The latest update for The Sims 4 is now live. Click here to read the latest notes.
Its time for the final screenshot thread! Show us what ya got here!
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    M13VulpeculaM13Vulpecula Posts: 19,844 Member


    Freya enters the finale stage second!


    Freya: "Heya fellow players! Thanks for hitting it music guys! Nice to see you again here. So... as you may all know, my game could be described as an... ahem... emotional trainwreck. I know I know it sounds dramatic, but that sums up my behaviour quite perfectly if I look back. I mean if we just look away from my social game, my challenge performances were abysmal, I struggled with almost every challenge, and I'm aware that this puts a red flag above my head now, but may I ask you this: Do you really think the Assassin, if it was me, would be this obvious?
    I will admit that there was an instance were I actually did actively try to sabotage, and that was during the Top 4 Challenge, but that was more about me being fed up because at that point of the game, I took everything too seriously and personally. I was just so over being the dumb fairy that can't do a challenge right and occasionally has a temper tantrum, but that also gave me a lot of time to rethink my actions and realizing that maybe if I didn't take things so personally, I would have made everybody's time better here, including mine. I just never really took the time to really shake things off, and you know what, that is exactly what I just did now with my song."

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    M13VulpeculaM13Vulpecula Posts: 19,844 Member


    Lucas enters the finale stage third!


    "Hey everyone it’s Lucas here, I’ve been playing this game from the very start as strong and honest as possible doing what I can to earn money for the group, I’ve stood back and let others take charge when I felt I wasn’t good enough to earn the big bucks for everyone too, let’s say if I was the assassin I don’t think I’d make it obvious by leaving my twin in the game ether.
    I picked that song more to round out my personal story in this game, it has 0 connections to my gameplay."

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    M13VulpeculaM13Vulpecula Posts: 19,844 Member


    The time for asking questions starts now! Remember: one question per Sim, that means all the Eliminated players have 2 questions and each finalist has 1 to ask a fellow player.

    You'll have 72 hours to ask and answer before the open discussion will be opened. Please stay polite, don't play it mean and don't go off-topic.


    @ninjakid150 @Smarties100 @YJB19299

    @kelvin @icmnfrsh @kittymeow @lillibattenberg @Tigerblu11 @HayloHusky @bgkub
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    icmnfrshicmnfrsh Posts: 18,790 Member
    Oliver: This goes to all of the finalists:

    It seems like all of you didn't contribute much to the pot in the recent challenges. Even if you did, you still missed out on a lot of opportunities to earn money. We know that whoever receives the most votes gets no money at all, whether they're the assassin or not. How would you convince us that you deserve to win any money?

    Benjie: So, um, I wasn't around for much of the game, but I did watch the episodes back at home. I guess if I had to ask something, it would be like "What single action have you done would you say is the most convincing evidence that you're NOT the assassin?".
    Don't manhandle the urchin. He's not for sale. FIND YOUR OWN! - Xenon the Antiquarian, Dragon Age II

    Race Against the Clock: Can your elder sim turn back the clock before their time runs out?
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    Smarties100Smarties100 Posts: 1,031 Member
    icmnfrsh wrote: »
    Oliver: This goes to all of the finalists:

    It seems like all of you didn't contribute much to the pot in the recent challenges. Even if you did, you still missed out on a lot of opportunities to earn money. We know that whoever receives the most votes gets no money at all, whether they're the assassin or not. How would you convince us that you deserve to win any money?

    Benjie: So, um, I wasn't around for much of the game, but I did watch the episodes back at home. I guess if I had to ask something, it would be like "What single action have you done would you say is the most convincing evidence that you're NOT the assassin?".

    Kiki: Hi Oliver, first of all I can agree with you that we haven't been good collectively in bringing money into the pot for the most recent challenges but we have tried our hardest to do so. I know that I have done my best to try to get the most money I can into the pot but may have made a few mistakes along the way which has resulted in me not bringing in as much. If I could go back and alter those mistakes I would, but hindsight is 20/20. I think I deserve the money as I have given my all in every single challenge, though I may not have been successful in bringing in the most money, I do think that my drive and commitment in trying to get the most money in the pot for us innocents should be recognised and rewarded.

