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Clifford and Jordan 5x5 TS3


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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 255 - Part 2
    My gnomes haven't had any new babies. I am wondering if the WA and LN gnomes do have them as they have been together for a while.
    Just before the boys left the park, I saw Douglas in Nevan's queue. He aged up 2 days ago. While they were chatting, I had Nevan ask him to move in :)
    Dermot wanted to spar with someone. Nevan obliged and kicked his butt ;)
    Dermot then rolled a wish to take a photo with a friend - who better than his Grandpa Nevan? :)
    I thought it was adorable when my two geniuses headed for the study and read together :)
    When Maeve got home from school just after 5, Ita had her birthday.
    Ugh! Trashy shorts and high heels! I cringed :#
    I tried on about 10 outfits and couldn't find anything that took my fancy. I ended up with a slight variation in her teen outfit.
    I had Brogan prepare grilled salmon earlier in the afternoon as it is Nevan's favourite meal because I had forgotten about the birthday cake. Hopefully he will still be around tomorrow to enjoy it.
    Maeve came home from school with a wish to go on a joyride :)
    Michael and Brogan watched the house as the boys headed out to play catch.
    Nevan was jamming on his own so I had Dermot and Ita join him :) Shay was working on the mixology skill.
    When Douglas got home from work I let him eat his favourite meal of Grilled Cheese :)

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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    @Mikezumi , I didn't check but are you going to start a new thread for Beau and Lotta? I was toying with the idea of posting what I have from playing them but it's not a complete story....yet.

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    @Charlottesmom Not sure that I will play long enough to make a separate thread. I am hoping for a ghost baby but playing with a "traditional" mother/father family is not exactly my cup of tea ;)
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 256 - Part 1
    Jordan came out so I had Cliff join him. I saw them interacting so zoomed in and found Cliff embarrassed. I imagine I missed Jordan scaring him :p
    When the family were waking up I was worried that Nevan wouldn't be able to serve the meal because Cliff was haunting the table.
    Not only was he able to serve the meal, but he was also able to get into his chair although it was a foot off the ground :p
    Cliff stopped his haunting as the rest of the family came to the table.
    Nevan woke with a wish to spar so I had him spar with his father, Jordan :)
    Unfortunately Jordan disappeared before the sparring match was over. I had him spar with Michael instead.
    I changed Ita's outfit. I think this is more appropriate for a snob ;) Douglas had a wish to jog and must have gone straight to Ita when he got home.
    Since they had been flirting for a while before I noticed them, they were ready for me to have Douglas propose. I had forgotten he was clumsy and missed him nearly dropping the ring but this pic was taken just after he recovered and caught the ring before it hit the ground.
    I saw them heading towards the treehouse later. I would have thought the treehouse was not befitting of a snob ;)
    I had left Nevan, Michael and Brogan to their own devices while I concentrated on Ita and Douglas. I found Michael and Brogan flirting while Nevan read a book nearby.
    Brogan wandered off to break space rocks while Nevan and Michael danced.

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 256 - Part 2
    Douglas' parents, Cary and Karin worked until 2.30. I had him invite them over then. Cary arrived first and, after talking with Brogan, danced. I had Maeve invite Karin in. You can just see them outside the door. The family tree is getting pretty tangled at this point. Cary is Brogan's uncle on Shannon's side and Karin is his cousin on Nevan's side.
    Before anyone could run off to woohoo, including Douglas' parents, I got the show on the road!
    I sent Douglas' parents home soon after the cake was eaten. I didn't want them hanging around in case it was Nevan's time. After they left, Brogan and Michael watched the house
    As did Ita and Douglas :)
    I found Maeve scaring Dermot. He had been playing catch with Shay but she must have interrupted them.
    Shay had gone inside to dance :)

