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Rebuilding Worlds Vol. 2


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    debjameswhitedebjameswhite Posts: 1,612 Member
    OK one more thing! haha I went to patch my game knowing it would need to after so long and OMG Cottage Living! Please be as good as you look! <3<3
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    debjameswhitedebjameswhite Posts: 1,612 Member
    Ahhh just like old times! Sunday morning, coffee and updates :)

    @MayaRose1138 from April 15 - Poor Alec trying to flirt with Lyric! "Do you understand what condition your flirting got me into? Go away!" hehe Winter does not look impressed with her love from Alec! Poor Heath...his baby girl is growing up! Aww baby Lark is so cute in her little onsie! Aww poor Lyric! Can no one be happy for her? I love the journalist outfit too! Looks great. I can't wait to see the new sibling!
    From April 24 - Lark is so adorable. Wouldn't it be fun if we could visit other players' neighborhoods? I just had the desire to have my sims at your park! Oh my gosh! Look at Heath with a grandpa body! I don't know if I can deal :) I love him. Hooray for your boy! He's a cutie too. It's the onsie hehe. Eeee! A third baby! I actually gasped while I was reading. I love it :) Xavier is quite the cutie so far! Kit is a cutie but now I can't wait to see child #3!!
    From April 26 - All these toddler pictures are so cute. They're so adorable. Oh wow...that's sad about the hurt feelings! I can't wait to see how the two girls age up. They're both really cute so far. I'll be curious to see if you try for another boy :D
    From May 10 - More park pictures! I love seeing them have fun. Wow though grumpy Heath. What's wrong buddy? I love watching toddlers play. Yikes! Ivy! What are you doing?? Lyric has nothing to worry about though. Wow Winter! 4 times? Silly cat. There really is not a lot of Lyric in Kit. I agree with your assessment. Time for another kid!! hehe
    From May 23 - I love how they went from family to family for the holidays. Oh naughty kids! Don't mess up grandma's house!! Hehe Dove was so cute with Father Winter. Oh she's a cutie! I really like her. OH no! Kitty sleeping on the table at dinner time is not ok!! hehe Aww I'm sad to see Heath and Lia become elders. I love them. I remember when Lia found him in a dumpster in my story <3<3 Seeing Lia clean the shower is a relief to me. At least she's not baking cakes! I'm so excited to see Dove as a teen! Can't wait.
    From May 30 - Yikes! Those heaters are scary. I hate that about the sims. They always go overboard with the potential issues. It should be really rare for the heater, the dryer the stove, the fireplace to catch on fire. Instead, it's an all the time occurrence. Bleh. It's nice to see them just living their regular lives though. What? No kids catching on fire? How will you choose an heir?? I think Kit looks ok although those eyebrows are not ones I ever love! hehe Now we just need to see how Dove turns out!
    From June 2 - Cake for breakfast is a great way to start the morning and an update! Oh I thought they were done with vacation! Woot! Glad to see Heath and Lia are still doing well :) Wow Kit and Xavier really do look a lot alike! Aww Honey is so cute! Finally! The moment we've been waiting for! Hmmm...this is a tough choice. I can't decide who I want to vote for.
    From June 18 - Ooo another good vacation update :) Dove and Holly were cute. Congrats on choosing her as heir! It was hard for me to decide who I wanted between her and her sister. WOW! That bill is insane! Sounds like a glitch to me...but I can't imagine the sims having glitches...
    From July 7 - Oh wow the girls really do look different when you see them in profile. That's so funny. OMG that cake freaked me out until I realized the cat was laying on the table hahaha! Oh I was just going to say that I actually thought Kit is a good mix of his parents but you said it too :)

    @OJenn from April 16 - I am looking forward to seeing someone answer your question about bust the dust. I want to know if I can get it too! I think I got some of the kits before I vanished but I can't remember. I know I wanted the decorating one.
    From April 19 - Oooo that little house is so cute. I love seeing the entire family there! Oh I'm happy to see she has a space for the garden. Oh the picture of her at the computer is so cute. Jewel is gorgeous! I had a calico named Jewel when I was a kid :) OMG I wanted to see Jewel in a basket on her bike so badly! Oh what a fun idea to do a high school reunion! Also I love that build! That just gave me a fun idea. I might borrow the reunion idea later! Jewel is just the cutest!
    From May 21 - I was reading your comments to @JordanNicoleJJ because I wanted to see if you mentioned a new pack too and you did! They're my favorite twin designers too :) I think there must have been a few updates since I stopped playing. I'm really excited to see all the new fun stuff!
    From May 28 - @OJenn I love how Dory always has different hair. It's so fun. It's fun that she's hitting it off with he one of the mates? If he is that was the idea I had with the HS're so clever :) WOW that new hair is beautiful on her! I'm glad Jewel approves <3
    From June 7 - Wow! Look at how muscular Tomas is! That coffee shop is really cute. Oh that's so sweet. I love a proposal on the front porch! Oooo quick marriage. I kinda love that too. :)
    From July 5 - Woot! I'm finally in the current month! Dory looks so pleased about the nooboo. The nursery is adorable. Aww poor Dory the pleased look vanished quickly. Congrats on that sweet baby boy!

    @Francisca464 from April 29 - Weeeee! Congratulations on buying your first house! That's so exciting! I'm so happy for you.
    From June 10 - ooo those kids are going at it! Aww Clover...there should be a sassy trait! Oh wow I was not expecting your Aiyden to become an elder yet! Oh Florian...I'm happy for you and your discovery about girls :) I think drama club seems perfect for him! hehe I don't know why, but I'm so afraid of patchy. He will never be in my game because I don't want him to come to life! ooo I love Madison! Don't worry, Iris will come around :) oh my gosh I'm so excited to see Clover as a teen. Aww she's super cute! I can't wait to see how she is as heir. I love the room make over. Aww even though the venue wasn't the greatest, I loved the date Florian and Madison had. It was sweet. You makes sense to me that evil Clover would get on with evil Patchy. Totally makes sense. Don't let him fool you. ooo another Mt. Komorebi vacation! I love seeing them!

