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Llandros's Ultimate Sim Challenge

My name is Llandros and I do YouTube videos (Llandros09) on mainly the Sims 3. I created a challenge called the Ultimate Sim and have been recording one version (my female sim) and just playing the other (male version) on my own. I have been posting short updates in a few threads and wanted a place to collect them all. Unfortunately, I did not start taking screenshots at the very beginning of the challenge but have been working on them periodically.

The basic premise of the challenge is to create one ultimate sim that has mastered all the skills and their challenges as well as has completed every job available in the game. In addition, they need to either become every occult type or add each one into the family at some point. The challenge starts in Sunset Valley and runs through all the official EA towns.

The ultimate sim saves his or her lifetime wish and completes it after becoming the Ultimate Sim. They have to choose a final home world where they will live the remainder of their lives.


I did not record Sunset Valley. Basically, my sim is Brandon Shepherd and he has been chosen to try to become the ultimate sim. He enrolled in University for a Business degree and then returned to complete three jobs. Every full time job he takes on he is required to do for 4 sim weeks (1 year) and every part time job is 2 sim weeks. There are a few exceptions and staying longer in a job for any reason is never a problem.

In Sunset Valley, Brandon completed the Daycare profession, the Business career, and worked at the Bookstore. He mastered the charisma and social networking skills. In addition, he was a werewolf and leveled up his skill as well as collected all metals, rocks, and insects, including the countries.

He moved to Riverview and added a second degree to his name - the Fine Arts degree. My screenshots pick up here in Riverview where he is working as a chef at the Bistro. Hope you enjoy!


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    Llandros2012Llandros2012 Posts: 622 Member
    edited February 2016
    This is Brandon trying to make some extra money after work at the Bistro in Riverview.

    He discovered something out in the fields that ended up changing his life drastically.

    In a few days, he had given birth to an alien child and was trying to keep him secret from everyone.

    He kept to late nights as he took his young son out around town.

    He used the alien technology that his abductors left and kept his child safely hidden from the world....and time itself.

    Before long, his secret was getting hard to contain so he changed his identity and the two moved to Twinbrook.

    Brandon took to firefighting to make a living for them both.

    The entire town depended on him and was always thankful when he would save the day.

    Until a massive cloud appeared over the town....

    Terrified, Brandon bravely headed toward the source of the trouble that was brewing...

    By this time, his alien son had grown up and was still being kept a secret from the town...

    along with another curious life form....

    Brandon uncovered the source but found that more danger was to come, and it would mean that he would need to move the family again to outrun it.

    A very nosy sim began to see the cracks in Brandon's story and he knew that time was running out. It was time to hit the road again.
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    Llandros2012Llandros2012 Posts: 622 Member
    edited February 2016
    So the boys ended up moving to Barnacle Bay in order to escape undue suspicion. But it seems that the town was quite accepting of an alien in their midst. Against his better judgment, Brandon decided that maybe it was time to see if perhaps this might be the place to truly settle down and live a normal life. Tyler longed to use his musical gifts. But first, Brandon took off for China to become the Martial Arts Master.

    His best friend and roommate from college joined the house and wanted to experience suspended animation. He was not amused by it at all.

    The boys tried to fit in to town by forming their own band and performing in local clubs.

    While Brandon worked in town, the boys hung out at home perfecting their song list.

    Time was being very kind to the Shepherd family and they were enjoying the island lifestyle.

    Tyler took advantage of the quiet sunrises on the houseboat to sneak in some practice.

    Nothing could beat the feeling he got in those still, morning hours as the sun began to rise during practice.

    When all the boys were home, it was time to get their act together and prepare for their first professional debut.

    It was a great way to meet the neighbors and for once feel a part of the life of the town for them all.

    And so The Shepherd Boys came to be a professional working band.

    As it turns out, they were more than just pretty good. The boys were a hit in town.

    It wasn't long before they were getting calls to perform almost every night.

    But with small town fame comes the risk of others digging into your past. Would the Shepherds be able to maintain the peace or would life on the run have to start up again, just as things seemed to be going perfectly for them?
    Post edited by Llandros2012 on
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    Llandros2012Llandros2012 Posts: 622 Member
    edited February 2016
    The boys put on a final farewell concert in Barnacle Bay. It was time to move on. With the band fully ready to tackle the big time, it was looking like the move to the city was the next logical step.

    Before leaving, Tyler spent some quiet time on the bay in his boat.

    He had just started getting into fishing but was not going to sacrifice his time in the spotlight for this. There would be time to fish later.

    The guys hung out at the beach and enjoyed the peace and quiet they had.

    There would not be many days like this to be had in Bridgeport.

    One last night together at the festival and it was time to say goodbye to a very special place for them all.

    The boys arrived in Bridgport and held their first gig in a local dive.

    The venues got better as time went on and more people started to take notice of the newest band in town.

    A last minute booking at the sports bar turned out to be a very crucial moment in the band's journey to the top. A new opportunity was about to become available.

    After months of struggling and constant rejection, the boys were finally invited to play at one of the lounges in town. It would turn out to be the first of many.
    Post edited by Llandros2012 on
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    Llandros2012Llandros2012 Posts: 622 Member
    edited February 2016
    I lost alot of pictures when I had to regenerate the game. I forgot to save the screenshot folder. Anyway, this is where the boys are now. (And yeah, they all own shirts but always want to wear swimsuits or pajama's - or workout clothes!)

    Brandon and the boys finally said farewell to Bridgeport and decided to settle in Hidden Springs for a few years. Brandon, having taken the fairy potion, worked his way up as a Sports Agent after his final trip to University while the boys entertained themselves and lived off the money they had made as the hottest band in Bridgeport.

    As a scientist, Brandon pushed his knowledge of plant life and created a plant sim from the forbidden fruit.

    The boys welcomed baby Noah to the household.

    Brandon spent some time in China on his own as he leveled up the Chess Tournament ranking and discovered several stars and planets along the way.

    Tyler took advantage of the newly remodeled Subalpine Park downtown and fell in love with the basketball court. (Seriously, I couldn't stop him from hitting this thing all day long!)

    The Fountain of Youth became a hot spot as well and Brandon took advantage of it's aging powers.

    No one could resist when Brandon would tell one of his famous spooky stories.

