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Clifford and Jordan 5x5 TS3

MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
Clifford and Jordan 5x5

I am not finished with Jensen and his family but I wanted to try @Charlottesmom's 4x4 Challenge. The Jensen save takes over 5 minutes to load, about 3 minutes to save, and over 2 hours to play a sim day so it will be reserved for times when I have lots of spare time (which is quite often really ;) ). This save will be perfect for days when time is limited. I decided 4x4 would not be fun for me and the game is meant to be fun ;) I also changed one thing - instead of a microwave, my sims got a stove as meals are very important to me.

I am playing with Clifford Wright, grandson of Jensen, and, although Jensen is in my town, they are not related. They don't look alike so it's neither here nor there and they will probably never have anything more to do with each other than be friends. Clifford is also the grandson of @GaiaHypothesis's Rory Oliver. Also in my household is Jordan Jones, my redhead from my travel test save. They didn't make money on their first day since I needed them to build up a relationship as they started out as acquaintances when dropped into the save. It took very little time to get them to friends and after that it went way faster than I anticipated with the two of them autonomously taking things several steps further than I had planned for the first day :p Clifford's LTW is Perfect Garden and Jordan's is Culinary Librarian. Jordan has a job at the Diner but Clifford will stay home as his LTW can be easily done at home.

I changed my lifespan to long but drastically reduced baby and toddler since I don't see the point of those lifestages other than to get them ready for childhood and toddler training can be done quickly so no need to prolong things.

A close-up of Clifford <3

Clifford and Jordan move in
Clifford and Jordan arrive at their new box ... I mean house ;)
Oh my it is tiny! My sims haven't lived like this since I first started playing when the game came out LOL
The boys seemed to hit it off pretty quickly but it took maybe a sim hour before they became friends. After that it was plain sailing :)
Once they hit friend status, I had Clifford try the heat of the moment kiss since both had wishes to kiss for the first time.
I didn't get an after shot but it was not rejected. In fact it went so well, that Clifford immediately asked Jordan to go steady (I had nothing to do with this!) :)
They are the only gays in town so I don't need to worry about them cheating on each other ;)
Clifford tried for woohoo quite early in the piece but I stopped him. After they had been flirting for a while, I decided to test the shower because it was crammed in a corner and I didn't know if it would work for woohoo or not. As it turned out, it was fine :) After woohoo, I was stunned to see Clifford get down on his knee! They are moving sooooo fast! :o

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    The boys get their first skill points :)
    Clifford had a wish to learn gardening and Jordan, cooking. Although a bookcase is allowed in the house, I thought it would be nice for the boys to go to the library to read skill books and meet people. Clifford introduced himself to Lilika Nagata :)
    Jordan introduced himself to Marina Prattle :)
    Then they got down to the business of studying ;)
    After gaining his first gardening skill point, Clifford wanted to garden so I had him harvest a tree at the park. He then went home and planted one of the nice quality apples he had harvested.
    When Jordan got his skill point, he rolled a wish to cook a meal so I sent him home to cook waffles.
    This is the reason I wanted to test the shower earlier - there is no room for a double bed so I had to make sure the boys could woohoo :p
    Jordan: "Why are you looking at me? I'm not planning anything!" Yeah, sure! Immediately after this he autonomously sent a mean text to my SS who is his boss at the diner :/ I cancelled it but not in time :|

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    First night in their new home :)
    The waffles Jordan cooked earlier served as the boys' dinner :)
    The boys would stop eating from time to time and just look at each other <3 Not bad for robotic pixel people ;)
    Although Jordan had a wish to watch the stars with Clifford, it was Clifford who autonomously instigated it :)
    Hmmmm Not much privacy in a 5x5 box LOL
    Not sure if I should get a double bed with the next upgrade or a separate bathroom. First they have to earn the money. They made no money on their first day and their funds went down a little because Jordan cooked waffles and grilled cheese sandwiches and had to pay for the ingredients. Clifford better get that garden happening soon!

