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Sims 4 Supernatural : The Originals

Master_SteerpikeMaster_Steerpike Posts: 266 Member
edited June 2016 in The Sims 4 Ideas Corner
So far The Sims 4 appears to be the weakest installment in the franchise, but there may yet be hope to salvage it. It could require supernatural assistance to save this installment. Having gotten bored with The Sims 4, I re-installed The Sims 3 and have gone back to playing my sims of the Mikaelsons and created sims of Lucien Castle, Aurora and Tristan De Martel and had them turned by the respective Mikaelson vampire and have enjoyed it.

The Sims 4 Supernatural could be the answer to livening up game play for the current installment. In order to really bring depth to this, it would go beyond just making a sim a vampire, witch or werewolf in CAS.

Many will, no doubt, recognize much of this as being from the television shows, "The Originals" and "The Vampire Diaries."


Vampires in The Sims 3 were an improvement over their predecessors, but more can be done. Here is what I suggest.

Three tiers of vampires.

1. Originals
2. Second Generation
3. Standard

Original vampires would be ones which were not turned by other vampires. These would be the most powerful vampires and would have abilities which exceed those of the non-originals and access to traits which no other vampires could attain. Original vampires would be sires of their respective bloodlines. Any vampire from a bloodline would be completely loyal to the Original whose bloodline they are part of. Original vampires would be immortal in every sense. Not killable and un-aging (age frozen). All other vampires would be un-aging (age frozen) but could potentially die. Extensive exposure to sunlight would not kill an Original, but hamper them for a time (negative moodlet), the other vampires could die from too much sunlight exposure. Second generation vampires could endure sunlight longer than standard vampires, but not as long as an Original.

To protect vampires from the sunlight, a sunlight ring could be available as a buyable item or crafted by a witch and given to a vampire as a gift or an exchange of favors. (Example: Witch has vampire get a dose of wolfbane in exchange for a sunlight ring.)

All vampires would have the power of compulsion. They can mind control another sim to do what they want. Originals are immune to compulsion. Second generation vampires can’t be compelled by standard vampires. Any vampire can compel an (ancestral) witch, werewolf or human to do what they want. Only an Original can compel an Expression Witch.

When a player creates a vampire in CAS, they would have to either designate the vampire as an Original (which should be the only way to get Original vampires) or designate the existing Original whose bloodline that vampire is from. If not an Original, then designate either second generation or standard.

Second generation vampires would be those turned directly by an Original (example : Lucien Castle). These vampires could come close to an Original in power, but never equal or exceed the Original.

Standard vampires are vampires turned by either a second generation vampire or another standard vampire. These would be the least powerful vampires, on a par with our Sims 3 version.

Vampire worshipper cult: Some humans would revere vampires and they would have a place to meet and vampires would show up to be revered and get drinks. (This was from Buffy The Vampire Slayer.)

Conversion to vampirism should not be so easy as doing a few socials and making friends with the vampire. The vampire would require the would be vampire to complete some task before agreeing to convert them. The more powerful the vampire, the more significant the task. For example, if a sim wished to be converted by an Original , the Original might send them to get either an artifact or relic (a la World Adventures). A Second generation vampire might want a rare ingredient. (Note: This process allows the player tight control over which sims become vampires and of what bloodline.)

Hybrids could be made possible. I wouldn’t mind being able to make a proper sim of Niklaus Mikaelson (Original vampire-Werewolf hybrid).


Werewolves would actually have packs, and each pack would have their own leader, an Alpha. The Alpha would make decisions for their pack. A werewolf bite could kill a standard vampire (unless treated with the blood of a hybrid). The bite would only temporarily slow down a second generation vampire and would do nothing against an Original. The Alpha can ally their pack with whomever they want.

Werewolves would be made either in CAS or being converted by an existing werewolf or born in game from werewolf parents. Conversion by a werewolf automatically places the converted sim into that werewolf’s pack.


A sim could only be a witch by being born one in game or being created as a witch in CAS.

There would be two types of magic: Ancestral magic and Expression magic.

