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What happen in your game today/most recently?


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    Jinx23Jinx23 Posts: 436 Member
    @SataiDelennn I don't think it should make a difference as long as its outside!
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    SataiDelennnSataiDelennn Posts: 1,265 Member
    Jinx23 wrote: »
    @SataiDelennn I don't think it should make a difference as long as its outside!

    OK, so I'm just unlucky. Figures, lol.

    Well, Lindsey wanted to try for a baby. They've been periodically Woohooing for a while, so I had them relax on the bed, and go straight for the "Try for a baby" option... and it worked. She's pregnant.

    Jason's grades are A+, so I'm focusing on getting his skills as high as possible in all areas before trying to get him to apply for anymore scholarships. He's also going steady with Susie, who lives next door. I am hoping that after college, they'll get married (btw, how come if I have a Sim propose marriage to another, it takes the option of throwing a wedding party away? Lindsey really wanted to throw a wedding party, so I had Goopy propose to her, and then I had her go to throw the wedding party (logically, this shouldn't have been an issue), and she picked up the phone, and put it down again, and I went to try and have her throw the party again only to find the option gone!) Makes no sense!

    Anyway, Goopy keeps trying to have the "Woohoo" with three sims aspiration. I refuse to let him do so as it will break Lindsey's heart, and she really adores Goopy. She's already been divorced once (pre-DeVine Valley living) so, I really want her to be happy now. She's on the S.W.A.T. team so her career is in good sorts.

    They're both making decent money, actually, so I can finally afford general lighting for the house, lol, and I can build a small nursery, and maybe start putting more wallpaper on the walls. They're still relatively poor, but they get by from day to day, and they seem happy. Even Jason's doing well and getting into better moods (especially when he talks to Susie on the phone or they hang out together. They're so cute together! If they do get married, her alien DNA will make children interesting. I'm curious to know if she'll pass her ears on to her kids).

    They all also wanted musical instruments, so they have a guitar, a piano, and a bass, and Goopy is getting really good on the guitar, Jason seems to take to the piano well, and Lindsey is learning the bass. Is there a way to eventually have them play as a group together? Or is that something that like everything else, requires a mod?
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    SataiDelennnSataiDelennn Posts: 1,265 Member
    Well, I'm in a bit of shock! I'm trying to manage Jason, Goopy, Lindsey, and baby Jasmine who just arrived a little bit ago. I wanted to TEMPORARILY get Goopy out of the way so Lindsey could get Jasmine out of the crib and feed her, so I sent Goopy downstairs to stargaze (they don't have a telescope yet...). So now I'm fighting with Jasmine to stop being absolutely butt-🐸🐸🐸🐸 stupid, and pick the kid up and HOLD her without putting her down, and the next thing I know, Goopy gets hit by a meteor or some sort of space debris or something, and he's DEAD! Lindsey had just gotten downstairs, so I got her to race outside to confront the Grim Reaper and beg for poor Goopy's life, and thankfully it worked.

    I think I'm just going to try and remember to use the pause button from now on, rather than get irritated with them and accidentally kill them again!
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    LadysimPlayer8LadysimPlayer8 Posts: 775 Member
    edited May 2016
    You are not unlucky that your Sims are not being abducted by aliens. You are only playing with the Sims2 base game and University Life expansion pack so the only neighbourhood alien abductions take place is Strangetown unless you use a cheat or possibly a mod.

    In my Curious Legacy, Amelia has joined Landgrabb Secret Society, maxed the Body Skill and made 5 Best Friends! :)
    Now to work on a romance with Brandon Pratt and try gaining entry to Sue's (Secret) Kitchen! :)
    Post edited by LadysimPlayer8 on
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    SataiDelennnSataiDelennn Posts: 1,265 Member
    Well, that sucks!

    I had Jason sneak out with Susie just now, and I expected the car to drop him off, but nope. So, I see someone acting really strangely and coming up to the house suspiciously, so just before the person was able to enter the house, I went into buy mode and bought a burglar alarm. Well, when the person entered the house and nothing happened, I realized it was Jason, sneaking back in, lol.

    I mean, I had Petey from the other family sneak out a couple of times, but with four other kids, and two parents to contend with, I never saw him come back, so I didn't know what sneaking back in the house looks like, lol.