    Kiki: Hi Benji, it has been so long- I hope you're doing well! This is such a good question, I think the most recent example of this would be in the last mission. I struggled immensely in my first room and couldn't get my head around some of the clues. Luckily I kept my focus and didn't give up on doing the challenge, it would have been so easy to do so but I wanted to win some money for the group and was going to do anything to get into that last room with the dilemma I found. I wish I could have found the other one while I was in my first room but any money for the pot is better than no money at all.
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    KelvinKelvin Posts: 6,899 Member

    Euphelia: Here goes nothing, to all of you, what is your favourite food?

    Eugene: .... Whoa, sis, you're actually asking them a question this.... basic??

    Euphelia: Well, it is safe to assume by now that most of them are quite good at deceiving people to have made it this far, so chances remain fairly high that whatever they have to say to answer any questions we ask cannot be taken seriously, might as well ask something that is irrelevant to make this part of the finale more interesting.

    Eugene: Okay... hmm, to all of you, if there is one thing in this whole game you could have changed, what do you think it would be?

    Euphelia: Boy, your question is basic, too.

    Eugene: *softly punches Euphelia in her shoulder*

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    icmnfrshicmnfrsh Posts: 18,790 Member
    @ninjakid150 @YJB19299

    I'm going to be frank: some of us put effort into playing Jetset because we enjoy playing reality shows, but it's not fun when people don't participate, especially when they have a finalist spot that a lot of other players would've wanted to have. Could you at least put in some effort and actually answer the questions being asked by the jury, so that we can move forward with the game?
    Don't manhandle the urchin. He's not for sale. FIND YOUR OWN! - Xenon the Antiquarian, Dragon Age II

    Race Against the Clock: Can your elder sim turn back the clock before their time runs out?
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    M13VulpeculaM13Vulpecula Posts: 19,844 Member
    icmnfrsh wrote: »
    @ninjakid150 @YJB19299

    I'm going to be frank: some of us put effort into playing Jetset because we enjoy playing reality shows, but it's not fun when people don't participate, especially when they have a finalist spot that a lot of other players would've wanted to have. Could you at least put in some effort and actually answer the questions being asked by the jury, so that we can move forward with the game?

    To be honest I cannot disagree with this message. It can feel demotivating as a host to see players not participate in a game I put effort in to organise, and I have to admit that I had to reach out reminders to participate in Challenges to some players a couple of times.
    I have to ask you: do your bests to stay active and put in some effort to stay up-to-date on the game. I'm asking you to try and give the answers your fellow players are asking for.
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    YJB19299YJB19299 Posts: 5,801 Member
    icmnfrsh wrote: »
    Oliver: This goes to all of the finalists:

    It seems like all of you didn't contribute much to the pot in the recent challenges. Even if you did, you still missed out on a lot of opportunities to earn money. We know that whoever receives the most votes gets no money at all, whether they're the assassin or not. How would you convince us that you deserve to win any money?

    Freya: "Hey Oliver. I definitely have to agree with everything you said, at least looking at my own performances during the season. Obviously this makes it harder to pinpoint why I deserve to win anything. I could say that I really tried my hardest in the challenges and tried to insert myself as good as possible, but I think that is really hard to prove considering everything I've just said. However, even though I was clearly a lot to handle at times, my intentions were always clear. When I wasn't too emotional about everything, I really tried to be the voice of reason who brings people together, which is part of the reason I took things so personally as I felt like my intentions weren't heard. Also even though my challenge performances were messy af, I'd like to think that I overall played a very honest game, and I think I actually can use the moments where I was too emotional as a part to back this up. I never lied once about the game or anything personal like relationships or my opinion. So for me personally this would be a reason why I do deserve the money. At the end of the day though, you are the judge."

    icmnfrsh wrote: »
    Benjie: So, um, I wasn't around for much of the game, but I did watch the episodes back at home. I guess if I had to ask something, it would be like "What single action have you done would you say is the most convincing evidence that you're NOT the assassin?".

