surprised me! I've had vampires living in Sulani too, but they never tried to get a suntan so I was floored Cale couldn't. Bummer... I imagine he'd look good with a toasty golden tan. Oh well...

    I think it's the grayed hair and mustache or something that made me think of him as a Grandpa, but his body sure doesn't! hehe

    I have no problem removing 'most' premades. Especially since most of them are just background characters and not needed. Oh yeah, the first time I did the SM aspiration, I had a painter Sim who had already made a mural too. I just cheated that task since they'd already made one. :)

    Cale's been Level 10 in singing since GF, so he had no problem winning at karaoke either. :)

    I don't think that was a dumb segue for SM, but oh well. I understand about not wanting to write a story for side characters. There are many in the challenge save that have stories to tell, but the same as you, I just don't have the time for it right now. It's cool. :)

    Ah, okay, I figured that might be the reason for the ballooning muscles. Most of my gym trainers end up HUGE, so it was a smart move on your part to freeze his physique.

    Aha! I knew it! hehe Aww, too bad human Sims can't have pointy ears, I've always wanted that option for my Sims. Oh well, you can always give them back to him when he becomes a vampire in FH. ;)

    I've done that too when waiting on something for an aspiration. Not much else you can do otherwise unless you just want to post fluff, which I usually don't want to do. I've been doing it more lately though. o.O

    It makes me smile and so happy you feel like that about Cale. <3

    I think I might've given freckles to quite a few of Cale's babies too, if they didn't get them by default. Some did, which surprised me.

    It's always satisfying and fills me with joy when others doing the challenge with me say those kinds of things. It's why I started the challenge in the first place for myself so I'm glad it's the same for you too! <3

    All my R2R Sims fish for income at first, unless I've made it rule they have to make money some other way. I love the skill and the aspiration. It's fun seeing what they catch depending on where they fish. I don't think there's a fishing spot anywhere in all the worlds I have my Sims haven't discovered. I ADORE playing R2R with my Sims, it's my absolute favorite way to play! But, that's nothing new, I'm sure y'all have figured that out by now, I've said it enough times. hehe

    Okay, well, I agree wholeheartedly with that statement. Situational outfits are horrible!

    I don't know how I can let Colt decide himself really though. Perhaps I'll make a club with some candidates and see which one he gravitates toward or befriends the most in a meeting? Hmmm...

    Thanks, I love that particular shot myself. <3 hehe Yeah, she jumped in right at a fishing spot, so lots of fish were jumping around her. That shot was a lucky pause. :) OMG! You have no idea how much I laughed at the shot of Celeste! hehe She looks SO shocked eh? Another lucky pause. :)

    Thanks again! I don't remember if I've ever taken a shot of the lava flow on the other side of the volcano before, but I love this one too! <3 hehe Another lucky pause for Cale, his entire status was filled with romantic related moodlets so I'm not surprised he was feeling extremely flirty. There should be a better description when Sims are feeling that hot and bothered in my opinion. Perhaps something like 'feeling frisky. :D

    Poor Aaron! I would've thought he was Level 10 in handiness by now. Well, maybe Hunter does all the repairing/upgrading around the house though. You know what I miss though about Sims getting fried? Why don't they get the electrocuted animations anymore, with the bolts of energy surrounding them as they hover above the floor? It was hilarious to see! hehe

    Yep, should be fun, Kava party and more coming up soon! ;) Oh, don't worry, I'm sure Cale will make up for the lack of lovin', and more! ;)

    Wow, he scared the statue? o.O I've never had any of my Sims successfully do that. Go Jon! hehe

    Love all the recipes they can learn. Especially the Mexican food and the tri-colored Dango in S.E., among a few others. Oh, she's writing a diary? That's cool.

    Aww, look at those two lovebirds. So cute! HAHA! Well my dear, you can't stop love, especially when you have a mod for such things. hehe I need to get that mod! ;) Well, uh, yeah, I guess they did get a quick look at most of the apartment with a much longer look at the bedroom. hehe

    Oh, the puppies! There they are! I was hoping we'd get to see them soon. So, so adorable! Oh my, my heart! That shot of Jacob with a puppy's little paws on his chin is precious! HAHA! Love the skirt comment. :p Oh man, all these shots with the puppies and shirtless beefcake are fantastic! Love all their names, funny how they got them. Lady Thunder! What a great name for a lady wolf! Yep! ;)

    Of course they kept them. Chicken burritos! Yum! I'm sure the puppies and their Mom will love that. :) Yep, very appropriate pets for werewolves, I'm sure they'll give those furbabies lots of love. Can pets go hunting with werewolves? Would be cool if they could and actually eat the raw meat too, eh?