    @JordanNicoleJJ From May 3 - I'm so happy to hear you got your vaccinations! :) It's such a relief every time I know one of my friends is just a little more safe. Makes me wish I had been paying better attention to the forums. I would have known this 2 months ago! <3 hehe Eva and Owen are so cute. I chuckled about how they enjoy each other's company. I love the look on his face while he's getting "the talk". Aww how disgustingly sweet the lovebirds are! I can't stop smiling. Stinky men don't deserve to make wishes...first Dylan not wanting to participate and then Thad throwing a temper's good that Piper and Melrose did their wishes together! The bamboo forest looks so nice! It almost looks real. Uhoh...Is this teen romance leaving the honeymoon stage? The babies are growing up. What a sweet vacation...but oh no. Aww so sad. Poor babies (but good job! well done telling the teen romance story!) Piper's so had enough. Oh hooray for Owen! He finally scored in the trait lottery! Oh I love that Owen moved to Mt Komorebi! I love doing that too, so I approve 100%!
    From May 10 - That is a beautiful view to wake up too! The only thing I'd like better is waking up on a lake :) I just love Owen's new look. He totally fits the vibe! OMG those pictures of Owen in the air made my stomach drop! eeeeep! Oh that career is perfect for his lifestyle! I love it! Oh another @Heckstress17 friend! How fun! I didn't realize that look was for Rosalie at first. I thought he was grinning about the guy next to him eating spicy food. haha. Aww I love seeing Owen with a buddy. So much fun. I'm definitely getting the urge to play again! Aww that's too bad he couldn't complete the climb but hey his fans didn't mind! Welcome to fame Owen! OH NO! haha Rosalie are you a genepool mate? I can't remember! OH no! Poor Rosalie. She will love her child though. I always remember Greysen's daughter who had quads and had that trait but she was a very good mother. Oh wow! Look how pretty that rocket launch was! hehe their wishes... OH the jack-o-lanterns are so cute! Aww I love how the proposal happened! I really love this couple. I'm rooting for them too! Aww time to go back to Evergreen! I love this.
    From May 20 - oooo I wonder what pack you were talking about. I think the Cottage one I saw last night came in July so is there another one I'm missing? How fun! It's like Christmas!!
    From May 21 - OMG look at that cute house! oooo build/buy objects? Exciting! I love the back yard! It's so cute. You did such a nice job inside! The more I'm reading these updates the more excited I'm getting to play! It's 1pm already though and I've been commenting all day hehe. Lily's bedroom is so cute!

    @Wentcrazy From May 8 - Oh I always love your park outings. So many sad kids show up at the park. Sim life is hard. It's so funny that Carly and Karly are besties. Oh right...I guess the twins could be in the running for heir. I've already made my decision for you hahaha! Aww but Carly was so cute as a toddler! How could she be neglected? It's sweet to see Henry and Thalia having a date night at our favorite place. Mom! This is so awkward! Aww look at Carly getting a grandpa hug! Oh Soren aged up into a cutie! Wow all the kids aged up nicely. hehe poor Thalia we can't all love fitness like you mom!! Aww sweet that Henry wanted to give Carly some tips on knitting. She's growing up Dad!! Aww look at Thalia's kitty! I love him. YES!!! Carly for heir!! If you do pick her, I'm looking forward to seeing how you handle the unflirty trait! I haven't had that for an heir yet and I'm curious how that would work.
    From May 15 - HOORAY I WIN! hehe well Carly wins but I'm happy about it! Poor Carly but it's ok cause pretty soon she'll have all the attention! Carly is really so pretty. I just love her. I'm happy that Quinn will get to be with Soren if she wants. He's really handsome. OH is Soren a genepool mate? Good to know! I'm glad both the twins are happy :) UGH who need's you Cierra's brother. Certainly not our Carly! OHHH look at Molly! She's so cute! Eeep Quinn! Poor Carly! She didn't deserve the talk! It's too late to show her attention now guys!! I love the look on her face though when her sister told her the news. Oh that's so nice that you have autonomous proposals! I used to have that but I'm not sure how it got turned off. I am assuming it was turned off as I haven't seen them in a long time. Also scary though if it's not what you want!! Aww look at little Nico! I agree Henry and Thalia! Kick the one with the kid out!!! Keep Carly!! Oh ok...this is acceptable. Grandparent time.

    @Rawla WAVES!!!!

    @Army008 Welcome to the challenge and congrats on your first update! I hope you have as much fun with this challenge as we have over the years. Cheyenne is really cute. I think there's an issue with some of your pictures but I can't wait to see Felicia :)
    From July 19 - What a sweet little girl Kacie is! When they're all teens though I think I like Cheyenne the best. She has my heir vote.

    @Heckstress17 Wee I'm glad I'm coming back after you just came back! I'm always sad when you're gone so now I won't have had to miss you! <3<3 Don't go again :) hehe From July 13 Aww Melrose, how I've missed you! Oh yes the boys. They're so cute. Oh I think the boys are cute and they definitely have some of their mom in them but oh wow Bonnie is a cutie! I love her! Ahhh Gen 3 Carter...I love him the most so far. Wow! What a great job you did with that house. Oh the house tour is awesome. You know how much I love them! I'm hoping the bug thing is not an issue when I get my game updated and start playing. I was hoping they'd have had time while I was gone to sort that out.

    @EVERYONE OMG FINALLY DONE WITH ALL THE UPDATES! You don't know how excited I was to see my post from last night! I mean who needs to do house work anyways right?? Now to figure out what I need to download before I start playing again! Oooo and maybe some townie makeovers! Lachlan! I've missed you :) I can't even remember if he has kids yet and if I've picked an exciting! ha!
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    debjameswhitedebjameswhite Posts: 1,612 Member
    TO RAISE A WOLFE – Evergreen Harbor Edition
    Callahan Family Tree
    Wolfe Family Tree
    Valentino Family Tree
    West Family Tree
    Wolfe Family Tree

    Chapter 27: Graduation and things

    Bear with me. I’m so lost! Here’s a picture of the family tree to get us started again. In this story line, I’m on the 3rd generation. Lachlan is Heath and Lia’s grandson. He’s married to Thalia and they’re still living with one of Lachlan’s distant relatives David. He purchased the house and since Thalia is still going through college and they have 3 new mouths to feed he’s stayed on. Thalia and Lachlan are grateful for his support.

    These pictures are from February. I guess a family that exercises together stays together?

    Graduation happened for Lachlan and David

    A lot of the family were there.


    Lachlan is very attached to his boys.

