Its time for the final screenshot thread! Show us what ya got here!
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  • Boys - Damian, Dralion Girls - Desdemona, Dondi
  • Pod O'LaLa has his own home lot, but has been living with the Goths now for three days. He likes their piano.
  • WOW. This has completely changed my view of Sims 4 and renewed my interest in playing. Amazing work, and I can't believe you put this together in two weeks. Cheers!
  • I quit playing Sims 3 a month ago - I wanted to give Sims 4 a fair shot and not be constantly comparing the two games. At first, I was horribly disappointed but I kept at it. I'm better at the controls now and I'm playing a couple with one child (yes, the new Sims are much more expressive). I've partially built two houses…
  • I feel the way you do about Sims 4, but I am trying to salvage my $60 and give it a chance. I've had to scrap my usual method of playing, which was heavily based on building, using "moveobjects" and CASt. Instead, I'm trying to focus on two Sims and their interactions with each other and the neighbors. I'm looking for the…
  • I am playing on an older laptop, and cannot tilt the camera using my touchpad. I had to start using a mouse, and can finally tilt if I press down on the scroll button while moving the mouse in a circular motion. Even with the mouse I am having a difficult time getting used to maneuvering, but I figure practice, practice,…
  • My Sim was angry when making a salad, so he put his ear wax in it...twice. EWWWW
    in LMAO Comment by Martuni September 2014
  • Just saying hi, Rflong7. I'm still playing your worlds exclusively - I think it's been a year now! I took a short break from Sims, and came back to find a whole new forum. Now I need to dig through my game pics and choose an avatar. I like yours! Cheers!
  • Well, I'm in the minority but I LOVE something new and I've pre-ordered Sims 4. The day it arrives I plan to dive in and see what it has to offer. I am heavily into CAS and building in Sims 3, so I'm a little afraid I'll be disappointed in Sims 4, but I still couldn't stand NOT to see for myself what it's like. I don't…
  • I got the Grim Reaper from the Exchange several years ago (as a household, not as an individual Sim). I used him to create many Grim Reapers of my own. Several are in my Studio if you want one to play with. When you play a Grim Reaper this way, you CANNOT change his everyday outfit permanently to something else in CAS or…
  • That is beautiful!
  • Only in Sims can a male witch get pregnant:
  • It's the parent with the rainbow slider skin. I had a bright purple baby, too. Shocked the socks off me, haha. I had forgotten I'd given the dad the faintest, most realistic color on the rainbow slider (this Sim was a fairy when I first created him). I named my purple baby Grape Nuts, but I was really sick of the purple by…
  • That's funny! I don't think it's offensive unless this wish popped up constantly, day after day. Even then the male players might be going "YEAH! GO FOR IT!" :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: PS. Hope I'm not being offensive.. :wink:
  • I almost always take the free stuff, and I do try to use it. Right now I have a female Sim running around in a purple and green feathered bikini as her Everyday outfit. 'Cause it was free... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
  • Well, I would wake up but not make the bed. Then I'd fall on my rear trying to choose my clothes. Heading downstairs, I'd trip and fall flat on my face exiting the elevator. I'd make a delicious breakfast, but just stare briefly at the plate and not eat it. I'd go to work hungry and needing to use the bathroom. After work…
  • I have a library of about 12 Sims that I created, and I tend to play one or more of them over and over ('cause I'm soooo attached to them). Male or female doesn't matter to me as much as their looks and personality. Recently I created households where I changed the sex of some of my favorites in CAS. THAT was interesting!…
  • I have Grim's Ghastly Manor and my witch is expecting a baby. The mom is Agnes Crumplebottom. While the family tree will show the parents, unfortunately the baby will not look like either one. But it's a fun way to get a male pregnant! Good luck with the mods. :-)
  • YES! For April Fool's I started a new game in Sunset Valley, placed my alien inventor Juicy Fruit there and had her detonate Agnes Crumplebottom's expensive car. After getting the stuffing slapped out of her by Agnes for that prank, Juicy got mad and summoned a meteor on Agnes' property. The largest chunk of space rock…
  • I wonder if you could add her to your current household, just to see more of her glitchiness. Might be fun!
  • This is priceless, and made me laugh so hard! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: I would kill to have this happen in my game, and this anti-Sim would become my favorite Sim to play. But then, I really like "weird". I once had a mummy toddler who was really creepy. It was a glitch, but I had a lot of fun with it. Here's a short…
  • I have a compulsive need to place this lamp somewhere in every game. It makes me smile. :)
  • This is extremely cool and very realistic. It's inspired me to completely re-do my basements. Thanks for posting it. :thumbup:
  • I build all my own houses. I like them colorful and playable. Sometimes I use 'moveobjects on' and make bizarre houses, like with lakes or dinosaurs indoors. :mrgreen: They're not architectural wonders, but I have lots of fun. :mrgreen: This is one of my latest ones:
  • I love the little interactions with some foods, like when they eat Firecracker Shrimp. :mrgreen: My favorite ever food-related Sim thing is how they leave the crusts when they eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches - SO CUTE! And I agree with you - some of the dishes could be on Top Chef. :)
  • What a nice thread! And a huge YES and THANK YOU to all the CAW masters. :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: I have dabbled in CAW just enough to learn how difficult a task it is to create worlds. I have played custom worlds exclusively for the past year, and really appreciate the builders for making my game play a joy. These…
  • WOW - very impressive! And they're cute, too. :) If I had a pair like that I would have them saved everywhere, every way possible. Just in case... :mrgreen: I don't have all my EPs installed, so can't download but I'll give you a rec. Cheers!
  • Hi! Two, you can place beds (or bunkbeds) like this to maximize space in a room. Just make sure they are able to access the pillow (or ladder, for bunk beds) side of the bed. And there are some good toys for children in outdoor activities, such as the baseball, football and sprinkler. Grown Sims can play with…
  • This just happened to me, after playing her for a couple of Sims weeks. Now she's so ugly I have NO desire to play her anymore. :cry:
  • Well, you must have information overload by now, haha! I think you are in a great place - you're enjoying the base game and everything is new to you. My recommendation is to not worry about EPs until you start to get a little bored. :wink: And coming late to Sims 3, you are in a GREAT spot to get those EPs at discount…

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