    Whoa! Look at Dante! He looks amazing! Excited to read your 2023 try at the challenge with him! :)

    Thank you about the screenshot! And thanks for continuing to read our stories here. I hope your papers go through soon. Sweet of Hubby to get you a new laptop! Is it a gaming laptop? Just curious...

    You sound like me at the beginning of this year. I intended to do just one daily post pic with a summary too. However, we all know how that went. hehe Good luck with that! Yes, just go with the flow, see what happens. Real life and family always come first, I've said that many times.

    I have several Sims to chose from too, if I were to do this challenge again in 2023. However, at the moment, I've all but decided I won't be doing it next year. I'll of course set-up the thread and be active in it, do comments, etc. How could I not? I love reading everyone's stories and helping out how ever I can too.

    I might try again in 2024, but it's too soon to think about right now. I have a lot of saves on the backburner just simmering away waiting to be continued. Plus, assets/gameplay in packs I own I haven't touched yet I want to explore. I want to take some time to do that and focus on those saves for awhile. :)
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    LegacySims2017LegacySims2017 Posts: 5,263 Member
    edited December 2022
    December 6th Comments:

    I love that the bunnies show as handing off a gift. It's cute and weird. Perfect for the Sims. Still enjoying the llama in all its glory with those glasses.

    Silly sweater curses. Oh, a swordfish. Poor fish doesn't look too pleased. :lol: Didn't realize there were pluckable plants so close to the active volcano. Are they special types? Looks like Colt was stretching first before grooving out. Colt probably thought it was easier to get his homework done and out of the way so he could mope around the rest of the day. :grimace: Ooo, cannot wait for the Kava Party. Hopefully Cale and Marley will allow Colt to have some for this one time as a teenager. :kissing_closed_eyes:

    December 7th Comments:

    Anton does have the hot-headed trait, so....yeah! :joy: As I played on with the new vampire recruits and they were increasing in skills, I had them spar with each other. Cale did win a couple of his.

    Oh, after reading Dec 6th daily image of yours, I think a wedding is going to happen. :blush::heart: Well, it will be nice for Cale and Marley to grow young together. I wonder if all their kids would want to be part of that as well. Stay young forever.

    WordPress allows you to set a draft to post on a specific date and time. Would be nice if forums did that too. Especially ones with storytelling threads like on the Sims forums.
    Oh, wow. Very nice sunset shots. Especially the one with the moon. Ha, ha. I love the daily image. Cale was excited the hibernation was over and so was his curse. He's ready for some action with Marley now.

    :joy: at the mascot outfit. Even Yoshi is really not impressed. I can't remember. Is Cale a vampire in your gameplay? That would explain walking through walls. :grin: Aaron has to show off his hot bod, to everyone. It wouldn't be right with Aaron not having a soccer ball, even in an apartment. He's had and used one his whole time since the beginning.
    Happy you paid attention and are good at remembering names. Kakeru has his own plans. Too bad he doesn't know about D.J.'s. Getting close to the showdown.

    Typical Sim trying to get a live statue to move. Typical for anyone really. At least he tipped the guy well for trying not to move. That was nice of Jon. Oona is going to end up being a master cook learning all these recipes.
    Well, you did want the two gentlemen to move from the hallway. :joy: Aww, cute puppies!! :heart:

    Sooo many cats! I love all the animals, though. And did I see that correctly? Is the chicken wearing a hat? :lol:
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    EllupelluelluEllupelluellu Posts: 7,289 Member
    edited December 2022
    As I am so behind, so I am only thanking bottom of my heart for all lovely comments, @Karababy52 , @afai1261 and @LegacySims2017 <3
    Read all, awesomed all <3

    here are tray files for Oona and SEAN. Just unzip and drop in Tray folder.
    cc was lashes, hairs (simstrouble <3 ) and eyes, not included, but is not big deal to replace if needed :)
    Oona has different lashes, what can be wear with glasses, but oh my, cannot find those :(

    Oona Medicci , day 39
    Post edited by Ellupelluellu on
    My love, my love, my fearless love, I will not say goodbye..
    Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
    My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
    Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
    My Story:Villa Catarina
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    RememberJoyRememberJoy Posts: 1,143 Member
    edited December 2022
    December 8th: Going on a date

    Today's Accomplishment:
    Lord of the Knits
    - Sell a knittable on Plopsy

    It was Love Day today, and I was planning on taking Kaori out on a date when Caleb stopped by with a girl.