    Congrats to you on Amelia and the secret society, and making the Dean's List again.
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    LadysimPlayer8LadysimPlayer8 Posts: 775 Member
    Thank you! :)

    More often than not, my teen Sims usually end up being busted and are accompanied by a policeman/woman to their home and the parent gets the blame for not being responsible. :(
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    SleepycatDSLSleepycatDSL Posts: 271 Member
    Sims can be abducted in Pleasantview and Veronaville, even with just the base game & Uni. The odds are just low.
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    LadysimPlayer8LadysimPlayer8 Posts: 775 Member
    edited May 2016
    Never happened in Pleasantview or Veronaville in my Sims2 game for the two years I played before the Freetime Expansion Pack was released in 2008. :(

    My Sim Amelia gained membership to Sue's (Secret) Kitchen but didn't win the food contest - Sharlene who runs it, did!
    Amelia and Brandon have also had a date - not sure if I have made the right decision for Amelia...?

    Post edited by LadysimPlayer8 on
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    Olivesplum06Olivesplum06 Posts: 1,076 Member
    Sims can get abducted from any neighborhood, doesn't matter. As long as you're using the expensive telescope. Odds are low in general. Like a 1% chance of abduction each time.
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    SataiDelennnSataiDelennn Posts: 1,265 Member
    Never happened in Pleasantview or Veronaville in my Sims2 game for the two years I played before the Freetime Expansion Pack was released in 2008. :(

    My Sim Amelia gained membership to Sue's (Secret) Kitchen but didn't win the food contest - Sharlene who runs it, did!
    Amelia and Brandon have also had a date - not sure if I have made the right decision for Amelia...?


    Is that what that means when it shines red like that? Well, that explains Goopy! Right after proposing engagement to Lindsey, he was shining red, and I didn't know what that meant, and right after he proposed marriage, the ring shined red above him, and again, I didn't know what that meant! Thank you! Too late for him though, now that he's got a baby with Lindsey, lol.

    OK, so it's pretty much not going to happen then (being abducted)? Since I've got a custom game town I'm working in right now, and not any of the base/pre-made games? Well, I'm not giving up, but I'm not holding my breath. I mean, I was quite shocked when that burned satellite smashed poor Goopy to smithereens, so maybe one day, I'll witness an abduction, lol.
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    SleepycatDSLSleepycatDSL Posts: 271 Member
    Some people have never seen the satellite in all their years of playing so you're one up on them. *laughs* All you can do is keep letting your sims use the expensive telescope at night and hope for the best. If you just want to see what happens, visit the Curious brothers in Strangetown and when night comes, send Vidcund Curious to use the telescope. It's scripted that he (and his 2 brothers) will be abducted. Pascal Curious is already pregnant with a half alien baby so if you play them til the baby is born, you will get to see a adorable cut scene.
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    SataiDelennnSataiDelennn Posts: 1,265 Member
    Some people have never seen the satellite in all their years of playing so you're one up on them. *laughs* All you can do is keep letting your sims use the expensive telescope at night and hope for the best. If you just want to see what happens, visit the Curious brothers in Strangetown and when night comes, send Vidcund Curious to use the telescope. It's scripted that he (and his 2 brothers) will be abducted. Pascal Curious is already pregnant with a half alien baby so if you play them til the baby is born, you will get to see a adorable cut scene.

    I think I played Strangetown once, and I don't remember liking it.
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    SleepycatDSLSleepycatDSL Posts: 271 Member
    I didn't like it at first either. It was years before I started playing some of the pre-mades there. Now I like the desert terrain as a nice change from the Lush terrain.
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    LadysimPlayer8LadysimPlayer8 Posts: 775 Member
    You would only need to play the Curious family for about seven hours, for Vidcund to be abducted and Pascal to give birth about dawn.
    The satellite falling on a Sim has only happened once to me; my Sim and a townie (Benjamin Long) were stargazing on the grass when it happened. My Sim got the chance to try to save Benjamin from death but was unable to defeat the Grim Reaper and so he died. :(
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    SataiDelennnSataiDelennn Posts: 1,265 Member
    You would only need to play the Curious family for about seven hours, for Vidcund to be abducted and Pascal to give birth about dawn.
    The satellite falling on a Sim has only happened once to me; my Sim and a townie (Benjamin Long) were stargazing on the grass when it happened. My Sim got the chance to try to save Benjamin from death but was unable to defeat the Grim Reaper and so he died. :(

