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What is the deal with the "stop stealing" on the gallery?


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    PoppenPoppen Posts: 85 Member
    People has reuploaded my stuff without credit, I could not care less. When I share stuff its no longer mine. Its yours to do with whatever you like. Im just happy other people find my builds usefull.
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,919 Member
    But why would you even want to put your name on someone else's creation? It's one thing to download and play with a house/lot. It's another to upload it and claim it as your own.

    Sadly, you're being too logical about the situation. There is a saying, 'those that can, do. Those that cannot, teach.' This is basically what's behind the 'stealing of CREDIT'. As the OP states, it's not ours, but EA's and for the fact that we 'shared it', even more so. @Gruffman suggested, it's the person's time, that is devalued. Let's put it another way. If you write a report for your boss, but another co-worker puts their name on it and gets the CREDIT for all of your hard work, you're going to be pretty miffed, I daresay.

    Some have no talent to do the actual build or CAS as well as they believe others do, but desperately are seeking some kind of recognition anyway. They want the CREDIT for having done something others like.

    What it all boils down to, is these people likely have very low self-esteem. They don't know or don't understand that the only way to feel better about themselves is not by STEALING CREDIT for something they didn't actually do themselves, (it's a false reward) but to find something they're unsure they can do, and tackle it. Once they do so, they'll have all kinds of confidence.
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    jimmysnanjimmysnan Posts: 8,303 Member
    edited January 2018
    But why would you even want to put your name on someone else's creation? It's one thing to download and play with a house/lot. It's another to upload it and claim it as your own.

    Sadly, you're being too logical about the situation. There is a saying, 'those that can, do. Those that cannot, teach.' This is basically what's behind the 'stealing of CREDIT'. As the OP states, it's not ours, but EA's and for the fact that we 'shared it', even more so. @Gruffman suggested, it's the person's time, that is devalued. Let's put it another way. If you write a report for your boss, but another co-worker puts their name on it and gets the CREDIT for all of your hard work, you're going to be pretty miffed, I daresay.

    Some have no talent to do the actual build or CAS as well as they believe others do, but desperately are seeking some kind of recognition anyway. They want the CREDIT for having done something others like.

    What it all boils down to, is these people likely have very low self-esteem. They don't know or don't understand that the only way to feel better about themselves is not by STEALING CREDIT for something they didn't actually do themselves, (it's a false reward) but to find something they're unsure they can do, and tackle it. Once they do so, they'll have all kinds of confidence.

    If the report as you say was stolen the person would be upset because their employment or salary depends on that report. Nothing but popularity is at stake here. And they are not writing on the bottom of it do not steal.
    The thing is if that report had everyone elses work in it i.e. cc from some other people and no credit was given to someone then serves me right. As i took others work and also called it my
    When i wrote my thesis for my degree i had to site all my sources and had to postscript them or it would be me stealing as it was published work with copyright. . If there is no sources cited and you have to redo the entire thing what is there to steal?
    I understand it is some kind of protest by some and i understand that they are in need of credit and recognition even on a game. But if you are going to have a cause someone needs to set rules and make sure that the participants using the logo are doing what they stand for. Not stealing as they say cc or creations from others and not crediting them and wanting the credit and attention for themselves as if they made the sim
    If you are just rearranging cc and putting it on the gallery is that not the same as someone taking a sim you made and changing it around to suit themselves and putting it on the gallery? I see no difference here.
    Hey if the movement for dont steal is going to get anywhere they need to monitor the people using their logo and only have sims on there they made themselves with things from the game then i would say they can call it theirs.
    A sim full of cc with no credit given is not theirs it belongs to the people who made the cc. How do they feel not getting the credit?
    Post edited by jimmysnan on
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    jimmysnanjimmysnan Posts: 8,303 Member
    Poppen wrote: »
    People has reuploaded my stuff without credit, I could not care less. When I share stuff its no longer mine. Its yours to do with whatever you like. Im just happy other people find my builds usefull.

