The final, special edition of the Friday Highlights has been posted here. Take a trip down memory lane with us.
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    PuddinroyPuddinroy Posts: 4,451 Member
    @LunBeauty: I will watch them this weekend. :)

    @IreneSwift: Great updates. Yay for Hal inventing a harvester.

    @Celiria: Great updates.

    @TadOlson: Great updates. Sandy looks so adorable. Any more of your families getting ready for babies?

    @MayaRose1138: I can't wait to see what happens in your story.

    @venusdemilosims: Great updates. Yay for a honeymoon

    @Zabeth0: Uh oh, don't cross Dedee! :)

    @all: I'm getting ready to get my update out.
    :) Smile!

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    dreamerz13dreamerz13 Posts: 9,927 Member
    edited January 2015
    I don't know if anybody noticed, but for those who don't yet have TS4 but want to try it, it is avaliable on origin so you can try it for 48 hours for free. There is a thread about it, I dunno who saw it though, thought I'd mention it.

    I'm downloading it now. Very slowly. My internet is brutal at the moment. Part of me has wanted to try TS4 because it is still sims and as much as there's a lot I don't like, there were some things that sounded okay. And I mean I've played them all since TS1 so I want to give this a shot at least, just not for a lot of money as it's not worth much in my current opinion (maybe it'll change in a bit though) Free is a price I'm willing to (and can afford to XD) pay, so hey I'll try it and decide if I do want to buy it eventually or not.

    I had some responses to comments on my last update. I'm sorry if I missed anyone, I can't go back and check too easily right now, I'm seriously having difficulties right now... I just wanted to submit what I have while I stopped by to point out the TS4 thing. I'll do comments on other stories later, whenever I can get better internet again. I've been lurking I have read several updates, but been a bit busy for a few days though so I haven't commented (okay, and lazy). Had some things to deal with, that hopefully will bring the end of the garbage 2014 put me through.

    LunBeauty wrote: »
    @dreamerz13 I've never had a sim with the "Dislikes Children" trait. Nick definitely isn't exactly father of the year, is he? But it's quite funny that his daughter is as hot-headed as he is. That should make for some comical moments. Yeah, you definitely need to get rid of that top. I, myself, need to download some maternity wear for my sims. I'm low at the moment. More babies. :D I like the name Ryder. :) Definitely a nice update. :)

    I don't use it very often, I think this is like the 3rd time only, I don't like it as I'm a family player and my sims usually have 5 or 6 kids. Not even close, worst father of the year maybe. Oh gosh it's a nightmare, I'm either going to rip my hair out, or kill one or both of them. They never stop fighting. Ever. Yeah, I need more maternity clothes, most of the ones I have that are enabled for it don't actually morph for it.
    Zabeth0 wrote: »
    @Dreamerz: Uh oh, 1 hot head is hard enough to deal with (Ramin the Caveman is mine, and I'm changing the trait asap when the story line allows), but 2? Lol oh, I don't know how you do it! :D Lol@that dress with the Chef's hat! :D (Announcer: It's Disney's new Chef's on ice!) Oh my! That's terrifying! Lol! Because of the angle of that, it looks like her tummy is all pacman eating the chair! :D Lol@Jessica dressing up as a dinosaur to wreck her new dollhouse! (Nicolae: Yes! Look, children are our future! Hahahahaha! Let's make her fifty feet tall and turn her loose on the town!)

    I don't know how I do it either. They're so annoying, and I want to kill them both. XD LOL, I think we'll keep Jessica away from Nicolae... she'd probably go for it if they could figure out how to make it work.
    IreneSwift wrote: »

    @Dreamerz Juliet is making a mistake, thinking that getting Nick to break up with his girlfriend and move in with her will make everything work out better. He's a cheater at heart. He'll cheat on her just as quickly and easily as he cheated with her. And, more than likely, he'll eventually get tired of her and leave her for someone else, just like he left his previous girlfriend for her. Besides, he's a jerk.

    Why does Juliet get so many days off from work? My sim moms only get 4 days.

    It looks like they need to have 2 easels.

    Baby duty should never be used as punishment! It will make the father resent the baby, and he might get abusive eventually. Besides, that furious look on his face means that if the baby does need something before he cools off, he will probably take his anger out on him immediately.

    I hope Juliet doesn't cave and get Jessica another dollhouse. She destroyed the one she had, she should just go without.

    Yeah, she probably is. But love is blind and sometimes very stupid... this is definitely one of those times.

    I think it's because she only works 3 a week in the first place, and it only seems to count the days she actually works when setting up her leave, so it doesn't matter that she already has more than enough time off. With Jessica she had like 10 days off, its so insane.

    Meh, he knows if he takes it out on Ryder and gets caught he'll get his rear kicked so bad. Resentment maybe, but I think that's unavoidable anyway with him, maybe not good to encourage sure but oh well. He did actually do very well with Ryder though, as much as one can expect from him anyway, probably definitely more that I expect from him.

    She won't likely be getting a new dollhouse, that one was very lovingly and carefully designed for her, she won't get off so easy smashing it.

    @dreamerz13- I can't believe Juliet asked Nick to dump his girlfriend and move in with her, he's not the greatest guy ever what does she see in him? At least he was trying to get along with Jessica I guess. Oh no pregnant again, hopefully Nick will be a better father this time.
    Aw I love the name Ryder. Lol @ Nick's face while on baby duty :p Ugh but yeah I don't like him.

    I wish I knew then I could try fixing it, lol, I don't want them together, but she really really likes him. Hopefully, I have my doubts it's possible though XD.

    Post edited by dreamerz13 on
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    msbeckycatmsbeckycat Posts: 3,445 Member
    Playing my Lively family for the next chapter
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    jillbgjillbg Posts: 4,600 Member
    edited January 2015
    @dreamerz13: Why don't you change Nick's traits - like he's really changed since Ryder? I don't know if you use Mastercontroller or not, but I would give it a shot... :\
    @venusdemilosims: I guess Jimmy will be a good parrotowner and teacher. I'm more worried about what will happen to Bruce if he tries to resign... :( EA didn't let me upload the picture of the carwreck, as I'd named it poor 🐸🐸🐸🐸...d! :o
    @TadOlson: I soo agree about the bugfest!
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    TadOlsonTadOlson Posts: 11,380 Member
    @LunBeauty-Great update!
    @SweetieKaye-Those cats are so cute!
    @MayaRose1138-I would shop around for a place that will allow me to have Windows 7 and buy the computer there and would even pay extra to avoid Windows 8.That house is really starting to look like a home.
    @jillbg-You should split your big updates into multiple posts because most of the pictures are just not loading.It's just too big to fit one post.I like what I can see of the pictures.I use the NRaas story progression and have it tuned so it's more like the TS2 story progression where you have to play the families rotationally.
    @IreneSwift-I replaced it because I was having issues with the old one and couldn't fix them without walls.Great update!
    @Celiria-That sounds interesting though I wouldn't rush into it myself.
    @Gemmie12-Hi there and welcome to the thread.We like to share our games and comment on each other's games even if it's only a few other games.Great picture!
    @venusdemilosims-Great update!I love the snow even in the game.
    @puddinroy-Thanks for the comment.There are others about to start getting ready for babies in Winfield and Lee might have to get married once a guy is moved in for her.
    @dreamerz13-You're not the only one having issues because I found Flickr is acting up and fails to upload pictures.
    Here's a special update from my test in Glen Harbor.
    I did a test load of Glen Harbor to check on my Mod settings to make sure none of them were messed up from updating my Mods.
    Here's where Davis and Lacey Bell live.
    Here's where Eli and Ami Jankowsky live.
    Carol Jankowsky is in his baby cot and Carey's in her own cot.
    Here's where Rudy Wagner and Lacey Walker live.
    I took this as Cory and Angel Frankovitch were getting up.
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    jillbgjillbg Posts: 4,600 Member
    @TadOlson, I'll follow your advise next time! I can see your town is getting more and more populated! Brrr, I feel cold when it's raining like that... :)
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    MayaRose1138MayaRose1138 Posts: 1,798 Member
    My update will be delayed until tomorrow; I had a lot of trouble getting into the Sims today as the internet apparently decided not to work for awhile :( But the update will be fun-filled as usual :lol:
    Slater: How smooth was that? haha

    Love that look! Slater seems to pleased with himself :) Congrats on the engagement!!
    @MayaRose1138- That house is such an interesting shape, I like it!

