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The Colour Challenge

Hello everyone!

This is my first challenge! I tried my hardest, and tried to be as creative as possible. I'm sorry if it's not perfect, as I am new to this and have never made a challenge before.

Challenge Summary:
8 sims, all representing a popular colour, have been selected to compete for a prestigious title: The best colour in the world. While living in the same house, they must fight for the title by competing in difficult daily challenges, earning points and completing whims and aspirations.

Sim lifespan must be set to long.
Sims must not leave the lot unless the daily challenge specifies that they should do so.
Other than that, there are no rules! Have fun!

Begin by creating 8 sims. They can be Adult, Young Adult, Male or Female. Set all of their relationships with one another to Roommate. Each of them represents a colour: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet and Pink. These colours do not have to be their names, and the sims can look however you would like them to, but it is recommended that each sim has hair, makeup, clothing etc. which corresponds to their colour, so that they’re easier to tell apart.

Aspirations for these Sims MUST be the following, but you may choose three of the six recommended traits. However, no two Sims can have the same traits, so choose wisely! Note: If the More Traits mod is owned, you may use more or even all of the recommended traits!:

Aspiration: Deviance - Chief of Mischief
Traits: Hot Headed, Self Assured, Foodie, Evil, Mean, Romantic

Aspiration: Popularity - Party Animal
Traits: Cheerful, Goofball, Clumsy, Creative, Art Lover, Good

Aspiration: Popularity - Friend of the World
Traits: Genius, Lazy, Creative, Bookworm, Geek, Ambitious

Aspiration: Nature - Freelance Botanist
Traits: Jealous, Loves Outdoors, Active, Squeamish, Materialistic, Neat

Aspiration: Creativity - Musical Genius
Traits: Gloomy, Perfectionist, Music Lover, Art Lover, Self Assured, Hates Children

Aspiration: Knowledge - Renaissance Sim
Traits: Family Oriented, Childish, Loner, Genius, Perfectionist, Art Lover

Aspiration: Fortune - Fabulously Wealthy
Traits: Snob, Materialistic, Mean, Ambitious, Outgoing, Evil

Aspiration: Love - Serial Romantic
Traits: Romantic, Outgoing, Noncommittal, Mean, Creative, Childish

Once your sims have been created, move them on to an empty lot and begin building them a house. It must be big enough to sleep all eight of the Sims, and may contain as many skill related items as you like. In fact, it’s recommended to have plenty. You’ll need them later on. Note: Money cheats are by all means allowed. Be creative with the house!

Daily Challenges:

Every day, from the Sunday your Sims begin in the game until the corresponding day 2 weeks later, your Sims will have a daily challenge to compete in. Each challenge will award the winning Sim a certain amount of points. Whoever has the most points at the end of all 3 weeks is the winner! Note: If, for any reason, there is a tie in any of the challenges, award all winners the points. Eg: If 3 Sims tied in a challenge, all 3 of them would gain 10 points. If you're doing an LP of this challenge, it might also be fun to let your viewers decide who won the challenge!

Week 1:

Sunday - Preparation Day
As it is the first day your sims will spend together in the house, there is no challenge today. This will be a day for your sims to get to know one another and settle in.Spend the day working on your Sims whims, aspirations and skills.

Monday - Cookery Challenge
Today’s challenge: To gain as much cooking skill as you possibly can. Sims can prepare meals, watch the cooking channel, read skill books… whatever it takes! The Sim with the highest cooking skill at the end of the day earns 10 points.

Tuesday - Fitness Challenge
Today’s challenge: To get as fit as possible. Sims can work out, swim, jog… whatever it takes! The Sim with the highest fitness skill at the end of the day earns 10 points.

Wednesday - Fish-Off
Today’s challenge: To catch more fish than any other Sim. Take all your Sims to a park, lake or area containing a body of water. Make them fish for as long as they possibly can! The Sim who has caught the most fish by the end of the day earns 10 points.