    Pax went out to greet him and Caleb congratulated him on being able to go out into the sun again.


    With a wave of his hand he introduced Pax to his teenage daughter, Cora, saying she'd asked to meet him, as teenage vampires were a rarer phenomenon.

    Pax invited everyone inside and introduced himself to Cora with a bow.


    We all sat down together and Cora and Pax seemed to hit it off almost instantly.


    Seeing an opportunity to get Pax out and socializing, I asked them if they'd like to accompany Kaori and myself to a nearby restaurant. I knew they wouldn't really want to eat anything, being vampires, but it could still be fun to get out.

    They agreed and soon we were all standing outside a cute little restaurant in town. We both got our own tables and sat down to socialize.


    Pax discovered that they served plasma fruit salad, so he ordered himself that and a Plasma Jane. Cora declined when he asked her if she wanted anything, and seemed to prefer standing to sitting.


    After we ordered our food, I did a little flirting with Kaori, blowing kisses and complementing her lovely blue dress.


    When our food came, Pax asked if he could take his downstairs, as Cora had seen a karaoke machine and wanted to try it out.


    Alone at last.


    Kaori and I enjoyed our salmon and white wine while continuing our flirtations.


    When we finished and headed downstairs, we found Pax and Cora deep into a duet on the Karaoke machine.


    We decided to give them a little more time together, so we snuck back upstairs to enjoy the view from the balcony.

    Later Pax told us that he and Cora had exchanged numbers and had begun to flirt pretty hard.


    When we came down again, Pax was sitting at the keyboard serenading Cora with a beautiful melody.


    All that time practicing up in his room really paid off!


    Before we left, Pax surprised everyone by leaning in and giving Cora a parting kiss!


    I think she liked it!


    When we returned home, Pax raced inside saying he'd just thought up a new song about Cora that he needed to write down.


    Ah, young love.

    Feeling inspired, I pulled Kaori into a passionate kiss, and it was all down hill from there!


    After a nice woohoo, we went outside to feed the animals and clean there pens.


    Settling in for the night, we got out our knitting and enjoyed the crackling fire and distant piano music as Pax played out his love song.


    A nice ending to an amazing Love Day.
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    edited December 2022
    December - Day 8: "Love is the only answer. Regardless of the question..."


    "We've known each other a long time, with a deep connection right from the beginning."

    "We lost each other for awhile, when I suddenly had to leave Windenburg."

    "We found each other again for one glorious night in Glimmberbrook I'll never forget before Sandy and I became a couple and I was taken away."

    "The first love of my life was wiped from existence and I thought I would never love another. I thought I didn't want or need anyone."

    "But then you walked by my house and I swear I could feel my dead heart beating, pounding in my chest once again. I think that's the moment I realized I could love another. I fell in love with you when you looked up at me and smiled."

    (Oh my Watcher, is this really happening? The day I've been waiting and dreaming about forever? Somebody pinch me, I'm dreaming right?)

    "Marley Connors..."

    "The owner of my body, mind, heart and soul..."

    "The Mother of my children, my lover, my best friend, will you make me the happinest vampire in all the worlds and..."

    "...marry me?"

    *GASP* "I'm NOT dreaming, this is real, you're, you're really asking me, you're serious...right?"
    "Very serious!"

    "Ohhh, would you look at that rock. It's gorgeous Cale, just gorgeous!"

    (Okay, she still hasn't said yes, but she took the ring. It looks promising.)
    You're not really worried she'll say 'No' are you?)
    (Not really, but I still want to hear it out loud.)

    "Oh look! It fits!"

    "It's perfect Cale, how did you guess my size?"
    "I measured your finger with a piece of yarn while you were sleeping."
    "You could've just asked me."
    "But you would've guessed why and spoiled the surprise!"

    "Yeah Babe?"
    " still haven't answered my question. I mean, you did put the ring on, but..."

    "YES! YES! YES! I'll marry you Cale Conrad. C'mon, you had to know I'd say yes, silly!"
    "I was pretty sure, but it's still fantastic to hear it."

    "I'm so happy, I love you so much!"

    "I love you too! I can't wait for you to be my wife and spend the rest of eternity with you by my side."

    "Should we wake up Colt now and tell him the good news?"
    "Wellll, he doesn't have school for a few hours yet, his homework is done. Let's let him sleep a little longer. I have something in mind for just the two of us at the moment."
    "I like the sound of that. Whatever it is..."

