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The Sims 4 Feedback Thread - come share yours


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    McSimsOverloadMcSimsOverload Posts: 6 New Member
    I love cas so much and I love the easy building and can't wait to see what the sims has in store!!! :)
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    McSimsOverloadMcSimsOverload Posts: 6 New Member
    I forgot to mention how cool it is to actually know ho your sim feels and how we have able to take photos of our sims together!!
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    Dangerous12AngelDangerous12Angel Posts: 231 Member
    Now that I'm in the mood and making lots, I really wish for the color wheel/design tool. So many colors that are miss!! :'(
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    Vanne GumleyVanne Gumley Posts: 2 New Member
    Will there be heeled shoes for men? :| Long ago I made some members of a boyband in sims 4, but they dance in heels, and to complete the costumes used in their concerts, I would like a possibility of using high heels, waiting for your answer, they are called " Kazaky " originally was 4, but there was a change of members and therefore included all of the members who left the band, I hope your answer, thank you! :p
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    flyingatvflyingatv Posts: 6 New Member
    I kind of like the fact that there is no color tool on the sims 4, but only because it forced the creators of the game to give us more/better color options for everything so that we didn't have to make new colors.

    I do, however, really miss toddlers. They added so much to the game and now they're gone altogether. I'm really hoping that some of the new expansion packs will help round out the game a little bit. Oh, and why do those have to be so expensive??? They're almost as pricey as the game was originally when it came out. There's got to be a way for you guys to make them even a little bit cheaper. :/
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    flyingatvflyingatv Posts: 6 New Member
    I just thought of one more thing I'd like to see in the game---a need for closets. I want my sims to have rows of clothes and shoes that they can go through that actually resemble what their outfits consist of. It would be awesome to not just include closets for looks or skipping them altogether but to actually have a need for them.
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    KarmaKarma Posts: 837 Member
    I love cas so much and I love the easy building and can't wait to see what the sims has in store!!! :)
    I forgot to mention how cool it is to actually know ho your sim feels and how we have able to take photos of our sims together!!

    I hope that was sarcasm.

    Question: how and what does your sim feel when that sim is being cheated on - right in front of them?


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    110821012110821012 Posts: 51 Member
    I don't like that there are no toddlers or open world. I do love- LOVE- the CAS though!!!
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    scott29scott29 Posts: 116 Member
    edited June 2015
    Sims 4 i find is so much better and fun as for everything about the new tools and other things that are in the sims 4 game. But most of all i so wish there was a create a neighborhood tool like sims 3 create a world tool but in a different way that would be awesome to see others build new neighborhoods and see what they create :p And there is one thing i so dont get is that u can turn a lot size around but when i do that it doesn't look right or fit the surroundings :(
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    psyktpsykt Posts: 1,168 Member
    I liked that the focus is more on the sims, create a sim is sooo much fun. And I like the cartoony look as well. It's funnier to build stuff.
    I didn't like the lack of open world, I expected that to be even better than TS3, but they really took a step back. And the toddler thing too is so annoying. I also want more traits.
    I suggest they should get our toddlers back in the game, and make cool expansions pack with a lot of clothes and hairs (because I feel like i over use all of them). I want animals in the sims, that should be a priority.
    I like the sims 4 best out of all the sims, because graphics matter to me. It seems like the engine of the game is much smoother now, because it runs really fast on my computer compared to sims 3.
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    TiffanyLea007TiffanyLea007 Posts: 1,068 Member
    The Non open world kills it for me. If you can't fix this. Then dress up the map to look like everything connects. Also make a loading screen a pre generated image of your sims/sim traveling in a car/bike that they purchased. The background in that loading screen would look like their world instead of the white screen. This may not work or just add more time to the loading screen. IDK. But I want an open world I don't want to wait on a loading screen. This is a major step back. Please work on it back in the game. I don't care if that means you have to recode the base. Then just do that.
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    David12490David12490 Posts: 4 New Member
    edited June 2015
    Can we PLEASE have toddlers!!!! That is the only thing that really bothers me about the sims 4. It makes me not even wanna play or when i do play for 20 min and then get bored :( Ive been a LOYAL sims fan since the start and ive bought every ep and sp ever including everything for the Sims4 but its just not the same without TODDLERS... Also CARS, Closets like the sims2 and dish washers!! PLEASEEEEE put them in the game then ive really have NOTHING to complain about!! Also larger neighborhoods!!
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    Ken_Carson_SimKen_Carson_Sim Posts: 54 Member
    The stuff I do not want or want on my game.

