The final, special edition of the Friday Highlights has been posted here. Take a trip down memory lane with us.
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 29,082 Member
    @BlueSeaWaves Erik did give each of his daughters a lesson in saying they're sorry. They didn't get off without the scolding. I have no clue what happened. Jamison just did a 180 when he aged up. He went through the last part of his Toddlerhood feeling as if there was no attention left for him. This he brought with him into his Childhood, sadly. Which was why Erik got the treehouse kit, in the first place. I believe the decorations were the playing pirate interaction. I had Jamison drink the Dynamic No More potion to remove it from both of his sisters. Now, I just have to have them build a nicer relationship.
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,259 Member
    @BlueSeaWaves 500gb!?! Wow! The largest my mods folder ever got was just over a year ago. It was 117gb before I slimmed it down. It's around 80gb right now. Thank you for the kind words about the club!🙂
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    StarfreeStarfree Posts: 1,471 Member
    @Ersa_Middleton great start to your story! Can't wait for more 👍.
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    Lucy_HenleyLucy_Henley Posts: 3,008 Member
    I see we’ve got a patch today. Since it’s just bug fixes I’m guessing it’s not going to affect mods too much.
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    SmellincoffeeSmellincoffee Posts: 1,001 Member

    Consort Capp recently wed Elizabeth Aspir in a ceremony that brought visitors far and wide. Capp and his younger business partner’s longrunning affair have been an increasingly open secret, but it was Mrs. Aspir who brought it into full view when she proposed to the elder Capp. Things are going quite nicely for the Capp family: the Montys began imploding even before Patrizio died, and the Capp financial empire grows every day. Both Tybalt and Juliet have secured good marriages, to Violet Jocque and Tank Grunt respectively, and the other branches of the family are pursuing money and power as is the good Capp way. Bianca Monty, who reached out in friendship to the Capps to bury the hatchet between the feuding families, found herself defamed by her family and has become one of Consort’s junior law partners.

    Angela Grunt dead from a meteroite? Fake. News.

    General Buzz Grunt, Grand Marshall, recently declared war on space after a meteoroid destroyed his home. His wife, Angela (Pleasant) Grunt was very nearly killed. He’s subsequently built a new home, something the neighbors are secretly relieved about. “That huge wooden tower was an eyesore,” commented one lady who is definitely not named Olive Specter.


    The General was set up with Angela Pleasant after her best friend Juliette Capp joined the Grunts after an arranged marriage to Tank Grunt. Despite the circumstances, Juliette and Tank get on very well, both being children of domineering patriarchs who secretly wish they could do their own thing. The Pleasant-Grunt union is a little more unusual, but Angela is a woman of ambition, talent, and culture who has amassed quite a fortune and her own network of allies. She’ll no doubt become a formidable presence in the future. At any rate, Juliette is glad to have escaped Capp Manor, and she’s doubly glad to live with her soul sister.

    Angela & Juliette, each the sister they wish they'd had instead of their actual ones


    Dustin Brooks, formerly Dustin Broke, was recently divorced from his wife Lilith after she decided she’d rather be married to Francis J. Worthington II. It made no difference whatsoever, since their ‘marriage’ was largely fiction, done to keep Miranda Capp from pressuring Dustin into marrying her. As readers may remember, Miranda developed an acute case of twins after a night spent with Dustin, and (being a take-charge kind of gal) promptly moved in with Dustin. The children are now in elementary school, but Miranda hasn’t tried to use the ‘divorce’ to force Dustin into marrying her: she appears satisfied with his his current commitment to the kids. The two are not a romantic item, but Miranda may want to work on her seduction skills given the last item.


    Lucy and Brad

    Lucy Burb is off to college and out of the increasingly packed Burb household. After struggling to conceive in their early years, John & Jennifer Burb have had a proper litter of kids in recent years. Lucy has spent most of her life outside, when not trapped in school: weather permitting, she preferred her tree enclosure or tent-by-the-stream to a bed. Over the years her outside interests have saturated the Burb yard with an ever-expanding garden and chicken coop.

