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What do you want in Sims 5



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    passionfruitpassionfruit Posts: 218 Member
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    simmeroriginsimmerorigin Posts: 1,477 Member
    At launch - No rabbit hole community lots. Only rabbit hole jobs.

    That means a basic cash register retail system for groceries and other basics. In other words, match The Sims 2 (2004).
    He/him | Simmer since Sims 1 | Sims 2 wants-based rotational player, Sims 3 legacy player | My gameplay rules via PleasantSims | Bring back challenge and depth to the Sims:
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    davina1221davina1221 Posts: 3,658 Member
    edited January 1
    Personally, I think it is too soon for Sims 5, because rushing to compete with the newer games coming out means not getting things right. I want:

    Open world- no loading screens; hate them.
    CAW and ability to manipulate terrain
    No rabbit holes; everything working and citizens at those jobs and buying things at a store and not on a build buy catalogue unless you want to.

    Sims looking at they are now to more realized look; no cartoon looks
    All life stages and all seasons from the beginning
    More ways to make money; full time lottery, slot machines, wishing well, ect.
    Ability to have all kinds of animals and farm animals with no count on the family count at all
    Family count risen. Some families like lots of children or maybe the grandparents and all kids on one lot.
    Long hair- if people not working on the game can make them, then why not the ones who make the games?

    Something we lost with Sims4 and that is large lots and many lots. It is highly rediculous to get a new world and have only a few lots to build or buy and all of them are smaller. I played 64x64 nearly all the time in the Sims 3
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    passionfruitpassionfruit Posts: 218 Member
    I'd like to be able to call for Lyft/Uber/Taxi over the phone.
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    DivinylsFanDivinylsFan Posts: 1,279 Member
    @davina1221 loading screens are probably a way to save game size/workload on the ole computer while playing in each location.
    I remember with The Sims 2 the loading screens were a good time to go make a cup of tea. It wasn't good if it wasn't paused when it gets there though because you might not be back yet, so turn up the volume and hear the music and then voices at the other end of the house as a cue, run back and hit pause. All part of the fun.
    With the Sims 3 the constant white boxes while panning or changing the view or traveling from here to there, gets annoying too and the bigger the game gets and more progressed, the quicker and more sensitive they are to happen and for longer. At least with loading screens they are expected and they don't compel you to sit there watching the process, you can go do something else or at least have a stretch.
    Maybe while computers have improved since then, it wouldn't be necessary for either scenario, unless the new game and programming catch up with that new capacity with some other powerful thing, cancelling it out.
    So I'd like Sims 5 to have new revolutionary programming that doesn't use up your whole computer, while still remaining a for PC game.

    I remember you from university, I still have your story.
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    OccultmasterOccultmaster Posts: 129 Member
    Sims 5 needs more Lifestates, just add more Occults and Aliens to your Sims universe to expand upon it.
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    RiamusRiamus Posts: 2 New Member
    I would like to see...