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 257
    No ghosts visited during the night so the family had a quiet breakfast ;)
    Douglas is a neat sim and had a wish to take a bath. My sims normally take showers because baths take too long but I let him have it as I am all about the wishes ;) I saw him holding his breath and zoomed in as he was coming up for air.
    I saw Douglas and Ita heading for the hottub. I was very disappointed when Ita shooed her family back into the house even though they were nowhere near the hottub - she can't possibly be one of MY sims! :# I am wondering if it has anything to do with her snob trait.
    I was going to keep them a little longer to grant some more wishes but the hottub incident was a deal breaker! They were moved out immediately after woohoo. This is the house that Finnian lived in. When he died, I turned SP off on the house so no-one would move in before I needed it.
    I found Michael and Brogan flirting while Nevan watched on smiling - I think he is happy that his son is so happy :)
    Although Michael has had the opportunity to deliver excellent cheese for the ability to grow steaks and patties for some time, I kept forgetting to do it. I didn't have any excellent quality cheese but had some outstanding quality ones put aside for this opportunity. The family has been eating perfect cheese since Cliff was alive.
    While Michael was at the diner Nevan and Brogan were boasting about their gaming skillz. I don't think either of them games that often! LOL
    When Michael got back from the Bistro Nevan boasted about his grandchildren :)
    The teens both had wishes to talk with Brogan on returning from school. I let them take care of that once their homework was completed.
    Although not a virtuoso, Dermot had a wish to play the guitar.
    Shay worked on his mixology skill. He got to level 3. He is now able to make party drinks :)
    Nevan had a wish to go out on the town. When Maeve got home from school after Scouting, the family headed to the Diner :)
    A lot of sims showed up while the family ate and were just hanging around outside the door.
    Michael and Brogan watched the house. Shay was heading to the hottub to skinny dip :)
    Maeve had a wish to go on a joyride. Nevan sketched nearby :)

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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    @Mikezumi , 4 AM.....ugh! At least I can finally leave some feedback for you.. :)

    **I've only gotten 1 special egg from the chickens, I can't remember why it was special though.
    **Spike bragging to Michael about his grandkids....Michael's kids! :D
    **At least Dermot didn't take getting his butt kicked personally and is still friends with grandpa Nevan. :)
    **Ita looks nice in the YA outfit you oicked for her, she is very pretty...!
    **Where does Douglas work, I think I missed that part.
    **Haunting the diningroom table! I love that it doesn't seem to bother Nevan.
    **Awwww!!! Nevan sparring with Jordan! <3
    **Dang it you missed a shot of
    **Douglas dropping the ring box!
    **yeah, Nevan and Michael sure do ALOT together!! ;)<3 (Yes, I know you would never let them do anything..... :/ )
    **Your family tree is going to look like a circle pretty soon! ;)
    **lovely family wedding, they look like a nice happy couple, bet you will get some pretty grandkids aut of them.
    **I've only seen one of my Sims go underwater in the tub (Colby) is was pretty cute.
    **Michael is probably thinking that if Nevan and Spike were in the same room they would keep bragging sbout the same grandkids..
    **Shay behind the bar, he would make a super bartender, he just looks the part.

