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Where do fans get the idea that Renee will need to be online?

Horrorgirl6Horrorgirl6 Posts: 3,299 Member
I am not saying it's not possibility , but its probably unlikely.
Post edited by Horrorgirl6 on


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    OldeseadoggeOldeseadogge Posts: 5,043 Member
    Assuming that by 'Renew' you mean 'Rene', the answer is simple. EAapp. That and the bewildering variety of devices they claim the game will run on. TS4 was launched as an offline game, so they are at least morally obligated to keep it that way - even though it is a hassle for many of us to get it running that way. TS5 is brand new, no promise baggage attached, so they are free to do whatever they want with it whether we like it or not.
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    Horrorgirl6Horrorgirl6 Posts: 3,299 Member
    Personally to soon to judge.The fact there making a single player mode.They probably be making an offline mode.Also remember Simcity 2013. I don't think they want that disaster
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    simmeroriginsimmerorigin Posts: 1,477 Member
    It's the fact that there is a larger trend in the gaming industry toward free-to-play, multiplayer, cloud-based games. EA's CEO has also suggested interest in these strategic goals in earnings call statements.
    He/him | Simmer since Sims 1 | Sims 2 wants-based rotational player, Sims 3 legacy player | My gameplay rules via PleasantSims | Bring back challenge and depth to the Sims:
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    Horrorgirl6Horrorgirl6 Posts: 3,299 Member
    It's the fact that there is a larger trend in the gaming industry toward free-to-play, multiplayer, cloud-based games. EA's CEO has also suggested interest in these strategic goals in earnings call statements.
    A. A earnings call is just to talk up investors and say future products.
    2.Ea has more games than the sims.
    3.This is not a big trend.Most of this trend is fighting games..
    We know Renee is not going be MMO
    They will Single player mode
    While multiplayer mode is just option .That you need invite your friends to play.

    This is a far cry how fortnight, over watch or even Roblox works. Those games work by having public servers, but this does not seem this how its going work.
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    ebrietasebrietas Posts: 25 Member
    It's pretty much confirmed that the game is going to have some kind of online mode, so... Even if there will be an offline mode, that doesn't change the fact that the sims team and EA thought making an online Sims game is a good idea...
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    Sarah26CatSarah26Cat Posts: 171 Member
    EA has been fantasizing into turning The Sims into a multi-player thing for some time now. It doesn't resemble The Sims as I play it, but we've told them that already. They don't listen.

    Because EA is planning to do some type of mobile mode, most likely it will be a cloud based game, requiring you to be online to play. There is a chance they could be doing something else, maybe with bluetooth, but that would require a lot of set-up, and be pretty shaky legs to base their business on. I'm not that technically minded, just theorizing here.

    Anyway, given the human world, most likely EA won't be considering the rare possibility their consumers don't own a smartphone or don't want to play a game on their device. They will just be assuming everyone will be doing it. So it will likely not have a mode or format to play in offline. You will likely have the ability to not log into your account on mobile, and still play, so it won't necessarily require you have access to a mobile device to play, but the internet will likely be required.

    I question how mods will work on a system like this. Will it work like it does for consul players now, I.E. no mods or CC at all, or will there be a way to let your pc's files somehow add to or influence the game?
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    Lady_BalloraLady_Ballora Posts: 790 Member
    If Sims 5 is going to be cloud-based,then it's going to be the final nail in the coffin for the Sims franchise. I can just see a lot of loyal Sims customers ditching Sims 5 and switching over to Paralives and Life By You,and EA wondering why nobody is buying Sims 5. It will just be SimCity 2013 all over again. I guess EA really wants to lose money and lots of loyal customers.....
    Why do you hide inside these walls?
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    OldeseadoggeOldeseadogge Posts: 5,043 Member
    In a big way and very quickly. I've several years of experience using cloud-based software at work, experience that has not been pleasant. There is too much that can go wrong. Murphy's Law applies.
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    celipoesiascelipoesias Posts: 434 Member
    Grant Rodiek has already made it clear that The Sims 5 can be both online and offline. That is, he practically made it explicit that players will be able to choose when they want to play offline, on their terms, and when they want to play online, also on their terms.