    I wasn’t in the game for 3 minutes when my heir caught on fire. He was standing 6 feet from the fireplace just trying to warm himself up. It’s crazy.

    Since I had just started playing I decided to see what would happen.
    Of course, David came to the rescue, but where was Lachlan? Had he burnt to a crisp already?

    NO! He fled!

    After putting the fire out David grabbed a toddler and he fled too. Why, I don’t know.

    He was pretty freaked out though.

    Speaking of toddlers, these boys are destructive!

    They’re loving too though. Here Dad is convincing one of them that he does not need to see his mother right now while she writes her term paper.

    I took a nostalgia picture. I found Lia and Heath’s wedding pictures on the bookshelf.

    Here’s 3 pics of 3 boys doing random things. They’re not the best quality but hey, they’re toddler pics.

    David is very close to finding physical perfection.

    One day another distant relative came knocking at the door. David was very glad to meet her and spent a good deal of time talking to her. When she left, she couldn’t remember why she had come.

    Even though Mom is busy with her final semester, she still has time for her sweet babies.

    My final moment as I get back into how to play and how to tell stories…a curious little boy watching his dad.

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    MayaRose1138MayaRose1138 Posts: 1,798 Member
    @MayaRose1138 - Your family has come so far since the last time I played! Dove is a great choice for heir, I really like her. And I really liked seeing the family's adventures in Mount Komorebi. Lark and Luna inheriting the gen 1 house is a great idea too.

    Thank you, she's been a lot of fun to play! I'm going to do a thing with the houses, that the oldest child of each generation will move in with the heir from two generations before so that the house doesn't become vacant. So Lark gets the gen 1 house, one of the gen 4 kids will get Lyric's gen 2 house, gen 5 will get Dove's gen 3 house, and so on. Unless I change it up and leave one of the gen 4 kids with Dove, I don't know yet :)

    I liked your update! It would be pretty hard picking between identical twins! I just got a set of identical girls in one of my other saves (my first set ever!!!) but I can't decide yet who is going to be the heir! The house looks fantastic - I wish I could make mine look more like their pictures! Bonnie looks really nice too, and I hope she's fun to play :)
    OJenn wrote: »
    @MayaRose1138 - I definitely want little Aquarius to have a sibling but let's just say that's been a little tough with his parents being so into their hobbies lol. Most of the furniture is his room is from the decorator pack, yep!

    Kit definitely favors his mom alot and I think you're right it's their shared face shape. Honey the cat cake had me in tears lol. You're moving right along nicely.

    Kit's face shape didn't show up early enough for me to pick him as heir :(. By the time it did, I was already in love with having Dove as heir. But the good news is, it looks like I could possibly get a male heir for the next gen as one has already been born and he looks promising... :sweat_smile: .

    @Army008 - your updates have been good! I'm leaning towards Kacie as heir at the moment, although Savannah is a good mix between her parents. It's always a tough decision to make :smiley:

    @debjameswhite - thank you for all your lovely feedback! Lyric and Alec were a great couple to play, although he was never happy with the idea of Lyric being pregnant. I think this has to be a glitch in my game because in the other challenge I've been playing at the moment, no family member is happy with the news that my sims are pregnant *scratches head*. Why???

    It took a long time to decide between Dove and Lark but I'm happy with the choice I made. And I can introduce blonde into the family!!! I know it will be hard seeing Heath and Lia getting older... you're not going to like the first update in gen 3 :disappointed:

    Yay, an update from you though! I'd forgotten your sims had had triplets - they must be a handful :sweat_smile: You definitely need to get back into playing - I'm looking forward to all the reports on Cottage Living from those who have it!
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    MayaRose1138MayaRose1138 Posts: 1,798 Member
    Rebuilding Brindleton Bay Gen 2.12
    This will be a little different in style as most of the update is a 'dream' that Dove is having :)

    "Last thing I remember is going to bed. Next thing, I'm in Batuu with Holly, with no idea how I got here."
    "Despite not knowing what was going on, we went and found the Resistance camp... even if this is a dream, as I suspect it might be, I'm not going near the First Order district!"
    "Vi Moraldi was the leader there so I spoke with her. She suggested that I could help the Resistance by performing reconnaissance in other parts of Batuu."
    "When I came across a stormtrooper in the First Order district, I pretended to be a bored teenager - not a great stretch of my acting skills! - so that they wouldn't suspect anything."
    "I was able to get a lot of information, though I almost got caught by an officer. Fortunately, he believed me when I was here with my parents and had gotten lost."
    "Holly was busy too, finding and scanning as many things as she could just in case any of them were important."
    "When I went back to the Resistance camp, I was able to meet with Rey! So cool! I mean, she's a Jedi! I wonder if I'll get a chance to spar with her?"
    "My next mission sent me back to the First Order. This time, I had to break into the main control room! I almost succeeded but got caught by an officer. When she left, I tried again and managed to get in. Holly kept the officer I'd met earlier busy so he wouldn't notice me!"
    "I made sure I kept away from this guy though - he's definitely bad news!"
    "Back at the base, I used the holotable to input the information I had gathered."
    "It wasn't all doing missions though. Holly and I went to the cantina, and just generally explored around."
    "Finally, we were able to build lightsabers! And Rey was kind enough to give us a few pointers!!!!"
    "After doing enough missions, I got to fly an X-Wing! So cool!!!"
    "For my final mission, I had to break into the First Order control centre again. It was scary but I got it done! And I'm so lucky that Holly loves talking to people because she managed to distract Kylo Ren and kept him away from me!"
    "When Lark came over the next day, I tried to tell her and Kit about the dream but they just thought I was weird..."
    "Oh, and I found out Lark is pregnant! She and Luna decided they wanted to try for a child so they entered the IVF program and now Lark is expecting a little boy! I'm going to be an auntie!"
    "Holly and I are still going strong. Mum was getting a little worried about our relationship though and she sat me down for the woohoo talk. How embarrassing!"
    "Cousin Elijah aged into a young adult not long before I did."
    "And Kit surprised everyone by proposing to Violet not long after she turned eighteen! I expect they'll have a long engagement...or they'll move to Glimmerbrook and elope!"
    "And finally it was my turn to become an adult! Holly and I decided on a joint birthday party, which my grandparents offered to host. We invited all the family and we had a great night! I don't think Dad was too happy that I was growing up though!!"

