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Lynnwood's ISBI Challenge Rules for TS4! - 3/15 Growing Together Rules Update!


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    ShadamiShadami Posts: 4,353 Member
    Yeah , i got a link in my signature. But I can post a link to it in here again when I'm at the computer. ^^ it got lost in the posts quite a bit ago I think. Actually... It may have gotten added to the front xD
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    bebasimbebasim Posts: 581 Member
    I don't know about other players but i have to ask this, especially ISBI challenge players... how do you find when yourselves when your generation dies... I lost my two founding sims within minutes of each other lucky i was videoing it and captured it all but i wont lie this has broken me... I'm devastated, spent two RL days crying for my sims. I am hoping I'm not the only one.
    I have spent 2 days writing the chapter and this was the hardest chapter I've had to write, I'm still sooking over the event.

    I don't know if i can deal with Avalon going when he's older too... I've grown attached to my family :(

    Please tell me i'm not alone here... that someone else gets attached to their sims?! :blush:
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    LynnwoodLynnwood Posts: 2,982 Member
    @bebasim - Don't worry, I'm sure you're not. While I haven't gone so far as to actually cry for them, it IS particularly hard when some of my favorites have passed. (Chester Gieke, my regular Legacy founder, was one of them). It's amazing how attached we get to these little simulated pixels and their digital lives.
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    bebasimbebasim Posts: 581 Member
    @Lynnwood - So true we do don't we, I love Avalon and i'm struggling to deal with the fact he will be next, the issue I'm having is Caleb is immortal, I've been considering to make Avalon a vampire so that they can be moved out eventually when i need room for the generations, just so i don't go through this again, and they can live autonomously in the neighborhood but i can't do that for every generation.. oh this is crazy lol... I need to man up but still. It is hard.

    I must say this much when i first started this challenge i never imagined i would love my little sims this much and so early on, I'm only on my first generation heir... how the heck will i get through the rest lol
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    bebasimbebasim Posts: 581 Member
    A Question if i may... are we allowed to have 2 heirs for one generation both as heirs???? and then pick one of their children?
    I'm stuck... i have two outstanding sons from my generation and i cannot chose which one to run one alone.. both are perfect...
    I am seriously stuck...
    Son #1

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    mojot89mojot89 Posts: 10,051 Member
    edited January 2019
    @bebasim I don't know how that would work. The whole point of the challenge is to only be able to control one sim at a time. You could pick one to control and keep the other in the house so you don't have to say good-bye. Of course, that is also technically against the rules lol
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    bebasimbebasim Posts: 581 Member
    edited January 2019
    @mojot89 - This is why i had to ask.. :lol: I haven't touched the game as I'm still stuck and can't decide...
    I did think that if i save a backup game, as another game and use them for a different gameplay, this way I can continue the isbi challenge and keep them for a different game play... As I know either way it's defeated the purpose of the challenge.. if i keep both boys... and one is a vampire.. however i'm still trying to work out who will be heir.... i have been pondering heaps about it.. :blush:
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    LynnwoodLynnwood Posts: 2,982 Member
    @bebasim - TECHNICALLY no, that'd be against the rules. As @mojot89 stated, the whole point is to only control one sim and the rules state that you have to boot all non-heir children from the house at YA stage. HOWEVER, I am a firm believer in the 'play however you need to, to have fun.' So, by all means. If you want to stick as close to the rules as possible, flip a coin or devise some means to choose one to be the sim you control and then leave the other in the house, and play into the next generation that way until you can decide. (PS Sorry for the super late response, I've been addicted to playing my Nintendo Switch lately lol).
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    mojot89mojot89 Posts: 10,051 Member
    lol, @Lynnwood I have been toooooo. Skyrim has once again taken over lol. And also trying to become a pokemon master! :mrgreen:
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    ShadamiShadami Posts: 4,353 Member
    edited January 2019
    I've saved my spares to my library so that I can play them some other time xD

    My vote is Bowie because I love labyrinth and Billy idol was just kind of okay to me. I have a CD though xD
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    violetricvioletric Posts: 4 New Member
    Oh my God. I literally made an account just to tell someone about this. I've played the ISBI once time before and didn't finish as my TH had three sets of twins and it was too hectic. I've been devoted for the past few days to my new family, the Sasakis, and before my heir was going to age up from teen to YA he DIED FROM OVERHEATING.