    Freya: "Hi Benjie, nice to see you again, it has indeed been a hot minute. The question is quite interesting, and honestly quite hard to answer. I honestly don't even think there is a single action that could be really convincing, but as I said in my opening statement, if I was the Assassin, do you really think that I would actively screw up challenges back to back? For me personally as somebody who has watched these kind of shows for quite some time think this would be way too obvious. I know this doesn't directly answer your question, but I hope you understand where I'm coming from with this. If you still think I'm the assassin, go vote for me, but I can promise you that this way you are giving the win to the actual Assassin."
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    YJB19299YJB19299 Posts: 5,801 Member
    icmnfrsh wrote: »
    @ninjakid150 @YJB19299

    I'm going to be frank: some of us put effort into playing Jetset because we enjoy playing reality shows, but it's not fun when people don't participate, especially when they have a finalist spot that a lot of other players would've wanted to have. Could you at least put in some effort and actually answer the questions being asked by the jury, so that we can move forward with the game?

    I would like to apologize to you guys and especially Vul that I'm being so late. To be honest, I'm personally a bit struggling to come up with some answers, mostly because I'm very busy right now, but also because for me that is not something you come up with a snip. I will try to put more effort into this, but please also have a little patience with me, I'm really trying my best to participate in here
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    YJB19299YJB19299 Posts: 5,801 Member
    edited October 2020
    Kelvin wrote: »
    Euphelia: Here goes nothing, to all of you, what is your favourite food?

    Eugene: .... Whoa, sis, you're actually asking them a question this.... basic??

    Euphelia: Well, it is safe to assume by now that most of them are quite good at deceiving people to have made it this far, so chances remain fairly high that whatever they have to say to answer any questions we ask cannot be taken seriously, might as well ask something that is irrelevant to make this part of the finale more interesting.

    Eugene: Okay... hmm, to all of you, if there is one thing in this whole game you could have changed, what do you think it would be?

    Euphelia: Boy, your question is basic, too.

    Eugene: *softly punches Euphelia in her shoulder*

    Freya: "Hey Eugene and Euphelia! I honestly like both of your questions, even though I have to agree with the basicness, hehe. I'm gonna start with Euphelia's Question. I'm a big vegetable girl, hence why I'm a gardener, so I'd say my favourite food is Ratatouille. I know back at the day when Hannes' wife was still with us, she would always make that dish to birthdays in our family as she was half-french actually and a fantastic cook. It sort of became this tradition that we would pick up the vegetables from my garden and then eat what Matilde brought us to the table. For some reason I always feel reminded about how important family really is when I eat it. As of Eugene's question, I have to say that although there are quite a few things I would change, if I only had to choose one thing, I'd say that I shouldn't have taken so many things this personally. Most of challenge performances I couldn't really change even though I tried my hardest, but the way I handled these situations and the ensuing criticism wasn't okay. I think maybe if I realized earlier that most of the things said are only from a game point and not personal, I would have been able to pull of the challenges better and making the time of you guys and myself better like I actually originally anticipated. So yeah, that are my answers."
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    Smarties100Smarties100 Posts: 1,031 Member
    Kelvin wrote: »
    Euphelia: Here goes nothing, to all of you, what is your favourite food?

    Eugene: .... Whoa, sis, you're actually asking them a question this.... basic??

    Euphelia: Well, it is safe to assume by now that most of them are quite good at deceiving people to have made it this far, so chances remain fairly high that whatever they have to say to answer any questions we ask cannot be taken seriously, might as well ask something that is irrelevant to make this part of the finale more interesting.