    After the first year in town, the boys attended a party while Brandon was working now as a medical intern at the hospital. It seemed to be bad form when the party host dies at his own event. (I love the look on Derek's face...."Seriously, you're gonna die now?!...")

    As the second summer came to a close, Brandon started working on his soccer rank for the tournaments.

    The fall saw the boys head to the campgrounds for a mini-vacation. While everyone turned in for the night, Tyler took to the archery range.

    Even though the weather turned bad, Tyler couldn't resist building a roaring bonfire at camp.

    Morning arrived and the weather had still not relented. But the view was still worth the price.

    The weather finally did clear and everyone was able to relax and enjoy the first weekend of fall.

    Rock climbing was a favorite for Brandon and Tyler.

    Derek, Noah (now a teen), and Isidro hit the archery station.

    Only one was actually brave enough to walk on the fire pit.

    A lazy afternoon of horseshoes kept the boys busy as the last hours of the vacation passed.

    Brandon couldn't resist the golf tee and set a new record as well.

    During a water fight at the resort, Noah finally aged up to be a young adult.

    It didn't take this guy long to start admiring himself in the mirror.

    But it was Isidro that got the shock of his metallic life as an alien abduction took him far away for a few hours.

    But the weekend ended on a sad note as the family's pet deathfish actually died. Noah took care of the services and said his goodbyes.
    Post edited by Llandros2012 on
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    Llandros2012Llandros2012 Posts: 622 Member
    edited February 2016
    The boys settled into their new home in Hidden Springs and took advantage of some indoor fun during the rainy times, which seemed to happen all too often.

    A few trips to the local arcade took care of those moments of feeling couped up at home. It was easy to go stir crazy but this place was a perfect way to relieve that problem.

    Derek took to painting and found that he was pretty talented at it. Eventually, he went to work as an Art Appraiser in town.

    Life moved pretty slow in Hidden Springs compared to their hectic life in Bridgeport. It was a welcome change to not deal with the relentless paparazzi all the time staking out their every move.

    Isidro did his best to fit in with his brothers but always seemed just a bit distant from the rest of the family. It was clear that something was troubling him more and more.

    Brandon snuck away any chance he got to try out the fishing around town. It was definitely one of his favorite past times.

    Eventually, Isidro let it be known that he was unhappy always sitting out when the family enjoyed the outdoors. Being a simbot and causing strange looks around town had gotten the better of him. Brandon surprised him with a special cure elixir and in an instant, he got exactly what he always wanted....the chance to be a real sim!

    Derek's paintings became a huge hit and it wasn't long before he was pumping out beautiful masterpieces. The environment had alot to do with his new inspiration.

    The boys were thrilled to finally see Isidro in human form. They couldn't wait to introduce him to all the things that he had missed out on for so long.

    After three long years in Hidden Springs, it was time to say goodbye. A new adventure was waiting for Brandon and his boys. It was going to be something unlike anything they had ever encountered. A last peaceful morning of fishing was in order as he said goodbye to the town and his fairy status. He would become human as they started a new life in a new town.

    The boys arrived in Appaloosa Plains and Brandon set off to a journey of training and racing horses. His first foal arrived and he quickly made sure that it felt welcome and fulfilled.

    It wasn't long before Bacon, the young foal, was feeling comfortable and not missing her mother quite as much as before.

    As the months progressed, Brandon trained many horses and made quite a name for himself around town. He spent alot of time away from the family, but his boys were all digging into their careers and kept very busy schedules as well.

    Brandon's pride and joy came in the form of a unicorn that he invited into the household. Neptune became more than just his prized racehorse. He was also truly a part of the family.

    The crowds flocked to see Neptune and Brandon and the competition dreaded to see this unstoppable pair as they arrived each night to race for the coveted trophy. Neptune proved to be a tough horse to beat and easily bested the competition each night.

    After much work and many hard earned winnings, Neptune became a Champion Racehorse. The two celebrated their 15th racing victory at the advanced level and looked forward to a new chapter. Tomorrow, they would begin their bid to take the Jumping Championship!

    Brandon continued to train and sell horses. He had much to accomplish in addition to the competition circuit. It was quite different in Appaloosa Plains, but the boys knew that they had found a home that would serve them well for the next three years.
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    Llandros2012Llandros2012 Posts: 622 Member
    edited February 2016
    Well, I am just going to say it now - it angers me how the developers left this game with some really annoying and simple bugs that SHOULD have been fixed a long time ago. I forgot that when you are doing the jump competitions, never travel as it wipes out all of your data and you start over. It cost me 4 sim days of work now trying to catch up. This is one of the many reasons that I can't put good money into the Sims 4 as these same people proved to me what value they have in their product. I still love this game but seriously, this issue should have been taken care of a long time ago....and I really don't think leaving it up to mods to fix it is right. We should hold them accountable to a higher standard.

    Ok, off my soapbox and on to the update....sorry! grrrr!

    Brandon spent some time befriending the wild horses in town. After several sessions of watching them, he soon was able to convince one to join the household.

    This elder horse had a very high skill in racing and Brandon was able to find him an owner rather quickly for a decent profit.

    Soon, another wild horse was quickly taken in. And just as before, a new home was found. Brandon's earnings were really rising with this new addition to his work style.

    One final adoption from the wild was all it took for Brandon to become a true Horse Friend.

    Brandon began to think about a conversation that he had with Derek earlier.

    Derek was happy to be the proud stepfather to 3 wonderful stepsons but something was missing - a child of his own. He and Brandon had talked about it ever since Bridgeport. With his other boys off and busy with their own careers, Brandon realized that one day soon his ranching days would have to come to an end and he would need an heir to take over the reigns, literally!

    He thought back to a time long ago while living in Barnacle Bay. He and Derek had traveled to the future and married in Oasis Landings. He thought nothing of it at the time, but he remembered Emit, the time keeper, telling him of a very unique man that would one day play a huge role in the growth of his family. Perhaps he could share a bit more information now...

    Sooner than he expected, he found himself in that uncomfortable place of the future. Could this place help him and Derek with their goal of having their own child? And would he ever figure out these crazy tubes?!

    Two men with a purpose set out on a mission that they only hoped could come true. Armed with just a small piece of information, the boys headed out of the city of Oasis Landings.

    There were stories of a strange, old hermit that lived in the wastelands. He was supposed to have some sort of strange, mystical power that unsettled most people. Brandon and Derek rode up to his home and hoped for the best.

