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The Unofficial Wishlist Thread.

mcsnjbmcsnjb Posts: 3,464 Member
edited March 8 in Nominated Threads

This is a place for in-game created gifts, not store items. :)

Recently I have started building gifts for the people who have made this a very special place for me to come. I would love to be able to gift people with store items, but my circumstances just mean I can't afford it. On top of this many of my amazing friends have dead, empty wishlists, so SPs won't do me any good there.

In order to build my gifts I have been going to each person and asking them a tonne of questions to be able to create them a gift that would suit them, but this takes all of the surprise out of it for them, so I was thinking wouldn't it be brilliant if all of this information was altogether somewhere.

Well that is the reason behind this thread, so now for the thread itself.

I was hoping that all of you wonderful people would take the time to answer a few questions here, so that when someone would like to gift you a build or sim they can come here, find out everything they need to know, and what you would like, (your unofficial wishlist).

This is a general outline of what people like, not specific requests. The Simpoint Free Gifting Directory will have upto five specific gift/build requests per person, if this would be more helpful to you I direct you here:

The Questions.

1. Which games do you have?
2. What store content do you own?
3. Which worlds do you own? Which is your favourite?
4. CC, yes or no?
5. What's on your Unofficial Wishlist?
6. Favourite Colours?
7. Dislikes?

Feel free to add anything else you think is relevant.

Please head your entry with Unofficial Wishlist.

Hopefully, you will be able to keep this up-to-date, which will help everyone who is creating you a gift. Fortunately, I have a wonderful friend who has offered to become a deputy for me and help me out. If you have any questions feel free to ask her too. :)


HEAD DEPUTY - Scrapper42


Just a note, this isn't a request list, by answering the questions you are not guarenteed that someone will create this gift for you, just as when you put something on your WL you are not guarenteed that someone will gift it you.

I will keep a list of everyone I have an unofficial wishlist for on the next post, if the person you are looking for isn't there, let me know and I will ask them to create one for you, but they won't know it is for you I am asking for, so it will still be a surprise. If you can't find your target on The Simpoint Free Gifting Directory either, I would be more than willing to ask them to visit there as well. :)

I hope that this all makes sense, and if any of you have any suggestions I would love to hear them. :)

I really hope that this makes life easier for a few of you, and puts some smiles on faces.

Lots and lots of love and hugs to all of you amazing people. :):):)
Post edited by EA_Solaire on


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