    And thus ends generation 2! Next update will be the house, and getting Dove started on her generation. Here is the final pic of Dove. As a reminder, she rolled Proper, Romantic and Good, with the Hope Vs Order aspiration (completed without cheats in less than 3 days while Dove was a teenager - go me!), and the Secret Agent career. She also completed all four child aspirations and gained two character traits. I gave her two aspirations to complete during young adulthood, since she's already done hers - Bodybuilder and Soulmate. To this end, I ended up getting Dine Out in a bundle to give her and Holly more date ideas. I also got City Living and Bowling Night as well.
    Here is a comparison with her parents, and also with her siblings. Her face is a lot like Lyric's but she ended up with a different nose and as seen in the last update, a shorter face. And in spite of Kit's different colouring, he looks enough like his sisters not to be the odd one out.
    And here's a picture of Holly, Dove's soon-to-be spouse. She has the traits Outgoing, Cheerful and Creative, and has the aspiration of Friend of the World. I rolled her career, so she's going to be a Floral Arranger, which works nicely because I have room for a gardening room in the next house. And I really want one of the kids to get either her blonde hair or blue eyes!

    I've been taking a break from this challenge to do a City Living one but I do have at least one more update, possibly two, before I need to play again. I'm over 2/3s of the way through the other challenge, so I should get back to this one soon!
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    debjameswhitedebjameswhite Posts: 1,612 Member
    @MayaRose1138 I loved how you told this update from the perspective of your heir. Very clever to make that a dream. It was fun. What is the city living challenge you are doing?
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    MayaRose1138MayaRose1138 Posts: 1,798 Member
    @MayaRose1138 I loved how you told this update from the perspective of your heir. Very clever to make that a dream. It was fun. What is the city living challenge you are doing?

    Thank you! It took some time to figure out how I was going to incorporate Dove’s aspiration into the story but when I thought of it being a dream, it worked out nicely :).

    I’m doing the Movin Up challenge, where you start off in the cheapest apartment in San Myshuno and you have to work your way through 15 apartments until you reach the most expensive. You have to furnish every apartment that you move into so that it’s liveable before you can move onto the next one, and you have to stay long enough to pay one weeks rent. My sims are doing really well money wise, so moving up isn’t an issue at the moment, but decorating the apartments to make them functional can be tricky, especially since I’m on the second generation and they have six kids, the youngest of whom are the identical twins 🤣. The high end apartments may be expensive but it doesn’t mean that they’re spacious!
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    debjameswhitedebjameswhite Posts: 1,612 Member
    TO RAISE A WOLFE – Evergreen Harbor Edition
    Callahan Family Tree
    Wolfe Family Tree
    Valentino Family Tree
    West Family Tree
    Wolfe Family Tree

    Chapter 28: Family Life

    Two friends enjoying their respective hobbies together.

    Lachlan is the smartest sim I know! Stripping down to bathe a toddler! Brilliant!

    Winterfest totally snuck up on me. Honestly, I didn’t even know it was winter, but we jumped right in!

    Of course, Lachlan’s parents were the first ones there.

    David was not impressed with his first gift.

    While David moped, Lachlan got something he was really excited about. Honestly, I don’t know what David was upset about. His future cube sold for $350 simoleons!

    The boys love the cat. She usually just walks around with a question mark over her head.

    Lachlan loves the boys.

    And he loves his wi…OMG I discovered they’re not married yet and I assumed they were!

    Still they enjoyed their date night and Thalia was happy she was almost done with school.

    She was flirting with Lachlan and for some reason that really upset this other guy in the bar.

    Lachlan really wanted to tell him off, but he was starting anew business that relied heavily on social media so he tried his persuasion skills instead.

    Turns out, while the guy was really angry it had nothing to do with Thalia. It was a case of mistaken identity.

    Eventually, Lachlan talked him down.

    He apologized to Thalia and she was very gracious about it. Lachlan looked on like a proud mentor.

    Then Thalia started flirting again. “Really sweetie? Do you think that’s the best idea right now?” She didn’t care. It’s always a good time to show you how much I love you!

    The next day she built a snowman with her boys. Then there was some teaching time for this one. (I still haven’t figured out which one is which! I’ll get there!)

    The boys’ birthdays were just around the corner and David was feeling sad.

    And finally, school was finished! Thalia was out of her mind with joy. I had some real doubts about this semester, but she pulled it off.
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    Heckstress17Heckstress17 Posts: 2,306 Member
    Omg I've been refreshing the thread on my phone for days but no new notifications showed up so I thought no one had posted. I'm so excited to see it was a glitch 😁 I'll be back in a few hours for comments.
    Origin ID:Heckstress17
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    Heckstress17Heckstress17 Posts: 2,306 Member
    Back a little later then expected for my comments. I got a little too invested in the Olympics last night lol. I've got an update to post, possibly 2 I just gotta see how many pics I've got. In my super duper limited free time I've been playing sims, but I made a new save for the first time ever. I've literally only ever played this challenge lol but I bought cottage living and couldn't justify moving my thrill seeking heir to the country to live the simple life :lol:

    @debjameswhite - I'm SO happy to see you're back! As you know I took a good long break myself and I completely understand how we all need to do that from time to time :heart: I'm sorry to hear about the covid case outbreak at your first convention back. With cases on the rise again I have a feeling that it'll be your last convention for quite some time again. Here's hoping we don't have to go into another lockdown anytime soon.

    It's so crazy that your update started with pictures from February! Congratulations to David and Lachlan for graduating from college! I had almost forgotten how attractive Lachlan grew up to be. I'm glad for the reminder :wink: He's got such a handsome profile. I love seeing Lia and Heath's wedding pictures on the shelf! :heart::heart::heart: And look at all the little tots! They're adorable. I see all Thalia so far, but I'm expecting that to change. The picture of Lachlan knitting while his muscles practically rip apart his sweater is so funny to me. He's such a gentle giant. David's Winterfest tantrum was very amusing. Boys will be boys no matter their age lol. I loved the picture of the 3 little ones around the cat in their onesies. Oh wow! I guess Lachlan and Thalia really never got a chance to tie the knot with juggling Uni and the babies. I'm proud of Thalia for finishing strong though. Also omg that picture wall :open_mouth: Lawrence! *fans self*