    I'll let y'all use your imagination what Marley had in mind. Congratulations to Cale and Marley! The big question now would be, when and where will the wedding be held? We'll find out soon!

    Comments/replies coming up next! I hope y'all had a magnificent day/night! <3
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    Yup, it is silly, I should've just cheated it away, but meh. It was 'only' 7 days. 🙄 No, I imagine it wasn't, can't feel very good to be held up by your nose! o.O Oh yeah, there's special plants native only to Sulani all over Mua Pel'am. Around the volcano is; pineapple, Kava and Taro root. There's a coconut tree and another pineapple near the public restroom and a Taro root by the waterfalls as well. I think there might be others, but that's all I can remember off the top of my head.

    hehe You could be right, warm up to groove in a mopey manner all day. :D Oh yeah, I'm sure Colt will get at least some Kava, perhaps something else too! ;) Oh cool, glad to hear Cale could hold his own against the other recruits. Well at least some of them.

    If you've read my update for today, you know by now whether your suspicions were right or not. Hmm, I don't know, that's a good question. Yep, I have a Wordpress, though I haven't actually 'used' it in years. I kept it mostly so I could read stories by others. It would be great if we could time or posts on the forum! Perhaps one day. The shot with the moon in the rock arch is my favorite so far! Thanks! Ohhh yeahhh! As Cale would say. hehe

    You're very welcome dear and Thank You too! :)<3

    Yay! So glad to finally be able to have these siblings in my game. Thank you so much for uploading them! I think I have most of the CC you mentioned, except the eyes and the hair, but I'll manage. I thought Oona's hairstyle was HSY though? Jon and Oona look so good fishing together in their matching outfits! Love them so much! <3
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    LegacySims2017LegacySims2017 Posts: 5,263 Member
    (Additional information about my posting for next year. I want to drive traffic to my website/blog, so I'll be posting the daily image with the brief summary here on the forums in the thread @Karababy52 creates and then link to the page on my website/blog for all the additional stuff. Keeps it simple here and encourages readers to visit my website/blog at the same time.)

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    EllupelluelluEllupelluellu Posts: 7,289 Member
    corrected name typo in my download text
    @Karababy52 , They are YA in download, Oona with ROM ourfit and hair... you have Sean's hair as you used it for Cale at hollow. I know you dont have HSY, so Oona is the current, YA ROM version.

    My love, my love, my fearless love, I will not say goodbye..
    Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
    My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
    Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
    My Story:Villa Catarina
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    LegacySims2017LegacySims2017 Posts: 5,263 Member
    One Month, One World, One Year Challenge: The Adventures of Dash Joseph Faireborn
    Table of Contents

    October 30: Practice Makes Perfect!
    Special Appearance By: Cale Conrad ( @Karababy52 ), Adam Strong ( @RememberJoy )

    Side Note:
    No storytelling for this daily image. Working on getting these Challenge Sims vampire powers up.
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    RememberJoyRememberJoy Posts: 1,143 Member
    December 9th: The Finchwick Fair

    Today's Accomplishments:
    Country Caretaker
    - Make 5 animal treats
    - harvest a perfect oversized crop
    - win a competition at the fair

    Today was the day! I hurried outside to check on my watermelon and pumpkin and crowed with excitement, they were huge! I quickly weeded the area and snapped a selfie with the watermelon.


    I'm so proud.

    I'd read up on this weeks fair, and alongside the supersized veggie contest there was also one for pies, so I got to work.


    Using my own ingredients, I whipped up a beautiful apple pie and set it on the counter to cool.


    There were still a few more hours until the fair started, so I took the time to pet and cuddle my chickens.


    I think Kitty disapproves of chicken hugging.


    Then it was off to the fair!

    While waiting for the fair to start, we popped into the pub for a quick drink.


    I introduced myself to the owner, Sara Scott, and asked her if she had any errands that she needed running.

    She asked me if I could find a package for her, but wasn't sure who had it, so I went out and approached the grocery stall owner, Kim Goldbloom.

    I was in luck! She was the very one I was looking for, and she quickly handed over the package.


    I returned it to Sara and received a handful of nice rewards.


    I love this place.

    By now the fair had officially started, so I went and entered my melon and pie.


    Good luck my beauties!


    While waiting for the judging to begin, I wandered around town and pumped into Rahul, the delivery boy.


    I asked him if he needed anything, and he asked if I could find him five eggs. Well, I had one on me, but he'd have to wait until I could get more from my fridge back at home.

    By now I noticed other large veggies had been entered into the contest, so I went to go check out the competition.