    The man was wise and went by the name of Bennett Obi. He studied Brandon carefully and could sense that there was something within him, something that connected them in a strange and unique way.

    He listened as Brandon explained the reason for their journey. Ben was eager to help but said that their paths were destined to cross again, at some point in time. Of this, he seemed quite sure.

    Ben encouraged Brandon to stretch out with his thoughts and see what answers might come to him. Brandon tried but was very confused by the images and thoughts that he began to envision.

    Ben told him that all he needed was in his hands at the moment and in a flash of light, Brandon had all the answers he needed for his current situation. But something else started to register....and just as instantly, it was gone.

    Brandon pleaded with the kind, old man to return to the present with him. He knew of ways to reverse aging and could give the man a brand new start in life. Ben kindly refused and told him that his path was different from Brandon's. In fact, his future lied in the hands of another small child that was just on the other side of the wastelands. In a few days, Ben would be traveling there to silently watch and guide him.

    Brandon didn't understand, but he felt a connection to Ben Obi. There was just a sense, a feeling that he had not felt since..... Regardless, it was time to say goodbye and return to town with Derek.

    Brandon and Derek rode to a place deep in the city. Ben had told him of a strange, little, green man that could create some powerful energy. Perhaps he could help these two create a child of their own....

    And so, this odd, green man helped bring Bodee Shepherd into the world. Finally, Derek had a child that was a part of him as well.

    But the operation came with a warning. There were dark times coming to Oasis Landings. This child had to be removed before his presence was detected. The boys were told to return immediately to Appaloosa Plains and to disable the time portal on the other side.

    The boys returned, excited to introduce their newest addition to the rest of the family.

    Just as he was instructed, Brandon disabled the portal. He wondered if he would ever see old Ben again...

    Life returned to normal, although busy with a baby in the household. Brandon spent his time training up some very special horses.

    Nepture continued to protect Brandon and did what he could to keep his racing partner at his very best. A blessing before each race never hurt!

    Brandon was fulfilled and couldn't believe all of the things his life had shown him so far. He still had a long way to go, but it was good now. But he couldn't forget hearing about the dark times that were coming to the future. He hoped that news was all a mistake as he did want to travel back to see Ben again someday. Hopefully, he would remain safe.

    But all thoughts of dark times melted as Brandon snuggled with his new son. He was very fortunate and knew how lucky he was.

    A voice in his head reminded him that luck always runs out. He quickly dismissed that thought and put Bodee down for a nap.
    Post edited by Llandros2012 on
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    Llandros2012Llandros2012 Posts: 622 Member
    edited February 2016
    Derek was spending alot of his time training with Tyler. He was finding that he could work out much longer and get better results with someone pushing him.Screenshot-60_zpsjyuiyfic.jpg

    For a rare moment, the house was pretty quiet. This was odd with a baby and 3 horses in the household.Screenshot-92_zps8jkgn6g8.jpg

    No matter what the hour, you could always find somebody enjoying the pool.Screenshot-91_zpsed2is5wv.jpg

    Bodee seemed to be content and had alot of fun in his new playpen.Screenshot-93_zpsu0orxu3l.jpg

    It wasn't long and Bodee was ready to start learning some new skills. Derek took him to the library and the two read all afternoon together.Screenshot-95_zpsaobr9gp8.jpg

    There were many dangerous areas that the boys had to look out for with a todder in the house. But luckily, this house had alot of people to keep their eyes open.Screenshot-94_zpsssqcstz1.jpg

    In between competitions, Brandon got in on the teaching of Bodee. They were a musical family and he was determined to give Bodee the best start in life.Screenshot-96_zpsk88vq6s1.jpg

    Big brother Tyler got the most time with him as he didn't need to sleep. The two bonded very quickly!Screenshot-97_zps13yyyeku.jpg

    Time flew by and before they knew it, Bodee was having another birthday.Screenshot-119_zpslvchbpqs.jpg

    Even Noah was excited for some cake. Strange though, since plant sims don't really need to eat!Screenshot-118_zpso7n43se6.jpg

    Everyone was home for a rare change as the littlest Shepherd grew up.Screenshot-120_zpsb5nr0c8m.jpg

    He was ready to be on his own two feet and try to keep up with the big boys.Screenshot-121_zpsbbppyizy.jpg

    Well, he still had a way to go but at least he could keep up with them for the most part!Screenshot-122_zps3tew0gk2.jpg

    Life was becoming a bit easier and late night rides with the horses was becoming a more common activity.Screenshot-127_zpsqqxkk8kh.jpg

    The sleepy little town took on a very different feel under the moonlight late at night. Brandon and Derek took advantage of it whenever they could.Screenshot-128_zpsumelcwde.jpg

    Tyler even got into the late night routine and found jogging through town to be a great way to see Appaloosa Plains.Screenshot-129_zps4pnblpcj.jpg

    Brandon continued to work hard both with the horses and with the equipment. He now had three horses fully skilled in racing and jumping.Screenshot-130_zpscwmvzjq5.jpg

    Brandon and Neptune had won every competition except one - the International Cross Country. Just before the race, the two share a quick moment and head inside to race once more.Screenshot-123_zps3s2kdtbj.jpg

    Luck was on their side as they easily took the final championship. The incredible statue was a reminder of all the hard work and training that they had done to get to this point.Screenshot-124_zpsckwzji7p.jpg

    Bodee developed a real love for the horses, the ranch and the competitions. He went with Brandon every chance he got. Brandon couldn't have been any happier.Screenshot-126_zpsjsnjl08h.jpg

    This little boy was very impressed by the statue. He knew that one day, he was going to follow in his dad's footsteps. If only he could start riding those horses now. But he would soon....very soon.Screenshot-125_zpsjehub4a0.jpg
    Post edited by Llandros2012 on
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    Llandros2012Llandros2012 Posts: 622 Member
    edited February 2016
    The boys hit the gym but Neptune raced over to find Brandon so that they could perform their pre-competition ritual.Screenshot-13_zpsqrf7jzue.jpg

    The fall festival arrived and even though the competition would occur later, the boys took some time to enjoy the day. Bodee decided to brave the haunted house like his brothers did.Screenshot-14_zpsjhsvsq0v.jpg