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    edited March 2017
    Day 2
    If Cliff is going to get his perfect garden, he's going to have to find good quality seeds because it takes ages to get a plant from nice to perfect. Whenever I see a seed, I check it out and then have him collect it. So far, he hasn't found anything terribly high quality but definitely better than the "nice" quality fruit and veg you can buy at the store. Because it's only the second day not much has spawned yet.
    Jordan was meant to start work on their second day but something went wrong. The countdown to his work time looked normal but when it was time that he should have been leaving the countdown went back to 1 day. I had him quit and apply again and the next day it worked fine. Instead, I had him work on his cooking skill a bit more because he wanted to learn a new recipe and I was being careful with the money so no recipes just yet.
    Because gardening triggers fishing wishes, I had Cliff go fishing across the street.
    After finishing the cooking, I had Jordan join him. Fish are handy for fertilizer and for cooking and it fills the fun bar - win/win :)
    While fishing, Jordan rolled a wish to learn gardening so I sent the boys to the library.
    While they were there I had them use the toilet and then follow up with a sponge bath to save them having to clean the shower at home ;)
    Of course, the boys had to stop and flirt a bit before going home ;)
    Because they had an hour to kill before dinner, I sent them fishing again. Cliff is just too adorable <3
    They had leftover grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner :)
    I noticed the flag was up on the mailbox and remembered that they must have a bill - my sims don't normally pay bills LOL
    There was a popup that the first guest had arrived at my SS's party. I decided to send the boys along to crash the party ;)
    I thought Jordan better be nice to my SS since she is his boss and he had already sent that nasty text :p
    Cliff became friends with Wendell Morse :) Since it was late, I sent the boys home to sleep.

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 3
    I can't wait for my boys to get the handiness skill! My sims are simply not used to cleaning. My usual house had the toilets, sinks and showers upgraded to self-cleaning long ago! :p
    Since Jordan doesn't start work until 3 and Cliff was gardening, I sent him out to collect gems. There weren't many around because it usually takes my game a few days to start spawning gems and seeds. I believe this was a tanzanite. He found another tanzanite nearby and also a ruby and some gold.
    When he got home he sent the gems away to be cut and the gold for smelting. Their money took a hit but I knew it would be returned with interest the next day. As it turned out, because he sent them before the mail carrier got there, they were returned on the same day and the boys made a pretty penny :)
    After gardening, I saw that the seeds had started spawning near the trees next to the lot so I sent Cliff to collect them. It will be a while before he can plant them, as they were special seeds.
    Since the boys had made some money, I bought Cliff a sketchbook because he wanted to learn the painting skill. I had forgotten he was artistic.
    Cliff had actually rolled a wish to buy an easel but there is simply no room in the house. I cancelled that wish and put some of the easels from UL at the small park instead :) I also bought Jordan the recipe for ratatouille with some of the day's takings :)
    The boys availed themselves of the treehouse while at the park ;)
    Cliff sold his first painting for 16 simoleons :)

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    edited February 2017
    Day 3 (cont.)
    Jordan goes to work (Almost unheard of in my sim games ;) )
    I sent the boys home because it was getting close to Jordan's work time. They managed to get one flirt in before the carpool arrived.
    As Jordan headed out the door, Cliff got started on cleaning the shower.
    Who'd have thought that a clean shower was so exciting? ;)
    Cliff got an invitation to Wendell Morse's party. He's the sim that he made friends with at my SS's party :)
    Cliff was hungry and the only food going was green, fly infested, mac and cheese. I had him quickly whip up some PB&J sandwiches. It meant he had to use the nice quality grape he had harvested from the science facility but it was better than going hungry :P
    It seems that he might be Wendell's only friend in town LOL
    I had him bring a plate to Wendell because he is so darned cute :p
    I had Jordan join him after work and the boys danced until Jordan's fun bar had recovered :)
    The boys also took advantage of their host's double bed ;)