Thursday - Meet And Greet
Today’s challenge: To make as many friends as possible. Take all your Sims to any public place, where lots of Sims are sure to be. The park, library and gym are recommended! Each Sim needs to use their social expertise to gain as many friends as they possibly can. The Sim who has gained the most FRIENDS (NOT just acquaintances!) by the end of the day earns 10 points.

Note: At the end of the day, sign all your Sims up to the same career. It MUST be a career which means that they will begin work the next day.

Friday - Career Challenge
Today’s challenge: To excel at a certain career. Until it is time for work, the Sims must try their best to complete their daily challenge and get in the ideal mood for work. When it is time for them to work, they must all try and get to work on time and work until the end of their shift. The Sim with the highest career performance at the end of the day earns 10 points.

Note: At the end of the day, all Sims must quit their jobs, as they will just get in the way of other challenges and activities.

Saturday - Speed Dating
Today’s challenge: To win over a particular Sim. At the beginning of the day, invite a Sim met through the Meet And Greet challenge over. All Sims must try their hardest to win the heart of this Sim, using only their best flirting skills. However, none of them are allowed to spend more than 3 hours with the chosen Sim, so they must choose their actions wisely. At the end of the day, the Sim with the highest romantic relationship with the Sim earns 10 points. Note: Sims may NOT ask this Sim to be their boyfriend/girlfriend. They also may not WooHoo or Try For A Baby. All other interactions are allowed.

Week 2:

Sunday - Preparation Day
After a long, tiring week of challenges, your Sims have a day of rest to work on their whims, skills and aspirations. There is no challenge today.

Monday - Bake Off
Today’s challenge: To be a master of the kitchen. Every Sim must make the same simple dish - Chocolate Cake! The Sim which makes the dish to the highest standard earns 10 points. Note: If most or all of the Sims make the dish at an excellent standard, it’s whichever Sim finishes making the cake first.

Tuesday - Independance Day
Note: Autonomy MUST be turned on for this challenge, even if it is not turned on for any others.
Today’s challenge: To test your Sims independance. Quite simply, the objective today is to leave your Sims to themselves, and test which ones are best at satisfying their wants and needs. At the end of the day, the Sim with the most positive moodlets earns 10 points.

Wednesday - Perfect Painting
Today’s challenge: To produce a work of art. Make all Sims paint the largest and highest skill painting they can with their current skill level in Painting. After each of them are painted, sell them. The Sim who’s painting is worth the most amount of money when sold earns 10 points.

Thursday - Drinking Game
Today’s challenge: To master the art of mixology. Take your sims to a bar.While they’re there, make them mix and order drinks. The first Sim to get to Mixology level 3 and down 5 drinks earns 10 points.

Friday - Amazing Authors
Today’s challenge: To write a bestselling book. Make all Sims write a book, any genre, on a computer. When it is complete, they can Self Publish or Sell it to a Publisher. When their first royalty reports arrive, the Sim who’s book earned the most money earns 10 points.

Saturday - WooHoo Challenge
Today’s challenge: To have as much WooHoo as you possibly can. At the beginning of the day, each Sim must invite a Sim over to the house. Note: The Sim who won the Speed Dating challenge is allowed to invite that Sim over. The Sims most use their ultimate seduction skills to woo each of their Sims until the end of the day. However, like the Speed Dating challenge, none of them are allowed to spend more than 3 hours with their chosen Sim. At the end of the day, the Sim who had WooHoo the most times earns 10 points. Note: Trying for a Baby is NOT allowed.

Final Week: Party Week
This is it, the final week of challenges for your Sims! However, the challenges are a little different this week. Every day, from the Sunday the week starts on until the final Sunday of the challenge, every Sim will take it in turns to throw a party. They must invite as many guests as they can, and aim to make the party the biggest, friendliest and most memorable party of them all.

The days on which each Sim holds their party are as follows:

Sunday - Red
Monday - Orange
Tuesday - Yellow
Wednesday - Green
Thursday - Blue
Friday - Indigo
Saturday - Violet
Sunday - Pink

At the end of the Pink Sims party on the final Sunday, the points are as follows:

The Sim who invited the most guests earns 10 points.
The Sim whose party earned the highest medal earns 20 points.

