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The Sims 4 Happy Play Thread :)


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    LyouflnLyoufln Posts: 10,861 Member
    edited August 2018
    Post edited by Lyoufln on
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    SoapSudsSoapSuds Posts: 1,359 Member
    Ever since their mother left, Kaylin has really been stepping up with her responsibilities.

    She helps clean

    She does all her homework without having to be told to do it

    And she even does her extra credit on the weekends on her own.

    Aphrodite, on the other hand...

    ...went through a stage where she would only wear a bear costume...

    The sisters have been getting along pretty well.

    For the most part, at least. Aphrodite can still be pretty mean and put others in a bad mood.

    And Maxwell has been spending a lot of time with the girls, now that it's just him raising them.

    He even took them bowling one night

    They definitely still need some practice

    Aphrodite definitely doesn't make his job much easier.

    But, they both mean the world to him, so he's trying to do the best he can for them

    And speaking of Aphrodite, she made a new friend at the park

    Her name is Sigrid Engström. Aphrodite had a lot of fun playing with Sigrid at the park and actually didn't do or say anything mean to her.

    We'll see how far that friendship will go.
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    March306March306 Posts: 1,012 Member

    So I'm back... I'm not sure if anyone remembers me. I was playing a legacy and an ISBI and posted updates on them here. I have not played since
    May. It started out me just not playing because I didn't have the time with a toddler at home, but then I started to get bored with the game and lack of expansion packs and other packs that I actually wanted. They announced PETS (or rather cats and dogs... but still promising... maybe) and I decided to come back.


    Too many of the packs and stuff they put out for the game has been stuff that I don't even use in my gameplay. :(

    My ISBI I quit doing because I was having glitches/bugs. I may try to play it again and see if it's still bugged/glitched, but I'm more worried about finally completing a legacy. I am on generation 8 of my legacy!!! I have never completed a legacy before. It was weird jumping back into a game I haven't played in months, but I did it.

    I'm sad to see @LosaruTaiyo hasn't been online.


    This is Bronn my heir this gen with his girlfriend Charlotte Taiyo. She is the granddaughter of @LosaruTaiyo simself.





    This is Jaime aging up to a teen. These are from when I last played in May.


    The naming theme is Game of Thrones. I started out with actress Emilia Clarke who played Dany in Game of Thrones. Sadly the LAST episode of Game of Thrones is coming out this Sunday. :(


    Now we go into what I played tonight. The size of the pictures is different because for my birthday in July my husband bought me a new monitor.

    When I found out Cats and Dogs were announced I looked at the packs I hadn't purchased and the Parenthood one was on sale. I bought it.


    It's Tommen and Vlad doing a science project.

    I'm still VERY new to the new parenthood additions. Meaning I won't know what the heck I'm doing when I have more toddlers and kids. Tommen is my last child of this generation and is about to grow up to teen.


    This is the oldest Tyrion aging into an adult.

    He's Vegetarian, Outgoing, and Active. Whiz Kid as a child and Best Selling Author as an adult. All traits were randomized using this. But I used it months ago back in May. lol

    Then the youngest child, Tommen ages into a teen too.


    He's a Geek, Squeamish, Neat. He was a Social Butterfly and now wants a Big Happy Family. He's not heir and only heirs get to complete that kind of goal so he's getting kicked out right away when he ages into an adult.


    That's all I have for now. :P
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    HopeyStarrHopeyStarr Posts: 1,276 Member
    edited August 2017
    Part 10 was on page 460. In the last part Anya met Vladislaus and took the chance to explore his mansion. In his basement she discovered a coffin with a memorial book written for Vladislaus Straud. Was it for the Vlad she just met? Feeling rather uneasy, Anya left the residence without asking further questions.

    :・゚✧*:・゚:・゚✧*:・゚ :・゚✧*: ・・゚✧*:・゚:・゚✧*:・゚ :・゚ *:・゚:・゚

    Eternal Friends: Part 11

    Anya ran home as fast as her legs could take her. The eerie darkness has never felt so unsafe.