    Eugene: Okay... hmm, to all of you, if there is one thing in this whole game you could have changed, what do you think it would be?

    Euphelia: Boy, your question is basic, too.

    Eugene: *softly punches Euphelia in her shoulder*

    Kiki: Phia! It's good to see you again. Hmm, I'm not sure if it is my favourite but I've been craving Cheese on Toast a lot today, more so than usual. I could see it becoming a problem in the future haha.

    Kiki: Eugene! How are you doing buddy? Hmm... let me think about this. I wouldn't say it is something I strongly feel I would change but I do think I should have talked a lot more to others about stuff in the game. I didn't really get my full self out at times and that is purely my fault but I just like to let other people talk and be quiet and listen. On the actual game itself... I'm not sure if I would have changed anything, if I didn't play as I did I wouldn't have noticed certain stuff about the assassin that would have helped me get here.
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    M13VulpeculaM13Vulpecula Posts: 19,844 Member


    The time for asking questions starts now! Remember: one question per Sim, that means all the Eliminated players have 2 questions and each finalist has 1 to ask a fellow player.

    You'll have 72 hours to ask and answer before the open discussion will be opened. Please stay polite, don't play it mean and don't go off-topic.


    @ninjakid150 @Smarties100 @YJB19299

    @kelvin @icmnfrsh @kittymeow @lillibattenberg @Tigerblu11 @HayloHusky @bgkub

    33 hours of this first questioning round remain! If you haven't asked your questions yet or answered them then now is the time to do so!
    Reminder to the finalists: you get one question each for your Eliminated twins as well!
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    YJB19299YJB19299 Posts: 5,801 Member
    Hannes: "Hey y'all. Congrats on making it to the finale guys. I have a question for all of you, but more specifically for Kiki and Lucas because Freya actually answered that one in her opening speech for me. Were there challenges where you actively sabotaged the challenge? Like Euphelia rightfully put out, all of you showed your more decieving side and I've seen it all on TV. So I wanna know if the actions you say fit with those I marked down for myself."
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    icmnfrshicmnfrsh Posts: 18,790 Member
    YJB19299 wrote: »
    icmnfrsh wrote: »
    ninjakid150 YJB19299

    I'm going to be frank: some of us put effort into playing Jetset because we enjoy playing reality shows, but it's not fun when people don't participate, especially when they have a finalist spot that a lot of other players would've wanted to have. Could you at least put in some effort and actually answer the questions being asked by the jury, so that we can move forward with the game?

    I would like to apologize to you guys and especially Vul that I'm being so late. To be honest, I'm personally a bit struggling to come up with some answers, mostly because I'm very busy right now, but also because for me that is not something you come up with a snip. I will try to put more effort into this, but please also have a little patience with me, I'm really trying my best to participate in here

    I understand. And thanks for making an effort :)
    Don't manhandle the urchin. He's not for sale. FIND YOUR OWN! - Xenon the Antiquarian, Dragon Age II

    Race Against the Clock: Can your elder sim turn back the clock before their time runs out?
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    ninjakid150ninjakid150 Posts: 1,219 Member
    icmnfrsh wrote: »
    Oliver: This goes to all of the finalists:

    It seems like all of you didn't contribute much to the pot in the recent challenges. Even if you did, you still missed out on a lot of opportunities to earn money. We know that whoever receives the most votes gets no money at all, whether they're the assassin or not. How would you convince us that you deserve to win any money?

    Benjie: So, um, I wasn't around for much of the game, but I did watch the episodes back at home. I guess if I had to ask something, it would be like "What single action have you done would you say is the most convincing evidence that you're NOT the assassin?".

    Lucas: Hey Oliver, I can 100% agree we haven't done the greatest on the final stretch but I do feel we have been trying our hardest considering the difficulty that has been within the last few challenges, though I have done the easiest level challenges though the group the last few times I feel that was the best as it left others with better skill levels then me to try and earn the bigger additions to the pot.Ii feel that alone has been a great input to help up and provide a reason to why I am deserving to win the money with everyone!