    •What you liked

    The animations of the Sims. They are more alive.

    •What you didn't like

    The general progress of generations. I do not like the baby to be an interactive object, the lack of toddlers, and the height of teens are the same as Young adults. I do not like that.


    To fix the general progress of growing in the sims 4. I can¨t understand why the sims 3 and 2 are better on it.

    •Overall thoughts?

    Too listen the community and work on the needs of the game. I hope gurus can take note on things that fans wants on their game and fix stuff that is not working good.
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    FabianelfFabianelf Posts: 22 New Member
    The best things in the game for me are CAS and build mode but these aren't enough! not for a game this big!

    I've purchased all content released so far, I had fun with these, but none of them made me super impressed or kept me busy for more than a week. I like the game for what it is.. It's light, it's simple, it's... superficial. For me it's a 7 that should have been a 10, it's a good that should have been GREAT, if more thought, effort, time and imagination had been put into it. You need to understand the player!

    This is not about the lack of open world or CAST.. I'll tell you what this game lacks: immersion!

    You have in your hands the power to create a world, a virtual reality we enter and get lost in, forget about real life, control these sims, feel their emotions, lose track of time while playing.. I don't see it! This is not the game I have! The gaming experience should be there when I start the game.. why the choice for white? taking away the identity of the franchise (blue)... why the lack of colors? minimal you say.. modern, simple.. whatever.. to me it's COLD and empty and it doesn't drawn me to it.. neither it shows effort from the developers... and it's not about getting used to it, I'm playing since release and I hate this more and more..

    why the boring loading screen? the plumbob has it's meaning to the sim community but it does NOT drawn me into the game! show me something I can focus on! picture of the lot I'm loading, family I'm playing, world I'm travelling to! anything, anything is better!

    The aspiration system needs changing, it's not a good thing that all sims have access to all aspirations.. why does my "good" sim have access to the "public enemy" aspiration?? a sim that hates children have the "big happy family" aspiration?? the sim's aspiration should be part of his/her identity! you have all the pieces and you are just throwing it all there! think deeper! the game needs to have a smarter system, needs coherence!
    There is also an issue with this game when it comes to REPLAYABILITY. what reason do I have to start a new family/game if all sims have all aspirations, all sims have access to all worlds? TS2 and TS3 gave me a reason to start fresh, new world, new UNIQUE sims, a new storyline I could create... TS4 doesn't!

    You are failing to see from the players eyes! When my sim goes to work, I don't want him to auto teleport in the middle of his shower/meal or whatever he was doing! just give me some "realism", let him finish what he's doing, make him go outside the house at least! I remember a producer walkthrough for GTW, when asked about door locks, one of the producers just says there aren't going to be door locks but if you want you can just go to build mode and remove the door, than place it back later.... well that was painful to hear because that is not how I want to play the game and that's when I noticed the producers have no understanding of the player perspective, imagination, IMMERSION.

    So much weird stuff going on in my game.. I got to my limit.. some examples:
    - baby ages up to child, mother is near, doesn't even care! next, father has to introduce himself to his own son, like he didn't even know him!
    - father is abducted by aliens, mother and son are right beside him, none of them notice it!
    - click mirror> change appearance, when I go back to the game it tells me "the maid came while I was out...." apparentely every loading screen in the game equals leaving the lot (!!??)
    - playing with aging off but friends still invite me to birthday parties??
    - aliens walking around the neighborhood undisguised? shouldn't they be more "mysterious" creatures?
    - sim couple: the spouse flirts with another sim, husband sees, get an angry moodlet but the emotional state is still happy because his house is well decorated and he just had his son the day before. makes sense? no, no it doesn't! emotions need rebalancing, the +3 happy, +2 angry doesn't work! in some situations emotions should override other emotions! the husband sim should be angry! then give me the interaction for the wife to apologise to her husband and therefore clear the angry moodlet! now that makes more sense!
    - Bugs,,,, oh God the bugs in this game.. are you seriously unable to fix the mail glitch? It worries me that this glitch started when I got the Get to Work expansion... it worries me that purchasing and adding content to my game made it WORSE.

