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The Writers' Workshop


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    CathyTeaCathyTea Posts: 23,089 Member
    @Julyvee94 , @friendsfan367 , @DavidMCSessy , @aroseinbloom , @Jes2G

    Hi, all! We're ready to start scheduling our workshops!

    Lizzie and I will each share a piece during the week of August 17 (that day is freindsfan's birthday, by the way!), so that we can try out this format and see how it works.

    Who would like to go next? We can look at two writers' work per week.

    If you have a particular week when you'd like to have your work shared, please let me know by commenting on this thread, and we'll try to accommodate you.

    If I didn't tag you, and you're interesting in participating, please just post here to say that you're interested and let us know which week you'd like to share your work.

    My goal is that we cycle through, so that we each get to share our work multiple times. This type of format also really helps to develop a sense of community, too, as we become familiar with each other as writers and responders.

    Cheersies! :smiley:
    Cathy Tea's SimLit Anthology

    Do you also play The Elder Scrolls Online? You can find me there as CathyTea, too!
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    friendsfan367friendsfan367 Posts: 29,362 Member
    CathyTea wrote: »
    CathyTea wrote: »
    CathyTea wrote: »
    So, I was thinking that we would just do this asynchronously. In my schedule I can pretty much only pop in during spare moments, rather than devote a specific period of time to be here.

    So what I was thinking would be that each week we could have two stories (each by a different author) which we discuss all week.

    So, for example, on Monday, August 17, we have one story/chapter from me, and one from you, Lizzie.

    You would provide the feedback questions for your story, and I would provide the ones for mine.

    Readers could provide their responses and feedback during the week.

    Then, all week, we could discuss those two stories. I will imagine that we will build upon each other's comments, and each writer will likely have follow-up questions, and so on.

    Then, on August 24, we move to two more stories by two more authors, and so on.

    So it's sort of the same format as the book club, only the discussion is writer/craft focused, rather than reader and reader-response focused.

    How does that sound?

    i might not be around much the 17th . its a monda which means shopping day but its also my birthday the real one. momhasn't given me her gifts yet so i assume shes doing it then but i'm going to be around the rest of that week as far as i know.

    Sounds cool, friendsfan! It'll be a week long thing, and since folks will be reading the work and thinking about the questions, I suspect it'll be a few days before the conversations pick up.

    (I'm happy your birthday's coming. Are you starting to feel that birthday happiness inside?)

    no just old.

    Hey, you're 12 years younger than me! And I feel young!

    i know i am.i feel young today but its easy to feel young because all ive done is watch tv shos with instant streaming and come here. tomorrow i work with teenagers.
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    aroseinbloomaroseinbloom Posts: 3,456 Member
    Hi! I'd like to share a piece from "Meets the Eye" that I've been working on. I'd like to go as soon as I can....after your first week. I would like to get the story started on my blog by the end of the month :)

    Can't wait!
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    SummerFallsSummerFalls Posts: 6,413 Member
    Oh wow, I completely missed this thread! Hm... I'm not sure what I would want to submit at the moment, but if I get any ideas, I'll be Bach ;)
    Origin ID: SummerFalls
    House: Ravenclaw/Wampus - Wand: Alder wood with Unicorn hair core 10 ¾" and Slightly Springy flexibility - Patronus: Neblung Cat
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    CathyTeaCathyTea Posts: 23,089 Member
    Bach? Did somebody say Bach? That reminds me! I've got to go practice cello!
    Cathy Tea's SimLit Anthology

    Do you also play The Elder Scrolls Online? You can find me there as CathyTea, too!
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    CathyTeaCathyTea Posts: 23,089 Member
    Hi! I'd like to share a piece from "Meets the Eye" that I've been working on. I'd like to go as soon as I can....after your first week. I would like to get the story started on my blog by the end of the month :)

    Can't wait!

    Rosey, would you like to go instead of me during the week of August 17? It will likely be a little squeaky, as it's the first week... but if you're interested, you could have my slot for sure! Otherwise, it would be the 24th, which is pushing it for your goal of end-of-month posting.
    Cathy Tea's SimLit Anthology

    Do you also play The Elder Scrolls Online? You can find me there as CathyTea, too!
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    aroseinbloomaroseinbloom Posts: 3,456 Member
    edited August 2015
    CathyTea wrote: »
    Hi! I'd like to share a piece from "Meets the Eye" that I've been working on. I'd like to go as soon as I can....after your first week. I would like to get the story started on my blog by the end of the month :)

    Can't wait!

