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What happen in your game today/most recently?

MeepleepMeepleep Posts: 180 Member
edited February 13 in Nominated Threads

Today my second generation, Douglas died along with his husband. Their son grew up into a adult the day after, and right now he's in a relationship with a sim I've had saved for him since he was a child. She is pregnant, and I plan on marrying them soon!

I hired more employees for the home business, also adding more things.

To sum this up, my third generation started, and some business work!
Post edited by EA_Solaire on


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    SataiDelennnSataiDelennn Posts: 1,265 Member
    I'm so sorry for your loss, Meep!

    But congrats on your next generation.

    Nothing's happened in my Sim world lately, but I haven't played them in the last few days as I've been working on a new neighborhood, and building houses for it.
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    Sapphire268Sapphire268 Posts: 66 Member
    Not today, but for the past few days I've been playing out Veronaville. My love for Romeo and Juliet made me overcome my dislike of Sims 2.

    Things have been going pretty normally. Tybalt got a job and moved out, I managed to save Juliet's grades before she aged up, and things with Romeo and her have been fine (other than age difference now). Hermia is not going well and nearly lost her job, and Puck and her are going steady. She did try her luck with Mercutio, but he caught her with Puck at one of the Summerdream's parties and broke it off with her. Oberon and Titania married at the same party. The next day, at Juliet's birthday party, Consort died (a sim usually dies at my parties for some reason, maybe I'm cursed). That's life in Veronaville at the moment.

    I think I'm going to start over now that I have the Ultimate Collection though, who knows how that'll go!
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    cleo00cleo00 Posts: 1,088 Member
    I built an apartment on top of a bakery for an elderly couple to live in with their granddaughter and run the bakery as in all of the years since OFB came out I've never had a bakery. Haven't sold anything yet though, just got to hire employees and then had them work on cooking for a bit but then it was around 1am IRL so I had to head to sleep.
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    TadOlsonTadOlson Posts: 11,380 Member
    I last played with my Jankowskys in Fargo and had them learning skills and I also improved the service center in Fargo.
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    SataiDelennnSataiDelennn Posts: 1,265 Member
    So, I'm playing a new family in a new neighborhood (and I'm trying to figure out how, if they're the ONLY family in the WHOLE neighborhood, how people are just showing up near the house, or at community lots [though I'm happy to report that so far, my community lots are working, i.e., wherever there's a register, there's a cashier, even at the pool lot, so I'm assuming the arcade house will also work as the pool lot works. The cashiers will just stand behind the counters, even though there's nothing available to buy.]). Well, both of my adult Sims reached the hygiene desperation point, getting disgusted by both themselves and each other, and yet NEITHER one would go take a shower! They interacted with each other, etc., until FINALLY the male adult Sim (Dennis) decided twenty minutes before he had to go to work to go take a bubble bath. So, meanwhile, the female Sim (Lauren) STILL does the whole looking at me and begging me for a shower, but refusing to take the initiative to do it herself (and neither Sim is a sloppy Sim!!). So, Dennis goes off to work after only getting a little bit clean, and the nanny shows up (and for once I have a competent nanny!!!) and she goes about her business, and while she's in the parents' bedroom making the bed, Lauren suddnely decides to take a sponge bath at the sink! This apparently caused the doors to all close and lock, and now the nanny is trapped in the bedroom, and she is not happy about it! Lol. I have a picture of Lauren at the sink having her sponge bath, and the nanny in the background throwing a temper tantrum, but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post it, so if someone knows, please say.

    Anyway, that's what's going on with my current Sims, lol.
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    Rflong7Rflong7 Posts: 36,590 Member
    Yesterday I played my NPC Legacy family- they're only on the first generation (2nd was born while playing). She's Dagmar, the Mailperson. She was friends with the founders, the Goths, and was picked to be the founder.

    She's a Romance Sim and her LTW is to top the Slacker Career- easy. :)
    But, while searching for her future husband- dating NPCs- she got pregnant (rolled for it). She did marry the father but not because of the baby, because they got along really well. She married the Gardener, Leo Deppiesse. They're got a cute little toddler girl, Leia, and a new baby boy, Dalziel. :)

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    SataiDelennnSataiDelennn Posts: 1,265 Member

    That's cute. I didn't know you could pick those kinds of characters to play with. The only way I seem to be able to interact with them is when they come around to do their work.