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 4
    The boys started their day with waffles. Because Jordan has a job, I have to remember to wake him at 6 or he would sleep until 10 which is ridiculous!
    While Cliff worked on the garden, Jordan made the bed and recycled yesterday's paper.
    I looked at his work panel and discovered he had the day off so I sent him fishing.
    Cliff really needed a shower after gardening and just as I told him "Don't you dare break the shower", it happened :/
    Since Jordan had completed a couple of fish related wishes, I sent him home to mop up while Cliff worked on the repairs.
    Cliff had rolled a wish to marry Jordan on the first day but Jordan was holding out. Seeing Cliff fix the shower must have done the trick because he rolled it the moment Cliff stepped out of the shower :) The boys need those LTR points, so I got that wish out of the way :p
    Cliff got to level 2 in handiness from the repair job and rolled a wish to increase it. Since Jordan got time off work because of the marriage (I was not particularly happy about this), I got him working on his cooking skills while Cliff tinkered with the shower.
    I wasn't going to risk the shower again, so instead of woohooing the boys topped up their fun bars with reading ;)
    I sent them to the park to meet new people. Since the population in this save is very small, there was only one person (apart from a service sim) for them to meet. This is Pauline Walker. She is the female clone of my Paul Walker sim. I discovered that I didn't have many females in my bin when populating this save so had to gender swap a couple of males to make up the difference in numbers LOL
    The boys autonomously watched the stars after dinner :)
    Then Cliff whipped out his sketchbook and Jordan his kicky bag. I left them to it :p

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 5
    I had forgotten to take out the 10 serve meal mod so my boys will be eating waffles until they rot LOL Fortunately, I splashed out on a better fridge in the beginning. I know this is meant to be a challenge, but if my sims don't eat good food I am not a happy camper ;)
    While Cliff did the gardening, I had Jordan whip up some pancakes for a change ;)
    Then the bill came - it wasn't so bad at only 50 something simoleons.
    I had forgotten that Jordan had the Disciplined Trait until he rolled a wish to learn martial arts. They certainly don't have the money to go to China and I was about to cancel the wish when I remembered that this town was set up for my Jensen save so the house that would have been Jackin's had martial arts equipment in the backyard :) No-one can afford to move in at this stage of the game, so I had Jordan go over. It's just next door to the small park, so very close to the house :)
    Since Jordan still has a couple more days off because of the marriage, I had Cliff look for gems while Jordan was training. My spawners are very slow this game and I am wondering if it has anything to do with the slow speed I have SP set at. Still, Cliff managed to find a few gems.
    I decided the boys should have a treat while they were in "honeymoon mode". I do love the "My Love" buff sims have after getting married :) I sent them to the bowling alley (bowling is free ;) ) and the first thing the boys did on arrival was admire their wedding rings :)
    I then had the boys go bowling until other sims showed up for them to socialize with.
    Before they were done with their first game, a couple of other sims arrived: Wendell Morse and Connor Frio :)
    Since Wendell and Connor were upstairs, I sent the boys up. Instead of socializing, they headed for the photobooth :p

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 5 (cont.)
    After their romp in the photobooth, I had the boys introduce themselves to Connor :)
    The boys needed a little freshening up, so I sent them downstairs to the bathroom :p
    I noticed there were grills on the upstairs deck so I sent the boys back upstairs. While Jorden grilled some hotdogs, Cliff did some sketching :)
    Such a pretty place to eat their meal <3
    I couldn't figure out what was up with Jordan, then I realized there were speakers on the deck and this is his "music appreciation face" :p
    Cliff's wasn't any better LOL
    While cooking, Jordan rolled a wish to skinny dip. Whenever possible, my sims wishes are my command ;)
    The boys then watched the stars before going home :)
    This is the face of the cat that got the cream! Cliff instigated shower woohoo and I was stunned when I heard baby chimes when they were done! :o
    The boys are not getting ahead very well with Jordan's extended leave from work and the slow gem spawners. (Not that he earned much. On his first and only day at work he got under 200 simoleons). Still, I will let them go ahead with this. It will mean that the baby will need to sleep on the deck. Luckily I don't have Seasons installed!