    Right attitude. I dont put things that I make on the gallery unless I am willing to have someone else remake them and post them. Others have and I did not get credit for them. One got credit by EA as a feature. Cant prove it was mine, dont really care. I am too old to need to be popular in a game.
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    IceyJIceyJ Posts: 4,641 Member
    edited January 2018
    jimmysnan wrote: »
    MadameLee wrote: »
    ok .. so in this 'don't steal" business. At one point we didn't have "orignal by" field so that people could take someone's sim/building and without any changes reload it as their own without crediting the original creator and guess which of the 2 people got more downloads and "likes"? The person who downloaded it. I downloaded and changed stuff just around the time they added the Orginal by line-but I gave credit-in my story and in the gallery (I had to re-upload the building which I'm still using in my game today with minor tweaks here&there

    you gave credit to the original creator, that is good, I am talking bout others who take the creations and try to pass it off as their own work, that is what is really wrong with the Gallery, and We do have to add our creations to the Gallery in order to keep them safe, that does not mean others can just take them and say it is their work , EA or Maxis does not claim our work as their own, Hence the difference between them and the people trying to claim Creations as their own work, when they did not make them in the first place.

    But I did not say that I did that did I? If i did then I am wrong. I do not claim the creations as my own as I have never seen a creation that does not have the creators name on it that I have done over.

    I have seen it many times where others did take someone's Creations and pass it off as their own, that Is what I am trying to tell others, Before the Original Creators name was put on , there was a time where anyone could pass the creation off as their own work, and that did not fly with people, which is understandable, you use the creations for your own game play, so that should not be a problem, since you say you do give the credit to the Original creator.

    See, that was a long time ago where anyone could easily pass things off as there own. Now that EA has fixed that, what's the problem? Why isn't the 'original by' tag enough? Do we have to bow down, give praise and send our firstborn to the original creator so they know their work is appreciated?
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    IceyJIceyJ Posts: 4,641 Member
    Aeyella wrote: »
    > @BlueBlack007 said:
    > Aeyella wrote: »
    > the only reason to defend it would be if you are a reuploader.
    > but for the rest of us (even people who dont upload anything to the gallery, like myself), it just makes the gallery harder to use.
    > I don't see the point in using the gallery as a cloud for backup, sorry. That's not its intended purpose and it's easy to backup your own tray folder to your own computer or storage cloud.
    > there is no way I would hold all My creations on My computer , since I made well over 2ooo of them, that is just ridiculous to say to keep everything on your own computer, when the Gallery holds them all with no problem, Yes you can use a USB port, but even then you need a few of those if your a die Hard Creator like I am, it is easier to keep them in the Gallery so you can pick them out faster, but that is for My use instead of My computer using up all that space, to Me that is a waste of space.

    1. If they are "your creations" then you are not in the group of people I'm talking about. If they are reuploaded creations that you are putting back on the gallery just as backup, then you are.
    2. If you are in that latter group of people, yes, I think it's absurd that there are people so selfish that they would clog up the gallery and reupload people's work for the sake of back up, of all things. It's obviously not an intended feature of the gallery, it's just abuse by users that can't be controlled. First of all, tray folders are not that big in size, even if you have thousands of items in them. You can get FREE cloud storage to hold your tray folder and then it won't even have to be on your computer.

    Who are you to say what the gallery's intended purpose is? Did you create the gallery?

    It allows us to upload anything and everything made with the game. If EA didn't want it used for that purpose, they would have blocked us from uploading anything with an Original By tag.

