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  • I usually use spellcasters as elves and as wizards for the same reason, and for my Inheritance cycle (Eragon) and Lord of the Rings themed characters, and use vampire for my dark elves and evil characters. I also tend to give them all the "natural world" based powers the various packs have released, I do look forward to…
  • Honestly I've already built my own huge castle in game, my problem is always with the lack of clothing that fits the theme, wizard robes and nice medieval clothing and armor mainly.. and sword fights, please Plus.. I'm still really just waiting for a vampire/occult hunter profession where you go around dealing with…
  • The more I think about it the more I'm genuinely hoping that this sort of thing comes with the next pack, I am building Rivendell at the moment, as much as I can anyway.. so having more medieval themed stuff would be nice for getting it right. I would also be fine with a celtic themed pack though, either way.. I'd make due.
  • Not like people force you to buy it against your will, saying that is basically like saying "I don't want it so no one else should ask for it either"
  • I love role-playing games, and medieval strories, I've already made a ton of characters from medieval fantasy settings to put in one of my worlds. Mostly from the Inheritance Cycle, Legend of Zelda, characters like drow elves from Forgotten Realms, several vampires and werewolves and spellcasters, I'm really just waiting…
  • I've been expecting to hear it announced as a Star Wars Day thing for the last couple years, I'm a little shocked that they didn't at least add Din Djarin's set when they put in the Grogu statue, it would have been perfect timing. But I do get that they don't seem to want to commit to adding things unless they can put it…
  • I wouldn't add any at the moment.. right now what I'd really like to see is children being given better treatment in the packs already available, there are so few things for them to do that it's kind of frustrating. Even in packs like Journey to Batuu that should logically give kids atleast a bunch of new outfits to mess…
  • Realm of Magic Making the realm itself a location with meaning and adding in more role-playing/story elements for people who go there would be nice, right now it's really just a lifeless hub. I know Strangerville got alot of (really confusing) complaints but I loved the storyline there even though it was too short. RoM…
  • Anything that adds to the options I've got for a large portion of my sims (literally every sim that I have not based in a star wars verse is medieval) would be very much welcomed regardless of what form it takes, I'm really not asking for alot beyond being able to go full medieval fantasy with my setting honestly, which is…
  • I'm mostly just hoping that the werewolves look like full on werewolves with a ton of customization options on just how far you want to take it. As far as powers go.. Super Strength Super Speed Higher Stamina Being able to have an alpha influence over other werewolves at a high level Being able to "sense" when someone is a…
  • Thank you for the reply, it's good to know >.> though also a bit annoying, I never particularly like skipping packs
  • As long as I can finally have my "realism" toggle so my medieval sims stop pulling out phones I'm all for it, even moreso if by adding an off switch to occults they can finally stop neutering the occults they do add by making them stay in certain towns and making it so that they don't actually do anything supernatural when…
  • ^ kind of like how this sort of thing is all you ever have to say on everything that has anything occult in it is a literal turn off. XD I swear you were abducted by aliens/mermaids/occults as a child. On topic: I don't see them ever released this sort of thing to add to an occult that was already introduced in another…
  • Going to say drums, traditional styled drums for sulani and rock band drums for.. you know.. when they finally make it so that my teen guitar player/singer can get her own band together.
  • Lunar cycles, especially since that would probably be tied to other things (read: werewolves, mystical monthly happenings, it could actually probably be tied to a mysticism pack actually.. zodiac.. tarot reading.. magic.. >.> wow this got my ideas going pretty fast)
  • So much yes, I love how artistic Greece in general is, so I'd love it if they added more elements of that sort of architecture and decorating to the game.. Having the labyrinth and such in game and the more mystical aspects of ancient Greece in my game would open up a ton of options for some of my sims, especially if we…
  • I've found this for Ahsoka, and it's amazing how detailed it is. but sadly >.>;; my constant problem is that my computer is a toaster and doesn't work for most games half the time lol.. It would be nice if custom content eventually gets brought to console but I'm not too hopeful about that, I guess we'll see eventually.
  • XD I'm not going to lie, I'd have settled for "we're adding lightsabers and lightsaber combat to the game, have fun!" I never really needed a whole lot, though yeah having togruta as a new alien and really they could have done a branching light/dark force power occult talent tree >.> that would have been nice All the added…
  • I'll always say "all of the above" But horses will always be my first pick because I always want them for my medieval world Followed by chickens And cows, or goats Being able to be completely off the grid and self-sufficient would be awesome for families like my spellcasters, they already have a farm of sorts.
  • The only things I find a bit sad are that there is no jedi or sith occult so no force powers (unless its just not shown?) but i can use vampires and spellcasters for that since everyone can use lightsabers. And the fact that kids got left out again (as always) though I am glad they can atleast use lightsabers too, I didn't…
  • I'm mostly just sad over all the hate I see this is getting XD I'm over here on cloud nine making plans on how to dramatically expand my star wars themed world.. build an entire jedi order etc... I get people not liking some stuff but seriously >.> people got their university which had nothing for me except for robots and…
  • I win *maniacal laughter* yessssss i just need to buy it
  • Sword fighting Archery Dragon riding The ability to write on paper/in books Horses The knight profession Court wizard profession Tarot reading also started up in the medieval ages so they could add it to a pack like this. More armor and medieval themed clothing would be amazing. I've been and still am all for all of this.…
  • You're welcome~ welcome to my pained existence.
  • >.> that's kind of exactly why you ask for things like this, so they will potentially be added in to the game and so that you have more things to do to build a story and develop characters. If they were to make cross console mods that would be quite the boon to most everything Sims 4 related but they haven't yet.. or I'd…
  • I honestly don't know how they haven't yet, I'm not sure about the other sims games since I've only ever played 4 and medieval.. have they ever done that sort of theme before? Right now about all they have are basically Chinese food signs and a couple of rather unrelated statues, and the ninja costume i already mentioned..…
  • Haven't seen the sims star wars edition >.> or I'd buy that in a heartbeat. I already own those star wars games, they aren't the sims.

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