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 6
    The boys started their day with pancakes this time :) They were perfect quality because Jordan was able to turn a great quality apple into perfect pancakes :)
    Cliff had to cut his gardening short to throw up :# He pulled out his sketchbook when he finished but I cancelled that and sent him back to finish the gardening.
    I can't remember how much they made but the boys got back some cut gems. They will need that money for the baby!
    After the boys had finished their morning ablutions, the toilet and shower needed cleaning. My sims are never going to forgive me! They are used to living like princes :p
    Jordan wanted to increase his cooking skill. He had cooked a meal earlier that morning but there is only so much I want in the fridge, so I sent them to the bowling alley where I noticed they had two TVs. Betty Simovitch was there. She was in maternity wear so I checked her stats and found she is pregnant to Josh Holloway :)
    I had the boys watch the Cooking Channel until Cliff's fun bar was full then sent him off hunting for gems. Jordan had a while to go until he upped his skill level so I left him there. The Bowling Alley is near Pinochle Point and there are usually many gems in that area :)
    When he got back from his gem hunt (he got about 5 gems), Cliff did some sketching :)
    Later in the day, Jordan rolled a wish to skinny dip and Cliff wanted to visit the Art Gallery. Since the pool and the Gallery are next to each other, this worked out well.
    There was a sale at the bookstore and it couldn't have been better timing since Cliff wanted cookies and Jordan needed to buy the recipe.
    Lilika Nagata had a late party and the boys attended :) While Jordan prepared some veggie rolls, Cliff cleaned up the rotten food and plates left around the house :/
    Jordan autonomously went to Lilika to get to know her :) Josh Holloway was also there.
    I had Cliff introduce himself to Josh after he had finished cleaning up in the other room.
    Cliff got his notice while Josh was laughing at the TV ... at least I hope he was laughing at the TV ;)

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 7
    The boys begin their day with a kiss before starting their chores.
    Cliff's garden is in fine form! Jordan collected a gem that was nearby before heading out to collect more.
    Of course, with the baby on the way, the boys both wished to read a pregnancy book so a trip to the library was in order. I normally have my boys read the books at home but they can't afford it in this save. I didn't realize how quickly books could be read at the library - bonus! :)
    Cliff wanted to play a game with Jordan so I splashed out on a ball. Normally all my sims have their own ball but the boys are sharing this one ;)
    I discovered that pregnant sims are unable to dumpster dive so poor Jordan had to do the honours ;)
    Cliff's sketching was interrupted by Josh Holloway who wanted to chat and ask tons of questions, as sims do, about alma mater, career, marital status, etc. It's no wonder sims can't keep anything private ;)
    Jordan got an 18" stereo and A Crocks O'Stuff from his dive. I sent him to the gym to clean up and then let him fish to make it up to him ;)
    Cliff painted at the small park :)
    This pic is to show how close the fishing spot and park are to the house - very convenient :)
    Cliff's painting was only worth 25 simoleons. I decided to keep it because I like it and would be great for a kids room - guaranteed to give nightmares ;)
    Cliff had a backache so I sent him across the street to get a massage :)
    Later that night, the boys attended another party at Lilika Nagata's house. The food that Jordan had cooked the night before was bad so I had him prepare more.
    Molly French also attended the party :)

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 8
    Pancakes again! :p
    I can't remember their skill levels but the boys are really getting through them! While Cliff gardens, Jordan works on his cooking skill. I also have him practising cooking while at work.
    Jordan has been on paid leave and recently rolled a wish to buy something worth 250 simoleons. Perfect! The boys need a crib :p The night before Cliff had rolled a wish to buy a highchair.
    After gardening, cooking and gem collecting the boys had some down time at the park. Eddie came shortly after they arrived.
    Although Eddie is smiling while the boys flirt, I missed taking a pic of him looking less than happy about it :p
    I left Cliff talking to Eddie and sent Jordan home in time for the carpool.
    Cliff had a wish to up his painting skill. While he was painting I could hear lots of noise behind him and found Eddie, Betty and Molly protesting LOL
    I was determined to clear that wish so didn't let Cliff stop his painting.
    He got his skill point but didn't finish the painting. I knew the baby would be coming later that night so sent him home to eat beforehand. Not long after dinner, he went into labor.
    He was still in labor when Jordan returned home from work :p
    Welcome Aideen (Excitable, Virtuoso)
    The boys share a kiss before an exhausted Cliff crawls off to bed.
    Jordan has a snuggle before putting Aideen down for the night - or probably part of the night at the least ;)
    I should have given her the Loves the Outdoors trait ;)