    There was a lovely orange pumpkin and a large eggplant, but I was a bit biased and thought mine looked the best. I guess we'll find out!


    Checking out the pies, I noticed mine was still the only entry.


    I guess that's one way to win.

    After a quick bite to eat in the pub, I returned to the fair to await the judges verdict.


    We ended up having to wait until the fair finally finished at 9:30, but it was worth the wait!


    I ended up winning both contests! (Mine being the only pie entry helped a lot)

    Kaori gave me a hug in congratulations and we headed home for the night.


    I can't wait until next week's contest for llamas! I know Kuzco's a winner for sure!
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    edited December 2022
    December - Day 9: "Perfect Perfect, Kava Kava, Party Party..." Part One


    A few days later, Cale & Marley hosted a casual Kava party for some of their friends and family to celebrate their engagement. A few guests were starting to trickle in and grabbed a cup of the Kava Cale made from a recipe he'd gotten from Essa for the occasion.

    "How's it taste? It's my first try at making it."

    Everyone agreed it was good, perhaps a bit strong, but no one was complaining.

    "I'd like to make a toast to my bride-to-be."

    "Because I love you truly, because you love me, too, my very greatest happiness, is sharing my undead life with you."

    "I'll drink to that!"

    "That was great Dad, Congrats to you and Mom."
    "I love you too Cale and can't wait to spend eternity with you."

    I took a peek outside to see if anyone else was here and found Acacia looking like she'd already had a few cups of Kava. Is she juiced again? She must've visited another neighborhood with that NAP. Or maybe she's just bored. I also see, Aaron, Shawn, Joel and CJ have arrived.

    I want to get a 'more Sims' on lots mod for the reception, but since I don't have it yet, this was just a casual party for the aspiration, I couldn't invite everyone I wanted to at the moment. For instance, Aaron is here, but not Hunter and others will show without their partners too.

    I'd learned a tip last year about making a group meal ahead of time, but don't complete it until needed for a party goal. Unfortunately, I had Cale make a roast chicken which was left undone in the oven and Joe decided to be helpful and 'cleaned it up' by throwing it away. Gah! So, while more guests arrived and sampled the Kava, Cale prepared another roast chicken dinner for everyone.

    Starting from left to right so far we have; L. Faba, Shawn Straud (Son with Gloria), Essa Hunter, Cale, Joe, Fox Forrester, behind Fox is D.J., then Esmeralda Connors (Daughter with Marley), Joel Hunter, CJ, Josh Hunter, Acacia, Marley, Adam Lambert, Nikolas Masters Sr., Aaron and Colt. Jon Hunter was also invited, but so far he's a no show.

    "Here, have a little Kava in your roast chicken marinade Cale. I bet that'll make it taste even better!"
    "Okaaaay, how much Kava have you had Joel?"
    "Oh, I don't know, a couple, three...maybe four. The cups are small."

    Finally, the chicken dinner was ready. However, Cale needed to whip up some more Kava before calling everyone to eat. It looks like Marley and Fox are hitting it off. Uh oh, sorry Shawn. I think Adam just turned him down for an autograph. Aww, Aaron, so sweet of you to help clean up!

    I invited Acacia on purpose to see how she and Colt get along. Doesn't look very promising at the moment.

    Oh hey, there's Jon! I wondered if anyone would wander outside to the deck, especially the bar. I guess he wanted something a bit stronger than Kava.

    I think Aaron was REALLY hungry. He couldn't wait for the chicken and grabbed a slice of Cale's award winning apple pie from the fridge. I'd forgotten I put that in there. Oh well, it was meant to be eaten. Enjoy! Poor guy doesn't look too happy though. Guessing he's missing Hunter.

    Cale finally announced the chicken was ready and everyone could grab a plate. Shawn took his outside.
    (Wow, my Dad's a great cook!)

    Looks like he grabbed a piece of pie too. Or perhaps that was someone else's slice.

    I see you Marley, side-eying Fox as Esmeralda does the same to CJ. Like Mother like daughter? They're both handsome so I don't blame you ladies.

    Cale went on a hugfest. I'd hoped to at least have him talk to everyone, better yet, hug them. But some left before he had a chance. There was quite a bit left to do to get the gold. First up was Adam.

    Followed by Cale's BFF, Joel.

    Can't forget his Sons, CJ and...

    Joe L. Hmm, what's this I see? CJ and Acacia giving each other the eye? They're both the same age so perhaps they'd be a better match. I see DJ starting to dance back there.