    The gallery NEEDS fixing!
    Original content must be separated from reuploaded content, nobody looks at "original by ...." and some even find a way to not show the original creator! and why isn't there an option to report these on the gallery?? Have some consideration for the great builders who put all their effort and creativity in their creations!
    Favorites on a player profile should not be shown mixed with their own creations, make it 2 separate rows that shows clearly: "1 - uploaded creations from this player" and "2 - favorites from other creators".
    Add an auto removal system for items that were not downloaded a minimum X times (TS2 website had it, I don't know about TS3), the gallery needs some form of clean up to keep things organised.
    Maxis favoriting is currently a joke! I had a featured lot back in TS2 old website, which I was very proud of! I never built many houses but the ones I did I put a lot of effort and I was happy it was recognized. Only recently I got into building in TS4, it's really fun! but since reading about the favoriting system you have... and seeing on the gallery the same lot uploaded by 3 different people, being 1- the original, 2-the copy without "original by" and 3- copy of the copy(!) yes it's that bad! my oh my... I quit! that part of the game for me is DEAD.

    This may sound rude but I have to say it. I don't think the current team working on this game understands the player and I don't think the team is passionate about this game as much as many of us players who want MORE and BETTER. not more content but more indepth gameplay, a virtual reality I can "believe" in. I respect you as professionals who did an amazing job on the animations, CAS, build mode features and so on... but again, these are not enough! You are failing at putting the pieces together.. I see so much potential gone to waste! I'm not waiting for TS5, I'm hoping for TS4 to be improved but it has a long way to go...
    I'm quitting the game for now.. I'm no longer interested in getting more content for my game if you don't make BIG changes on the BASICS.
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    AlbaWaterhouseAlbaWaterhouse Posts: 3,953 Member
    CAS and Build mode are great but this is a "life simulator" game, not a build game. And the gameplay is linear, non-immersive, scripted, and limited.
    "Emotions" were the biggest mistake of all in my opinion. Sims having all this superficial mood swings, objects helping to enhance emotions, and then, no emotions for important things like being cheated on or having a family member die. It was a good idea, very poorly executed.
    All the time spent on animations like the silly walks or the high fiving before sex could have been spent on making other things that mattered.
    The idiotic random push ups just because a sim has the active trait.
    Speaking of which: the traits. Insufficient, useless in general. Most of them are there only to affect Sims' already mentioned badly done "emotions".
    The humongous telescope yet the lack of normal size ones. Same goes for the cupcake factory, microscope...
    The extreme focus on goals. Goals so specific that make your "you rule" advert a big insult to our intelligence.
    Not to mention that the game has only 2 life stages Kid and Adult (in 4 very slightly different varieties).
    Kids are great for a base game but considering that there is no toddlers or proper teenagers, I wouldn't have expected less.
    I had a lot of faith and told myself that the game will be better with every DLC, but it hasn't. And your silence is not helping at all.
    Please, give back the fun to The Sims!
    Origin ID is: AlbaWaterhouse
    All my creations are CC free.
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    Mana94Mana94 Posts: 118 Member
    i liked how smoothly the game runs compared to the sims 3. and i love that sims can multitask. overall enjoying the game but the things stated below, in my opinion can make players bored of this game:

    1. fulfilling needs takes too much time. there's not enough time to do fun things. build skills. go on dates or even find exciting stuff in the world.
    2. also the normal life span is not enough sims age up way too fast but the long life span is so long that i get bored with having a sim around. we should be able to specify life spans for our sims like we used to.
    3. teens don't look like teens at all. they don't feel like teens. they shouldn't be the same height as adults. it feels like my adult sim is going to school!