    @MayaRose1138 - Super creative to have Dove's trip to Batuu be a dream. I never would've thought to do that, and congrats on completing her aspiration in only 3 days! I liked seeing her sneak around while Holly provided distractions. Dove looked so cute and happy at the holotable :blush: Seeing the girls practicing their swordfights was really cool. Those animations are great. Lark expecting a baby through IVF is so exciting! :smiley: Mom's woohoo talk was too funny. Did she really have to do it while Holly was right there? :lol: Kit looked so handsome during his proposal to Violet :heart: I think you wrapped up this generation great. As always I love the genetics comparisons. Dove would've been my heir choice too. She's beautiful and I don't think she could've rolled better traits. Plus I think she and Holly make the most adorable couple! I'm so excited to see their new house complete with gardening area. How cool that it worked out like that for you. :smiley:
    Origin ID:Heckstress17
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    debjameswhitedebjameswhite Posts: 1,612 Member
    HAHA Are you tired of me yet? I have one quick little update to do to wrap some things up before I jump into the next big event! :)

    @Heckstress17 I know your feels about refreshing the page. I've pretty much been doing that since I made my first post on Saturday. I'm back now! Give me all the attention!!! :D I still love Lachlan but I wish he was still a little sleeker on the top. I guess it's all the lifting he does. That's ok Lachlan you live your best life...He is handsome though. OMG about my picture wall too. How does Lawrence do it? He looks like he actually posed for his portrait. I just adore him. I also think it's funny how he's my favorite, I never would have given my favorite a name like Lawrence but now I even love his name.
    TO RAISE A WOLFE – Evergreen Harbor Edition
    Callahan Family Tree
    Wolfe Family Tree
    Valentino Family Tree
    West Family Tree
    Wolfe Family Tree

    Chapter 29: Big Day

    New Years in the Emerson house was a big day for several reasons. First, Thalia had graduation.

    Then it was time for the boys to become children. (I’m so grateful…triplet toddlers are not what you want to come back to after an extensive “vacation”.)

    The party didn’t stop there! It was time to ring in the New Year!
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    Heckstress17Heckstress17 Posts: 2,306 Member
    edited July 2021

    Update time! :smiley:
    Rebuild Evergreen Harbor - Generation 5!

    After moving into his new home, gen 5 heir, Zane, met a pretty girl named Bonnie while out exploring his new neighborhood. He learned she was from Mt.Komorebi, and after sharing he was an aspiring snowboarder she offered to show him around the slopes.

    They met at the ski lift the next day, but Zane quickly learned that a love for the sport didn't translate into skill :lol:

    He had really wanted to impress Bonnie, but ended up embarrassing himself instead. But Bonnie was so sweet and supportive :heart:

    After some encouraging words Zane got back out there and had a much better time.

    The next night he invited her over for a late dinner to thank her for being so great the night before.

    He was totally charming Bonnie with his boyish grin.

    After showing her around the house they ended up sharing their first kiss in his bedroom of all places...

    Which led to other things :lol:

    Bonnie stayed the night and when she woke up she made herself at home in the kitchen.

    Zane was very appreciative :heart: To say he likes her would be an understatement.

    Over the next few weeks Zane spent more and more time in his girlfriend's hometown of Mt.Komorebi.

    Where his snowboarding skill improved dramatically. Bunny Slope who?

    He also worked on his rock climbing skill. Making it to the top of Mt.Komorebi is his ultimate goal.

    His training takes up as much time as a full time job but he always makes time to see Bonnie in the evenings. He won't be getting a job as a tour guide anytime soon though and Bonnie was super salty about getting lost in the woods. :joy:

    I think she felt a bit guilty about how she handled their doomed hike. She used her key to come over and make dinner for them both.

    Zane was so happy to see her at his house after a long day of training on the mountain. They patched things up in no time.

    and for good measure :wink:

    Zane was feeling pretty confident in his rock climbing skill and decided he was ready for a real challenge. He called up his twin brother Zeke and the two headed off on an excursion to reach the peak of Mt.Komorebi.

    Things got off to a good start with both twins easily scaling the first rock wall.

    But by nightfall, and with conditions worsening, they realized they were woefully under prepared to complete even half the trek. (He was only level 5 rock climbing but I wanted to see what it was all about. I'll have to max his skill before trying again. )

    He and Zeke couldn't do like any of the things the excursion required. Which resulted in both boys being mortified of their attempt :joy:

    But leave it to Bonnie to perk her guy right up :smile:

    The pitiful excursion was almost forgotten.

    Shortly after they took a big step in their relationship when Zane introduced Bonnie to his parents :smiley: I lost the other pictures of this dinner but Melrose and Gabriel loved Bonnie. :heart:

    After that Bonnie officially moved to Evergreen Harbor to live with her boyfriend, and the happy couple definitely took advantage of finally being so close to each other.

    And Bonnie, who loves to paint, couldn't get enough of the art room Zane had put together for her. :smile:

    Zane was still nowhere near reaching his goals of snowboarding and mountain climbing domination, so he still spent most days in Mt.Komorebi honing his skills on the slopes.

    The advanced slope is no joke :flushed: someone give this boy a gold medal already :lol:

    One night Zane seemingly brought the snow from Mt.Komorebi home with him.

    That early fall snow also brought with it Harvest day. Bonnie, who's definitely more of an artsy girl vs. a chef, did her best to cook for Zane's parents and brother.

    Unfortunately, her cooking was practically lethal and no one could pretend otherwise :joy:

    Papa Gabriel was mercifully gracious though lol

    Zane continued to spoil his lovely girlfriend with date nights after being away on the mountain training all day. Bonnie loved their time spent together :love:

    Bonnie quickly caught on to what all the extra romance at dinner was about. Zane had been planning to pop the question all along.

