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What Happened In Your Game Today, The Non-Serial Story Version


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    LeucosiaXLeucosiaX Posts: 1,854 Member
    Congratulations @GalacticGal to Erik and Kayleigh for their award wins. They are racking it up. Excellent game!
    How do you call the police on trespassers?
    That happened to Catty. couple of times. One time Jean her husband beat him up and he left. I tried locking the doors before when I see them coming up the long walkway up, but it seems once their are in route, the changed to locked door doesn't register in game.
    Is it like call the fire department?

    I have been working on the Castle Estate little bit everyday this past week. I have to finish a few more rooms, but so far almost the main ones are done and I am really happy with them. I will post screenshots soon.

    Maybe you can try to cut and paste your username in game on a notepad in case it happens again. Origin log in have wonked out on me in weird ways before. I'm on mac and still have no need to move over to ea. Sometimes they say the server is down. I have contacted help many times. They are usually very helpful in chat, if you can get them.
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    LeucosiaXLeucosiaX Posts: 1,854 Member
    @LeucosiaX Aha! Good to know. Sounds like a fun mod.
    It is a rad mode but I will be taking it out for that gallery issue. I will put it back in only for parties 😉
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 29,005 Member
    @LeucosiaX Thank you. As for the police, you really can't in game. I saw Jamison on the phone and just filled in the blanks, creatively, I hope. I do wish we had police to be called. I could have had Erik attempt to "frame Sim" via the Road to Fame mod, which will bring police to the scene, but after he got whipped by the teen, I just thought, nope, that's not going to fly.
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    EnkiSchmidtEnkiSchmidt Posts: 5,375 Member
    Now you're overexaggerating, Poe!

    My sim Poe, a rocketship pilot, has the Adventurous trait. He is currently upgrading his rocketship to eventually travel to Sixam. While working on his ninths skillpoint, he suddenly became bored and said he needed more excitement in his life.

    Duuuuude, you just installed interstellar navigation plans and ion cannons. Unexplored regions of the galaxy! Space battles! Finding Sixam! And that's not enough adventure for you? Maybe eat a fruitcake, would that scratch your itch for danger?

    I paused my game and created a horse for every household member. Maybe Poe will like falling off a horseback better. (Spoiler: Yes, he will, because Riding is a new skill for him and the Adventurous trait only cares about how long a sim practises a skill, not what skill it is. Could just as well have him take up cross-stitching, I suppose.)
    Currently playing: Castaway Challenge
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    hely0thely0t Posts: 345 Member
    This was a couple of weeks ago for me but I did some stuff with Luke and Sylas.

    Sylas met a cow for the first time.
    While at Henford-on-Bagley, I took this photo of the sun... set?

    Luke, Sylas and Grant went on holiday.

    I spotted an alligator (crocodile?). I was worried it was gonna try to eat Sylas as he fished nearby.

    When they got home, I redid their little front garden so they could have an allotment area.

    I got Luke to eat something and then brush his teeth, but he decided to do it while eating instead... Idiot.

    Yesterday (my actual yesterday) I spent the day with the other Gilberts, since I haven't seen them for a while.

    I got there and Tegan did a big stretch!
    Jesse had completed an aspiration so he began the slumber party one and it was a Saturday anyway so I had Wren arrange a slumber party for him. As soon as the kids (and Sylas, because he's a big kid too) arrived, the dogs hid in the toilet lol. They're so shy! They didn't come out at all apart from to complain about being hungry.

    Jesse being a great host. And Joshua had, conveniently, made a load of hotdogs before going to work, so the kids had those to eat.

    Sleepy time.
    Brodie found this in space (should've waited until it was daytime to take the pic, I know) and is growing it. I have no idea what it's going to turn into.

    The next day I had Jesse go visit his other big sister, Jodie, and officially meet his nephew, Keelan. (He also didn't know his brother-in-law, Jonathan.)

    I didn't realise there was anything actually moving in this tank. They're so cute!

    Dad and daughter.

    I think Bouncer was happy to see Jodie. (And a vampire showed up.)

    Then things went a little weird when I tried to get Jesse outside to the swings, and it made me laugh so hard, there were tears in my eyes.