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    @Charlottesmom Sorry you didn't sleep well :(
    Thanks for the lovely comments :)
    The exotic egg gives a good moodlet and can be sold for §1,500. If you don't sell it straight away it goes down in value until it becomes bad. It doesn't take long for that to happen. I can't remember but it was less than a day.
    Douglas works at the theatre in the music career. When Ita had settled in her new home, I got a popup that she had got a job there too :) They are both virtuosos so should get on fine :)
    My heirs' husbands do seem to get on well with their fathers-in-law and Michael is no exception. I don't know if it's a setting in the newer version of the mods I use or something introduced in a later patch. When I played before my break, I was only patched as far as Ambitions and my mods were dinosaurs! Anyway, whatever it is, I never see flirting between in-laws. When I click on them, there are also no romantic interactions available.
    My game is getting a little slow to load now but I won't move the family again until after Nevan goes. It works fine at least and I just go off and make coffee while it's loading ;)
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    edited June 2017
    Day 258
    Shannon showed up late again - around 4.30am - and headed straight for the sauna for a mud bath :)
    The family ate breakfast at an unhaunted table ;)
    Shannon showed up as Shay was clearing the breakfast dishes and Michael was preparing a meal for the next morning.
    Shay had a wish to give Dragan a friendly hug. I decided that he could have it even though the school bus would be coming in an hour. My SS got a new house when I placed Dragan and his mother in town. I moved them in with her now that she has more room :)
    Brogan wanted to play a game with Maeve :)
    After the kids got on the school bus, I looked around for Michael and found that he had left the dish he had cooked on the counter and was dancing in his underwear :p
    Michael is still working on his wish to catch every type of fish and Nevan had a wish to catch a record sized fish. I put in the Dragon Fish and Mummy Fish spawners and the boys fished for a couple of hours.
    I heard the school bus go by and checked to see which of the kids had a field trip. It was Maeve. Daphne, Dragan's mother, was in charge. The boy beside her is Desmond, Rowan's son. Clayton's granddaughter, Tomika, and Bran's son, Keenan also went.
    Nevan and Brogan chatted while Michael was breaking space rocks. It warmed my heart when Brogan expressed his fondness for Nevan and they hugged :)
    I saw Brogan heading to the pool. He was about to skinny dip so I had Michael join him. They had a bit of a swim and a couple of breath holding competitions before the kids got home from school.
    Dermot wanted to talk about gardening so I had him talk with Nevan who had been reading as I don't like him being alone for too long.
    The family ate Nevan's favourite, Grilled Salmon, for dinner :)
    The boys watched the house after dinner.
    Maeve had a wish to increase her logic skill. Since Nevan had no wishes and often plays chess on his own, I had them play together.
    At around 1am, Cliff visited. Like Shannon, he also went for a mud bath.
    Jordan also visited and broke space rocks after haunting a few objects around the yard.

    Post edited by Mikezumi on
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 259 - Part 1
    It's Saturday morning and I am planning on keeping it as stress free as possible!
    Shay woke with a wish to spar with someone so I had him spar with Nevan. Nevan kicked his butt and he didn't even use his fancy moves :p
    Nevan had been playing the piano when Dermot interrupted him to talk about gardening.
    Maeve had a wish to increase her logic skill. When she reached level 5 it triggered a potion wish.
    I had Shay invite Dragan over.
    This is Maeve's recent painting. She is evil and I think this painting reflects that :)
    Nevan wanted to catch a bug :)
    When he came home he had a successful experiment :)
    Brogan also had a wish to increase his science skill so I had him analyze a few things.
    Maeve got to level 1 of the cooking skill :)
    I found Brogan and Michael skinny dipping. Since they were already there, I had them cuddle which triggered a wish to make out :)

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 259 - Part 2
    Nevan had been painting and when he finished, he went outside and hugged Maeve. He's such a good grandpa :)
    I saw Maeve heading towards Dragan and saw a flash of light behind the treehouse. It was Shay proposing to Dragan! :o Ah well, it was gonna happen at some point anyway ;)
    Dragan and Shay danced to Nevan's guitar in the sunset - how romantic is that? :)
    The family will be eating a lot of grilled salmon because I don't know how long Nevan will last and I want him to be as happy as possible :)
    Nevan got an invitation to Quinn Holloway's party. Quinn is Aideen's grandson.
    I sent him into the kitchen to clean up the rotten sandwiches and prepare a cheese plate.
    Back at home, Dragan and Shay watched the house :)
    When I went to send Brogan and Michael to the party I found them woohooing. I sent them when they were done. Logan was there :)
    I also sent Dermot. He chatted with Regan Mullis, grandson of Tam while Elva chatted with Quinn.
    Michael and Brogan found Quinn's back deck and watched the stars :)
    When Logan was walking up the hall earlier, he was heading to Nevan for a chat.
    Elva also spent some time with Nevan :) I let the family socialize for a bit before sending them home to bed.

