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Lyrie's Simming Stories


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    LyrieLyrie Posts: 881 Member
    edited December 2021
    @mightysprite Hey sorry for not getting to you sooner the holidays are super busy!

    I love Lia and Fatima too, heh, I was curious who they were and after finding out, I had to add them to my rotation!
    Oh you are absolutely right, I agree, Vanessa is not helping the situation at all, she is making it worse, she has a CC trait that is called soft, which makes sims kinda pushover and weak willed with tier family, she has always been this way sadly since she was a teen.

    I hope it might, I have to watch and see, I really want Dec to be okay, I am hoping either the outcome you say or Vanessa stop being an enabler of sorts will help Declan stand on his own again. I am hoping one of those two options help.

    @ Everyone I will be out with a new part in a few days tops! Happy simming! :)
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    Drama just loves this family, I'm sure Mckenna will figure out what she needs to whether the results are for the best or not, mainly in how to speak and if she was really worked up solely for misspeaking or if maybe some other feelings are there she's not able to face. As for the alders well now I'm not sure what to say there either ha.
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    LyrieLyrie Posts: 881 Member
    edited March 9
    Mckenna really does get strange, scared, weird, uncomfortable, rash and panicky when romantic things go wrong or amiss, she used to be unflirty but since Matty, her boyfriend, found out about the right way to love and what love really means in the romantic way. The reason she was unflrity was the horrible way, her "mom" Gemma, presented it. So when Lia flirted with her, she thought it was somehow her own fault, she gave the wrong impression, she left out important information, which was true, yet she is still learning and an awkward woman when it comes to titles even if she likes being someones girlfriend.

    Mckenna also has the flaw of always being way to hard on herself and called herself unworthy, for causing this -in her mind- so when 'confessing' to Matty it all came out wrong.

    It took Matty a while to calm down and realize this but he did.

    Lia, I don't blame them for reacting that way, they did not really get that Mckenna had an Significant other, but they really like Mckenna so they are scared if they don't keep this long distance, they will make a true huge mistake.

    So hah yeah I was not expecting that winter before the holidays drama!

    It is okay about the Adler's, they're drama came out of left field too. I am still processing it and trying to hope for them.

    Alright happy holidays everyone!

    I was hoping to get Winterfest done before 2022.

    Buuut yeah not happening but hey, there is always next year.

    This update is pretty happy and wholesome!

    Stones; Decorating For Winterfest
    Max stirred the ingredients together being careful, Winterfest to the Stone's has a deep meaning, with having such a horrible mother or birth giver, it was about the only time of year that brought him, Mckenna and Lilith true joy.

    One day they could relax and truly be children.

    And when they were teens, they got to make baby Rainbow's Winterfest as memorable as they could, they bought a tree and decorated one for the first time, they worked hard combining simoleons to give each other presents for the first time and to bring the joy of Winterfest tenfold into Rainbow's life

    Speaking of Rainbow, she was trying to distract her daddy because she wanted to try and snag a taste or two of the cheesecake brownies~

    The trick did not work and the little sugar fiend got a little pouty-whinny, nothing that a hug and promise of coco if she waited a bit longer did not fix!

    "Now go on and change, I have to as well, Juli will be here in a few minutes."

    His gaze went over to the brownies.

    Max thoughts: Better NOT leave those here though... or in the fridge, welp inventory it is then.

    Julianna did arrive and caught Rainbow in a hug hello!

    I love these two so freaking much! <3

    "Hey Angel, want my help getting into your costume?"

    "Hiya Juli! You look so pretty and yes! Some parts are super tricky heh, but who else is gonna help Auntie Winter Lilith, heh, heh~"

    The gang enjoyed the cheesecake brownies and hot coco while talking and laughing.

    I loved how dedicated they are to Winterfest dressing up! <3 (The twins are reindeer, Lilith is Lady Winter and Rainbow is a little helper elf, and Julianna is preggers and did not wanna dress up but wore red).

    I was setting up the group, then about to queue them up to decorate, when these two decided to kill me with adorableness yet again <3

    They did this autonomously <3 Julianna is her mom, forget the step title aaaaah and Rainbow seems excited to be a big sister! I have to wait and see but this makes me so happy!

    Everyone was kinda chatting trying to see where to start.

    But lol Mckenna being Mckenna took the lead and started first, lol gotta love her~

    Everyone got started, well one little girl was helping but perusal, she got distracted by talking! xD

    She always forgets to do things because of this the main thing is eating.

    Oh Rainbow, I need to find some chatterbox trait for you!

    She finally got into it as well and I love how Juli was watching over her.

    Also Mckenna is overthinking things and seizing up the tree, Max is telling her to relax and she did, kinda.

    "But what if we just--"


    "Fine, fine,"

    Grumble, grumble.


    Once they were done and they moved the tree and everything back to where it should be, they all sat down to watch a Winterfest movie (There really should be one! Dx)

    These two~~~~ <3.

    They know I am watching and getting on my good side with their cuteness~

    They were cuddling and watching the movie did not know that could happen! <3

    "I love you Juli, mmm, mommy."

    It was the first time testing out the new title.

    Juliana tried to keep her heart steady from bursting with joy but she is sure Rainbow could feel it anyways,

    "I love you too, Rainbow, my sweet girl."

    Then of course lol Max aka daddy had to have his turn.

    They talked quietly about the big trip tomorrow and how excited Rainbow was.

    "I am excited about seeing HAZELNUT again and Paisley gets to come and meeting her friends too!~"

    The little red head partially sang.

    "I'm so happy for you baby, you will have the best time, Angel."

    Max gave her a big squeeze, he had to work on not missing her already, being the first time Rainbow was away from him that far a distance.

    After the movie, Lili texted Matty and Angel, she was going over to the Zest part of her family and bringing the rest of the treats for her three younger cousins over there, two toddlers and a child. \

    Here is the tree!~

    As soon as I saw it, I knew it had to be theirs!

    What I do is let them decorate the tree that comes with seasons but then replace it another tree, most of the time, we need more decorate customization options on the season tree.

    The last activity they did before Lilith left, they opened up crackers!

    Rainbow cheering got a plush toy from hers and Lilith a piece of candy.

    The twins got nothing, but they were happy for the younger two they did not get the busted ones, so all was good.

