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    ChuChuExpressChuChuExpress Posts: 3,228 Member
    edited February 1
    @GalacticGal, page 1355
    Thank you!
    Sims 4 Family: Benjamin, Shine, Princess Roddy, Sophia and Hamish Furystrykar and Shelly Heart. Princess Roddy is my avatar, and he's a boy!
    Let those smiles spread!
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    Brd709Brd709 Posts: 2,141 Member
    Brd709 wrote: »
    My sim self's wife Emily just wrote and licenced her first song to MPR's morning news show and it also got noticed for an award.

    Is the ceremony that's mentioned in the notification the starlight accolades ceremony?

    Yes. Make certain Emily shows up, promptly. The Show begins at six (unless you have a mod that changes the start and end time). Kayleigh wishes Emily the best of luck.

    Thank you @GalacticGal Luckily there are no High School Graduations that week so she can go to the ceremony with no interruptions.
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,919 Member
    @GalacticGal , WOW! talking about intruder indeed :o:s

    Gotta love those Obsessed Fans. LOL
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    manicpot8tomanicpot8to Posts: 224 Member
    @GalacticGal that was a fun update. I loved that Cadence whipped his butt! The audacity of that guy.
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    BlueSeaWavesBlueSeaWaves Posts: 4,569 Member
    Just reached p.1356, gonna have dinner and get some rest. Great updates everyone🙂

    P.1354 Thanks, gonna download them!😁 The build looks awesome, seriously awesome work!
    P.1355 Looks good on the inside👌

    P.1354 Thank you, haha they targeted anyone who had valuables 😁 but they’ve stopped with police on their trail😉
    Wow wasn’t expecting Don to show up as well. Shame on him, pretending to be a caring fiancee while she’s his own child. Looking forward to whats next

    P.1354 Nice to see the family again, Sugar looks sooo fluffy☺️ Her watching over the twins🥰 Love the shot of Sugar smiling while watching Salt, like Salt’s showing off a new move☺️
    P.1355 Maybe he could dress like Father Winter😆 I’m happy with how it ended🙂

    P.1354 I like how decorated Mary’s home is

    P.1354 Glad Summer is doing what she wants🙂 Oof Cody😵‍💫

    P.1355 Congrats and good luck to Emily! Awesome remodeling😁

    P.1355 Congrats on the business taking off😁 Enjoyed their time out dining out, Tommy’s reactions 😆

    P.1355 Very nice screenshots in the jungle! The scenery is 👌

    P.1355 Congrats to Erik on the new releases🙂 Loved Jamison congratulating his brother. Oh my, that fan! He got what he deserved handed to him. Well done Cadence, saved harvest fest.
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,141 Member
    edited February 2
    My new hours at work are taking some time to get used to. I'm having to work out a new routine to free up more time after work. On the other hand I have a vacation coming up in two weeks so I'll get caught up again then if I don't before. In meantime I'll try to tread water at least.😁 I only got through page 1348 tonight.

    I don't think I've ever downloaded a lot from the gallery, TSR, or anywhere else that I haven't made changes to it. That's not a knock against the creators, I'm very finicky about my lots and their layouts. As long as the lot doesn't require huge changes I'm good with grabbing it. I always build rooms slightly bigger than is totally necessary to avoid making it too cluttered and difficult to take screenshots in. I put the camera down at floor level and go all around the room/lot checking how easy it is to get shots from any angle.

    Ruby and Kien make a lovely couple and they do have a wonderful family. I'm sure Ruby's toaster would agree.🤣 I really like the second picture, but number three is good too!

    I love your "One Sheet". The captions and the pictures fit together so well.🙂 That was a lovely little scene with Jon and Jac and it captured their friendship perfectly.🥰

    When I got to the shot of Annette at the bar in Moonwood Mill I couldn't help it, I started singing the theme to 'Cheers'.🤣

    I wouldn't have guessed that Jacques Villarreal is a nudist and yet I can't help thinking it makes sense. Creepy old dude walking around sans apparel in front of a young woman seems totally on brand.😬 I hope things work out for Nina but I have a feeling they're getting to get worse before they get better.