    Lucas: Hey Benjie, I can actually link the answer to your question back to Oliver's and that is the fact that i haven't been putting myself into the risky situations of the harder money earning opportunity's always going for the easy option when available. I feel the assassin would be trying to go for the bigger amounts to make us lose more in general, for that is why I think its clear that I am not the assassian.
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    ninjakid150ninjakid150 Posts: 1,219 Member
    Kelvin wrote: »
    Euphelia: Here goes nothing, to all of you, what is your favourite food?

    Eugene: .... Whoa, sis, you're actually asking them a question this.... basic??

    Euphelia: Well, it is safe to assume by now that most of them are quite good at deceiving people to have made it this far, so chances remain fairly high that whatever they have to say to answer any questions we ask cannot be taken seriously, might as well ask something that is irrelevant to make this part of the finale more interesting.

    Eugene: Okay... hmm, to all of you, if there is one thing in this whole game you could have changed, what do you think it would be?

    Euphelia: Boy, your question is basic, too.

    Eugene: *softly punches Euphelia in her shoulder*

    Lucas: Hey Phia I hasn't been too long since we last saw you now haha. To answer your question my favorite food currently is pomegranate but it always changes depending on what I'm actually in the mood for fun question I guess.

    Lucas: *clears throat* Hey Eugene through this whole game if I could change anything it was the decision that ether me or Ethan had to leave at the half-way point I know it was part of the game and had to happen but it was definitely rough to see my brother get evicted like that.
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    ninjakid150ninjakid150 Posts: 1,219 Member
    icmnfrsh wrote: »
    @ninjakid150 @YJB19299

    I'm going to be frank: some of us put effort into playing Jetset because we enjoy playing reality shows, but it's not fun when people don't participate, especially when they have a finalist spot that a lot of other players would've wanted to have. Could you at least put in some effort and actually answer the questions being asked by the jury, so that we can move forward with the game?

    Not just to piggy back on to what has been said and add more but I would like to say I do put effort in and I also enjoy playing reality shows, coming up to this part of the game here I have been in a pretty busy part of my irl life with work and lots of driving which is personal related, I am sorry for not posting on here swiftly or often like other can or as much as I would like too, I do feel bad towards vul and others when I'm a hold up which I know from time to time I am, I LOVE THIS COMMUNITY! I can't make that clear enough! So I'm sorry.
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    ninjakid150ninjakid150 Posts: 1,219 Member
    YJB19299 wrote: »
    Hannes: "Hey y'all. Congrats on making it to the finale guys. I have a question for all of you, but more specifically for Kiki and Lucas because Freya actually answered that one in her opening speech for me. Were there challenges where you actively sabotaged the challenge? Like Euphelia rightfully put out, all of you showed your more decieving side and I've seen it all on TV. So I wanna know if the actions you say fit with those I marked down for myself."

    Lucas: Hey Hannes, I honestly think I have played this game as true to myself as possible and have no actively attempted to sabotaged anything at all, I know is isn't an interesting response but that's the facts of how I've played.
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    Tigerblu11Tigerblu11 Posts: 3,920 Member
    Wendi: "My question is fairly straightforward, so please do not mince your words and make yourselves sound like boring, bland, question is this: what could you offer to me in my plans of world domination? Everything has become quite blunt lately, you see."

    Wendell: "Thank you, sister, for such a wonderfully Wendi-infused question. Spinning right away from that, please, I won't ask something so unregally morbid. I just want to know one thing: how would you all go about helping me if I came knocking on your door asking for shelter from the terror that is my biological torture demon of a sibling. Would you, for instance, build me a basement? I will accept less, of course. But I do want to know how you would treat me."
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    Smarties100Smarties100 Posts: 1,031 Member
    YJB19299 wrote: »
    Hannes: "Hey y'all. Congrats on making it to the finale guys. I have a question for all of you, but more specifically for Kiki and Lucas because Freya actually answered that one in her opening speech for me. Were there challenges where you actively sabotaged the challenge? Like Euphelia rightfully put out, all of you showed your more decieving side and I've seen it all on TV. So I wanna know if the actions you say fit with those I marked down for myself."
    Tigerblu11 wrote: »
    Wendi: "My question is fairly straightforward, so please do not mince your words and make yourselves sound like boring, bland, question is this: what could you offer to me in my plans of world domination? Everything has become quite blunt lately, you see."