    Brandon kept an eye on his youngest. It seemed that Bodee was determined to age up as fast as he could. Screenshot-15_zpshpabur0u.jpg

    Brandon and Derek took a shot at the pie eating contest. Unfortunately, neither one of them could pull it off.Screenshot-19_zpsccyqany9.jpg

    The four brothers took each other on during the apple bobbing contest. Isidro, the former simbot, got his first victory!Screenshot-16_zpst2ze1zfj.jpg

    Bodee finally settled on a pumpkin for his face painting choice. Maybe when he got older he could get a tattoo like his dad.Screenshot-20_zpsjff8nbgm.jpg

    As the afternoon wore on, Brandon turned his attention to his BFF. They had to be ready to compete.Screenshot-21_zpspbl2ebv9.jpg

    Another blessing before the race and it was time for Brandon and Neptune to head out.Screenshot-22_zps0anpnq6z.jpg

    They were planning to compete in the international races again tonight. It would be tough but thankfully they would win both events tonight.Screenshot-23_zpsmyxiozbk.jpg

    After the race, Brandon joined Tyler who had remained at the festival. He was under a ghost curse for a few hours but was having a great time.Screenshot-24_zpsizlw1x7q.jpg

    Brandon took Lightning out for a little exercise. He was in prime shape and had many interested buyers but Brandon couldn't quite decide on selling him at this point.Screenshot-25_zpsh8272y0l.jpg

    It was a beautiful fall morning and the two were able to ride through town while everyone else headed off to work or school.Screenshot-26_zpszfospf4n.jpg

    Lightning took off and found some places that Brandon had never been. The two were seeing a completely different side of Appaloosa Plains.Screenshot-27_zpszdw3nglw.jpg

    After the nightly competition, the older boys went out to the local diner for a night out together.Screenshot-29_zpsttxqcmps.jpg

    Most of the boys were tired and ready for bed, but Brandon and Tyler decided to head out to the saloon for a bit.Screenshot-31_zpsaothcmuo.jpg

    One too many juices later and Brandon was convincing Tyler to sit for a tattoo.Screenshot-32_zpsp9zu0tra.jpg

    Brandon assured him that he knew what he was doing. Tyler looked on a bit nervously but then closed his eyes. What could possibly go wrong?Screenshot-33_zpsjiaxzogs.jpg

    Perhaps when the juice wears off there will be some bad feelings about this but for now, both boys seemed to be fine with Brandon's work!Screenshot-34_zpsoqeoyqyc.jpg

    Bodee had another birthday and was excited to finally be a teenager. He would soon get to ride a horse like everyone else.Screenshot-37_zpsexzfactj.jpg

    He certainly did dress the part and it was hard sometimes to distinguish him from his dad. Bodee was almost grown up!Screenshot-39_zpseybdoa1f.jpg

    Brandon continued to take the horses out on his morning runs. Today, as winter began, it was Myra's turn to lead him through the outskirts of town.Screenshot-40_zpseoapbgv0.jpg

    There were so many places that the boys had never been to yet. It was always fun coming up to something for the first time.Screenshot-41_zpswj6xnz8k.jpg

    Myra seemed to sense something and turned before they could make it to the old mill. Perhaps there was something there that neither of them should get close to.Screenshot-42_zps13xzrr3l.jpg

    Later, a light frost covered the ground as Brandon was able to survey the entire countryside. He had grown to love Appaloosa Plains more than he ever thought he would.Screenshot-43_zpspuhptfgq.jpg

    As winter continued, Brandon and Neptune took some time to ride along the beach. It was small but worth traveling to.Screenshot-44_zpsdbnsuixe.jpg
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    Llandros2012Llandros2012 Posts: 622 Member
    edited February 2016
    A free moment in the weekend meant it was time to teach Bohdi how to drive. Brandon had to remind him that he wouldn't be getting this expensive of a car to start. Bohdi didn't mind as he was more interested in life on the back of a horse.Screenshot-45_zpsyrl1iuna.jpg

    Spring proved to be just as peaceful as every other season but with it came sadness. This would be Brandon's final season as a horseman. For now, though, it was time to just enjoy what time was left.Screenshot-6_zpsflgtwck9.jpg

    Another strange aurora in the sky meant that a unicorn was nearby. It was too much to resist and Brandon bolted over to the outskirts to catch a glimpse.Screenshot-7_zpsodbfl6yr.jpg

    Even the animals were not immune to Brandon's charms and before too long, a new addition was coming home to the family.Screenshot-8_zpslernkfnt.jpg

    With a new horse and his career winding down, Brandon knew it was time to start thinking about selling Lightning and Myra. But only if Neptune didn't mind this new horse.Screenshot-9_zpsyfibyuwr.jpg

    Neptune took to the new unicorn, Thunder, almost instantly. He could sense that she was very much interested in him as well!Screenshot-11_zps7wove6mh.jpg

    Brandon and Derek danced like fools at the spring festival. They at least had the discretion to keep their silly moves off the true dance floor!Screenshot-12_zpsztnponpy.jpg

    Isidro started getting up early with Brandon and went across the street to play piano and enjoy the sunrise. He didn't find much of an audience but it didn't seem to bother him at all.Screenshot-13_zpsbovgmlpa.jpg

    A few days later, Neptune seemed a bit anxious and spent as much time as he could with Thunder.Screenshot-14_zpstoea3ugt.jpg

    In no time, the two were off to the stalls and looking for some alone time. Could a unicorn foal be on the way soon? Screenshot-15_zpsiipzugir.jpg

    It was a bittersweet night as Brandon rode Neptune one last time to the competitions. Screenshot-17_zpsus23pglg.jpg

    Tonight would be his final race as a professional horseman. He would race again but this would cap a very successful and rewarding career. Screenshot-18_zpsrtjuyvgs.jpg

    The final two contests proved to be no problem and Brandon retired with a very impressive record. It was now time for a different Shepherd to step up and make a name for himself in the equestrian circuit.Screenshot-19_zpsxvghhqhs.jpg

    A new career at the cemetery was waiting for Brandon. It was not as prestigious or profitable but it was the next stop on his journey to be the ultimate sim.Screenshot-20_zps1qyotgzf.jpg

    Although it was a creepy location on the night of a full moon, Brandon jumped right in and did his best work.Screenshot-21_zpsrdwnhgn7.jpg