    "Hey everybody, let's get this party started right! Who's with me?"

    DJ got quite a few takers to dance with him. Thanks for helping to clean up too L.!

    "Oh I just LOVE this song! Good choice DJ, it's rockin'!"

    And there goes another slice of apple pie, enjoy Acacia!

    "Hey Acacia, wanna dance with me?"
    "Sure, after I finish my pie."

    "Oh my, Honey, I just realized that's Adam Lambert over there!"
    "Yep, he's been friends with Cale for a long, long time. Even danced with us in Cale & Aaron's dance club, right Joel?"
    "Yeah, just the one time, but it was epic!"

    "Excuse me, where did you get that pie? It looks delicious."
    "From the fridge, it's... it's uh, the last piece. Sorry."
    "Not a problem, enjoy!"

    These two certainly look as if they're enjoying themselves, especially Jon. How many drinks did you make yourself dear? Look at that smile. hehe

    Lots more to come, the party's just getting started. Stay tuned for Part Two in the December 10th update.
    Post edited by Karababy52 on
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    LegacySims2017LegacySims2017 Posts: 5,263 Member
    edited December 2022
    December 8th Comments:

    Nice to hear from you. I'm guessing Origin decided to download all the games you had? Hopefully you have plenty of room on your laptop. What a nice early Christmas gift as well from the hubby. Dylan is doing well as a vampire in my gameplay.

    Having fun playing Dante as well. I'm using your basic rules you've had last two years. Obviously you know by now, I'm just putting Worlds in on a non-specific order. Am going to go what would make sense. My first World is obviously Copperdale from High School Years Pack. Because one cannot really live there, I am improvising. Can't wait for Jan 1 to come and get your opinion.
    I knew it! I knew it! Congrats to Cale and Marley. But that balloon was creeping me out with that smile and staring at the newly engaged couple. I'm sure the balloon was happy for them, but....creeeeepy! :joy:
    I want to dive more into foods with ingredients and think I'll try that with Dante. So, it nice to know he can gather fruits from Sulani.

    And if you saw MY latest, Cale is doing better. He's won against a few other recruits. Lost a couple as well. But I think he likes being a vampire. He keeps smiling showing off his fangs. Since you and RememberJoy are still daily imaging, I wanted to add an image with both your Challenge Sims. Cale prevailed over Adam.

    Some folks have trouble subscribing while others don't. But you can definitely try if you still open WordPress to check on other people's sites you are following. is the portal page for my Challenge for next year. The links under January will be broken until those actual days. But you can try and see if you can Subscribe.

    Jon is rockin' that pink outfit. Love the boots!

    Aww, Pax has a teenage crush. So cute! :heart: And also cute Adam and Kaori are elders but young at heart still in love.
    Post edited by LegacySims2017 on
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    *Updated my December 9th post above! I apologize for it, but I need to get some rest so comments/replies will need to wait until later today. Hope y'all had a wonderful day/night! <3
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    RememberJoyRememberJoy Posts: 1,143 Member
    December 10th: Cats, cats, and more cats!

    Today's Accomplishment:
    Friend of the Animals
    - Befriend 12 cats/dogs

    No story today. I worked on Adam's cat relationships today, and managed to invite over every cat he'd ever met before to befriend for the aspiration. I only needed four more friendships, but it did end up taking all day. At least I got that one out of the way!
    Now I just need to feel the love from two more pets, and play with two ghost pets. To achieve that last one I turned aging on for the household, as the pet treats weren't working.

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    EllupelluelluEllupelluellu Posts: 7,289 Member
    @Karababy52 Great Kava party, cannot wait to see the second part !! <3
    @LegacySims2017 , Yes, IJon is showing to all men in the world that they CAN dress in pink :p
    @RememberJoy , aww, they are really havinf a good time, so cosy updates, love Adam and Kaori as elders <3
    Oona Medicci , day 40
    Bonnie, her friend from school, now too YA.



    I know the meaning of Kentaur, or Minotaur... whats this? Biketaur???? :D

    My love, my love, my fearless love, I will not say goodbye..
    Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
    My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
    Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
    My Story:Villa Catarina
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    EllupelluelluEllupelluellu Posts: 7,289 Member



    some selfies :)
    My love, my love, my fearless love, I will not say goodbye..
    Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
    My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
    Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
    My Story:Villa Catarina
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    December - Day 10: "Perfect Perfect, Kava Kava, Party Party..." Part Two


    As the party continued, Esmeralda asked for and received a hug from Adam. She'd been a big fan of his for a long time and was thrilled to find out her Dad was good friends with the Global Superstar.