    Thank you :) I decided to something a little different and what better for a futuristic family than a space station? :) Although it ended up much larger than I was banking on!
    Zabeth0 wrote: »
    @Maya: Wow, that's a great shape, it reminds me of space bases. :D I'm sure you could break up the bigger room with the right placement of things and platforms and stuff. When you see what all you have to work with. :D

    Awesome, I like to be helpful. :D Well, you know if Nicolae thinks the chairs are evil, they are really really bad. :D Only, you know, he's crazy, they are just chairs lol. :D

    Thanks!! That's what I was aiming for, being a space station or base for a family in the future. Yeah, I've just got to think about what to place in the right places, etc :) But yes, it will be easier when I have all the sets that I need.

    Nicolae isn't crazy, he's just reality-challenged ;)
    IreneSwift wrote: »
    @MayaRose I'm not building houses for Hal and Kristy. I'm using the ones that came with the towns. They're the first household I've ever had that is rich enough to live in the most expensive house in every town they live in. I almost never have sims rich enough to do that, so I'm going to enjoy those houses while I can, as I may never be able to use them again. I almost never play generationally, so most of my families are doing well if they can just afford a house big enough to have children before they get too old to have them, unless I use the free real estate cheat to get them into one. I don't use money cheats except on very rare occasions.

    So, anyway, there will be no building of houses for Hal and Kristy. I've already chosen which house they're going to live in, in each town. But, any of them that aren't already on a 60x60 lot or larger are going to be moved to one.

    NRaas Traveler mod makes it possible for Kristy to go along without enrolling in any classes. She already has a degree in Fine Arts, and none of the other degrees would help her in any way with any of the careers she's going to be doing in the future. Plus, she's mastered every skill related to every subject, so it seemed pretty pointless to have her spend her time studying, when she could be continuing to work on other skills, plus do all the housework so that Hal can use the time he doesn't need to spend studying, doing things with her.

    My plans changed before they actually left, but I'm going to make you wait to find out. You'll have the answer in my next two updates.

    @MayaRose I've never used Windows 8, but my son is a self-employed IT technician, and some of his clients have Windows 8, so he has to have it on his portable work computer, along with all of the other OS's that his clients use. He hates it. He says it's a very bad OS. So, I wouldn't ever get it myself, or recommend it to anyone.

    Oh, those big houses are expensive! I usually buy them for my families using the real estate cheat but then they have to pay huge bills on them, which at the moment is eating into what Ginger and Dashiell are earning (and Ginger isn't making all that much from her gardening yet). I'm sure you'll be able to find somewhere to put everything... hopefully...

    I'm sure Hal and Kristy will find plenty of time to do fun things at university, and a second degree never hurt anyone :) Congrats on Hal mastering photography; you said a while back that photography was a difficult hobby/career to have so I'm pleased that he's done so well with it!

    The general concensus seems to be that Windows 8 or 8.1 is bad so I'm trying to look around for computers with Windows 7. Only problem is, all the shop attendants I talked to today, plus one computer tech, says it's very difficult to put Windows 7 on a machine with Windows 8 already on it, and the shops around her just don't sell computers with the older OS on them. So it looks like I will probably have order one online if I can find a site where they'll put the OS on that the customer wants.
    IreneSwift wrote: »
    @MayaRose The house is looking good. Do you have a specific family you're making it for?

    Thank you :) Not specifically yet but I think I'll use it if I can get the Ginger/Dashiell story into more generations! I have an idea of what I want to do if I can get through 10 generations, doing the same as you (kind of) and playing each generation in a different town and in a different house, and if I get an alien heir at any point, then I'll go into Lunar Lakes (when I get around to buying it) and use that house.
    InfraGreen wrote: »
    @Mayarose1138: I've played TS3 on many different machines and operating systems. It runs fine on Windows 8 and 8.1 without doing anything special.

    However, Windows 8 is not a great OS and I vastly prefer Windows 7 for different reasons. As long as it's still supported by Microsoft, it's the best choice.

    Hmm, Windows 7 does seem to be the OS of choice. Problem is, as I was just saying to @IreneSwift, is that none of the shops where I live sell machines with that OS on them and changing appears to be very difficult.
    Celiria wrote: »
    Eddie: Well I guess that settles that. So long as Nia isn’t involved in any of the context of the storyline then it's okay by me.

    Dimitiri laughed again.

    Dimitri: Dimitiri guarantees you can have faith in Nigel. He is a good guy and respects your concerns. He will do what it takes so that you will be happy with the result.

    With that the two headed out the door leaving Nigel behind lost in his own little world.

    I wonder what that storyline is...? Great update!
    TadOlson wrote: »
    @MayaRose1138-That house looks great.

    Thank you :)
    TadOlson wrote: »
    @MayaRose1138-I would shop around for a place that will allow me to have Windows 7 and buy the computer there and would even pay extra to avoid Windows 8.That house is really starting to look like a home.

    Yeah, there's none in the shops where I live; they all sell up-to-date computers. So I think I'm going to have to order online.

    Thank you!!
    LunBeauty wrote: »
    After Raquelle was done cursing me out, she and Dallas got down to business and definitely didn't disappoint, with a lullaby right away. Of course, she won't start showing until after the HMWT. ;)

    Yay, a baby!! I'm thinking this one will be a boy to even things out a little :) I watched a little of episodes 7 and 8 last night, and saw Deanna's birth :) I didn't comment because I was doing it right before bed but when I next watch, I'll try to remember to post something!!
    LunBeauty wrote: »
    @MayaRose1138 I hope you get a really good computer. :) I've always been real comfortable with Windows 7. I do have the Windows 8 disc, which came with my computer, so I could upgrade to Windows 8 if I wanted, but I don't want to. Wow, that's a really big house. It must have taken you forever to build. :)

    I hope I do too because this one is just finding new ways to be annoying!

    I think I've spent about six hours on the house so far and about two of those were building it because of the lagging in-between placing walls. I'll be spending much more on that recolouring everything and placing decorations before it's finished :)
    jillbg wrote: »
    @Maya I play Windows 8.1, with a lot of problems in the beginning. Now it runs smoothly though, and you get used to the configuration quickly, it's not that much different from Windows seven... Great house!

    It's the 'lot of problems in the beginning' that has me worried :) I'm not greatly technologically minded so I just want something I can work without hassles!

    Thank you :)
    @MayaRose1138 Space station house looks great! I have a family I used to test Lunar Lakes with, they currently consist of a renowned plumboticist, her two half-alien children, and her plumbot who is basically a servant.

    Thank you!! That sounds like an interesting family :) I can't wait to test out the plumbots!
    Puddinroy wrote: »
    @MayaRose1138: I can't wait to see what happens in your story.