    He also made it clear that the game will not be an online MMO, where we will be able to find players from all over the world. It will be an online game where you can invite some friends to play with you, and that's it.
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    Sarah26CatSarah26Cat Posts: 171 Member
    Grant Rodiek has already made it clear that The Sims 5 can be both online and offline. That is, he practically made it explicit that players will be able to choose when they want to play offline, on their terms, and when they want to play online, also on their terms.

    He also made it clear that the game will not be an online MMO, where we will be able to find players from all over the world. It will be an online game where you can invite some friends to play with you, and that's it.

    I think you're confusing offline with single player. He confirmed that there will be a single player mode, and that the multiplayer one won't resemble a MMO, whatever that means to EA.

    I still think it will be online, at least partially, because of the play anywhere features. They were really advertising that in the expo as the big feature that sets this version apart. And as far as I know, there are only a few methods to transfer data between your cellphone and PC. Wifi is the most popular. The way EA tends to think, and program, I don't think there will be option to go 100% offline. That means that you will most likely need wifi and an internet connection to play. It also means that on high use days and times right after they've updated, your chance of being able to play are about as much as anyone has at winning a lottery. That's if their whole servers don't crash completely.

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    simmeroriginsimmerorigin Posts: 1,477 Member
    edited May 2023
    It's the fact that there is a larger trend in the gaming industry toward free-to-play, multiplayer, cloud-based games. EA's CEO has also suggested interest in these strategic goals in earnings call statements.
    A. A earnings call is just to talk up investors and say future products.
    2.Ea has more games than the sims.
    3.This is not a big trend.Most of this trend is fighting games..
    We know Renee is not going be MMO
    They will Single player mode
    While multiplayer mode is just option .That you need invite your friends to play.

    This is a far cry how fortnight, over watch or even Roblox works. Those games work by having public servers, but this does not seem this how its going work.

    1) Earnings calls are forward-looking. Sure, there is some spin but the general direction the CEO wants to take the company should be better understood through them
    2) This is a fact. Sure, some are more obvious targets in this larger trend. But one cannot assume the Sims franchise is completely immune to it
    3) Fighting is the genre. These combat games are prime examples of the trend
    4) Yes it will not be an MMO. We know there will be a single-player mode. However, I expect social elements to be sprinkled throughout the experience. It's more attractive from a business perspective.

    (see Chicklet's recent post of EA's Rene job posting

    He/him | Simmer since Sims 1 | Sims 2 wants-based rotational player, Sims 3 legacy player | My gameplay rules via PleasantSims | Bring back challenge and depth to the Sims:
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    Horrorgirl6Horrorgirl6 Posts: 3,299 Member
    Sarah26Cat wrote: »
    Grant Rodiek has already made it clear that The Sims 5 can be both online and offline. That is, he practically made it explicit that players will be able to choose when they want to play offline, on their terms, and when they want to play online, also on their terms.

    He also made it clear that the game will not be an online MMO, where we will be able to find players from all over the world. It will be an online game where you can invite some friends to play with you, and that's it.

    I think you're confusing offline with single player. He confirmed that there will be a single player mode, and that the multiplayer one won't resemble a MMO, whatever that means to EA.

    I still think it will be online, at least partially, because of the play anywhere features. They were really advertising that in the expo as the big feature that sets this version apart. And as far as I know, there are only a few methods to transfer data between your cellphone and PC. Wifi is the most popular. The way EA tends to think, and program, I don't think there will be option to go 100% offline. That means that you will most likely need wifi and an internet connection to play. It also means that on high use days and times right after they've updated, your chance of being able to play are about as much as anyone has at winning a lottery. That's if their whole servers don't crash completely.