    It's interesting as I was going down this page and seeing what my Starlight venue looked like a week ago compared to what it is now.🤔

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    mightyspritemightysprite Posts: 6,065 Member
    Bad Pianist Has Baby Toys Everywhere

    Plus: plenty of infants, teen werewolves, and one increasingly intrusive ghost...
    more here

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    Lucy_HenleyLucy_Henley Posts: 2,997 Member
    I’ve never had an Obsessed Fan. My famous Sims nearly always get Refined Palate as a Fame Quirk, and occasionally Emotion Bomb or Vain Street (usually if they’ve been having to practise the charisma skill for work). I’ve not encountered the other ones!
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    Dust_Bunny2010Dust_Bunny2010 Posts: 163 Member
    edited February 2
    Oh god, a creep! It's a good thing he got arrested.

    Hopefully she'll be a good mom. :D

    Oh I heard about that! Is it a good show?

    While Luise is busy figuring her life out and trying to not freak out that her eldest inherited her eye colour, I figured I could use a breather from her dramatic life and go check in on Annette. Just a reminder this is also a casual play and not legacy, it's just that I incorporated some of those ideas into her life because having money and a house from the get go is boring and unrealistic (unless you were born with good breeding or your parents freakishly won the lottery before you were born and are currently hiding from their relatives under new identities).
    Warning: may contain subjective opinions and sensitive political terms
    Disclaimer: the words and opinions of the following fictional characters do not accurately reflect the writer's own personal opinions

    So much for being non-dramatic. How on earth did she manage to still catch the attention of a vampire and a mermaid? And well, a jock, but who cares about that? At least it was one of the non-evil vampires. Not that she knew what they were anyway.

    Next day, she'd gone to the gym. It was practical life advice her late mum had given her: "if for some weird reason you end up being scammed into buying a large expanse of empty land and all your money is gone, you can get free showers and use the toilet in a gym." So that's what she did. And look who was also there.

    "Oh my Watcher, I feel like I'm going to die! Nalani, I don't know how you talked me into this, but I swear to Watcher, if I survive this, I'm going to throw you into the ocean."

    "Hey, you're free to anytime. I love the ocean."

    "Oh my Watcher I really am going to die..."

    A few weeks (a few hours, I dunno, sim time to real life time conversion is complicated) later, after a lot of digging, scraping, and doing just about anything under the sun, Annette was able to buy a guitar to earn some money by busking...

    Unfortunately, busking doesn't come easy when the places you go to are randomly visited by celebrities who are attention hogs.

    And so, after an incredibly...unprofitable and pointless night of busking, she went on home to her very empty land.

    'Okay, no, that's it, enough is enough! I can't keep using showers in the gym, or sleeping out in the streets in the cold, or just preparing to die because I got scammed! If I'm stuck with a damp, swampy parcel of dirt, then by Watcher it's going to be the best damp, swampy parcel of dirt in the entire town.'



    'Okay, not the best, but it's livable and there's a roof over my head. At least I won't get rained on and I can have peace and quiet away from people and I can just focus on my gardeni-...'


    'Blast it, I spoke too soon! Why, Watcher, whyyy?! Who visits someone they've known for like...2 or 3 weeks at 2 AM in the morning? What was his name again? Jay-something...' Annette bit her lip to suppress her own screaming once she saw her...acquaintance, yes, that was the word, on her driveway, after a really long and tiring walk on really wet pavement from the nightclub. 'Be nice, Annette, be nice...1...2...3...okay...'

    Annette plastered on a smile on her face, but knew it fell through when her discomfort from lack of sleep fell through, but she can still at least try to be kind. "Hi...erm...Jayden, right? It's good to see you again, but why are you here?"


    And then he said something about how things were currently rough for him and he needed a place to stay or something. She didn't really follow because she was busy trying to keep awake. And at this point, her exhaustion was so great that she was bound to be extremely suggestible. "Alright...welcome to my home Jayden. Just please, remember to clean up after yourself. I'll see you in the morning because I really need to sleep."


    'I really hope I don't come to regret this...'


    Of course, having a guest meant she had to shell out some money for an extra bed. Well, she could always resell it, and from the way he worded it, he seemed to be in a really rough spot, so it's not like she could turn him down if he ended up on her threshold, someone who was practically a stranger and off in her own lone circle. That would be incredibly inhumane.


    Still, leaving the luggage on the driveway and expecting the host to carry it in did not make a great first impression make. 'Oh boy...'



    For the most part, it was just like having a roommate. Granted, it was a roommate of the opposite sex she had no history whatsoever with who slept in his underwear and went to work in leotards, doesn't contribute to the bills, and essentially seemed to be the diametric opposite of her social existence, but yes, it was just like having a roommate.