    It wasn't hot outside! Nor hot inside! I have no idea what happened, but I'm devastated. The heat was on but I didn't think it was that bad as nobody else was affected. . .not gonna lie, I'm heartbroken. rip
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    RawlaRawla Posts: 7,495 Member
    @violetric First of all welcome to the forum and challenge. Second, YICKS!!! That's horrible! *cries* So sorry that happened. Don't give up!
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    LynnwoodLynnwood Posts: 2,982 Member
    @violetric - Awwwww, so sry that happened. The only thing I can think of . . . if you had the heat on and it was 'normal' temp or at least 'not cold' that could've caused it. Or he happened to be wearing 'winter clothes' while indoors with the heater on? So bizarre. :(
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    violetricvioletric Posts: 4 New Member
    @Lynnwood I think he was wearing pajamas, if I'm correct. And it was cold outside, so I'm not sure what happened. As upsetting as it was, I need something to spice up my gameplay so that might as well be it, lol.
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    TaubeTaube Posts: 1 New Member
    @violetric I feel you. I was going to do a poll when the oldest became a YA, but she (the oldest of three) was a surefire shoo-in from where I'm sitting and I adored her. She was going through a mood swing and as soon as blew out the candles, she died of embarrassment, I guess because of the moodlet because nothing else was wrong? I'm so upset. The middle kid is a shiftless jerk, but I still have hope for the youngest, but argh! I can't believe that happened!
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    LynnwoodLynnwood Posts: 2,982 Member
    @taube - Yeeeeah, that +50 moodswing moodlet won't kill them as a teen but if you grow them up while they still have it, it WILL insta-kill your sim. D:
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    RawlaRawla Posts: 7,495 Member
    I had no idea. Yicks!
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    bebasimbebasim Posts: 581 Member
    edited February 2019
    Lynnwood wrote: »
    @bebasim - TECHNICALLY no, that'd be against the rules. As @mojot89 stated, the whole point is to only control one sim and the rules state that you have to boot all non-heir children from the house at YA stage. HOWEVER, I am a firm believer in the 'play however you need to, to have fun.' So, by all means. If you want to stick as close to the rules as possible, flip a coin or devise some means to choose one to be the sim you control and then leave the other in the house, and play into the next generation that way until you can decide. (PS Sorry for the super late response, I've been addicted to playing my Nintendo Switch lately lol).

    Thank you Lynnwood I decided I'm not breaking any more rules i already gave myself -100 for the vampire actions in my challenge and i want to do this right. So despite my lip biting events I'm continuing on with the challenge as rules state ;) - The best part of any challenge is keeping to the rules for us more than the sims lol

    @Shadami - Thank you i will be running a poll when the time is right, which is not too far away now, just need to update my chapters before i hit the play button again, they are aging up too quickly.

    @violetric - Welcome to the forum and omg what a way to lose a heir :disappointed:

    Speaking of emotions can kill sims as well as weather, this is true... i installed a couple of mods to test out (drugs and extreme) and used one of my sims as a tester sim, my first vampire to play... for the past few months he not only went through so much but his emotions are that strong and his rage lasted for 5 days to the point he beat up a dog and a new romance i was trying for him... i found i couldn't control him at all as he was THAT uncomfortable, it would all be greyed out for me... resetting him did nothing. He even tried to commit suicide on me, so i hit pause save and researched... I did have a friend warn me to be careful that the emotions can kill him... especially rage.... i have to say he's ok today getting there but it's been very very scary.... especially when you create a sim for testing only to fall in love with him/her. I will say this much I absolutely LOVE sims4 for this reason, sims do come to life, it's more life like in many areas and that has brought game play for me to a whole new level, but yes without backing a sim up it's horrible to experience!

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    PurpleThistlesPurpleThistles Posts: 618 Member
    Hi all, I started playing my ISBI challenge a few days ago and have just finished blogging my progress so far. My Story thread on here is here. I am using mods, I find the sims 4 too predictable without them, I use MCCC, More Personality Please and Meaningful Stories. If it means I fail the challenge, so be it, I can never complete a challenge without the mods though!
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    LynnwoodLynnwood Posts: 2,982 Member
    @PurpleThistles - Welcome to the ISBI crazies! I'll add your story to the list on the first page. Those mods you listed are fine (IE don't cause you to 'fail') so long as you're not using them to somehow cheat-influence your NTH's in some way. So long as they exist in autonomy then you should be fine. But of course, there's no such thing as Sims-Player-Police so you're free to play however you want in the end lol.
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    Armika74Armika74 Posts: 367 Member

    I just wanted to share my ISBI family, the Strangeways, I have tried blogging but I am way to lazy ;)
    From top left: My founder Lily, her husband Salim, their oldest daughter Sarah and the youngest Leah <3
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    LynnwoodLynnwood Posts: 2,982 Member
    @Armika74 - Very cute! I get you on the lazies . . . tho in my case it's more like shortened attention span. XD
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    mojot89mojot89 Posts: 10,051 Member
    Question: If you have an elder sim who is one day away from his natural death die of overexertion, that's still an accidental death right? because that's what I counted it as, but just wanted your opinion, @Lynnwood
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    LynnwoodLynnwood Posts: 2,982 Member
    @mojot89 - Yeah,I'd rule that as accidental. (Sry for the late reply) :smile:

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