    Rosey, would you like to go instead of me during the week of August 17? It will likely be a little squeaky, as it's the first week... but if you're interested, you could have my slot for sure! Otherwise, it would be the 24th, which is pushing it for your goal of end-of-month posting.

    That's perfect. I'm feeling good about the first two's a few in the middle that I'd love some feedback on. Let's do the 24th. Gives me more time to work on it! Thank you.
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    Jes2GJes2G Posts: 13,032 Member
    Ok, so...I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to share. Something from the future? Something I had particular feelings from in the past? Maybe I'll let a few folks go before me so I can sit back and watch and see how this goes.

    Read Delicious Dishes & Dreams and more Stories By Jes2G!
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    CathyTeaCathyTea Posts: 23,089 Member
    Jes2G wrote: »
    Ok, so...I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to share. Something from the future? Something I had particular feelings from in the past? Maybe I'll let a few folks go before me so I can sit back and watch and see how this goes.

    I've got a few things I'm wanting to share at some point. For my first turn, I'm thinking of sharing a chapter from "Where I'm From" which I see as playing a pivotal part in the overall series--but I'm not sure that I pull it off. And then for my second turn (whenever that comes around), I'm thinking about a chapter from this new fanfic series I'm writing.

    When I think about what to share, I think about pieces that I'm not sure about--ones that I think have potential, but which I'm not sure I'm carrying off. Then for my response questions, I can ask about some of the specific things I'm wondering about.
    Cathy Tea's SimLit Anthology

    Do you also play The Elder Scrolls Online? You can find me there as CathyTea, too!
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    lizzielilyylizzielilyy Posts: 4,918 Member
    edited August 2015
    @CathyTea It sounds great :3 and @Julyvee94 don't worry, I have the same attitude towards the problem with selection so I'll be making sure, with @CathyTea , that it all runs smoothly.
    Ignore the rest of what I posted, I missed the scheduling post.
    Would it be wrong of me to volunteer to take the 28th September for my second submission just to test that we can fit everybody in? Then I can always just give it to somebody else should we run out of space - I think it just gives us a guideline for a six week rotation :p

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    lizzielilyylizzielilyy Posts: 4,918 Member
    Also: I think we need to limit the size of pieces just so we can ensure we'll get through everything. I would personally say a chapter at a time, but if some are bigger than others should we use a word limit? Also it will definitely be a limit, you're free to submit a sentence if that's all you want assistance on!
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    BBQPenguinWingsBBQPenguinWings Posts: 3,773 Member
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    CathyTeaCathyTea Posts: 23,089 Member
    Im here :)

    Yay! Think about which week you want to have your work reviewed.
    Cathy Tea's SimLit Anthology

    Do you also play The Elder Scrolls Online? You can find me there as CathyTea, too!
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    friendsfan367friendsfan367 Posts: 29,362 Member
    Im here :)

    you can't be here yet i need a you know i love you.
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    CathyTeaCathyTea Posts: 23,089 Member
    Lizzie1234 wrote: »
    Also: I think we need to limit the size of pieces just so we can ensure we'll get through everything. I would personally say a chapter at a time, but if some are bigger than others should we use a word limit? Also it will definitely be a limit, you're free to submit a sentence if that's all you want assistance on!

    I agree! A chapter at a time. For the upper limit, I'd say no more than 4000 words? What do you think? My chapters are seldom more than 1500.
    Cathy Tea's SimLit Anthology

    Do you also play The Elder Scrolls Online? You can find me there as CathyTea, too!
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    friendsfan367friendsfan367 Posts: 29,362 Member
    CathyTea wrote: »
    Lizzie1234 wrote: »
    Also: I think we need to limit the size of pieces just so we can ensure we'll get through everything. I would personally say a chapter at a time, but if some are bigger than others should we use a word limit? Also it will definitely be a limit, you're free to submit a sentence if that's all you want assistance on!