    After that, Juliana went home since she was tired.

    After Max came back from walking her and having their own cuddle and kisses.

    The two reindeer twins talked on the sofa together for a bit.

    It was nice seeing the two compared to many Winterfest ago and how far they had come ;w;

    The Adler's: Decorating For Winterfest.
    Vanessa made some mint chocolate cupcakes to eat after a light soup dinner, they were going to decorate the Winterfest tree!

    Evidence on almost every wall, Hazel has really been in the holiday spirit and hard at work!

    So chowing down on a sweet chocolate but cool mint cupcake was the best thing, she had two!~

    Turning on the Winter holiday music, Vanessa and Hazel enthusiastically started decorating and humming to the jingling tunes~

    Declan came in finally.

    Vanessa decided she was not going to coaxed him into dong things anymore.

    But when Hazel took the reins on that duty encouraging her own father to participate, a thing that should be reverse....

    It made Vanessa feel.... badly, anger and sad mixed with twelve other feelings.

    It worked however, and Declan came over to help.

    But then,

    A small groan and an even deeper sigh,

    "Daddy... we still have plenty of tree to do, don't stop....."

    Declan had been standing idle for too long, I checked to find the task had dropped, for just him, so story wise...

    Besides, she looked and sounded kinda exasperated, poor bean.

    Declan had mumbled a response, smiled and got back to work.

    Things went fine from there, but both females were suspicious that he was on something again.

    Decorating for Winterfest was supposed to be happy, not a chore.

    After they got done, they drank hot coco and admired the tree, they also listened to Winter holiday tunes and chatted here and there.
    That is all for both these households for now, :)

    Happy Holidays Everyone! <3
    Post edited by Lyrie on
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    LyrieLyrie Posts: 881 Member
    edited January 2022
    Hello everyone!

    Here is the next installment of my simming story :)

    Vanessa delivered a few of her Winterfest gifts early.

    They were flower arrangements.
    Daniella was in love with her gift, she put it right on her new dresser in Caroline's house. It symbolized new beginnings and friendship.

    Vanessa gave Caroline one too, it symbolized intelligence and determination and the sweetness Carol gave to others.

    Vanessa gave on to Amelia which was wild yet gave a blessing for good fortune for her incoming baby.

    Beckett too, he never turned his nose up at flowers or said 🐸🐸🐸🐸 no thanks (Like Nick did).

    Vanessa knew she had chosen the right flowers for him,

    Dedication, affection and loyalty, these things waved off him, making her completely melt into him, the fire roaring behind her no contest for his warmth.

    A Bit About Beck
    Beck was full of spirit after putting the lovely flower arrangement next to his bedside, he started to decorate while Nick and Amelia put their input in but were more into the red velvet cupcakes Nick had crafted yum!

    Amelia against her twin's wishes ask Nick to give Beck some tips since her would be more or less alone with Vanessa at some point on the trip~

    "Really, Ame, ugh, seriously!..."

    But he came along with Nick with a sigh.

    Nick chuckled,

    "Sorry about her, dude, well you know all about it, but these hormones, you just don't say no, not outloud."

    Beck had to nod in agreement,

    "So we don't have to talk about things, but it is gonna be pretty romantic up there in Mt. Komo."

    Beck could not help but flush a little and smile dopey.

    "Well um, I really wanna show her... how much she is cherished, you know a wow thing, got any tips?"

    Oh did Nick ever! After all, he had did many lovely surprises and dates for Amelia really satisfying her romantic side.

    Nick really got into explaining some, gesturing quite a bit~

    "Whatever you do man or don't, remember to check your senses too not just your desires, ya know, make it count that is what matters, even if you are just cuddled on the couch."

    Beck's whole face lit up, that is how he kinda did things already,

    "Thanks, Nick, really."

    Beck never thought ill of Nick or anything, but he always saw him in a certain way especially as teens, but now living with him, seeing the way he treated his twin, how he treated him, Nick was more than just that popular guy he knew in high school.

    Vanessa saw the normal sweet and thoughtful text from Beck when they did not have time to see each other in person or talk on the phone or video chat.

    Vanessa knew her neat freak trait was coming out, they had planned, gave out plans to parents, revised, etc did all the preparation and Vanessa seemed to keep talking about it.

    Beck got a text from Vanessa.

    He chuckled and wrote back that was fine, meet him in the evening around 7pm. He did not mind her tendentious, they really did not cause any harm just a bit of extra work, and he was happy to do that with and for her.

    Nick looks pretty pleased with himself!

    Check In Before The Snow Escape Vacation
    Beck sat down before Vanessa showed up to make sure he had enough work done before the trip so he would not have to work all that hard after the trip and the rest of his break.

    He checked lessons plans, graded homework that was before holiday break and then answered back emails from students and parents on the special school forum.

    At the twins house, Beck spent some time bonding a bit more with Jesse and Illana, he knew them pretty well but still.

    Vanessa was talking with Brandie and Yu who trusted her completely just as she did with them.

    They basically raised Hazel all together.

    Next they went to the Peter's and told the parents of Paisley all the revised and still the same information, again giving directions on where to drop her off tomorrow and they discussed some more about clothing items to bring.

    The father had to keep working but had one ear open, he asked all the more direct questions and made sure Beck and Vanessa had all the contacts he listed down.

    Beck greeted Daniella with lots of love.

    He was so happy for her getting away from Julian, she seemed brighter already, still sadness in her eyes because she was a romantic at heart wanting to find her soulmate but despite that, she was much better than before.

    Daniella was happy Matt was able to enjoy this trip, he deserved it for everything he has been so good through.

    But she was also nervous, that is why Caroline was there to assure her, telling Vanessa and Beck, Daniella would not have time to worry, she'd be enjoying her own spa day trip together~

    That got a smile and a laugh from everyone.

    Last stop was the Stone's residence, both Beck and Vanessa had to stop and admire how decorated the house was, they must really love Winterfest!

    Max was happy to touch base with them again and just in the spirit of being jolly!

    He loved the revisions and agreed to have Rainbow at the house within the couple of hours block to drop her off, so everyone could catch their flight.

    This amused eyebrow raise was because Beck turned to Vanessa and caressed her cheek as if calming her down.

    Max found that very interesting because Vanessa as close as they had become, never told her about being romantic with Beck~

    Max caught her eye with this look.