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 260 - Part 1
    The family enjoy french toast for Sunday breakfast. The family have easy to grant wishes and I kept the day simple by mostly keeping the family together, rather than having to follow sims all over town.
    Shay is getting close to completing his "catch every type of fish" wish. He also had a wish to catch a fish of a particular size. When he caught a fish that fit the bill, he rolled a wish to master the fishing skill. Before the morning was over that wish was granted :) Dermot had a recipe related wish which was fulfilled quickly so I sent him fishing to see if I could trigger any fishing wishes for him. He was just shy of level 9 when he joined Shay at the pond.
    Nevan's morning wish was to eat a perfect meal - easily granted :p He has had a wish to paint something worth §3,000 locked in for a while. Unfortunately this painting was only brilliant and only worth a little over §2,000. Having said that, I love it!
    I left the boys fishing and Maeve painting (her morning wish was painting related) and sent the grown ups to the bowling alley.
    Nevan is the cutest elder ever! <3
    Once the boys had got a few fishing wishes granted and Maeve had completed her painting, I sent them to join the grown ups.
    Dermot introduced himself to Eilish's son, Jed.
    Elva was also there :)
    As soon as Maeve arrived she went straight upstairs and consoled Eve, Jasen and Janie's daughter. Janie is the daughter of Finnian. I am not sure who she was grieving as there have been several deaths in town recently. Maeve has the friendly trait to keep her evilness in check ;)
    Shay also went upstairs but not to talk. He headed straight for one of the gaming machines.
    I didn't realize Dermot was bowling until I saw him take a dive from the corner of my eye :p

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 260 - Part 2
    When I found Michael heading out the door to go home, I almost sent the whole family with him. Instead I decided the family would have dinner out so made Michael come back in and stay a few more hours. He didn't seem to mind too much and went straight to Brogan for some flirting :) I saw that Eve was telling a ghost story upstairs so I went to check. The handsome George was her only audience :)
    Nevan actually got to read for a while. His irresistible trait must have been taking a break ;)
    Nevan went upstairs and was just about to play pool when Elva interrupted for a chat.
    Being the wonderful grandpa he is, he didn't mind in the least. I think they hugged about 5 times before their conversation was over :)
    When the sun started going down, I sent the family to the Bistro for dinner. I have no idea what sims eat when dining inside but I like to think that Nevan had his favourite meal of grilled salmon :)
    While the family were inside, Spike came out because he had just received a promotion according to a pop-up I got shortly after. He aged up with these pigtails and I fixed it but it obviously stuck with his work outfit :#
    When the family got home I let them do their own thing. They chose to chat with each other :)
    After some flirting, the boys headed out back to watch the house :)

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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    @Mikezumi , day 259:
    **Poor Shay getting his butt kicked by grandpa Nevan! :D
    **All your Nectar bottles make me want to jump right in to nectar making, but I'll resist for a bit.
    **Maeve's runny watercolor painting is cool!
    **Nevan IS a very good grandpa! <3
    **Awww, missed the proposal!
    **Quinn is a magnificant specimen! <3 all your males are soo smexie... ;)
    **Hi My Simmy son!!! :*<3
    **Regan looks pretty cute, from what I could see.
    **I also love that painting Nevan did, the deep sea diving(?) one.
    **Maeve's evil trait paintings sure are different!
    **Dermot's bowling skills are not up to snuff... :o
    **shirtless George!! <3
    **Elva is probably afraid Grandpa Nevan is going to drop dead any minute, thus all the hugs.
    **Spike with his cute pigtails..... :p