    OMG, how sad!
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    LadysimPlayer8LadysimPlayer8 Posts: 775 Member
    edited May 2016
    My Curious legacy continues with Amelia asking Brandon to move in, which he did!
    In the first term of Junior Year, it's a miracle that both Amelia and Brandon made the Dean's List and Amelia has now earned $5000! :)
    Amelia returned to Sue's (Secret) Kitchen, maxed the Cooking Skill, and won her first Cookery Contest - now to try to get "In the Zone" for Cuisine or gain more friends to be a Big Woman on Campus! :)
    Post edited by LadysimPlayer8 on
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    SleepycatDSLSleepycatDSL Posts: 271 Member
    *munchs on some popcorn*

    Quite a few sims died in my Weirdly Not hood today. I'm still setting it up (breeding it up also, 3rd gen kids need to be born) and needed to trim the population again. I'm really looking forward to finishing so I can play it normally!
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    LadysimPlayer8LadysimPlayer8 Posts: 775 Member
    Well I am pleased as punch that Amelia got in the Zone for Cuisine, her favourite hobby and (albeit eventually!) made Big Woman on Campus in her last term at College!
    Now to ensure Amelia graduates - she needs a logic skill and doesn't like playing chess...
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    LadysimPlayer8LadysimPlayer8 Posts: 775 Member
    Amelia's college life draws to a close...
    Amelia and Brandon both enter food contests - without success! :(
    Amelia Graduates with Honours and has a great Graduation Party they will be talking about for years to come. :)

    Now to work on Brandon finishing college asap; and Amelia to get a job in the Architect Career...
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    SkobeeSkobee Posts: 2,864 Member
    Well! Since I got my Sims 2 game to work since two days i'll type out my story. I use the Same sex pregnancy mod and the ACR mod! :blush:

    I created Melanie, lovely girl, loves to cook and adores kids, she met Kirstie and started out at roomies. Fell in love even thought they're both quite different from personality. Soon they started talking a lot and Kirstie kept looking for work. Since I have ACR installed they began to romance one another *wink wink*, after awhile I wanted them to have a small version of themselves so Hope came into the picture. Adorble little thing! Second time they secretly woohoo'd but turns out I had my risky woohoo set to high, *didn't quite know how that worked oops*.. so Melanie became pregnant and gave birth to twins.. Hope just became a toddler so that was quite heavy not to mention Kirstie finally found work, they only had 460 simoleons. So Jamie (boy) and Nina (girl) were born and weren't expected but welcomed!

    So I finally got them under control you know, I had my routine and I got Hope to learn most of her skills, until.. look when you have three babies you sometimes lose an eye on the adults and forget the risky woohoo mod, I set it lower but appearantly that was too late.. So two days later, David and April were born, Jamie and Nina just aged up into toddlers and let me tell you something. This was not the "family" picture I expected.

    Luckily, Melanie got a Genie, since she had a bunch of kids I got that aspiration thingy and I could make three wished, ofcourse I chose money, all of them so I could build a second layer with more rooms and a second bathroom (with bath) for the kids.

    Horrible thing is, with all that was going on, almost four babies born near eachother, hiring a butler (that keeps changing diapers so my home is one giant dump) and trying to teach them all their skills, I forgot Hope's birthday.. So to make it up to her, I build her a room to herself, which she doesn't need to share with anyone! I also gave a make-over and some new clothes.

    That's my story, which happened within two days and i'm so tired because it's like a drama tv-show right now, but the kids are adorable so I guess it's all worth it :blush:
    Origin ID - RosyAngelina
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    lexylongcatlexylongcat Posts: 72 Member
    Lots of character development just happened with one of my favorite sims, Josh Beckingway.

    He recently met his apartment neighbor, Eliza Moon (Another sim I made), and y'know, Eliza was kind of pushing it with the flirty-ness but eventually gave in when Eliza told him about her past. She used to date someone almost 6 years older than her and her heart was crushed. She dated him because the guys that were closer to her age thought that she was only good for making out. At first Eliza wanted to stay friends after being rejected by Josh but he kind of wanted more. Maybe he started dating her out of sympathy, maybe not. But secretly, Eliza is Josh's first girlfriend and she doesn't really know that yet. He appreciates her and cares for her so much, but can talk to her like she's one of the guys.