    Vanessa could only blush but smile about it and give a little nod and a mouthed "Okay, okay tell you more later."

    After getting back, Nick had left them with Winterfest pudding (CC food from cook book )

    They enjoyed it while Nick had to go to work, he was really busy this time of year cooking for fancy family reservations and events this time of year.

    Amelia demanded Vanessa needed a good massage before she went off to babysit all the little ankle biters.

    Laughing since Ame would have her own child soon, Vanessa could not refuse and she felt amazing afterward.

    Beck did not mind cleaning up, he knew he had a turn next with his sis, charge free which she did give to Vanessa, that or a discount.

    He was excited and a little nervous, six kids were a lot but he could barely wait for their snowy escape!

    That is all for now :)

    Next time will be Hazel and Rainbow meeting up again with their friends and going on a snowy adventure!
    Post edited by Lyrie on
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    mightyspritemightysprite Posts: 6,093 Member
    "they really did not cause any harm just a bit of extra work, and he was happy to do that with and for her."

    Aw, that's love <3 enjoyed this segment very much and looking forward to hearing about the Komorebi vacation!
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    LyrieLyrie Posts: 881 Member
    Thank you muchly for your comments, I always enjoy them!

    And yesh, Beck is suuuuuuch a sweetie!

    I love him and his dedication to Vanessa! <3

    I can't wait to play Mt. Komo! :)

    Will update when I do~.
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    DuckyQueenDuckyQueen Posts: 342 Member
    edited February 2022
    Do you have any idea when you will post again? I’m not trying to be rude but I’m really excited for the next chapter
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    LyrieLyrie Posts: 881 Member
    edited February 2022
    @YellowLady you are not rude at all! Sorry for the non posting been sick but recovering 🙂 Don’t feel bad at all, I appreciate your excitement! 💜
    I should have something soon within the month.
    Post edited by Lyrie on
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    DuckyQueenDuckyQueen Posts: 342 Member
    edited May 2022
    I’m glad that you’re feeling better!
    Are you ok? It’s been over 3 months
    Post edited by DuckyQueen on
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    LyrieLyrie Posts: 881 Member
    edited March 9
    Hey everyone out there, it has been eons since I posted here! 2022 was quite the year but things are looking better and I have the urge and desire to get back to my Alder and Stone story.

    Here are also small summaries of each family to get the gist of their dynamic.

    Highlights Of The Adlers
    -As teens Aubree Adler and Declan Eos became parents to Hazel Adler.

    -Aubree’s parents Nadia (with the bun) and Reed (blonde) allowed Dec (in the hat) to move in and help but it was quite the turmoil between Nadia and Aubree (long brunette) on how to care for Hazel (toddler) etc they fought often.

    Mom and daughter frequent fights

    They had a huge support group of friends and family the Adler was known for parties (Mostly Aubree because of her party animal ways).

    -As teens do, they thought the best thing to do to get their independence was to flee, so Aubree and Declan bought a trailer with some very sketchy methods. Once Nadia and Reed were gone on an anniversary cruise, the two young parents moved out and into their trailer. They were too young and dumb to see the help, care and love they were leaving behind.

    At prom

    Moving also made a sad little girl, all Hazel knew was she missed grandma and grandpa's house and could not see it anymore, Dec and Aubs neglected to think of Hazel and how she would react being rip away from all she knew.

    -Unfortunately, Nadia and Reed died on the cruise ship…..Yusuf or Yu got the news, his wife Brandie comforted him and with a lot of Aubree’s friends they all tried to track her and Dec down to tell them the horrific news.

    They found them and the funeral happened.

    -Time passed and hearts healed, and Hazel continued to grow in her skills, around the time she was five, Aubree was pregnant again but due to complications she and the baby did not make it, leaving Hazel and Dec behind. (IMO I still see fully skilled tots as five year olds).

    Declan also started acting strange, saying nonsense was he on something? Little Hazel dubbed this side of Dec, “weird daddy”.

    -Declan’s cousin in law Vanessa moved in to help them cope.

    -More time passed, and Hazel became a child

    Vanessa became a permanent fixture in Dec and Hazel's life, even if that was not her plan to begin with. She just could not leave the little girl with Declan not when he was acting so strange, so she partially raised Hazel.

    While Dec became worse and worse despite how much Hazel needed him.
    He was getting help for his grief but would not, or could not take it, he came home dazed a lot.
    He skipped his appointments he stopped doing is healthy routine.
    He had never finished high school but got a job but then lost it.

    The erratic behavior kept getting worse, one night Hazel was asleep and he woke her up to read her a story then seem to become angry or hallucinate (No he was not sick, not in that way).

    Hazel had two best friends since toddlerhood, their names were Illana and Jesse (with glasses) they were actually Yu’s stepchildren, they were super close, Illana was loud, fiery and slightly bossy but a good sim, Jesse was more timid and gentle like Hazel.

    At least Vanessa had Yu and Brandie helping take care of Hazel too

    Hazel made another friend from a penpal assignment via Scouts, her name is Rainbow Stone

    As time went onward, Hazel is now ten years old and starting to see who stays to tuck her in and be with her and care about her friends and life.

    To whom keeps giving her hugs but leaving her and acting strange.

    Highlights for the Stones
    -Gemma Stone was Max, Mckenna and Lilith’s “mom”. She was awful and treated them horrible throughout their childhoods.

    She got ran over by a hit and run car leaving the three siblings to continue to survive but now solely on their own that became a blessing despite how hard it was.

    Each one had a vice to overcome:

    Mckenna the eldest twin teenager was always a go getter giving her all to keep her siblings fedand housed.

    However, she had a nasty habit of taking her anger and frustration out on Lilith, causing Lilith to temp move out to live with family friends.

    However, she realized all her anger had nothing to do with Lilith and sought to first find an outlet for her anger, she chose exercise and wood working.

    She did her best to make amends with her sister, they now have an amazing relationship and it was worth the years of fixing and atonement on Mckenna’s part

    And even Mckenna found love after swearing off it because of her “mom” Gemma.

    Lilith the youngest child of the Stone trio, was different, she never stopped being a child inside and she was hated most by Gemma, which Mckenna picked up on and continued until they made up.