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 261
    Maeve rolled a wish to go fishing before 6am. I cancel this wish more often than not on a school day, but she was fully rested by 4am so I let her fish an hour before sending her back to bed until breakfast.
    No ghosts visited during the night so the family had a quiet breakfast ;)
    Shay had a wish to catch a 1,000 kilo fish so I put in a robot fish spawner and Brogan and Dermot had wishes to catch vampire fish because the garlic were ready to harvest.
    After the kids left for school, Brogan and Nevan were chatting and they hugged several times. Nevan seems to be hugging a lot these days. He must know his end is near or is lonely since Shannon's passing.
    Brogan is still working on increasing his science skill. This is the slowest skill to build that I have ever encountered!
    His experiments are successful more often than not and we have several forbidden fruit seeds tucked away for the future when I might try for a plant baby.
    The boys are loving their homework! ;)
    Shay had a wish to catch a bug :)
    Michael had a wish to spar with someone. Nevan is not in the least intimidated :)
    Because the boys are both so skilled, the sparring match took over an hour! Nevan won in the end :)
    Nevan had an aperitif before enjoying his favourite meal of Grilled Salmon :)
    The boys had been skinny dipping in the pool before watching the stars :)
    Although Shay has 6 athletic skill points, Nevan still has the upper hand in a game of catch ;)
    I think Grandpa Nevan has a soft spot for Maeve :)

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    @Charlottesmom Thanks for the lovely comments :)
    You really need to try nectar making! I haven't had the boys make any since Shannon was young but it is so much fun and worth lots of money too! Some nectars give great moodlets as well :)
    If Maeve hadn't of been heading to Dragan for a chat, I would never had seen the engagement at all! My sims are so sneaky sometimes ;)
    I also love Maeve's watercolour. I really should try doing some watercolours myself. I was very artistic when young and I know I still have it in me although I was more into pencil sketches.
    Here's a closer look at Nevan's painting
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 262 - Part 1
    This is the first time that Finnian has shown up since dying. I had meant to take his headstone to the mausoleum but hadn't got around to it yet.
    Shortly after Finnian came out, Cliff also visited.
    Because Finn and Cliff visited just after midnight, they weren't around when the family got up for breakfast.
    Shay wanted to spar with someone so I had him spar with Brogan. Although Brogan long ago mastered MA, there were no fancy moves.
    Because Nevan is artistic, I sent him to the Art Gallery. When he arrived he was alone. I was surprised when he whipped out his MultiTab to read a book rather than view the art, but I knew he wouldn't be doing that for long in any case because sims always show up when he goes anywhere ;)
    When Michael and Brogan finished the gardening they both headed for the stereo to dance. The Japanese saying "Even monkeys fall from trees" seems to be true because both boys took a tumble ;)
    Maeve had a field trip to the Mausoleum. Jasen's daughter, Eve, was in charge. The girl beside her is Kathy, Derry's granddaughter.
    The boys are Tam's grandson, Oliver (red) and Declan's grandson, Clyde (green)
    Jed and his wife were making out at the cemetery LOL
    I knew that Nevan wouldn't be alone for long. I saw Logan in his queue and saw that he and his wife, Lindsey, were there.
    Of course Nevan had to boast about his grandchildren ;)
    I could have sworn that Nevan had met Celina (Tam's daughter) before but it must have been another family member. Celina is the Emperor of Evil :)
    While Nevan and Celina chatted, Buddy and his lady (not sure if he is married or not) arrived.

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 262 - Part 2
    I decided the boys had had enough dancing and sent them to the Gallery as well. While they were on their way, I admired Buddy :p
    With no stereo to distract them, the boys chose to flirt ;)
    They did take some time out to admire the art as well.
    The teens did their homework to Nevan's guitar accompaniment ;)
    Dermot had a wish to spar so I had him spar with Shay. They could both use the practice. Shay is only level 4 and is nearing the end of his teens. Of course he is not disciplined so rolls very few MA wishes.
    I saw Maeve heading to Grandpa Nevan when she had finished with her phone call.
    Nevan didn't mind in the least :p
    Although he did tutor her immediately after - perhaps he thinks she could do with some discipline ;)
    The family ate Nevan's favourite meal. I think Maeve's face says it all! "Grilled salmon again!"
    Michael was slow to the table because he had been having an aperitif in the hot tub ;)
    The boys watched the house after dinner :)
    A little later, I found them watching the stars.
    Dermot and Shay both had wishes to catch death fish. I woke them a little after midnight.
    Dermot caught one first and I got a pop up that he had caught 20 types of fish. Pity he didn't have the wish like Shay because it is worth 7,500 LTR points. At least the wish to catch a death fish was worth 1,500 and he then rolled a wish to catch a perfect one and it is worth 2,500. I have locked that one in for later.
    Shay eventually caught his :) I sent them to bed after that.