Additionally, before the final scores are calculated, some more point allocation should occur.

Award 10 points to the Sim with the most positive relationships.
Deduct 20 points from the Sim with the most negative relationships.
Award 30 points to the Sim with the highest level in any skill.
Award 30 points to the Sim with the most Aspiration Points.
Once the final points have been awarded, total up the points each of your Sims have earned. The colour of the Sim with the most points is crowned the best colour in the world. Which colour was it for you?
Hi there! I'm Nimbob! Happy simming!
Check out my challenge, The Colour Challenge!
Post edited by NimbobTheMarshmallow on


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    If someday anyone decides to make a Lets Play of this challenge, please link it to me below! I would love to see this challenge being played!
    Hi there! I'm Nimbob! Happy simming!
    Check out my challenge, The Colour Challenge!
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    AlHollandiyahAlHollandiyah Posts: 1,121 Member
    Sounds very interesting, following this topic!
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    > @AlHollandiyah said:
    > Sounds very interesting, following this topic!

    Thank you! I very much appreciate it! :D
    Hi there! I'm Nimbob! Happy simming!
    Check out my challenge, The Colour Challenge!
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    RinellieRinellie Posts: 438 Member
    This looks like a really fun challenge! I'm interested to try it myself. I hope you don't mind if I throw you some extra thoughts and ideas.

    First, I just wanna say that I really like some of the challenges you've come up with. There are several that I haven't thought of or seen before, and I especially like the Independence Day challenge. Very creative stuff :)

    I'm curious to know what determined which traits you gave to each color. Is it just that a particular trait has a certain kind of feel to it (gloomy = blue, for obvious reasons), or was there something else in mind? I just ask because I think each person might have a different interpretation of traits and what kind of color best matches it. For example, I personally feel the genius trait might fit better with the Indigo sim. Would it be okay for the player designing the sims to decide the traits themselves? Or maybe if you have your own specific ideas in mind for this challenge, you could write a list of potential traits for each color (maybe five or six) and the player can choose from those? For the most part, I agree with the traits you assigned already; I just feel that some of them are up for interpretation.

    Regarding the challenges, there are a few that I think might be hard to control or monitor, only because there are so many sims. It's mostly the social challenges. I think the Meet and Greet challenge would be easy enough--send the sims to a public place and let them run around autonomously and then check their relationship tab at the end of the day. But I feel like the Speed Dating and WooHoo challenges would require a lot of controlling of the sims to make sure the conversations are headed in the romantic direction and then also to make sure the sims are in a good enough mood to make those interactions successful. Controlling the sims isn't a bad thing by any means, but with eight sims it might become tiresome to set up so many simultaneous romances. It might be a good idea to fine tune those challenges a bit. Maybe you could change it so that each contestant is allowed a certain amount of time with the romantic interest (say, two hours), and then you'd move onto the next contestant. And whoever has the highest romance bar or had the most WooHoo in that allotted time wins.

    Just one more note on the challenges. The Drinking Game challenge may also be a bit hard to monitor, unless the player keeps a written tally of what number drink each sim is on while playing. Maybe you could play this challenge like the cooking and fitness challenges: just see which sim has the highest mixology skill at the end of the day.