    She'll need something to calm her down before bed.

    Living in this neighbourhood has inspired Anya's love for photography. Somehow going over her collection relaxes her. Every snap tells a story of how she felt at that time, which was mostly excitement.

    "Haven't gone to bed yet, Anya?"

    "Jeez... If you keeping taking photos we're eventually going to run out of space on this wall."

    "Jordan! Where have you been all day?"

    "Exploring. Not much else to do here, is there?"

    The girls continue their small talk before heading to bed. Anya decides not to tell Jordan about her experience at Vlad's house


    The next day Jordan gets a call from Anya's boyfriend, Malcolm. He tells her to bring Anya to a pub in Windenburg for a surprise. He wants Jordan to come up with an excuse for their long travel.

    "Maybe he wants to propose. If I were you I'd dress my best."

    They arrived at the bar, which happens to be the old stomping grounds for Jordan and her bros.
    Well it seems she was the only bro here tonight.

    Jordan leaves Anya with her boyfriend to go order a drink.

    Well lookie, lookie. Is that not Caleb Vatore? Just what is he doing all the way in Windenburg?

    "Hello Jordan. I couldn't help but notice you from where I was sitting. I thought I'd come say something before I head out."

    "Oh Caleb! Fancy meeting you here. I must be honest... This is the last place I'd expect to find someone like you."

    Jordan doesn't know much about the guy, and she'd certainly be lying to herself if she said she didn't want to know more. If she remembers correctly, when they first met, Caleb mentioned that he wanted to get to know her better too.

    But it looks like today won't be that day. Caleb was in a hurry to leave.


    "So what was Malcolm's big surprise? Don't tell me he brought you something from his latest heist."

    "Worse. He wants me to join this plum club he created with some co-workers. They want to shake this town up for some reason. You expect me to come here after work and harass bar-goers for amusement? I mean... I'll do it. But I swear Malcolm really aimed low this time."


    Anya might think Malcolm aimed low, but Jordan can see where he's coming from. How else will they get noticed by their bosses if they don't start a little extra mayhem now and then?

    Jordan takes her chaos to the streets of San Myshuno, harassing innocent street performers.


    Back home there were still new discoveries to be made. Were scenic things popping up, or were they always there and she happened to overlook them amongst the drab environment?

    This time she found a small shrine behind an abandoned house.

    She also saw a grave sitting on a small island.

    "That just screams lonely."

    Ah! This plant looks familiar. Anya must have come by here and took a photo of it.

    Goodness!! She'll need a hobby like Anya or else she'll go mad with boredom! Jordan decides to try collecting all goods she can find. Anyways, a highly valued item would certainly help with their expenses.

    To be continued...
    *:.。."It's great being ((Queen Bee))!".。.:*
    ✧ :-"As long as I continue to believe then one day my ((dreams)) really will come true."✧ :-
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    March306March306 Posts: 1,012 Member

    It's been a very lazy day today.

    Shae becomes an elder.



    Sadly Vlad's age has been stuck ever since I cured him of vampire. It might have been a glitch or something I guess. I decided it was best to end his life since he wouldn't age.


    Also Brienne needed to witness a death for her aspiration.


    Bronn my heir is now a young adult!



    Yes, Vlad did indeed give us some unique genetics.

    We hurry up and propose to Charlotte and move her in.


    Brienne has completed her aspiration.


    Jaime and Tommen's birthdays will be coming up. I have decided even though I've been working on Jaime's aspiration of Party guy (or whatever...) that I'm not going to finish it. I hate throwing parties again and again and I don't want to do it. Tommen wants a Big Happy Family and there is no way a spare can complete that. I will be completing Tyrion's aspiration of bestselling author and then he will move out.

    Anybody else LOVE iZombie? I do! I downloaded what is supposed to be Liv Moore and added her to my game. I don't think she looks right. I don't think I like this version I think the creator could have done better. Am I wrong? What do you think?