    A few days later Annette was grumbling while tilling at the dirt and planting. She'd managed to somehow, someway, bag a job as a gardener and finally had a source of income. However, that just made her a bit more tired and a lot more snippy. 'Agh! That guy! I know I said he didn't have to help around the house and he could just look after himself until whatever his problem is gets fixed, but it would be nice if he at least asked if he can help clean or something. I wouldn't even actually make him clean; I just want him to ask!'


    Soon enough, Jayden came home from...whatever it was he was doing. Annette doubted it was work because it was his day off. He was probably jogging, which, fair, if it made him feel great, by all means, but she couldn't imagine wanting to jog around a swampy bayou. Maybe that was just her, since the land was extremely annoying to deal with for her plants and she had to pick at the mud and make sure none of them developed root rot. "Heeey, Annette. what's up?"

    'More like what's down, since I'm down here scooping up dirt and are you really just eating chicken nuggets without sharing or even offering any while I'm starving over here worrying about my bills?'


    'Hoooh...keep it cool. Keep it cool, Annette. He's a very nice guy, just a little bit...yea, it's just the culture clash. Be kind.'


    Annette picked up his plate and threw it away after he just left it on the ground, keeping a calm face and sighing once she turned the corner. 'Oh forget it. It's just going to be a few more days...anyway, if it does become intolerable, I can always just push him out the door. Of course, I doubt I can literally push a tall, buff guy out the door, but whatever.'


    'Why is there a random plate of fruitcake on my driveway? Ugh...I hate fruitcake, but I'm so hungry at this point I'll eat even that.'


    A few more days passed, and Annette became used to having Jayden around. Sure, his behavior was dancing in front of the rubbish when there's no music.


    But overall, it at least helped her deal with her social anxiety. Sure, she really hated being around people, but she can deal with one person, and it helped that that one person was very extroverted and did most of the talking for both of them. They both talked about their respective jobs, the weather, and- wait, what's that noise behind them?

    She turned back and saw something familiar. Not wanting to spook the figures off, she discreetly brought out her phone and zoomed in on the figures with her camera and saw something quite unexpected.


    It's the Landgraab heir, Malcolm, and some other teen girl. It looks like they were having some sort of midnight rendezvous. 'Odd, from the rumours Ms. Crumplebottom told me, I thought he was engaged to be engaged to her great niece-in-law. It can't be...nope, this is not my business, I refuse to speculate. But still, it can't be...right?' Uncertain of what to do, she fumbled and accidentally tapped her screen and captured the scene. Unfortunately, she left the flash on.


    Spooked by the light, the teens dispersed and split up right away.


    The morning after, Annette was still acting off, perturbed by the sight and uncertain of what exactly what to do. Jayden still wasn't what she would call a...friend, not that she needed any, but he got better at reading her temperament. So he sat her down and asked what was wrong. Of course, she didn't reveal anything because she didn't want to jump to conclusions, and she doubted he'd even know the intricacies of the aristocracy and bourgeoisie so they began to talk about other, more lighthearted things.

    Jayden talked a lot about his life, and he talked about his friends, like his core group with some comedian-slash-photographer who's obsessed with Simstagram and a set of fraternal twins, and even his college years at some place called Foxbury, where he made some friend in computer science whom he's sure she'd get along with.

    'Wait, is he trying to set me up with one of his friends? Dating's even worse than hanging out!'

    He also talked about his girlfriend who was a mixologist but loved to dance and was apparently a Latinx woman, at least according to her profile, when he showed off her Simstagram.

    'What the heck is a 'Latinx woman?' That's like, an absolute dichotomy, and no self-respecting non-binary first-language Spanish speaking Latin Simerican I know would use 'Latin-equis' even in writing because it sounds like outsider saviour complex crud.'

    Still, he was very lively when talking about them, and a part of her admired him with a little envy. He was popular for all the right reasons, and while she really didn't like people and couldn't care less about having friends, she sort-of wished she had his charisma and machismo, if only to be able to deal with people and fend them off more easily.

    She reciprocated in kind, to a limited degree, and told mundane bits of her life in the Old Country before moving to SimNation. It was the first time she opened up to someone; though she obviously didn't spill too much and kept most of the cards close to her heart. They would talk about some things, most of them boring, but some funny and the tension she felt against him just chipped away. He even suggested again the idea of hooking her up with that college friend who was studying to be a mechanical engineer, though she discreetly shot that idea down.