    It's okay; he got there eventually lol.
    "You've got a face, I've got a face, it's all gonna be alright." - Noel Fielding
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 29,005 Member
    @hely0t Loved your update.
    The traveling through walls, appliances, etc. has happened to me, also, multiple times, but I have to admit your captured images of it, got me laughing a bit, too.
    As for eating while brushing the teeth, one of my Sims, still a teen I believe at the time, did the exact same thing. LOL Silly Sims . . .
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    @Ciralinde Just a part of life, though makes you wonder about aging them down and giving them more of a life than what we see.
    @GalacticGal ah yes that is my favorite part getting to have those last moments with loved ones it doesn't always happen especially when the game runs fine then lags for no reason and boom, tombstone. They miss them very much but life must go on.

    Just popped by to show their moving forward, also yes awesomes out.
    It was hard for her to let go of her childhood home.
    Though it did help that they went through everything and brought what was important, for her to find he bought her a new one for new memories, her grandparents would want her to be happy.
    Though they didn't get to enjoy it much before he took to Sulani for their honeymoon, he promised her the world like he believed she deserved, she trusted that.

    They made the right pick.
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    EnkiSchmidtEnkiSchmidt Posts: 5,375 Member
    I had my first turtle hatching today!

    In my main save the feature is broken and although my sims visited Mua Pel'am in the side saves, I rarely focused on cleaning up the island. Except in my current save, where I have two dedicated conservationist households. They managed to clean the island on a thursday or friday and right now, the monday after, a different family received the turtle hatching message. It is raining, but that doesn't stop my sims from watching and praising the conservationists.
    Currently playing: Castaway Challenge
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    cynciecyncie Posts: 4,747 Member
    edited February 7
    Morgyn spent the first part of today's game hanging out in the Magic Realm. They've got some new sages and he's breaking them in a bit. He did stop long enough for me to grab a nice screenshot.

    Morgyn and Greg have been friends for a while, even trading jokes on TwitFaceBunny, or whatever that social media app is called. I noticed Greg had dropped on Morgyn's relationship panel, so he took a trip to Moonwood Mill to spend some time with his friend.

    After arriving at the bar, he found himself inadvertently in the middle of a tense situation between Rory and Caleb Vatore, who was just asking for trouble hanging out at The Grimtooth in the first place.

    Not wanting to get in the middle of a vampire/werewolf altercation, Morgyn backed out and made his way out to see Greg. Greg, as it turned out, was in a pretty foul mood and jumped Morgyn. I was so surprised, I didn't get a screenshot. I guess he's mad that Morgyn de-activated his social media account.

    Anyway, after making things up with Greg, Morgyn needed a cool down, so he went to the ruins of the Arcane Library in the Forgotten Grotto.


    The library was built by the Arcane for Morgyn's education in the more advanced things of magic. It was hidden away, intact, for centuries before a mine cave-in caused massive damage to the building. Most of the tomes were recovered and the ruins were cleaned up and managed by the residents of Sylvan Glade until Morgyn could claim his rightful place. The basement living quarters are still intact. The Library and the Magic Realm are the only reminders of his ancestors that Morgyn has. He always feels more grounded and in touch with his true nature when visiting them. So, still recovering from his bout with Greg, he spent a night there in the ruins. And after some time spent in meditation, he was ready to go back and face the rest of the world again.

    Post edited by cyncie on
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    Umbreon12Umbreon12 Posts: 900 Member
    edited February 9
    Played some more of my PC Sims, I may post on my PS4 Sims again soon. I did play with another family, but ended up on my new Inuyasha save. Rereading the manga for Inuyasha, so it has been on my brain.
    Anyway, I have two million Simoleon challenge for my PS4 and PC. PS4 has my Sim Luna Moon married to Clement Frost, and has two kids with him. Which are Emma MoonFrost and Jack MoonFrost. For my PC, my Sim is named Savannah Fox, who I haven't played for awhile. Last time I had her harvest things to sell, and then get a fairly easy job. Today, Johnny Zest hung out with her, and then went home, and then called her to see if he should go on a date. Savannah told him that he should, and he had a great time. However, she wanted to have Johnny Zest be her boyfriend. So, after work, he had arrived at her house to hang out, and she decided to take her chances. Johnny accepted her advances, and in no time, they shared their first kiss. Shortly after she asked him to be her boyfriend, and then she proposed to him. They eloped and exchanged vows. Afterwards, Savannah got pregnant with Johnny's child, and they moved into a brand new house. Savannah got more money through the marriage, but not a huge amount, she was marrying for love and not money, so she has a long way to go to reach her million simoleons.
    For my newest save, I created Kagome, and uploaded the Inuyasha from the original family and aged him up. I created their daughter Moroha from the sequel series Yashahime. I didn't check to make sure Kagome and InuYasha were married, before uploading them to my game. So, I sent them on a date to get married.
    I did get some cute pictures from my mistake though.
    Post edited by Umbreon12 on
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    mightyspritemightysprite Posts: 6,098 Member
    @cyncie Morgyn is a gentleman and a scholar :) fun to see his adventures again
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    cynciecyncie Posts: 4,747 Member
    @cyncie Morgyn is a gentleman and a scholar :) fun to see his adventures again