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Clifford and Jordan 5x5

    Day 9 - Part 1
    Since Aideen woke in the middle of the night with her social bar almost in the red, I had Cliff take care of her. I realized there was no outdoor light so spent some of the boy's precious funds to rectify that. I did buy the cheapest LOL
    Always nice to see shirtless males at the breakfast table ;)
    Since the boys will be busier with a new child, I also treated them to a sprinkler. That should save quite a bit of time on the gardening.
    While Jordan was playing with Aideen, I noticed a gem on the edge of the lot and it looked suspiciously like a pink diamond!
    While the boys tended the garden, Aideen had her birthday. I don't do babies as a rule but Aideen was born so late at night it was pointless doing it then only to have to cancel all the skilling wishes it would generate because I hadn't dealt with the other waiting wishes. I used the Consort Hair Colour Mod and I quite like the result :)
    After gardening, I had Cliff collect yesterday's cut gems from the mailbox and sent Jordan to pick up the gem I had seen earlier. It was a pink diamond! Things are starting to look up for the boys :)
    Cliff was terribly excited after collecting the gems and paying $75 for their bills :p
    I put some toddler skilling toys at the park during the night. Since Cliff wanted to improve his painting skill, I had him take Aideen so they could both work on their skills :)
    Jordan drew the short straw and was sent to explore the catacombs :p
    He came out empty handed after being attacked by bears LOL

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 9 - Part 2
    Poor Jordan had the scared moodlet when he got back home. Ah well, at least I could fix his singed appearance with a quick shower :p Considering he was just attacked by bears, he should probably have thought twice about scaring his daughter with the claw ;)
    Even though I am using the long lifespan, baby and toddler days are still 2 and 4 (for the townies that is - for me it is 0 and whatever it takes to skill the toddler ;) ). I had Jordan start the skilling since he rolled a wish to teach Aideen how to talk :)
    Back at the park, Cliff finished his painting and got 235 simoleons for it :)
    Cliff still hadn't skilled up so I had him sketch at home while Jordan was busy.
    Jordan had to take a break because Aideen was hungry.
    What goes in, must come out ;)
    The boys autonomously started playing with the kicky bag. I was grossed out by the full potty chair but they didn't seem to care ;)
    Cliff rolled a wish to teach Aideen how to walk so I had him get started on that while Jorden emptied the potty and recycled the old paper.

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 9 - Part 3
    Toddler training was cut short because the boys had a party to attend. This is the hostess, Pauline Walker. She is my Paul Walker sim gender-swapped as I was short of females ;)
    I turned on the TV for Aideen and sent Jordan to cook some spaghetti while Cliff talked to Pauline.
    I was surprised when Pauline picked up Aideen! I don't let sims pick up my toddlers at community lots in case they walk away but I was okay with it in her home.
    The boys ate because they were hungry. Pauline either wasn't hungry or had a low fun bar ;)
    Before dinner, Cliff had clogged the toilet. I had him fix that when they were done eating. He got up to level 4 in handiness :)
    While the boys were at the party, Jordan rolled a wish to buy a toybox. Since he had collected the pink diamond that morning, I obliged :) While Aideen was kept amused with her new toy, the boys got in some star gazing and shower woohoo ;)

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 10
    The boys eat breakfast fully dressed :o:p Aideen wasn't awake yet so the boys took advantage of the situation and had a quick shower woohoo before breakfast. After the shower, they changed into their everyday wear.
    Jordan took care of Aideen's social and food needs while Cliff got started on the gardening.
    This toddler is costing the boys a fortune. I know I could say no to wishes, but I am so used to filling wishes and it is a hard habit to break :/ Needless to say, the boys now own a stroller :p
    After their stroll, I had Jordan continue to teach Aideen to walk.
    The boys snuck in a quick shower woohoo before Jordan left for work :p
    Since Cliff also had a wish to take a stroll with Aideen, I had them go to the small park.
    When they came home, I decided that it won't always be possible to go to the park since the garden is getting quite big now so I bought the toddler skilling toys. I was surprised at how cheap they were :)
    Jordan's first wish on returning from work was to snuggle his daughter <3

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 11
    It's a good thing sims don't complain about eating the same food all the time ;)
    Cliff tends to Aideen's needs :)
    Although most of my sims are excellent parents, these two are constantly tossing Aideen in the air, attacking her with the claw or just picking her up for the heck of it. It could be because there is nothing on the lot other than a bookcase to keep them amused ;)
    Cliff had a wish to go fishing. You can see him running across the street while Jordan is on his way home from his morning stroll with Aideen :)
    I had Jordan join him after the stroll. There will be no IFs in this save because I changed my Retuner settings :p Fortunately Aideen has a teddy to play with :)
    Cliff bumped into a ghost while collecting special seeds near the cemetery. He did look at the ghost but didn't react.
    Jordan entered a cooking competition. He came in second and there was a tiny cash prize but I can't remember the amount :(
    Although he had done well on gem collection earlier in the day, I decided he should try a dumpster behind the Diner ;)
    He didn't get much - a Mount of Comfort dining chair ($90) and a Red Admiral Butterfly ($26)
    Cliff looked at his meal for ages before he started eating. I don't think he believes they are actually eating meat after all the pancakes, waffles and spaghetti they have been eating thus far ;)