    Tyler was working only a few days a week now as he had maxed out the Sports Agent career. His salary was very high and he took every opportunity to enjoy the freedom that it offered.Screenshot-22_zpsxvwj0plv.jpg

    The boys decided to join Brandon on his first shift and got in some fishing. It was odd yet very peaceful. Tyler and Isidro seemed to do the best when it came to fishing.Screenshot-23_zpsdbvlkzkk.jpg

    But the youngest brother, Bohdi, aged up to a young adult surrounded by the tombstones!Screenshot-26_zpszsquptil.jpg

    He was the spitting image of his dad Brandon although a bit of Derek was noticeable.Screenshot-27_zpswxeyjwen.jpg

    Father and son took a photo as they really did look like they were cut from the same cloth. Graduation day would be here tomorrow and Bohdi would be taking over the reigns of the two (soon to be three) unicorns.Screenshot-28_zpsqpl3loh9.jpg
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    Llandros2012Llandros2012 Posts: 622 Member
    edited February 2016
    Graduation Day arrived for Bodhi (he finally learned how to truly spell his name). Screenshot-33_zpsvfxvhs3e.jpg

    All Bodhi cared about was getting out of school and working his way up the competition circuit like his dad. There was no way he would leave for college as he knew exactly what he wanted to do in life.Screenshot-34_zpsym5vkz0e.jpg

    Everybody did their best to not cause a scene at the ceremony but it was hard to blend in if you were a member of the Shepherd family. Screenshot-35_zpsqvrltukj.jpg

    He was voted most popular, which was odd since he really didn't spend much time with anyone unless they had four legs, a tale, and begged for carrots.Screenshot-36_zpsg9spt7qn.jpg

    Brandon missed his life as a professional horseman but was proud of Bodhi as he was now officially taking over for the family.Screenshot-30_zpsg9ggwvok.jpg

    Another family member had a major life event as well. Thunder gave birth to a little foal that she named Athena. Screenshot-31_zpsd0uqfptd.jpg

    The two rarely stepped away from each other but the rest of the family did their best to make them both comfortable. Screenshot-32_zps5hblosis.jpg

    Athena found the horse ranch to be a pretty exciting and busy place. She watched her parents as they trained with the humans.Screenshot-37_zpssgynd5g9.jpg

    Brandon couldn't help but step in to help Bodhi as he had his hands full with three unicorns. Screenshot-38_zpsz5b0am3z.jpg

    Brandon took Bodhi on some long rides through town and tried to share with him all the secrets and tricks he knew that would help him be successful. Screenshot-58_zps4z9msrwf.jpg

    While Bodhi groomed Thunder to be his race horse, Brandon and Neptune continued to tour through the streets of Appaloosa Plains. Screenshot-61_zpsft4iadjs.jpg

    He wondered how much longer he would have here in town. All the boys had really grown attached and had made this place their home. It was going to be more difficult asking them to leave this place with the roots they had each put down here.Screenshot-60_zps6h5cp0ka.jpg

    Tyler continued to fill his sleepless nights accompanying Brandon to work. He liked the peace and quiet while he fished. Screenshot-59_zpssncbml23.jpg

    Bodhi listened to Brandon and started the pre-race ritual. It felt odd at first but he trusted his dad. Screenshot-62_zpsam4fuurm.jpg

    Like father, like son. Bodhi waited anxiously outside the complex, ready to take on his first professional race. Screenshot-63_zpsgdq5vslc.jpg

    While the competition was going, Athena grew into a strong, young unicorn adult. Screenshot-64_zpsreu1btgh.jpg

    She wondered when she would get to start racing like her mom and dad. Screenshot-65_zpsim91kjzb.jpg

    Bodhi and Thunder celebrated their first of many victories. To say they were excited was an understatement! Screenshot-67_zpsiur0cz9y.jpg

    Brandon introduced Derek to a well-known but little talked about pasttime in Appaloosa Plains. Screenshot-84_zpsnnfodv4k.jpg

    Derek wasn't sure he would do that again. You'd be surprised at all the places that hay feels uncomfortable! Screenshot-87_zpsjj3bh2p4.jpg

    Although expected, Brandon was not quite ready when the portal reactivated, sending a message for him about what he was supposed to do next. Screenshot-94_zpsceemp3sw.jpg

    Brandon gathered the boys together and told them the news. It was time to leave. The boys were not happy. Brandon looked at his sons and realized his boys were men now. He couldn't force them to live this life that he had. He told them that each boy must make a choice. They could stay or join him and Derek but it must be there choice. It was a horrible decision that he had to put before them, but he owed them the opportunity to choose. Screenshot-90_zps5fuhve0o.jpg

    Brandon told them about the message he received in the portal. He explained to the boys that the portal would only stay open a short while. If they remained behind, there were no guarantees, and in all likelihood, they would never see each other again. All he knew about their next jump was that it would be unlike anything they had experienced before. Screenshot-93_zpsmjydajov.jpg

    The boys were visibly upset and shaken. One by one, they left to make their decisions. Brandon told them that he would understand and respect whatever they chose to do. It tore him up inside, but he knew he had to let them decide for themselves. If they chose to go with him, they needed to use today to tie up any loose ends before leaving in the morning. For the first time, Brandon faced the real possibility of losing his boys. Screenshot-91_zps9zjigjxs.jpg

    With a heavy heart, Brandon watched his sons leave and anxiously waited for their decisions. Life for the Shepherd's had just been flipped upside down again. And this time, it might just cost them all dearly.Screenshot-92_zps7y7zy9st.jpg
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    Llandros2012Llandros2012 Posts: 622 Member
    edited February 2016
    Morning came and Brandon was reluctant to even get up. The house had already started to empty out as items were being sent through the portal to be placed in their new home. He knew that today was the day that his boys would tell him whether they would be joining him or not. It was hard to not show his concern and fear.Screenshot-96_zpsuntrzjgr.jpg

    The boys were there waiting for him in the living room. You could see the weariness as most had not been able to sleep at all. Finally, it was Tyler, the oldest, who broke the silence. He told Brandon that even though this was their home and they loved it dearly, it was only their home because they were together. They would miss many things that they had grown to love here, but none of those could even come close to what they would miss without being together. There was no way that they would allow the family to be broken up and were with him all the way.Screenshot-95_zpsom39ss2i.jpg