    I think it's more like certain features have to be online.While certain features would be note.Multiplauer and app mode make sense, but single player being offline
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    Horrorgirl6Horrorgirl6 Posts: 3,299 Member
    It's the fact that there is a larger trend in the gaming industry toward free-to-play, multiplayer, cloud-based games. EA's CEO has also suggested interest in these strategic goals in earnings call statements.
    A. A earnings call is just to talk up investors and say future products.
    2.Ea has more games than the sims.
    3.This is not a big trend.Most of this trend is fighting games..
    We know Renee is not going be MMO
    They will Single player mode
    While multiplayer mode is just option .That you need invite your friends to play.

    This is a far cry how fortnight, over watch or even Roblox works. Those games work by having public servers, but this does not seem this how its going work.

    1) Earnings calls are forward-looking. Sure, there is some spin but the general direction the CEO wants to take the company should be better understood through them
    2) This is a fact. Sure, some are more obvious targets in this larger trend. But one cannot assume the Sims franchise is completely immune to it
    3) Fighting is the genre. These combat games are prime examples of the trend
    4) Yes it will not be an MMO. We know there will be a single-player mode. However, I expect social elements to be sprinkled throughout the experience. It's more attractive from a business perspective.

    (see Chicklet's recent post of EA's Rene job posting

    There nothing about the job posting that screams ala bells to me right now .
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    CinebarCinebar Posts: 33,618 Member
    edited May 2023
    I think they said somewhere cloud saves. I read it somewhere. That would require internet. I think EA/Maxis said somewhere, (I would have to dig up interviews over the past two years) about multiplatform syncing, that would require internet. Player Market Place, where creators offer their creations for money to other players, while seen in game, requires internet. Much more than a 'gallery' but much like MMOs offer to purchase other players' creations or those EA promotes as top creators.

    It's been my experience with the new EA APP internet is required to be told to stay off internet, which is a big hassle, and continually runs in the background no matter if not on the internet. That means it phones home ever so often whether you set it offline or not.

    Server world (if that is what they are creating) would require internet. But the most telling is Cloud Saves.

    ETA: From a market perspective, EA is moving to a younger generation of players who have come accustomed to cloud saves, syncing and always connected. It makes sense to me EA would also move to a more mobile experience to gain new generations of players. Whether older fans like it or not.
    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.
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    Horrorgirl6Horrorgirl6 Posts: 3,299 Member
    @Cinebar They never said anything about cloud saves.I think all of that stuff is more base speculation.With past comments to

    They confirm the game or multiplayer game is mmo.Just because they might have a market place.Minecraft you can buy packs from other creators online, but still play the game offline.I think fans misunderstanding how these thing function. A lot these are base on speculation and comments from ea gMes in general.

    What is confirm is this

    That there is single player mode
    There is multiplayer mode
    The game is not going to be a MMO
    Multiplayer is just going to be inviting your friends to your game.
    They are working way to play certain features on your phone.Admiting this mode will be very limited and you can not do all the stuff on PC.

    I think it's important that we are basing speculation on facts we know or any information that is confirm for project Renee.Instead calls or interviews because things can change very quickly.
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    Sarah26CatSarah26Cat Posts: 171 Member
    It's true we don't know anything about the Sims 5 because next to nothing has ben shared publicly. What we can do is guess based on other games. Anyways, If EA has a problem with us guessing things are going to be hard to play offline, i.e. in your granny's house who doesn't have wifi kids, that's what offline means. They are welcome to come on here and correct us. Release a statement or something.

    The thing that has me doubting it will work as a traditional sims game is the part about being able to play on your phone. Even in a limited fashion, that requires some type of data transfer. Internet would be the easiest to use. And of course this leads me to question mods and CC. Would you be required to download even a tiny version of any cc files to your phone or mobile device too? Would custom content be deleted in homes you open up on a mobile device? Or are they designing it in a way where the game no longer accepts mods and custom content? I don't know the answer to this, but if the last theory is true, I will be moving on from the Sims. EA's biggest competitor is touting itself as the most mod-able game, it shouldn't be hard to guess where I'll be.
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