Expression magic is arguably the more powerful version as it does not require the witch to draw on any other source. Expression magic requires self-control to get the spells to do what the caster wishes. The greater the self-control, the more powerful the spell that can be successfully cast. Self-control would be a skill which could be acquired and improved.

Witches who use ancestral magic can draw on the powers of their ancestors, but only if the ancestors approve of the particular use. A witch using ancestral magic without that approval could not cast spells that were as powerful (without channeling either other witches who support the spell or extremely powerful vampires (Original or Second generation) or an artifact or relic. Witches who use ancestral magic would have three meters, one for their own power , one for ancestral power available for the spell in question (which could be zero if the ancestors do not approve of the spell) and one for channeled power.

Witches would have covens and would be seeking to increase their power levels (gaining access to more powerful spells).

Vampire bites could either kill, turn or simply feed from a witch depending on the intention of the vampire. Default would be feed, only the player should be able to determine if it is either of the other two. A non-Original vampire bite on a werewolf (not in werewolf form) would feed, an Original could turn the sim into a hybrid. A werewolf, not in werewolf form, can be killed by a vampire bite (only player controlled). Werewolves would only be in werewolf form on the full moon.

These three types of supernaturals would normally be at odds with each other, but alliances can be made. If the head of a coven is in love with an Original vampire, the witch would ally their coven with a vampiric bloodline. The coven and that vampiric bloodline would be allies.

Each of these types is seeking artifacts, relics and rare ingredients to enhance their potential for power and as potential bargaining chips. Artifacts and relics could be used for channeling while rare ingredients could be used for alchemy.

A Player controlled sim in these factions would get the option of doing quests for their faction thus deepening the game play. The quests would be similar to World Adventures.

At the beginning, the game world would be divided into zones, witch (zone –by coven), vampire (zone- by bloodline) and werewolf (zone-by pack). There would be one designated area that would be neutral free access to all factions ( human and the community lots) . Unify your faction (say vampires) and try to form an alliance with another faction (say witches, one coven at a time) and the vampires could then travel through witch territory without incident and witches could travel through vampire territory without incident. Befriending a member of another faction allows safe access for the sim in question. Want your vampire to go into a territory held by a witch coven? Befriend a member of the coven.

All three factions want safe travel anywhere. The goal then is peace between the factions achieved by quests which gain friendships between the faction leaders. Once that is achieved, the adventures could continue providing respawning is set-up.

I’ve put some more thought into this.

As far as the rewards for doing quests:

All would get a relationship boost with the quest giver and it would also apply to the leader of the character’s faction (Coven leader, Original or Alpha). (Friend, Good Friend and finally Best Friend in case of doing multiple quests for the same NPC.)

Vampires would get satisfaction points, plasma fruits, simoleans or a trait – such as immune to fire, immune to cold, immune to sickness , etc.

Witches would get satisfaction points, increased magic, simoleans , a new spell, or even an enchanted item for chanelling. Possible promotion in coven. This would be a witch’s path to becoming coven leader (for witches who use ancestral magic). Expression witches are lone wolves of magic, they don’t channel and aren't part of covens.

Werewolves would get satisfaction points or simoleans. Possible promotion in pack, gets “Alpha” trait if replacing the current alpha.

The satisfaction points rewards would need to be more than sims currently get for standard whims.

Upon unifying the bloodlines, the character would get a trait: Vampire friend – all vampires would regard the character as an ally.

Upon friendship with an Original (non-vampire character), the character would get a trait: (Original name) Bloodline friend. All vampires of that bloodline regard that character as a friend.

Upon friendship with a Coven Leader, the character would get a trait (Name of Coven) Friend - witches in that coven would regard the character as a friend and be willing to help in subsequent quests.

Likewise with regard to the Covens (witch character) or packs (werewolf character).

There would have to be a new fight social: Challenge to combat. (These would be non-lethal combats. If the player controlled character wins, then the opponent leaves the scene and the player can go forward past the now removed obstacle (in the case of quests). These could also be done for practice to skill build.

There could also be added a new NPC, “Supernatural Hunter” which would be a quest target to use the “Challenge to Combat” on. This would be a human character –which means they would not have a chance versus a vampire, very little against a witch, and an even chance versus a werewolf in human form. This character would have a tranquilizer gun. (Originals would be immune to the tranquilizer.) This character might also use martial arts.