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 12
    Aideen will be aging up to child the next time I play. Hopefully I should have just enough money for the next expansion to the house as I would hate having her sleep outdoors as a child as well :| The reason I am having so much trouble raising the 20,000 simoleons needed for the first upgrade is that I am not used to my sims having to work for their money. My sims have always lived totally charmed lives, never working (although I make them skill all through their lives), and buying anything and everything their little sim hearts desire. Because of this, every time my boys roll a wish to buy something new for the toddler, I rush to fulfill their wishes and this keeps setting me back from my goal. When I saw how little time I had until Aideen ages up, I rolled up my sleeves and got the boys working harder towards their goal. I didn't take pics of every gem collected or every vegetable sold but the boys have been raking in the money over the last few sim days :) I am proud of them (and myself ;) ).

    Obligatory shirtless males eating pancake pic ;)
    Once again, I had Cliff tend to Aideen's needs on his way to do the gardening.
    While Jordan was left to wash the morning's dishes and then clean the sink. Cliff has started working on upgrading the sink to self-cleaning but has been pretty busy so it is going slowly.
    On his way to practise martial arts, Jordan collected yesterday's cut gems and wrote a cheque for 68 simoleons to pay the bills.
    Cliff completed a garlic opportunity for the Bistro. He got 2,300 simoleons :)
    Later in the day Cliff had another opportunity to sell some sort of fruit (I can't remember which one) to the Grocery Store. He got 1,190 for his troubles :)
    I thought I had installed a mod to stop sims from playing with the sprinkler. Jordan must not have got that memo ;)
    The boys had barely seen each other all day because I kept them both so busy. I let them have some time together :)
    Jordan got an opportunity to make hamburgers for the boys in uniform. He didn't quite get there in time but will be able to deliver them in the morning.
    The boys ended their day with some star gazing :)
    And shower woohoo while Aideen slept :p

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 13
    Before I start this update, I want to admit to having cheated. Aideen was due to age up the next day and although the boys were getting very close to their goal, I could see that unless the gem crop was good the next day, that they would not be able to make it before Aideen's birthday. It was bad enough she slept on the deck as a toddler, but I didn't want to have her sleeping outdoors as a child. Cliff had maxed his gardening skill, both in the garden and by harvesting wild plants around town. He hadn't received any gardening opportunities (or opportunities of any kind) so I felt justified in triggering the garlic opportunity using MC since he had already grown the garlic the hard way.

    The garlic opportunity took the boys to just over the $20,000 required for the next upgrade.
    The boys have their breakfast before Aideen wakes up :)
    Aideen woke just before the boys finished eating but seemed happy to amuse herself until someone rescued her from the crib ;)
    I thought Jordan should do the honours since he would be at work when his little girl grew up.
    After getting Aideen's needs met, Jordan took the burgers to the Police Station for his opportunity. Jordan has had 2 cooking related opportunities since the save started so I don't know why Cliff hadn't had any of his own :/
    After Jordan left for work, I aged up Aideen before the house renovations began.
    She inherited Jordan's freckled skin and Cliff's eye and hair colour. Since I have been trying out the Consort Hair Colour Mod, I tried it on Aideen and love the result.
    I didn't realize how hard it would be to spend $20,000 when there are only 2 tiny rooms to furnish! In the end, I bought all kinds of fun stuff for Aideen and future kids to enjoy. I also sent Cliff to the bookstore to buy several recipes for future use by Jordan for his LTW of Culinary Librarian. I had a little over $4,000 left and knew that I had to get it down to $500 as per the challenge instructions. I bought a small flat screen TV for $4,000 and was left with $76. I didn't panic because I knew that Jordan would be paid when he got home from work. As it turned out, I ended up getting back some of the money because the double bed, although it fit, couldn't be used. I sold it and replaced it with more bunk beds. After the bed swap and Jordan's pay came, the family was left with a little over $500.
    Cliff and Aideen get to know each other better :)
    Aideen's first meal at the big table :)
    Aideen learning to paint while Cliff works on upgrading the new sink.
    When Jordan came home from work and went for woohoo, I wanted to see where they would choose to do it as I had also bought a treehouse for Aideen. They went for the new bed and that was when I discovered that they couldn't use it.