    Eventually the day before his departure arrived, and as much as she would reluctantly admit it, she supposed she would...miss him and that she she could call him a...friend. "Here, if you ever get into any trouble again, feel free to rest at my house anytime. Just be sure not to bring other people without telling me in advance."
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    ChuChuExpressChuChuExpress Posts: 3,228 Member
    Thank you, @BlueSeaWaves!
    Sims 4 Family: Benjamin, Shine, Princess Roddy, Sophia and Hamish Furystrykar and Shelly Heart. Princess Roddy is my avatar, and he's a boy!
    Let those smiles spread!
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    CaerfinonCaerfinon Posts: 748 Member
    edited February 2
    Isabella Sparacino on the set of a historical period piece. Make-up and wardrobe apparently were in a "Judith Ward" look alike mood today which was OK, and it's always fun when there's a little swordplay involved. But all this action while wearing a very constricting whale bone corset is a little too much realism. A girl still has to be able to move and breath for heaven's sake.

    Post edited by Caerfinon on
    Traits: 🐶Dog Lover, 🎨Creative, 😑Loner
    My Stories: 🤷🏻🐕 Simmer Tales a comic look at Sims 4 | 🌐A Sim's Life - Comic observations | 🌌Galaxy Far Away - Adventures on Batuu | 🌃Dark Matters - Crime stories
    My CC: 🎨 Caerfinon's Sims 4 Custom Content
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    CaerfinonCaerfinon Posts: 748 Member
    Detective Morse moved out of his city apparent to a small cottage in Windenberg. On his day off he thought he would cycle up to the Von Haunt Estate to get familiar with his new neighbourhood.


    While there he had a rather interesting encounter with a former occupant of the estate while inadvertently recreating the famous chess scene form the Ingamar Bergman film The Seventh Seal ♛♙


    Traits: 🐶Dog Lover, 🎨Creative, 😑Loner
    My Stories: 🤷🏻🐕 Simmer Tales a comic look at Sims 4 | 🌐A Sim's Life - Comic observations | 🌌Galaxy Far Away - Adventures on Batuu | 🌃Dark Matters - Crime stories
    My CC: 🎨 Caerfinon's Sims 4 Custom Content
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,141 Member
    @Dust_Bunny2010 It’s a really good show. I can’t remember which one of the streamers has it now. I think it’s on Paramount but I’m not entirely sure. It’s worth a watch.🙂

    I started to do a bit of tinkering with the Starlight build and discovered that I hadn’t finished the second floor of the coffee shop. So that’s what I did with my time before work. I need to add a little bit more lighting and a few computers to finish the internet café portion of the build.


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    CaerfinonCaerfinon Posts: 748 Member
    edited February 2
    @DaniRose2143 nice warm little cafe you got there. Perfect for an after awards show Scone & ‘Mericano
    Post edited by Caerfinon on
    Traits: 🐶Dog Lover, 🎨Creative, 😑Loner
    My Stories: 🤷🏻🐕 Simmer Tales a comic look at Sims 4 | 🌐A Sim's Life - Comic observations | 🌌Galaxy Far Away - Adventures on Batuu | 🌃Dark Matters - Crime stories
    My CC: 🎨 Caerfinon's Sims 4 Custom Content
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,141 Member
    @Caerfinon Thank you🙂 You need that after partying the night away in the lounge that’s going in above the ceremony hall. It’s good for all the crowds at the nightclubs in the area too and the day shift worker bees on their way to the corporate hives.😁
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    SmellincoffeeSmellincoffee Posts: 971 Member
    I was going to do a legacy as Bob Newbie in which neither he nor his heirs were allowed to hold jobs, but honestly....Bob was making so much money from gardening and fishing that the challenge quickly disappeared. So, for now, I've switched to doing a playthrough based on the singer-songwriter I've been Obssessed With for 2+ years now, Morgan Wade. She's a young guitarist/songwriter from Floyd, Virginia, and is the only musician I've ever bought t-shirts, posters, and concert tickets for. (Her genre is mostly dark country/rock, but in her last album she got a little pop-ish with some pieces like "Eighties Movie" and "Fall in Love with Me".)