    Good luck with the little girl and the baby!
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    SataiDelennnSataiDelennn Posts: 1,265 Member
    OK, the latest thing that happened today is that I stupidly had Dennis try and repair the dishwasher (but I saved the game right before I tried this) and he got electrocuted and died. Thankfully, Lauren had just returned from work and when the Grim Reaper showed up, I had her plead for his life. She won, he was resurrected, but he missed work because of dying and all, so after the carpool drove off, I had him call in sick, lol. I mean, he had just been saved from death and all, and I figure he deserved not to be fired on top of it for missing work. This is the first time I've ever had a Sim who died get resurrected (since I didn't know before that you could try, lol). So, yeah, a pretty interesting day.

    I have pictures.
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    Rflong7Rflong7 Posts: 36,590 Member
    edited April 2016
    @SataiDelennn - IIrc--The Base Game has an NPC glitch where you can't call them because NPCs won't show up on the 'Call Sim' option on the phones.
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    SataiDelennnSataiDelennn Posts: 1,265 Member
    Rflong7 wrote: »
    @SataiDelennn - IIrc--The Base Game has an NPC glitch where you can't call them because NPCs won't show up on the 'Call Sim' option on the phones.

    Oh, OK. Interesting. Must just be with the newspaper, and mail person, because Dennis has one of the cashiers he met at a community lot on his list of people to call.
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    Rflong7Rflong7 Posts: 36,590 Member
    Rflong7 wrote: »
    @SataiDelennn - IIrc--The Base Game has an NPC glitch where you can't call them because NPCs won't show up on the 'Call Sim' option on the phones.

    Oh, OK. Interesting. Must just be with the newspaper, and mail person, because Dennis has one of the cashiers he met at a community lot on his list of people to call.

    Have your Sims talked to the mailperson and newspaper kid? It might be a bug with a different expansion and I just don't remember which.
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    SataiDelennnSataiDelennn Posts: 1,265 Member
    edited April 2016
    No, I haven't had them talk with them. I mean, once in a while the newspaper person and the mail person will do that, "Hi, how are you?" with the wave thing when my Sim walks by, but that's not engaging in conversation, lol. Maybe I'll try and have them actually have a conversation to see if they can then call them later to chat as friends. Or maybe I'll see if Susie can engage one of them (she's the child) and see if eventually she can start a love interest with them when she becomes a teen or adult, lol).

    Edited to add:

    OK, I just had Lauren talk to Pao, the mailman. Maybe it's cause he's on duty, they could only talk, and talking consisted of either chatting or bragging, I don't know. However, after he went away, I had her come inside and go to the phone as though to call someone. He's on the list! So, anyone is available for chatting on the phone if they talk to the person first! Yay!
    Post edited by SataiDelennn on
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    SataiDelennnSataiDelennn Posts: 1,265 Member
    Woohoo! Both Dennis and Lauren have reached the top of their careers! Unfortunately, little Susie's grades have slipped from a hard earned B+ to a C because she accidentally missed school one day. So, she's got to work extra hard to get her grades up. In the meantime, it's giving me a chance to get everyone's skills up, and upgrade the house (they still have the outhouse, though, lol). Once I can get her grades up again, and work her toward an A+, I can call the headmaster and try and get her into a private school. I got to take her to the clothing store and get her some new outfits, and while I didn't get her any school uniforms, they did look uber cute!
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    SleepycatDSLSleepycatDSL Posts: 271 Member
    The headmaster thing can be buggy. Save before inviting him over and do not save again until he is gone and your sim kid is accepted or not accepted.
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    aavemyrskyaavemyrsky Posts: 143 Member
    edited April 2016
    I don't remember ever playing with the Goths or the Pleasants as a kid, but now that I have the patience of an adult (hehe... an adult...) I have really focused on continuing that story. I also play now rotationally, which I have never really done before. It's a cool way to tie the stories of different families together. It all has been really interesting and also, returning to Pleasantville has felt like coming home...:)

    Here's my story with those families this far:
    Don and Cassandra got married, and after Mortimer died, they had a baby named Annabelle. Meanwhile, Daniel got caught with Kaylynn, and Mary-Sue broke up with him. Daniel and Kaylynn moved out together and bought a house (which actually was on the other side of the road from the Pleasant house :D) and soon Kaylynn got pregnant and gave birth to Mallory, who has his dad's red hair, just as her half-sisters.