    :) Should be an update tomorrow, barring anything going wrong! At the moment, one of the kids has won something, another got into trouble, and when I next play, there should be a new baby :)

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    MiyacaMiyaca Posts: 576 Member
    ah just got home and was able to have the time to check in here. I'm too tired and sleepy to go through all the post so I might just do an update and maybe replies tomorrow when i get home from my org meeting. If you guys like you can link me to the posts of your updates for me to access it easily so i won't have to go through every page. I'm sorry i'm a bit lazy to go thread surfing lol.
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    CeliriaCeliria Posts: 3,488 Member
    Here is a new update of Cowgirl


    As the days passed by true happiness continued to elude Madyson as she struggled to balance her relationship with Phoenix with the feelings she still had for Naomi.


    Her relationship was going well. Despite Phoenix's initial shyness she had quickly grown more relaxed around Madyson and the two had been spending most of their time together when Mady wasn't working at the bar.


    This however has only helped fuel Mady's confusion as her originally irrational feelings for Phoenix were quickly gaining a hold as she fell more and more in love with the bespectacled girl, but despite her growing feelings she still couldn't get Naomi out of her head either.


    And so with the only times her mind didn't think about her conflicted feelings and the drama they were causing in her life being when she was distracted by her dates with Phoenix or focused on work she just spent most of her time away from Phoenix at the bar doing her best to try to forget her feelings for Naomi and the relationship this whole situation had cost her.

    Worst of all since Naomi had ended things so Madyson could be with Phoenix Mady hadn't even seen her friend. Naomi no longer swung by the bar, called, or stopped by and while this absence seemed like it might be beneficial as Mady strived to move on, in reality it only intensified Mady's feelings of loss as her feelings for the two girls continued to clash inside her head.


    This was the type of thing that consumed her mind in the occasions when she was alone such as on her morning run.


    And with those feelings she soon found herself at Naomi's house. Despite being part of all the confusion to begin with Naomi was still Mady's best friend in town, and she was the only one Mady could think of to talk to.

    Naomi wasn't happy to see her, she'd been doing her best to avoid the southern girl in order to allow her to just focus on her relationship with Phoenix without distractions from the feelings they both knew they still had for one another. But despite this Naomi couldn't turn her friend away when Mady showed up needing to talk.

    But as Mady looked to Naomi for advice and comfort the response was the same as they have been that morning. No matter how they felt about each other it was over. Madyson was with Phoenix now and it was better that way, Mady would just have to face that fact and move on.


    And again Naomi forced a smile as she adamantly maintained that things would be okay and Mady's love for Phoenix would work out in the end.

    Madyson was growing to hate that fake smile. She almost wished Naomi would just hate her, maybe that would make it easier to move on and accept the feelings she had for Phoenix rather than constantly feeling guilty about her conflicted feelings.


    That was the other thing Mady wanted to talk about. Things were getting serious between her and Phoenix and like with Naomi she was feeling bad about the idea of trying to commit when her heart wasn't fully in it. They needed to tell Phoenix about what was going on. While Naomi may try to hide it Mady could tell how much she had been hurt and she didn't want Phoenix to have to feel that as well by trying to get to close as Mady stuggled to deal with her issues.

    But Naomi was bluntly against the idea. The best thing was for Mady to just commit to Phoenix. Things between the two of them were over and that was final. Phoenix was happy right now and the last thing Naomi wanted was for her sister to have to worry about Mady having feelings for someone else.

    Mady couldn't help but feel that this was wrong but Naomi was stubborn and in the end Madyson agreed to stay silent and with that left still feeling as though her heart was caught in a game of tug of war.


    But as she sat on a bench she knew that Naomi was probably right. She was with Phoenix now, things were over between her and Naomi and she just had to face it. No matter what feeling she still had for Naomi they didn't matter now.


    And as her phone went off and she saw Phoenix's name as the young women called to ask if she wanted to hang out Mady decided to do just that. She would focus on Phoenix and just do her best to move on, and maybe finally be truly happy.

    And that's it for this update.

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    LunBeautyLunBeauty Posts: 2,734 Member
    @venusdemilosims Raquelle's idea of "slinky" lingerie is a crop top with a pair of cotton shorts, lol. However, it was her wedding night, so she had to look special. What I had her in was positively modest compared to what I could have downloaded and put her in. Yes, these foreign paparazzi are more annoying. At least the ones back home don't follow them everywhere and get right up in their faces. Thanks so much for the comment. :)

    Nice update! The house is very cute and I'm glad we got to see more of the newlyweds. :)

    @TadOlson Great update!

    @MayaRose1138 Well, hopefully with your new computer, you won't have that many problems. I still get a bit of lag in my game, but it's definitely not as bad as it was before. I recommend using mods such as Overwatch and Error Trap to get rid of any unwanted files in your game when you get your new computer. And when you do get it, I can send you a PM with all of my favorite CC sites. :)

    @Celiria Nice update. It seems that Naomi really did like Mady and definitely still does by the way she reacts when she's around her. Hopefully things get sorted out soon.
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    msbeckycatmsbeckycat Posts: 3,445 Member
    edited January 2015
    Living with the lively family
    1;1 and 1;2 and 1;3
    Post edited by msbeckycat on
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    IreneSwiftIreneSwift Posts: 6,247 Member
    Page 479

    @LunBeauty I know you weren't looking for a starter house. I should have explained, but what I said was related more to what I thought when I saw it. My first thought when I saw it was that it would be a great little house to start a family in. Then I looked at the price. Very few of my families ever get to the point where they can afford a house that expensive.

    In some towns, there simply are NO three bedroom houses that my families can afford before they're too old to have children. I love Lucky Palms, but I was looking for a reasonably priced two or three bedroom house to start a couple in, and have them have children within a short time. There isn't any such house there, not even anything close. So, I put that couple in a different town, and even then, it was in a house I made myself, with only the most necessary, cheap furniture.

    What I meant about going directly from one WA world to another was not going home in between. You can do that with Traveler. I remember doing it, though I also remember that it wasn't exactly easy to figure out how to do it.

    You know, you can use total annihilation in Master Controller to get rid of that creepy stalker. I think I would do that to any sim that was that bad toward my sims. Of course, if he's a homeless NPC, you can delete him without any problems.

    Yeah, I've had a sim be disgraced for public woohoo when they were on their honeymoon and woohooed in a community lot that was set up as a resort, with bedrooms and private bathrooms for each bedroom. And the sims that supposedly reported them never saw them. They entered the lower floor of the building and never set foot upstairs where my newlyweds were. Even if they heard something, there's no way they could have known who was up there. They came and went without ever catching sight of my sims.

    For Kristy and Hal's honeymoon, I actually bought them their “rental” house, then sold it again before they left China.

    Thank you.

    @Venus I think I'd keep those two away from Egypt. Word has certainly gone out that AJ is Savannah's son, so it isn't safe for them to go back there.

    Yeah, the sports career is good for single sims with no plans for marriage and family. You weren't here yet when I started participating in this thread with my sports legend, Danielle, and her family. She didn't marry at all until she was near the top of her career, and I think she was already aged up to adult by then. She had five children, but only three of them naturally. Her husband, Nathan, was family oriented and wanted five. But after she had her third, she was too old to have any more, so they adopted two boys. From the time of her first pregnancy until after the third, she never worked, until they were all in school. But her return to work didn't last long either, as it just wasn't working out.

    The military career is much better for families, especially when the parents get to the top of the career and only work one day a week. That one day is a killer, but then they have the rest of the week to do whatever they want, and spend as much time as they want with their spouse and children. Maybe AJ and Alexandra are waiting until they get there. When they do have kids, they could even take turns taking days off from work without pay, so they never have to leave the kids with a worthless babysitter.

    My test family, that I made when I finally updated to the final patch, just a couple of weeks ago, left their toddler with a babysitter, to go to party at the husband's boss's house. The toddler was starving, stinky, and about to pass out on the floor from exhaustion, and the sitter just sat in a chair and ignored her. I was so mad, I reset the sitter so they wouldn't have to pay her for neglecting their child, then teleported the mother home, so the toddler wouldn't have to suffer any longer, or be alone while they traveled from the other side of town in a taxi.