    The portal opened up on the other side and the boys each stepped through it. No one knew quite what to expect but at least they would have each other.Screenshot-116_zpsabtbztpl.jpg

    The Shepherd family stood frozen and took in their new surroundings. No one had any words as they tried to make sense of what they were seeing.Screenshot-113_zpsts1w5xcn.jpg

    The boys took in the unbelievable sight of this new place called Lunar Lakes. Never had they even expected that they would be traveling off the planet, but here they were, seeing it for the first time.Screenshot-114_zpsdhldmm2i.jpg

    Brandon underwent yet another change and had no idea how this look would fit in with this world. But they were here to stay for quite a while and it was time to start adapting. Screenshot-115_zpsq1pnxyjl.jpg

    Their mysterious benefactors had left a message that they had arranged for a familiar place to help ease their transition. The boys instantly headed over to this park and found a small piece of home was tucked away safely here.Screenshot-118_zpsbw8cfgxl.jpg

    The boys' shock and unease melted as they enjoyed a bit of a water fight together. It was fun to laugh and let the culture shock settle in. Screenshot-117_zpsizihrlmo.jpg

    The horses took very well to the park and Bodhi had been most concerned about them. He had no idea what to expect and decided to take Thunder out to get a glimpse of their new environment.Screenshot-120_zpsvpb5dqmu.jpg

    Bodhi took the move the hardest as he rode Thunder through the town, looking for a place that the horse might graze and feel at home. He missed the beauty of Appaloosa Plains but hoped this place would grow on him soon.Screenshot-122_zpsn19gpu6f.jpg

    Although he was very homesick already, he would have to put on a brave front. This was the first time he had left a town. His brothers seemed to be taking it in stride, but he was having some difficulty for now. He was glad he didn't stay behind, but he missed his old life already.Screenshot-121_zpshuzy1mwp.jpg

    Brandon also decided to see this new world from the back of his unicorn, Neptune. He really hoped his boys would adjust and was thankful they were with him. Still, this was going to take some time for them all to get used to. Screenshot-119_zpsvu9wbbf4.jpg

    He had never seen a sunset quite like this. There were colors in this sky that he would never have imagined. The rising of the nearest moon, which was actually a planet, was eerie and unsettling at first. There were so many questions that he had but tonight he would just ride around and take it all in.Screenshot-123_zpsxg4frzkb.jpg

    Brandon got to work in the kitchen and prepared everyone's favorite foods. Nothing like a little comfort food on the first morning to help ease the transition.Screenshot-124_zpsuf0sf3eb.jpg

    He had finally learned to plant the Omni plant and had brought the seeds with him through the portal. Best to get these plants started now as they would be here for a long time.Screenshot-125_zps9aoqnyra.jpg

    Brandon took a job with the police force and experienced his first trip through the work portal. It was different from the one he traveled with but also nowhere near as difficult on the body. It reminded him of those tubes in Oasis Landings.Screenshot-128_zpspdlgpomh.jpg

    Isidro and Bodhi played catch and, well, Isidro really needed to tone it down. Poor Bodhi, he felt like he had been hit with a brick from the sheer force of the ball!Screenshot-126_zpswdlpxdnd.jpg

    Brandon found that moving up in the police field was pretty easy. He did enjoy working alongside his son, Isidro as well.Screenshot-127_zpskwwwe9u7.jpg

    To calm his anxiety over being in this strange place, he turned to his good old guitar. He missed his old days of being in a band. It felt like such a long time ago.Screenshot-130_zpsmgg3lcqu.jpg

    The week was getting better and Bodhi was beginning to see the beauty of this place as well. It was not home yet but it did have potential.Screenshot-129_zps0diftojf.jpg
    Post edited by Llandros2012 on
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    Llandros2012Llandros2012 Posts: 622 Member
    Bodhi continued to become more and more comfortable as he started working with Thunder on the racing competitions. It worked very similar to Appaloosa Plains and both horse and rider adapted easily.Screenshot-11_zpsoupp8qwo.jpg

    Brandon worked on his soccer tournament ranking and leveled up to Rank 3. Screenshot-144_zpsq4k09vjt.jpg

    He and Derek wondered how things were back on Earth. Although they had only just arrived a few days ago, everything seemed to be so far away and so long ago. Screenshot-13_zps4fesbwo4.jpg

    Derek put the Science Station to good use in the backyard. He had plenty of extra time and seemed to enjoy it. Screenshot-14_zpsdefb1noi.jpg

    A familiar device arrived through the portal with instructions for Brandon to equip himself. He didn't quite understand but did as he was told. He wondered who this strange benefactor was that kept sending messages to him. Screenshot-15_zpsk101gpds.jpg

    The body suit was quite amazing and enhanced Brandon's bio-functions. Screenshot-23_zpsyfujnfhw.jpg

    In time, he was learning how to use a few new abilities. Jumping through wormholes to get around town was a huge benefit and he took advantage of it. Screenshot-19_zpscktbol4u.jpg

    As a law enforcement officer, he was able to fly past the other officers as his scanning abilities were off the charts. No one else had a suit like this and Brandon put it to excellent use. Screenshot-22_zpsgvjkxfdc.jpg

    The boys really began to settle in to their new home and enjoyed the last evening of summer out back in the hot tub. Screenshot-27_zpsody6du7f.jpg

    Bodhi helped the planet engineers at the science facility recreate a fully-functional horse ranch. The horses seemed to think it was pretty close to the real thing as well. Screenshot-142_zpsxnojjzui.jpg

    More competitions were held and before long, Bodhi had reached the top of the Horseman career. Screenshot-143_zpsfxtt6uhx.jpg

    Derek and Neptune bonded as the two were the ones that spent the most nights at home alone.Screenshot-145_zpsf9lybkwj.jpg

    The Fall Festival arrived and everyone did their best to get into the season. It was odd not seeing the landscape they were used to, but the memory pavilions did their best to match expectations.Screenshot-29_zpsstgecdto.jpg

    Brandon attended a costume party next door and made a few new friends in the process.Screenshot-30_zpsy9ppsexw.jpg

    Everybody was upset when the hot tub finally gave out. It seemed that the atmosphere was not quite as forgiving as the one on Earth. Brandon did his best to adjust it as he made the repairs. Screenshot-28_zpssrwizqwk.jpg

    Derek's working with the science station caused a complete sensory blackout. The entire family and a few neighbors were affected. Screenshot-31_zpsbul7suyj.jpg

    The portal buzzed to life and Brandon headed over to check out what message was coming through. An unsigned note came through with a very cryptic message. It read "Your family is in danger. Be cautious of strangers. I will be with you soon."
    Brandon was scared for his family. What danger were they in? At least he would finally know who his strange benefactor was.Screenshot-32_zpsyi7pryn0.jpg
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    Llandros2012Llandros2012 Posts: 622 Member
    So the guys are still in the middle of their 6 year exile to Lunar Lakes/Oasis Landings. They rotate and live in each for one year (4 weeks) and then return. Here, the boys are just getting ready to leave for the dystopian future of Oasis Landings and enjoying some time in the yard.