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 14 - Part 1
    My shirtless boys now have a new addition at the breakfast table :p
    Cliff rolled a wish to buy a block table for Aideen. I didn't realize I had blocked the front door with it until Aideen complained when trying to have a tea party with her teddy. I also found Cliff foot stomping near the door, trying to get to the garden. Oops ;)
    A surprise was in the mail this morning! The pink diamond that Jordan had sent in yesterday came back. I couldn't send the diamond in earlier because I was waiting for Jordan to unlock the heart shape cut. It was worth over $7000! Cliff also got a certificate for mastering gardening and I sold that for $900.
    Poor Cliff, crying over a dead plant ;)
    Aideen wanted to visit the local pool. I was happy to find the only other child in town there. This is the son of Betty Simovitch and Josh Holloway. He aged up the same day as Aideen and his name is Dameon (game-generated name).
    He looks just like his dad! <3 Aideen doesn't know it yet, but this boy will be her husband :p
    When I checked back on the boys I found Jordan making good use of the bonus goodies I bought with the surplus funds and Cliff sketching. I love how, even when they are not all over each other, they stay close :)
    Since the boys were doing fine without me, I went back to check on Aideen. She was about to jump into the pool :)
    Betty Simovitch was there too :)

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 14 - Part 2
    Jordan leveled up. Not sure what level he is at now - maybe 4? Now that he has the training equipment at home, I imagine he will level up quickly as he has the Disciplined trait.
    Because he starts work at 3, I had Aideen come home from the pool to have a chat with him before he left.
    Cliff rolled a wish to learn the guitar skill. Because of the pink diamond windfall, I bought him a guitar :)
    He also wanted to buy a costume chest for Aideen - granted! Is it any wonder the first expansion took so long? LOL
    Doing the last cheated opportunity seems to have triggered a real one. It is one that all of my master gardeners get (but usually by level 8). Cliff can now plant cheese and eggs. This won't make money for the family because I won't be selling the produce. This is just to satisfy my need to feed my sims well :)
    While Cliff was at the Bistro, Aideen played in her new treehouse :D
    After dinner, Cliff and Aideen attended Pauline Morse's (nee Walker) party. Because Cliff had eaten ratatouille for dinner he rolled a wish to make some. I had him make some for Pauline :) Pauline's toddler (you can just see her in the doorway) aged up earlier that evening. Her name is Francine.
    Jensen also attended the party :D
    I had Jordan join them at the party after work. He went straight to Jensen and Aideen was lining up to chat as well. It would seem that I left in the Irresistible trait ;)
    Jensen also has the Nurturing trait and he and Aideen got on like a house on fire :)

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    edited March 2017
    Day 15

    Only a small update this time. The family had a quiet Sunday and I mostly forgot to take pics ;)
    The family started their day with waffles. Cliff wants another child, but I am holding out until they get another expansion :p
    The boys can't flirt without interruption anymore ;) Aideen wanted to play catch :)
    Cliff had a wish to fish so I sent Aideen with him.
    After Jordan left for work, I noticed that Cliff's phone was ringing. I normally won't let my sims answer their phones but, since it was pretty quiet, I let him answer. It was Josh Holloway asking if he and his son, Dameon, could come over for a play date. I was thrilled! This could have been happening in my Jensen save and I would never have known because of ignoring phone calls LOL
    Cliff was about to start a sketch after the call so I intercepted and had him plant a flamefruit since he needs to get the quality up. Josh found him in the garden :)
    Dameon joined him when he got there. Josh came by car and Dameon by bike :/
    Aideen came over to talk with Dameon. She must be shy because she was trying to hide in the hydrangea ;)
    Fun was had by all. Cliff made a new friend in Josh and Aideen and Dameon became best friends over the course of the day :)

    I missed some good shots of them eating together and the kids playing but I guess I was just too excited by my first ever play date! :D

    Post edited by Mikezumi on
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    ChelleJoChelleJo Posts: 7,087 Member
    I read the updates on my tablet last night, but didn't comment.