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    CK213CK213 Posts: 20,553 Member
    edited August 2017
    Toddlers, Parenthood, and Toddler Stuff has me playing again.
    I had fun with a recent posting from my main TS4 picture thread in stories and wanted to share it.
    It's not really a story. It's more game play with me adding story to make my game play more immersive.


    Miss Peregrine caved in to hiring extra help around the house.
    She paid for the services of a butler, just until Bastet, Ceridwen, and Hecate outgrow the toddler stage.
    This has given her the opportunity to get back to writing. Her book royalties are dwindling.







    "What is that on your face...?"


    "What is going on here?"

    "Face paint?"

    "I believe I can guess the root cause of this."

    "Meadow Thayer!"


    "I should have known immediately. What where you thinking when you painted cat faces on those girls?
    Were you making fun of them? Their situation is not a joke!"

    No! I wouldn't make fun of them like that. I like them. They asked me to paint their faces."

    "How could they ask you? They can't even speak yet."

    "They know 'Kitty'."
    They saw how I had painted my face. They showed me the cats on their dresses and pointed to their faces and said 'kitty'.
    That's how I knew they wanted me to paint their faces, so they could be cats."


    "Yeah, that's the truth of it."

    "Well, imagine that. My apologies, Meadow.
    It was an overreaction on my part."

    "You've got that right. I have never seen you...
    "Heeey... they really are part cat, aren't they?"

    "You wouldn't be this upset if they weren't. So... what exactly is their 'situation'?"



    "Omigosh! Will you listen to Ceridwen?
    That was a perfect cat meow."

    "I knew it! I knew it! That explains why Bastet purrs whenever I rub her head. That explains why she is named Bastet--an Egyptian cat goddess. How is this possible? Did someone experiment on them? Were they test tube human-cat babies?" What does Ceridwen's name mean? And Hecate's? Oh! And their hair, are those little twists in their hair hiding cat ears? Can I peek?"

    "Enough, Meadow. Just don't go spreading this bit of news around. They are under our protection after all."

    "Okay, but this place has just gotten a whole lot more interesting."
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    @HopeyStarr Jordan could at least use a boyfriend to entertain herself with if she's bored.
    @March306 Bronn's pretty cute Vlad's genes suit him.
    @CK213 those cat tots are so cute.

    I've been playing with a little more cc again heh, I made one couple then I made another today.
    Ameila and Jameson.
    This is Violet after finding out the Grim Reaper's name she got one wish and she wanted control of him, how she found it, well he had to tell her after she beat him in a game of chest. He still thinks she cheated but he's stuck, she wanted him to get them a place to stay so he did, just a snap of his fingers really.

    "I'm gonna make lunch Allister."

    He only grumbled it wasn't like when he worked his body already felt out of sorts he had needs again.
    Something he wasn't particularly happy about.
    He wasn't ready to settle though.

    "Violet please I gave you what you wanted why can't I leave?"
    "Oh Allister, honestly this is how this works, I wanted a companion and we need a place to stay so here we are and here we'll stay when I die of natural causes you can go, I'm a sim you're a...whatever you are I'll be gone before you know it."

    He sighed but couldn't really argue with that.
    "And remember it could be worst, I could be evil and psychotic in the head you can just hang out here and look at my legs." she mostly teased.

    "I do not have an attraction to sims."

    "You might as well, you're one until I die."
    Her first painting, she has a lot on her mind but it is kind of nice not to be alone and secure.
    Later though she did think of something else.

    "By the way do you have another look or something you could use? Our neighbors might drop by...and freak."

    "Well let's see it."

    "Ugh you wouldn't like it, it's not normal for your kind."

    "Oh come on."
    "That is not up for discussion, now shall I sleep outside?"

    "Oh fine big baby, tell you what you can have the larger room alright I think it has less windows."

    He may be grumpy but she's feeling optimistic.