    * An open world like in Sims 3, where you can travel around rather than just loading into mini areas that have nothing much in them.
    * Vacation options where you can hunt tombs or wherever for stuff that has traps and so on but where you can reset it after completing it. Being only able to do the stuff one time per save is not great when you want to have a multi-generation game. Let it reset every so often (not every trip since sometimes you need multiple trips to complete it) and have each reset have variations so it's not exactly the same every time.
    * Some way to search for a specific interaction when you just can't seem to find what you want... this could just be in an in-game help system or some other method. I know I had to Google how to do a toast in Sims 4 because I just could not find the interaction and there shouldn't be a reason to Google how to do an interaction if it's developed well. It could even be a tooltip for any "quest" that says to perform an interaction, where you hover over it and it tells you how to do it.
    * Weather/Seasons should definitely be in the base game, as should some decent child stuff rather than having to get a lot of packs just to have decent interactions with your kids.
    * They are saying multiplayer content, but that it's optional... I'd hope that you can do basically everything even if you don't want anything to do with multiplayer. If it's just being able to receive user-created content in the game, that's fine. Though, one thing I'd be interested in with multiplayer content is to have the ability to have a really open world where the families and houses that you find as you travel around are "snapshots" from other players' games (that they choose to share). By snapshot, I mean that once it's in your game it doesn't change based on what the other players do and just runs as usual. But this way, you could see more interesting families and houses than just the limited options that you get from prebuilt stuff from EA. Just so long as you don't see other players actively playing characters in your game, I'm probably fine with how they do stuff.
    * More aspirations to do and preferably with them being more organic.
    * The ability to have multiple households that you control at once. If I split my household into multiple households as it gets larger through multiple generations, I would like to easily take control of any of my characters without loading into the different households one at a time. It can allow you to remove households from your direct control entirely for when you don't care about one anymore and can even have a limit to the number of different households you can actively manage (at least 5).
    * More personalities for the Sims. And memories of what has happened with every other Sim they've met, allowing them to develop different feelings and thoughts about other Sims that influence how they interact with them. These should *not* be extremely bad feelings that can't go away and can't be fixed (if a Sim hates another because of the past, you should, as a player, be able to put them back to friends without too much time and effort if you choose to do so). However, there isn't anything wrong with remembering that someone insulted the Sim dozens of times and being upset about that in their automatic interactions unless/until the player works to alleviate that feeling in some way. This works better for minor feelings rather than major feelings (disdain vs hate) to prevent annoying gameplay.
    * Sims should not ignore commands given to them just because another Sim is in the way or interacting with an object or another Sim. If you tell a Sim to do something, they should do it even if they have to wait for another Sim to get out of the way. For example, if you tell a Sim to take a shower and another Sim is in the bathroom, in Sims 4 (I forget the older versions) they would be embarrassed for walking in on the other Sim (depending what that Sim was doing) and then leave and remove the command from their list instead of leaving and waiting until the other Sim is out of the bathroom and then going in to take the shower you told them to take. Player-issued commands should always be completed unless there is a very good reason to dismiss the command (such as if you tell the Sim to use the computer and then the computer breaks before they use it, or you remove the computer from the house).
    * Autosave every X minutes to an autosave file that is different from the files you manually save so that if something messes up and you haven't manually saved recently, you won't have to load a really old save. And, at the same time, if you don't like something that happened before an autosave, you can still load your own manual save. Being stuck without a good save to load because autosave kicked in right after something bad happened isn't good, so a mix of manual and auto saves is important.
    * Easier ways to decorate for holidays. Having a specific UI for decorating for holidays would be really nice. Being able to set specific objects to be placed in specific places for certain holidays (removing whatever is there) and setting specific lighting and stuff would be great. Having to manually go in and place a tree and fireplace and train and lights for Christmas, for example, and then remove it all one by one afterwards can be a pain. If you can set up how certain items are placed and then just click a Decorate for Holiday button and pick a saved "preset" that only changes the specific things you choose, it would be really great. When you're ready to change back, you can choose another preset. Note that this should be set so that you pick specific items and tell the game where to place them and it doesn't change anything else other than remove whatever might be in that location. This way, you can still make other changes to the house without having to update the presets with those changes. And this should include the outside lights and stuff so you don't have to use an object in order to change the decorations.
    * Some form of tracked "DNA" for Sims. We already see children getting similar hair color and skin tone as parents, but it would be nice to have a more detailed tracking of various traits so that after multiple generations, children are able to inherit a variety of traits based on multiple generations of ancestors.
    * Create-A-Sim should have the ability to lock specific things about the Sim so that you can choose Random to get random outfits without it changing hair color and style and anything else you might not want to change. After all, unless we're talking about dying hair, your hair color should stay the same even if you randomize your clothing.
    * Likes and Dislikes that are more organic and relate to a wide variety of things rather than the limited number we see now. And no "Do you want to "like" something?" questions... it should just automatically like or dislike stuff. Give the player an option to remove a like or dislike that they don't want their Sim to have with a potion or spell or even just with Create-A-Sim, but make it automatic to gain these likes and dislikes rather than asking and have a lot more of them. And have them become part of how the Sim interacts throughout the game. Does your baby like Applesauce and hate Peas when you try real food with them? If so, then as an adult, they should get upset if you make them eat peas or happy if you make them eat applesauce.
    * Provide a way to save a Sim who might be in the process of dying if you're nearby with another Sim. For example, if a Sim is drowning, have the option to have a nearby (player-controlled) Sim try to rescue the Sim before they die or even to perform CPR with a chance to save them. The whole "plead with the Grim Reaper" thing is okay but not really great.
    * Do not have ghost children get taken away by child services for any reason. It isn't like they have actual needs as ghosts.
    * Have a lot of different collections you can work to complete and a way to display them... in your house if you choose, as well as a UI that lets you see them all as items rather than text if you don't want to fill your house up like a museum.
    * For any kind of selling/trading that is available in the game for player-crafted items, make those items that are purchased appear in the other Sim's inventory/house. If you sell food to an AI Sim, they either eat it immediately or hold it and have it available to eat the next time they are hungry. If you sell a statue to an AI Sim, then when you visit their house later, you'll see the statue somewhere in their house... at least for one Sim "year", after which they can remove it and put something else there.

