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    RouensimsRouensims Posts: 4,858 Member
    IObelle wrote: »
    Can I create and play with General Grievous or Chewbacca in this pack? If not I probably won't buy it. XD

    Also, I could pretend Chewbacca is bigfoot, because I've wanted him back ever since sims 3. I think it was a missed opportunity to not add bigfoot instead of the hermit in Outdoor Retreat.

    I was really sad that there were no Wookies or Porgs mentioned! :disappointed:
    Ooh Be Gah!! Whipna Choba-Dog? Whipna Choba-Dog!! :smiley:
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    RouensimsRouensims Posts: 4,858 Member
    Simburian wrote: »
    I was more of a Star Trek fan, having seen it from the very first episode on BBC TV years ago. I'm not so keen on Star Wars except for Harrison Ford! Reading about all the unlocking of things you have to do I'm now going to wait to see what the building and object stuff is first.

    I was a bit puzzled about this bit in their blog...

    Plus, any droids ordered on Batuu return to the Sims world as well! Sure, droids might not go around zapping people in Willow Creek, but Sims can still build relationships with them and have fun driving them around with a datapad!

    What's a datapad?

    I would have preferred Star Trek as well, but I'm still really excited about Star Wars! Sounds really fun!

    I'm guessing a datapad is a reskinned electronic tablet, like an iPad thing that we already have in the game. Then you would control the droids with the datapad/tablet.
    Ooh Be Gah!! Whipna Choba-Dog? Whipna Choba-Dog!! :smiley:
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    luckyheatherluckyheather Posts: 19,861 Member

    I Love Star Wars and I just watched the Vid and I was Amazed!!! funny as I uploaded a Spaceship home today! Cant wait for Sep 8th now :) I know I will enjoy building and playing this pack...Thank you.
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    bshag4lvbshag4lv Posts: 9,388 Member
    I knew it! Dang, dang, dang! There is no way in blank I'm introducing "Star Wars" into my vampire, spellcasters' neighborhoods, much less my normal sims. Dang, when I saw the icon I knew, something from the future was going to be the next pack and sure enough. :s

    I wouldn't have even any use for the build and buy stuff. I love modern but no futuristic junk like we had in Sims 3. I made a big mistake in buying that last pack and I mostly regretted it.
    In my house, dog hair sticks to everything but the dog.
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    MsKatieRoseMsKatieRose Posts: 672 Member
    Rouensims wrote: »
    I’m excited about it. I just have to figure out how it will fit in my world. What do I do with my current Rey and Kylo Ren? Will they be twins? I can’t wait to try out this pack. I think this is a fun new idea.

    Same. It definitely sounds better than what we got with Eco Lifestyle, lol.
    Always be your unapologetically and authentic self
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    RouensimsRouensims Posts: 4,858 Member
    Rouensims wrote: »
    I’m excited about it. I just have to figure out how it will fit in my world. What do I do with my current Rey and Kylo Ren? Will they be twins? I can’t wait to try out this pack. I think this is a fun new idea.

    Same. It definitely sounds better than what we got with Eco Lifestyle, lol.

    I think for Kylo, I'll say that Ben Solo is his real name and Kylo Ren is just a title. So when Ben quit being Kylo Ren, a new person (who comes with the new pack) will hold the Kylo Ren title. Still not sure about Rey.
    Ooh Be Gah!! Whipna Choba-Dog? Whipna Choba-Dog!! :smiley:
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    BABYxTHExLUXEBABYxTHExLUXE Posts: 230 Member
    Considering I despised Star Wars long before it sneaked into my favorite game, I'm not too pleased. With that, this will be the first I wont get for myself since sims 1. For me this choice is a hard miss. Beside my own despise, I'm really confused by this choice. From years of people rallying for certain stuff, I can say this was not one of them. Yes, in the sense of; Wanted to do space, futuristic etc, had done that, had made this a enticing pack for us all! But it's not. Its a franchise within a franchise and caters to a specific few. Fans, which many are not. I'm glad some will like it but I'm so, so dissapointed. There's a whole wide world of choices and this is it? For years players asked for certain points in the game but instead its alienating a lot of people. So many who simply not like, not care, don't know. Its not a joke, a fool is been made out of loyal players by this choice. Its like stomp 'em down, point and laugh. And now, more niches? Its a money grab. With that said, yes, I am still happy for those who love it, but I am one of many who doesn't.
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    MsKatieRoseMsKatieRose Posts: 672 Member
    Rouensims wrote: »
    Rouensims wrote: »
    I’m excited about it. I just have to figure out how it will fit in my world. What do I do with my current Rey and Kylo Ren? Will they be twins? I can’t wait to try out this pack. I think this is a fun new idea.

    Same. It definitely sounds better than what we got with Eco Lifestyle, lol.

    I think for Kylo, I'll say that Ben Solo is his real name and Kylo Ren is just a title. So when Ben quit being Kylo Ren, a new person (who comes with the new pack) will hold the Kylo Ren title. Still not sure about Rey.