    Gemma, was just one "mom" of Lilith (I let gay couples have kids naturally in my game) Gemma never told Lilith or Gianna Zest they were mother and daughter.

    Matty Zest the uncle of Lilith and younger brother of Gianna Zest. did some detective work and figured it out.

    Mother and Daughter were ecstatic to fill the holes of time.

    But time was short, to short for the two…

    But even after the loss things moved on towards a new better path.

    Mckenna showed her compassion and Matty promised to always watch over her even if she went to live back with her siblings.

    Lilith also found her niche in children’s book thanks to her childish manner and great writing skills, she went to uni and graduate and started writing.

    For Max the middle child, youngest twin and only boy of Gemma, found his vices in hookups resulting in a baby, one that the mom did not want. But Max did, he knew that life of being unwanted.

    The teen dad called the little girl, Rainbow.

    They all moved into a new house together out of the rat infested apartment.

    Max studied in programing online and got a tech position. He also meet a lovely lady named Julianna, they took things slow, falling in love.

    Rainbow was the light and hope at the end of the Rainbow, the main, but not only reason all three stayed together and mended.

    Child Rainbow is a bright and jubilant little girl, she is well loved by Max, Mckenna and Lilith!

    She was homeschooled but made her own friends and the penpal Hazel Adler.

    Rainbow had her share of problems too.
    Accepting Juliana into her life (She thought she was an evil spellcaster out to take her daddy) but with the woman’s patience and calm attitude it happened in no time flat.

    Then she had too much homework that Max added on for homeschooling, desperate to give his daughter everything he never had.

    But with each problem, Max learned to help his daughter through it. Their bond is the most precious, I love it and feel the love from them.

    Right now, Hazel and Rainbow and friends are going on a snowy escape trip to Mount Komorebi chaperoned by Vanessa and Beck.
    Here is Part I

    We start off our snowy escape vacay with a endearing joyful hug from two bffs that got to see each other again.
    (For their first meeting in early winter, see the segment a Colorful Weekend in the first post in my story thread).

    Spending time together like this is more of a time issue and finances then a distance issue, despite it, the girls have been promised more opportunities and they are very grateful.
    While the adults did some last minute prepping, the kids sat around and got to know each other better, mostly getting to know Rainbow and Paisley who was in the pink, as the others were already friends of each other and Hazel.

    The flight was long but the kids did well, they arrived at their rental late at night, it was pretty cold and the ground covered in snow, time to go inside!

    Hazel and Rainbow were comfortable sharing the full bed upstairs, from when Rainbow came to visit Hazel earlier they had a lot of sleepovers in the same bed. The two fell fast asleep not even whisper talking.

    On the left, Paisley just had to have the pink bed spread so she got the top while Iliana settled for the bottom bunk.

    On the right, Jesse took the bottom bunk and Matt took the top bunk.

    Meanwhile, while the kids snoozed the adults were tired but not tired enough for a bit of kissing and flirting. Vanessa and Beckett are in a relationship and very much in love.

    They did not woohoo, but they did snuggle oh so sweetly together in the cold mountains of Komorebi~

    That is all for now just a nice short post to get everyone who reads acquainted, thanks for reading and happy simming! :)
    Post edited by Lyrie on
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    DaepheneDaephene Posts: 1,774 Member
    Lovely to see your sims again!
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    haneulhaneul Posts: 1,954 Member
    Welcome back! <3 I missed reading about the Stones and the Adlers, especially Hazel and Rainbow's friendship.
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    DuckyQueenDuckyQueen Posts: 342 Member
    I’m so glad to read it again! Welcome back
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    LyrieLyrie Posts: 881 Member
    edited March 9
    @DuckyQueen @haneul @Daephene Thank you so much for your everlasting support! It is very appreciated <3 I am glad to be back!!!
    Also Haneul, I've been keeping up and enjoying your Fier Legacy!

    @RedDestiny92 if you are still around, I'm back will be catching up on your shenanigans real soon! :)

    Alright on with the next part II.
    That morning, Vanessa got up early wanting to follow a theme for this trip lots of mount Komorebi food to embrace the culture, so she made rice porridge for breakfast with honey and fruit.

    (This is a CC dish the food theme is Japanese or as close as I could get it).

    It was the prefect first day of their trip! An information board told them that the Children's Youth festival was in town, eagerly, they all trotted off to experience what that had to offer, chattering about the San Myshuno festivals curious about what these ones held.

    The kids looked around curious and asked each other what they wanted to do first?

    LOL Paisley knew what she wanted to do be on those monkey bars!

    However, Paisley jumped down to join the artiest crew with Hazel and Matt, they chatted as they worked having a wonderful time! They were each drawing a winterfest picture.

    Matt drew one for his mom, making it a card, they had been through a lot leaving his dad, she deserved the kind gesture.

    Paisley wanted to make one each for her mom, dad and toddler bro, she started on one for her little sibling first.

    Hazel was aiming to fill in the last bare spots of her home making the winterfest decor this year,

    Rainbow and Illana had a blast on the monkey bars, Illana wanted to race, a seemingly friendly challenge, looks like Rainbow won that round, but the challenge was not over yet!
    Illana took the lead the next round very satisfied with herself, Rainbow was not taking this as serous, she was just having fun!

    Jesse had been over experimenting on the tables but surprisingly this quiet boy was the first to race up to Yama-chan and get his selfie with the cute mascot!

    And that started the chain reaction of photos, enjoy!

    All the kids also made paper kabutos and ran around acting like ancient samurai~ Though the allure of the ice cream crepe caught the children's attention.

    The kids begged and begged for a pic in front of the Yamachan statue, even though it was passed their bedtime, Beck helped them all get arrangement and to pose, While Vanessa took a few good pictures promising to make copies for everyone to keep.

    That ended day 1 of their trip, stay tuned for more and happy simming! :)
    Post edited by Lyrie on
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    LyrieLyrie Posts: 881 Member
    edited March 9
    Waking Up And Breakfast
    We start off with early the next morning, Rainbow came down and Jesse was awake, chillin' by the fire, wanting to get to know Hazel's other BFF's more, Rainbow decided to chat.

    The two had a great conversation of What influenced the sim world the most?

    Rainbow was a die hard occult lover, her favorite type being spellcasters and Jesse was die hard into science, loving aliens.