    That is a very nice looking house! Where did you get it? Is it an expensive house?

    @Puddinroy Thank you.

    @Dreamerz I did buy Sims 4 on Origin's Black Friday sale. I like it, but not nearly as much as Sims 3. I don't even mind it being so bare-bones, because I really only play it when I need to take a break from my sims 3 games and play something simpler. But I haven't played it in a month or so, now. I was waiting for the mods I was using to be updated, but now they've updated the game again, so I am beginning to think I'll never be able to use them again.

    Oh, right, days they already have off don't count toward maternity leave, so it can be a long one if they don't work very many days each week. I'd forgotten about that. It's been quite a while since I had a pregnant sim in a rabbithole job.

    @TadOlson What mods were you updating? Were they revisions to improve them or correct errors? You had already fully updated your game, didn't you?

    Page 480

    @MayaRose Are you unable to play your sims games if you're not online?

    Photography isn't actually a hard skill to master, but it is hard to complete the collections. Some of them are easy, but most of them aren't, and some require photos of subjects that are very hard to succeed in capturing. I'm trying to complete as many collections as I can with Kristy, but I'm not going to try to do the same with Hal. It's not worth going through all that again.

    It's too bad you can't build your own computer, or have someone build it for you. Then you can get exactly what you want, much more easily. I'm thankful to have 2 sons who are expert at building custom computers. They both work in computer careers, too. The hardware has to be compatible with the OS you want to use, which may be the reason they are telling you it's hard to put Windows 7 on a Windows 8 computer.
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    IreneSwiftIreneSwift Posts: 6,247 Member
    Hal and Kristy arrived at Sims University on Sunday morning, quickly found an off-campus rental house, and got settled in.


    Predictably, the appliances were of inferior quality. They could afford to not settle for that, so they put the stove, refrigerator, and microwave in storage and rented better quality versions. Kristy also bought a food processor, like the one she had at home.


    They also stored the cheap bed and rented a better one. A poor night's sleep would not be helpful to their academic performance. Other than those items, the accommodations were pretty nice. They wouldn't need the extra beds in the other two bedrooms, but they would certainly be able to make good use of the computer.


    There was also an art studio, which they might use in their free time, though neither of them was actually studying art.


    There was even a garage for Hal's car, and two bicycles they could use if one of them needed transportation while the other had the car. Later in the day, they also rented a washer and dryer, and put a hamper in their bedroom.

    Kristy had brought along produce and other meal ingredients from home. She took mushrooms and a chili pepper out to the side yard and planted them. They would be there long enough to have a successful garden, though the plants may need to be transplanted to pots indoors early in the fall term, and definitely during the winter term.

    Next, Kristy checked their schedules. Her classes all started at noon, but Hal had 8 AM classes every day. He also had classes at noon on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. They would both have their time free from 2 PM onward. Not that it would really be free, though. There was also going to be plenty of schoolwork to do during their time outside of class. So, Kristy made pancakes for their breakfast on Monday, since it would be too much of a challenge to try to prepare them in the morning before they had a chance to settle into a routine.


    While Kristy made the pancakes, Hal played his guitar out on the porch.


    Unfortunately, Hal had a female professor and Kristy's was male, and as soon they met them, each professor hit on their respective student. Needless to say, this was quite awkward. But, they would have to make the best of the situation. They would do their best to avoid any contact with their professors outside of class, especially when they weren't together. They were confident that neither professor would do anything inappropriate in class, or when Hal and Kristy were together. Hopefully, once the professors realized that Hal and Kristy were married, they would lose interest in them as anything other than students, anyway.

    Once Kristy was finished with the pancakes, they went to the university quad together. Kristy had had a wish, since before she left home, to play for 4 sims. So she started a jam session, which Hal joined after he signed an autograph for another student.



    Kristy then wished to jam with Ruby Parks, who had been watching them, so she invited her to join them. That kind of backfired, though, because as soon as Ruby started playing with them, she hit on Hal. They didn't get any tips, though they didn't really care about that, but several sims stopped and took pictures with cell phones, or got excited at seeing them there.


    They stopped playing when the University Meet and Greet started. As soon as Hal entered the Student Union, another student, Mahmoud Yavari, asked him to pose for a photo. (I thought I had gotten a picture, but I didn't.) All of the other students inside the Student Union when Kristy entered were male, and she wasn't sure she wanted to be friendly with any of them. People around there seemed to recognize them, so they would possibly also be aware that she had become very wealthy exploring caves and tombs in China, Egypt, and France, and who knows what lengths some guys would go to, to get a piece of her pie? She would much rather spend her time here studying and being supportive of her beloved husband, than fighting off unwanted male attention. She decided to ignore all of them for the time being, and watch for any female students who entered the building.

    Meanwhile, Hal introduced himself to Mahmoud, and found that they had something in common. Both were flirty. Hal made a mental note to keep Mahmoud away from Kristy. (I managed to miss getting a picture of that, too.)

    Upstairs, Kristy had been asked to pose for a photo, by a female student, Joanie Arc.


    She then introduced herself and chatted with Joanie. She learned that she and Joanie had something in common, too. They were both neat. They quickly became friends, and Kristy asked to sketch Joanie.


    Downstairs, Hal entered a lecture room and introduced himself to another student, Harold Assange.


    While he chatted with Harold, upstairs, another male student, Ludo Vicco, hit on Kristy as he walked past her while she was sketching Joanie. Flirty Mahmoud, on the other hand, also walked past Kristy and paid no attention to her. Maybe Hal needed to get upstairs and make his presence known to those guys that were behaving inappropriately toward his wife. She could handle them if she had to, of course, but she wouldn't like it, and if he were with her, they might leave her alone and spare her the aggravation. Nevertheless, Hal was occupied in befriending Harold, and was unaware of what was happening upstairs with Kristy.

    Another male student, Miles Forthright, took a picture of Kristy while she was sketching Joanie. But he didn't bother her in any other way. So, mostly things were going OK for Kristy.


    Kristy headed downstairs to watch a presentation by Miles Forthright. On her way to the stairs, an elderly man named Rex Lovelace hit on her. Hal and Harold were already watching the presentation and taking notes when Kristy entered the room.


    As Miles finished his presentation, the university mascot entered the room and immediately hit on Kristy. It seems her concerns were being realized, but at least some of the guys were being respectful.

    Hal hugged and kissed Kristy. The mascot, Garrison Fort, saw that, and started taking notes, as if he were watching the presentation. But Miles was finished, and nobody else was presenting anything, so he didn't fool Hal any, and soon he left the room.


    Hal and Kristy decided to visit the local coffee shop, just across the street from the University. Hal bought a cup of licorice tea, and Kristy bought cinnamon tea. Hal was interrupted to pose for another photograph. The school session hadn't even started yet, and this was already getting out of hand!


    He sat back down with Kristy as she finished her tea, and enjoyed the beautiful classical music playing in the coffee shop.


    After Kristy finished her tea, the two of them sat enjoying the music for awhile, until Hal stood up and asked Kristy to dance.


    Unfortunately, the barista himself soon interrupted them to ask Hal for an autograph.


    So, they left the coffee shop. They discovered that there was a dance studio nearby, very much like the one back home in Lucky Palms, so they made that their next destination. While Hal pumped iron, Kristy practised ballet.



    All too soon, it was time to hit the showers and return to their rental home for dinner. However, considering what an eventful day it had been, once they showered, they decided to eat at the SimBurger instead. It was getting late, and it didn't seem best to take the time to cook a meal at home. They might be up too late if they went that route.