    Thanks for your concern, but I'll use cloud storage to hold my tray folder AND keep backups on the gallery. Nothing you can do about it. >:)
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    IceyJIceyJ Posts: 4,641 Member
    Interestingly, everyone in this thread agrees that it is not ok to re-upload creations to claim them as your own. So I guess what we are arguing here is whether there are legitimate reasons to re-upload something you did not originally create. Since reasonable people have given reasonable explanations for why they do it, I would say the answer is yes, there are legitimate reasons to do it. People do things differently depending on their knowledge and experiences and who gives anyone the right to accuse someone of stealing something that was not theirs to begin with?
    I sometimes scroll through the gallery for no particular reason and see the most curious things. One thing that always makes me chuckle is seeing Babs L'Amour, one of the sims that comes up when you open CAS. For some reason people keep uploading her as is or with minor changes. One could assume that these are lazy people who are trying to get some downloads, but it is far more likely that a majority of them do not know what they are doing. They don't understand the difference between the gallery and the library, do not know how to backup their files or don't have the means to backup their files in a way that is a 100% safe.
    If you create and upload content, good on you. If you spend hours over several days to create that content, you are very committed. If on top of that you have a talent for it, outstanding! Your main reason to share your content though should be that you have fun creating it and the knowledge that others are enhancing their gaming experience with your creations and not the instant gratification that comes with download numbers.
    If your creations are regularly re-uploaded and get higher download numbers than your original creation, I can see how that would be frustrating. However, I think those cases are rare since the addition of "original by" was introduced.

    Very true, and we should keep in mind that children do also play this game. It only takes a second to click "upload' and you can't expect them all to fully understand what they're doing.
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    Writin_RegWritin_Reg Posts: 28,907 Member
    edited January 2018
    Also the way the game saves is an issue. Like I have added some things to lots I downloaded and then saved to my library - and when I do that it instantly lists it in my library as created by me with the original creator list above me. Then if i take and put my library stuff on the gallery - like the time I replaced my hard drive so I could get back all my houses - there I was listed as the creator. Granted after I redownloaded I went around and deleted all the ones on the gallery I could find - but during the few days they were there some were downloaded and of course there was nothing I could do about that.

    Of course since that happened a while ago - I have since gotten an external drive now to back up my stuff - so it is no longer and issue - but not everyone has other places to back up to - and I am sure many do just what I did to try and save all they had done with the sims and the lots.

    Sometimes it is not the players fault, if the game considers when you change a download to be yours, and eventually the original creator info some how gets lost. I am sure many innocent souls are being unfairly accused when all they were doing was saving all they had done for what ever the reason. It's also why I would never accuse someone of stealing something that has no other use but in this game and is actually EA's property no matter what we do to it or how long we work on it. Even as creators it is never our property to start with anyway.

    When I do put my own content on the gallery - I don't police it. I put it there to share it, otherwise what is the point? When you put stuff on the gallery - it becomes EA's property period - technically.

    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.

    In dreams - I LIVE!
    In REALITY, I simply exist.....

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    jimmysnanjimmysnan Posts: 8,303 Member
    IceyJ wrote: »
    jimmysnan wrote: »
    MadameLee wrote: »
    ok .. so in this 'don't steal" business. At one point we didn't have "orignal by" field so that people could take someone's sim/building and without any changes reload it as their own without crediting the original creator and guess which of the 2 people got more downloads and "likes"? The person who downloaded it. I downloaded and changed stuff just around the time they added the Orginal by line-but I gave credit-in my story and in the gallery (I had to re-upload the building which I'm still using in my game today with minor tweaks here&there

    you gave credit to the original creator, that is good, I am talking bout others who take the creations and try to pass it off as their own work, that is what is really wrong with the Gallery, and We do have to add our creations to the Gallery in order to keep them safe, that does not mean others can just take them and say it is their work , EA or Maxis does not claim our work as their own, Hence the difference between them and the people trying to claim Creations as their own work, when they did not make them in the first place.

    But I did not say that I did that did I? If i did then I am wrong. I do not claim the creations as my own as I have never seen a creation that does not have the creators name on it that I have done over.

    I have seen it many times where others did take someone's Creations and pass it off as their own, that Is what I am trying to tell others, Before the Original Creators name was put on , there was a time where anyone could pass the creation off as their own work, and that did not fly with people, which is understandable, you use the creations for your own game play, so that should not be a problem, since you say you do give the credit to the Original creator.

    See, that was a long time ago where anyone could easily pass things off as there own. Now that EA has fixed that, what's the problem? Why isn't the 'original by' tag enough? Do we have to bow down, give praise and send our firstborn to the original creator so they know their work is appreciated?