    They tried to send me to the hencoop, but I bawked 'no, no, no'


    She was an odd child, almost self raised: her parents worked all the time (John as an environmental manager, Jen as a cardiologist), so she was largely alone with her thoughts, the birds, and her garden. As a teenager, Lucy was completely detached from high school: it was a sentence to be served, not an experience she savored. She made one friend when her parents made her attend prom (an affair she spent stargazing), but that was it. Now that she’s on her own, she’s bought land in Moonwood Mills with the money she’s earned selling crops and painting, and created a tiny house. She intends to study biology at the university, but only on a part time basis.


    Casa de Lucy. So far the llama ("Kronk") is earning her keep. Not so much for Cow.

    Her plans are for her little plot to become a self-sufficient homestead. Dustin Brooks, who supported himself as a single teenager in a trailer through his own garden, has been coming round to compare notes with Lucy, and now as a college girl she finds herself in her first romance. To Lucy Dustin is another independent young person from a poorer background who refuses to make peace with the 9 to 5: to Dustin, Lucy is the rare person who knows more than he does about good soil, and (astonishingly) has no interest in things that bore him. They’ve bonded over weeds and rain-collector valve replacements. She’s wary of his reputation as a player (though as a dad of young kids, he can scarcely bring home women), and at any rate wants to live alone for a while developing her homestead and finishing school.

    * A meteorite fell and killed Angela without giving me time to make her run away, so I exercised The Watcher’s discretion and resurrected her. It gave me a nice excuse to tear down the Grunt house, which was ungainly to begin with and made worse by my brief attempt to establish a dungeon reform school for Ripp, Romeo, and Mercutio.

    Um, Francis...the police want a word with you.

    Yes, all of the adults ran out of the house and left the baby screaming. A+ parenting, guys.

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    Lucy_HenleyLucy_Henley Posts: 3,008 Member
    Well, I wanted to try and download the update but the internet on my PC is dreadful so I can’t update properly. I have no idea why it’s so bad. My phone and iPad are working fine.
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,259 Member
    I've been working on the next chapter of Under The Tartosan Sun. It's moving right along. I tested out some poses and did a quick throw together office for Jasmine. I have a couple of small tweaks to do before I do the shots I'm actually going to use. Some of you may notice a slight change to Jasmine's look. There were some accessories I needed for the poses I planned to use, a notebook and a cell phone, but they were under the hat section and her original hairstyle isn't hat compatible. So the textures showed up on her hair. I found another hair that mostly matched, the only real difference is this one has a single bun instead of the twin buns.

    Summer and Darian got to work on her cooking show too. Summer keeps going to the front of the counter to work and she has her back to the camera. I went into BB and moved the bowl where I wanted her to stand and then had her resume to get the shots. I might try a quick remodel to move the fridge closer to where she is in the pictures and reshoot the scene if it works.R2oU76p.png
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    Lucy_HenleyLucy_Henley Posts: 3,008 Member
    Restarted my computer and everything was fine. Now playing the game and everything seems fine. It’s always funny when you start up the game after a patch and the Sim you were last playing as is suddenly bald (or even bald and wearing underwear) because they normally have a CC hairstyle.
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,259 Member
    Congratulations to Erytheia, Xanthe, and Alexander. Taking a nap on the playground during your graduation ceremony would normally win a prize for strangest behavior. It was just his luck that the parents of the year showed up and stole the crown from him.🤣

    The Bramblewood is one of the best places in all of the sims worlds! I love that rainbow effect with the fist bumps.h Mmm, ramen sounds yummy!🙂

    No woman can resist talk of rain-collector valve replacements. I was ready to swoon just typing those four words.🤣 Lucy and Dustin are going to make an interesting pair. Just when I thought we'd met the 'Parents of the Year' winners The Kalani's, I'm going to have to ask them to give it back so I can give it to all the adults in the Worthington household. OMG! Leaving the baby in the burning house, right next to the fire is just...words fail me.😲
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    ddsims3worldddsims3world Posts: 4,519 Member
    @Ellupelluellu, I didn't even know about the Landgraab family members until I took a look through wiki since I don't usually focus much. But bouncer vs. sim fight in both Sims 3 & Sims 4 are indeed quite hilarious. That's pretty neat of what your sims can do with the sand as it looks like an island EP.