    (WOW! Adam Lambert just hugged me! Incredible...Be cool, be cool...)

    Cale found L. outside and the hugfest continued. Essa looks a bit sad. I think she wants a hug too. Don't worry dear, I'm sure he'll make his way to you soon.
    (I'm sad, yeah, but not because of that. Someone swiped my piece of apple pie I left out here. Dangit!)

    "Here's to you! You've stuck by me through thick and thin. I have so much to thank you for, I don't know where to start. I don't know what my life would've been like if you hadn't put me in my place that day in Mt. Komorebi. It wasn't fun being turned into a gnome, but by doing that, you taught me a valuable lesson I'll never forget and a lot more over the years. Thanks for everything, I love you...Mom."

    "Oh Honey, I love you too! It warms my heart to have you call me that. It's been an honor and a pleasure to help guide you through the trials and tribulations you've experienced over the years. I'm proud of the lovely man you've become and it makes me so happy you've found love again. Congratulations dear, here's to you and Marley!"

    "We haven't decided yet what kind of wedding we'll have, it might not be a formal one. I'm sorry you never got to walk with me when I married Sandy. But if we do, I'll ask you to walk with me again."
    "You better! If you don't, I might have to pull something else out of my bag of tricks, something much worse than turning you into a gnome."
    "Yes Ma'am!"
    "Don't call me that Sweetie, makes me feel old."
    "You are o-"
    "Careful dear, so are you."
    "Touché'! Okay, no more of that, it okay if my kids call you...Grandma?"
    "Hmm, that's fine dear, just not Granny."
    "It's a deal!"

    A little later, Cale sought out Essa to give her a hug as well.
    "Hey Sis, so happy you and my Bros could come tonight."
    "We wouldn't have missed this for anything else, we're family. Congrats to you and Marley, it's about time!"
    "Thanks! Yeah, I know. I'm lucky Marley's so patient."
    "Good things come to those who wait, as the saying goes. I'm sure you've learned that over the years too and so have all of us that love you."

    Cale and Essa had a chat together, telling jokes and sharing stories from the past while Marley prepared another bowl of Kava as the party continued.

    "Hey, can you keep a secret? "
    "Are you kidding? Of course, what is it?"

    "Joel's finally got a steady girlfriend. He's been seeing her for years, but it seems serious now. He practically lives at her house."
    "That's fantastic! Who is it? Do I know her?"
    "I don't think so, maybe. Do you know a Jillian James? She's an archeologist and jungle explorer. That's where he met her, on one of his excursions in Selvadorada."
    "Nope, but good for him! Sounds like they have a lot in common."

    Joe looks like he's feeling good. Might want to lay off the juice Dude. Eh, nevermind, it's a party and you can just zap yourself home later. Carry on. Seems Esmeralda is stuck like glue to Adam, she's been hanging out with him ever since they shared that hug. Can't say as I blame her, he's a good guy to know.

    A hug for Shawn. Shawn's been keeping in touch with his Dad ever since he found him. With Cale's help in his training, Shawn is now a Prime vampire well on his way to being a Master.

    Some of the party goers have moved outside to the bar area, including Marley. Cale soon made his way out there too.

    "Hey Babe, you look so beautiful tonight. You take my breath away whenever I see you. I've missed you."
    "Missed me? I haven't went anywhere, you've seen me all night."

    "Yeah, I know, but I haven't had a chance to hold you or kiss you in hours."

    As Cale took Marley in his arms and gave her a passionate kiss, I got the notice he'd earned a Gold for the party! Yay! Congrats Cale! Absolutely LOVE the two moodlets he got as a result. Especially the 'Included.' They ARE so happy together, all of them.

    The last necklace on the right was his reward. Happily, it was a piece of treasure he hadn't found yet. I'm hoping Cale can complete the treasure collection before the month ends. He's got a good start.

    I almost didn't include this screenshot, the bar support/column seems too intrusive. But I love how Marley looks from this angle and wanted to share it. She looks so, so happy eh?

    "You're so cute Cale! And a great kisser."
    "Ohhh, so it's my kisses you love the most huh? That's why you agreed to marry me."

    "If that's the case, there's lots more where that came from."
    "Oh I know, and I'm counting on it, but later. Looks like everyone's starting to leave, maybe we should go say goodbye?"
    "Yeah, we should. By the way, have you seen Colt lately?"
    "I saw him go into the gym a little while ago. He's going through a phase, doesn't like big crowds right now. Even if they are just family and friends."
    "Ah, okay, I get it."