    I think you posted wrong quote?
    Always be your unapologetically and authentic self
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    prettygal1345prettygal1345 Posts: 7 New Member
    >:) :'( I’m really disappointed that you guys decided to waste your time in creating a Star Wars game pack for sure I am not going to buy this.
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    bluelightingbluelighting Posts: 704 Member
    edited August 2020
    ill take the one with the sim dancing and hitting himself in the head. but for me ill skip star wars. im not into space stuff. but i guess ill still buy it like i always do.
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    mommy19959699mommy19959699 Posts: 226 Member
    I think the simmers and the sims team seem to be in 2 different worlds...
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    cody6268cody6268 Posts: 643 Member
    There have been multiple suggestions and polls as to what the next packs should be, with a huge list of suggestions--never once was Star Wars on it. Just becuase it's never been done before doesn't mean it should.

    Trying to be positive, but, uh, why was this even an idea? I have to admit--now we have proof EA has lost touch with the game's base. Personally, TS takes place in an alternative universe, one where Star Wars doesn't exist, and most definitely, not in Star Wars universe. Gonna be real weird having Star Wars stuff in the main game worlds. This pack, and Star Wars in general just has no place in the Sims universe. It's so out of place. I think it's what happen when you let marketing, and not fans make decisions. I guess their idea was to get the huge legion of Star Wars fans to buy the game.

    While I may get this pack for the droids (and am hoping, Jyn Erso is among the premades, but I doubt it), I sure hope their are tons of toggles to get this stuff out of the game. We wanted vehicles--cars and trucks, not speeder bikes an Millennium Falcons. And I'm betting like the REDACTED Lab and Community Spaces, you really can't mess with the structures in whatever world we are getting. Not a fan of violence that much either in the game. I had mods that did allow it; but eventually got rid of them.
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    sketchessketches Posts: 274 Member
    ill take the one with the sim dancing and hitting himself in the head. but for me ill skip star wars. im not into space stuff. but i guess ill still buy it like i always do.

    Well, buying it just tells EA that you're happy with it. :\ They listen to money... not comments.
    Origin ID: sketchur
    Sims 3 MyPage:

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    Chicklet453681Chicklet453681 Posts: 2,436 Member
    Simburian wrote: »
    I was more of a Star Trek fan, having seen it from the very first episode on BBC TV years ago. I'm not so keen on Star Wars except for Harrison Ford! Reading about all the unlocking of things you have to do I'm now going to wait to see what the building and object stuff is first.

    I was a bit puzzled about this bit in their blog...

    Plus, any droids ordered on Batuu return to the Sims world as well! Sure, droids might not go around zapping people in Willow Creek, but Sims can still build relationships with them and have fun driving them around with a datapad!

    What's a datapad?

    Here's a description of what it so for those (like me) who didn't know.
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    crashdodgerscrashdodgers Posts: 61 Member
    What a complete waste of time and resources, so much for what your loudmouth development team members who stated in the knitting community vote blog thing that they did about “something we have never done before and we are real excited about”, all I see is recycled game packs objects, CAS items and themes. I do not use any of the current Star Wars costumes that are in the game as I do not see any need for them, apart from may be party outfits, but to make a whole game pack based of this is so wrong.

    Now do not get me wrong I am a diehard Sims fan and been playing this game since Sims 1 and a major lover of all things sci-fi and Star Wars, is one of my favourite sci-fi films, but to make a Sims 4 pack based on this is wrong and so far Sims 4 has been one big let-down after another and with loudmouth gurus make stupid statements like “something we have never done before” and what do we get in return just more recycled game packs.

    Yes a sci-fi based game back would have been great, but it would seem to me that the Sims 4, development team are just to dam lazy to get of their backsides and start using that soggy pink sponge between their ears and come up with some new exciting ideas that will inspire more of the great creativity that the Sims community has.

    Is this EA’s way of saying up yours to the millions of fans out there and it is our game and we will whatever we want with it and if you do not like it tuff, take your money and go some were else or is this EA’s way of saying that because of so bad feedback about packs we are no longer going to be making the Sims.

    I personal think it is about time the community to take a stand and tell EA, enough is enough, stop make crap that we do not want and start making the stuff that we do want.

    Furthermore, if I wanted to play a Star Wars themed game I would go and by one, there are some many great things that the Sims 4, development team could have come up with if only they put their minds to it, but I guess that they are so old and out of touch with the community that they will do anything that corporate EA, tell them to do.

    Personally, I would sack the whole lot of them starting at the top with that other loudmouth EA, guy who was talking about Sims 5 and online game play at some event a sometime back, I think he might have been the CEO or something?
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    Chicklet453681Chicklet453681 Posts: 2,436 Member
    I definitely feel like this was nothing more than a marketing thing and only about money. I'm not sure why they would think that die-hard SW fans would magically be drawn to TS4 and all of a sudden become a fan of it simply because they added a SW pack. I'm sure the replayability will be lacking and won't be like a real SW game. They would have to buy not only the basegame but also the GP to play it, don't see that happening.