    Of course she said yes :heart:

    They celebrated their engagement at the Ice Festival. (Maybe I'm just missing something, or it's on a different lot but the festival was very lack luster. Their was literally nothing to do? No skating, the big ice sculptures were just objects placed on the lot and couldn't be interacted with? :confused: )

    That's it for now! I haven't done this is so long I'm surprised I got through it lol I did end up losing everything I typed and having to start over though :expressionless: I guess some things never change. Happy Simming!
    Origin ID:Heckstress17
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    debjameswhitedebjameswhite Posts: 1,612 Member
    @Heckstress17 Bonnie really is a pretty girl! I love the makeover you gave her. Zane looks so cranky. The guy behind him looks afraid! That "boyish grin" pick is so great. I don't think I've ever seen a face like that on a sim. How could she not fall in love? Oh my, I guess she did! Those extreme sport pictures make my stomach drop! I can only imagine what it will be like when I'm actually playing there! HA I love Bonnie being cranky about the hike! I love that she's always coming over and cooking though. What a sweetie. I loved seeing the boys getting together for rock climbing...for some reason they made me think of The Property Brothers. Aww I loved seeing Melrose and Gabriel at dinner with them. How could they not love her? Awww true love! He made her a studio! I love it! Oh no! I thought Bonnie was going to have the mad chef skills poor thing! Look at Gabriel being so nice though. He has some redeeming qualities! EEEE proposal! I'm so happy :) Thanks for giving me an update to comment on!
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    tipsycowplanttipsycowplant Posts: 1,757 Member
    I finally got some time for comments! No update though, I've been putting off playing so I can temporarily move my fam to the new world & do some farming with outdoorsy Rosalie :smile:

    @MayaRose1138 Awww kitten Honey is sooo precious, especially the pic of mama Winter giving her a bath :love: Dove and Holly are a cute couple! I approve of Dove for heir :smile: Ooo I love the Batuu "dream"! Dove and Holly make great resistance agents - they look sooo cool with their lightsabers :sunglasses: Aw congrats to Lark on her pregnancy! Wow Dove has completed a lot of aspirations - good job! I bet she'll have no problem completing bodybuilder & soulmate, especially with all those packs.

    @OJenn Tomas looks like such a nice, helpful sim! And that pic of him running in front of the house - the house is sooo perfect! :love: Omg I love the new afro on Dory. Congrats to the happy couple on their engagement and elopement! :heart: Eeee congrats on the baby boy!! That nursery is too cute.

    @Francisca464 Dude I'm seriously SO impressed you've managed to keep a cowplant alive for so long, but I suppose it probably has something to do with Aiyden and Florian sacrificing themselves for the greater good :lol: I love Clover's sass so much :sunglasses: Omg I love Florian's photo shoot with the cute girl in red :love: And drama club is perfect for him. I always forget Patchy can come to life & help with gardening, I totally have to do that since I have another gardening sim this gen! Madison is sooo cute! I approve, Florian :smirk: Oh my GOD teen Clover is GORGEOUS!! :love: She has so much personality too, she's just perfect. Her new bedroom is amazing too! I can't wait to see her on the slopes of Mount Komorebi :smiley:

    @Army008 Welcome to the challenge! I think of your three girls Cheyenne is the best genetic mix, so my vote goes to her. But they're all gorgeous and have fun traits/aspirations so I don't think you can go wrong with any of them :smile:

    @Heckstress17 Giiiirl your Bonnie is sooooo cute I don't even blame you for picking her over Rosalie lol. She really is rocking the boho vibe! I adore all of her outfits!! An outfit tour + house tour in one update - you spoil me :wink: The house looks perfect! I like your backyard better than mine, I might have to get rid of the fence around mine cause it feels too claustrophobic :tongue: I love what you did with the light around the mirror in the upstairs bathroom, and I love love love the artsy/office space! And another update so soon- you REALLY spoil me!! Bonnie honestly seems like the perfect match for Zane. Oooo get it, guys :smirk: I love that Bonnie's already making herself feel at home :blush: Now that's what I call extreme sports -- the higher skill snowboarding honestly looks crazy to me with how much air they get lol. The mountain excursion is so hard! I STILL haven't completed it and I think Owen is level 7 or 8 rock climbing?? Maybe you need max skill. I'm glad Bonnie didn't stay mad about his "terrible" leadership lol. I think I tried the excursion again at lvl 5 or 6 too and I couldn't do it either - I definitely think it's a level 10 thing lol. But of course Bonnie cheered Zane right up :blush: (Also did you build that restaurant?? I love it!) Aw I love when the gene pool mates meet the family, it's always nice when they're accepted into the fam right away. Bonnie definitely lost points for that gross turkey though :lol: Now I see why they're always going out to restaurants to eat :wink: EEEE congrats on their engagement!! The snow festival is more fun for kids btw, there's an ice jungle gym and they can build snowmen and stuff, but not much to do for adults :tongue:

    @debjameswhite I'm glad you're back! I totally understand taking a break, I've taken plenty myself. I've actually come around to the dust bunnies, as long as they aren't giving me ridiculous amounts of free money because being broke and struggling to make money is one of my fav parts of the game :lol: I do love the new EP Cottage Living!! The new world feel so much more interactive as it has some rabbit hole shops and various npcs (mayor, creature keeper, grocer, delivery boy, etc.) that can give you errands to run and everything! And there's a bit of story progression as the grocer has a crush on the creature keeper and you can kind of "set them up" with a particular errand. It feels like a more living, breathing world than the others and I love it! In regards to my May 20 comment I think I was referring to the Dream Home Decorator game pack, which is another fav pack of mine. Eeeep and you posted an update, yay!! Congrats on the graduation, Lachlan & David! Your heirs and catching on's just fate :lol: The toddler pics are so cute, what a sweet update :heart: Those triplets sure look like a handful though lol. Congrats to Thalia for completing her degree! Omg all of those hamburger cakes, I love it :lol: Happy birthday, boys!
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    OJennOJenn Posts: 8,429 Member
    @debjameswhite - What a trooper you are wading through all those updates! I enjoyed reading through you playing catch up. It's nice to see Thalia again, after all, she is a fan favorite around here. Oh and the triplets are pretty cute too ♥ And wow Thalia is quite the student especially with the full house she is in there. Now you've got me curious to see how the triplets aged up!

    @MayaRose1138 - A dream omg thats so creative, Dove has quite the imagination! I can't wait to see how her and Holly get on together they are definitely a cute couple.