    Anyway, Josh, his sister Lindsey, and his mom Allie go to the Archimedes arcade this Sunday to get out of the house, and stuff.goes.down.

    So this chick named Diane Shahan (A townie) is a total cougar and decides to try and make out with Josh out of the blue (I was just testing out the ACR with townies). Josh is disgusted and in his mind is like "I would never betray Eliza!" but at the same time he's thinking "Am I really this attractive to other girls?" He's kind of, you know, turned on by the idea that older girls might just think that he's good looking. So he attempts to kiss her and be all flirtatious and is terribly rejected. Diane keeps poking him and shoving him like he is the one who started it. Yeah, it might've been a bad idea to get all turned on by a 30 year old woman, but gosh, Diane, don't blame other people for your sick desires! They fight and fight and Josh learns that not every girl is the same, not every girl will think that he's an angel. Everyone's different.

    He moves on from her and right after this, he meets a witch and her cat! His mood is lifted and it's revealed that they actually have a lot in common. The witch observed everything, from the makeout attempt to the constant poking, and starts to give him advice, and learns a lot from this. Maybe witches can be friends instead of foes.

    That's about it for now. All of this happened in the span of like 10 minutes. Crazy.
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    SataiDelennnSataiDelennn Posts: 1,265 Member
    That's crazy funny and definitely A LOT of kids!!!

    Poor Josh. Well, we all have to learn sometime, I guess! lol
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    aquabluefoxaquabluefox Posts: 74 Member
    A single mother I'm playing, Amber, ending up having an unexpected set of twin girls after having risky woohoo while on a date. She already has two teenage daughters (one just had her birthday) and the family has only 46 simoleons to their name after buying a second crib. They also still have to pay off a $25,000 loan that the mother took out (with a mod) to start her business, which is accruing interest daily. Her store doesn't even have windows, shelves, lighting, etc. yet because the loan wasn't enough, and there's barely room in their house for the two cribs. This family is going to be struggling for a while lol.
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    LadysimPlayer8LadysimPlayer8 Posts: 775 Member
    I dont like to use cheats to give Sims money but maybe for your family it is time for the motherlode or kaching (or a few of them) cheat? :)
    I am not sure which business lot your Sim purchased in Bluewater Village but there is a cheap one that is only about $6000 which might have been more suitable and could be developed as the business becomes more successful.
    Your Sim could have also had a home business; locking the doors on part of the home that customers are not permitted.
    Wishing you a lot of luck and hoping the repo man does not call if bills are not paid! :)
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    SataiDelennnSataiDelennn Posts: 1,265 Member
    Well, it's definitely been an interesting Sim night and day. The nanny offered to hang out after work, and I took her up on that offer as I'm trying to build relationships with her through various members of the family so I can get her to move in. Well, apparently the rules of the game that apply to normal townie Sims don't apply to her. I never asked her to leave, so I thought at 2am she'd leave on her own like the regular townies do. Nope, she hung around and still performed her duties with Jasmine as though she was still working. AND she was able to "raid" the fridge as though she was still on duty. I didn't mind that part since it kept her around a while longer. HOWEVER, she got so tired that she fell asleep in the bathroom and has been causing chaos because of it ever since, lol.

    She fell asleep standing up, so thankfully people can still move around her and clean the bathroom, and weirdly, while they can't use the toilet, they can still use the shower??? OK... Anyway, in addition to this little "problem" (I figure she'll wake up eventually, or just up and die. No idea which, since all the nannies seem to be really old anyway), the trash compactor broke at some point, and apparently so did the microwave, but I didn't know that until I was facing it in the game and saw smoke rising from the trash compactor. So I had Goopy call the repairman who came out a few minutes ago, and fixed the microwave. Now, I don't know HOW I knew this was going to happen, but I knew. I focused the camera angle directly on him, and sure enough, a few seconds after he began repairing the trash compactor, he was electrocuted, lol. The maid came running, and so did Lindsey, and I had to force her to go to work as the car was waiting. Well, thankfully the repairman didn't die, and once he finished being electrocuted, he just continued on with his job and is now in the process of repairing the trash compactor. A new maid showed up and is now taking care of Jasmine, so thankfully she's not being neglected. Now I just have to wait for the first nanny to wake up, lol.

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