    Jesse even whipped out his old homework book to read a bit about how the surgery and birthing machines at the hospital were so strange because, it was alien tech, same with the ex-ray machines.

    Rainbow agreed with this. Before explained to Jesse that the reason why sims could hold almost anything in their inventory was due to a benevolent but rash spell-caster long ago, gave their magic to the earth of Simnation, this allowed each sim to access this magic like a portal pocket since the magic realm, was also in a pocket universe, she still had no idea where though but one day, she would find out!

    It was a good debate but neither settled on were sims could just twirl into clothing from?

    Aliens did not really wear clothing like other sims and spellcaster magic seemed misplaced in something like that even practical magic.

    The two finally agreed it was something blessed on every sim by the watcher.

    Jesse went off to do a bit more research with some of his other books he brought, both agreed to meet up later.

    Hazel came down and Rainbow enthused what a amazing person Jesse was, telling a bit of their convo.

    Happy they got along, Hazel smiled widely, even if what Rainbow was chattering about went over her head.

    Hazel asked Rainbow if she could play the new song she learned.

    Whipping out her hand crafted violin by her aunt Mckenna, she was more than happy to do just that!~

    After the performance, the two just sat and chatted, Hazel did bring up, she was getting guitar lessons and she really liked it, though she was too shy to share anything and did not have her own guitar yet.

    Rainbow was ecstatic and encouraging saying, she just had to keep practicing, it does make a wonderful sound eventually. She should know her violin used to sound like a cat yowling like its tail got stepped on.

    The rest of the kids woke up and they enjoyed a breakfast of Komorebi style pancakes which were very delicious!

    (This is all CC food aka Souffle pancakes).

    Vanessa and Beck always ate in the living room since the table had enough seats for the kids, though Nessa got done already, enjoying some morning reading.

    Hazel wanting her main guardian's presence for a bit, just some quiet bonding while she ate her breakfast.

    The Slopes
    Then off they all trooped, to the slopes woot!

    "All ready Hazelnut?"

    Rainbow asked happily glancing back at a excited yet nervous smile.

    "Yeah! Sure am, Bow-bow."

    They started off at a smooth pace, the snow glided them along its chilled path.
    They picked up speed and came a crossed a little mound of snow that made them go up, up, up!

    Poor girls they did NOT like the feeling and poor Hazel looks like she is about to fly out! Oh no!!!!
    They did manage to stay in the sled though phew!

    They went cruising along, smiles back on their faces near the end of the ride!

    Oh noooo at the very end they wipe out! they both try to stretch out an arm to help stop themselves but.....

    Jesse and Matt tried their luck on the bunny slope! And they had a really good ride!!!

    Next was Paisley and Illana!
    They had the same results as poor Hazel and Rainbow awwww.

    That is the face of regretting your choices oof!

    Hazel tried to take another ride with Beck, whom she really had became close with much to Vanessa's relief, they had a prefect ride! However as they road down to the bottom they both winced!

    Poor Jesse and Rainbow had wiped out! Of course Beck and Hazel helped both of them up checking that they were okay.

    Vanessa and Matt went and they had a bit of a scare..... or at least Matt did? xD They made it though!

    Illana wanted one more ride and did one solo and came out cruisin' down the slope.

    Hotpot and Onsen
    The group all deiced to go to the onsen and there was a hot pot that Beck and Nessa cooked up for everyone.

    They chatted about their time on the slopes, what they liked best and did not like.

    The kids as normal, all ate at a kotatsu table which was different but very nice.

    LOL at Rainbow looking amused at how hesitating Jesse is to try the food! xD

    Rainbow Thoughts: 'Yup, I will wait to see what your reaction is before trying.'

    Beck and Nessa enjoyed a nice dinner themselves~

    Then the girls headed off to get showered since everyone wanted to try the soothing waters of the Onsen.

    The boys had gotten done first and were relaxing aaaaah feels sooooo good!

    The girls were not far behind and really enjoyed the waters! I love all their faces here!
    Oh and of course misses lone wolf over here, as ornery as she is, she looks very pleased and happy right now~

    That evening, Hazel and Rainbow wanted to build another snowpal together and so they did right before bed.
    They had to stomp on the snow a bit to loosen it up. Yet they managed to build a good one!
    A/N: I forgot to get a picture of the finished snowpal

    That is the end of day two of the Snowy Escape Vacation!

    Thanks for reading and happy simming! <3:)
    Post edited by Lyrie on
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    LyrieLyrie Posts: 881 Member
    edited March 9
    Hello Simmers!

    Here its too another post.

    Day Three
    We start off on day three of four of the vacation! Everyone ate fried eggs, toast and melon for breakfast.

    They decided a day in bonding was a good idea today as it was freezing and to cold to go outside.

    Rainbow and Paisley got to know Matt more since they were already good friends with each other.

    Rainbow hung out with Beck for a bit who cracked her up, then spent some time reading with Jesse, but wait were is Illana?

    She snuck outside to destroy the snowpal Hazel and Rainbow made (this was all on her own) I know I saw subtle hints of her jealously of Rainbow and they erupted out!!!

    Lucky for her... no one saw as Vanessa was taking a much needed lavender soak.

    And Beck was playing some card games and board games with some of the kids.

    The weather cleared so they went back to the Onsen to finish out their day of relaxing and also to enjoy another hot pot!

    Later that night, Beck and Vanessa flirted some more, they were just going with the flow, if something more happened so be it but no need to feel obligated or stressors, on this mountain in this room surrounding by the warmth of the space heater, it was like their own world.

    They both realized and admitted to each other, they were comfortable at this stage of their relationship for now.

    Day Four, Last Day.
    The next morning, the kids were up first and just chattering in the living room to each other.

    The kids were surprised that Beck was cooking, especially without Vanessa, he was getting advice from everywhere, how to stir this and cook that and don't forget the this and that, and what if you added this in there?

    Beck stayed calm since he was a sub teacher and just laughed to himself and chatted back to them all as he cooked up the meal.

    Turns out the oatmeal with fruit turned out great, though IDK what got into Matt at the moment, what a face!

    Beck snuck back into their bedroom and kissed Vanessa awake to come eat.

    She had a bit of a breakdown from not helping him or being up in time, at home with Declan (Hazel's unstable dad) and Hazel. if she was not up on time... everything fell apart!

