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What happened in your sims 3 game today?


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    texanskytexansky Posts: 1,347 Member


    Go for it. I've enjoyed seeing what you have recreated.

    Your work may inspire others in their own builds. There are many who don't like to use CC, but there are those that do, and you could provide them with a new source for content.
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    He friends. Y'all ready for more of the story? :mrgreen:

    It might look like these two highlights are longer than the previous three, but...there's a couple of events that involved these couples that needed to be shown before the end of the story. :)

    Aaaand...okay...I've decided to break the two couples highlights up into separate posts simply because of picture content. There's a lot! :p Enjoy the first! The next one will follow shortly! :star:

    Pelican Town to Sims Town
    Continuation of Chapter 19

    When Sebastian and Abigail weren’t doing band stuff with Sam, they’d play video games, “chillax,” sometimes attend the android’s plays at the theater, make-out backstage afterward, and go on long motorcycle rides. And of course they found plenty of ways to have fun with Abigail’s magic.


    One time they were snickering about a dream Abigail recently had about “Toadifiying” Haley. Sebastian could just picture it…




    As hilarious as that would’ve been to do to her a few months ago - heck, especially back in high school - Abigail expressed to Sebastian that she wouldn’t have the heart to do it to Haley now, even as a joke. Maybe someday, when everyone in Pelican Town was comfortable with magic again, she could prank Haley with it, with Sam on board, and the four of them would get a good laugh out of it; as best friends. All she had to do was start off by telling Haley she found a spell for an instant full body tan - which was true - and go from there. It would be a hoot!

    One day when the weather felt warm enough, Sebastian and Abigail pulled out the “slip n slide;” it being a favorite pastime activity of theirs. In fact, it was the very activity that introduced them to each other as kids.




    “Wee!” Abigail squealed, sliding on her belly the second time around.


    Then there was an “Oof” as her head and shoulders crashed into Sebastian’s legs.


    “SEB! What are you doing!?”
    “Oh, sorry!” Sebastian grimaced down at her. “I was trying to get some water out of my ears.”
    “Well you coulda moved over to the side to do that…”
    “Well I didn’t know you were gonna slide that quickly after me…”

    They might have engaged in a tiny little argument there, but made up rather quickly.


    At the Spring Festival when they gave the “Love Inspector” a go, their result lit up the heart at the top.


    Uncontrollable: Such raw energy - you remind Love Inspector of a beautiful, uninhibited night that Love Inspector shared with Claw Machine.

    That made them burst out laughing. (Not really wanting to entertain any thoughts on that…) What an odd machine!

    Sebastian couldn’t help demonstrating that “raw energy” in front of the Love Inspector by throwing his lips onto Abigail’s and gripping her buttcheek at the same time.


    “Oooh!” Abigail squeaked for a second. “Control yourself Seb…,” she winked. “We’re in public.”
    “You heard the Love Inspector, I can’t control it,” he playfully retorted.
    Giggling, she kissed him again; maybe gripping his buttcheek in return.

    And somehow the heart at the top lit up again.


    The two engaged in most of the activities the other’s did, except for riding the mechanical bull. Sebastian always wanted to try that out and had a blast doing it! Even if Abigail watched with nervousness written all over her face.




    And of course he got bucked off in the manner that she was afraid of.


    “You okay?” she tenderly asked, carefully helping him up onto his feet.
    “Yeeeah…I just need to sit down for a minute. Feeling kinda dizzy…”
    “Guess now is the perfect time to grab some lunch, eh? Or maybe…no?”
    “No, yeah. Lunch is good.” Comfort food sounded really good right about now.

    After that the two goofed around in the giant water fountain for a bit before going home.



    That evening, Abigail tossed and turned in her bed, in and out of consciousness.

    She suddenly found herself inside the Wizard’s tower, standing a few feet away from him. Rasmodius turned from his bubbling cauldron, his cape swaying to the side from some mysterious force, and held a pleased look on his face.

    Welcome back, my daughter. You have completed the quest.

    Hearing him call her his daughter made Abigail’s heart swell with joy and love. She couldn't help running towards him and jumping right into his outstretched arms, feeling the warmth of his body against hers. As they held each other tightly for a few seconds, he whispered into her ear, “It's not time yet…”

    Confused, she broke their embrace to look him in the eye, and once she did…he and the cauldron turned to smoke and vanished. She then found herself being thrown a hundred thousand miles an hour backward into…the stars? Oblivion?


    Her racing heart awoke her with a start, her eyes darting around the room as her chest rose and fell. She recognized her surroundings instantly. It was her bedroom in Appaloosa. “We’re still here,” she whispered. Maru sleeping soundly in the bed next to her also confirmed it.

    “We’re gonna return home soon,” she whispered again, contemplating the dream, with conflicting emotions, as her breathing slowed to a normal pace. “I can feel it.”

    Because of that she felt to visit her dear ghostly, Appaloosian friend Donna one last time…to say goodbye.