    these are all i can think of right now but there are a lot to say about the game's pros and cons.
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    ULIBABA66ULIBABA66 Posts: 2,057 Member
    I would like updates that include toddlers (like they were in The Sims 2), improved emotions system (there should be more emotions such as surprised/shocked, jealous, fear/scared etc. Also Sims should react more naturally to huge life moments such as death, cheating, baby birth etc.), ability to change the length of each life span, more traits etc. The game should feel much more full in my opinion :)
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    gklechagklecha Posts: 37 Member
    I like how much we can do in CAS in ts4 when it comes to specific looks, however I like in ts3 how much more unique you could make your sims with traits and horoscope and likes and dislikes (favorite food, color, music). It seemed much more diverse
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    EthyrdudeEthyrdude Posts: 268 Member
    I "get it" that there is a good choice of some build items but if you are going to limit the colours then why not give all items (Doors and windows for example) all the same colours. I find myself very limited when I am building a house and if I want a certain colour, I can't use the window or door I want.
    On a planet far, far away.
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    KammieGirlKammieGirl Posts: 5 New Member
    I agree with some of the dislikes.. it lacks depth ( cars, buses, no toddlers, like to interact with baby more, make the lifespan longer, not enough personality traits showing through in actions and behaviors other than in evil and mean traits, make it harder for sims to get over heart break once being cheated on, there's not enough of a challenge, make it more noticeable when a sim is attracted to another sim).

    One thing I am DYING for and hopefully will come out with another release is a bridge that crosses over the SIMS community and the Sims Worlds!!!! that would be AHHHHHHH-MAAAAAAA-ZINNNNNNGGG!!!!
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    persephonecatpersephonecat Posts: 4 New Member
    edited July 2015
    I have been a long time simmer, and I have tried my level best to give the Sims 4 a fair chance. I waited until the base game went on sale to purchase it, because of all the bad press it had received. Looking back, I am glad that I did. The game is simply not worth the full price. Even with the additional patches. I also waited to buy GTW until it was on sale. And while I love the fact I can now photograph my sims for posterity--I am not really all that jazzed about being able to follow my sims to work. Mostly because it means completely abandoning the other members of my household. If Sims 4 were an open world, like the sims 3, I would LOVE the fact I can follow my sims to work. But without the open world, it forces me to pick a favorite sim to allow to grow, while leaving the others to simply 'care for self' for 8+ sim hours a day. Which is very disconcerting considering my sims routinely show me they kind of suck at caring for themselves, and do really ridiculous things when left to their own devices. Like swimming for so long they can't make it to the bathroom, and end up peeing all over themselves since they chose to use the toilet that is furthest away from the pool--passing 2 viable toilets--granted one was dirty, but I think it would have been cleaner to use the dirty toilet, than to pee on oneself trying to go upstairs to the other one--but that's just me. Knowing that shenanigans like the above will have me coming home to a family of dirty, bored, desperate sims ALL standing out by the mailbox while the baby object is upstairs screaming makes following the golden sim to work, not worth the hassle. The open world is what set the sims 3 apart, and made it so much fun (even it if did take 2 hours to get across town), and not having it is what makes me want to stop playing sooner, only purchase expansions at a reduced price, and skip the stuff packs entirely.

    The Sims 4 team has made claims they abandoned the open world, so they could focus on emotions, and making interactions an immersive and "real" experience for the player. If this were truly the result of the emotions focus, I wouldn't be so upset about my loss of the open world. However, I would say the whole concept is limited and has been poorly executed. My family feels like a bunch of Stepford Wives. They don't react the world around them. For example: Something in my kitchen caught fire the other day with 4 sims in the room. 1 of them reacted and actually caught fire, 2 others acknowledged the fire and were tense, but then moved too close to the awaiting dinner on the counter and were like "oh, I'm hungry", went to the counter next to the fire, grabbed a plate, proceeded to get the inspired emotion because I have nice pot rack in my kitchen. Both sims then sat down at the kitchen table and ate their meals, completely ignoring the fact their sister/aunt was ON FIRE in the same room. I forced the 4th sim in the room to react to the sim on fire. And by forced, I mean I had to cancel the action of joining his dining companions. I would think that a fire in the house should be unsettling for the sims. Maybe at least a tense that can't be outweighed by really nice pots and a painting? I seem to run into the same issue with any major event (Birth, Age-up, Weddings, and electrocution) My sim family only does the appropriate thing if I cancel what they want to do and request they do it. Which is fine, but I can't make them feel as they should which is rather distracting from the story-telling immersive aspect the team tried claims to have to enhanced. My sims 3 sims reacted more appropriately to fire than their sims 4 emotion driven counterparts. In the sims 4, the same sim that gets +2 embarrassed from walking in while her sister is peeing, should be more more than a little tense to find the the same sister is on fire in the kitchen. She should be sad, she should be scared (an emotion that doesn't even exist in the sims 4) and more than +3 tense. She should also STAY in those emotions, at least until her sister is extinguished, even if the pots and painting next to her flaming sister are really pretty (combined +4 inspiring). Especially since she has the good trait, and is best friends with her sister. If she were an evil sim who hated her sister--I could see the pots being a bigger deal than the human torch in the corner--but since the relationship box tells me her sister is one of the most important people in her world, and her traits tell me that she is a good, family oriented sim--it should be HUGELY sad to her that her sister is on fire, and I would think be a lot more than +3 tense about it if emotions were weighted properly in the game. And when it is all over, she should should feel relieved that her little sister is okay--which should effect her mood for the rest of the day, and make her less upset later when the same sister plays a prank on her. Again, relief is not an emotion addressed in the game. If the emotions are to be immersive, and are intended to console me for the loss of my beloved open world, I feel like I got the short end of the stick.