    While they were there, several other students who happened by took pictures of them from outside, through the large front windows. At least their celebrity does have its rewards, though I'm not sure it's enough to make up for all of the pitfalls. They got a discount on their meal.


    Afterward, they went straight home and to bed.

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    IreneSwiftIreneSwift Posts: 6,247 Member
    edited January 2015
    My son stopped by on Tuesday, while I was playing Hal and Kristy. He remarked that it looked like I was playing an interracial couple. I told him that yes, Kristy looked Indian to me. Some time after he left, I thought about what he said, and remembered an Indian looking adult male in the CAS bin that I like the looks of, and had actually played once. I decided to save Kristy to the bin and pair her with him for another game, giving them Indian names. After I got their game set up, I decided to see what their children would look like. Both parents look very good, but their kids were ugly. The main reason was that Kristy's mouth is actually a bit too close to her nose, and the father's upper and lower lips width settings are very wide. That looks fine on a male sim, but not a female one. Pair the wide lips with them being right under their nose, and it does not look good.

    Afterward, I decided to see what Hal and Kristy's kids might look like. So, I saved Hal to the bin and paired him and Kristy in CAS, then used genetics to produce 6 young adults, first, 3 females, then 3 male. I did a gender swap on each of them, too, to see what their genetics would look like on the opposite gender. I thought you guys might like to see them.

    This one is kind of homely as a female, though this hairstyle makes her look a lot better than the one that was on her to start with. As a male, he's not bad at all.


    This one is my favorite of the ones that I made as females, even though her lips are a bit too thick. She is still very pretty. As a male, she's not as good looking, but not too bad either.


    This one looks pretty decent, though not as good as the previous one.


    This one looks especially good as a male, and pretty decent as a female, too.


    This one almost looks like a clone of Hal, and he makes a pretty good looking female too.


    This one is the best looking of the males, and as a female, she looks more like Kristy than any of the others, though I think the second one that was made as a female looks prettier.


    I just realized, after I posted these, that I was planning on saving some of them to the bin, but I forgot to do it, and now they're lost forever!
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    PuddinroyPuddinroy Posts: 4,451 Member
    IreneSwift wrote: »
    Hal and Kristy arrived at Sims University on Sunday morning, quickly found an off-campus rental house, and got settled in.


    Predictably, the appliances were of inferior quality. They could afford to not settle for that, so they put the stove, refrigerator, and microwave in storage and rented better quality versions. Kristy also bought a food processor, like the one she had at home.


    They also stored the cheap bed and rented a better one. A poor night's sleep would not be helpful to their academic performance. Other than those items, the accommodations were pretty nice. They wouldn't need the extra beds in the other two bedrooms, but they would certainly be able to make good use of the computer.


    There was also an art studio, which they might use in their free time, though neither of them was actually studying art.


    There was even a garage for Hal's car, and two bicycles they could use if one of them needed transportation while the other had the car. Later in the day, they also rented a washer and dryer, and put a hamper in their bedroom.

    Kristy had brought along produce and other meal ingredients from home. She took mushrooms and a chili pepper out to the side yard and planted them. They would be there long enough to have a successful garden, though the plants may need to be transplanted to pots indoors early in the fall term, and definitely during the winter term.

    Next, Kristy checked their schedules. Her classes all started at noon, but Hal had 8 AM classes every day. He also had classes at noon on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. They would both have their time free from 2 PM onward. Not that it would really be free, though. There was also going to be plenty of schoolwork to do during their time outside of class. So, Kristy made pancakes for their breakfast on Monday, since it would be too much of a challenge to try to prepare them in the morning before they had a chance to settle into a routine.


    While Kristy made the pancakes, Hal played his guitar out on the porch.


    Unfortunately, Hal had a female professor and Kristy's was male, and as soon they met them, each professor hit on their respective student. Needless to say, this was quite awkward. But, they would have to make the best of the situation. They would do their best to avoid any contact with their professors outside of class, especially when they weren't together. They were confident that neither professor would do anything inappropriate in class, or when Hal and Kristy were together. Hopefully, once the professors realized that Hal and Kristy were married, they would lose interest in them as anything other than students, anyway.

    Once Kristy was finished with the pancakes, they went to the university quad together. Kristy had had a wish, since before she left home, to play for 4 sims. So she started a jam session, which Hal joined after he signed an autograph for another student.



    Kristy then wished to jam with Ruby Parks, who had been watching them, so she invited her to join them. That kind of backfired, though, because as soon as Ruby started playing with them, she hit on Hal. They didn't get any tips, though they didn't really care about that, but several sims stopped and took pictures with cell phones, or got excited at seeing them there.


    They stopped playing when the University Meet and Greet started. As soon as Hal entered the Student Union, another student, Mahmoud Yavari, asked him to pose for a photo. (I thought I had gotten a picture, but I didn't.) All of the other students inside the Student Union when Kristy entered were male, and she wasn't sure she wanted to be friendly with any of them. People around there seemed to recognize them, so they would possibly also be aware that she had become very wealthy exploring caves and tombs in China, Egypt, and France, and who knows what lengths some guys would go to, to get a piece of her pie? She would much rather spend her time here studying and being supportive of her beloved husband, than fighting off unwanted male attention. She decided to ignore all of them for the time being, and watch for any female students who entered the building.

    Meanwhile, Hal introduced himself to Mahmoud, and found that they had something in common. Both were flirty. Hal made a mental note to keep Mahmoud away from Kristy. (I managed to miss getting a picture of that, too.)

    Upstairs, Kristy had been asked to pose for a photo, by a female student, Joanie Arc.


    She then introduced herself and chatted with Joanie. She learned that she and Joanie had something in common, too. They were both neat. They quickly became friends, and Kristy asked to sketch Joanie.


    Downstairs, Hal entered a lecture room and introduced himself to another student, Harold Assange.


    While he chatted with Harold, upstairs, another male student, Ludo Vicco, hit on Kristy as he walked past her while she was sketching Joanie. Flirty Mahmoud, on the other hand, also walked past Kristy and paid no attention to her. Maybe Hal needed to get upstairs and make his presence known to those guys that were behaving inappropriately toward his wife. She could handle them if she had to, of course, but she wouldn't like it, and if he were with her, they might leave her alone and spare her the aggravation. Nevertheless, Hal was occupied in befriending Harold, and was unaware of what was happening upstairs with Kristy.

    Another male student, Miles Forthright, took a picture of Kristy while she was sketching Joanie. But he didn't bother her in any other way. So, mostly things were going OK for Kristy.


    Kristy headed downstairs to watch a presentation by Miles Forthright. On her way to the stairs, an elderly man named Rex Lovelace hit on her. Hal and Harold were already watching the presentation and taking notes when Kristy entered the room.


    As Miles finished his presentation, the university mascot entered the room and immediately hit on Kristy. It seems her concerns were being realized, but at least some of the guys were being respectful.

    Hal hugged and kissed Kristy. The mascot, Garrison Fort, saw that, and started taking notes, as if he were watching the presentation. But Miles was finished, and nobody else was presenting anything, so he didn't fool Hal any, and soon he left the room.


    Hal and Kristy decided to visit the local coffee shop, just across the street from the University. Hal bought a cup of licorice tea, and Kristy bought cinnamon tea. Hal was interrupted to pose for another photograph. The school session hadn't even started yet, and this was already getting out of hand!


    He sat back down with Kristy as she finished her tea, and enjoyed the beautiful classical music playing in the coffee shop.


    After Kristy finished her tea, the two of them sat enjoying the music for awhile, until Hal stood up and asked Kristy to dance.


    Unfortunately, the barista himself soon interrupted them to ask Hal for an autograph.