    Normally Abigail didn’t believe in “Goodbyes.” It was always, “See you later.” But in this case though, with Donna, there was no “see you later.” When they leave Appaloosa it will be for good, never to return. It was becoming a hard thing for Abigail to accept. She felt terrible for not visiting Donna in so long - pretty much since she hooked up with Sebastian - and she knew that if she didn’t take a moment to say goodbye she would painfully regret it forever when they did finally return home.

    The following evening, Sebastian accompanied her to the graveyard so that he could meet Donna as she wished, before saying goodbye.

    She placed a beautiful bouquet of fresh picked flowers on Donna’s grave just before sunset to help encourage her appearance. “Please come and see me Donna,” she implored, trying not to get too emotional. “I’ll be here, waiting for you.”


    And that’s just what she and Sebastian did until it got dark.


    Donna appeared about an hour after dusk and Abigail’s eyes lit up. Sebastian on the other hand, felt a bit creeped out. He’d never seen a ghost before.


    Abigail comforted him as they stood up from the bench to greet Donna as she floated closer towards them.

    “You came!” Abigail happily expressed, giving Donna a tight air hug.
    “Of course,” Donna answered. “Your soul was pulling greatly at my spirit. It was a lovely surprise.”


    Throwing her current thoughts on that aside for now, Abigail said, “There’s somebody I want you to meet,” and turned, beckoning a timid Sebastian forward. “My boyfriend and love of my life, Sebastian. He goes by Seb for short.”
    Donna broadly smiled as she held out her hand. “Nice to meet you, Seb.”
    “It’s a pleasure to meet you too Donna,” Sebastian greeted in return, shaking her invisible hand. “Abby’s told me a lot about you.”


    Donna swooned, giggling like the teenager that she was and turned towards Abigail whispering, “He’s cute! Way to go!”
    Sebastian of course overheard and it made his cheeks blush.

    The three talked together for a little bit, Donna mostly getting to know Sebastian.


    Until Abigail kindly asked him if she could have a moment alone with Donna. He complied with a nod and stepped away to go check out the Mausoleum.

    “I’m sorry I haven’t visited in a while,” Abigail finally expressed.
    “It’s alright. Really,” Donna assured, feeling her emotions. “I can see why…” She smirked.
    Abigail chuckled, but it soon faded. “So umm…How’ve you been?”


    The girl shrugged. “Good, I guess. Same old, same old. Continually wondering when I’ll get to see my family’s posterity again.”
    “Yeah about that…,” Abigail lowered her head, picking at a nail. “It might be pretty soon.”
    She raised her head. “I had this dream, or maybe it was a vision, who knows, about returning home and it just left me with this feeling like it’s going to happen soon. So, that’s why I wanted to see you. To say goodbye…”

    Now Donna could really feel Abigail’s emotions, and there were many. "Abby..."

    “I just wanted to say,” Abigail continued, with a hint of a choke, “thank you. Thank you for your encouragement in helping me discover my true self. For being there for me, when no one else was.”
    “Oh Abby,” Donna began, getting emotional herself, “I really didn’t do much, but thank you for your kind words. I’m glad you’ve found yourself and your destiny here. And true love even,” she gestured her head towards Sebastian. “There’s no greater gift in all the universe. I am very happy for you.”


    “Thank you,” she paused to wipe away the incoming tears. “You’re the most ‘unique’ friend I’ve ever had…and I’ll never forget you.”
    “I’ll never forget you either Abby,” the girl soberly said, hugging Abigail again. A few tears were shed.

    After the final “Goodbye” and Donna floated away, Abigail turned into Sebastian’s warm embrace and cried into his chest for a long moment as he caressed her back. He hadn’t seen her cry like this in a while, but it was understandable.

    “I hate goodbyes…,” she sobbed.
    “I know you do…,” he soothed.


    “Is it wrong of me to not want to go home?”
    Sebastian drew back and studied her face for a moment.


    “I mean, yes, I miss my parents and I really want to see the Wizard again, but,” she emotionally swallowed, holding her hand to her chest, “the peace I’ve felt here…the freedom to be myself…I don’t want that to go away. Because it will when we return…”
    Sebastian lowered his eyes. “For a time maybe, yes,” he sadly had to acknowledge, “but–”
    “And then there’ll be the dilemma between my three parents and I just…,” she shook her head, “I dunno if I can handle the outcome if it’s not what I wish it to be.”
    “I know,” he soothed again, wiping away one of her tears. “But remember, you’re not going to face all that alone. You’re going to have me. Right there beside you. Always.”

    Abigail looked up at him with loving appreciation. It felt good to be reminded of when her fear would so often make her forget. “Still, part of me wishes we could stay here…just so we can avoid it all…”


    “I have a feeling that our absence has caused some changes over there; changes for our benefit. And babe,” he added with a promising assurance, “It’ll become that same Pelican Town your real dad and mom fell in love in, especially with the trails you and I are going to be blazing.” He lovingly smiled. “Nothing’s gonna stop us. All will be made right. We’ll live out our life together, with little kids running rampant around the house that possess magic like their mom, without any fear. We'll have peace and happiness, for the rest of our lives. You'll see.”