    @Heckstress17 - Ahhhh Zane has the skaterboard look down and I can't blame Bonnie one bit for going past that first kiss with him, he's a looker. I laughed a little too hard at the reactions to poor Bonnie's cooking though, everyone's face said it all. Congrats to Bonnie and Zane I can't wait to see their wedding pics ♥
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    debjameswhitedebjameswhite Posts: 1,612 Member
    @JordanNicoleJJ I'm really excited about the cottage living expansion but I'm going to wait to buy that and the dream home decorator one until after the triplets. I want to have a sim I can send there and have it make sense. One of the triplets will be spending some time in the mountains when I pick the heir. Those hamburger cakes only could have been better if Lia cooked them but then she only did white cakes! hehe

    @OJenn I love comments so much I never would have felt right about skipping them. I still can't believe Thalia did as well as she did. I forgot to have her listen or take notes when she went to class and one day I even didn't have all of her homework done. I've had sims receive Fs for less so I was really happy she pulled it off and we could move on!
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    Army008Army008 Posts: 141 Member
    So I went with Cheyenne to be the heir after I held a poll. I'm not the best at taking pictures. but Felicia aged up and ended up marring Pierce Delgato, moved to Brindleton Bay, and had their first child a boy named Freddy. Felicia spun snob for her final trait. Cheyenne and Kacie also aged up and got married. Cheyenne married Hassen Scott, moved out and started college, she spun perfectionist as her final trait. Kacie married Stephan Lothario they stayed in Evergreen Harbor and are currently living with Iris and Aiyden. Kacie spun ambitious as her final trait.

    The final family dinner before the girls aged up and got married.
    51346887414_141df65382_h.jpg07-19-21_6-09-48 PM by Savannah To, on Flickr

    Pierce Delgato has Mansion Baron as his aspiration, his traits are art lover, self-assured, kleptomaniac, and business savvy
    51346369688_f4009e9ca2_h.jpg07-29-21_7-12-23 PM by Savannah To, on Flickr

    Hassen Scott looks just like his dad, his aspiration is bodybuilder, his traits are neat, active, animal enthusiast, and high metabolism.
    51345420047_06b0001204_h.jpg07-29-21_7-03-50 PM by Savannah To, on Flickr

    Stephan Lothario's aspiration is trend setter, his traits are ambitious, bookworm. goofball, and career-minded
    51346369543_1213856f18_h.jpg07-29-21_7-13-44 PM by Savannah To, on Flickr
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    debjameswhitedebjameswhite Posts: 1,612 Member
    @Army008 Cheyenne is a cutie, I think she'll make an excellent heir. Congratulations on all those marriages!
    TO RAISE A WOLFE – Evergreen Harbor Edition
    Callahan Family Tree
    Wolfe Family Tree
    Valentino Family Tree
    West Family Tree
    Wolfe Family Tree

    Chapter 30: A Wedding

    One day, while the family was at the park hoping the boys would meet some friends,

    And playing chess with Dad

    They did meet Lachlan’s sister who clearly wasn’t feeling well.

    Thalia received a call from a long last relative’s lawyer and since we were already thinking about a wedding…

    They decided to finally get away to Mount Komorebi where they had a small ceremony at one of the lounges. David wasn’t coming for the vacation, but he did attend the wedding as well as all of Lachlan’s family.

    Since there was no seating room the entire family wanted to watch.

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    debjameswhitedebjameswhite Posts: 1,612 Member
    So I have a question. Did something change in the game with how people moving works? One of the families I was tracking waiting for the boy to age up so I could add him to my family tree, the mother died. She lived with her daughter's family and her son but when I went to take my picture for the son he had moved out. He's only a teen and MC Command Center didn't tell me he was moving. He randomly moved in with 2 other guys. Another teen and a young adult. It seems really strange to me and I was just wondering if anyone else had ever seen that.
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    OJennOJenn Posts: 8,429 Member
    @Army008 - Cheyenne will definitely make an excellent heir. I love how you have a family photo of everyone in the dining room there, I always seem to forget that is a thing we can do ♥ With everyone married off I can't wait to see the next generation and how Cheyenne gets on with her new life!

    @debjameswhite - OH a destination wedding, I love it! These two are definitely meant to be. Them getting married now reminds me of my best friend who told her fiance that they could married but only after she had her degree :lol:

    I think there might be some bugs going around with the latest updates? I am not sure if MC has had an update recently either but perhaps you could update that.
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    Heckstress17Heckstress17 Posts: 2,306 Member
    I'm so happy to see everyone pop in :) I've got an update to post, but I think I'm gonna play a bit more while I have some time. Comments first though :heart:

    @debjameswhite - Thanks! I'm glad you like Bonnie. I really liked her too, until I saw how cute the other mate (Rosalie) is in @JordanNicoleJJ 's game. I may have a tiny bit of "mate regret" lol. I liked Zane's boyish grin too. It's definitely not a face I've seen many sims make. Haha and yes! You caught Gabriel's one redeeming quality! :lol: He got major points for being so polite to poor culinarily challenged Bonnie lol

    The boys look so cute at the park, and in the chess pic Lachlan looks more like a big brother then their Dad :wink: Aw! Look at poor sick Selena. She still looks gorgeous even covered in spots. The destination wedding was nice. I was expecting them to get married this update, but I'm glad they finally made it official. They both look happy :heart: I'm glad the family was there to watch.

    @JordanNicoleJJ - I cannot wait to see Rosalie and the fam living the simple life! I hope you get time to play and update soon :smile: It's so funny you mention the backyard of my house because it's literally the only part of the house I like :joy: I placed your house before finding the motivation to play and build mine and I liked it SO much better then mine lol. I just needed to build and decorate again since it had been so long since I'd played and so much was added to the game. I definitely lost my building/decorating mojo lol but I'm still feeling my fashion skills :lol: Outfit tours give me life I swear. Yeaaaah I totally get the impression that level 10 rock climbing is must have for the excursions. Which is a shame, there should be different levels of excursions in my opinion. I do remember @Kiwicantdie having to max out the twins and Thalia's skill too though. And ah okay lol I'll try to bring some kids to the snow festival next time and see if my feelings change.

    @OJenn - I hope you can play and update soon. I miss your posts :heart:
    Origin ID:Heckstress17
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    debjameswhitedebjameswhite Posts: 1,612 Member
    TO RAISE A WOLFE – Evergreen Harbor Edition
    Callahan Family Tree
    Wolfe Family Tree
    Valentino Family Tree
    West Family Tree
    Wolfe Family Tree

    Chapter 31: You Call This a Honeymoon?

    Lachlan and Thalia wanted to have a honeymoon, but they couldn’t go without their boys.

    Auley immediately wanted to hit the slopes so he borrowed a snowboard from the lodge.