    That's a good start for what I'd like to see in The Sims 5. :)
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    ArzekialArzekial Posts: 665 Member
    My biggest hope is that all Sim behavior is directly linked to traits and they don't all do the same same things like stomp around in mud puddles or the goofball greeting or the double handed spazz wave for teens- just a few examples. Those could be attatched to goofball and maybe even cringe or whatever. Have greetings according to trait type. Snobby greeting, lazy greeting, energetic/enthusiastic greetings, etc.. When they all have the same behavior they seem more like little programs rather than little people. Also, I've noticed sims cleaning a certain desk/chair even if they don't have the neat trait. Not sure if that's a bug or what, but all sims seem to do it.

    A few more examples - Ambitious/overachiever sims will automaticall work on skills, requirements for jobs and school. Snob sims will get the ability to like or dislike different art and decor. I feel like the game wouldn't have needed all these other systems (likes/dislikes, wants/needs, lifestyles) if the traits were properly fleshed out in the first place. Like, the loves outdoors trait - I can't get my sim to stay outside the house with that trait. They will always run back inside and hop on the computer and stay indoors until they get the cooped up moodlet, yet they won't do anything about it. Basically it seems like a broken trait.

    Something else I'd like to see is for sims to have a social area of affect - you know how in some stealth games there's a circle around an enemy and when you enter that circle you are spotted... Well, why not use the same idea for sims? Have all sims have a social AOE, this might fix the issue of sims popping up in the conversation bar, yet they are clear across the other side of the map. Then my sims are standing there staring at each other for a hour waiting for them to walk up and talk to them.

    Anyhow, that's just a few things I'd like to see for next Sims game. (and fixed in Sims 4 :P)
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    suepixelssuepixels Posts: 161 Member
    edited February 20
    Sims Next Gen
    • I'm very skeptical. if it doesn't have the best features from TS2, TS3 and TS4? I don't want it. Period!
    • TS2: Zodiac Signs, Turn On/Turn Off, Chemistry System, Relationship-System, Options to sort the items in individual categories (yes we had that option 20 years ago) World Tool - to create new worlds with templates and blank.
    • TS3: Open World/ Open Neighborhood at least, Color Wheel
    • TS4: Style, CAS (with more opportunities regarding sliders to represent the diversity of all sizes/facial features etc. Size of Lips, bigger hips, etc.) BUY, BUILD Tools - A height difference slider would be great!

    • Dark mode
    • less / no loading screen
    • turn on/off addon features
    • turn on/off music in build mode but keep the music in buy mode for stereo/audio
    • better gallery photos
    • better Gallery Filter (by year, multiple #hashtag search etc.)
    • If you create a new lot type this should be available on the gallery (looking at your penthouse, apartment, rental, hidden lots etc.)