    “Yes!” Abigail sniffed with a bright grin, her faith renewed. “We will!” She threw her arms around him again and kissed him deeply. “Oh how I love you Sebby! That's exactly what I want! Thank you.”


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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,934 Member
    edited June 2022
    @polrbear @bekkasan and anyone else

    Don't forget this thread I started in this forum for your builds. It is another place for us to showcase our builds. If you've built something and would like to add it to the thread and I haven't made a category for it yet then let me know and I'll add the category you need.
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    edited June 2022
    Here's the second part! :grin: Enjoy!

    Pelican Town to Sims Town
    Continuation of Chapter 19

    Apart from being all over each other in their new relationship, Sam and Haley just did whatever they felt like doing each day, never making any plans, only making memories together.

    One day they were feeling nostalgic…wishing to relive a moment in their Appaloosa past where the spark of their attraction for each other pretty much ignited.

    Hand in hand they raced out the sliding glass door into the backyard garden area, heading straight for the sprinklers. They dorked and frolicked around them for a bit.



    “You know,” Haley began to Sam, amidst all the fun, “I kinda miss that cute, ginchy boy you used to be.” She winked with a smirk.
    “Kinda.” She playfully joked, sticking her tongue out.
    “So…,” Sam spread his arms out, “if I happen to lose this hot bod I worked so hard to gain…you’ll still love me?”


    Haley paused for a moment, giving him a lovingly sincere expression. “Of course I will.”


    “Yeah right…,” Sam dismissed, teasing her a little.
    Haley huffed as her jaw dropped, playing along. “Excuse me? You don’t trust me!? I’m offended!”
    “It has nothing to do with trust, I just know what you - former miss popular girl in high school - prefer in a guy.”
    “Do you?” She folded her arms with a pointed look. “Do you really?
    He shrugged with a look of confidence.
    “Maybe you should ask my sister, or even Penny, what I’ve said about your hot self in the past. Even before we came here.” She smirked again.
    That threw Sam for a loop. “You had the hots for me back home!?” He widely grinned.
    “Maaaybe,” she grinned back. “It was only you and Alex that I thought were hot though. All the other boys were eww!”

    In a pleasurable surprise, the sp'iky-haired man placed his hands on his hips and gave her almost the same loving look she previously gave him. “Well I’ll be darned…”

    Haley’s cheeks blushed brightly. “C'mon, let's get wet some more. I’m still expecting a hard, wet butt slap from you…maybe a few,” she bounced her eyebrows at him, her eyes gleaming with seduction.
    “Oh you got it sexy babe!” Sam exclaimed, raising his palm at the ready.



    Lately the two had been performing songs together, one of them being a new one Sam wrote for the band. (With help from Haley actually.) Haley sang the lyrics for him, hoping she could one day be a part of the band in that regard.


    I’m a nightmare,
    A disaster,
    That’s what they always said.
    I’m a lost cause,
    Not a hero,
    But I’ll make it on my own.


    I’m gonna prove them wrong!

    Me against the world!*



    As much as Sam tried to be encouraging and supportive towards her singing, it was, unfortunately, not her best talent. Grimaces slipped through his suppression attempts one too many times when she would hit certain notes. Haley obviously noticed.


    However, it didn’t hurt her feelings too much. She knew she wasn’t the best singer, and as much as she was disappointed in not being able to be a part of her boyfriend’s band, she swiftly let it go. “At least I tried.” Sam was a much better singer anyway. Heck, he was the best at everything musical to her.

    “Aww, sorry babe,” Sam expressed, taking her into a hug and giving her a sympathy kiss.
    “It’s okay…,” she sighed. Then her eyes lit up, a brainwave sparking. “Wait! Maybe I can be a part of the band in another way! Like, be your PR Rep or something. I am a pretty good photographer after all…,” she trailed off with a proud look.


    Sam’s smile widened. “That’s a fantastic idea! I dunno why I didn’t think of it before. You’d seriously be the perfect PR Rep with your skills and personality!”
    “I know!”
    “Then it’s official! You’re our PR Rep.”
    She giggled. "I'll get your band in the limelight in no time...just you wait and see."
    "Oh I don't doubt it!"
    They kissed again.

    When the two attended the Spring Festival it was their turn to try out the “Love Inspector.”


    Hot Stuff: Please do not kiss near Love Inspector - Love Inspector was constructed from cheap, highly flammable materials.

    “Umm…okay then,” Sam chuckled - along with Haley - at that last part; both not sure exactly what to think about it.


    “I thought the results were gonna be super LAME!” Haley expressed. “But you sure are hot stuff…” She turned to him with that seductive look in her eye.
    “No, you’re the hot one babe,” Sam corrected. “Wanna kiss in front of it to see if it will actually catch on fire from our burning love?” He grinned with bouncing eyebrows.
    “Totally! But…maybe we should step away from it a little bit? Like this.” She didn’t want her hair, or rather them, getting singed.


