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  • EA needs to hit pause on releasing new packs (I think CAS kits are fine as they are just glorified CC) and spend a year integrating cross pack functionality and expanding on some the packs features that they have forgotten about. Clubs are one of the most used feature and EA has abandoned it. I have to use a mod to expand…
  • It's supposed to have 2. After school exam prep is held in Classroom 2. I went from Classroom 1 to 2 when my sim wanted to attend exam prep
  • If you download Zerbu's Venue Change mod you can have Club gatherings. That's what I did. I created my own Chess Club, Debate Club, Student Body Club, Swim Team, Football Team, Basketball Team, Cheer Club, Art Club, Drama Club, Band+Choir, Yearbook Club, Popular Kids Club, etc. and they gather after school and work on…
  • I really would like to know, after playing through this pack and rotating families, why couldn't they delay this a week or 2? The same amount of people who bought it would have still purchased it. I highly doubt there would be lost sales. Why not delay it, fix the glaring obvious bugs, and spare themselves the "rightfully…
  • This is actually a very interesting comment you've made here and I think you and the rest of the team should actually think about that statement. Packs (EP's Game Packs and Kits) released since Discover University have been solely niche when it comes to CAS assets, there hasn't been generalized fashion from the Sims Team…
  • I stopped complaining long ago and resigned myself that this was the direction Sims was going in, which I fundamentally disagree with; and that men would continue to be ignored. But this... all I want is men's clothes you find at Old Navy, Gap, even the pages of GQ. Why is this so hard to get clothing like this in an…
  • The icon is so obscure because the GP does not have an overarching theme. It’s actually a pack that’s free and adds and expands on all the shallow systems in the game that involve the sims themselves and the simulation (relationships and romance, babies, teenagers and elders, hobbies and interests, sim uniqueness, wants…
  • Plenty of packs and opportunities to introduce cars and revisit baby gameplay. Neither have been done, and it’s been 6 years.
  • What even is the point of situational outfits? We can’t even edit it! Who thought creating an outfit slot that is randomly generated AND CANNOT be edited was a good idea??
  • Another flaming dumpster fire scheme that will be considered a waste of money and resources. I had more enjoyment watching that latest Paralives video than watching the clips from that garbage show. Made sure to give it a 1 on IMDB as well, hope it gets cancelled.
  • Sebastián jumped off the counter so smooth while a TS4 sim could never. I’m going to say it here: Paralives will be the true sequel to TS2 that we all deserved and never got. Don’t mean to dig at TS3, it’s just performance issues, predatory monetization and sloppy coding really brought the game down.
  • Hi, just a thought. Maybe stop with this whole game changers, and Spark’d reality nonsense that only sparks controversy and highlights your racism and just focus on making a great life simulation game? Current game is full of bugs, expansions that don’t even interact properly with one another, gameplay that is more shallow…
  • Can there be a coding challenge where the community fixes the bugs in this game that EA won’t? And pay them $100k. Thanks.
  • Over in WoW, data mining files were found for a controversial race to have blue eyes. Journalist asked the lead dev about it and he denied that this race would be getting blue eyes. Couple weeks later the team releases a blog post, detailing that the controversial race is indeed getting the blue eyes. My point, these game…
  • Sniff sniff, do I smell another poorly thought out concept like The Sims Online/ SimCity online only fiasco? That will ultimately crash and burn, waste EA millions of dollars that will cause the suits to slash the budget which in turn will directly affect the quality of TS5?!?
  • I feel like some of you aren’t actually following Paralives development, and just look at the YouTube videos with a sneer and pass judgement. The team has said they are ACTIVELY searching to expand the team, not waiting for Patreon goals (which helps them) but are ACTIVELY looking to hire. They cannot do everything at once…
  • Never buy expansions full price, I wait til they’re on sale or I can make a bundle. They are: A.) Never worth the asking price B.) Infested with bugs it’s unprofessional C.) Beta Test Bass game patches have bugs too and I wish there was a way I could prevent downloading them until the bugs have been fixed and still play.
  • You sure EA, you want the whole world to see a married sim see their spouse having an affair with another, and then proceed to “tell a joke” with the sim their spouse had the affair with... on the bed? Better pull out that “Weirder Stories” marketing you went with at launch. Because that’s the type of emergent storytelling…
  • I remember when trailers didn't need to speak English and narrate to tell a story. It was the Sims actions, emotions and gestures that said everything perfectly. What a disappointing trailer, still a no buy for me. And I cannot stand obnoxious people trying to force their lifestyle down my throat, that's all I saw with…
  • This is a 4 person team being funded by Patreon. They already have pets in (something EA has never done). And there's been clear improvement to the housing and environment when Paralives was first shown to now. The Parafolks will most likely go through similar stages of improvement. ALSO, Alex hasn't even hired a 3D…
  • What a beautiful and well written post. The Sims themselves are the heart of these games and EA has been ignoring them for the past 6 years. I really hope Paralives does to The Sims franchise what City Skylines did to SimCity. I really do. Because EA would deserve it. There are tons of videos, tons of videos from EA's OWN…
  • What's aggravating, is that there have been 8 expansion packs and 8 game packs that is now coming close to $500 (if paid regular price). And I still wouldn't call it a sequel, because a lot of features are still missing or are downgraded from the previous iterations. But they wanna keep this train going with more content…
  • I'm not paying for nor excited for TS5. I know a toxic relationship when I see one and currently EA treats me like trash. I refuse to do this song and dance I have been doing now for 2 iterations where they release a base game stripped of all features of the previous iteration and expect me to buy packs upon more packs to…
  • Based on that description I'm going to assume that they have FINALLY figured out a way to really make sims act unique and have actual interests and personality types. So this "community" in Everbloom Whatever, when they interact with other sims who live in San Myshuno perhaps or The Hollywood with No Lots world; there will…
  • I think this is a good point. I didn't vote in that poll at the time because it's a stuff pack, IMO stuff packs are negligible, hardly affect gameplay and I never buy them right away. But an expansion pack?! They should've reran the poll again and indicated it was for an EP. 100% eco-living would not have won, more people…
  • I'm just waiting for Paralives. I'd play TS2 but that's hard to set up and run on modern PC's now, and then to hunt down the cc to make everything look good. I don't know why just can't remaster TS2 for those of us absolutely sick of the spin off they call TS4. But that's why I'm here. No other game I get to create and…
  • What EA seems to forget (and who can blame them, unmodded sims are all the same) is that the sims in our games are all supposed to be different with varying personalities and interests. This EXPANSION PACK caters to only a select niche amount of sims, not all of my sims are/or even want to have that eco lifestyle. So they…
  • They relegated premade houses to the interns and fired/got rid of whoever was doing it before. The way they're furnished, it just screams someone not familiar with build/buy mode. In TS1-3, you not only paid for gameplay but you also paid for the new worlds with FULLY furnished lots that weren't copy and pasted. Now you…
  • @Cinebar wow hit the nail right on the head. TS4 is not a deep sandbox life simulator, but a representation game. I’m not updating until there’s a way to remove that content from the game I paid for. If i wanted to play Sharia Law I’d go to Iran.

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