    Thanks! I’m hoping to get more story play started.
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    SimmervilleSimmerville Posts: 11,745 Member
    Not exactly "happened in my game" but in my community (kingdom++) a regional reform is ongoing and the residents count is a thing this sim year. I created a picture with most of my current sims aged 25 and up - 515 sims all being played (some more than others...)
    More on blog for anyone interested.
    Simmerville on Youtube | My blog is updated weekly: Simmerville's Sims<br>a.jpg
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    For some reason, no matter how many other sims I am playing or save files in general the goths always worm their way back into the rotation and I've played with them for most of the sim's 4 life. Ah well.
    Don't know why but I really just liked how this pic of the two eldest Goth children looked, even if Alex looks a little like Gomez...hmm should find him his Morticia. :)
    This is Cassie's last day in the house, she'll still be in Willow Creek but Mortimer here will miss her all the same.

    "Stop giving me that look, I'm moving, the house is paid for already."

    "Fine, but you will be on time for dinner."

    "Sure dad."
    Reginald here, without dessert, was adopted on another play through who knows when and I liked him so much I saved him with the family he's different almost every time I drop this version in. I thought it was weird he'd miss out on snacking with his family all moody and what not.
    But he was just waiting to spend time with his baby sister instead.
    Cassie moved and I decided that her old highschool boyfriend Wolfgang was ready for things to be real between them, not in this play but in another they were dating a bit in highschool. I usually put him with his neighbor Morgan but they are also cute together.
    Even at different energy levels they work together, I'm thinking they'll adopt a couple kids so I don't have to trade the rooms I like for nurseries....priorities.
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    cynciecyncie Posts: 4,747 Member
    Morgan made fun of the zombie movie.

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    manicobsessivemanicobsessive Posts: 1,120 Member
    I completed two aspirations, horse riding and nectar making with my rancher sims. It's taken me ages, but I got there! Now I am moving onto the challenge I created myself to work through all the careers and aspirations I'm interested in completing. It's going to be fourteen generations worth. It's going to take me forever, but hey. I'm going to have other saves on the side too so I won't get bored, lol.
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    LeucosiaXLeucosiaX Posts: 1,854 Member
    edited February 15
    iU8ZjNW.pngcbNEEzE.png Veronica and her husband went to the Nick Cave show at Britechester
    managed to snag a selfie with him
    and grab an autograph from Robert Smith in the audience
    excellent turn out, great crown
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 29,005 Member
    I completed two aspirations, horse riding and nectar making with my rancher sims. It's taken me ages, but I got there! Now I am moving onto the challenge I created myself to work through all the careers and aspirations I'm interested in completing. It's going to be fourteen generations worth. It's going to take me forever, but hey. I'm going to have other saves on the side too so I won't get bored, lol.

    Congratulations on the achievement.
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 29,005 Member
    @LeucosiaX What fun. Great concert and some valued perks for the fans. Selfie and an autograph. That's really cool.
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    HopeyStarrHopeyStarr Posts: 1,276 Member
    One of my main sims Noah Fletcher tied the knot with Yuki Behr. The wedding went pretty well and I know this for certain because I ended up taking an absurd amount of screenshots. :tongue:

    A few of my favourites.

    Escorted down the aisle by mother-in-law.

    Candy is so happy for her little sister.
    *:.。."It's great being ((Queen Bee))!".。.:*
    ✧ :-"As long as I continue to believe then one day my ((dreams)) really will come true."✧ :-

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