    Beck heart broke, this is where he wanted better for Vanessa, he could wait for their relationship to progress and be content, no problem.

    However, not with the position she is stuck in with Declan (Who is Vanessa's cousin).

    Pushing those feeling aside, he soothed her and reassured her, everything and everyone is fine, she might not be used to it, but he could handle things, her help was appreciated but she could also relax.

    He had her back, he was at her side, she was not alone.

    Beck's Thoughts: Why else would I come? Oh Vanessa... Who was here to ever hold you when you let go of your tears? How many tears did you have to hold in dealing with a messed up Declan or Hazel crying on you for a thousand reasons? How strong do you have to keep being?

    Well for now, let me hold you, let me be your rock to lean on, let me be your tissue, just let me hold you...

    Grateful tears trickled down her face, she never felt so loved.
    She reached out caressing Beckett's sweet caring face.
    Her mind was blank so words failed her.
    Just an overwhelming feeling of appreciation.

    She wanted to express this feeling somehow....
    So... she just kissed him deep and passionate, Beck got the message loud and clear.

    Thank you, thank you so much, I love you.

    Early afternoon, they all trooped out towards the slopes to see what they wanted to do for the last day, the kids suddenly got caught up in an epic snowball fight.

    Beck and Vanessa took advantage of this to do a bit more flirting~

    Then they made snowpals together, Hazel and Rainbow still had no idea they previous one had been brutally destroyed by Illana.

    Here are the results.
    The big one is Hazel's and Rainbow's.
    The rebel one was more Illana's idea then Jesse's
    The last one with the posh look was Paisley and Matt's creation.
    I think a wonderful verity indeed :)

    They all gathered at the table to have a small go over of what was happening now, aka cleaning the rental, packing and catching their flight back since the afternoon had crept to evening before everyone's eyes.

    That is all for now, simmers, next part will be flying home and returning to parents and goodbye's from a lovely trip!
    Post edited by Lyrie on
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    mightyspritemightysprite Posts: 6,093 Member
    Aw, my heart <3
    Lyrie wrote: »
    Hello Simmers!

    Beck snuck back into their bedroom and kissed Vanessa awake to come eat.

    She had a bit of a breakdown from not helping him or being up in time, at home with Declan (Hazel's unstable dad) and Hazel. if she was not up on time... everything fell apart!

    Beck heart broke, this is where he wanted better for Vanessa, he could wait for their relationship to progress and be content, no problem.

    However, not with the position she is stuck in with Declan (Who is Vanessa's cousin).

    Pushing those feeling aside, he soothed her and reassured her, everything and everyone is fine, she might not be used to it, but he could handle things, her help was appreciated but she could also relax.

    He had her back, he was at her side, she was not alone.

    You are a very talented storyteller @Lyrie :)

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    haneulhaneul Posts: 1,954 Member
    I'm happy that you're updating! :smiley:
    I enjoyed reading about the trip to Mt. Komorebi and love the group pictures of the children in front of Yamachan.
    All the kids also made paper kabutos and ran around acting like ancient samurai~ Though the allure of the ice cream crepe caught the children's attention.
    Japanese crepes are the best! They made the right decision not to pass up on them. Souffle pancakes are also A+. You’re getting all the sweets right, IMO. :D

    The conversation about the whys of Sims between Jesse and Rainbow was adorable. I hope these two stay close forever. I’m glad to see Beck and Vanessa becoming closer as well. I’m glad he’s making a point to support and be there for her. <3
    Also Haneul, I've been keeping up and enjoying your Fier Legacy!
    Thank you! <3
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    LyrieLyrie Posts: 881 Member
    edited March 9
    @mightysprite and @haneul Thank you so much for the comments!!! <3

    Hey simmers!
    I had an unexpected trip to the hospital but all is well now, so finally able to be back with the wrap up of the snowy escape vacation!

    This is the finale you could say!

    The flight from mount Komo back to Willow Creek was a long one, they got back pretty late and order a cheese and pepperoni pizza to munch on, everyone was pretty tired by that point but never the less happy.

    Vanessa busted out the sleeping bags for the girls downstairs to sleep in, they all crawled in and were asleep in no time.
    Notice, Illana is sleeping away from Rainbow and Paisley, sigh, I fear her teenaged years.

    The boys took Declan's bed for the night and were out like a light in seconds.
    (Declan had gone to his big brother's house to stay)

    After tucking and checking on the other children, Vanessa came to tuck in Hazel like usual, it made her reflect on how many years it had been this way, five years, she had no regrets about bonding with Hazel and helping her grow becoming like a mother figure to her, she was a sweet girl and deserved that type of care and attention.

    The way it was with Hazel's father, who was also Vanessa's cousin was were the problem lied.

    Maybe everyone was right, her friends, Yu, Beck... maybe she needed to step away from Declan, but could she? Her heart ached despite everything, it ached and stressed at the very thought.

    The Encounter
    The next morning, two girls got up earlier to have pizza for breakfast.

    Rainbow sat next to Illana, she smiled at the year older girl greeting her,

    "Good morning~ heh looks like we had the same idea, huh?"

    Rainbow hoped this would go well, she was not naive, she got that Illana was not a fan of her. Her prior insight came from her relative Wayne, who did not seem to like her for some odd reason. This was the same, as far as Rainbow understood, she had done nothing too Illana to cause the brunette to not like her very much or even dislike her.

    Illana gave a soft sigh and turned her head, rolling her eyes up, she really did not wanna talk to this ball of joy, that just took all of Hazel's attention.

    "Um Illana? Are you okay? I just---"

    Illana whipped her head around and even sitting, put her hands on her hips.


    "Listen, Rainbow, I don't really wanna talk to you right now, so get a clue!"
    "I just wanna eat my pizza, in peace, I don't wanna hear your voice or your jokes or your singing or violin, nothing, get it?"


    Rainbow opened her mouth but Illana cut her off not finished yet,
    "I don't wanna hear about your life or your freaking made up stories or anything, so just shut up, ugh."

    Rainbow thought for a minute on how to approach this, she did not think aunt Mckenna's way was best here to snap back.

    So she went with a daddy approach,

    "Alright, I won't speak to you, after I say my piece, it is only fair to get my say."

    A deep breath to again try to phrase this right.