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    jimmysnanjimmysnan Posts: 8,303 Member
    edited January 2018
    Writin_Reg wrote: »
    Also the way the game saves is an issue. Like I have added some things to lots I downloaded and then saved to my library - and when I do that it instantly lists it in my library as created by me with the original creator list above me. Then if i take and put my library stuff on the gallery - like the time I replaced my hard drive so I could get back all my houses - there I was listed as the creator. Granted after I redownloaded I went around and deleted all the ones on the gallery I could find - but during the few days they were there some were downloaded and of course there was nothing I could do about that.

    Of course since that happened a while ago - I have since gotten an external drive now to back up my stuff - so it is no longer and issue - but not everyone has other places to back up to - and I am sure many do just what I did to try and save all they had done with the sims and the lots.

    Sometimes it is not the players fault, if the game considers when you change a download to be yours, and eventually the original creator info some how gets lost. I am sure many innocent souls are being unfairly accused when all they were doing was saving all they had done for what ever the reason. It's also why I would never accuse someone of stealing something that has no other use but in this game and is actually EA's property no matter what we do to it or how long we work on it. Even as creators it is never our property to start with anyway.

    When I do put my own content on the gallery - I don't police it. I put it there to share it, otherwise what is the point? When you put stuff on the gallery - it becomes EA's property period - technically.

    I agree my offense was taken with the Stop Stealing and the do not upload. Feel like you do when I put my sims or lots on the gallery they are there for all to use however they use them. Cant we just share and not worry about how many uploads and stuff goes on? I guess we cant it just has to be MINE! making accusations like dont steal and do not upload just sets it up to be like we are not trusted. I guess everyone wants to be recognized by EA. Why? Dont see the sense.
    I have noticed you on the forums you seem to be the voice of reason. both here and sims3. I did not do the forums for 1 and 2. But I imagine if you were there you were just as reasonable.
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    LizzychicagoLizzychicago Posts: 873 Member
    jimmysnan wrote: »
    What the title says. If i make something and put it into my game it is mine. If i make a sim and share it on the gallery it is no longer mine it is called sharing. What i choose to share is the property of EA. Anyone can take it off the gallery change it around or not and reload it to the gallery with the changes they have made. All the same as i shared it. So to call that stealing is not correct. No one has taken anything. The game sometimes deletes your library so you put it on the gallery so you can keep it. I feel that if you choose to share your creations (and thank you for them) you need to realize that you are then giving them to EA and they are fair game for me or anyone else to download. Yeah you worked hard on them i saw them i liked them i downloaded them i am trying now to understand why people feel this is stealing.

    I a point and I'm sure this has been said. I think if you're going to download something someone makes, especially CC, and then post it and pass it off as your own? That's skeevy. That's stealing. However if you use it in your build and give the person credit and provide a link, it's okay. But yeah, when I put my Sims and builds on the gallery, anyone is welcome to them, do with them what they want. I don't care, JUST DOWNLOAD MY STUFF MAN! lol
    Check my builds and Sims out on the Gallery, username Lizzychicago!
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    jimmysnanjimmysnan Posts: 8,303 Member
    edited January 2018
    GARYZGAL wrote: »
    jimmysnan wrote: »
    What the title says. If i make something and put it into my game it is mine. If i make a sim and share it on the gallery it is no longer mine it is called sharing. What i choose to share is the property of EA. Anyone can take it off the gallery change it around or not and reload it to the gallery with the changes they have made. All the same as i shared it. So to call that stealing is not correct. No one has taken anything. The game sometimes deletes your library so you put it on the gallery so you can keep it. I feel that if you choose to share your creations (and thank you for them) you need to realize that you are then giving them to EA and they are fair game for me or anyone else to download. Yeah you worked hard on them i saw them i liked them i downloaded them i am trying now to understand why people feel this is stealing.