    “Aww, it didn’t catch on fire…,” Haley moaned afterward.
    “It’s all good,” Sam comforted. “It’s a stupid machine anyway…

    …guess that didn’t make it catch on fire either.”
    Once again he made Haley laugh, as he often did.

    After that, they stumbled upon an odd looking contraption to which Sam offered to investigate first for safety. Some instructions were engraved on an inconspicuous part of it that were a little hard to read.

    “Wow. Ok. So, it’s some kind of gravitational endurance thingy that spins you around one way and then the opposite and you have to try to keep your balance through it all. It's called a Gyroscopic Dance Sphere.”
    Sam then stepped into the sphere. “Man this is gonna be SICK!” he declared with excitement after getting his hands and feet in position and watching the metal rings close in around him.
    “Be careful Sammy…”
    “Don’t worry. I got this!”


    For a good five minutes Sam managed to keep his grip and stay upright whichever way the sphere turned. (He set the speed to medium.) He attributed his stamina to all the strength training he had been doing in the past few months.


    The electrical sparks that randomly flashed for no apparent reason might’ve made him and Haley feel a little nervous. But it was epically fun!


    Until the moment Sam lost his grip and got fumbled around like a guinea pig inside its play ball rolling down a rocky hill before it finally stopped.

    “That was…ow…not pleasant,” he groaned.
    “OMG! Are you okay!?” Haley cried, racing to his aid.


    Once she knew Sam was alright she insisted on trying out the "gyro-sphere" for herself. It looked like way too much fun not to, and she figured she might never get the chance to try something like it again. Sam didn’t think it was a good idea and cautioned her, but she assured him she’d be fine just as he did her. “I’ll set it to the slowest speed okay?”


    Haley seriously underestimated how hard it was to hang on and keep her balance.


    But got the hang of it in no time.


    "WOO HOO!" she cheered.



    “Heeeey,” Sam greeted with bouncing eyebrows at her dangling breasts in the current position the sphere held her in. He was greatly hoping they would pop out of her top - oopsie! - but he wasn’t going to say it.


    Eventually Haley’s poor limbs gave out and she crash landed almost as hard as Sam did. He did his best to stop the sphere before she got fumbled around too badly.


    “Ugh…I think my back is broken,” she groaned, lying on the hard ground.


    “You’re exaggerating right?” Sam asked with great concern. “Please tell me you’re exaggerating.”
    “Of course I’m exaggerating Sam! Ohhhh, it just hurts to move a little…”
    “It’s okay,” Sam soothed, crouching down to pick her up. “I gotcha.”
    Haley’s heart swooned at the gesture.

    He offered to carry her anywhere she wished, and do whatever she wished.


    What she wished for was some shade and him…lying his head in her lap and playing songs on his guitar for her.

    "You got it," he granted.



    When the sun began to set on the day, for “funzies” Haley decided to take over the kissing booth for the males since the lady android left her post for whatever reason.


    Of course Sam was the first to step forward and get a kiss from her.


    Little did either of them know that someone was on his way to kiss the android woman at the booth, but halted when he saw it was Haley instead.


    Haley instantly stopped the kiss when she noticed him, looking down in awkwardness. Sam turned his head to see why she had. Oh. Alex.
    “Guess I should leave the booth now,” she whispered.
    “Guess so,” Sam agreed. “You go on ahead. I’ll catch up with you in a minute.”
    She gave him a questionable look, but he gestured with his head for her to go anyway. He would explain later.

    Once Haley was gone, Sam slapped his hands into his pockets and blew out a breath as he turned towards the tall, ever muscular figure still standing behind him. He and Alex hadn't spoken a word to each other since the fight and he wondered if this was a good time to fix that. Only one way to find out.

    “‘Sup Alex,” he casually asked while moseying forward. “Need something?”
    “Not really,” came the reply. “Where’d that android chick go? I thought I’d come over and give her a kiss. She looked pretty cute.”
    “Yeah she’s over there dancing by herself for some reason,” Sam answered, carefully approaching and stopping beside him.
    “Hmm…guess I’ll catch her later then.”


    An uncomfortable silence ensued, both distracting themselves from it by watching the lady android dance - her physique indeed fine to look at - with one expecting the other to walk away, but they didn’t. Perhaps Alex was feeling the same way he was, Sam thought.

    “‘Dancin’ with myseeeelf…,’” Sam couldn’t help singing in regards to the female android. It made him happy that Alex chuckled at it.
    “Seriously though! Who dances all by themselves, doing the same moves, on the same square, with a permanent smile on their face? I think she might be malfunctioning…”
    Alex chuckled again.
    “Well,” Sam sighed, somewhat extending an olive branch, “at least it’s nice to know that if you stay in the friendzone with Maru, there’s a pretty android you can hook up with when you feel lonely.”
    “Shut up,” Alex uttered, playfully bumping Sam’s shoulder with his fist.
    “I’m just sayin’! I sure didn’t think I had that luxury when Maru dissed me after our first kiss.”