    I personally can't stand this pack, at least with TS3 it was a "future" themed pack and was able to appeal to a larger scope of fans, this is extremely niched. I hope that sales for this pack flops and EA/Maxis, the Guru's "Who are HUGE fans of SW", and all of the high-ups realize exactly how pathetic it is.
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    ClarionOfJoyClarionOfJoy Posts: 1,945 Member
    I think Disney just commissioned Maxis to create this pack to coincide with opening the Star Wars villages in their Disney parks in Florida and California, not so much as a money grab and Maxis not listening to us simmers. I was also thinking that Maxis may have consented so that EA can continue to keep the license to create future Star Wars video games. You know, part of keeping up good relations with Disney.

    It looks nice so far, but the proof is in the pudding when people start reporting back about the gameplay. I just hope there aren't bugs in this game to make the game worse.

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    Rflong7Rflong7 Posts: 36,589 Member
    That's a Stand alone game, right? Not an expansion... right? :lol: Oh, EA... good one.
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    InuMiroLoverInuMiroLover Posts: 1,184 Member
    I definitely feel like this was nothing more than a marketing thing and only about money. I'm not sure why they would think that die-hard SW fans would magically be drawn to TS4 and all of a sudden become a fan of it simply because they added a SW pack. I'm sure the replayability will be lacking and won't be like a real SW game. They would have to buy not only the basegame but also the GP to play it, don't see that happening.

    When you put it like that, in a weird way it almost makes me think of badly made shovelware titles.

    Star Wars and The Sims couldnt be any more different from each other, and since EA does have SW games under its belt it makes me think that they were trying to find another one of their audiences to get into the Sims and get more revenue from it. It makes no sense to me.
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    bpdpandabpdpanda Posts: 1 New Member
    So disappointing. WHY? Not that EA will listen to the SIMS community. They clearly do not care about their fan base at all. When the community has asked for other things repeatedly and yet they give us star wars? Cuz no one asked for star wars.. and I can imagine this will be exactly like strangerville, a one time game play. Not worth the money and if EA is actually paying attention they will see how they have once again disappointed their players. I've never posted a complaint before, but I just had to have a voice in hopes that they see how disappointing it is to get excited for something we've asked for and then to be given something that literally NO ONE asked for. Hopefully they have horrible sales and they will hopefully see what an awful choice they made. One can dream big anyway. As I am pretty certain that they will not care one bit.
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    Sara1010PSara1010P Posts: 894 Member
    I like star wars, but I don't want star wars in my sims game, I can play SWTOR if I want to play star wars. I will be skipping this pack. I am glad for some good news today though, with some Dragon Age 4 info shared. So excited for that.
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    Serious_sims_gamer43Serious_sims_gamer43 Posts: 523 Member
    The sims community:
    The sims needs better skin tones and better make up for dark skin tones
    please fix the bugs
    make babies not objects
    here is a starwars pack for everyone!
    the sims community
    im out
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    simIrrevirresimIrrevirre Posts: 763 Member
    Rflong7 wrote: »
    That's a Stand alone game, right? Not an expansion... right? :lol: Oh, EA... good one.

    Haha, imo the whole TS4 is a stand alone game. Idk why they named it The Sims 4? It has no resemblance to the earlier 3 amazing life simulating (!) games.
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    SimmervilleSimmerville Posts: 11,714 Member
    I definitely feel like this was nothing more than a marketing thing and only about money. I'm not sure why they would think that die-hard SW fans would magically be drawn to TS4 and all of a sudden become a fan of it simply because they added a SW pack. I'm sure the replayability will be lacking and won't be like a real SW game. They would have to buy not only the basegame but also the GP to play it, don't see that happening. ...

    Well, it's safe to say that ALL packs are there for a reason - money. I'm fine with that, it's business after all. We are customers who are free to buy or not to buy each pack. I really doubt that EA expects that 100% of us are getting all packs.

    My worry is that they seem to focus more on adventure packs, with content that will not gain a bit to most of our existing households. Those playing just one household might take on the adventure, being StrangerVille or Space, but most households will NOT play through such adventures. Most likely the excitement will be gone after the first play through. We know very little of Batuu yet, so maybe there will be features that can have some relevance to many households, or with certain fun if repeated. But I'm sure most of my realistic households will not be happy to scroll past numerous of outfits, masks and space furniture, every time browsing the catalogs. Hopefully the niche content can be hidden?

    I hope the next pack will add to the *general* game, instead of adding niche adventures that are fun for 3-4 weeks.
    Simmerville on Youtube | My blog is updated weekly: Simmerville's Sims<br>a.jpg
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    SimburianSimburian Posts: 6,916 Member
    Simburian wrote: »
    I was more of a Star Trek fan, having seen it from the very first episode on BBC TV years ago. I'm not so keen on Star Wars except for Harrison Ford! Reading about all the unlocking of things you have to do I'm now going to wait to see what the building and object stuff is first.

    I was a bit puzzled about this bit in their blog...

    Plus, any droids ordered on Batuu return to the Sims world as well! Sure, droids might not go around zapping people in Willow Creek, but Sims can still build relationships with them and have fun driving them around with a datapad!

    What's a datapad?

    Here's a description of what it so for those (like me) who didn't know.

    Thanks for that information as I don't know anything much about Star Wars. I've only seen the earliest 3 films with Harrison Ford. I gave up after that.
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