    This challenge looks fun. I'm always looking for more challenges to play myself and I need a easy game to give me a break from all my current saves. I was using my genetics game as a "breather" game, but the family has gotten large, that it no longer is an easy, breather game. I might try this challenge later.

    I'm really glad you are using Clifford for this! Reading about their lives was sure fun. They immediately took to one another and moved fast. So cute! Aideen came along rather quickly, and those freckles... awww... so cute! <3 I do like that hair blend mod. It turned out really well on her.

    Gotta say, too... I ain't mad at their morning recital. Shirtless pancakes is where it's at! <3

    I look forward to watching Clifford, Jordan, and Aideen (and any others who come along ;) ) in these updates! <3
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 16
    The morning pancakes must not have been to Aideen's liking or perhaps one of her dads had made a lewd suggestion ;)
    While Cliff gardened, Jordan paid the bills ($154) and collected the gems sent in the previous day :) I believe there was also Jordan's certificate for mastering cooking and that was sold for $1,000.
    Cliff had a wish to paint so I sent him to the park to finish a painting I had forgotten about. It was worth $252 but I like it so I am keeping it for when the boys have enough wall space to hang it :)
    Once again, I forgot to take pics during the day. Cliff upgraded the kitchen sink to self-cleaning. He also tried upgrading the shower but ended up making it dirty instead. I will have him try again later. Cliff was relaxing in front of the TV when Aideen got home from school. I know that sims doing different activities can chat so wasn't surprised that their social bars were going up while Aideen did her homework and Cliff continued to watch TV :)
    This is Aideen's second painting. The first is in her inventory as I know that kids are not allowed to make money for the household. This one is also in her inventory for when she leaves home. It was worth $38.
    When Jordan finished work, he rolled a wish to do a cardio workout so I had him jog half-way home. The house is too distant for him to jog the whole way if he wants to see Cliff before he goes to bed.
    I wanted him home because both boys rolled wishes to watch the stars while eating breakfast :)
    The boys were about to start flirting after star gazing but were cut short by a mad dash to the bathroom :p

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Thanks @ChelleJo :D
    It is definitely easier than a save with tons of kids so I totally understand why your genetics game has stopped being a "breather" :)
    The challenge is simple (in that the rules are not complex) and yet challenging, especially for me who hasn't played sims having to earn their own living in years LOL
    Gah, tablets and phones! I know I look at stuff on my tablet in bed but commenting is just too difficult. I have done it, but didn't like it. The phone would be even worse for me because of the size.
    Thanks again :)
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Day 17
    Thought I would mix things up a little bit by having the family eat grilled cheese for breakfast ;) Besides, a sims game without grilled cheese would simply not be the sims! ;)
    Cliff and Aideen have a quick game of catch before she heads off to school. Jordan is working towards cooking 5 perfect meals.
    One of the yellow sapphires that Jordan sent off the previous day, turned out to be a Mysterious Mr. Gnome :)
    I didn't realize Cliff had finished the gardening until I saw Jordan heading towards him. Sims are smart! Over breakfast Jordan rolled a wish to read a pregnancy book and Cliff hasn't got his notice yet!
    While Jordan attempted another perfect dish, Cliff worked on upgrading the toilet to self-cleaning :)
    He had to stop when he got his notice :) I didn't let him off the hook - I made him finish the job before I let him do fun stuff ;)
    Once again, Cliff was watching TV when Aideen came home. Cliff seems to be the only sim in the household who has noticed the TV. I guess Jordan would rather break boards and Aideen has lots of toys to amuse her as well :)
    Cliff rolled a wish to read a pregnancy book and Aideen rolled one to play in costume.
    Then they had Egg Rolls for dinner (Aideen's favourite) :)
    I never tire of how sims look at each other with such feeling :)
    Aideen's phone rang during dinner. I decided to let her answer. It was just a bug collecting opportunity. Who calls kids at dinner time? Bad EA!
    When Aideen washed her dinner plate, she broke the dishwasher. Cliff leveled up to 7 while fixing it :)
    Jordan made a beeline to his daughter when he got home from work :)
    I then had him finish the last 2 boards for his wish to break 25. He leveled up while doing so :) Cliff waited patiently for woohoo in the treehouse before bed ;)

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