    I need some more cc for my guys me thinks.
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    March306March306 Posts: 1,012 Member
    edited August 2017
    The first part of this is me ranting. If you want to skip the wall of text and go to my legacy updates go ahead.

    It saddens me that the forum has gotten so slow :( A lot of good people that use to post here are no longer posting. I looked at the bugs/glitches part of the forum and realized a lot of people have the same problem I do. The problem that caused me to stop playing my ISBI. In my ISBI it was unbearable. In my legacy it's not as bad. :(

    That's the thread I am referring to. Anyway, if EA can't fix problems that have been around since the beginning I can see why people are leaving. I also take issue with how few expansion packs they are putting out and instead putting tons of useless "game packs" and "stuff packs" (are those the names?). I am disappointed with EA and have been for a long time. I only came back because they announced Cats and Dogs. No horses? :(

    I have more issues but I'm going to put them aside for now.


    Charlotte is pregnant with her first baby. I tried really hard to use strawberries to influence the gender like I have done in the past. I wanted every generation to be boy, girl, boy, girl, etc but strawberries and pop music were not working. I have MC Command Center and had to use that :( I don't know if the mods were making it not work but whatever.

    It's time for Jaime to go.


    I hope I NEVER see your aspiration again!


    On side note... I've been writing books with Tyrion for his aspiration and he has 2/3 Bestsellers and I've been having him write inspired and he's written a ton of books and still no bestsellers. It's very aggravating and I don't know if something is wrong with the game. I'm about to just kick him out without completing the aspiration. >:|

    I'll need to update my avatar and sig.


    Brienne has become an elder.



    And Charlotte goes into labor... on a side note not a very good outfit to pick for someone who's going to be pregnant a lot.


    The new baby is Margaery going with the Game of Thrones naming theme. WHO IS READY FOR THE LAST EPISODE TONIGHT?!?!


    I'm going to be soo sad. :(

    And... we've got baby #2 in the oven! Just like me in RL! I've got baby #2 in my oven too. I'm just out of the first trimester!


    And this is the face of a dying woman. Before she passed I stopped making her do much and mainly let her do whatever with free will. She danced a lot.


    Look at everybody, so sad, even Ivanka Trump... I downloaded her sim lol. And Liv Moore is sad too :(<3 iZombie. The maid was sad too... and poor Tyrion...



    Oh well hope everyone enjoys tonight's episode of Game of Thrones and have a good night!

    Post edited by March306 on
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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    @March306 Oh I'm still here. It's just that 2nd World's story finished up and I've been busy the summer with the family and personal matters. And dear mighty Vlad's genetics!

    Speaking of 2nd World...

    I've decided to make some short stories based in 2nd World as I've gotten a few ideas. So everyone watch out for 2nd World Short Tales

    I also still have the Create an AI Contest open in the off-topic area.

    Take care everyone. Hope to see you all soon.

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    March306March306 Posts: 1,012 Member

    @LosaruTaiyo It's good to see you post again! I missed out on the ending of 2nd World :(

    Glad you're doing well, I will look out for the short stories.
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    PlumbobCrossingPlumbobCrossing Posts: 8,455 Member
    I finally made it to the second generation of my legacy challenge! Amanda, my heir got her apartment all set up with all her toys. She's going to be so musically talented!
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    LyouflnLyoufln Posts: 10,861 Member
    edited August 2018
    Post edited by Lyoufln on
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    3KNPen3KNPen Posts: 2,825 Member
    *waves* Hello everyone. Lots of new faces since the last time I posted in here.

    So I've been playing an Ultimate Sim/Perfect Sim challenge I'm not sure what it's actually called but I'm not really playing by any actual rules for this basically 1 Sim All the Things. I decided to start with a toddler and I decided that there was no one I'd rather attempt this journey with then my beloved Phoebe Greb. So I took the adult Phoebe I had on my gallery and aged her down and then recreated Corrine to go with her (it was possible since she was the female version of a male EA sim lol) I unfortunately didn't have Savannah to go with them. For those of you who didn't see the previous post Phoebe was my second generation heiress in a legacy challenge I played last year at about this time. Phoebe (and her twin sister Savannah) were the children of my founder (Corrine as she's seen here though her traits and aspiration are different) and Geoffrey Landgraab (who was literally the first person Corrine ran into in the save). Phoebe is definitely one of my all time favorite sims and I was sad that legacy was played on short because it didn't leave me with much time to spend with her. This challenge will definitely change that lol.