    So, they left the coffee shop. They discovered that there was a dance studio nearby, very much like the one back home in Lucky Palms, so they made that their next destination. While Hal pumped iron, Kristy practised ballet.



    All too soon, it was time to hit the showers and return to their rental home for dinner. However, considering what an eventful day it had been, once they showered, they decided to eat at the SimBurger instead. It was getting late, and it didn't seem best to take the time to cook a meal at home. They might be up too late if they went that route.

    While they were there, several other students who happened by took pictures of them from outside, through the large front windows. At least their celebrity does have its rewards, though I'm not sure it's enough to make up for all of the pitfalls. They got a discount on their meal.


    Afterward, they went straight home and to bed.


    @IreneSwift: Great update. Wow, lots of sims asking Hal for autographs. :)

    Love the pictures.

    :) Smile!

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    dreamerz13dreamerz13 Posts: 9,927 Member
    So I've been playing the TS4 trial. I don't hate it, but it is pretty boring. I won't be buying it likely. I thought maybe I'd buy it cheap, but I realize I'll need to wait and buy expansions or stuff (or game or whatever) packs to make interesting because there's just so little to do, so it's not really going to be cheap, maybe if it goes insanely cheap but I doubt it'll go cheap enough. I have enjoyed some stuff about it, I just can't get over how empty it is. Even for a base game, like I was never so bored with the sims 3 base game (both sims 1 and 2 I started with an ep so they don't count).

    Anyway, the highlight of it so far has been when my sim's boyfriend moved in, because they were going to have a baby I figured he should move in so he could be with his child. After getting settled in and stuff he proposed, but being non-committal she rejected him.

    He was mortified but wanted to make it better so he decided to apologize to her in bed (Okay that interaction made my day, I'm immature), he performed poorly (Okay that made my day), so that made him feel even worse.

    Being as horrible as I am I decided to keep embarrassing him until he died. So he proposed again, made another apology in bed and performed poorly again, and died. Poor guy, I kind of feel bad, dying just after performing poorly at woohoo is pretty sad. I also laughed hysterically though (Yep, I'm very immature), so I don't feel too bad obviously.

    Yeah, I had too much fun with that.

    Also the grim reaper is really creepy, Brandi went to go to the bathroom and he decided to watch and talk to her.

    He also followed her over to the sink, I missed a screenshot of it, but she gave him one heck of a nasty look. Which I found pretty awesome, because I mean he is the one who took her boyfriend away and then he was following her around the bathroom, uh yeah he deserves a dirty look (and a whole lot more, but anyway)

    The he followed her around as she tried to cook, she kept shooting him dirty looks (I missed them again), but eventually started flirting with him (missed that too, I always pause to get screenshots, but in TS4 tab mode you can't pause the game with "p". I'm still not used to this so I keep missing stuff).
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    PuddinroyPuddinroy Posts: 4,451 Member
    Celiria wrote: »
    Here is a new update of Cowgirl


    As the days passed by true happiness continued to elude Madyson as she struggled to balance her relationship with Phoenix with the feelings she still had for Naomi.


    Her relationship was going well. Despite Phoenix's initial shyness she had quickly grown more relaxed around Madyson and the two had been spending most of their time together when Mady wasn't working at the bar.


    This however has only helped fuel Mady's confusion as her originally irrational feelings for Phoenix were quickly gaining a hold as she fell more and more in love with the bespectacled girl, but despite her growing feelings she still couldn't get Naomi out of her head either.


    And so with the only times her mind didn't think about her conflicted feelings and the drama they were causing in her life being when she was distracted by her dates with Phoenix or focused on work she just spent most of her time away from Phoenix at the bar doing her best to try to forget her feelings for Naomi and the relationship this whole situation had cost her.

    Worst of all since Naomi had ended things so Madyson could be with Phoenix Mady hadn't even seen her friend. Naomi no longer swung by the bar, called, or stopped by and while this absence seemed like it might be beneficial as Mady strived to move on, in reality it only intensified Mady's feelings of loss as her feelings for the two girls continued to clash inside her head.


    This was the type of thing that consumed her mind in the occasions when she was alone such as on her morning run.


    And with those feelings she soon found herself at Naomi's house. Despite being part of all the confusion to begin with Naomi was still Mady's best friend in town, and she was the only one Mady could think of to talk to.

    Naomi wasn't happy to see her, she'd been doing her best to avoid the southern girl in order to allow her to just focus on her relationship with Phoenix without distractions from the feelings they both knew they still had for one another. But despite this Naomi couldn't turn her friend away when Mady showed up needing to talk.

    But as Mady looked to Naomi for advice and comfort the response was the same as they have been that morning. No matter how they felt about each other it was over. Madyson was with Phoenix now and it was better that way, Mady would just have to face that fact and move on.


    And again Naomi forced a smile as she adamantly maintained that things would be okay and Mady's love for Phoenix would work out in the end.

    Madyson was growing to hate that fake smile. She almost wished Naomi would just hate her, maybe that would make it easier to move on and accept the feelings she had for Phoenix rather than constantly feeling guilty about her conflicted feelings.


    That was the other thing Mady wanted to talk about. Things were getting serious between her and Phoenix and like with Naomi she was feeling bad about the idea of trying to commit when her heart wasn't fully in it. They needed to tell Phoenix about what was going on. While Naomi may try to hide it Mady could tell how much she had been hurt and she didn't want Phoenix to have to feel that as well by trying to get to close as Mady stuggled to deal with her issues.

    But Naomi was bluntly against the idea. The best thing was for Mady to just commit to Phoenix. Things between the two of them were over and that was final. Phoenix was happy right now and the last thing Naomi wanted was for her sister to have to worry about Mady having feelings for someone else.

    Mady couldn't help but feel that this was wrong but Naomi was stubborn and in the end Madyson agreed to stay silent and with that left still feeling as though her heart was caught in a game of tug of war.


    But as she sat on a bench she knew that Naomi was probably right. She was with Phoenix now, things were over between her and Naomi and she just had to face it. No matter what feeling she still had for Naomi they didn't matter now.


    And as her phone went off and she saw Phoenix's name as the young women called to ask if she wanted to hang out Mady decided to do just that. She would focus on Phoenix and just do her best to move on, and maybe finally be truly happy.

    And that's it for this update.

    @Celiria: Great update. Aw, Poor Naomi. At least Phoenix and Mady will hopefully be happy. Hugs Naomi.

    :) Smile!

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    PuddinroyPuddinroy Posts: 4,451 Member
    @MayaRose1138: Love the house.

    @and-it-is-on: Haha, nice face Slater

    @TadOlson: Great updates. :)

    @Zabeth0: Rafael needs to be careful around Deedee.

    @LunBeauty: Love the honeymoon pictures

    @jillbg: Great update

    @all: sorry if I missed somebody. I love all the stories.
    :) Smile!