Vampires would use martial arts (so we need that skill back) and at the speeds that they run.

Witches would use their magic. They would need to make sure they have an appropriate spell for this (example: Ice Bolt – freeze the opponent for a time and win the combat).

Werewolves (in human form) would use standard fisticuffs. They can’t be challenged in this manner as wolves.
Humans would gain a social with vampires, “Offer plasma.” They stick their arm out and the vampire takes a drink and there is a relationship boost.

Vampires would get an interaction (player controlled) – declare feeding stock – player clicks on another sim (non-vampire) and selects this option, the vampire would autonomously feed off that sim when they were thirsty and that sim was available. The chosen sim does not know about being declared feeding stock (there would be no relationship adjustment) , they may notice the vampire feeding from them regularly. Of course, this gives relationships boosts each time the feeding occurs until it is maximum.

I have put some additional thought into this.

Vampires, Witches and Werewolves would each get their own "world" and when a player creates a character, that character would start in the associated "world." As we are creating households in CAS, in the case of a mixed household (as the Mikaelsons), placement would normally be by the greatest population number of type in the household, with one exception, any household that has an Original would have to be placed in the Vampire "world."

There could also be a hidden "world" for the Ancestors - accessible only through powerful magic.

There would be adventure sites in each "world," and the player would unlock those worlds for their character and their chosen faction by doing the quests.

As noted before, each faction leader would have an area - a neighborhood. If there are more neighborhoods than faction leaders, then the rest become neutral territory. Community lots automatically fall into this category. Each world would have a reserved neutral neighborhood (aside from the Community lots) for the non-Supernaturals (or Supernaturals which fall outside the three - if other Supernatural options are given) to live.

On Vampires: They have incredible speed (as has been noted), senses of hearing and smelling are exceptionally acute. The vampires are incredibly resilient physically - Originals would of course epitomize this. As has been noted, Vampires have the power of compulsion (which can be used to help those cursed by witches). It can also be used to force a sim to forget a memory (if we get memories) or unblock such a compulsion and allow the memory to return. Or make them do something (other than inviting the Vampire in). In addition to no fatigue (as The Sims 3), vampires seldom need to sleep - only being channeled would cause them the need to sleep. (Note: It is actually mystic energy which is being channeled, and it is replenished by sleep.) So vampires never have to sleep for the energy need. Originals have incredible mystic energy attached to them. So much so that an ancestral witch channeling two Originals could overpower the Ancestors themselves - if needed.

On Ancestral Witches: A witch may channel only one object at a time (in inventory) and as many other individuals (with mystic energy) holding hands with each other and the witch.

Most things that could potentially kill a sim would have an in-game cure as the Mummy's Curse did in The Sims 3. Because of this, any autonomous action that could kill a sim would have to be limited to sims that are directly controlled by the player.

On Witches:

In prior installments, as a witch gained skill in magic, they gained spells (in Sims 3 it was automatic). Here the witch would start with very few starter spells - "Conjure Apple" was a good example of this. Spell acquisition for a played witch sim would not be automatic. The character would have to either find them (doing quests) or get them as quest rewards. They would come in the form of a Spell Tome which when read would add the spell to the witch's list of known spells and the Tome would vanish - like the recipe books in The Sims 3. This feature gives witches more game play depth as it will take time and effort to accumulate all of the spells that the class of witch can utilize. The highest powered spells would include Resurrection (clean of resurrection of a dead sim), Immortality (usable only on the witch also age freezes the witch) - Freya Mikaelson is an immortal witch, and Portal spells.

There would be ward spells which could be used as obstacles in the adventure sites. They can also be used to protect sims.

Ancestral Magic - Spell failure would have no other effect than the spell not working.
Expression Magic - Spell failure could result in damage to the caster or other sims in the area - maybe even death.

An Ancestral Magic using witch does not have to join a coven, but could not expect to get power from the Ancestors. As alluded to previously, that would not actually be necessary if they are teamed up with an Original.

