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HessethRan Member


  • modifyrelationship Yoursim'sfirstname last name Targetsim'sfirstname last name +/-amount track amount = positive or negative number between 1 and 100 track = friendship_main or romance_main modifyrelationship John Smith Jane Smith 100 friendship_main modifyrelationship John Smith Jane Smith 100 romance_main It's more…
  • Have you tried culling them manually? I haven't noticed any new ones since my last culling, for example. I've planted a lot of my own and used cheats to max their Mixology, Cooking, and Music skills, as well as get them to level 10 in their careers, so the game wouldn't spawn random Sims for these roles. Right now I'm…
  • I completely agree. This is probably photo overload, but here are some styles I'd like to see (pulled from Google Images): Short Medium Long
  • I guess I haven't uploaded anything that I consider of value this time around, like a lookalike Sim or a complex build, so I don't care much what people do with my stuff. However, other people have uploaded creations which took a tremendous amount of time and problem-solving (builds, in particular) and I think it's…
  • What I really liked in TS3 was the fact that I could create a color scheme on this little online tool and then apply it to my builds. I didn't want everything to match (as in be the same color), but I played with accents. While I usually kept the same wood-grain for all furniture, I'd pair a cream couch with a patterned…
  • While the effort part might be true, I disagree about the profit. Recoloring is what sold the items in the Sims 3 Store and what made people willing to buy EPs and SPs just for the meshes. A pretty mesh with ugly color presets will sell well if it can be recolored, but probably not much if there's no way to recolor it…
  • You Sim will always look like a plastic doll when showering because that's the default EA skin and the no-mosaic mod can't do anything about it. However, there are already custom skins for each gender which re-use the default EA skin and only add the anatomic bits. You need to download them separately. Other than when…
  • Thank you for the explanation. I had been under the impression that there would 4-5 layers depending on object, with colors being separate from the texture itself, which is why I thought that modifying only the color layer would be easier. I suppose this kind of seals it for me, because I have no interest in playing a game…
  • If you click outside the work area, it will zoom out automatically, so it wasn't wrong to do it like that. It's funny you mentioned going through the screens with the user manual. I was talking to someone else about CAS and I was thinking that the reason I took to this new system pretty fast is because when I have to…
  • @AnaCecilia63 I have this sinking feeling that the colorwheel is not on their priority list because we aren't as vocal as people who focus on gameplay aspects. I don't see full CAST returning and I guess I could live without the textures (although I loved them and had tons and tons of custom ones), but the absence of a…
  • The culling of played Sims needs to be reworked. Either it needs to never happen or there needs to be a warning. In the first case, overpopulation could be avoided by the game not creating any more random Sims until there is enough room. In the second, it could warn you that X Sim will be culled unless you go into…
  • @kremesch73 - I know what you mean, but I couldn't find a tool like that. I'd like to be able to copy a whole room (just the shell) so I don't have to draw walls and count tiles again. It would be very useful for roof pieces because sometimes it's hard to reproduce the exact same apex or eave length.
  • Like you, I set up a custom neighborhood filled with my own Sims because there were some story arcs I wanted to play through. Also like you, I ended up feeling disappointed because even though I was hopping from household to household trying to make things happen, my Sims had rather mild reactions to everything and easily…
  • There are certain aspects I really like, but for me not having CASt was a huge blow. I knew about it in advance, of course, but I tried the CAS demo and I kind of liked how Sims were turning out, even though they didn't feel realistic at all. However, I prefer a more cartoony style as long as it's not completely ridiculous…
  • I think I would prefer a secondary kind of wall paint which could be layered on top of the regular one, i.e. a paint which would add texture rather than color to create the effects you describe. Alternatively, I think being able to use terrain paints on walls and objects would be nice, since we could add dirt and grass…
  • You don't need EA cash cards to buy virtual items from Origin (such as simpoints). Even if you're under 18, your parents can open a bank account for you if you don't have one already and get you a Visa Electron card (I'm sure MasterCard and others have similar offers). You can use it online like a credit card, but instead…
  • Try doing it in live mode. Also, some cheats require that you type [testingcheats true] first (without the brackets).
  • Most of the beds don't match the rest of the set. There aren't home bars for every type of counter. Some of the two-tile cabinets have glass fronts, so you can't use them as closets, for example, which means you have to use a different model which will have a different type of wood grain. In CAS, there are almost no true…
  • You don't actually have to do things in any order. I follow a certain order every time because it seems logical to me, but there is nothing in the way the menus are set up which forces me to do it like this. 1. Remove all clothes, accessories, and make-up. 2. Edit the body first because the weight slider impacts some of…
  • I'm wondering if the same person does PR for both EA and Blizzard, because that's exactly what Blizzard said when certain promised features got cut out of the Warlords beta. Granted, I don't give a rat's behind about the color thing, but the fact that they didn't even give us a colorwheel (if not the full texture menu) was…
  • I was so disappointed with Painting this time around :( I loved the fact that in Sims 3 we could photograph a scene or a person and then paint it from memory, in addition to the actual portraits. I got some very pretty portraits using that little mod which allowed you to pose Sims.
  • I've been using this mod since Shimrod posted it and it seems to be excellent. While I play with aging off, sometimes I age my Sims in CAS and it's very nice to not have to rebuild their faces. Many thanks to Shimrod for his work.
  • I don't think there is a way to set make up for all looks, or if there is, I haven't found it. If I remember correctly, in Sims 3 there was a box we could check. What makes it easier for me is the fact that you can see the tabs for the other looks while you're applying a certain make up component. This way, if I'm doing…
  • Is this what happens to Honey B.o.o.b.o.o. when she grows up? (because b.o.o. is now a bad word??)
  • 1. I like the new sliders in CAS. However, I'm not sure I like this "tactile" approach, and I would liked to have an option to reveal traditional sliders as well. 2. I think some of the eye colors are decent and that some of the starter hairstyles and outfits are better than before. And yet, without CASt, I feel that CAS…
  • I unfortunately missed this thread and opened a similar one referring the objects that I would like to see added, so hopefully it's okay if I paste my list here. I went through and culled those suggestions which have been made before. A. General 1. Colorwheel It goes without saying that in the absence of a full CAST tool,…

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