    I agree! A chapter at a time. For the upper limit, I'd say no more than 4000 words? What do you think? My chapters are seldom more than 1500.

    i'll be lucky if i can do 20 or 30. i can't type at all .but i want to try because new chalenges are good for you or at least i've been told that.
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    BBQPenguinWingsBBQPenguinWings Posts: 3,773 Member
    Im here :)

    you can't be here yet i need a you know i love you.
    Muah! Love you too. Get some foods!
    And at the moment I would like to just help out if I can, I rather just do as I have been and seek a few privately for feedback.
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    CathyTeaCathyTea Posts: 23,089 Member
    Im here :)

    you can't be here yet i need a you know i love you.
    Muah! Love you too. Get some foods!
    And at the moment I would like to just help out if I can, I rather just do as I have been and seek a few privately for feedback.

    That's fine! You can participate by reading and providing feedback, and once you get a feel for how this works and whenever you'd like to have your work read, we can put it in the schedule.
    Cathy Tea's SimLit Anthology

    Do you also play The Elder Scrolls Online? You can find me there as CathyTea, too!
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    lizzielilyylizzielilyy Posts: 4,918 Member
    CathyTea wrote: »

    I agree! A chapter at a time. For the upper limit, I'd say no more than 4000 words? What do you think? My chapters are seldom more than 1500.
    Yeah I'd say no more than 3000 with a 5% lee-way just because you don't wanna cut people off at 3000 words if it isn't finished haha :p So it's technically 3150 words max :p
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    Julyvee94Julyvee94 Posts: 6,694 Member
    @Lizzie1234 That doesn't make sense. now you cut people off at 3150 words if it's not finished, this can go on endlessly you know
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    aroseinbloomaroseinbloom Posts: 3,456 Member
    Lizzie1234 wrote: »
    CathyTea wrote: »

    I agree! A chapter at a time. For the upper limit, I'd say no more than 4000 words? What do you think? My chapters are seldom more than 1500.
    Yeah I'd say no more than 3000 with a 5% lee-way just because you don't wanna cut people off at 3000 words if it isn't finished haha :p So it's technically 3150 words max :p

    Perhaps we can just say, 'be reasonable.' And even, give us a heads up if it's a really long one. And know it won't get done in a day.
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    lizzielilyylizzielilyy Posts: 4,918 Member
    We definitely need a limit because otherwise people could be handing in rather large submissions, we could ask people to be considerate and offer a boundary between 3-4000 words. If the limit is in place then people can work towards it if writing a new piece and perhaps consider offering their work in small chunks if they have a chapter over 4000 words.
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    Julyvee94Julyvee94 Posts: 6,694 Member
    @Lizzie1234 I don't think that would happen, most of us don't really have those superlong chapters, at least I haven't seen them yet. And I think everyone here is reasonable enough to consider the length on their own ^^
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    lizzielilyylizzielilyy Posts: 4,918 Member
    Julyvee94 wrote: »
    @Lizzie1234 I don't think that would happen, most of us don't really have those superlong chapters, at least I haven't seen them yet. And I think everyone here is reasonable enough to consider the length on their own ^^
    Well @CathyTea seemed content with a guideline limit so we'll see but I don't think there's any harm in having one there anyway, it's not going to affect people if they don't have super-long chapters and it'll help readers if some writers do go overboard. We're hardly gonna punish people either way :joy:
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    CathyTeaCathyTea Posts: 23,089 Member
    I think we can be common sense and flexible. Rules are made to be broken; and guidelines are made to provide guides and direction.

    So that's why, for this workshop and for most effective creative endeavors, we go for guidelines, rather than strict rules.

    Let's just realize that we're all here to work together and support each other--so we've got guidelines to help us do so. When situations come up where we need to reconsider those or find out how to make room for somebody's vision, then we can talk about options.

    We'll do great finding a balance, guys! :)

    AND.... I'm really excited about the story I'll be sharing with you all next week! I might do a few revisions and then have the draft ready to share a little early, just because I can't wait!
    Cathy Tea's SimLit Anthology

    Do you also play The Elder Scrolls Online? You can find me there as CathyTea, too!
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