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 263 - Part 1
    Shannon visited at around 3am, quite a bit earlier than he usually comes.
    After haunting a few objects around the lot, he went to Nevan's bedroom and haunted the desk for a while.
    I bet Shannon wishes he could join the family for breakfast as pancakes were his favourite meal.
    Maeve's morning wish was to preside over her royal court.
    After Nevan finished his breakfast he spent some time with Shannon :)
    Nevan had two wishes that morning. The first was to prepare a perfect quality meal so I had him make some crepes. The second was to use the telescope.
    After the boys had finished the gardening, I found them flirting :)
    The teens had a field trip. Carl Mullis (Neasa's husband) was in charge. Dragan is sitting beside him.
    Sammi, Bran's daughter, was also there.
    While looking through the telescope, Nevan rolled a wish to meet someone new. I sent him to the park. He met Dionne Wright (nee Mullis) and of course wanted to boast about his grandchildren :) I was confused when I saw Dionne's outfit because I would not have dressed her like that and discovered that she was pregnant. I recently installed default replacements with pregnancy morphs of UL and LN outfits.
    I let her keep the top and recoloured it in her favourite colour.
    Nevan had a chat with Spike while he was there.
    When Spike left, Nevan's queue started filling with sims wanting to chat with him. Chaim, Cait's son, is now a father :) Rowan is heading towards Nevan as well :)
    The blonde guy is Aideen's grandson, Stephen, and James (Bridie's husband) is approaching from the left in work uniform.

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 263 - Part 2
    Although I hadn't zoomed back on the boys while I was watching Nevan, I did click on their thumbnails to see what they were doing. They danced the whole time Nevan was gone :p
    There is a Prom coming up and I needed a date for Dermot. He will be half way through his teens in 2 days and this is the girl I had planned for him since she became a teen. Her name is Colleen Holloway.
    I had Dermot invite her inside but before she could follow him in, Michael intercepted her for a chat.
    Since they are old friends, I had him butter her up a bit before asking her to the Prom ;)
    Shay also needed a date so I had him invite Dragan over. Nevan wanted to ask Dragan's sign but had to wait his turn ;)
    Colleen and Dragan stayed for a Grilled Salmon dinner.
    My family usually stand around the dining table for a while chatting after meals. Once again, Nevan is waiting to chat with Dragan. He must approve of his grandson's choice of partner :)
    When Nevan had finished chatting with Dragan, he took out his guitar :) I had Maeve call a school friend to keep her away from all the romantic couples :p
    House watching ;)
    When Maeve finished her phone call, she went straight to Grandpa for a hug <3
    Dragan and Shay found their way outside to watch the stars as well :)
    Nevan loves tutoring Maeve! LOL
    Nevan made it through another day :)

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 264 - Part 1
    Nevan is 26 days over the full life span! I didn't see anyone get in Dermot's way but he was obviously having difficulty getting to his breakfast.
    Nevan woke with a wish to spar. I had him spar with Shay before school.
    Maeve had a wish to play catch with Michael. She probably regretted that wish because he maxed his athletic skill long ago :p
    Michael struck the disciplined sim pose while waiting for Brogan to finish gardening :)
    He can't have that much discipline because he can't keep himself away from the bar ;)
    Brogan was in the hot tub and since he wasn't skinny dipping, I sent Michael and Nevan to join him. I thought Nevan could do with the company :)
    Nevan had a painting wish so I got him started on a new painting. I left Michael and Brogan to their own devices.
    I have a new baby gnome :)
    When Nevan completed the painting behind him, he brought out his guitar just in time for the boys' return home from school. The great moodlet would have taken the edge of the stress of homework :)
    Shay had a wish to go the local pool so I sent Dermot with him. Dermot chose to swim in the small pool just behind the fence.
    When I checked back on the boys, I found Shay having a breath holding competition with my simself :p
    Elva was there in her work uniform :)