    On a positive note, the sims themselves do look really awesome, and I like being able to tweak the details! CAS is awesome. If the emotions system was as complex and worked as well as CAS, I wouldn't miss my open world nearly as much as I do. So major Kudos for that. I love it!
    Post edited by persephonecat on
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    mudlipmudlip Posts: 38 Member
    Things I would like.....

    -Some way to divide or categorize my library in the gallery, like the ability to create folders.

    -Allow me to choose what music plays on audio devices in the game. Currently it will not save the settings and music I de-selected is re-selected when I load the game.

    -Doorbells - I spend time designing homes and don't like to keep the walls down but with no doorbell it can make it hard to know when someone is at the door.


    -A single light bulb hanging from the ceiling by a wire that is a useable light.

    -Picture of dogs playing poker.

    -Velvet Elvis picture.

    -More useable candles.


    -Recreational Vehicle

    -The ability to modify the current lot structure of a neighborhood allowing me to choose how big lots are. Give us the option of dividing lots into sub-lots of sorts.


    -Lockable doors.

    -The ability to open a shop/store on the same lot as the household home. So I can live upstairs and have a store downstairs.

    -A microscope that I can keep on a table instead of having to place an object the size of a car in my house.

    -A normal non-observatory sized telescope. I would be willing to give up the ability to woohoo in it.

    This is my first Sims game, overall I'm really enjoying the game!
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    strawberryboo002strawberryboo002 Posts: 2 New Member
    I love The Sims 4!! It runs so much better on my ASUS laptop then The Sims 3 does but I feel like it's a bit boring. I never got bored playing The Sims 3 because there was so many things to do. On The Sims 4 everything looks so much better but I feel like some things need to be brought back so that I don't get tired of playing the game after an hour. I think that the Sims team should bring back: cars, being able to walk to places, supernatural, toddlers, more things to do with children and teens, and places like the university, island paradise, the future, and late night. If all these changes were brought back one by one in the monthly updates then a lot more people would buy the game. I know the Sims 4 is suppose to be an upgrade from the Sims 3 but the only thing that updated was the look to be honest...
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    gameliagamelia Posts: 703 Member
    What I like:
    * Improved appearance of Sims (their skin was doughy in TS3)
    * Ability to travel between worlds
    * Gardening requires less time
    * Children are less tedious now (I don't miss toddlers)
    * Careers and daily tasks
    * Pregnant Sims can wear anything
    * CAS
    * The new walk styles
    * The Gallery!

    What I don't like:
    * Cheap hanging lights that are too big
    * Hanging out in different neighborhoods waiting for plants to mature
    * Not being able to control other Sims at home while on a community lot (but I'm getting over that)

    * The game needs time period clothing and items, including premium content like chicken coops and tractors! Medieval, Regency, Victorian, and Pioneer time period stuff.
    * Sims should have the ability to go completely off-grid by building solar and wind power, and wells.
    * They should also have the option to homeschool children

    Overall thoughts?
    * Please hurry up with Game Packs that bring back weather and animals.
    --+++ Simming since 2000. All packs. All in! +++--
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    primalroseprimalrose Posts: 6 New Member
    edited July 2015
    *A Wacom tablet object. Traditional painting is cool and all, but let our Sims get into the world of digital painting!

    *More stay at home employment options. I'd really just like to work as a freelance web designer or something

    *I'm sure this one has been mentioned a gazillion times...but a gardening service.
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