    No sooner than they get there and the meteor strikes begin.

    This ones gonna leave a mark at City Hall - and it's got everyone's attention.

    Fortunately, no one was injured but the day proved to be full of scenarios just like this.

    Derek decided to paint a masterpiece as soon as he woke up. He wasn't about to let a little doom and gloom get in the way of his creative spirit.

    The boys found the gameroom downstairs to be the perfect refuge from the onslaught of meteor showers coming down outside.

    Bishop was more interested in exploring his couch potato side - too bad he doesn't actually have that trait. I guess no one has invented that one yet!

    Brandon was a bit confused by the three-eyed fish but he displayed it proudly after catching a whole school of them at the pond. Screenshot-12_zpsujqgkhcs.jpg

    First work shift has ended and Derek brings the boys to the lounge to unwind. His expression says it all - he really didn't want them to all show up in uniform but he was outvoted - next time bring a change of clothes so you can avoid this embarassment!

    But Brandon marches to a different beat and has a different career down at the Bot Arena. Still, he's proud of his boys and thinks they are all off to a good start here in Oasis Landings.
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    Llandros2012Llandros2012 Posts: 622 Member
    So Brandon found out that even in the future, avoiding recognition was a pretty hard task. After having survived the onslaught of paparazzi in Bridgeport, he was pretty confident in how to navigate these waters.

    Still, it was tough to not be nervous when the meteor strikes would come crashing down around you.

    Derek and the boys found themselves at the mercy of the heavens as a gigantic meteor shower came raining down on them as they left the house for work. It was a miracle that they all escaped unharmed.

    Tyler found that it was much safer playing guitar indoors. Fortunately, his brothers didn't mind his playing - they also loved that he would be up all night to keep an eye on incoming meteors.

    But one morning, fate decided to drop a flaming meteor right on the Shepherd house. Everyone was inside, just waking up and getting ready for work. Brandon was still at work and was safe from this disaster about to happen.

    The alarms were sounding as the meteor had been spotted but no one ever expected one to hit the house. Surely they were all safe inside....

    Catching a glimpse of the object racing towards the home, Derek shouted for Bodhi to run. He had been standing outside just moments before, unaware that he was directly in the rock's path.

    The explosion rocked the entire top level of the home and shards of debris fell all the way down to the lowest level. No one was presumed safe as the meteor ripped through the home, floor by floor.

    Tyler was quickest on his feet and lept to action. He remembered his dad's training when they were living in Twinbrook and started beating back the fire before it could inflict more damage.

    Derek was panicked but had made sure that all the boys were safe and out of danger. Tyler was exhausted but finally managed to subdue the fires.

    As the emergency passed, everyone was thankful that they had survived the night of terror at home. From now on, the entire family would be on high alert for what this dystopian future had to bring.
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    Llandros2012Llandros2012 Posts: 622 Member
    Derek woke up not realizing that today was going to be the beginning of a life-changing event - for him and all of the Shepherd household.

    Brandon continued to keep his powers strong as he was the only one in town with magical abilities.

    Once the rest of the house was off to work, Brandon took a trip to the wasteland and explored the crashed ship site. He found the final sprite form that he had been looking for.

    Meteor strikes and destruction continued to be the norm in the dystopian future. Still, life moved forward and the town square proved to be popular among the residents.

    Everyone noticed but no one said anything about the expanding waistline of Derek. It did seem rather odd for the normally fit and toned man.

    Try as he might, it was just becoming such an issue. Nobody knew why he was experiencing this rapid weight gain.

    Brandon tried to speak with him but he seemed to just shut down when the subject came up. It was almost the same as the night a few days ago when he went missing for a few hours.

    Leaving work early, Derek began to experience the most intense cramps he had ever had before. Something was definitely wrong here.

    The pain increased and panic filled him as the room started to spin.

    But in an instant, all was ok. Although he knew Brandon had given birth to an alien child years ago, he never imagined that this was what was happening to him. The Shepherd Boys had finally welcomed their first little girl, Skye, who literally came from the skies above.

    Suddenly, old Bennett reappeared and shared some distressing news with Brandon. Years ago, he told him that having Bohdi had put them in danger. The Shepherds had finally crossed the line and consequences were to follow.

    Brandon jogged to clear his head and make a plan for what he knew had to be done. He had no idea how the boys would take the news he had to break to them. His heart was as heavy as his feet, pounding the cold, hard pavement below.

    Like a thief in the night, the boys slipped back to Lunar Lakes and placed Skye in the comfort of her crib and her new home. Dystopia was not a place that she should grow up in and there was bound to be alot of sorrow in the days ahead.

    One by one, the boys said goodbye to little Skye and entered the portal. Their future was waiting for them, even if they didn't know that it was not what they were expecting.

    While Brandon worked, the boys took some time to enjoy the park. Even Dystopia couldn't rid the world of a beautiful sunset.

    Later, Brandon shared with the boys the bad news. This was the first time that they had enjoyed the hot tub together since Hidden Springs. Too bad it was not under better circumstances.

    Since the Shepherds had reached a household of eight, they had exceeded the rules of the immortals. From this day forth, the boys would age naturally, losing their immortality. Brandon would continue to be immortal and would be powerless to stop the process on his children. His magical abilities would be forbidden to use on his own family. Bodhi, the youngest, was the first to age up.

    Noah followed as well, while a saddened Brandon looked on. He knew he would now have to say goodbye to his boys some day.