    “You were never meant to be with her,” Alex stated rather abruptly, which he honestly didn’t mean to do. He quickly composed himself. “Just like…I was never meant to be with Haley,” he concluded, finally turning to Sam with a meaningful look in his eye.
    Sam met his gaze, giving a nod of acknowledgement, feeling the words he couldn’t speak.

    They both turned their gaze back to the lady android again, noticing the android security guard joining her on the dance floor, but she paid him no mind.

    “I still can’t believe you kicked my a$$ in that fight…”
    “Me neither!” Sam laughed.
    Alex sighed. “Guess it's because I deserved it…”
    “Wellll…,” Sam hesitated to voice his agreement, digging at the ground with the tip of his shoe.
    “Look, it's okay if you say it. We both know I did, and I was wrong, so…sorry for being a je'rk. We cool?”
    Sam cracked a smile at him with gladness. “Yeah. We're cool.”

    In the distance, Maru had been watching the two converse and her smile grew brighter and brighter at every interaction. She could see everything was good between them now and she couldn’t have been more proud of her two guy friends. Especially Alex.




    Guess that just leaves...Maru and Alex now huh? :smirk::p

    More to come later. :kissing_heart:

    A/N: *The song Sam "wrote" was not written by me, it's a real song by Simple Plan. :) I could totally picture it being one Sam would write. 👍 If any of you recognized the song right away by reading the lyrics, you are awesome! :star:;) Enjoy!
    "Me Against the World" - Simple Plan

    The results from the Love Inspector have been awesome to read and share in the story! :lol: I wasn't sure if the machine would catch fire if Sam and Haley kissed in front of it so of course I had to try it. :p Is it wrong of me that I was a little disappointed that it didn't? 🤪 Do any of y'all know if it sometimes will?

    I didn't notice until it was too late that Sam and Alex are totally looking in the *wrong* direction of the dance floor during their chat - creating an inconsistency to the text, which I try my *very* best to avoid in my stories - but...oh well! :p In my haste to finish the story, "ain't nobody got time to fix that!"
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member

    It's so quiet I can hear pins dropping. :grin:
    It's summer! Everyone is busy with fun summer stuff right? Hmmm, I guess those on the opposite side of the world are having fall/winter though. That can be fun too. I'm working on my next update in Mary's story, but am also working today so not sure how much will get done.

    @mrcnlbyrk Welcome. Congrats on saving your sim. Hope they enjoy uni!

    @MemoriiValentine It took about 6 months to makeover or create the ones I use for my Supernatural save. I would work on a family at a time in between doing the buildings.

    @polrbear I have several threads in creative corner for stories and building. It's great for keeping your stuff organized so you don't have to hunt something down on a bigger thread.

    @Karritz I always forget about those threads of yours and others that showcase builds. I have one of my own just to keep my pics organized so I don't have to hunt through this one.

    @emorrill Awesome updates! Comments on your story thread.

    Silly cat! I gotta go back in that save and fix that plant that is growing through the wall. :lol:
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,801 Member
    Sorry I haven't been on here lately, real life and work have been keeping me busy. I don't know when I'll be able to do any commenting since I've got a lot of hours coming up at work, but I will just have to see. I do have a couple updates from a few weeks ago that I need to post, but I'm not sure when I can do that either. I did take time out after work to go see "Elvis" in the movie theater. I thought Austin Butler did an amazing job as Elvis, and Tom Hanks didn't do too bad playing Colonel Tom Parker either. They rushed through a few parts of Elvis' life, but that is to be expected when you are just doing a movie. I'd definitely recommend seeing it. Anyway, that's all the time I have right now, I have to get ready to head to work in about 45 minutes.
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    TurjanTurjan Posts: 1,717 Member
    edited June 2022
    @Silverofdreams30 I certainly won't try a "no true Scotsman" argument, but even if you don't celebrate midsommar "so much", it's about 100% more than what we celebrate here :wink: . I hope you had at least some fun, and enjoy the summer.

    @bekkasan Thanks, and don't expect much from that "mystery". I use the scare quotes for a reason :lol: . Anyway, let's hope you get somewhat inspired.
    Nice feeder pic. I guess, in a different location, it should fit four pets. As four pets would probably drive me crazy, I wouldn't know.
    Great update of your story. Good the evidence is secured, and yes, that was fast thinking of Damien. Good he wasn't distracted too much :smile: .
    It's so quiet I can hear pins dropping.
    Yeah, I guess it is. I will probably become even quieter. I have an unlimited public transport ticket for the whole country and a ticket that gives me free entry to 338 great to decent destinations (everything from old abbeys, a Roman town, castles, cable cars to mountain tops, water parks, museums, a Danube journey, etc.), so I plan on making that at least somewhat worthwhile.