    @DaniRose2143, I agree which is already hard to pass when the sims could look amazing more so than not. Thanks for the feedback of Lauren.


    Anyway I'll show 2 version of the house that Lauren is living in this house.




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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    @Smellincoffee That is kind of a funny thing about them being close is with me Romeo is supposed to be working on Juliette and now Mercutio is going after Angela he called wanting to talk to her more I think was what it said (Pretty sure that's the mod.) That red hair gets to the Montys' lol. Poor baby but also kind of funny sims never know if they want to get over involved or forget their little ones entirely.
    @DaniRose2143 that is a really cute hair, seems like she just wanted her way cook for the camera now ha.
    @ddsims3world they both look nice but I love a nice reno.

    Mmkay so had some back to back family time, I let the Bachelors have a reunion on Christmas eve and Bella got engaged to Don who had to end the party half dressed for whatever reason lol. Then I decided to spend the actual day with the Pleasants.
    I usually get right to the point so Mary-Sue was still tired but the family party was starting early this morning and they had to get it all ready, I cheated her moods but the eye effect remained it was okay figured she'd be emotional. Anyways I found that Daniel barely knows his niece and he doesn't know his brother-in-law so only two of his sister's house were invited.
    It isn't their fault they are sort of busy but I am sure Jennifer was glad for a break after the new baby came, technically they were all meeting but family is family. Mary-Sue wanted to keep them on a schedule.
    She ate in the dining room I didn't think they needed another seat but it was probably for the best can't have a pregnant woman hunching on an ottoman.

    Immediately after eating it was time to open presents and then I realized I hadn't really registered that the punch bowl was there so I left it empty as decoration. Daniel got the best gift, a slablet he will not be sharing with anyone.
    Even though everyone got a present the present pile remained open because technically the rounds weren't complete, Daniel went to the bathroom and I had to tell him to go get something, it's totally fine. Anyhow I just left them to just be family and take pictures while thinking maybe he needs to go meet the rest of the family so they can come next time. Angela developed a mean streak, probably because she only got a post card so I sent her to her room, right to bed, everyone was getting seconds but that is it for you young lady.

    The dinner party ended but the extended family stayed back a bit and Mary-Sue went into labor, which then trigged Lilith getting a mean not collect 200 do not pass go unless you're going to your room. Lol, they ate most of the food before I sent them to the hospital. Little Trent Pleasant was born, he will be their final kid..

    So that was fun, a tip a family reunion or dinner party paired with a holiday is just good mmhmm.
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,259 Member
    Liberty and Matteo have an officiant! Matteo was right, his sister Allegra jumped at the chance.
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 29,082 Member
    Restarted my computer and everything was fine. Now playing the game and everything seems fine. It’s always funny when you start up the game after a patch and the Sim you were last playing as is suddenly bald (or even bald and wearing underwear) because they normally have a CC hairstyle.

    As long as you don't save your game before you replace your Mods folder. All should be well with the 'missing' hair.
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    Lucy_HenleyLucy_Henley Posts: 3,008 Member
    @GalacticGal I phrased that badly, I meant when the game is on the start menu and you can see your most recently-played Sim in the top right corner with the message underneath like “Xanthe Masterson is glad you’re here!” or whatever. So before you’ve even started playing properly!
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 29,082 Member
    @GalacticGal I phrased that badly, I meant when the game is on the start menu and you can see your most recently-played Sim in the top right corner with the message underneath like “Xanthe Masterson is glad you’re here!” or whatever. So before you’ve even started playing properly!