    Here is Phoebe as a Toddler:
    I made her Independent mostly so that she could potty train on her own right away and because solo skilling is a lot easier.

    Phoebe's Toddler Goals were pretty simple, max all the Toddler Skills.

    It was absolutely no surprise that these two were completely adorable.

    Phoebe being Phoebe brings the Looks out early.

    I started this challenge right after I got Parenthood so I had to try out the new Make a Mess action. Corrine was not impressed with me.

    Quite a bit of time passed in real life between those pictures and the next ones I posted. I did play after that above picture and it mostly consisted of Phoebe skilling and Corrine painting. Then I took an extended break from this playing this save to concentrate on playing Sims 3 and some other Sims 4 saves before coming back to it very recently.

    Despite the time passage these two are still adorable.

    Corrine pretty much spends most of her time painting. She painted this pop art one I haven't seen before I really wish it was a wallpaper option.

    And now a Corrine Interlude:

    I've had Vampires installed for a week now and I haven't had any real interactions with the Vamps yet. Yeah I see them wandering the neighborhood and they'll hang out outside my door but no one has broken in yet until Vlad decided he'd had enough being ignored and decided to press his luck. Thankfully I managed to get Corrine awake in time to stop the action in it's tracks (we'll be getting to the vamps way latter in this challenge).

    But then hours later...

    Caleb sweetheart it's 6:30 in the morning. The sun is out, the birds are singing, Malcolm Landgraab is snootying his way down the sidewalk. Is this really the best time for this? Apparently it was an unluckily I didn't manage to get Corrine up in time to stop it this time.

    That look...aren't you supposed to be the Good one?

    Corrine's expression in the last gif is totally my reaction to this whole event. I'll play it by ear if they get to be a problem I'll have to do something to temporarily stop them from 'causing trouble until we get to the vampire stuff in the future.

    While Caleb was disappearing into thin air in the bathroom Corrine made it into the living room to pass out just in time for Phoebe to wake up and find her.

    Nothing to see here. Just a toddler nomming on some Grilled Cheese that appeared out of thin air onto the counter while her mother is passed out after being attacked by a vampire. The Sims (TM)

    Later Corrine masterfully painted this Masterpiece.

    Phoebe maxed out her final skill (Thinking) by spamming the "Ask Why" action. It seemed incredibly appropriate for her. Corrine was not as amused by this as I was.

    All Toddler Skills Maxed. In-Game this took about two weeks and some days. If I was starting this challenge I could probably do it a LOT quicker. I am also currently playing a 100 Baby Challenge and have learned a LOT about skilling toddlers quickly while doing it lol. If I was starting this challenge now I would also have her get one of the Character Development level things up to max before aging her up but since I didn't start her off with that in mind and I was incredibly done with having her be a toddler at this point I didn't have her do it. She's really close with Manners though.

    No one was more ready for Phoebe to age up then Corrine. She didn't have to put up with this Toddler nonsense the last time lol.

    I honestly thought about keeping Phoebe a toddler a little bit longer until I get paid and get the Toddler Stuff pack but in the end decided not to. We'll do the Play Date thing when Phoebe has kids.