    @emorrill :lol: Nice how you incorporated the toadification pic. I guess that was some unplanned autonomous action?
    Now I'm waiting for the "Love inspector should be paying you for showing him what real love looks like", or something like that (is from memory). And no, never saw anyone catch fire.
    Good for Sam and Alex that they got that sorted out, [rubbing it in] even if it was without pictures of bekkasan's simself dancing [/rubbing it in]. Other than that: lots of happy couple time :smile:.
    I don't really have much to show, so a few random assorted pics without much of a theme.

    First, here's the lot in Riverview I considered moving Billy's house to. There's not much to see, but at least it's an open view to the sea and no neighbors looking in.
    This is Billy with Hannah and Aiden Jones, who live in the Remington house.
    They are all adults by now, and both are big families. The kids are also friends with each other and visit each other all the time.
    In the Remington house, everything is like always. I had to play them for a while, because, under SP's guidance, they couldn't afford their home.
    Speaking of kids, Shirley's and Billy's oldest two kids just became teenagers when I left that save.
    The babysitter came around even just for visits.
    Btw, this here is the Oscar who stars in karritz's long-going series.
    I had also made Hunter Cottoneye a somewhat more palatable part of the community, when everyone else had lots of kids. Sometimes, I need a break from changing virtual diapers and reading bedtime stories.
    But yeah, ultimately, I went back to Bridgeport. Here are two more pics of Nellie and Arthur at home.
    Ethan is also still around, here with Elektra. He's a full adult at the moment, while several of his children already died from old age. He's just good at fishing, gardening and cooking :smile: .
    Anyway, that's it for the moment. Have a good weekend, everybody.
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    edited June 2022
    I haven't felt like posting lately.Just been playing my game.

    Derek: Finally, got some alone time with you.I have something
    important to ask you.
    Elizabeth: Well, I'm all ears.What is it?

    Elizabeth: Its getting late, I'm tired..
    Derek: Just a second..

    Derek: Will you marry me?
    Elizabeth: This isn't some sort of publicity stunt is it, like
    the one you and Peter pulled in the beginning.
    Derek's heart nearly stopped.How did she know about that?
    Derek: What are you talking about.
    Elizabeth: Don't lie...I know.

    Elizabeth: Running to apologize to me just to make yourself look
    good? Real charming Derek.
    Derek: ...How..
    Elizabeth: At least Peter finally manned up and told me.-held up letter-
    Derek: Elizabeth...
    Elizabeth: Don't worry,I'm not leaving you.. You've changed, but just
    thought you should know I know...
    Derek: I'm sorry...I can't take back what I've done..

    Derek: I can show you that I love you though...
    Elizabeth: And I'll gladly say yes.

    next morning....

    Derek: Elizabeth, who is this?
    Elizabeth: This is my new manager, Jonathan.I sold my contract
    to him.
    Jonathan: Hello, I'm Jonathan.I'll be working with Elizabeth now.
    Derek: I'm Derek.Elizabeth's FIANCE.
    Elizabeth rolled her eyes. Derek just had to make that known..


    Jonathan: Question for you Elizabeth, how much do you think it would
    take for me to pay Derek to call your engagement off?
    Derek was just approaching as Jonathan asked this ridiculous question.
    Derek: How about good smack upside your head before I throw you into
    the street.
    Elizabeth: What kind of question is that?!
    Jonathan: Its just you would get more fans if the young men knew you were
    Derek: Not gonna happen. I'm not particularly fond of you.
    Jonathan: I'm sorry if you feel that way, but this is a business discussion.
    Elizabeth: Its not gonna happen.So you can think of another way.

    Derek: There you are. Let's go out tonight.
    Elizabeth; Sorry, Derek.I can't Jonathan booked me tonight.
    Derek: Again? That's every night now...Elizabeth, you're gonna
    work yourself to death.
    Elizabeth: Stop being so paranoid.I'm fine.

    Elizabeth:There's a calm surrender, through the rush a day.An enchanted
    moment and it sees me through.Its enough for this restless warrior just
    to be with you.

    Elizabeth: Can you feel the love tonight, it is where we are....
    Its enough for this wide eyed wander, that we got this this far.

    Elizabeth: There's a time for everyone, if they only learn, that
    the twisting kaleidoscope moves us all in turn. There's a rhyme and reason
    to the wild outdoors, when the heart of this star crossed voyager beats
    in time with yours.

    Jonathan: She's perfect...

    Joanthan: You were perfect.Another venue would like you to perform
    tonight.Are you up to it?
    Derek: That's where I draw the line...She needs rest, you can't just
    keep her performing all night..
    Elizabeth: Derek...stop
    Derek: No, I won't, frankly I don't like this gentleman.
    Jonathan: Here's the address, we'll talk when someone calms down.

    Elizabeth: You really are something else aren't you.
    Derek: Me? You're the one who is becoming obsessed with your career.
    You barely even sleep anymore..I'm not going to let him do that to you.
    You're busy thanking everyone else, but have you ever thanked me?
    Elizabeth; I see what it is, your ego is hurt because you aren't getting praised
    like your used to.
    Derek: He's giving you a serious attitude.