This would require three large worlds - one for the Vampires, one for the Witches and one for the Werewolves and a hidden world - the Ancestral World, which would be accessible only through powerful magic. The vampire and witch worlds would be modeled on New Orleans (much like Willow Creek), the Werewolf world would be a bayou.

We would require 4 neighborhoods for the vampires - 4 Originals (one Original Vampire/Werewolf hybrid, and three Original Vampires - all siblings).

While the show indicates 9 covens and 12 Werewolf packs, this would need to be paired down for gameplay purposes to 5 each (so 5 neighborhoods for each of these groups).

While the quest lines are centered on Vampires, Witches and Werewolves - other supernatural lifestates could also be added in CAS to allow the player more freedom of choice.

Fellow simmers what are your thoughts and suggestions on this potential expansion pack?

Post edited by Master_Steerpike on


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    Master_SteerpikeMaster_Steerpike Posts: 266 Member
    edited May 2016
    Oh, for clarification. When the player plays a sim that is in one of the factions, the goal is to get all the faction leaders to befriend your sim's faction leader by doing quests/favors. Example, a vampire would do the quests to first unite the bloodlines and bring all Originals as allies of the Original your sim is representing, then extending this to the heads of the covens and the werewolf alphas. Note: In this example, your sim would be bringing peace between the vampires and the witches and between the vampires and the werewolves. They would not be bringing peace between the witches and the werewolves. Likewise, if one were playing a witch or a werewolf. Naturally, playing one of the faction leaders could speed things up by allowing socializing to create the friendships.

    Also on game start-up, as a vampire zone would have to already be in place, the game would direct the player to create Originals and then designate the existing vampires to their bloodlines.

    Another point on vampires: A Vampire drinking from a sim should not set either gender preference nor romantic interest. It's just a drink. Likewise biting (to convert) would not set gender preference or romantic interest.

    A bit more about vampires: Sims 3 versions had this visual effect when running of running at extreme speed. Vampires should actually be (much) faster than other sims. Originals would be the fastest moving at "blink of an eye" type speeds. One would see the "streaking speed" effect and they would be at their destination.

    Vampires would also be able to safely jump (either up or down) to get passed obstacles. Naturally, Originals would have the greatest capabilities in this regard.

    In the Sims 3 there was an interaction "Accuse of Being a Vampire" to a vampire and it was treated as an insult - that's inane. It's no more an insult for a vampire to be called a vampire than it is for a human being to be called a human being. It is a statement of fact, not a put down.

    Witches should not engage in autonomous self-destructive uses of magic.

    Regarding the adventures: They need not be a one sim affair. Teaming up a vampire with a witch could be a potent combination (especially if the vampire is an Original).

    Any thoughts or suggestions on any of this?
    Post edited by Master_Steerpike on
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    Master_SteerpikeMaster_Steerpike Posts: 266 Member
    edited May 2016
    What spells would you like witches to be able to cast?

    Post edited by Master_Steerpike on
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    Master_SteerpikeMaster_Steerpike Posts: 266 Member
    I have updated the OP. What feedback do you have on any of this?
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    MekoSharkMekoShark Posts: 161 Member
    Your OP update looks really good to me... I just wanted to add something else if it had not been posted before. From seeing the little "monster" under the bed from the kid's GP and the summoning of the sad clown from the portrait from the sad clown game update, I wondered if EA could also create something for witches like a Bloody Mary type. It could be like the voodoo doll that is used in the base game, but more powerful. The witch could summon the Bloody Mary NPC character to either inflict bad luck, bad health/financial situations, or may even put the intended sim they sought out to hurt's health to the point of death. The Bloody Mary type of NPC could also be used to scare little kids, (they could do this at a slumber party). It could be a beautiful mirror that could look nice in any house.