    I a point and I'm sure this has been said. I think if you're going to download something someone makes, especially CC, and then post it and pass it off as your own? That's skeevy. That's stealing. However if you use it in your build and give the person credit and provide a link, it's okay. But yeah, when I put my Sims and builds on the gallery, anyone is welcome to them, do with them what they want. I don't care, JUST DOWNLOAD MY STUFF MAN! lol

    Thanks for the invite I will download your stuff. One simmer on here put that what we are essentially doing is playing Mr. Potato Head and I think that is an accurate description. You know it is really funny most of the sims on the gallery are the same anyway rarely do you find unique sims. It is mostly for attention that some want to have theirs be exclusive. You know if they made unique sims then they would have exclusive as everyone would download and use them. I would not even change them. But with all the same old same old I have to change them.
    Check out my gallery and see what I did when I downloaded a changed sim. I dont see what the fuss is.
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    jimmysnanjimmysnan Posts: 8,303 Member
    GARYZGAL wrote: »
    jimmysnan wrote: »
    What the title says. If i make something and put it into my game it is mine. If i make a sim and share it on the gallery it is no longer mine it is called sharing. What i choose to share is the property of EA. Anyone can take it off the gallery change it around or not and reload it to the gallery with the changes they have made. All the same as i shared it. So to call that stealing is not correct. No one has taken anything. The game sometimes deletes your library so you put it on the gallery so you can keep it. I feel that if you choose to share your creations (and thank you for them) you need to realize that you are then giving them to EA and they are fair game for me or anyone else to download. Yeah you worked hard on them i saw them i liked them i downloaded them i am trying now to understand why people feel this is stealing.

    I a point and I'm sure this has been said. I think if you're going to download something someone makes, especially CC, and then post it and pass it off as your own? That's skeevy. That's stealing. However if you use it in your build and give the person credit and provide a link, it's okay. But yeah, when I put my Sims and builds on the gallery, anyone is welcome to them, do with them what they want. I don't care, JUST DOWNLOAD MY STUFF MAN! lol

    Seems your name does not match on the gallery
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    fadingaudiofadingaudio Posts: 933 Member
    jimmysnan wrote: »
    I think the issue people have with it is downloading a creation, changing one or two things and then uploading as your own and not even crediting the original uploader.

    If I upload a house and someone re uploaded the same thing without credit, I'd be pretty mad.

    If someone took my house, unfurnished it and completely redesigned the wallpaper, the floors, the furniture etc, then I probably wouldn't care.

    Thats just it when someone reposts something the original creators name is on it.
    If it is changed in a significant way like lets say i take 2 single sims put them as married then add a toddler from this creation and a teen from another an upload it so i dont lose jt when the game screws up my library then that is not stealing. That is the chance you take posting it to the gallery.

    Actually there is a way to remove the original creators name. There is a workaround. I won't explain how, but you can do it. I had someone do it to a sim I made right before launch. I'm not upset they did it, but they also didn't change a single thing about the sim I made. They literally just passed the sim off as their own with no changes. Which was really weird as it was my self sim so....
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    catmando830catmando830 Posts: 9,117 Member
    I would like to see it made to where you literally cant even re-upload something unless you made it yourself. That or having to ask the original artist for approval.

    Item that are uploaded to the community gallery become the property of EA, plain and simple. Give EA customer service a call and they will tell you that.

    If someone wants to use my build, change it, re-upload it, go for it. One thing I would like is to be able to find my build that someone improved on. There is no way to do that. I actually ask when I upload that if they use and change, please let me know, as I would love to see how they improved it.
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    jimmysnanjimmysnan Posts: 8,303 Member
    I would like to see it made to where you literally cant even re-upload something unless you made it yourself. That or having to ask the original artist for approval.

    Item that are uploaded to the community gallery become the property of EA, plain and simple. Give EA customer service a call and they will tell you that.

    If someone wants to use my build, change it, re-upload it, go for it. One thing I would like is to be able to find my build that someone improved on. There is no way to do that. I actually ask when I upload that if they use and change, please let me know, as I would love to see how they improved it.
    I would like to see it made to where you literally cant even re-upload something unless you made it yourself. That or having to ask the original artist for approval.

    Item that are uploaded to the community gallery become the property of EA, plain and simple. Give EA customer service a call and they will tell you that.