    Tyler took it in stride and felt a peace come over him as he aged to a mature adult.

    The former simbot, Isidro, didn't quite know what to think of this experience. He had never aged up before in his life.

    Derek was granted a special immunity - as long as there was an underage child in the household that he had a hand in creating, he would continue to receive immortality. The whole situation left the household in a state of shock.

    And that is when the unexpected and unwanted happened. Late at night, while the whole house was quietly sleeping....

    The deadliest strike yet fell upon the house. This was their seventh time and it was not a lucky number.

    It was clear that someone was under the meteor but so much confusion left everyone in the dark.

    Death appeared and took with him a poor, unfortunate plumbot that had been visiting Bishop at the house that night.

    Brandon felt tremendous guilt that this soul had been taken. He knew he could not use his powers on his own family, but he was free to act here.

    The resurrected plumbot was thankful, yet very smelly, as Brandon released him from the beyond.
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    MyameeGirlMyameeGirl Posts: 234 Member
    Just re-read and finished this with all the pictures intact. Awesome! I absolutely loved it! I really like the way you weave the story around all the different reasons for the many transitions they have to make between towns. It adds so much to the characters when you read something like this because you can get a sense of the emotion going on during all the different aspects of their lives. That really comes through here. I'm so happy I found this. Great job, and wonderful screenshots. They really tell the story of this family well. Also, I just adore Neptune. What a beautiful unicorn. I hope I can find the same one to adopt while in Appaloosa. I'm very anxious to get to Lunar Lakes now. Unbelievably, I have never played in that town before so I'm looking forward to that. Can't wait for the next update. :0)
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    Llandros2012Llandros2012 Posts: 622 Member
    Brandon took advantage of some downtime from work as the year was finally coming to an end. Slow dancing with a jet pack while random meteors crash down around you is dangerous at best, but the boys were brave enough to enjoy it.

    But one direct hit too many drove the family almost to the point of no return. Everyone was looking forward to returning to Lunar Lakes in order to not deal with this mess any longer.

    Brandon and Derek even tried to escape by camping out in the wastelands, but that proved to be equally dangerous as well.

    Things seemed to settle down for a bit until Derek was abducted yet again. He fought as hard as he could but the alien technology was too powerful for his meager efforts.

    Brandon continued to scour the wastelands for anything of value. He was looking for a few special pieces to a gnome that could only be created by locating the correct parts.

    Try as he might, the elusive parts just never seemed to be anywhere near where he chose to look. Still, he was determined.

    At home, very little changed. It was no longer a question of if a meteor would hit, only how long did we have until the next round of devastation.

    Brandon and Tyler seemed to be the most equipped at handling the dangers as they presented themselves.

    A blast from the extinguisher or Brandon's ice blast could be counted on to control the raging fires.

    Finally having had enough, Brandon made his strongest appeal to anyone who would listen...what would he have to do to prevent this future from becoming permanent? Could anyone help the poor residents of Oasis Landings?

    Derek found himself and his body in a strange but very familiar situation. This was bound to end badly as the family had already incurred the wrath of the timekeepers and overlords.

    The birth process was even more intense and everyone was powerless to help Derek as his body brought forth another life form.

    There was something odd about this birth and Derek was all too aware of it.

    Another baby boy was added to the growing Shepherd clan.....but the universe had other plans....

    In a flash, the baby was removed from the world and the collective memories of everyone in the house....all, that is, except for one very confused father to a baby he would never see again. (The game just deleted the baby since I already had 8 in the household)

    Finally reaching the end of their time in this dystopian future, the boys returned to the peace and serenity of Lunar Lakes.

    A very happy father was ecstatic to see his little girl Skye - he had not seen her in weeks, although for her it was only a few seconds.

    But time had more surprises in store for everyone. Even though the boys all had at least 2 more weeks of adult life, fate had decided to age them up to elders. (This was odd - they just started aging even though they had 16 days left - I just went with it but was not happy about it!)

    Noah was in a state of shock as the sparkles aged his body to a more fragile state.

    Isidro had watched his brothers turn and it was now his turn as well. None of them were prepared for this cruel trick from the timekeepers.

    As always, the eldest son, Tyler, was the voice of calm and sanity. He didn't like it but he knew that he had to maintain the emotions of his younger brothers.

    Bodhi and Isidro finally started to see the humor in it and took the time to capture a few candid shots of their new bodies.Screenshot-133_zps4mpa1pia.jpg

    Tyler made his age up into a graceful affair. He wasn't about to let this take away from who he knew he actually was.

    Noah felt pains in bones and muscles that he never knew he had. This was going to take some getting used to!

    Brandon couldn't bear to see his young, vibrant sons become these fragile, old men before him. It was painful to watch and so he would slip away for a quiet morning jog to ease his mind. But he was holding onto a terrible truth that he didn't want to think about but it was always there.

    Derek's immortality had come at a heavy price. Not only would Brandon have to watch these amazing men pass away, he and Derek would have to continue to have additional children until he had achieved his final goal. Brandon could resurrect all of his children in the end, but if Derek was to die, he would be forbidden to bring him back to life. Derek could only lower his age as long as a child was in the household. Brandon and Derek would now be forced to watch an endless number of their children age up and die, powerless to prevent it until the end.

    Bishop also opted for a new look as well. The pastel colors of his former shell didn't feel right anymore and so he decided to equip himself with a solid steel appearance.

    One thing was certain. The family was definitely starting on a journey unlike any other that they had undertaken.
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    thuggishsplicerthuggishsplicer Posts: 1,747 Member
    At least, Brandon isn't alone. He's got Derek to be with him.
    It would be worse if he had to see his lovers AND children die.
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    MyameeGirlMyameeGirl Posts: 234 Member
    That would definitely be a shock to see all your young sons age up so quickly. Poor Brandon. He and his family are paying a heavy price. ;-( Thankfully they're all back to the safety of Lunar Lakes. Love Bishop's new look. He's quite handsome in his new all-steel look. Very nice! Thanks for the update!
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    PalmArrowPalmArrow Posts: 4,329 Member
    Brandon and Derek would now be forced to watch an endless number of their children age up and die, powerless to prevent it until the end.
    I felt genuinely sad when I read this! But I love your challenge and your story. I had read the older parts before, but now I read it all from the beginning to refresh my memory. the boys have turned into quite handsome elders!
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