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    TadOlsonTadOlson Posts: 11,380 Member
    @jillbg-I have broken up my larger updates into smaller parts and I'm populating the town manually in the game like I do for all of my legacies.
    @MayaRose1138-I hope you do manage to get Windows 7 even if it had to be Windows 7 Ultimate.I'd choose that over Windows 8 if I had been buying a new computer and had to choose between the two systems.I'm planning on upgrading to Windows 7 Pro or Ultimate for my current computer.
    @Miyaca-Hi there!
    @Celiria-Great update!
    @LunBeauty-Thanks for the comment.
    @msbeckycat-Great picture!
    @IreneSwift-I was putting in new updates on the NRaas Mods where they added new features and have more to add to my game.I had a Mod go bad and it was glitching my game out since the issue vanished after the Mods were updated.Great update!Great pictures!I would've saved the sims to the bin to use again.
    @dreamerz13-Sims 4 looks like it might be fun though as a simpler game for filling in free time between classes.
    @Puddinroy-Thanks for the comment.
    I'll have my own update out shortly.
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    TadOlsonTadOlson Posts: 11,380 Member
    Here's another update from Winfield in the summer of 1855.
    Des and Ashley Campbell were both starting to get up early that morning and also getting Sandi up just as the sun started rising.
    Sandi read a toddler book while Ashley was out in the far corner of their lot on the broom arena and Des was headed for Garden House to harvest some produce.
    Des spent most of the day harvesting what she could though her gardening skill was too low and she needed to work on that.
    Sandi got into the dog food while Ashley was busy using the washroom before he fed her though it was too late after he finished in the washroom.
    It was almost 7PM when Des got home and gave Sandi a bath to put her to bed and get herself to bed.
    Ashley had to do some final cleaning up and get the new wall sections up before going to bed by 8PM.
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    msbeckycatmsbeckycat Posts: 3,445 Member
    1;4 is up and a larger update will be up later on
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    MiyacaMiyaca Posts: 576 Member
    Just got home and now will be posting an update on Cerise. I haven't been able to open both TS3 and TS4 this week since i have been a bit busy so this is a continuation of my game play last weekend.

    Aside from writing songs and practicing her craft Cerise got very interested in gardening giving her plants more love and care. eventually they grew and Cerise was able to harvest her plants for the first time. after doing so she added fertilizers for them to grow better quality fruits.


    Cerise continued to tend her garden and even expanded it by getting rid of the junk that was in the back yard to give more space to grow more crops. she planted carrots, potatoes, mushrooms and other vegetables and spices.


    She also evolved her first plant not soon after.


    Cerise's job got very tiring since she gets called in to play both during the mornings and nights and she would return home exhausted and dirty.


    If she wasn't that tired she settles for a warm bath to relax and freshen up. this usually happens when she gets home during the afternoon after her morning performance.


    It's different though once she gets home at almost 5 in the morning. she's more exhausted and dirty.


    And doesn't even bother taking a shower she just goes straight to bed.


    Thankfully she has two days off during the week and she can catch up on sleep and take care of herself relaxing at home or at the park. she usually wakes up with a full bladder and has to go the the comfort room. (I think this is a really cute animation added to the game whenever they have a full bladder.)


    She also had the time to clean the house during her day off. It got pretty filthy the past week and she was too busy or tired to even clean it.


    She also had the chance to repair the busted appliances and electronics at home which she forgot about before.


    She even went through some scrap to look for usable items that she might need. she only found a few plumbing parts.


    During the late afternoon after tidying things up at home and at the garden Cerise decided to go to the bar to unwind, she was actually having second thoughts because of what she did before but she was hoping the bartender won't recognize her although she doubts it. There weren't a lot of people at the bar since it's the weekdays she went straight to the bartender and was glad that there was someone else tending the bar. she order a cocktail while enjoying the bar music.


    Not soon after a few more people entered the bar. She met this cute guy who tried flirting with her but she tried to control herself as to not get into that position she was in before and just made friends with him. the guy was happy with it and they talked about their careers and favorites.


    Eventually the guy had to leave and Cerise said her goodbye. After that a pretty girl decided to buy Cerise a drink, she told her that she admired the way she played the piano and the original song she played last week. Cerise was very flattered and thanked the girl for the compliment. they chatted and drunk a few more drinks. The girl then made moves on Cerise which caught her off guard for a bit. She explained that she wasn't really into girls and it got a bit awkward and silent. Cerise feeling guilty tried to chat with the girl more just to lighten the mood not soon after the girl apologized for assuming the wrong thing. Cerise accepted it and suggested that they could be friends. the other girl agreed and they had another round.


    A few moments later the girl got a call from someone and had to leave. the girl apologized and Cerise just smiled signaling the girl to go and that she was ok with it. Cerise decided to move to the lounge to enjoy more of the music. She thought it's actually relaxing being alone for some time and enjoyed her glass along with the good music.


    She also danced when an upbeat song was played. she enjoyed the night on her own and returned home at 3 in the morning.


    The next day Cerise went to the market to buy more ingredients for a recipe she was planning to do. after getting everything she needed she returned home. when she reached her house she saw someone very familiar standing on the porch.


    It was 🐸🐸🐸🐸, 🐸🐸🐸🐸 Torelli. one of her closest friends back in Bridgeport. She was so happy to see her and so is 🐸🐸🐸🐸.


    They haven't seen each other in a long time so they gave each other a warm hug.


    🐸🐸🐸🐸 is one of the people she told about her plans to move to Willow Creek. she's 4 years younger than Cerise and they met at the subway station when 🐸🐸🐸🐸 tried to snatch Cerise's bag when she just arrived in the city. 🐸🐸🐸🐸 didn't succeed and even tried to have a fight with Cerise but Cerise managed to put her down and threatened to surrender her to the police. Her tough act eventually melted away and she begged and cried in front of Cerise. Cerise didn't push though with it and even treated her to dinner and that's when their friendship begun.


    Cerise invited 🐸🐸🐸🐸 inside and they chatted and catch up on each other. Cerise told 🐸🐸🐸🐸 everything she has been doing so far, her career, the garden the Goths and even her fall from grace the past few months. 🐸🐸🐸🐸 was genuinely happy for what Cerise has achieved and done with her life. she was very proud of the person she treated as an older sister.


    When Cerise asked what she was up to this days there was a pause before 🐸🐸🐸🐸 told Cerise that she was hungry. Cerise remembering her plans about doing a new recipe excitedly asked 🐸🐸🐸🐸 if she would try out the food she is going to cook. 🐸🐸🐸🐸 agreed with joy and they both went to the kitchen.


    Cerise showed 🐸🐸🐸🐸 her new and improved cooking skill and 🐸🐸🐸🐸 was very impressed. She knew Cerise as someone who would usually burn bacon or hotdogs and just order Chinese takeout instead of cooking but now she is very well versed in cooking.


    Cerise went through with her cooking like someone in a culinary show. she would show 🐸🐸🐸🐸 ways to cook and check temperatures, how to add and mix the different ingredients, the proper measurements and so on and 🐸🐸🐸🐸 just went with it trying to keep up with what Cerise was saying.


    Eventually Cerise was finish with cooking and they both sat down and tried out what she cooked. Cerise waited with anticipation as 🐸🐸🐸🐸 tasted her dish. 🐸🐸🐸🐸 turned to Cerise with a serious expression which drained the life out of her. She then felt defeated and turned to face her bowl that's when 🐸🐸🐸🐸 screamed how delicious it was. Cerise was surprised with her shouting but was very glad that her dish turned out very well. 🐸🐸🐸🐸 tried to explain how good it was but failed. she just exclaimed it was delicious.


    Cerise was very happy about it and thanked 🐸🐸🐸🐸. They begun chatting about random things and remembering past experiences and memories they had together. like that time they went to jail together after stealing and crashing a car into the city hall fountain and even that time dogs went after them after trespassing on private land. they were both enjoying each others company.


    After eating their jam begun playing on the radio. They screamed and run into the living room and started breaking it down like they did back at the nigh clubs and bars in Bridgeport.


    After dancing they sat down again laughing at more stories and memories they kept telling each other. Things got serious when Cerise asked 🐸🐸🐸🐸 why she was really here and why she wasn't with Alice and Isaac. The smile from 🐸🐸🐸🐸's face faded immediately and her eyes went straight to the floor. She was quiet for a while and Cerise was patiently waiting for an answer. 🐸🐸🐸🐸 then turned her gaze towards the window and told Cerise that she has no where to go. She escaped and left the city because she can't handle the things that her step father would usually make her and her brother do. Her step father who was also part of one of the biggest drug dealing syndicate in Bridgeport apparently was using them to transport drugs around the city. Cerise remembered how he would usually hit her and her Brother Isaac back when she was still in Bridgeport and how they would run to her apartment with bruises and fractured bones. Their mother didn't even care with what her new husband was doing to her children. because of her love for him she would choose him over her children. she even suggested that her husband can take 🐸🐸🐸🐸 if he felt that she was to old to sleep with which disgusted Cerise and made her hate that woman.