    Kaylynn went into the culinary career and moved forward quite quickly. Daniel managed to reach the top of his career. But Mallory didn't even reach her teenage years, before Kaylynn got pregnant again, which Daniel felt was quite odd as their relationship really was not all that he dreamed of and they rarely did anything that would result in any new forms of life sprouting. The secret that Kaylynn kept from him, was that she and Don were still in touch and one day, ended up in the same bed. When the twins Sabrina and Jeremy were born, Daniel did not show any suspicion even though they looked nothing like him with their tan skin and black hair.

    Mallory and Annabelle were around the same age and became best friends in their teens. They were on the same class at school and did everything together. Some drama arose when Annabelle once accidentally flirted with Mallory's crush on one of Annabelle's famous house parties at the Goth mansion, but they got over that.

    After Daniel's death Kaylynn was left alone with her three kids that were quite a hand full. Mallory used to sneak out almost every night with Annabelle, but as she felt responsible for her mother's sufferings as a single parent, she made sure to never get caught. Annabelle, on the other hand, was a famous party girl, but her parents were quite easy-going about all her shenanigans and let her do her thing. The both girls were amazingly gifted musically and loved dancing. They had many hobbies together, and Annabelle was Mallory's rock in her tough home situation.

    I also had Alexander move to college, although I didn't play with him, and was very surprised to see Bella dropping him off! :D

    So yeah. I just moved Annabelle and Mallory off to college and started playing with them - they both live in the same dorm. Annabelle studies economics and Mallory studies drama. Kaylynn has just grown into an elder, but is not thinking about retirement because she still has teenage twins to support.She is bothered by Daniel's ghost, who appears every night yelling, and has a thought bubble of their former bed that I sold after he died. I guess he's mad about that. He's last years were not very happy, so I think it might be because of that. Anyway, I love that in Sims 2, so many things affect everything, and it's not so COLD and... you know, soulless (?) as the Sims 4, which I have quit completely, at least until they make some drastic changes.

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    SleepycatDSLSleepycatDSL Posts: 271 Member
    Yes, he is mad you sold his bed. lol
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    SataiDelennnSataiDelennn Posts: 1,265 Member
    Very interesting story! You've certainly got your hands full, lol. Now, how do you get ghosts? Cause my Sim is in the science career track and keeps wanting to see one.
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    SleepycatDSLSleepycatDSL Posts: 271 Member
    Have a sim die. :p lol
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    SataiDelennnSataiDelennn Posts: 1,265 Member
    Have a sim die. :p lol

    Ah, well, that could be my issue, then, lol.
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    aavemyrskyaavemyrsky Posts: 143 Member
    Have a sim die. :p lol

    Ah, well, that could be my issue, then, lol.

    Yeah, Daniel died on their home lot and left an urn, which turns into a tombstone when placed outside. Then the ghost comes from the tombstone at nighttime. :)
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    SataiDelennnSataiDelennn Posts: 1,265 Member

    OK, thank you! The only Sim that nearly died (well, did die, actually) was Dennis, who happens to be the one who always wants to see a ghost, lol. I managed to get his wife to save his life by pleading with the Reaper, so that's why he's still alive. I'm so tempted to have their daughter age up while keeping them young with the Elixir of Life, and then letting her die, and be the ghost who comes back. Yes, I'm twisted, lol.
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    SleepycatDSLSleepycatDSL Posts: 271 Member

    Ghosts can be annoying but sometimes they can be really helpful. I had a sim who happened to be extremely neat (max) and after she died of old age, she continued to clean the house for her descendants.
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    SataiDelennnSataiDelennn Posts: 1,265 Member

    Ghosts can be annoying but sometimes they can be really helpful. I had a sim who happened to be extremely neat (max) and after she died of old age, she continued to clean the house for her descendants.

    They can do that? Wow.
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    SleepycatDSLSleepycatDSL Posts: 271 Member
    Yes. She cleaned stuff and made beds. :smile:
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    willow_kiddwillow_kidd Posts: 45 Member
    I was playing Joshua Ruben, from the Frat at Sim State. He's grown now. An adult, married, with a daughter. He's a doctor! In fact, his daughter just became a toddler, and so I was having her mother -a sim with a few generations worth of family- call over relatives to meet the little girl, so she has a few family connections.

    That's when I noticed Joshua has a brother linked to him in his family tree. What!? A brother? How did I miss this? Seems his brother lived in a separate household from him. He stayed in the Bright household at Uni.

    Great, I thought, I'll just pop over to Uni, play Martin to age him up, and reunify him with his brother!

    Only problem is, I can't find the household. I'm afraid someone may have deleted them over the years. I've been spending all my time since, trying to figure out how to fix it. I almost don't want to play again, until I do. :'(

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