    "You seem grumpy towards me and don't seem to like me, but... I like who I am and I won't stop being ^me^ because you have some issue with that, get it?"

    Illana covered her mouth in shock and then just rolled her eyes, picked up her pizza and went to watch T.V.

    Rainbow shrugged quietly, she would be lying if she said she was not a bit sad and a little hurt, one of Hazel's best friends and second cousins disliked her, but it was not an issue she could fix, she had no reason or understanding of why, it seemed like an Illana problem. That is what her auntie Lilith had told her once, you can't always fix or even try to fix problems for someone else when they did not want your help.

    Sadly auntie Lilith had learned that from aunt Mckenna, they were sisters and had a hard time with each other growing up but now were mending in their adulthood. Hopefully it would not take that long for Illana to come around if she would ever.

    A/N: I was so proud of Rainbow because Illana attacked her and she just answered back neutrally, I forgot the interaction but she was not even angry! I feel she got this type of behavior and example from Max and Lilith who were open appropriately on their experiences as kids and teens, Mckenna was a bit more erm vicious in this regard but she could also explain where that attitude had her end up, a good example of what not to do.

    Goodbyes.... Mostly.
    Brandie, the twins mom came to pick them up since they lived right across the street.
    Yeah, Illana was beyond ready to leave.

    Matt was in heaven as Hazel (his crush) came up to give him a hug, thanking him for coming and wishing him well.

    They both understood they were going through some tough obstacles in their childhood.

    A/N: Hazel is of course going through Declan being an unstable, unpredictable and unreliable parent.

    Matt's dad was being not kind towards him and his mom (Daniella) as well as trying to prime Matt to help in his criminal career, Daniella was finally able to move on with the help of her friends (Vanessa included) and she and Matt are safe now.

    Matt could not wait to show off his pictures including the sweet card he had made for his mom at the Children's festival and so those two wernt on their way.

    Hazel hugged back Paisley tight, she had really gotten to know her quite a bit and really liked the girl, no wonder Paisley and Rainbow were friends, she hoped to be at the same status soon!

    Rainbow was very very happy her two besties were becoming close, she formulated the idea of a sleepover between the three and a music jam as well!

    A/N: Rainbow plays the violin, Paisley the keyboard and Hazel though very recently, the guitar.

    Paisley ran into her mom's arms very glad to see her, after all, the kids had never been away from their parents for that long before and as much fun as they had, the comfort and familiarity was very welcomed.

    Rainbow was due to stay another night, due to everyone's work schedules, she talked to Max (her daddy) on the phone before bed, getting the final details, Juliana would pick her up and bring her back home tomorrow around late morning.

    Beck also stayed another night, to help Vanessa more and just to keep her company, he really loved each and every moment around her.

    Final Goodbye.
    The girls got up with Vanessa to help cook and bake a couple of things. They worked hard but also merrily chatted and sung Winterfest songs while going about their task.

    It was a great moment, one of those serene times where you look back on when you smell a cookie or pancakes later on in life.

    I did not get a pic of the pancakes but they were kitty shaped and these are rainbow heart cookies both are CC recipes.

    IDK about this expression from Vanessa is for, I think it is because Beck shoved the whole cookie in his mouth at once or lol the absents of plates and her thinking of all the crumbs on the table xD.

    She calmed down in this one though lol

    Rainbow's expression after finishing the cookie, she is in bliss, what a sugar monster she is! xD

    Before she had to go, Rainbow had Hazel's Winterfest present to give her,
    "Member, last time? I said I would and here it is, hope you really enjoy it, Hazelnut."

    "Th-Thank you Rain-bow, thanks so much."
    Hazel sniffled tears welling in her eyes, it just hit her that Rainbow would be leaving and that of course left her awfully sad.

    "Here, I remembered and I have a present for you, too."

    "Oooooo~ I love surprises, thank you so much, Hazel."

    The two embraced, knowing they'd see each other again very soon, for new years.

    While they were hugging, Vanessa and Beck greeted Juliana inviting her to have a cookie and a drink, from the drive up here.
    (Julie is Max's pregnant girlfriend, they have an amazing relationship only rivaled by how well -now- that Rainbow and Julie get along.)

    Juliana accepted gratefully but of course greeted Rainbow very lovingly with a big warm hug.

    After her snack and wrapping up the rest of the cookies to share with the other Stone members, Juliana and Vanessa got to know each other a bit more. They found they had a mutual friend in common, Nayeli, who was getting married soon to Terrence so they'd both be at the wedding how nice. The two naturally hit it off as well just easing in and out of topics to chat about.

    The two girls shared one more goodbye for now, they are such deep best friends and maybe unaware or not, will grow or is growing to become more.

    After Rainbow and Juliana left and Hazel went upstairs to do some journal writing and art, Vanessa and Beck celebrated their successful trip with one very passionate kiss!

    That is the end of their snowy escape!

    Thanks for reading and happy simming! :)
    Post edited by Lyrie on
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    Metior_IceMetior_Ice Posts: 3,113 Member
    I’m so happy I found this thread! I will be following the updates now!
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    BlueSeaWavesBlueSeaWaves Posts: 4,586 Member
    Everyone in their sleeping bag look adorable. Good on Rainbow! I'm proud of her response too. Sweet reunions with the parents ☺️
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    LyrieLyrie Posts: 881 Member
    @Metior_Ice Glad you found you're way here! Good to see you too!! I caught up on your new start to Dylan and Zephyr and love them as usual! You're imagination and lore for them continues to amaze me greatly! I need to read your recent post will see you in you're thread soon! :)

    @BlueSeaWaves You may comment where-ever you like, I know you do a big group of them in the WHIYGT so there is okay too. :) Thank you so glad we are getting the real deal of sleeping bags soon! Thank you! It was a bit of set up bringing each parent there but it is what would happen right heh!

    Thanks to whoever else who came and read!
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    LyrieLyrie Posts: 881 Member
    edited March 9
    Hello Simmers!

    Here is a new update with some activity after the snow escape vacation and Winterfest Eve!

    The Adlers:
    A Wish
    Father Winter was at a winterfest lot and taking special winterfest wishes for those little sims that lived in Willow Creek, Hazel wanted to go as the holiday was very close and she had a special wish to share.

    Hazel's heart beat fast, she had a million wishes spiraling in her head.

