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  • I'm kind of tired of TS4, but I want them to take their time to create TS5 (Hopefully they at least have started on the game....). To me The Sims 4 is a very VERY pretty game, but it has no soul /personality. To me all Sims feel the same which makes this game the least replayable out of the entire series (with the…
  • It's been a minute since I've provided any kind of updates to my story. I'm incredibly sorry for that. I've been very busy with life, work and other stuff. I wasn't really feeling it to write the rest. I still don't, but I don't want to abruptly end the story either. Hence why I'm opting to continue writing in the 3rd…
  • I'm sorry for not providing an update in so long. I didn't forget, but I got caught up on other stuff. I've had it fairly busy and I also got myself a VR setup so I haven't been playing much Sims. I'll write the next parts soon. I'm now at the point in gameplay where I think I passed a good part to end this story on. There…
  • The sim on the left. I think I may have picked the wrong option?
  • Episode 4: Rags to riches Weeks went by and our living conditions hadn't improved much up until my father happily announced that a local company was interested in mass producing a book of his. This was a revelation. We will finally be able to afford rent, food and clothes! Our living conditions improved at a rapid pace.…
  • Episode 3: Between worlds I'm not quite sure what happened after I fell to the ground ... ... It felt like my soul departed from my body. As if I could see myself laying there ... on the ground while I ascended. I could see my father pleading to this dark creature I couldn't quite describe. Will this creature guide me to…
  • I don't think I'll get by writing the next chapter today. But I don't want to leave you with nothing this week, so here's a long term spoiler with absolutely 0 context.
  • So I bought Snowy Escape ... I don't want to give too many spoilers, but I can give you a little hint: Some things are just not meant to be... I'm quite excited to write about what's already happened in this pack. It may take a bit to get there, but I might cut it down a bit as not much happened when [redacted] moved into…
  • Episode 2: A fresh start? My stomach doesn't feel right after leaving Marco with my sister... I hope he's going to be fine. I'm sorry, Marco. I just had to go... I'm much happier now with my dad in this ... apartment(?) and my new school. I'm not sure if this apartment fulfills my basic needs, but at least I'm gone from…
  • Episode 1: A (dys)functional family Hello, my name is Nicole and this is the story of my life. All my life I've been bullied by my sister and Brenda. I've always felt so out of place in this family and I have no idea why. The only person I could talk to was my dad ... He was the only one supportive of my ambitions. Being…
  • If you're interested in the pack / theme I'd say go for it or wait for a bigger discount. Sales happen quite frequently (I think) and in a few months time it may even be at 50% off. But if you're not that interested in it, I'd advise not to buy it. Don't buy packs just for the sake of owning everything. I'm not buying the…
  • Thank god "The Gallery" is a feature in this game.
  • @sunblond Lol, yeah it's new for me too. Usually my sims don't have such a dark backstory. I just wanted to try something different. Don't worry, the story won't be as tragic as the prologue. Just trying to build up some characters and give a bit of an insight as to why they're the way they are. My intro from about a week…
  • I think since ... 2007? Sims 2 was my first Sims game. I was 7 or 8 at the time.
  • Warning: I'm not a writer nor am I a native English speaker. This is probably going to suck. Episode 1: The Prologue Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess who met a handsome prince. They fell in love and lived happily ever after ... for a few months. After graduating college together Jan and Juliette moved in…
  • I'm not typically one to get excited about Sims 4, but this pack looks very, very decent based on the trailer alone. 100% a top 3 contender if it doesn't come with any game breaking bugs. If the pack is as big as the trailer made it seem, it'll easily be my absolute favorite pack.
  • You Got: Bobsledding Let’s face it… young dogs, and kids, learn new tricks faster. This holds true for everything from learning languages, to physical skills such as dance, biking, and skiing. But have you ever tried Bobsledding? Well maybe it's time to start! I'd probably somehow manage to fall off the sled and break my…
  • I'd put my money on either of the 2 EP's being a showtime pack and the other a supernatural pack. Then again I'm nearly always wrong when it comes to predictions.
  • I'd prefer a supernatural expansion pack, but wouldn't say no to a showtime expansion :)
  • It's been a while since I posted on here. Frankly because the gameplay got a bit dull. It felt like university simulator and well I think I'm done with the Koster legacy until a new supernatural type pack comes out where Lilith (the robot/vampire/alien hybrid) will play the main role. But I did start a new family recently…
  • A proper Supernatural expansion pack with new occults, a fantasy styled world, pet dragons etc. Etc. I LOVED TS3 supernatural. Always had at least 1 occult sim in my household.
  • I've not been keeping up with this game in a bit, but after seeing other's speculations I'm thinking it may be a bit of a Romance / cooking hybrid expansion pack. Perhaps we could get a world inspired by the "city of love" aka Paris? Either a vacation destination or not. The EP's theme would be more on love, but also have…
  • I really want more unique worlds in terms of style / culture etc. At the moment we have quite a lot of US inspired neighbourhoods, but I'd love to have mediterranean, Mountain and Eastern inspired worlds. And please let these worlds be big ... I'd hate to see more STUNNING worlds only have a handful of lots :(
  • [long post ahead] → I'm sorry if it's not written well, but I've been having internet issues for the past hour and honestly, I just want to get this uploaded tbh. Ngl I'm not 100% sure where I left off, but I think it was with Max (renamed from Maaike), Jordy, Persephone, Athena and baby Lilith. Before I start spamming…
  • I didn't share that many pictures last time, so here are some to make up for it :p Here are Maaike and Dewi in their home in Windenburg: Correction: Dewi is not human, but a vampire. It shocked me, ngl. Just to trow in some nostalgia, here are Maaike (on the left) and Audrey a while back. In college Alexios had already…
  • @AlwaysAsking As far as I know the Bjergsen family, Fyres household and J have turned into vampires in my game. They're one of the last premades that are still alive in my game, along with Vladislaus, Lilith & Caleb. I was about to say Lana was the first vampire I played in my safefile, but that's not right? Mei was a…
  • That part of the aspiration I finished already. After that your sim has to give lectures to students. Thiq can be done at any point in the day.
  • @haneul Thank you! In about a week I'll know whether I graduated or not. I'm definitely intending to have Audrey and J become parents, but not right now. First I want to make sure the other kids from the family can manage themselves. I intend to make Audrey my main focus soon, but I first want the kids to be graduated and…
  • Thank you! I thought I got muted or something. I'm aware there are bots in the server that offer support. But I was getting several calls (like actual invitations to voice chat) in my dm's which I don't think is okay. I looked up the user and it didn't say they were a bot in the Discord. Then I looked at their comments and…

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