    Oh, I have never had that happen before. But only if I failed to return the Mods folder and then allowed for them in Options.
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,259 Member
    @Lucy_Henley On more than one occasion recently after turning mods back on and coming back in to see them bald has caused me to waste time trying to figure out what went wrong. You just have to go all the way into one of the saves and then come back out to have them with their proper hair and clothes back on that little thumbnail thingy.
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    Lucy_HenleyLucy_Henley Posts: 3,008 Member
    Oops, I meant that it’s always funny to see the bald Sims when you’ve started up the game after an update, but before you’ve re-enabled mods. I need to think my posts through better. :D
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    Ersa_MiddletonErsa_Middleton Posts: 697 Member
    @GalacticGal, @Starfree - I am happy you like it.

    Ersa, " You were already an old man when we met on that fateful day. If you only had lived for one more year. I still remember like it was yesterday, biting you and biting you, trying to turn you, but you wouldn't wake up. Wherever I go, for how long I live, your name will be heard across time."
    Ersa, "There has to be a way..some way, some how."
    While reading an ancient book titled "The Book of Departure".

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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,259 Member
    I'm guilty of not giving Summer and Darian enough time in the spotlight. They are a beautiful couple. To think Summer wanted to be with Travis once upon a time and then she almost wound up with that worm Leonardo. Those two are out of her life and she's got her happily ever after.❤️

    What's that little red light mean? Oh well if they aren't worrying about it why should I?😉
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    ChuChuExpressChuChuExpress Posts: 3,228 Member
    @BlueSeaWaves, page 1168.
    Yep, Shine's an excellent chef!

    @DaniRose2143, page 1169.
    It's one of my favourite places too, apart from Sylvian Glade.
    Sims 4 Family: Benjamin, Shine, Princess Roddy, Sophia and Hamish Furystrykar and Shelly Heart. Princess Roddy is my avatar, and he's a boy!
    Let those smiles spread!
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 29,082 Member
    Oops, I meant that it’s always funny to see the bald Sims when you’ve started up the game after an update, but before you’ve re-enabled mods. I need to think my posts through better. :D

    No harm, no foul. Wait until you see those same Sims in your Library, though. I had an NPC who is a celebrity. Somehow (since I don't bother doing the wardrobe thing or any other type of makeover for them) had some cc hair. It suited her, I have to say, but when I pulled the Mods folder, and failed to return it once, she was forever on the bald-side. My bad. LOL And I do believe all of my ancestors are only in their very modern undies, too. :open_mouth: I am completely scandalized. :*
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,259 Member
    I'm getting close to finishing up the next chapter of Under The Tartosan Sun. I have the wedding dress scene to finish writing and I'm doing that as I take the shots of each dress. I have a couple of shots in the other two segments that are being difficult but this should be done no later than breakfast tomorrow morning.😎
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    Kellogg_J_KelloggKellogg_J_Kellogg Posts: 1,561 Member
    The League of Decency out protesting against a guest speaker at Britechester University who has a criminal record.

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    Ersa_MiddletonErsa_Middleton Posts: 697 Member
    edited June 2023
    Introducing Ersa' white version of Lassie; Dana.

    Dana: ...*whimpers*(..., she's singing and she sounds horriterrifyingdously bad and I'M TRYING TO SLEEP.)
    Post edited by Ersa_Middleton on
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    DaniRose2143DaniRose2143 Posts: 9,259 Member
    edited June 2023
    @Kellogg_J_Kellogg That wouldn't happen to be a young Agnes Crumplebottom holding that sign? If there was ever a organization with her name all over it.🤣

    @Ersa_Middleton Hang in there Dana. It's bad now but Ersa will get better. Now about her timing...

    Eta: I'm running a bit behind on UTTS. I ran into a lighting issue with Siobhan's boutique. I kept trying to fix it and finally had to give up and go to bed. It shouldn't take too long to finish up though. I'm going to with the issue as is. I took extra shots of Liberty's dresses in CAS and in the photo area upstairs where the only issue was lack of space to have her friends with her.

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