    I wish daddy would get better.
    I wish Vanessa would not be so stressed.
    I wish Rainbow would to to school with me, or move by me, or me move by her.
    I wish....

    But then her mind circled back to what Vanessa said to her on the way here in the car.

    "Hazel sweetie, for you special wish, wish for something you desire, not for anyone else."
    "I know that things you wish for others is selfless but sometimes, it won't come true because those wishes need to fixed by them, no matter how powerful Father Winter's magic is, understand?"

    Hazel had let it soak inward for some quiet moments before answering.

    "Yes I do understand, hey Nessa, what would be your special wish?"

    "For you to be selfless for yourself and wish something just that you want, sweetie, that would be my wish."

    Leaning up to whisper in Father Winter's ear, Hazel spoke her wish, free of any big worries and for herself since she had been the best sim she could be.

    "Do-do you think um you could do that?"
    Hazel asked this very shyly.

    "Of course my dear, just keep believing and behaving and your Winterfest wish will come true."

    Hazel smiled and they took a picture together, and then Hazel and Vanessa went to get a hot coco before heading to the next location.

    Later, they met Declan at the ice skating rink to have some fun since Hazel had not seen him much since the snowy escape trip, he decided to stay longer at his brother's house and would of course come for Winterfest and come home completely after new years eve.

    The time spent was very fun for all of them, after they skated some more, they all got some hot coco to enjoy before they split ways to go home~.

    Winterfest Eve!
    Well this is a picture to show a happy Winterfest Eve...

    Well, I don't know what Declan's issue is, but Rod does not like his dad (Tucker the one in the with black hair) he used to be close to his dad but the man started picking on him when he became a teen, so their relationship is really low.

    It is pretty sad and I have no idea what Tuckers deal is, he is never like that too Vanessa or his wife or Hazel ugh don't tell me it is a "guy" thing right? -.-.

    Anyways, the ladies were having a great time over where they were, chatting and fist pumping the goodness of the ham feast that Vanessa and Rachel made (the sim in the short sleeved shirt).

    After eating the food, the Eos and Adler Family gather around singing Winterfest Carols which they all did enjoy even if they sounded a bit off and overlapped each other, it is the merriment that matters not always the sound.

    Vanessa came to kiss Rod goodnight, this was her baby half brother after all, she cared for him and was worried, he was not doing the best in school and even if Vanessa loved them, she could admit, his parents -hers too- were very unmotivated and stuck in their ways which were not the best.

    For right now, near the holidays, she wanted to give a little more affection and let Roddy know, she was there to talk or help, she would try to reach out more, and he could too.

    Hazel was brimming with excitement as she was led up to bed by Vanessa that night, they had made those cookies and Hazel had poured the milk with care for father winter.

    Hazel's Thoughts: I think that is too many cookies but he could have a couple and take some home to Mother Winter if he wants! Soon Winterfest will be here!

    The Stones:
    A Day of Fun!
    Rainbow was so excited to tell her aunt Lilith about everything on the snow escape trip!
    Lilith is a children book writer and also childish at heart so she and Rainbow get along great more like sisters.

    That afternoon, the family went out to the local arcade for some fun!
    These two aunties and their niece played a short but great bowling game, Mckenna won, but she kinda lost in a sense, because she was trying to evade Rainbow a bit, since she knew the little girl was going to chatter her up, big time about her snowy vacation, so she had to endure, as family members do, she loves Rainbow to pieces but that child can talk!

    Julia could not bowl, so she and Max had sat and watched a bit cheering, but then went up to play some video games together, a couple that games together, stays together~

    Julia had to leave for her job, she is a hostess, and before the Stone's headed home, Rainbow wanted to sing a song, it was so cute, they all gathered together autonomously to watch and cheer for her!

    This picture is simple because Rainbow is adorable, that is all.

    Later, the Stones met up with Matty Zest, (the black haired sim), he invited Mckenna and family out to eat for a meal, Mckenna was happy to see her boyfriend.

    It was really nice to spend the day with each twins, girlfriend/boyfriend :).

    Everyone loved their meal and I forgot to mention, Matty Zest is also Lilith's (Black blue haired sim) uncle, so they had some nice family time together.

    Winterfest Eve!
    HAPPY WINTERFEST EVE, lol well it is hard to tell in Oasis Springs but Max wanted to grill up some food to make for their get together with Lilith's uncles, Matty and Angel Zest and his family later on.

    The Stone siblings (Max, Mckenna, and Lilith) did not live an easy upbringing so they try to volunteer at least once a month and especially on holidays, Winterfest is very special to all of them.

    After they got back, the family decided to whip up some more food for their guest later.

    Later still, Julia came over earlier before the party and helped craft a few sweet things and Rainbow was all about helping with that too, along with Lilith!

    Everyone had a wonderful dinner party even Father Winter himself showed up a little early and had some good food! xD
    He did give each toddler and Rainbow, Lilith and Wayne (Not in the pic) a early present~

    Before bed other some winterfest cake, Max reminded Rainbow to set out the cookies, milk and card she made Father Winter! Rainbow eagerly agreed.

    This was a really cute decor item by Ravasheen that I wanted to try out but don't worry, Father Winter does get real cookies!

    Thanks for reading next time, the big day, Winterfest! :blush:
    Post edited by Lyrie on
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    haneulhaneul Posts: 1,954 Member
    I'm glad that everyone is having mostly happy holidays. Rainbow is adorable and she handles Illana so well. :) I like how close Hazel and Matt are too, but it's a bit sad that they bond over having problematic fathers. I hope Winterfest Day goes at least as well as Winterfest Eve.
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    BlueSeaWavesBlueSeaWaves Posts: 4,586 Member
    @Lyrie Lovely update!
    Hehe thanks, I’ll keep it in mind. I don’t usually go explore outside the WHIYGT thread, but it's nice to change it up. 😁 Aww Nessa’s wish❤️ Hazels blouse is adorable! Hot coco after skiing sounds delicious. Haha, love this line “singing Winterfest Carols which they all did enjoy even if they sounded a bit off and overlapped each other, it is the merriment that matters not always the sound.” Very true. The cookies and milk left out for Father Winter is so sweet. Julia and Max gaming together, that line is also very true. Aw Rainbow, cute shot. Looks like the holidays went well for everyone, how sweet!
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