    • more accurate animations/dynamics (as we used to have in TS2 vs. TS4, regarding activities)
    • The lackluster of loving relationships are horrible in TS4. I want them to cuddle after wooho, holding hands and walking together to a location, Sitting or chilling together on a sofa (Partner watches TV other lays on the sofa/loveseat with their legs on the lap of the partner) I simply want to see that they are really together. Togetherness is the key to adoring a couple!

    The animations make or break the game for me. If there aren't enough or well-executed animations in the basegame it feels quickly repetitive. This should not be the case for a sandbox game.

    • adjusting diverse relationship types such as lover, affair, crush, boy/girlfriend, acquaintance, co-worker friend, school friend, first love/crush, polyamory, etc.
    • You can be friends with a person from work and it should be labeled like that!
    • All Relationship Types should be editable in CAS!
    • Relationships need more depth and they should only decay or improve based on activities

    The relationship edit feature would be needed if you create stories with crushes, affairs, etc. Boy/Girlfriend should be a thing in CAS!

    Other things. If you create
    • more wall heights? Deliver sets of Windows/Doors for all heights. (Don't neglect certain heights as you did in TS4)
    • exterior furniture: Fences, fence gates, posts, columns, railings, and stairs (complete sets)
    • Furniture Sets: Living: Loveseat, Sofa, Armchair and Coffee table. Beds: for all ages same style. Kitchen Sets: Counters, Clutter, "Barstool, Dining Chair, Bar (2+3Tile)

    In general, I want complete sets. Not only one or two pieces of this and that. I don't want to rely on the community for a complete set. This is EA's job to do! The same goes for the assets in CAS. If you go for a theme provide EQUAL ASSETS for ALL CATEGORIES, AGES, and GENDERS - not just parts of it. Make us happy by working and providing complete sets. Example: 3 pants? Provide them for all ages and genders. One mesh that needs only little adjustments for the ages but it makes a huge difference in opportunities for the player. This would give us the freedom to be so much more creative.

    If you go for a BOHO theme, for example, we need items in all categories for that: Hair, Shoes, Clothes, ACC, etc. for ALL AGES and GENDERS.

    I don't want to have only 20% or 45% of a theme! I want the team to deliver 100% effort into delivering complete sets.

    If I don't get that? There are now options out there. I love Paralives! Don't vibe with LBY, tho! Not my style but I love the opportunities, partly this is what I thought Sims 4 would have - as we know that did not happen.

    • I don't want multiplayer! This is a single-player game for a reason! Everything multi-related EA did with the Sims failed. Look, don't experiment in that area and dub in a field Simmers don't want. Listen to the Sims Community!
    • Don't make it a huge feature! Optional is fine but seriously this should not be the main focus and selling point but rather the features and opportunities you deliver for GAMEPLAY and diversity in creating our worlds to OUR LIKING.
    • I want a solid basegame with complete sets and equal treatment for all ages/genders, tools to create a world to my liking, and enough animations to keep me entertained without me feeling it's repetitive!
    • For me the basegame must feel complete and fully fleshed out to consider it to buy it on the release date! If not? I won't buy it. It's that simple!
    Post edited by suepixels on
    Passionate Sim-Architect & Storyteller on Tumblr. If u can imagine u can make it happen B)
    Industrial, Steampunk & Modern Architecture. Yup Simmies, too!

    EA ID suepixels | Tags #suepixels
    Sue's Architecture | Sue's Stories | Wedding Stuff Pack Ideas
    Tumblr: suepixels | Twitter suepixels
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    simmeroriginsimmerorigin Posts: 1,477 Member
    edited February 20
    Every single employee working on the Sims 5 should watch this entire 48-minute video from start to finish. I want the Sims 5 to address these problems. This is a video essay that synthesizes feedback from multiple sources, including a diverse array of content creators and reviewers.

    Asmara's "So...What Happened to the Sims 4 | Part Two: The Downfall"
    He/him | Simmer since Sims 1 | Sims 2 wants-based rotational player, Sims 3 legacy player | My gameplay rules via PleasantSims | Bring back challenge and depth to the Sims:
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