    I hope I haven't come across as critical here or anything. I really like your challenge idea; I just think it needs a few tweaks to be perfect. Great ideas though!
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    RinellieRinellie Posts: 438 Member
    Oh, there was one more thing I wanted to ask. Does anything in particular happen to the winner of the whole challenge? Or is that just up to the player?
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    > @Rinellie said:
    > This looks like a really fun challenge! I'm interested to try it myself. I hope you don't mind if I throw you some extra thoughts and ideas.
    > First, I just wanna say that I really like some of the challenges you've come up with. There are several that I haven't thought of or seen before, and I especially like the Independence Day challenge. Very creative stuff :)
    > I'm curious to know what determined which traits you gave to each color. Is it just that a particular trait has a certain kind of feel to it (gloomy = blue, for obvious reasons), or was there something else in mind? I just ask because I think each person might have a different interpretation of traits and what kind of color best matches it. For example, I personally feel the genius trait might fit better with the Indigo sim. Would it be okay for the player designing the sims to decide the traits themselves? Or maybe if you have your own specific ideas in mind for this challenge, you could write a list of potential traits for each color (maybe five or six) and the player can choose from those? For the most part, I agree with the traits you assigned already; I just feel that some of them are up for interpretation.
    > Regarding the challenges, there are a few that I think might be hard to control or monitor, only because there are so many sims. It's mostly the social challenges. I think the Meet and Greet challenge would be easy enough--send the sims to a public place and let them run around autonomously and then check their relationship tab at the end of the day. But I feel like the Speed Dating and WooHoo challenges would require a lot of controlling of the sims to make sure the conversations are headed in the romantic direction and then also to make sure the sims are in a good enough mood to make those interactions successful. Controlling the sims isn't a bad thing by any means, but with eight sims it might become tiresome to set up so many simultaneous romances. It might be a good idea to fine tune those challenges a bit. Maybe you could change it so that each contestant is allowed a certain amount of time with the romantic interest (say, two hours), and then you'd move onto the next contestant. And whoever has the highest romance bar or had the most WooHoo in that allotted time wins.
    > Just one more note on the challenges. The Drinking Game challenge may also be a bit hard to monitor, unless the player keeps a written tally of what number drink each sim is on while playing. Maybe you could play this challenge like the cooking and fitness challenges: just see which sim has the highest mixology skill at the end of the day.
    > I hope I haven't come across as critical here or anything. I really like your challenge idea; I just think it needs a few tweaks to be perfect. Great ideas though!

    Thanks for taking interest in my challenge! In terms of the traits, those were the traits I felt best matched the colour, but I think the idea of having five or six so that there are multiple potential traits is a really good idea. I'll edit that into the rules shortly.

    In terms of the challenges, I thought that the difficulty of controlling the Sims and monitoring their progress during the challenge would make it slightly more challenging for the player as well as the Sims. That was my personal interpretation of it, but if you wish to change the challenges slightly to make them easier for you, adding in the ideas you put forward, then you are welcome to do so. I have thought about tweaking the challenges slightly, so I will definitely take your thoughts into consideration.
    Hi there! I'm Nimbob! Happy simming!
    Check out my challenge, The Colour Challenge!
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    > @Rinellie said:
    > Oh, there was one more thing I wanted to ask. Does anything in particular happen to the winner of the whole challenge? Or is that just up to the player?

