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Roof clipping... (Eyeroll)

MollyG1997MollyG1997 Posts: 299 Member
edited June 2018 in The Sims 4 Lots
As many builders probably know this already, sometimes.. roofs are a pain in the ... when you have a open space that isn't really a room.. so roofs clip through.

That's my problem and I need help.. :(
I have a layout I REALLY like in my house I'm building, but the open space in the (what will eventually be a living space, which has an overlooking balcony upstairs).. the game doesn't think it's a room.

I've tried everything I can think of, from making it a room, and deleting the floor, but totally throws off my open plan design.. to shortening the room sides, which works until you add trim, which then clips through (EVEN WITH THE SMALLEST TRIM). I even tried to find a mod of an invisible wall of some sort, to try and block around it, tricking the game into thinking it's a room.. but no luck.


hello neiiigghhhhbour


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    MoodbeamyMoodbeamy Posts: 1,510 Member
    I find, when this happens, that I end up putting a one square wide floor in front of the windows with a banister (railing) across it. Not the best fix in the world but certainly better than having pieces of roof coming through the walls.

    I really wish that they would fix this.
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    MollyG1997MollyG1997 Posts: 299 Member
    Moodbeamy wrote: »
    I find, when this happens, that I end up putting a one square wide floor in front of the windows with a banister (railing) across it. Not the best fix in the world but certainly better than having pieces of roof coming through the walls.

    I really wish that they would fix this.

    Yeah.. It's annoying. I would do that but I feel like it'd just ruin the whole look of my house plan.
    Sigh, I wish there was a fix too. I saw when researching a fix that one of the Guru's said it was on the list for things to fix but not exactly a priorty since it doesn't stop the functioning of the game... in a forum post from 2014...

    I don't think they'll ever fix it.
    hello neiiigghhhhbour
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    x_Always_Heart_xx_Always_Heart_x Posts: 567 Member
    Hold shift+the arrow that moves the edge in or out.

    Roofing is difficult in this game, especially when you want to build a functional cape cod :tired_face:
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