    He made it down the slope upright but fell when it was time to stop. Mostly because he was trying not to hit the woman just awkwardly standing at the bottom of the slope.

    Back in their rental, things were cozy and the boys were getting along.

    Everyone practiced their hobbies and relaxed.

    Thalia set herself on fire but standing 6 feet from the fireplace…

    Lachlan wasn’t about to lose his bride however.

    Afterwards he let Thalia relax by herself while he took the boys out. I think he was more excited than they were.

    He was ready to bond!

    Each one got their own snowboard.

    They had the best time.

    Eventually Thalia felt better and she ventured out too.

    Lachlan discovered that he really did like playing the violin.

    The boys were good and did their homework.

    They had fun too though.

    They especially loved having family meals together.

    It was funny that their maid showed up to clean the rental.

    When they went back home there was kissing in the street.

    The boys were horrified!

    Auley was forgiving though when Lachlan offered to read to him.

    They were back just in time for Love Day and lucked out when Lachlan’s mom called.

    He invited her right over offering her some quality time with her grandsons. Finlay knew just how to get on her good side.

    He learned it from the best.

    David went to bed early that night. Love Day wasn’t something he really liked to think about.

    He kept having strange dreams about being lost in a large house.

    Everywhere he went there were stairs.

    They seemed to go on forever.

    Then he met someone who seemed so familiar to him. She had a rose for him.

    She became so happy to see him.

    He read love poetry from his lyric book.

    She was overwhelmed.

    Soon they were kissing.

    David knew he loved this woman but something wasn’t quite right.

    When he woke the next day, he couldn’t stop himself from crying for most of the day. Worst Love Day ever.
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    MayaRose1138MayaRose1138 Posts: 1,798 Member
    edited August 2021
    For those who have it, what do you think of Cottage Living so far? I'm debating whether to get it now or wait until it comes in a bundle or has less glitches. The lot for Gen 4 is going to be very large and there'll be plenty of space to raise cows, chickens and llamas :smiley: .

    @debjameswhite - love the posts! Congrats on Thalia's graduation and the boys' birthdays! Looks like a good holiday in the snow. Still can't remember all the names of the boys :sweat_smile: Btw, you mentioned a little while back about the park in my game - I've saved it to the Gallery so that even if we can't have everyone else's sims come and visit, maybe some people might want it in their game :wink:
    @MayaRose1138 - Super creative to have Dove's trip to Batuu be a dream. I never would've thought to do that, and congrats on completing her aspiration in only 3 days! I liked seeing her sneak around while Holly provided distractions. Dove looked so cute and happy at the holotable :blush: Seeing the girls practicing their swordfights was really cool. Those animations are great. Lark expecting a baby through IVF is so exciting! :smiley: Mom's woohoo talk was too funny. Did she really have to do it while Holly was right there? :lol: Kit looked so handsome during his proposal to Violet :heart: I think you wrapped up this generation great. As always I love the genetics comparisons. Dove would've been my heir choice too. She's beautiful and I don't think she could've rolled better traits. Plus I think she and Holly make the most adorable couple! I'm so excited to see their new house complete with gardening area. How cool that it worked out like that for you. :smiley:

    Thank you! I've discovered that it's better to have a sim to do the distracting than a droid, so I always make sure to have two sims travel to Batuu. Holly just generally hung around in between the times she was needed though, and managed to knock out the first tier of her aspiration by making lots of friends :lol:. Kit's proposal and elopement with Violet almost caused problems! I thought I had shifted Kit out to live with Violet when the 'moving out' pop-up appeared but he didn't, and things got a bit messy but I eventually got it sorted. Now I'm just waiting on some spellcaster kids :)

    Dove has turned out lovely, and she gets along really well with Holly, although there are downsides to having a partner who is very friendly, as you'll see in one of the first two updates :(. I haven't done the floral designer career yet (I'm not a fan of gardening!) so it's going to be interesting, especially as she's starting in Winter!

    Loved your update! Zane looks like a good choice for heir, and getting him to achieve his aspiration is going to be hard work. Bonnie looks like she's lovely and perfect for him. Regarding the Festival of Snow, no, it's not very interactive. My sims have been a couple of times and there really isn't anything to do; they kept running off to the Onsen Bathhouse :sweat_smile: . But maybe you could edit the lot and put more activities there.
    @MayaRose1138 Awww kitten Honey is sooo precious, especially the pic of mama Winter giving her a bath :love: Dove and Holly are a cute couple! I approve of Dove for heir :smile: Ooo I love the Batuu "dream"! Dove and Holly make great resistance agents - they look sooo cool with their lightsabers :sunglasses: Aw congrats to Lark on her pregnancy! Wow Dove has completed a lot of aspirations - good job! I bet she'll have no problem completing bodybuilder & soulmate, especially with all those packs.

    Thank you!! Honey is lovely but she has a bit of a cross-eyed look in her icon :lol:. I'm glad people are liking Dove for heir; she has turned out really well. She did manage to get a lot of kid aspirations done, which gives her a boost, especially since I consider that her career would keep her very active. She and Holly have been on a few dates now but did you know you can't go bowling when you're pregnant? Really annoying!
    OJenn wrote: »
    @MayaRose1138 - A dream omg thats so creative, Dove has quite the imagination! I can't wait to see how her and Holly get on together they are definitely a cute couple.

    Thank you! They're going well but it's probably not a good idea to leave a friendly sim alone with other sims without controlling them!

    @Army008 - congrats on finding all your sims a husband - it’s not easy! Looking forward to seeing Cheyenne’s generation!
    Post edited by MayaRose1138 on
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    MayaRose1138MayaRose1138 Posts: 1,798 Member
    Rebuilding Brindleton Bay Gen 3 House tour

    This house is a 3-storey house, so there's a few pictures, and I figured I'd better do a separate post! First up, the overall house. I couldn't get a better pic of it but I'll try again when it's not Winter :lol:
    Overall plan for the ground floor - gardening room, small bathroom, cat room and kids playroom
    First floor - Study/fourth bedroom, ensuite, kitchen, dining room, living room
    Second floor - master bedroom/ensuite, bathroom, kids bedrooms
    Ground floor:
    First floor:
    Second floor:
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    debjameswhitedebjameswhite Posts: 1,612 Member
    @MayaRose1138 Oooo I love a house tour! Your house looks great :) I love the playroom and the shelving for the sim trophies :) Very nice!

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