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 264 - Part 2
    When Maeve got home from school she wanted to go on a submarine adventure :)
    The tub broke when she was getting out :o
    As it was getting close to dinnertime, I sent the boys home. When Shay got back he went straight to the bar for a drink and took it with him to the hot tub. Dermot went straight to Grandpa Nevan for an animated conversation :)
    The family once again had Nevan's favourite meal, grilled salmon, for dinner :)
    Post dinner chatting :)
    Michael and Brogan watched the house :)
    Nevan and Shay attended a party thrown by Chaim, Cait and Carl's son. The toddler is his daughter, Lara.
    Cary, Shannon's half brother, went straight to Nevan for a hug (several actually) :)
    Layla, Eilish's daughter, was also waiting to chat with Nevan. Rowan's son, Stacey was giggling with Chaim in the background.
    Nevan had a wish to boast about his grandchildren to his niece but she wouldn't let him :( I suspect it was her evil trait because they are best friends.
    Nevan made it through another day :)

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    CharlottesmomCharlottesmom Posts: 7,015 Member
    @Mikezumi , going to start with Day 262, pretty sure I left feedback for the past days in Em's thread...hope so anyways. ;)

    **I LOVE that you put Finnian's gravestone in with his dad's, it is nice to see him even in ghost form.
    **never heard "even monkeys fall from trees" I like that!
    **Wonder if Tam's grandson inherited his good looks...
    **Hi Logan! Is Becky dead yet?
    **I adore Maeve, something about the evil ones... :D
    **I would have woken up Nevan for a little Shannon ghost action! <3 after breakfast chatting is better than nothing..
    **looks like spike is still kicking...
    **I would seriously need a spreadsheet to keep track of everyone!
    **The picture of Brogan and Michael making out through the window in the door while Dermot is giving flowers to Colleen!
    **Love michael playing "murderball" with Maeve!
    **Your gnomes never fail to get a giggle out of me!
    **who won the breath holding competition?
    **LOL!! stretchy tub Maeve!

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    @Charlottesmom Thanks for the lovely comments :)
    I was also happy to see Finnian :)
    Thuggishsplicer has Finnian and Brogan in his save now. I sent him the files a couple of days ago.
    Tam's grandson is a good looking boy :)
    Becky and Spike are alive and well :p I imagine it won't be much longer for both of them, though, because I don't have a long elder stage.
    I might need to intervene with your "kids". They aren't making babies! :/
    I have no idea who won the breath holding contest because I just looked to see if they were okay and then zoomed back on the house. I imagine Shay did but you never know with sims ;)
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 265 - Part 1
    I've been playing so much of my Beau and Lotta save lately that it felt odd going back to this save but it didn't take long to remember how much I love them :)
    Dermot rolled a wish to water the plants. He leveled up to 7 before he left for school :)
    Nevan woke with a wish to paint. He also has 2 other painting wishes locked in. One to paint something worth over §3,500 and the other to paint 5 masterpieces. He has painted way more masterpieces than 5 already in his life :)
    While talking with Michael over breakfast, Brogan rolled a wish to make romantic drinks. He got an achievement "Master of Mood" when he made these.
    Shay's morning wish was to catch a great fish. He did that within minutes :)
    Michael and Maeve had wishes to play a game with each other. Maeve would probably have preferred chess ;)
    When Nevan finished his painting, I sent him to play with the baby chickens as Michael and Brogan were busy gardening.
    Nevan really feels his music :)
    I found Michael club dancing. He looked so happy :)
    I saw Brogan heading to Nevan and wondered what he was up to. It seems that he wanted to train his dad on the barre. I let him do it because exercise might keep Nevan with me longer :)

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