    I began Morgan as a young adult in a trailer in Willow Creek and began working on her guitar & singing skills, then she hit the Blue Velvet. She plays there 3-5 times a week, having fish and chips and then going for a run before she goes to bed. In the beginning she was averaging $1000 or so every week, but once she was able to write songs, things sped up. After her first four seasons, she'd racked up $50,000 just from tips and publishing royalties. Every time she was invited some place, she brought her guitar and would play for crowds. During a rooftop talent search in Del Sol, she was picked up and would become a proper celebrity.

    Morgan's trailer

    Getting to work

    Morgan has a number of strong friendships, but especially so with Becca Clark, Lien Sadya, and Liberty Lee.


    For those who are interested, I uploaded her to the gallery. I minimized using expansion packs, but it still says modded for some reason. Just searching for #morganwade should do it, since I'm the only person who's tried making some likeness of her. I am not satisfied with it, but I've never tried making a close resemblance in Sims 4, and will keep tinkering...

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    EllupelluelluEllupelluellu Posts: 7,198 Member
    @Caerfinon , chess with Mimsy pic is great! :smiley:
    @DaniRose2143 , you make it so hard to me to resist build/buy CC :D Looks brilliant!
    @Smellincoffee , YAY, congrats to Morgan :smile:
    My love, my love, my fearless love, I will not say goodbye..
    Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
    My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
    Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
    My Story:Villa Catarina
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    Brd709Brd709 Posts: 2,141 Member
    One more before my Harvestfest 2001 update.

    As soon as my sim self's wife Emily and family arrived at the Starlight Accolades event, they were calling her name up straight away! She won the award for best song. Here she is collecting her first ever award and giving her thank you speech:

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    BeckyI7FanBeckyI7Fan Posts: 123 Member
    ABC challenge
    Household #4: Dylan Sheppard

    Being played as a rags to riches also. He's a entertainer with a Renaissance Sim Aspiration.

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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,919 Member
    edited February 2
    @GalacticGal that was a fun update. I loved that Cadence whipped his butt! The audacity of that guy.

    Thank you so much. It was certainly a wild gameplay session, that mostly was autonomous, LOL I had a horrific time getting Cory and the other Obsessed Fan off of the lot, too. MCCC cheat wasn't working. I almost went on Discord to get some advice, then I checked some of the options given with the Road to Fame mod, and sure enough, there was a command 'remove from lot' Yay

    @BlueSeaWaves Thank you so much, above mentions what I went through with that gaming session. :open_mouth:
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,919 Member
    I’ve never had an Obsessed Fan. My famous Sims nearly always get Refined Palate as a Fame Quirk, and occasionally Emotion Bomb or Vain Street (usually if they’ve been having to practise the charisma skill for work). I’ve not encountered the other ones!

    That's because the other ones are courtesy of the Road to Fame mod. Now you can see why I love that mod. LOL It's a tad more realistic in its own quirky way. Also, the ability to create album and go on photoshoots and acting gigs, is also part of this mod.
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    EllupelluelluEllupelluellu Posts: 7,198 Member
    @Brd709 Heyy, congrats to Emily!!!!!! :smiley:
    My love, my love, my fearless love, I will not say goodbye..
    Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
    My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
    Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
    My Story:Villa Catarina
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,919 Member
    edited February 2
    I love your story about Morgan. It is so much fun to have a musician basically start with nothing and rise in fame and fortune. If you ever wish to see her gain a Starlight Accolade for Best Song, she will need to produce just music, no lyrics. That's how Erik is gaining recognition. In my personal head canon his music has lyrics. He is a singer, after all. Just passing along to you what others passed along to me.

    Congratulations. What a thrill. Keep churning them out and give Erik a run for his money. LOL
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    Kellogg_J_KelloggKellogg_J_Kellogg Posts: 1,556 Member
    A major character died...steamed to death at the Perfect Balance Spa. Judith Ward was the first to find the body.


    An accident? Well, he had been under a lot of stress and he has been known to over-exert himself exercising...but is that someone locking the door to the sauna whilst he was still in there?


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    Kellogg_J_KelloggKellogg_J_Kellogg Posts: 1,556 Member
    A major character died...steamed to death at the Perfect Balance Spa. Judith Ward was the first to find the body.


    An accident? Well, he had been under a lot of stress and he has been known to over-exert himself exercising...but is that someone locking the door to the sauna whilst he was still in there?


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