    "Hey, has anyone seen Jon? He didn't leave already did he?"
    "He had to go, said something about an early class."

    "Josh! I was looking for you too. Sorry we haven't had a chance to chat much tonight. Glad I could at least hug you goodbye."
    "It's okay, you were busy, I understand. It's not like we'll never see each other again. Anyway, Congrats Bro, I'm so happy for you and Marley."
    "Thanks, I love her so much."
    "I know, you gave up being a Spellcaster to spend eternity with her. Just like Essa did to be with me. A love like that is very rare and very special. We're both very lucky in that way."

    Cale intended to give DJ a hug and have a chat with him before he left too, but he was already gone before Cale could catch him. I'm sure they'll be seeing each other again though at the reception.

    However, he did get to have a chat with and give one of his dearest and oldest friends, Aaron, a hug goodbye before he had to go.

    I'd say the party was a complete success. The only thing I'd do different is prepare the Kava in advance and have it outside. I meant for it to be outside, but Cale couldn't make the Kava on that table for some reason, it had to be on a counter. I figured no one would be able to grab cups either in that case so left it inside. Oh well, I think everyone enjoyed themselves and that's what counts the most.

    *Note - I'll try to have everyone updated (wardrobe, etc.) before the reception. I apologize some of them haven't been updated for awhile. Also, as I said before, I hope to have a mod for more Sims on a lot for the reception. That way those who couldn't come to this party, can hopefully be there. :)

    Stay tuned for the after party in tomorrow's update!

    Comments/replies coming up next! I hope y'all are having a fantastic day/night! <3
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    Thanks for sharing this information, makes sense. :)

    Love that image! Looks like Cale and his co-recruits are doing well.

    Confused what you mean by you can't live in Cooperdale? There are quite a number of lots Sims can live on in Cooperdale. I'm probably just misunderstanding something.

    Gah! That balloon! Yeah, I didn't really pay attention to it since I was focused on Cale and Marley. By the time I did, it was too late. The moment was gone to reshoot. Oh well, I found it more funny rather than creepy though. :D

    Good idea, Essa did this last year with the Simple Living lot trait in HoB. It was fun! I know Ellu does that quite often with her Sims, more so than I do. I believe Melody cooked with only ingredients as well. :)

    Yes, I saw it. Thanks for letting me know Cale won. hehe I think you could be right about Cale liking the vampire life. Or maybe he just loves to smile? ;) Very sweet of you for featuring Adam and Cale on purpose in the daily post pic. Thanks! :)

    Okay, I was going to subscribe, but it wasn't on Wordpress when I opened it and my address bar said it was not secure? Maybe I did something wrong or I'm one of those having trouble subscribing for whatever reason. I can see the page though, looks and sounds great what you have shared for it so far.

    Thank you again for uploading Oona and Sean. I have them now. <3 Thanks too for giving Oona a hairstyle you knew I must have so she wouldn't show up bald. o.O I like that ROM hair, but I adore the HSY hairstyle she had. When I get that pack, I'll probably give it back to her. It's so cute! :)

    Thanks! It was a fun party for everyone, but very stressful for me. hehe I get overwhelmed trying to control more than 3 Sims, let alone keep track of what 18 Sims are doing. Of course I wanted to see what everyone was up to since they are ALL important to me and Cale. So, there was a lot of pausing involved and I took WAY too many screenshots. Three updates worth! o.O The worst part though? Two extremely important Sims should've been there, Melody and Malcom. I'm so sorry Marley's parents weren't there. :'( They will of course be at the wedding and reception though! *Hugs* <3

    Gorgeous pic of Oona framed by the portal! Man, I love ROM so much. If I were to take a guess, I'd say I have more Spellcaster Sims than any other kind in my game. So glad she met Bonnie at HQ. Always good to see a familiar face. I can't figure out if Morgyn is surprised or what in that image. hehe I LOVE your makeover for him. And of course, there's Miss Sakura. :)

    HAHA! OMG! Jon! What are you doing Dude? What a hilarious glitch! Thanks for sharing those. :D Fantastic selfies with Morgyn. You know, with the pink on both, they kind of match eh? :)
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    LegacySims2017LegacySims2017 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Quick response...
    Karababy52 wrote: »
    Confused what you mean by you can't live in Cooperdale? There are quite a number of lots Sims can live on in Cooperdale. I'm probably just misunderstanding something.
    I didn't realize this. I just assumed it was for "school" only. Now I have to look into this further. :lol:

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