    Cerise wanted them to leave before, even suggesting that they could all leave together but they keep on returning to that man because of Alice, 🐸🐸🐸🐸's daughter. It was the only leverage he got for them to stay around. Even before Cerise left for Willow Creek she asked 🐸🐸🐸🐸 and Isaac to come with them and even planned on sneaking Alice out but 🐸🐸🐸🐸 was too afraid to risk her daughter's life.

    Cerise was surprised with what 🐸🐸🐸🐸 told her. She wrapped her hands around hers and turned 🐸🐸🐸🐸's face towards her. She asked where Isaac and Alice were and 🐸🐸🐸🐸 just smiled and told her that they are safe which lightened Cerise's feelings. 🐸🐸🐸🐸 continued and told her that finally the three of them managed to escape and hid out in the small cottage just outside of the city, but not for long since her step father's men eventually found them. She tried to make a diversion by making Isaac and Alice run first and she wrapping a bag of sand with a blanket pretending to have Alice and acted as a bait. Her step father's men run after her leaving Isaac and Alice alone. She was almost caught when she decided to jump off the bridge and into the water, she tried her best to hold her breath and eventually a boat came and she climbed up into it. the owner didn't notice her and it was one of the ways she escaped. when the boat docked she climbed out and hitched a ride with whoever came.


    Cerise still worried about Alice and Isaac asked 🐸🐸🐸🐸 again where they are and how she knew they were safe. 🐸🐸🐸🐸 explained that before arriving to Willow Creek she managed to call Isaac's phone which he answered. Apparently they are currently on their way to a friend of his in Appaloosa Plains and they just plan on meeting up once everything cools down. it was better they stay apart for a while. 🐸🐸🐸🐸 told Cerise that she really misses Alice but this is the only way she knows to somehow keep each of them safe. Willow Creek is a small town and 🐸🐸🐸🐸 thinks her step father won't look for her here while Appaloosa plains is too far away and her step father doesn't know that Issac knows someone from there.

    Cerise was a bit skeptical about everything and even thought about her own safety but if she was willing to pull this kids away from Bridgeport before she is willing to risk it for them again. she gladly invited 🐸🐸🐸🐸 to stay with her and even suggested that she can start a new life here. 🐸🐸🐸🐸 smiled and excitedly accepted the offer.


    She promises to do her best to make her life better and thanked Cerise again for making a second chance in life possible. Cerise then told her that she should be thanking her sister because if it wasn't for her she won't be here today and 🐸🐸🐸🐸 won't be finding someone to run to. 🐸🐸🐸🐸 just smiled with tears on her eyes and hugged Cerise tight after.


    After all of that Cerise decided to play for 🐸🐸🐸🐸 and she really enjoyed it.


    they took a picture together after to remember the day.


    That afternoon after 🐸🐸🐸🐸 has settled in Cerise decided to write another song on her violin.


    Downstairs while 🐸🐸🐸🐸 was on the kitchen washing the dishes a knock on the door stopped her. she went to check it out and it was the twins again.


    They were looking for Cerise and 🐸🐸🐸🐸 invited them inside.


    she the introduced herself as Cerise's cousin and told them that she would be staying with her from now on. the Twins introduced themselves to her too.

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    MiyacaMiyaca Posts: 576 Member
    I'll just start fresh and reply to posts her in the this page lol. ^_^
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    MiyacaMiyaca Posts: 576 Member
    IreneSwift wrote: »
    My son stopped by on Tuesday, while I was playing Hal and Kristy. He remarked that it looked like I was playing an interracial couple. I told him that yes, Kristy looked Indian to me. Some time after he left, I thought about what he said, and remembered an Indian looking adult male in the CAS bin that I like the looks of, and had actually played once. I decided to save Kristy to the bin and pair her with him for another game, giving them Indian names. After I got their game set up, I decided to see what their children would look like. Both parents look very good, but their kids were ugly. The main reason was that Kristy's mouth is actually a bit too close to her nose, and the father's upper and lower lips width settings are very wide. That looks fine on a male sim, but not a female one. Pair the wide lips with them being right under their nose, and it does not look good.

    Afterward, I decided to see what Hal and Kristy's kids might look like. So, I saved Hal to the bin and paired him and Kristy in CAS, then used genetics to produce 6 young adults, first, 3 females, then 3 male. I did a gender swap on each of them, too, to see what their genetics would look like on the opposite gender. I thought you guys might like to see them.

    This one is kind of homely as a female, though this hairstyle makes her look a lot better than the one that was on her to start with. As a male, he's not bad at all.


    This one is my favorite of the ones that I made as females, even though her lips are a bit too thick. She is still very pretty. As a male, she's not as good looking, but not too bad either.


    This one looks pretty decent, though not as good as the previous one.


    This one looks especially good as a male, and pretty decent as a female, too.


    This one almost looks like a clone of Hal, and he makes a pretty good looking female too.


    This one is the best looking of the males, and as a female, she looks more like Kristy than any of the others, though I think the second one that was made as a female looks prettier.


    I just realized, after I posted these, that I was planning on saving some of them to the bin, but I forgot to do it, and now they're lost forever!

    I like the last set, I think they are the best out of all but that's just me.
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    MiyacaMiyaca Posts: 576 Member
    dreamerz13 wrote: »
    So I've been playing the TS4 trial. I don't hate it, but it is pretty boring. I won't be buying it likely. I thought maybe I'd buy it cheap, but I realize I'll need to wait and buy expansions or stuff (or game or whatever) packs to make interesting because there's just so little to do, so it's not really going to be cheap, maybe if it goes insanely cheap but I doubt it'll go cheap enough. I have enjoyed some stuff about it, I just can't get over how empty it is. Even for a base game, like I was never so bored with the sims 3 base game (both sims 1 and 2 I started with an ep so they don't count).

    Anyway, the highlight of it so far has been when my sim's boyfriend moved in, because they were going to have a baby I figured he should move in so he could be with his child. After getting settled in and stuff he proposed, but being non-committal she rejected him.

    He was mortified but wanted to make it better so he decided to apologize to her in bed (Okay that interaction made my day, I'm immature), he performed poorly (Okay that made my day), so that made him feel even worse.

    Being as horrible as I am I decided to keep embarrassing him until he died. So he proposed again, made another apology in bed and performed poorly again, and died. Poor guy, I kind of feel bad, dying just after performing poorly at woohoo is pretty sad. I also laughed hysterically though (Yep, I'm very immature), so I don't feel too bad obviously.

    Yeah, I had too much fun with that.

    Also the grim reaper is really creepy, Brandi went to go to the bathroom and he decided to watch and talk to her.

    He also followed her over to the sink, I missed a screenshot of it, but she gave him one heck of a nasty look. Which I found pretty awesome, because I mean he is the one who took her boyfriend away and then he was following her around the bathroom, uh yeah he deserves a dirty look (and a whole lot more, but anyway)

    The he followed her around as she tried to cook, she kept shooting him dirty looks (I missed them again), but eventually started flirting with him (missed that too, I always pause to get screenshots, but in TS4 tab mode you can't pause the game with "p". I'm still not used to this so I keep missing stuff).

    that is one of the things i dislike about TS4 the emotional deaths. the Grimm Reaper is fun in 4 thou since he interacts with sims even after harvesting a soul.

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