    The BM type NPC could also be used to at like a vicious ghost, once it's summoned by the witch, it could be utilized to follow around the cursed sim and make their life intolerable, scaring them constantly, preventing them from sleeping, increasing their hunger, and affecting their overall mood-let until the witch lifts her curse. It could be an incentive for normal sims to go seek out and interact with the supernatural sims the lift the spell. It would also be awesome if a normal sim breaks up with a witch sim and he/she summons the BM NPC on their ex.
    Sharks need love too 🦈

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    Master_SteerpikeMaster_Steerpike Posts: 266 Member
    @MekoShark : Thank you. Any destructive uses of magic would need to be player directed only. Sims 3 Supernatural had a "Love Charm" spell that a witch could even cast on themselves autonomously and had an excellent chance of ruining relationships. Giving sims autonomous control of any potentially destructive spell is asking for havoc to be created in people's games.

    Any type of magic item would require enchanting skills and knowing the appropriate spell effect to construct it, along with the required materials.

    Your Bloody Mary character (vicious ghost version) could potentially have a use in quests (for witches). Limiting the effect to a frightened state which could scare off an opponent - Vampires would be immune to such an effect.

    Witch is a generic term of the type of character and refers to both male and female characters.

    Regarding witches and their inherent magic: There would be a maximum level, and a spell such as resurrect dead (clean resurrection of a sim) would require even the most powerful Ancestral Witch to resort to channeling to cast it. An Expression witch would have to achieve maximum magic and self-control to cast such a spell.

    @EA and the Simgurus : I made a thread about Supernaturals in the old Sims 3 forum. You took my advice then (and made Sims 3 Supernatural) and look what happened. How about another go?

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    MasonGamerMasonGamer Posts: 8,851 Member
    I'm not really into covens or witches, wizards.

    I'm more of a Sorcerer/Druid fan.

    (On a bias note I like calling my sim a "Sorcerer" I think "Witch" just sounds... derogative in my opinion.)

    I feel like a Sorcerer Life state would be a better fit, in the Sims 4, rather than witches.
    Replacing witches, or upgrading how every you want to look at it, with Sorcerers, fits because they drive magic from different sources.

    •Actual (Hidden) Skills

    You see Magic is power, and power is Energy.
    Therefore Magic Power should be connected to a Sims Energy need. but Sorcerer will have double the about of energy than a Human Sim.

    Also Magic takes time to learn. It's the experience with the actual spells, that you actually want to perfect. it also goes with customizing your sim.
    Take Maleficent, for example, (some say she's a Fairy, some say Sorceress, I say Sorceress...) But she's known for Dark curses, Lightning, Fire, and notably turning into a Dragon. And If you think she just was that gifted, she is, but it took time to perfect those spells
    I say our Sorcerers should have something they should be known for, and it should take time to perfect their craft.
    Like I want my Sorcerer to be known for his fire Magic, being able to use the Darkest of spells for good, and Light magic.

    Actual Hidden Skills: is more for just titles and allows you to unlock the next chapter in your spell book and Training.
    Lvl 1: Beginner - learn basics, Light and Dark Magic
    Lvl 2: Potions & Curses
    Lvl 3: Elementalist - gotta learn those defense spells
    Lvl 4: Transformations
    Lvl 5: Alchemy
    Lvl 6: Summoner
    Lvl 7: Enchanter
    Lvl 8: (Can't remember what I had written for level 8... might have gotten these out of order and forgot one.)
    Lvl 9: Sorcerer's Apprentice: you've learned a lot but there are still things your spell book can't teach you. Blood Magic
    Lvl 10: Master Sorcerer

    But being a Master doesn't mean you won't lose to an Apprentice. And this is where Time, Skill and Energy and Emotions weave together.
    you can be a great sorcerer but your emotions may get the better of you.

    Angry+: You'll Be Super powerful, but You'll leave room for a lot of error and give your enemy an advantage.
    Focused, Inspired, Confident, Energized, even Playful: would be the best emotions to be in if you want your spells, potion/curse crafting, and fights, to be successful, without error.
    Sad+, Tense+, Embarrassed+ uncomfortable+: would be the worst, your magic will be really weak.
    Flirty and Bored: your sim maybe a little distracted leaving room for error, it's probably 50/50 success rate.
    Happy and Fine: would be the okay zone, you're not super powerful but you're not weak.

    Those 4 factors are what I think should depend on the Spell out comes.

    Magic doesn't fail, People fail.