    If someone wants to use my build, change it, re-upload it, go for it. One thing I would like is to be able to find my build that someone improved on. There is no way to do that. I actually ask when I upload that if they use and change, please let me know, as I would love to see how they improved it.

    Wonderful attitude. Tomorrow when i play again (have to do adult responsibilities now ) i will check out your gallery and see what i like and how i will redo for my game.
    You know you are on to something here instead of accusing others of stealing having a way to notify when your upload is redone might be a good way to go. Who knows the next person who uploads it may have done something with your sim you never thought to do. What fun that would be to play your own sim that was changed by someone else in a way you never thought of. It would make my game even more interesting. I think i am going to put this on my uploads so i can play this way.
    If all had your attitude thunk what a better place this forum would be thanks for making me smile.

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    AeyellaAeyella Posts: 26 Member
    > I am in my original post stating that the stop stealing and the do not upload is my issue. Did i not state that correctly if not then please know that i do not care about ppoints or recognition. One of the reasons for this post is i went to the gallery to find a sim to be a partner for my sim. I downloaded a sim from the gallery that said stop stealing. This sim had cc hair skin eyes mouth dress shoes all cc. I do not have cc in my game so when that sim came into my CAS it was naked and blue. I had to change everything on it. The creator did not give credit to any cc creator and it was not listed that there was cc so i thought how ironic this person made none of the things on this sim they gave no credit to anyone else and they are telling me to stop stealing. Did they not steal grom the cc creator without mentioning them? Did they not put their name on a "Mr Potato Head" creation? The irony of that prompted my post. Not anything about it being ok to take credit for someone elses work.
    > I can see that this topic was taken as a way to switch my post to be a topic of discussion on what you feel is fair or not. My thing was that this particuluar sim on the gallery was not their creation in my opinion and i spent more time redoing it and they still get credit for it. Now who us stealing?
    > Now if your going to have a movement or some sort of protest of like minded people that is one thing but if you cant keep tabs on the participants in your protest then it looks foolish for you.

    No, not including the creators of CC in your upload isn't stealing and it doesn't make that situation ironic. Reason being the CC is not uploaded to the gallery, the picture is. That would be the equivalent of saying everyone who takes a screenshot of their sims with CC on and doesn't mention all of the creators is stealing. So no, I'm not seeing the irony in that situation.

    My response was very much in line with the original post of the thread. We can backtrack on what we say and pretend it isn't, but that doesn't make it so, unfortunately.
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    Sonata13SingerSonata13Singer Posts: 183 Member
    When I upload a sim to the gallery, anyone can do whatever they want with it. I won't be angry as long as you don't use it against me.
    Origin ID: Sonata13Singer

    I also create music and art (search up Sona13Singer on google... but I haven't been uploading a lot recently)
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    MadameLeeMadameLee Posts: 32,787 Member the people saying others can make changes to a sim or a building. Let's say you build or make a building or sim and then upload the build/sim to the gallery and someone else downloads the house/sim and doesn't change ANYTHING about either the build or the sim and re-uploads it with the "workaround" and gets more views/downloads, then you the creator-without even making one reference, to you? Would that not be consider "stealing"?
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    NorthDakotaGamerNorthDakotaGamer Posts: 2,559 Member
    MadameLee wrote: » the people saying others can make changes to a sim or a building. Let's say you build or make a building or sim and then upload the build/sim to the gallery and someone else downloads the house/sim and doesn't change ANYTHING about either the build or the sim and re-uploads it with the "workaround" and gets more views/downloads, then you the creator-without even making one reference, to you? Would that not be consider "stealing"?

    Nope. All because I actually do not care what people do with my creations.
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    jimmysnanjimmysnan Posts: 8,303 Member
    edited January 2018
    MadameLee wrote: » the people saying others can make changes to a sim or a building. Let's say you build or make a building or sim and then upload the build/sim to the gallery and someone else downloads the house/sim and doesn't change ANYTHING about either the build or the sim and re-uploads it with the "workaround" and gets more views/downloads, then you the creator-without even making one reference, to you? Would that not be consider "stealing"?