    Wendell: "Thank you, sister, for such a wonderfully Wendi-infused question. Spinning right away from that, please, I won't ask something so unregally morbid. I just want to know one thing: how would you all go about helping me if I came knocking on your door asking for shelter from the terror that is my biological torture demon of a sibling. Would you, for instance, build me a basement? I will accept less, of course. But I do want to know how you would treat me."

    Kiki: Hannes! Boy have I missed you around. Still a legend and still an icon to me! I will be honest, I did purposely sabotage the challenge for the top 8 mission (If I recall correctly, it could have been the mission before that). I made sure to do it to get some intel on others that I wouldn't have got if I hadn't have done it. Was it the best thing to do for the pot? Probably not but it was the best decision to help me whittle down my suspect list, which it did. It did raise a few questions about my intentions but I think I proved that my overall efforts in other challenges where I helped the group a lot with racking up the monies for the player's pot definitely showed I was an innocent player through and through.

    Kiki: Wendi! Still as... charming as ever. I think the best thing I could offer is simplicity, get rid of the convoluted plots to raise to power and simply get out there and DO things to get you to that position... Also, please don't enslave me when you become the leader of the new world through your schemes!

    Kiki: Wendell! It is great to see you again! Having spent time with Wendi, I would happily build a spaceship for you to travel to a different dimension, you might be able to get a few light years away before Wendi catches up with you... Like I said Wendi, please don't enslave me when you become the new big bad of the world... On second thought, I might come join you on the spaceship if that is okay Wendell?
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    Smarties100Smarties100 Posts: 1,031 Member
    Jayda: Hello my loves! Gosh it feels good to be back. So... my question to you Freya and Lucas... I love a good party! What would be your party trick and how would you try to do it to impress me and the other people there?
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    M13VulpeculaM13Vulpecula Posts: 19,844 Member
    edited October 2020


    The individual question round is hereby officially over. It is now time for the free discussion round, and here is a reminder of how it works:

    In the free discussion round all Jetsetters get to freely discuss the game, they are no longer bound to asking questions or answering them. They can freely share who they think is the Assassin, why they think so, they can vouch for someone's innocence, et cetera. The only rules are: 1) Stick to the topic of the game; 2) Don't play things personal; 3) Stay polite and civil. 4) Don't reveal classified information. This phase will last for 3 days as well.

    Once this free discussion round is over, I will open up the final vote, and everybody will have a week to have each of their Sims cast their vote against the finalist they suspect of being the Assassin!

    Good luck and lots of wisdom!

    @ninjakid150 @Smarties100 @YJB19299

    @kelvin @icmnfrsh @kittymeow @lillibattenberg @Tigerblu11 @HayloHusky @bgkub
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    lillibattenberglillibattenberg Posts: 1,294 Member
    Right, so I'm very confused. All of my prime suspects are gone, so fair play to the Assassin... whichever you are.
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    icmnfrshicmnfrsh Posts: 18,790 Member
    I pretty much had no idea if I was on the right track while I was in the game, and my previous main suspect was executed. Maybe there's something in the previous episodes that could give a clue. 🤔

    Speaking of clues, are they considered classified information? Can we discuss the clues we've gathered throughout the season?
    Don't manhandle the urchin. He's not for sale. FIND YOUR OWN! - Xenon the Antiquarian, Dragon Age II

    Race Against the Clock: Can your elder sim turn back the clock before their time runs out?
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