    I don't know about Ancestral Magic... and Expression Magic, sounds a lot like what I posted above.
    I don't think my magic should depend on another Sorcerer's Approval, Laws were meant to be broken.
    Realm of Magic:

    My Mood:

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    MasonGamerMasonGamer Posts: 8,851 Member
    edited May 2016
    As for Spells. Gosh those were really a let down in the Sims 3

    I mean cauldrons that exploded glitter,
    Wands that were Flame throwers.
    Broomsticks that were "the preferred way to travel"

    It was a disaster.

    First I want to say Wands should not have been the default way of doing magic. and having to use Life Time wishes to get "magic Hands"
    they tried it. they made it look like the magic was in the wands and not the sim.
    Wands are powerful yes, but they're suppose to help you cast spells, that you wouldn't be able to cast on your own. Like using a wand summon a Category 5 Hurricane I think would require a wand. lol
    Some spells should require a wand or if you don't want to splurge your own power in helping someone that requires your magic. It should conserve your sim's energy and focus their raw magic. But I see wands as training wheels.

    I just think wands should be optional, find it in buy mode.

    Same with broomsticks This Sorcerer hates flying, and is afraid of heights, (even though brooms only hovered a 3 three feet off the ground.)

    In the Dark Magic category I want to see ripping out hearts.
    like it's such a cool spell

    and ripping out a heart could disable emotions.
    a sim could remember what is was like how to love, be happy, sad, and angry, but over time it all fades.
    and you can see my signature to see how an Enchanted heart looks.

    I want to see portal jumping

    with pets better animal transformations

    better elemental magic, make it look believable. Like if we're thinking grid wise, if a sim is in a radius of 2 blocks of a Bonfire, Campfire, Fireplace (in the same room) they will pull fire from the fire place instead of conjuring.

    and I want sorcerers to teleport
    Color of smoke should depend on a sims favorite color

    oh and if two sims Fight and it's a family fight, like sibling vs sibling. the parent, with magic, and put their magic on time out.
    Realm of Magic:

    My Mood:

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    Master_SteerpikeMaster_Steerpike Posts: 266 Member
    Witches here do not use wands, that's "Harry Potter" stuff. They speak incantations, use their hands and perform rituals.

    Here is an Original compelling a human to help them.

    Here is another Original compelling truth, and a werewolf.

    Here are some witches in action.

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    ScobreScobre Posts: 20,665 Member
    I think I'd want to add fairies to the list of supernaturals that do magic. They almost could be combined with Plant Sims to help plants grow and have an influence on animals. I like your ideas. I love for supernaturals to be expanded upon more.
    “Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.” –Helen Keller
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    Master_SteerpikeMaster_Steerpike Posts: 266 Member
    Scobre wrote: »
    I think I'd want to add fairies to the list of supernaturals that do magic. They almost could be combined with Plant Sims to help plants grow and have an influence on animals. I like your ideas. I love for supernaturals to be expanded upon more.

    Fairies don't fit well into this. It may be possible to have them exist primarily in some hidden "world" and still playable Some form of Angels and/or Demons might also be possible in that fashion, but the primary thrust would be the Vampires and Witches (werewolves are relatively minor players) with witches having the greatest gameplay depth potential.

    The ancestral world (where the ancestors would be) could be a separate "world" accessible by powerful magic.

    I have linked some vids in a prior post showing some of what I have been talking about. Videos are from "The Originals" and "The Vampire Diaries."

    Here is an Original being reunited with family and protecting his powerful witch girlfriend from a sibling.
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    ScobreScobre Posts: 20,665 Member
    edited May 2016
    Scobre wrote: »
    I think I'd want to add fairies to the list of supernaturals that do magic. They almost could be combined with Plant Sims to help plants grow and have an influence on animals. I like your ideas. I love for supernaturals to be expanded upon more.

    Fairies don't fit well into this. It may be possible to have them exist primarily in some hidden "world" and still playable Some form of Angels and/or Demons might also be possible in that fashion, but the primary thrust would be the Vampires and Witches (werewolves are relatively minor players) with witches having the greatest gameplay depth potential.

    The ancestral world (where the ancestors would be) could be a separate "world" accessible by powerful magic.