    Not much of a surprise since we already knew what she looked like from the last time we played with her. This hair makes her look a lot younger though I may slowly make her older as she progresses through her skills.
    Child Goals for Phoebe Are:
    -Master all Child Skills
    -Complete All Child Aspirations
    -Get 3 of the Character Development Things to Top Level
    -A In School
    -Have Full Green Friendship Level with at Least 1 Child
    -Complete all Child Level Class Projects
    -Collect all Void Critters
    -Fully Level at Least 1 Up to Highest Level
    -If She Completes the VC Collection Start at least 1 Other Collection
    (And Other Things I Might Choose to Add Depending on How Long 1-3 take me to complete)

    Ahhhh the Looks are already coming out! I'm just so happy to be playing her again <3
    ~ ~ ~
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    March306March306 Posts: 1,012 Member

    @3KNPen Good to see you posting again, I always enjoyed your post <3

    I have Phoebe in my library <3
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    3KNPen3KNPen Posts: 2,825 Member
    @March306 Phoebe is my Sim Love <3
    ~ ~ ~
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    PlumbobCrossingPlumbobCrossing Posts: 8,455 Member
    Started a personal challenge where each generation focuses on a game pack or expansion pack. I plan on doing them in order so I started with Outdoor Retreat. This is my starter sim, Deja Swan.
    She's dating Salim Benali and they seem such a cute match, so I plan on keeping them together.
    They are even expecting!! She just told him.

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    miloekmiloek Posts: 451 Member
    woop woop I have been gone for a looong time but I have returned to show off some toddlers

    This is Graham

    and her twin brother, August

    and Graham with Cara bc Cara is cute
    Origin ID: f0xxes
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    NShippudenFanNShippudenFan Posts: 3,825 Member
    My sim Christa and @DeKay 's sim Dylan had a baby girl in my game recently~ :).
    *think this was her 3rd trimester XD*-

    Dylan and baby-

    Aged Up/ Proud parents :)

    She looks so much like Dylan (I just added freckles like her mom's ^^)

    Mom and daughter
    LOVER of all things cosplay, anime, cats, Shadowhunters, and Sims 4!

    Origin ID: Sims4Girl202

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    NShippudenFanNShippudenFan Posts: 3,825 Member
    edited August 2017
    Love how she's looking at her dad here-

    Queen of the World

    Same/similar haircut between father and son XD-

    Play time-
    LOVER of all things cosplay, anime, cats, Shadowhunters, and Sims 4!

    Origin ID: Sims4Girl202

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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    @3KNPen Bad Caleb!

    @Lyoufln That is completely adorbs!

    @OhMyHemsworth Congrats!

    @miloek First off, *GLOMP!* Hi! Also, Graham and August are too cute!

    And a big *GLOMP!* to you too Miss @NShippudenFan ! Man DeKay got some good genes apparently. Speaking of @March306 I just hope my future descendants don't inherit my butt....LOL.
    Was playing a bit last night but got called away to Skype Dad before he had to go into town to start radiation treatment for 6 weeks.

    I am playing with Raven and Shannon at the moment, but off-story as I didn't have the idea for them to be a short tale.

    Trying to decide which one to go with first: Dash and Caleb deciding on having a baby, or Glitch's and Luna's age-ups and their lives as kids. We'll see.

    Finally, there is one more week before the Create-an-AI contest is done. If you want to create an AI for a future main story, click here

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    3KNPen3KNPen Posts: 2,825 Member
    @LosaruTaiyo I was quite annoyed with him. I haven't even gotten to play with him yet and he's already being a Brat. And he's supposed to be the good one! lol
    ~ ~ ~
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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    Okay so I do have pics, although it will be for later, but I was playing Shannon and Raven's household last night. As some may remember from the epilogue of 2nd World, Raven was pregnant. Had Opera come over to say she was having a baby boy. Now I don't know if it was a glitch, mod, or whatnot, but some little miss AI misdiagnosed. Had the name for the boy all picked out...but not for his twin sister! Yes, Raven ended up with twins! You'll get to see them once I go ahead with my first short tale. Decided I'm going with Caleb and Dash and the decision of possibly having the first vampire baby AI.