    The player can decide what happens to the winner of the challenge. I thought it might be more fun that way.
    Hi there! I'm Nimbob! Happy simming!
    Check out my challenge, The Colour Challenge!
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    @Rinellie , I have added some of your ideas and thoughts into the challenge rules. Once again, thank you very much for taking interest in my challenge, it's highly appreciated.
    Hi there! I'm Nimbob! Happy simming!
    Check out my challenge, The Colour Challenge!
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    RinellieRinellie Posts: 438 Member
    @NimbobTheMarshmallow I was happy to help! And I'm by no means a challenge creator expert, so if you decide later that you want to return the rules to how they were before, I wouldn't blame ya. But thanks for taking my thoughts into consideration!
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    RinellieRinellie Posts: 438 Member
    I saw that you requested for your challenge to be added to the official challenge list. I hope it gets added :)
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    @Rinellie Thanks! So do I :P
    Hi there! I'm Nimbob! Happy simming!
    Check out my challenge, The Colour Challenge!
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    AlHollandiyahAlHollandiyah Posts: 1,121 Member
    NimbobTheMarshmallow, not to be a nuisance of sorts, but would it be really bad if I wanted to make the blue sim with a painter aspiration and art lover? I really have nothing with music at all, and so I don't like playing with my sims with it..... It would still be a creative sim, wouldn't it?
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    @AlHollandiyah Yes, that would be fine! I might change one of blues possible traits to Art Lover anyway.
    Hi there! I'm Nimbob! Happy simming!
    Check out my challenge, The Colour Challenge!
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    Spottydog714Spottydog714 Posts: 2,518 Member
    Wow... Love this challenge. If I wanted to write about it, should I link you? Also, I loved the creativity of this, it is different from most others. I think this will be super fun. Also, I love that this only goes on for three weeks, I have a very short attention span! =) Is it okay if I tweak a few things to my style of play? As I write, can I twist the traits, but still make them all different? And, can I make the WooHoo challenge a rest day for aspiration points? This is purely for my own personal benefit of my game, so I'm not criticizing your rules. I just would like my game like that. I'm rebellious like that! >:)@NimbobTheMarshmallow
    Stories: Looking For Mum's Murderer | The Bachelorette | Fifteen
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    @Spottydog714 Yes, please send me a link if you decide to write about the challenge! I would really appreciate it! Of course you can tweak a few things, thank you for asking. I hope you enjoy the challenge! :D
    Hi there! I'm Nimbob! Happy simming!
    Check out my challenge, The Colour Challenge!
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    Spottydog714Spottydog714 Posts: 2,518 Member
    Don't worry, I will. Is it okay if I post here that I have updated? @NimbobTheMarshmallow =)
    Stories: Looking For Mum's Murderer | The Bachelorette | Fifteen
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    @Spottydog714 Yes, that's absolutely fine!
    Hi there! I'm Nimbob! Happy simming!
    Check out my challenge, The Colour Challenge!
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    Spottydog714Spottydog714 Posts: 2,518 Member
    @NimbobTheMarshmallow Awesome! Thanks! :D=)
    Stories: Looking For Mum's Murderer | The Bachelorette | Fifteen
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    AlHollandiyahAlHollandiyah Posts: 1,121 Member
    I see that you've now added 6 possible traits to every color. How awesome would it be to play with sims that had all 6 of those traits instead of just 3! I have the more traits mod installed....
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    @AlHollandiyah Wow, that sounds really cool! The challenge would be even better with all 6 traits assigned to each sim.
    Hi there! I'm Nimbob! Happy simming!
    Check out my challenge, The Colour Challenge!
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    AlHollandiyahAlHollandiyah Posts: 1,121 Member
    @AlHollandiyah Wow, that sounds really cool! The challenge would be even better with all 6 traits assigned to each sim.

    I have a 2-4-6 traits version of this mod, but theres also versions with other amounts of traits per generation (kid/teen/adult). When I made my 2 challenges (Alpha Patriarchy and Triplet Challenges, both listed in the link in my sub) I included this mod as a link for people who wanted to use it! You could do that too if you want!
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    @AlHollandiyah I think I will, it seems like a really cool idea. I'll also add to the rules that the mod can be used.
    Hi there! I'm Nimbob! Happy simming!
    Check out my challenge, The Colour Challenge!
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    @AlHollandiyah Added it to the rules! I haven't had a chance all day, so I did so just now.
    Hi there! I'm Nimbob! Happy simming!
    Check out my challenge, The Colour Challenge!
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    AlHollandiyahAlHollandiyah Posts: 1,121 Member
    edited November 2015
    @AlHollandiyah Added it to the rules! I haven't had a chance all day, so I did so just now.

    Very nice! I've added your challenge to the list of might-do's in my blog topic (list in my sub). I do have some others already planned, but who knows! At least people following my topic will be alerted to this very nice challenge now : D! Btw, are you going to upload a let's play yourself? If so please send me your channel because I'd like to watch!
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    @AlHollandiyah Wow, thank you so much! I've bookmarked your challenge topic, it seems really interesting! I was intending to upload a Lets Play, I'll let you know if and when I do so!
    Hi there! I'm Nimbob! Happy simming!
    Check out my challenge, The Colour Challenge!
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