    Derek: Where are you going?
    Elizabeth: To my next show...if you don't like it, you can go home.
    Derek: Fine,I will.

    Derek:Are you okay?...You look exhausted.
    Elizabeth: Absolutely.
    Derek: Please come get rest...
    Elizabeth; Fine, if it will make you feel better

    Elizabeth: Oh...I'm a little lightheaded.

    Elizabeth ended up passing out from exhaustion.

    Derek: Where is he?!
    Post edited by GraceyManor on
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,218 Member

    I had a nice day, did not go out and dance around the
    midsummer pole but played bingo at home :), ate some strawberries
    which are obligatory during midsummer hehe.

    Great update


    I have been sorting off ugly cc from my game.
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    MamaSimTeeMamaSimTee Posts: 963 Member
    The past few days have been busy. I played my RL TTRPG game last night.

    Escaping the madness right now with some SIM time shortly.
    <insert inspiring comment here> :)
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    ZhakiraPZhakiraP Posts: 1,439 Member
    edited June 2022

    Legacy family Crumplebottom-Helgason in Aurora Skies:
    3:d generation brothers (plus Albin) is throwing a pool party while on summer holiday in Sunset Valley. They came with grand mother Agnes Crumplebottom-Helgason who is moving back now that her husband died. Christopher is chatting up Christal Landgraab, who he unexpectedly seem to fancy.


    Agnes moved back into her old house and seem quite happy about that.

    Albin decided to flirt with Lisa Bunch in front of pregnant girlfriend Pauline Langerak. That did not end well.

    What a holiday. :o
    Post edited by ZhakiraP on
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    bekkasanbekkasan Posts: 10,171 Member

    @Brandontaylor Life does get busy at times. Don't worry about comments. Enjoy your extra time playing. Glad you enjoyed the movie. If I did go out to movies that would be one of the ones I would see.

    @Turjan Three cats are definitely a handful. I forgot how they can interrupt sims with their need to play or get petted or beg for a treat. Sheesh! :grin:
    That is a very nice ticket to have! I hope you enjoy yourself. It sounds like you will.
    I don't expect I will do any traveling this summer. If I don't work, I don't get paid. I am looking forward to July though. The new grandbaby is due. :smiley:
    That was nice of you to help the Jones family out. I forgot I was gonna pop in that world. Loading it now because you have me curious. I was surprised the house wasn't more mysterious. I would have to fix that. :grin: I had forgot how nice the world is. When I finish Mary and get back to the Ballan's I will have to have someone take a trip or move to that town. I actually had planned to move sims around, so I have a family in each of the worlds, connected through Nraas. I have to fix my problem with getting the Victor side of the family back to MH or port them all over again. Fun times ahead!
    I love the big families. I dunno about ghosts sleeping in the room though! :hushed: Jeeps, someone likes blue! I love blue, but that is a little much. :lol:
    Hunter is definitely is more appealing! :love:
    Nellie and Arthur are an adorable couple.

    @GraceyManor I was just commenting on how quiet it was. Even the rest of the forum has been quiet. I love reading stories. When I'm busy and can't play, I get my sims fix from y'alls stories. So...thank you for posting an update! :grin:
    Glad you are enjoying your game. I've had some time to play lately and I've enjoyed some building as well as playing.
    Elizabeth sure changed from the shy girl she was at the start of the story.
    I don't know what is going on in her head other than she is not thinking. Perhaps she's too tired from all the work and stress. Yes, see she passed out from fatigue. Silly sim!

    @Silverofdreams30 I definitely need to do some cc weeding. :lol:

    @MamaSimTee Hey! I hope your sims behaved, or not :grin: and helped with your escape. :wink:
    um...what is TTRPG?

    @ZhakiraP Lovely to see you and your sims again.
    Well, Albin that was a silly thing to do!

    Shane and Gina's date at Disney continued. They stop and take a romantic photo as they stroll down main street. I do have to apologize for the distance not rendering. I had to turn down a couple of settings in options for distance and details on lots to help game performance. This particular save I've been adding every build to it. It's getting loaded. :flushed:

    The name Hocus Pocus intrigues them and they enter the building excitedly. Built by @Hidehi for Disney Magic Kingdom. It is a live show venue. They get drinks at the bar and take them to the stage. Unfortunately, no one is performing. There are many other things to do including bubble blowing, karaoke, and dancing.




    Shane excuses himself to run a quick errand. Gina wanders up the street to shop at Osh Popham's Emporium Gallery. Built by @Hidehi for Disney Magic Kingdom. She enjoys wandering through the store looking at the consignment items for sale while she waits for Shane to finish his errand.


    Meanwhile, Shane walks a little further up the street and locates Uptown Jewellers. Built by @soocoolsim for Disney Magic Kingdom. So many gorgeous items to buy in this luxurious store.