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    ForgottenPixelsForgottenPixels Posts: 11,376 Member
    Ok back to the stuart household now that there's not much for me to do. I think I should probably include some sort of backstory. So here you go:

    Brandan had Linda with his ex girlfriend. His ex didn't want a kid so he's a single parent. He moved in with his sister (Rowan) and her friend (Shannon). Serena & Elise (not pictured before) are the twin daughters of Rowan and the families neighbour Salim. Salim cheated on Rowan however so she left him. So another single parent.
    Let's start this story with the break up of Salim and Rowan, shall we.
    Sunday, 5pm, Stuart household

    'You wanted to see me, Rowan. Is it about the girls?'
    'No. I know what you've been doing Salim and i'm not gonna ignore it anymore.'
    'What have I done exactly?'
    'I know you've been cheating on me. You're my neighbour, it isn't exactly hard to find out. We're through.'
    'What about our love?'
    'Like I care what happens to you now. We're through!!! Get out before you dig yourself deeper into that hole!!!!'
    Salim leaves, a look of loathing on his face. He wasn't going to let Rowan have her way. He would get revenge.
    Once Salim leaves, Rowan starts to cry. Brandan comes over to see what's wrong. When she doesn't reply, he just hugs her for a while. To him, it doesn't matter what it is, a hug can make it a little better. However he has never hugged his sister so it's a little strange.
    'It's going to be ok, Ro. He's a loser for doing that to you.'
    'I guess.'
    'I made icecream, you want some. With whipped cream and strawberries.'

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    PlumbobCrossingPlumbobCrossing Posts: 8,455 Member
    Deja and Salim had triplet girls!
    This is Wren
    and little miss Sabrina.
    Deja and Salim took a night off from the girls and went on a much needed date to the romance festival. They even decided to finally tie the knot!
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    March306March306 Posts: 1,012 Member
    edited August 2017
    Hey guess what... I'm a fun parent lol


    Tyrion FINALLY got a bestseller and completed his aspiration and was kicked out right away.


    Tommen soon has a birthday and gets kicked out too. No way I can complete his Big Happy Family aspiration since he's a spare.


    I do like his looks though. Way more normal looking than Bronn.


    Oh holy batman... this baby... oh my... Margaery is generation 9... so her or her siblings kids will be the LAST ONE. I don't think the genetics will normalize in that little time... We've got some unique babies ahead ya'll lol


    Look at that forehead...


    Maybe pigtails will help...


    So I roll everything at one time... that's just the way I do it... The traits are all randomized using this because it's a legacy. Some people roll traits one at a time... I do not.

    Margaery is Clingy as a toddler (there's a link for toddler traits too here)

    She will be cheerful, perfectionist, and self assured. Social Butterfly and Outdoor Enthusiast.

    She's in the heir running. I'm fine with her traits and aspirations... I pick heirs on looks and aspirations. If it's an aspiration I've already done several times or one I hate they are usually out of the running. Jaime had the party aspiration and I tried to get some of it done, but it was too much for me. I hated it.

    Charlotte goes into labor while cooking spaghetti.


    And the spaghetti came out poor quality so I trashed it... what a waste of food and time.

    Here we have Olenna in case you don't know I have a Game of Thrones naming theme.


    I just rolled for Olenna and realized their children will be the last of the legacy and it ends when their first child is born... so will I really even have time to complete their aspirations? Yes, I will because I can complete it first then have a child. There is really no rush this time.

    But Olenna's out of the heir race...

    Toddler- Silly. Self Assured, Evil, Bro. Social Butterfly and here's why she's out: Aspiration Successful Lineage. I would not be able to complete that...

    I'll be really sad if she turns out to be one of the better looking kids.

    Maybe this should have been the kind of legacy where when you get to the end you should have the ugliest sim possible. lol

    Charlotte is pregnant with twin girls. (I used fertility trait/massage/lot trait) and they just happened to be twin girls <3 Didn't even have to eat strawberries or cheat.


    Happy Simming Ya'll <3

    Edited to add: Bronn completed his aspiration of computer whiz! I thought I snapped a pic of him when he completed it but apparently I didn't. I'm still working on Charlotte's gardening aspiration though.
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