    No i feel that once the sim or house etc goes on the gallery it is not your property anymore it is the property of EA. They are the ones that make the rules they are not accusing me or anyone of stealing anything someone else that wants recognition is accusing others of stealing.
    The upload does not belong to you anymore it belongs to Ea
    Have you even thought to look at my gallery to see if i do any of this so called stealing?
    I think i have one there with the stealing thing still on it. I did that on purpose and commented on it. When i am bored i am going on the gallery and putting more there as no one can stop me except EA and they dont seem to mind.
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    LiELFLiELF Posts: 6,525 Member
    I'd just like to add here that I think it's strange that people automatically assume that if someone re-uploads something, that they're intentionally "stealing". Seems to me that there is no room being made for "the benefit of the doubt" here regarding those who are merely trying to backup their lots and sims, which, in my opinion, should be the default assumption. Now, if there is a user who has an ample following and they are uploading creations done by others as their own and claiming to have made them and receiving credit and favorites and such, then yes, I can see the creator getting miffed about that.

    But in general, I think people need to just calm down and realize that one of the intended uses of the gallery is to make it easy for players to find lots and sims to put into their games. Even CAS has a randomizer right from the gallery to simplify it even further. How can you even tell who the original creator is when you randomize? Does it save with the person's name? (I honestly don't know because I don't use this feature.) And I do believe that the gallery is also intended as a cloud storage backup in case something happens to a player's game during a patch, and rightly so with a live service that is changing game files every single month.

    Also, I think it's important to keep in mind that there are a lot of players out there who aren't even fully aware of how the gallery works, due to age or language barriers or inexperience, so that's another reason to calm down and just accept that sometimes it's going to happen, and most likely for innocent reasons.

    In the end, you've used tools provided to you by a game company to create objects and characters that still belong to that game company. Yes, your creativity went into the shaping of the item, and it's nice to get recognized for that, and most of the time you will. But sometimes someone will re-upload it for their own reasons, and if you are truly bothered by that, the best thing you can do is head over to the ideas/feeback section and start asking for another gallery toggle that limits selected downloads, or serves a purpose that would work for you. Otherwise, yeah, don't share in the gallery and use social media instead.

    Honestly, I wouldn't mind a privacy upload feature in the gallery so I could save all of the gorgeous builds that I use in my game that others have created, without them being accessible to the public. Then I could keep my library decluttered for game performance and not have to worry about being accused of "stealing".
    #Team Occult
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    jimmysnanjimmysnan Posts: 8,303 Member
    edited January 2018
    LiELF wrote: »
    I'd just like to add here that I think it's strange that people automatically assume that if someone re-uploads something, that they're intentionally "stealing". Seems to me that there is no room being made for "the benefit of the doubt" here regarding those who are merely trying to backup their lots and sims, which, in my opinion, should be the default assumption. Now, if there is a user who has an ample following and they are uploading creations done by others as their own and claiming to have made them and receiving credit and favorites and such, then yes, I can see the creator getting miffed about that.

    But in general, I think people need to just calm down and realize that one of the intended uses of the gallery is to make it easy for players to find lots and sims to put into their games. Even CAS has a randomizer right from the gallery to simplify it even further. How can you even tell who the original creator is when you randomize? Does it save with the person's name? (I honestly don't know because I don't use this feature.) And I do believe that the gallery is also intended as a cloud storage backup in case something happens to a player's game during a patch, and rightly so with a live service that is changing game files every single month.

    Also, I think it's important to keep in mind that there are a lot of players out there who aren't even fully aware of how the gallery works, due to age or language barriers or inexperience, so that's another reason to calm down and just accept that sometimes it's going to happen, and most likely for innocent reasons.

    In the end, you've used tools provided to you by a game company to create objects and characters that still belong to that game company. Yes, your creativity went into the shaping of the item, and it's nice to get recognized for that, and most of the time you will. But sometimes someone will re-upload it for their own reasons, and if you are truly bothered by that, the best thing you can do is head over to the ideas/feeback section and start asking for another gallery toggle that limits selected downloads, or serves a purpose that would work for you. Otherwise, yeah, don't share in the gallery and use social media instead.