    I have linked some vids in a prior post showing some of what I have been talking about. Videos are from "The Originals" and "The Vampire Diaries."

    Here is an Original being reunited with family and protecting his powerful witch girlfriend from a sibling.
    Yeah I hope supernaturals aren't the mainstream ones. I like them to be more scary than that like the classic movies. Supernaturals were a bit weak for witches and vampires and werewolves and zombies in the Sims 3. I'd like to see vampires turn into bats and be invisible in mirrors and nice set of fangs. Werewolves that can turn into wolves or two legged at will with scary glowing eyes and teeth. I think I'd like if life states were spread through many EPs rather than confined to just one. I felt like they crammed in too many at once with the Sims 3 Supernatural, so there wasn't as much attention given to each one as there could have been.
    “Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.” –Helen Keller
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    Master_SteerpikeMaster_Steerpike Posts: 266 Member
    I have updated the OP.
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    LiELFLiELF Posts: 6,528 Member
    Personally, I'd like to see an entire stand alone Sims game of supernaturals. Wouldn't that be amazing?! A lot of these ideas are fantastic, and they would be truly awesome in their own game. Although, I think I'd personally like to see equality amongst all of the different types of supernaturals. I'm a Penny Dreadful fan myself, and as much as I love vampires, I wouldn't want them to outshine the werewolves, fairies, mummies, zombies, wraiths, demons, witches, mad doctors, monster hunters, possessed citizens, .......Sorry, got carried away, haha.

    #Team Occult
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    Lunia_NorisiLunia_Norisi Posts: 26 New Member
    I LOVE your ideas!! <3
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    Master_SteerpikeMaster_Steerpike Posts: 266 Member
    I have updated the OP with more information about witches.

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    dg51829dg51829 Posts: 300 Member
    I would love to see magic done in a Charmed style. At least have some grounding in wicca without causing an uproar. Maybe even something like Witches of West End style. The coven idea may be pushing what people will accept. Having locations that belong to each group sound really cool though.
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    Master_SteerpikeMaster_Steerpike Posts: 266 Member
    dg51829 wrote: »
    I would love to see magic done in a Charmed style. At least have some grounding in wicca without causing an uproar. Maybe even something like Witches of West End style. The coven idea may be pushing what people will accept. Having locations that belong to each group sound really cool though.

    The covens in "The Originals" is simply how the witch community organizes itself in the series. They get together to inaugurate a new coven leader or discuss how they will deal with issues facing the witch community - werewolf problems, vampire problems - that sort of thing. Sort of a witch version of a neighborhood watch.
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    dg51829dg51829 Posts: 300 Member
    dg51829 wrote: »
    I would love to see magic done in a Charmed style. At least have some grounding in wicca without causing an uproar. Maybe even something like Witches of West End style. The coven idea may be pushing what people will accept. Having locations that belong to each group sound really cool though.

    The covens in "The Originals" is simply how the witch community organizes itself in the series. They get together to inaugurate a new coven leader or discuss how they will deal with issues facing the witch community - werewolf problems, vampire problems - that sort of thing. Sort of a witch version of a neighborhood watch.

    We already have groups. So I would say hey are about the same thing. Just for supernaturals. So they'd just make a witch, werewolf and vampire group likely.
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    MasonGamerMasonGamer Posts: 8,851 Member
    dg51829 wrote: »
    dg51829 wrote: »
    I would love to see magic done in a Charmed style. At least have some grounding in wicca without causing an uproar. Maybe even something like Witches of West End style. The coven idea may be pushing what people will accept. Having locations that belong to each group sound really cool though.

    The covens in "The Originals" is simply how the witch community organizes itself in the series. They get together to inaugurate a new coven leader or discuss how they will deal with issues facing the witch community - werewolf problems, vampire problems - that sort of thing. Sort of a witch version of a neighborhood watch.

    We already have groups. So I would say hey are about the same thing. Just for supernaturals. So they'd just make a witch, werewolf and vampire group likely.

    Eh, well What if I want a diverse group.