    Let's peek and see if we can figure out what he is shopping for. It looks like I see earrings, bracelets, fancy decorative eggs. Oh...does that box that has caught his eye have a ring in it?
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,218 Member

    Oops. bad timing to flirt on his part hehe.


    yup, cc cleanse out is needed time to time,
    great screenshots.
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    MamaSimTeeMamaSimTee Posts: 963 Member
    @bekkasan TTRPG = TableTop RolePlaying Games. I'm a bit of at Dungeons and Dragons fan (been playing on and off since the 80s). I currently play in two groups where we meet up on Discord for our games. It's a fun release (like SIMS) for me.
    <insert inspiring comment here> :)
  • Options
    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    I just happened to have a an update when I replied to you,
    figured I'd just post it in the same post.XD
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,218 Member
    edited June 2022
    Finally, a short update to my story, need to take more screenshots,
    was too hot here yesterday with 35 plus Celcius.
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    Amber: Oh good maker! What did you do to your hair?!
    Elizabeth: It's a wig.Jonathan says my fans would like me better
    as a blonde.
    Amber: Hate to tell you, but that color does not suit you.Just
    wait until Derek sees you.
    Elizabeth: He's not going to, I'm heading to a show.

    Amber: You got to stop her.
    Derek: Who?
    Amber: really need to see that ridiculous wig.
    Derek: What are you talking about Amber?
    Amber: Jonathan told her she would get more fans if she wore a wig..
    Derek: Maker.

    Elizabeth: You get a limo out front...Hot styles..every shoe every color.
    Yeah when you're famous, it could be kind of fun...Its really you but no one
    ever discovers.In some ways you're just like all your friends...but on stage you're
    a star!

    Elizabeth: You get the best of both worlds.Chill out take it slow, then you
    rock out the show.Mix it all together and you got the best of both worlds.Go to movie
    premiers...hear your song on the two lives is a little weird.You get to be a small town girl

    Elizabeth: But big time when you play your guitar....You get the best of both worlds..
    Chill it out take it slow, then you rock out the show, you get the best of both worlds.Mix it all together
    and you know you got the best of both worlds.

    After the show, Derek decided to confront Elizabeth on her new appearance.
    Derek: I'll take that - grabs wig-
    Elizabeth: hey! Give it back.
    Derek: No....I just got a few words...What is wrong with you?
    You don't need to change you to please people.If they don't like
    you the way you are, then that's their loss.
    Elizabeth: I didn't ask for your opinion.
    Derek: Well I'm giving it..And if you want this back, you'll have to get from me.

    Elizabeth: Is this better? Can I have it back please.
    Derek: Are you going to wear it again?
    Elizabeth: Probably.
    Derek: Then I'm not giving it back.
    Elizabeth: Forget it.
    Derek: Where are you going?
    Elizabeth: Out, I want alone time.

    Derek: Elizabeth, wait!

    Derek: maker!

    The next morning.

    Jonathan: Where is Elizabeth, I have to discuss her next show.
    Derek: I wouldn't know...After you gave her that ridiculous outfit,
    she ran off and I haven't heard from her.
    Jonathan: I'll call her later then...that gives us time to talk.
    Derek: About what?

    Jonathan: How much do you want?
    Derek: What are you talking about?
    Jonathan: To get away from Elizabeth..How much would it cost
    to get rid of you?
    Derek: I'm not backing down..I'm standing my ground.
    If you have a problem, then bring it. I'm not afraid of you.
    Jonathan: Pity...It would have been so much better if you were.
    I guess I'll go for now.
    Derek: You do that...
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    My sim is trying to throw a bachelor party and everytime I throw one the guest come and they leave within five minutes.
    And I have a mod to extend the party but it stopped working :(
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    ZhakiraPZhakiraP Posts: 1,439 Member
    @bekkasan thank you. Very silly indeed :# .
    That world is very nice. Love the bar. :)

    @Silverofdreams30 Thank you :) Still updating your story thread? I have to pop in there and see :)
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    ZhakiraPZhakiraP Posts: 1,439 Member

    Agnes Crumplebottom-Helgason had a visit from her grandsons, Charles and Christopher.

    Erik Darling had a gift for her, a potion of some sort. Agnes did not ask Erik what sort of potion it was, she knew.


    Agnes have a chance at life again, with Erik. She will remain in Sunset Valley when her grandsons return home to Aurora Skies.
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,218 Member

    Yes, updated yesterday on vacation now,
    so I have more time!
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,218 Member

    Aww, she reunited with her husband! how sweet.
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    SleepstarSleepstar Posts: 819 Member
    @bekkasan She's fine, but the stove wasn't. Thankfully I had a Sim with the Brave Trait that put out the fire
    Currently aiming to get all harvestable produce in The Sims 3 (One EP left)Will complete a Legacy one day (My Wishlist)
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    I been trying to throw a bachelor party for 3 days now.Either the guests show up and leave right away, or they show up
    and just stand there and I can't interact with them.
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,218 Member
    edited June 2022
    It is a heat wave over here, atm and tomorrow our music festival is finally back, but one last time in the old town center, our new opens in september.

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