    Honestly, I wouldn't mind a privacy upload feature in the gallery so I could save all of the gorgeous builds that I use in my game that others have created, without them being accessible to the public. Then I could keep my library decluttered for game performance and not have to worry about being accused of "stealing".

    Thanks for rational thinking and for bringing me back to the purpose of the original post.
    I was getting caught up in a heated discussion that i think the poster intended to try to get the response i gave. Shame on me. I have done nothing wrong. I will continue to put on the gallery whatever i want to keep. Thanks for your wonderful post that makes sense.

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    KarallyneKarallyne Posts: 362 Member
    edited January 2018
    It's all very simple to me.

    Reuploading is wrong. Changing the walls and reuploading is wrong. Reuploading an exact copy just to use as a personal cloud storage backup is wrong.

    Making significant changes and reuploading, depends on the wishes of the original creator. If they don't like that, it's wrong. If they don't mind, it's fine. If they don't respond when you ask, it's fine.

    Now, does "wrong" mean illegal? No. Does it have to? Disrespect isn't illegal. Are you actually a "thief" for reuploading? No. That doesn't mean it's right. I also tend to agree with @Aeyella with the following
    Not everyone has the same creative process as you, and be aware that there are probably many people out there who put much more work into what they make than you do. Therefore, it isn't your place to come to the conclusion that everyone who feels differently than you do is an "insecure 10 year old.

    And honestly, at the end of the day, if I had to choose between keeping a sensitive creator happy, and keeping a reuploader happy.... let's just say it wouldn't be a very hard choice. Only one of those people is going to provide me with good, new builds for my game.
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    LiELFLiELF Posts: 6,525 Member
    jimmysnan wrote: »
    LiELF wrote: »
    I'd just like to add here that I think it's strange that people automatically assume that if someone re-uploads something, that they're intentionally "stealing". Seems to me that there is no room being made for "the benefit of the doubt" here regarding those who are merely trying to backup their lots and sims, which, in my opinion, should be the default assumption. Now, if there is a user who has an ample following and they are uploading creations done by others as their own and claiming to have made them and receiving credit and favorites and such, then yes, I can see the creator getting miffed about that.

    But in general, I think people need to just calm down and realize that one of the intended uses of the gallery is to make it easy for players to find lots and sims to put into their games. Even CAS has a randomizer right from the gallery to simplify it even further. How can you even tell who the original creator is when you randomize? Does it save with the person's name? (I honestly don't know because I don't use this feature.) And I do believe that the gallery is also intended as a cloud storage backup in case something happens to a player's game during a patch, and rightly so with a live service that is changing game files every single month.

    Also, I think it's important to keep in mind that there are a lot of players out there who aren't even fully aware of how the gallery works, due to age or language barriers or inexperience, so that's another reason to calm down and just accept that sometimes it's going to happen, and most likely for innocent reasons.

    In the end, you've used tools provided to you by a game company to create objects and characters that still belong to that game company. Yes, your creativity went into the shaping of the item, and it's nice to get recognized for that, and most of the time you will. But sometimes someone will re-upload it for their own reasons, and if you are truly bothered by that, the best thing you can do is head over to the ideas/feeback section and start asking for another gallery toggle that limits selected downloads, or serves a purpose that would work for you. Otherwise, yeah, don't share in the gallery and use social media instead.

    Honestly, I wouldn't mind a privacy upload feature in the gallery so I could save all of the gorgeous builds that I use in my game that others have created, without them being accessible to the public. Then I could keep my library decluttered for game performance and not have to worry about being accused of "stealing".

    Thanks for rational thinking and for bringing me back to the purpose of the original post.
    I was getting caught up in a heated discussion that i think the poster intended to try to get the response i gave. Shame on me. I have done nothing wrong. I will continue to put on the gallery whatever i want to keep. Thanks for your wonderful post that makes sense.

    Glad to be of help. :)

    I think we all get heated now and then, but we just need to remember that it's okay to just disagree.
    #Team Occult
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