    As A fan of Teen Wolf, there's a Wolf Pack that contains:
    Alpha werewolf
    a handful of Werewolves
    a WereCoyote
    a Banshee
    a Kitsune
    a Human (temporarily possessed by evil spirit)
    a Hunter (who was Human)
    a Beast/Werewolf
    and a HellHound

    so Say I wanted to create a Pack/Coven or whatever with a Diverse range like that.
    Realm of Magic:

    My Mood:

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    RikizziaRikizzia Posts: 648 Member
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    howsimlishhowsimlish Posts: 709 Member
    I prefer my supernatural eps to be more along the lines of the original Makin' Magic, it's own lore and backstories, not copied from popular media.
    although I'd like one of these...
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    Cynth220Cynth220 Posts: 1,162 Member
    I wanna see Fairies, Witches, Weres, Vampires AND Mermaids come back in any Supernatural pack. Fairies were my fave in TS3.
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    dg51829dg51829 Posts: 300 Member
    MasonGamer wrote: »
    dg51829 wrote: »
    dg51829 wrote: »
    I would love to see magic done in a Charmed style. At least have some grounding in wicca without causing an uproar. Maybe even something like Witches of West End style. The coven idea may be pushing what people will accept. Having locations that belong to each group sound really cool though.

    The covens in "The Originals" is simply how the witch community organizes itself in the series. They get together to inaugurate a new coven leader or discuss how they will deal with issues facing the witch community - werewolf problems, vampire problems - that sort of thing. Sort of a witch version of a neighborhood watch.

    We already have groups. So I would say hey are about the same thing. Just for supernaturals. So they'd just make a witch, werewolf and vampire group likely.

    Eh, well What if I want a diverse group.

    As A fan of Teen Wolf, there's a Wolf Pack that contains:
    Alpha werewolf
    a handful of Werewolves
    a WereCoyote
    a Banshee
    a Kitsune
    a Human (temporarily possessed by evil spirit)
    a Hunter (who was Human)
    a Beast/Werewolf
    and a HellHound

    so Say I wanted to create a Pack/Coven or whatever with a Diverse range like that.

    I may end up being a specialized group or they will update groups. I'm just sayin how it is likely to work. I just doubt packs and covens will be used in the game that's all.
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    pedrozandonapedrozandona Posts: 15 Member
    howsimlish wrote: »
    although I'd like one of these...
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    Master_SteerpikeMaster_Steerpike Posts: 266 Member
    dg51829 wrote: »
    MasonGamer wrote: »
    dg51829 wrote: »
    dg51829 wrote: »
    I would love to see magic done in a Charmed style. At least have some grounding in wicca without causing an uproar. Maybe even something like Witches of West End style. The coven idea may be pushing what people will accept. Having locations that belong to each group sound really cool though.

    The covens in "The Originals" is simply how the witch community organizes itself in the series. They get together to inaugurate a new coven leader or discuss how they will deal with issues facing the witch community - werewolf problems, vampire problems - that sort of thing. Sort of a witch version of a neighborhood watch.

    We already have groups. So I would say hey are about the same thing. Just for supernaturals. So they'd just make a witch, werewolf and vampire group likely.

    Eh, well What if I want a diverse group.

    As A fan of Teen Wolf, there's a Wolf Pack that contains:
    Alpha werewolf
    a handful of Werewolves
    a WereCoyote
    a Banshee
    a Kitsune
    a Human (temporarily possessed by evil spirit)
    a Hunter (who was Human)
    a Beast/Werewolf
    and a HellHound

    so Say I wanted to create a Pack/Coven or whatever with a Diverse range like that.

    I may end up being a specialized group or they will update groups. I'm just sayin how it is likely to work. I just doubt packs and covens will be used in the game that's all.

    They are specialized - the covens, wolf packs and vampiric bloodlines are factions. If EA/Maxis does decide to pursue this (and they would be well advised to do so), then the factions will have to be there - you can re-read the OP - they play an important role in the gameplay.

    I was looking over some of the club mechanics that we currently have, and it seems some of that might be usable after tweaking for the specific role it would play in this proposed Expansion Pack.

    @MasonGamer There would be nothing wrong with you creating a diverse group, but that would not be the same as the factions that the OP is talking about with regard to gameplay.
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